OCR Interpretation

Wichita eagle. [volume] (Wichita, Kan.) 1886-1890, November 06, 1886, Image 8

Image and text provided by Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85032490/1886-11-06/ed-1/seq-8/

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STxje CijcMtalailSatjXe: MatuxClim WoymiriQ, &w&rribkv 6, 1886.
?J. Vi. MUKJsOCEAJlKO., Proprietors.
Tlia following ai-o tlia real eitata transfers
reco.vbdinftha oTi;o of ths Roister of
Doefo yesterday:
J P Thomas to VTJ Graham, b at n o
cor 23, 24, le, thence O'J'J feet, s 3-15,
o 030, n 3 15 ft to bg, 2,750
L It Fiuke to Wichita. Coal and Fuel
Co, lots IS, 20, blk e, Aca lemy add. . 2.'0
J Rich to I G- jliltuer, lot s;, Douglas
avo. MathewsonV add 18,000
N Block to W Sclnreisser, lot 29, Mam
st, Griffithiastiu's add
W Schweisser to ' Block, lot 23, 3mm
st, Grilliinstiifs add
J McAfeo to J 31 Welsh, lot A, Wash
ington ave, HarvttV s add
J A Bro-.vii to C C Wjite, lots 13. 17,
blk S, Goddard add
"V. O. Brewster to J. A. Brubaoker,
lobs 1, 3, 5, 7, Faauic avo. Breuster's
S. D. Falictt to E. D. Parsons, lots 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 0, 7, S, Parson's add
W. S. McClenathan to E. G. Beubler.-
lots 33, 3-j, Zimmcrly's 2nd add
E. P. Ford to J. O. Hillaram, lot IS,
Pavne ave, Ford's 2nd add
J. Rusell to II. A. Russell .s y, of mv
2.:, 2'ilw
M. J. Oliver to E: 11. Brigg-s, lofs 2, 3,
4. 5, iJriost, Oliver"- sub-tliviiion
D. 2L Jl.-Calla to "T. V.r. Thorna-, Jots
81. fi !, ti3, 87. Ma ar- Lincoln c add
J. W. Thomas to YT. lioshi'--, lot? SI, 83,
S"), $7, Ilaavh. Liwoln -taiM,. .....
C. L. Bel Jew to J. Miller, lots 3'!,3., 37.
33. blk 5 Euclid ave, A"ea & .Smith's
W. S. ileCluuathau to C. V. 3IcCl:iua
thau, lot. 23, 31, Fourth are, 'Airti
marJy's add 050
Notice io Old Si tllrr-..
Tho animal meeting of th;; Old Settlers as
sociation of fc-edgwick .county, v.ili bo held at
tin o.lko of E. B. Jcwett upon the third Sat
urday of Xoveniber, ISvJ, tor tin purpose of
electing oflircrs for tho ensuing year. All
old settlers are requested to attend.
Joh: V.riKi:i, .secretary.
Wichita, November 4. lS-Sfi. dl47-0t-v.31-2t
It Is worth while to ivad to-day's adver
tisement ol the Nvw Vo:k Milliner in our
columns. Sucu pri'-es have isiver been quoted
before and it is e Lieut that this firm is fully
ahvo and equal t th i largo demand-; made
on them by our daily increasing population.
Do not fail to convince youraelvas by in
specting their enormous .stock at 13S North
Main street. d-147-2t
Call at the New York Milliners, 133 Xorth
Main street, and see their fine stock of chil
dren's hoods and toboggan cap? at prices
lower than ever. d-147-2t
Special Notice.
Loan and real citato agents bhould have
the new map of Kingman county. Address,
11kt:;olds & Datu.ixg,
dH7-tf Kingman.
Spcclsl Notice.
The new map of Kingman countv gives
Tiames of all land owuer; mounted on cloth,
varnished, township colored, etc. Addrc-s.
Reynolds & Daklisc,
d!17-tf Kingman.
Special Notice.
30x 11 is tho 5,7.3 of the county map of Iun
man county. Business men subscribe.
Address, - Reyn j. d.s ic Datiling,
dl!7-tf lvingman
Tlio OClco Pes!: Tratlc i.k-1 Its Growth la
Fifteen years ago there was not a single
exclusive desk factory in this country. To
day thero are 114.
Fifteen years ago Washington City, D. C,
alone had in use 8,2 j) (leaks that cost .jG,0CW.
Todav she has os-er r7,000 deslis costing
over ?2S0,0'U
Ff teen years ago tho Tyler Desk company
of St. Louis, Mo., to whom all ciedit is duo
for tho wonderful improvement in office
desks, and the great reduction in prices, was
but a toy shop. Today they are regarded as
the large.it desk makers and oilico fitters in
tho world.
They publish nunuallya C4-pago illustrated
catalogue that is sent frco to all who mav
apply for them.
Their goods are stylish and first-class in
. quality, while their prices come within the
reach of everyone. Send for their handsome
catalogue. dl47 2t
We have- sold our stock of groceries to
McAdams & Beebe. TLose knowing them
selves indebted to us will pleaso call at the
htore and settle. Very respectfully,
1 IG-Of- PlXKHASI & nrjLLAIl.
Wo have a lino farm near the city that we
ofi"er at a great bargain.
Hardy Solmoox,
dl4.")-tf "-:J27 Douglas Ave.
Tho opening of tho Art Studio of Miss
Emma Stiles will tako placo Tuesday, Nov.
9, at 3 j: North Market street. All interest
ed in oil pamllug and china decoration are
cordially invited. dllo-it
Wichita, Ks.. Nov. 1, It-;.
Notice is hsreby given that the linn of
Taylor &. We,t, contractors and bui!dei,
has this day Ikjii disolved by mutual emi
nent. 1). L. West will continue in the busi
ivssatNo. 1011 Chicago avenue. All bills
will be collected and debts of tho firm paid
ly him. J. n. Taylok.
d!45 St D. L. West.
AVo havo some special bargains in 2 1-2 and
10 aero plats on College Hill.
dl4o-tf 327 Douglas Ave.
We havo for sale for a few days four new
hoases each on m feat of ground in the cen
tral part of tho city. They are special bar
gains and will be sold on ea-y terms if ap
plied for this week.
IIaiuiy Solomon,
dl4Vtf :;-J7 Douglas Ave.
Mivs Lulu Mcv'abe, of Top ka, teacher of
piano, organ and guitar. A'.'ill gi e lessons
at the residence ot pupils. Please address or
call at 337 rccfh Fourth avenue cor. Third
.street. d-Ot
Applcl Apples :t
- Richardson, Simon & Co , are receiving
weekly, apples by the car load, cabbage by
the car load, potatoes by the c;ir lo vJ.
Now i yoar tmie to lay in your winter
Hand picke.1 apples $2.25 or barrel.
Michigan lKtat-Hs SOo per bu.
Midugan cabbage 1 3-i- mr lb.
Call at 23$ North Main st. dl43-(5t
On tho Indi-m Territo- extension, north
of Rod river. Texas, !,, good tvaui, rock
men and roe-pou-.dle sub-contractois. Ap
ph to Daniel C.ir.v, Gniuaville, or to Mor
gan Jouos Fort Worth, Texas. dli3-3w
Klcvator for SaKi or Kcut.
Tlie valuable projwrtj- known a Todd Ele
vator, witli 7o feet frontage on A., T. & S.
F. R. R., track, scalet-,ctc, i"i!l be sold cheap
on ea.-.y terms or rented, after Decemlvrl,
1SS0. 143-tf H. W. Lewis.
Watch for it! Tho first symptom of truo
croup is hoarseness, and if Chamberlain's
Cough Reawdy is freely given at onco and
tho dovs f reiuently repeated tho dread dis
case may bo entirely prevented and all dan
ger and anxiety avoided. Sold by Aldrich
& Brown and J P. Allen. 120-tf
Xcav a list of your property if you wish it
sold quick. Hardy bolonion, 327 Douglas
avenue. dl2o-tf
The Trisco"
Is Ttko only lino from Wichita that runs
double daily trains solid to St. Louis with-out-chauge'of
cars of auj Icind, making di
rect connection for all points cast and south
east and north and northeast. Rates always
as low as via. other lines. For particulars,
maps-, timo. taoles. etc.. call on W. D. Mur
doch, ticket agent, Frisco line, 110 North
Main street and Union dejtot, or F. D. Rus
..sell, general western agent, 327 Douglas
avenue. dl3G-tf
.nruueists' statements
ggists" linuor statements can bo pro
at this oillce at $1 per thousand, post-
age extra
Acre Ijots.
Acre lots for sale in Stewart's subdivision
one and a half u.iies wc-t of Arkansas river
bridge, near GarfleldTJniver-:ty. tho cheapest
Winln'tn Natianal ban!:, or Bavley, Bros. &
Co., 110 North Market street. - -i-tf
I make a specialty of selling DoirJK? ave.
and College Hill property. Bring in your
list u you wisa to sen.
IIazsdy Solomon,
(112o tf 327 Douglas ave.
"We have a large list of property in all
parts of tho city. Call and examine our list.
Hardy Soloiion,
dI2.-tf 3"27 Douglas ave.
For Sale.
A good card cutter in first-class order.
Yriil sell cheap. Enquire at this office. dSD-tf
Wo will be pleased to have sti-augers and
citizens vi-.it our office. Wo have at all
times elegant teams to drive them to all
parts of tho city, and if not wishing to buy,
it will give us pleasure to ?how them our
live, thriving and beautiful city.
Hardy Solomon,
dl2."-tf 327 Douglas Ave.
For the benefit of our patrons we have
opened an uptov. n office at 151 North 3Iain
st, in addition to our Douglas avenue onice.
All ordei-s promptly filled, Wichita Coal
and Fuel Ccx 130-tf
Business men may ca'l and leave their or
ders with the Wichita Coal and Fuel Co. at
1-51 North Main street, thus saving the ne
cessity ofordermg by telephone. 130-tf
The rriMHj
Havo elegant dining cars attached to all
trains parsing through Wichita, which are
under personal supervision cf an expeiienced
caterer, and are supplied at all times with
every luxury the market alfords. Try the
Frisco dining car.a. dl40-tf
The traveling man's favorite medicine is
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. J. P. Allen and Aldrich & Brown.
The most convincing evidence of tho great
value of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a
fair trial. J. P. Allen and Aldrich & Brown.
Notice The up-towu office of the Wichita
Coal and Fuel Co. is .still tho most convenient
i)!a"e to order vo.ir coal. In eoiiur to and
from your business r,w in and see our sam
ples. No. 151 North Main street. City or.
ders promptly filled. 132tf
Carey L'arl: lAJts.
We are selling lots in Carey Park at 225,
250, 275 and 300, tho latter for choice cor
ner lots. About one-half of Carey Park has
been sold. We shall soon advance tho prices
on all thesa lots. Yon should buy at once
Iwjfore the advanco is made. Remember
street cars run the entire length of Carey
Park and evei y lot has a sidewalk laid.
E. C. Cole & Co.,
dl40-lm 329 Douglas ave.
recdlnc Steerh forPalc.
Two hundred head of 3-year-old grado
short-horn steers, good style and colors;
will w eigh eleven hundred or more, j
Goo. E. Rhodes, Anthony, Kan. d73
iioncy to Loan at Silit.
I can close a good cit; loan at lowest rates
in three hours any day "in the week. S. W.
Cooper, 137 Main street. d-SO-tf
l'ortraits in OH.
Persons desiring portraits in oil, of them
selves or their children, painted from life
sittings, can secure satisfactory work on
reasonable tonus by calling at; tho art studio
of Miss Nettie "Williams at No. 115 North
Topeka avenue, in the David-ou & Throck
morton buildiug, up-stairs. Any one who
has a distiuetnud life-like photo of a deceisod
friend or child which they desire reproduced
in oil and life size, can have the work done
on satisfactory termj.
A limited number of pupils will bo taken
under instruction. dl27tf
Notice lo Builder.
All kinds of building stono constantly on
hand. Call on tho Augusta Stone company,
702 East Douglas avenue. dll4-tf
Loan i:p2lsi-r.
Philadelphia, July 2S, 1SS0.
Wichita Eole, Wichita, Kansas.
Gentlemen: Vo have seen ono of your
Mortgage Loan Registers at the office of tho
Philadelphia Morlgago and Trust Co., this
city, and shall be obliged if you will send this
company ono similar in all respects at your
earliest convenience, and remain
Respectfully youiv,
Theodore Frotiiixgham,
dC5-t Secretary.
Wo have a special bargain 1G0 acres of
fine laud in east part of city for platting pur
poses we will otter for a few days. Hardy
Solomon, 327 Douglas ave. ul25-tf
Tor Sale.
Restaurant and lunch loom, doing a pay
ing business, central location, No. 210 East
Douglas avenue. Will leserve refrigerator
and stove and sell aL a bargain if to!d before
Monday night, lint is paid twenty-one
days in advanco 142 0t-'
If you would not have consumption, clue
your cough or cold while 3011 can. Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy wi!i do it
Will roll milk at 4 cents per ouart at the
milk depot 307 East Douglas avenue. d5S-tf
Pari-ian millinery, 210 North Main ttrcet.
Latest styles, bonnets and hats. Pi ices to
suit al !. New gooils "weekly received.
Notice to Investors.
On and after November 15th all lots not
sold in Cmey Park -will bo advanced twontv-
five per cent. Carey Park Land Co.
E. C. & L. R. Cole,
dl40-lm 32!) Douglas ave.
I have some acre lots tliat I would like to
trade for inside residence or business prop
erty. Call on J. E. Humphrey Jr., with
Lombard Mortgage Co. dll3-tf
The Wichita Eagle printing house keeps
in stock a complete line of justice and legal
blanks and township blanks of all kinds.
Anthracite coal, any size. Call at Wicliita
Coal and Fuel Co., 351 North Main street or
01 East Douglas a cnuo and leave vour or
ders, or ring telephone '.D. 130-tf
All kinds hard and soft coal. Wichita
Coal and Fuel Co., 151 North Main street,
or 0!S East Douglas ave. Telephone 'XI
Jlsrpcr tor Hay.
Hay at Ilnrper in car lots. Quality
guarantHl. Writ for nrice.
dl20-2m Rogers & Son. Harper, Kan.
For sale. Some choice aero lots. Call on
J. E. Humphrey Jr., vith Lombard Mort
gage Co. dll3-tf
Before having your winter clothing give
tht Queen City Clothing Hou n call, exam
ine their goods and get "prices. Corner Doug
las and Top?ka avos, Wichita, Kan. 109-tf
Headach, bilious ui-orders and constipa
tion are cured by St Patrick's Pills. Thev
aro tho most pleasant and most effectual ohy
sic inuse. J. P. Allen and Aldrich & Brown
r. C. C. rurley.
Contintuew in tho regular practice of medicine
and surgerv.
Office "in "Furley building, opposite the Man
hattan. Residence, 1014 North Law rcuco avenue
Telephone No. lltj. d52-eod-2m
A new hotol in this citv. haudsomelr furn
ished, for tala. Hanlv Solomon, 327 Doug'-is
avenue, dl25-tf
The Eagle printing &r.d olftnk book -tabUshnient
is prepared to do all kinds of
job printing and blank book makinc, guAr
autoeing their work to be irst-cfr-ts in everv
respect. All counter vrork, eheck, bonds,
perforated, numbered or iooe at prices
equal to Sun.- City or St. L-ouis.
To Township Officers.
Tho Eagle Printing house have in flock j
all the blanks that are used by them ia their j
business, also justice docket?, cWil uid I
cirminal combined, nt as low a agure as any
establishment in the vrest. w7-tf "
Eyes, Nose, Throat, Catarrh, liars,
Surgery and Deformities.
Proprietor and Surgeon ia Charge,
Jfcrth IJIaia St:zc!
I Jiae au arcurato ct of I took? and am prepared to
Complete Abstracts of Title
To any prorerly In Kedgn !el: County.
Ofilco Over 153 31aln Stro .
Wicliita, - Kan.
-"holesa!o find Ilctall Dealers In
Colorado St Pennsylvania Anthracite
-And all kinds oi-
Canon City, Trinidad and
Osage City, Blossburg,
Pa., Piedmont, W. Va.
McAllister, Fort Scott,
Cherokee, Rich Hill
and Pittsburg Coal.
Lime, Plaster, Cement, Brick, Side
walk and Building Stone.
ITICES-Bi- 1M Srtilp, OX) Dcutfas ave. S side:
177 water street, utt. Uourua c ar.n t irt!
The People's Line.
Tho lira it Free I'abca Recife Ciuir Car Roulo.
St. Louis, Ft. Scott S Wichita,
In conc't'n with Mo. Pac. Ry.
Is now running momlns nnd evening trains dally,
lncludiug Siuidcjs, to
Without Change.
?ti!ai?.n Palace Sbeping Oars on Evening Tius
Ths Shortest Route to St. Louis.
I he Only Short, Direct Route to
Cy which the p-wnstr avoids eitra trarel,
depot trarier ami vexatious dels .
All Texas Points Local to this System
is a Kansas Road,
And le thoroughly identlned "with the interests
and progress or the state f Kansas and its
people, and affords its patronD facilities une
imatGd by any line in Xastcrn and Jouthem
THROUGH EXPEZSB trains daily berw een
Kansas City and Olathe, Otta a, Garnett,
Jols. Humboldt. Channte, Cner- ale, Inde
pendence. WinKeld. 'Wellington, Harper,
Attic and intnnediate points.
THROUGH MAIL trains dailv, except Sun
day, between Kansas City anil Wellington,
and intermediate ststlonsmaking close con
nections at Ottawa, Channte and Cher rale
with onr trains for Emporia, Burlington, Gi
rard, Mlnnt andCoffeyville.
cept Sunday, between Kacias Citr, Olathe
and Ottawa.
RE3CE2HBER that by purchasing tickets via.
this line connection ia made in the Union De
pot at Eansis City with through rrsins to all
points, avoiding transfers and changes at way
THROUGH TTCXETS can be purchased via.
this lino ti any of the re giilar ConponMaticns
ana your bairgagechecked through to destina
tion Aast, W'st, orth or South.
PULLMAN 5LEEPERS on all night train?,
For further intexmation, see map nd fold
ers, or call on or address J. B. HYXEn,
General Passenger A tent,
dl33-tf Lawreuc Kansas.
. Corner Douglas
Dry Goods, Clothing,
Boots and Shoes.
We sell no Shoddv Goods and our con
stantly increasing patronage assures
us that the methods we originally adopted
is the only one that is strictly just
between the buyer and seller.
Our stock is always the Largest in our
several departments.
I PRICE Aod M Always ike Lewes
All goods are guaranteed to be exactly
as represented.
In all eases where goods are not satisfac
tory, you are allowed to return them
and the money is cheerfully refunded. If
you want to do business with us
eome and see us.
A. I
S. W Corner Douglas Ave. and Market St.
Honest Goods, Honest
Sensible Conmranities have Ions since learned
Which is only
.- ARE
Our buyer having jjst returned
TM5 T?Q Q PnnrQ 75 Piece? half wool Uahinetc at 9c. 60 pieces
JJAJliOO UUUJJO." double fold English Cashmere every &hade
15c. These goods are primo and considered fine value bv our competitors
sit 25c. Fancy Brocade and Diagonal half wool Cashmere 12 l-2c, worth 20s.
30 pieces all wool Dress Flannel in all the lates'- -hade 29c; sold universally
at 40o. 35 pieces a!l wool Cashmere, always sold far 65c, all colors th"n wek
-tic. 60 pieces 33 inch Tricots in all the laten shades 57 l-2c. 25 pieces Gil
bert's 5-Unch suiting sold elsewhere at $1.25; our pritv this week 59c. 15
pieces black Gros Grain Silk at 9c; good value at $1.50. Our lino of black
Cashmeres will defy competition An inspection will prove a sale.
PI AMTFTQ' 10-i white blanket i-fee border, $1.18; worth $1.50
DLiil 1 BJU 1 O. io-4 heavy while blankets slightly ?oi!ed S1.43; worh
$2.00. 10-4 extra heavy white blanket $1.98; cheap at $2 75. 10-4 white wool
blauket3 $3.98, worth $5.00. 12 1 strictlv all wool white blaukets sold every
where for $7.50: our price $4 93. 10-4 all woored blankets $3.18. 1T-4 all
wool red blankets, extra fine quality $5.28: sold everywhere for $7.00
PnMPnDTQ Ju5t received 50 bales which range at 69, 93, $1.13,
UU JLtJLF UiV 1 O . "$1.48 and $1.69, th best values ever offered.
Wednesday, November 3d.
re throw on our counters the grandest bargain ever known to the trade. 25 dozen Math
ers Well Known Kid Gloves in all the latest shades, also black, for 49c. This is a genuine
throw away, as there is not a pair in the lot that would not sell for $1.50. But we
bouo-ht them cheap and give you the benefit. " Anybody can sell goods at a loss, but the
secret is to sell far below any competitor and make a profit. " Our buyers are always on the
lookout for bargains. READY CASH we use as a leverage, therefore always expect to
hear of baro-ains at the BOSTON STORE. Ask to see our line of Boots and Shoes.
av. and Market St.
0 N
ri T9
used by Competitors
from the market, securing a
enables us to
ormnff, iNovemDer
The Following Bargains.
This week 50 lioucle Jackets in
rown and blue that were never
Don't you fail to visit the
For of all the attractions that have served to draw the thousands
to our store, attractions one hundred fold more
fascinating will be there today.
Will offer today and all this week.
Bargains Eclipsing Bargains.
Bargains that beat Bankrupts.
Bargains' overshadowing fire and water fakes.
We do not quote prices, as our prices are always the lowest and
our goods the best. Nor do we ask you to mmo at 8 or 10
o clock sharp, but come any time of thp da? and vou
will find bargains and nothing but bars -tins all
over the store.
OUB -:-
Are Selling Fast. We
empie 01
as a cloak to cover their high prices.
great many lines of Goods at
place on sale
hoM for le-3 than $5.00; tbi- week $2.39. 33 pieces Ptrletly nil woot farln
Flannel at 12 l-2e perjd. 50 pieces apron Ginghfuns lu .ill two deinUe
checks, extra jroo I 'ju&i ty 6 1-2 c per yd. 75 pieced Tabic oil doth all r r
23c per yd. 10 d-sz boys pltith cap ilk lined 69c worth $1.25. 15 dtx Imj- A
trican enps f-ilk lined 43c: rh-ap Ht $1.00. 12 doz Indict pkirls 3Sc. 25 dz 1 1 ,
ren's sklrt, all size- 23. 150 doz men'.: wool gocks- at 12c; worth 20. 100 piece
striped ami barred c :i-h 3 l-2o
MIT T TNTTPV Tlii diparlmitba been Itttolj blocked wi'h all
iYlliiJLjllXJjiA I ." the tate-t novelties in caselmcrc, olo'ii anl f t
hat-. S'e respidly tolint the ladies of Wichita to carefully insprc -a.u
Wc havo pvcrv d"-ijrn manufactured sad can pleae the mot fastWloi:. n 1
fullvoOpcrceJit. eheatjer ihu aty competitor. Wo quoto frvr pr.";
Ulack felt hats latent tfj le ISc; worh 90. Fdt hat all the la'.ct f-hj-s n 1
co!ors'79c: worth $1.25. French fck
a perfect beauty, usual pricel$3.59; our
and nil the novelties at s-imilar pricei.
worth $1 50. French Kit trimmea in grey coney itir snu .n-incan, ver
$1.18; worth $2.00. Cloth and ca.s?:mcrubnneU trimmed In Alr?m 51 I1.
s I a 8 i I
I n 1 mi
have the Best Styles.
0 R
prices lower than ever heard of
ha?3 bound all colors. ItUt-l bl5jc v
prlec $1.89. Vivian, Foalhsr. Ltt,s,

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