OCR Interpretation

Wichita eagle. [volume] (Wichita, Kan.) 1886-1890, November 11, 1886, Image 1

Image and text provided by Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85032490/1886-11-11/ed-1/seq-1/

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8 8,
vgl. v. $ro. 151.
WHOLE KO. 778.
23 and 125
v. 12
en nanciKei
also 50 doz Embroidered Edges and
Embroidered Corners, all
f A
Our Annual Sale of'
Fine Wra
k Own all Our Goods
- '
Main Street:
and -13
and Initial
mid Sell Them Orete
chiefs !
j tin-new proofs within a few irj
I but trifle more expensive than tho;
The President's Hule Not to Re
ceive "Visitors Except on
Official Business
Goes into Effect Today Report
of the Agricultural Depart
ment for November.
Secretary Planning Issues His Circu
lar in Regard to Prepayment of
Interest of Public Debt.
The New Process of Sugar Matin;
Now in Operation at Port Scott.
Gives Promise of
Important Results, The Yield Now
Keiug Increased Fully 1'orty
Pounds to the Ton.
"Weather Report
"Washington-, D. 0., Nov. 11, 1 a. m.
The following are the indications for Kan
sasr Fair weather, no decided change in
temperature, variable winds.
For Missouri: Fair weather, cooler in
eastern portion, stationary temperature in
western portion, northerly winds becoming
Washington, D. G. Nov. 10. The re
port of the department of agriculture says:
The cotton returns for November attest a
rapid pi ogress Of picking and an unusual
cleanliness of fibre. The general average
is two or three points lower than the result
of October returns. The yield in corn
makes a product of 1,GJ8,000,000 bushels.
Yield of great corn surplus in states is var
iable, the lowest, of course, being in the
region of the drought.
Ohio 3253, Indiana 32.21, Illinois 24.7,
Iowa 21.5, Missouri 22.2, Kansas 21.3, Ne
braska 27.5, New,. York and eastern states
exceeding 30 bushels.
The potaloe product is nearly the same
as last year, the average being 73 bushels
per acre, giving a product of 163,000,000
bushels: Apparent production of tobacco
is at a rate slightly exceeding the average
of 70 pounds per acre, or about 485,000,000
pound'!. The aveiage rate of yield for hay
is close to 13.10 tons per acre, and the ap
parant product about -15,000,000 tons.
in i:it::ct tomohkow,
The presidents rule not to receive visitors
except upon barely official business, and at
the tri-wcekly alteraoon rccptions, goes
into effect tomorrow. lie proposes to de
vote his principal attention from now until
congress meet to the preparation of his
annual message, and will not be bothered
about appointments.
The secretary of the treasury today is
sued the following circular in regard to
prepayment of interest ou the public debt:
By virtue of authority conferred by law
upon the secretary of the treasury, notice
is hereby given that the interest due De
cember 1, 18SG, on United States coupon
bonds of the funded loan of 1891, will be
paid without rebate on the presentation of
the proper coupons at the treasury in
Washington and at the various sub treas
uries. The checks for the registered in
terest of the loan will be forwarded to
holders as soon as prepared, and may be
presented for payment without rebate on
or before the 20lh instant. Coupons of
four per cent consols of 1907, falling due
January 1, 1889, will be paid on presenta
tion before maturity, upon a rebate of in
terest at the rate of" three per cent per an.
num. The Interest on registered stocks of
that loan will also be paid on and after
Dec 1. 1S00, upon a receipt from the treas
urer of the United States, on application,
accompanied by power of attorney aiither
i.ing that officer to collect the interest for
the quarter ending Dec. 31, 18SG, and to
retain the proportionate amount of rebate,
remitting the balance to the applicant.
The following telegram has been receiv
ed at the department of agriculture:
Four Scott, Kan., Nov. 8.
TotlieCcmnilvjIoner o Ajrieulturc:
Have finished boiling eighty-three tons of
Louisiana cane tonight. It made nearly
19,000 pounds of strike. A weighed por
tion run into centrifigual, gave o i per cent
of dried sugar. This will be more than
one hundred and twenty pounds of first
suspirpcr ton. The cane juice had ten per
cent of sucrose, one aud eight-tenths per
cent of glucok', and fourteen and a half
per cent of total solids. It
would have made only 80 pounds
by the old process. We have increased
the yield fully forty pounds per ton. The
sunar is of line quality.
(Signed) " Wiley, Chemi-t.
This dispatch is regarded by the autho
rities at the agricultural depaitmeut as the
ftillfillment of the promise of important
results given by the first incomplete ex
periments in the difusion process applied to
sucar cane. The process was developed in
Emvpc for application in the manufacture
of beet sugar, aud has been several times
tried in this country upon the sugar cane,
but without decided success, owing to im
perfect machinery and the necessity of con
siderable modifications to uk 2t the differ
ence in the material to lie worked. In
1SS3 experiments in the new process were
begun on a small scale in Washington
upon sorghum, and after a time such a
measure of success was attained that t lie
commissioner determined to put the process
iu oiH?ratiou upon a larger scale and to this
cud a plant was established in connection
with a sorghum sugar making establish
ment at "Ottawa, Ivansas, and this season
the new process has lecn carried on under
the supervision of Prof. Wiley, with
marked succc?. Meanwhile the sugar
cine growers of Louisiana have become
deeply interested in the process and have
anxiously de-ired to learn whether it con Id
be madeapplieable to their product-. To
test the matter, the commissioner has de
cided to undertake tlu? experiment in
Louisiana upon a scale of sulticient magni
tude to determine its practicability, but as,
a preliminary lest, lie caused a train load
of ugar cane to In; shipped from Louisiana
to be worked up in the Kansas somaum
mills It is the result of tht- experiment
which Prof. "Wiley announces in his tele
sra:n. Prof, lichar-:son. the as
sistaut chemist at the depart
ment, viv the chemical analysis
of cane jne given by Professor Wiley
shows that the cane, which liad been cut
lor some tint, was rather of in inferior
otltiliiv or in bad condition. He believe?
! tin-new proofs v.ithin a few ears w id
in in
icii are
xpensive than luoe in
present use, will be a motive which the
most conservative farmer will be unable to
Mr. Randall, chairman of the house
committee on appropriations, is expected
to arrive here on the 10th inst to get things
in readiness for a meeting of his commit
tee, which takes place if a quorum can be
brought together on the 22d.
"Among the members who arc
confidently expected are those composing
the sub-committee on the sundry civil ap
propriation bill, which measure it is said to
be Mr. Randall's purpose to have in readi
ness to be reported to the house at the
opening of the session. The estimates are
now in the hands of the printer, it is said,
'though not by official authority that the
aggregate is slightly below the "total of last
Treasurer Jordon said this afternoon
that the effect of the offer to prepay inter
est on the public debt would be to dis-
-tribute almost immediately 10,000,000
among about 2,000 banks and individuals
in every section of the county, and would,
in his opinion, be of great advantage to the
moving of crops and otiier branches of bus
iness. The secretary's action, said he, was
only for the benefit of the business inter
at New York, has made a report to the
department in regard to the complaint of
Messrs. Weed, Payson & Co., against the
action of the United States appraiser at
New York in returnining as scoured don
skoi wools, wool which they claim is only
washed and also in making additions to t lie
entered value of such wools, where the
entered values without any additions, carry
the higest rates of duty imposed on wool
by the statutes as Assistant Secretary Fair
child in a letter on the subject says:
As estimated in departmentlctter to you
of September id, the qeestion as to whether
such wools are washed or scoured, is one
of fact, which must be determined by you
from the report of the appraiser, who is
required to make i careful examination and
report thereof, In forming his judgment
as to whether any particular importation of
wool is scoured or not, the appraiser may
have recourse to chemical analysis, com
mercial designation and to any other proper
source of information or mode of
determination with regard to the question
of value. The department concurs with
you, that in an opinion wherein such
cases as to w here wool is entered, as to
render it to be liable to the highest rate of
duty under the statute. The return of the
appraiser increasing the entered value more
than ten per cent need not carry with it the
imposition of the additional penal duty
within the meauing of section 29 of the re
vised statute.
the si'EAunnsnir.
Representative Wellborn of Texas, who
is one of the ablest and most experienced
paiiiamentarians in the houe, was asked
by an associated press reporter tod.ry what
eifect a contest over Mr. Carlisle's seat.
should there be a contest, would have upon
his candidacy for speakership of the house
Mr. Wellborn replied, such a contest would
furnish no reason whatever why Mr. Car
lisle bhould not be speaker in the Fiftieth
congress of the house of representatives,
unless otherwise, especially ordered by the
house, the speaker shall appoint at the com
mencement of each rongrcss the following
standing committee:
The list includes the committee on elec
tions and all the standing committees of
the house.
The rules of the present house cannot by
their own force fix methods of procccdure
in subsequent congresses. Nevertheless,
by unbroken usage, a new house as prelim
inary to its permanent organization adopts
the rules of" the prior house. Such, if I
take it right, will be the course in the next
house, aud the rule will thus control the
constitution of committees in the Fiftieth
congress. Should there be a contest over
Mr Carlisle's seat, the house itself will, in
some suitable way, select the committee
on appropriations, aud thus Mr. Carlisle
will be relieved of any possibility of em
barrassment on that score
To hold that Mr. Thebe's contest with
Mr. Carlisle disqualifies the latter for
speaker conduces to a result illogical and
absurd. If such a heeding were followed
the influence and power" of the chosen
leader of the Democratic party in the house
would be effectually crushed at any time
by springing a contested election, no mat
ter how absolutely void it mav be of mer
It is said at the nautical almanac office
that on the evening of Friday next, No
vember 12, no less than six stars, includ
ing Aldcbarau, which is of the first magni
tude, will be occulated by the moon be
tween G o'clock and midnight. Some of
the stars are only of the sixth magnitude
and will require telescopical aid to be seen,
but Aldebaran aud two others of the fourth
magnitude will be visible to the unassisted
eye or by use of an opera glass.
The Bucket Shops.
Chicago, Nov. 10. The attempt to sup
press the bucket shops and restore specula
tive trading to its former channels is being
imitated by a number of member of the
Hoard of Trade. The idea i to abolUh
the market reporting department of the
board, at leat temporarily. Without of
ficial quotations received over theUickers it
is claimed the bucket shops cannot secure
cnougli patronage to pay expenses. The
claim that by cutting" off all official
quotations the agent who m-ikIs
his orders to the large city bucket shops
aud be obliged to reconnect himself with
the regular broker. By the proposed plan
the tit ker service here would be dispensed
with in grain and provision speculation
and the present system of market report
from this citv b? discontinued.
Disaster Suspcetcd.
Fuankfokt, Mich., Nov. 10. The gale
continues unabated. Wreckage washed
ahorc at points show s that a terrible ma
rine disaster has occurred.
Captain Matthews, of the life station, re
ports that his surf men picked up the top of
a vessels cabin htst night, one of the larg
est sied ves-els. It measures 20 ly 26
feet. Nothing can be found to learn the
name of the wreck. Small pieces of "her
bullworks arc washing up. Planks have
just 1cch found indicating that she was sn
iron vessel. The wreckage was driven in
by a southwe-t wind. Great excitement
pvval, and the life saving crew are earc
lully petrolling the beach in search of
Ratter, Cheese, Rggs.
Chicago, Nor. 10 The annual con
vention of the national butter, cheec and
egst a-xiation began here today. About
six hundred lea-iing dairymen arc in at
tendaucv Today's session" was devoted to
Petroleum Find.
St. Louis, Nov. 10 While sinklrg a
well near Richmond, 3Io., a fair liow of
goad, petroleum was struck at a depth f
Tij feet. A company will lie formed at
once and will suik 1,000 feel with c cry
prospect of developing a first-class well.
The Knights of Labor Issue
an Order of Boycott
Armour & Co.'s Meats and. Pro
ductsThe Fight to he
Militia and Special Police Still on
Guard With Littlo Prospect of
Their Leaving.
Strikers Try to Prevent New Hen
from Returning to the City but
are Repulsed.
Downey, the Albany Butcher, Kefuses
to Slaughter More Beeves for
Chicago Butchers.
A Boycott Issued by the Knights of
Labor Against Armour & Co.
Chicago, Nov. 10. General Fitzsim
mons, in command of the troops at the
stock yards, has requested that a company
of the First cavalry be sent to the yards.
It is thought they can render more effi
cient service in answering sudden alarms
than the infantry.
There was a busy scene at the town hall
and at the yards during the morning.
About five thousand of the old employes
of Armour & Co., Swift & Co. and the
Chicago Packing and Provision Co. con
gregated for the purpose of beiug paid off.
It was deemed more advisable to let
them get their pay there than to have it
done at the firm's office. Besides the
great throng of strikers there were thou
sands of their friends.
The crowd was a little more turbulent
than yesterday.
General Fitzsimtuons has an extra force
of men near the town hall to be ready In
case of any disturbance.
An afternoon paper says a boycott has
already been declared by" the general exec
utive board Knigh's of Labor. Said Barry
at noon today, it begins on Armour's meats
and other products. How far wc shall ex
tend it to other packers, 1 cannot say yet.
A large number of men applied for work
at the packing houses this morning, and
about live thousand men are at work.
Nelson Morris received a dispatch from
the east saying that some one down there,
whose name he would not give, w ill send
him 3,000 skilled butchers. About two
ihirds of the men at work in the yards arc
new hands. Militia guards were out as
usual and all approaches to the yards arc
liued with pickets.
There was a collission tonight near the
Ashland avenue bridge between a crowd of
strikers and a small squad of infantrymen.
The bridge was guarded by twelve ' men
from the Second infantry under Lieutenant
Milliau, the batillion of the company being
stationed in the vicinity of the neighboring
packing house. The crowd of striken
and sympathizers numbered about 500 and
was "determined to prevent the packing
house employes from crossing the
bridge on their way back to
the city after their day's work.
The crowd was charged by the squad
'-even times and forced to retreat temporari
ly, but increasing numbers added to its
piesistency aud a serious conflict seemed
eminent. Finally Lieutenant McMillian
gave the order to load with ball cartridges.
The crowd thereupon speedly dispersed
and the employes went on their way with
out further molestation. No one suffered
serious iniury.
The packers arc fighting in a body,
we aie not going to scatter our fire,"
Mr. Barry, of the K. of L., today,
are iroincr to take tnem one by one,
' Ik-
continued, "and see what the determined
efforts of 2,000,000 workingmen- ccn ac
complish." "Do you mean that a boycott is to be di
rected against Armour"
"Well, wc like to fight abig man, and,
as I said before, the fijjht which has al
ready begun will be against the packers,
one at a time"
The packers association held a prolonged
meeting with closed doors this crenmg,
and after much talking, adopted resolu
tions which is to be a complete backdown
from their expiestcd determination to
bring organized labors from employment
iu the Chicago stock yards. None of th?
packers would talk about the meeting.
Tlicv answered all questions in monosylla
bles!' Mr, Baldwin, secretary of the asso
ciation, said that the resolutions meant
just what they said, and that the packers
meant to run their business w. ithout the
dictation of the Knights of Labor. The
resolutions are as follows.
Whereas, At a meeting of packers he'd
ontheSth in-t., resolutions were passed
concerning the relations between their em
ploves and labor organizations.
hereas, We are convinced that raid
action being unintentional injustice upon
numerous jHrrons who mnv be members of
uch organizations,
Kt-sohed, ri hat the resolutions passed on
the dste above mentioned be rescinded and
the following le adopted as more in ac
cordance with the mutual inten&ts of both
emplover and employed, to-wit:
Whereas, the packers are confronted
with the fact that their employes are re
peatedly Itaving their employment witliout
notice and to the irrcat detriment of their
business, which is of such a nature as to
require constant prosecution and careful
attention, there foref ore,
Resolved, That while wc will not exclude
from emplovment the members of such or
ranization, we will exercise the right to
employ and discharge w hom we piean; and
conduct our business on the ten hour plan
and according to our best interest.".
Signed by all the members.
Uefusesto slaughter More.
Al vxt, N. Y. , Nov. 10. Dow nev, the
only butcher iu the tily who w mltl kill
cattle for Ue dressed txtf firm, has rcfus
ed tA slaughter any more fur them. Agent
of the ilrcsc-d beef liouses arv buying live
cattle at West Albany as itdivjduals and
having them killed as such.
The Knights of Labor curative cohv
miuee mrf here Ia night ssd directed
their members to kill no more live stock
for dressed beef llrms or tbdr sgot?. and
It is iha.;ht thai bv tomorrow the agents
will liar difficulty to get cattle slaughtered
in this vicinity
rational Granjrc-
erange and pa!
lodav and or;
were represented.
rau,.w.j.-iKui. uu UB'. r".":zr- ---. .r,. inlan. Sb wa te Hte wiia "
i-- n -n .:- it .-.! V, .I.-rln , caeieomuucu. vaw wn ,.-,..- .-. ".,
irons of bundry, nxt here and w;u .acccrc -r-"- rr-T, . ' oalr rm ti in for tc
pimzeil. i wenty-tour as awe prrw f--"--" " i ,, - thi. k. drcd of her
Of More Importance.
New York, Nov. 10. The Eveuivg
Post says: While great prominence has
been given by the press throughout the
covntry to the labor troubles in" Chicago,
comparatively little attention has hcen paid
by the public at large to the strike now go
ing on in this state, which involves a
many people and as much capital, and a
principal of vital importance. This is the
contest in progress hetween the knit oods
manufacturers and the Knights of Labor,
which has now become an open war upon
the latter as an organization. Though the
most conspicuouslacts in the warfare have
been noted from time to time, but few
persons have a. clear idea of the nature of
the controversy, or realize that nearly 20,
000 men, women and children were em
ployed in the knit goods mills throughout
N.w York state, wrhieh the owners have
closed asrainst all ICnishts of Labor. A
long interview with one acquainted with
the history of the fight, then follows in
It is that within the pait tw o years the
Knights of Labor have been actively or
ganizing the knit goods employees, and
that as fast as they became organized they
began to subject the manufacturers to petty
annovanccs m the way ot demands toucn
ing "the conduct of their business, aud
that fiualiy the manufacturer in self de
fense were compelled to form an associa
tion which embraces the 59 mills of this
state and of SO per cent of the trade in the
country. The first straggle aro-e at Coheea,
over the question, whether or not manu
facturers should be allowed to dischiirge
any employee they might sec fit. The
issue was joined by" the manufacturers de
claring a lock o'ut at the end of five
weeks, T. B. Barry of the general exe
cutive board of "Knight of Labor,
and Mr. Speard, president of the manufac
turers' association, signed a contract tun
ning to December 1 conceding the condi
tions of the mill owners, and work was re
sumed. The present trouble originated in
Amsterdam, where a member of the
Knights of Labor was promoted to a new
aud hitherto unoperated jack in the pjn
ningroom. The spinners union, an inside
organization of the Kufchts of Labor, ob
jected. The proprietors said they would
let the machine Le idle. The spinners de
manded a promise that a member of their
union should be" put on if the
jack should be started at any time iu the
future. This was refused and the spinners
struck, thereby clo-ing the mills. The
other Amsterdam mills decided to stand by
the mill in'the trouble and a lockout fol
lowed. Mr. Barry declared the strike un
iust. but was unable to put an end to it.
though the mills were thrown open to thoj-e
who wanted to return to wonc from Ucto
her 1 to 9. The employes not returning, it
was ordered that all the mills in the state
declare a lockout October 10, and it wa.
done. Since then the mills have been grad
ually filling up with non-union men and
one "local assembly of the K. of L. has
thrown up its charter. Two mills on the
other hand have yielded. Messrs. Balk-y
and McGuire; of the executive board, Jmw
been endeavoring to settle the matter, but
the mill owners refuf to treat with them.
Ai.is.vxy, N. Y , Nov. 10. The
executive eommiltcv of the National
knit goods association and Messrs. Bailey
and McGuire, of the national executive
committee of the Knights of Labor met
here today with reference to a settlement to
the difference:! now existing in the knit
goods district. Bailey and McGuire
rffercd a plan of settlement which
w.is refected. The manufacturers in turn
oirercd a basis and the Knights of Labo:
reiected it and withdrew fiom the con
ference. The manufacturer adopted the
The mills will be opened to all peions
whether they have 'been previously in our
employ or not on tne oacs oi agreement
by whom they may employ, thai they will
acknowledge and respect the right of the
employer to hire and discharge as lie dem3
bjst. and not interfere with other euiploe..
-'ncludinr these who have brcnatwoik
during the recent strike and lock out.
Will Be Interested.
Philadelphia. Nov. 10. Th" !"-'!
tomorrow will say: A number of gentle
men who arc interested m the Lcheigb
Yallcv Itnilrond Company will be finji
cially interested in a new line joined by
prominent capitalists of U:h city
and New York. The name whl
be Pittsburg, Seaboard .'c Western,
and money for the construction
of the road had been guaranteed by a Lou
don syndicate. The line will give a new
western and southwestern outlet for anthra
cite coal, and closely parallel the main line
of the Pennsylvania railroad. Af U r c ross
ing the Suoquchanna river to Pittgburg.thc
new line will be a little longer than the
Pennsylvania, but by the route it will take
to Chicago it will be" V-M mih-s lioriar tVnn
tqct route.
Most All Disposed Of-.
Sedlia, Nov. 17. Tlie nmiou triJi
of late of the strikers who Inst spring in
dulged in beating of non-union men and
the killing of engines, derailing of trains,
etc.. in this city were pretty well despocd
nf in the criminal court for tld-i term, for
mot of the minor offfo. at $5 and ct.
or an asreerate of about 20 was imposed
nnd the moet of the ringleaders had from
two to ten counts acsin.t tbvm. Today
the more serous charge of rki. and train
wreekincr were called and on inouon con
tinual to the April term. A munler of
Uiohj implicated were not able to giireth.
bond required, $1,000, and are flw in fail.
Ainnnctliem arc FrI P.f. .Tor Colleo,
r.'w, f- niillmsoh. Frank .N'evill al Pat
The Anarchists.
Chicago, Nor. 10 Judge Carry atei
,t.. a.. ,-,.,..- firintwll frlurir Doric. hUM-
Oirraphcr Purcell and Lmryer Black, bol-
,.tl.,. -,1 riA,r mnnnt lln rlr flirt of
Ui dav in the criminal wort baUdinff,
where va: documents pertaiaiog to the
rirrfc!rt trial lot WiJ iMK lC IB
rvutrftf of numeration. H wad
nit-lit when the .council was esacttwtc
nd th rtwuk announced. ws timt Jh: r.
tifScatc of evidence as contained in tite Ml!
of exceptions ami record coart wonkl be
conveved to Judge Garey tomorrow. ad
signed by him, It h e.tpjcid tha tweatr
fyur hours later the whola of the rotewln
ous material will be lakl before the m
preac court.
The Coke Syndicate.
Imrc, Pa . Nv. 10 t s kw
ing of the (Jcawrlhirnw ck yckc 5o
dav the adviMilslity of adra&cfeg taw prior
of furnace coke iweutyfire waite p'K
was (Jkcnsrc!. bat no tfcefcied ncUee token.
The demand for cote bow wood Hl J
ductof the regions. Iwt U &&
unable to fursish tba ta to jwfcetfcc
nisuu uw-.-
ri.d. tii-Vow.
Vmemma. Nov. .Ai a .
uv window gJa. laaawfacuu ul i'W
I ltUi 4UI Mlli ... ." -- - , ,
.Wr-'r, -rc r.irtni n rf.illte tfTICCS
, un. ",m ,- -- . .... j i , t, .,. 1..1 t.-niT i Tiar l;
Hef f erman and Dwyer Tell What
They Know in Eegard
to the
Adams Express Rohhory Jim
Cummings and His "Vol
uminous Letters.
Urakeman Wells is Held Responsible
for the Recent Wreck aud Loss
Jesse IT. Lord. Lately Connected With
the Scientific American, Shoots
Himself Fatally.
Articles of Incorporation Tiled With
the Secretary ofthe State of Illi
nois for the Cairo, Kansas
and Westorn.
L'estimony Under Which Indict
ment is Pound.
S r. Louu, Mo. Nov. 10. Among the
testimony presented to the grand jury,
which found an indictment for graud lar
ceny and for receiving stolen property
against David Fotheringham, the Adams
express messenger, whose car was robbed
some two. weeks ago on the ot. Louis mid
San Fraucisco road, was the testimony of
James lleffernan, a Wabash engineer, and
that of Thomas Dwvor. Fotheringham's
helper. lleffernan testiHed as toliows:
i was ai tne union ucptu ou uiuovuiu
of October 26th oiling my cngiue. My
time to start was 9:25 p. m.. but just as I
was about to get away I noticed thr.l the
Frisco train was across, my track. Of
course 1 could not move until the Frisco
vol out of my way. The expreas ear was
directly opposite my cab window and I
noticed that the door of the expnssB car was
standing open It wai nearly time
for the Frisco train to tfarl
and Pwyer swung himself cfT the
tuir and went ami. A minute or two
later a man came along with a vahSc in his
hand and stopped directly under the Klec
trie light within a few ft-et of my engine,
lie auKwered Fotheringham's description
of the robber as far as 1 remember, ecpt
that he was several inches or m shorter
He aUcd me which was the Frio tram
and 1 pointed it out to him. It wn just
mcr. ing hw.mv ami he ran along ido of it
until he leached the Kxprewt cur door
wine h was s:till "landing open, threw Ids
valise in bide, reached up his hand and wai
pulled up through the door into the enr
He could not have jumped in without r
sihtance, especially w ith the train in motion,
and 1 believe Foil cringham hcljrcd him.
""llioniRS Dwyer's testimony corrol o'nted
tile rjnginior'b ttory and it was upon the
facts presented by them, it is believed, that
the indictments were found.
Jim Cuniiiiings who committed the rb
berv is carrying on rather a voluminous
Correspondence fir one iu his position. He
first wrote to Frank James the vx Itm.dit,
then to the editors of ncwspaiwr. and mow
to Fotheringhaui's mother, enclosing in a
letter :';G0, which he HUjMwt may bu of um
in clearing her wn of the suspicion i;a
noting upou him. All of these Iclti-r- '
In the hands of the detective.
I'otheringham was wen by a report r '
the jail to lay. and he contradicted engu
I rcilennau 'h'story In e ery dctull. 1 1- -ij
that he talked for n minute or two lib a
friend from the open door of tho car 1
fre the train Martcd, but as won ni hi
helper IimI left the cur he shut the l""r
Jim Cummings had in the menittime pr
touted his credentials and was at work In
the car. Folhcrinsrimtu wys t,lC engia-r
mtiH have mistaken hi car for mmb otht r
Urakeraan Wells Responsible
Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. 10. A peh,:
to the Lvening Win"onsfn from Portng. .
Wisconsin, says the coroner's jury which
has been investigating the rtrcetit railroad
disaster at Hio. linc ri-tunted n v. nh t
holding C. A. Well, brakemaa, rwj r.
siblc for the lews of life. W41s Iww Utn
arrested, churj-ed with criminal can!fw
ness. I fc was ixmnd over to aftMur Ik fore
the criminal court.
On ILis Wife's fSraVe.
Hartkohd, Conn.. Nov. 10. Alxi;t
M o'clock this tiiornhtg tlie jKrticw f'-urt l
.! H. Lord, formerly on of the win r
of the Port, more recrotlr on th IJ' !
Journal of Cotninerre. aul latterly .: '
the Scieatifirr Amoriran, lyfajf oo lb gr
of his wife in tb okl mrth mrtfr IU
had shot himwdf through the bean. H
was rnort-jfA to a hospital, his woca-l 1
ing proaouncod fatal.
Too Cairo, Ifansas and Western.
CitjCA., Not. JO. A Daiir N'v
5jriaflki. IIJ . fxariai mj- Artirb l
laeorporalipn men? atoa wfeb th rn?'ir
of slate tothiy by tb Cairo, K;.a t I
Western WtAXnmA onmrnar, t.t ruu -,
with a cpitaJtfck of $l,Cja.GOa
It is propoMsl Ut cmimel flnr iio" -
miiroaua, one to oxlemi frwn n por-t . -Uaaooek
county nor ihweaUrrijr to (JUf j,
oue from a point opjinaite Madtoon, l"v ;
to Chioigo. one from a point bi Kn ".
coonty. on f,m Ihte, rwebi:otbattr 'j
In the eastern buwadary of Illiaoi ' i '
Ir a jxaal oa the mxxmCi lb in P r
rtoirty, u rua aortbwarterfy to poiat
ibc b-juadsry fiac nar ikcb aari lit" a I
laad emmtk? then by parst U-
Heeb lafemi ami to a iAtA on the iL-
dpfH river opjiowte MiMasabw. Jowa. vt
line f row a poial on the boBmiary t- r
Kaw aod Vrarrea cewatle ''' !
Urn ortbw9tertf to a JhAh oa xbe Mi
fppf to Ikader oouatr.
Tounj: Criminal.
I 5AaaoaR Coao.. Nt. W- 1
yoasir btfrshn bo ka hxmtMtor '. r-,
Wawl rtbbb in tbla w -f
sMoed to be tk ewbr arml bt Ij-i-iaTmL"HiA
Gttrtara Aadeiww mtui
VtAtntM Tbe fB-r i aed 16 t
bst tWorotanad aod iwbfas pyj'
avmi at Harbvcok aod rrwl adjou-'
vtllafu. flwir i.-ade tbmsgfc tbc h
h 1km nmrkol by a rb 1 bot
kuicse Tbrir can-cr itpptmn
tn ikk a for tfio&s worfc tmd Uw u
he? of Iwrgbobai camn&ied.
i irmrfiri,.KirM.i!itirL.
. " ..' ,a . . , .
. - r ucv. . T7-M" '"
l.Jt I ll-.J- I-tt mirl .

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