OCR Interpretation

Wichita eagle. [volume] (Wichita, Kan.) 1886-1890, November 24, 1886, Image 1

Image and text provided by Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS

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yMKfj'VK,- '4. imn
kife racier
BVOLr. VI. NO. 6.
,123 an3 125
"With, the great bargains now be
ing offered in every depart
ment in our store.
The very lanrc increase
Oh! Mow Giieap
due in a great measure to
of low
room is the larg-esr
-.most constantly crowded, the result of nu
merous and unequaled bargains in all
classes of dry goods from good to ihe finest,
ur Dress
Has this season experienced a "boom that Is even phenomenal In
this 'Wichita Country and has been surprising even to ourselves.
"We believe the direct cause of this boom to be, Finest Goods, Ex
clusive novelties, Largest assortment of new goods, and the lowest
prices possible.
Cloaks and Wraps.
Sales in this department continue so large that we cannot quite
undrstand rhe direct cause. Ben die lowest; prices possible cannot
always draw sujq crowus to a cloak department as we have expe
rienced. However, we have learned Lh rough the kindness of our
ladv patrons that tho rush to our wrap department is mainly due to
correcc styles, exquisite fits, elegance of design and prices that
never fail to please.
Domestic anil House
is where the biggest money is savnd by our patrons, and where the
ladies open their eyes widest, when prices are named.
v These departments are too extensive to go into details, but we
tnowvou can save at least
20 PEB
By buying domestics, linens, blankets, etc. of us.
Call and see. You will be treated with courtesy and our clerks
will not; bore you.
"We Are Snowing
Fur trimming in jlalge varieties,
"Wool knit goods c fall kines.
Silk and linen Handkerchiefs.
Silkshoulder mitts for evening wear, in black, white, cream, blue
and pink.
Hosiery an J underwear at prices to suit everybody.
Buttons, notions and small wear in endless variety.
Our goods are the "best and our
prices always the lowest.
a phrase entirely out
use in our nouse.
Is ihe commonest;; phrase in
the language, and momen
tarily usedby our patrons.
in our business is
Although our store
in the city, it is al-
Bather Anomalous Condition
is Presented fry the Fail
ure of
The President to Find a Dem
ocrat "Willing to Accept an
Commissioner Atlcina Disposed to As
aiut tie West in a Little Busi
ness Enterprise.
Tiio Friends of the ZS'atioual Bank
System Busying Themselves in
Ita Behalf.
Understood That the Forthcoming
Mcsaaso from the President Trill
not ho Lons;.
Weather Itoport
WAsmxGTOX, D. C, Nov. 24, 1 a. m.
The following are the indications for Mis
souri: -fair weather, iii"iuiy .vanuci,
northwesterly winds.
For Kansas: Fair weather, slightly
waimor, -northerly winds becoming vari
Waeuiicotox. D. C. Nov. 33. The
president has appointed Bishop Gordon, of
.Ulnne&ota, receiver or puolic moneys ai
Redwood Falls, iliuu.
All members of the cabinet were present
at the meeting today except fcjecretar
.Mantling. The session was devoted en
tirely to the coubideration of the preuideut'h
message; tlic document is nearly finished
i'lie president has received all the data
ueeeasaiy for its completion except such as
relates to the war and navy establishments,
and these will be furnished to him in a few
Jays. The president read the completed
pontons of his message to the cabinet; it is
understood the message will lw much
bhoitcr than the one yu omitted last year.
I'he president is experiencing some dif
ticiilty m iilhng the oi'ice of United titate-s
district attorney for the eastern district ol
Wisconsin. A. K. Delaney, the formei
incumbent, icsigned ihe olhce at the bug
geslion ol the pre: lent, in order to accept
the Democratic uotmsation to congrus
1 1 om the Second dist iet of Wiscoiiiiu,
now lepretented by General A. Bragg
The election i exulted in his defeat, and ne
has hiuce made formal application to
Attorney General Garland lor reinstate
meutas United States district attorney,
riome time ago the president tendered the
position to Geueial Bragg, and after bOine
delay a letter was leeeivedfioin him saymg
that'it would be impossible for him to ac
cept the oiiice, and it v. as then tendered to
another prominent lawyer of Wisconsiu,
and he, too, declined with thanks.
COMlIItfisIO.'f lilt ATKINS,
of Ur. Indian oiiice, having received from
time to time numerously iigued petition-,
from business men in Chicago, bt. Loin,
and Kansas City leprosenting that the in
terests of ail concerned would ba best sub
eived by lemoving the Indian war house
from iN'ew Yoik to some point furihei
wtflt, has decided to hear what the business
men ot these cities as well as of New York
ma' have to say on the sabject, by leliei
or otherwise, on the following duvo: Chi
cago November 27, St. Loui'i November
2'J, Kansas City November 30, Nov- "ork
December 1.
Inquiry at the treasury department
shows Uita9 the time for the assembling
of congress approaches the public interest
m the national bauk question is visibly in
ci easing. The comptroller of the cur
rency is now receiving letters from ah
parti of the country making suggestions
as to a more permanent basis for the
national bank circulation. The letter-
come not only from persons interested in
national banks but from ollicer-,
of state bnk3: private banker
and from prominent manufacturers and
many merchinU seeai to have directed
their attention to the maintenance of the
ex'sting system. Comptroller Trenholm
said today tnxt he was much plea-ed to re
eeive suggestions and hoped that anybodj
having any ideas on the subject would
communicate so he would be prepared to
lay them before the proper committees in
case congress should ta-o up the considera
tion of the ubjtct.
Commodore Schley, chief of the bureau
of equipment and recruiting, in hi, annual
repoit urges the ueCa-ity for two modem
team cruiser traiuiag ship-, on the ground
lii.it it is only such vessels that the training
necessary for modern waifare can be given
.nd because the improvements in naval
narfxre make it impossible to recrait o;u
navy, in case of war, from the merchant
teamen or watermen ot our ueaporu.
Nearly all of the annual reports of Com
mander T. Sampson, superintendent
of the United State naval academy, is de
voted to an argument in suppoit of a pro
posed chuu'e in the academic course. The
change, which h'3 gies various reasons in
favor of, is that cadets should be assigned
to the different branches of service at the
end of ftmr years int-tead of ix, aboli-hing
the two years cruise at ea before gradu
ation 3 useltt-s.
The Evening Star says the report that
3Ir. Manning's healta ii agxia brcaiiug
down is demetl by the treasury department
and bv entlemen w ho hare &-en him
frequently. In fict be is very ban! at
work oit his rejwrt.ami ihow no sign; of
breaking down.
Prize Bssay-j.
New York, Nov. 23. The executive
committee of the American Prvtftive
Tariff league todty eleckied to offer to
students of cai.jr elafties in all American
collesre a serir- of prije for approved
essays on the subject of the advantages of
United States, eaeh
esay. z&),
1 for secoad b-it, $100; for third, ?50, and
fr n;mr iirtcnuH .tjliv mn!u-;ni! s
hancUosc eilver medaL
Xraitua BroukB Dylagr.
N"kw Yont. Nor. 23. Eraaiu Brooks
is seriously ill. It wai stated at Ida kma
iLis BMraiBf Uiat ka could act rccorer.
j not to extecti 10 WW ?otL3 and to be wit in file track the tram at
1 to the Ouicc of tb league on or before $ tit company GO.COO.
jfav 1. 1SST, aArd" to lc aide June IS, j -
1 ItoT. js lollone. ror trie Ote-t
The Girard Cyclone.
Gikakd, Kan., Nov. 23. The injured
persons in Mondav's cyclone are on the
rapid road to recovery. " tt. "Win. Smith,
J. W. Hcrron and iliss Mattie Goodwin,
the three persons who sustained the most
serious injuries are pronounced by their
physicians as being out of danger. The
total loss to property after a careful esti
mate, including household furniture and
buildings, cannot exceed $9,000, and this is
a very liberal estimate.
The storm did no damage outside of the
city and theae who are the most serious
sufferers by loss of property vill be aided
by public subscription. The work of re
building has already commenced. Today
the tower of the" Presbvterian church
which w:u v. recked was torn down. It
was one of the oldest churches in the city,
and the congregation is a large one. They
wiil build a new house next spring, and
daring thj piesent winter will occupy
Parton's hall as a place ol worship.
Snow Storm North.
St. Pacl, 2Tov. 23. The roads running
thiough the northern part of the state anil
in Dakota are having some trouble today
along the Manitoba. There is not much
snow, but the high wind, which has ob
tained the velocity of a gale has interfered
somewhat villi the running of trains.The
Northern Pacific is experiencing some
trouble with the snow, which is drifting
and delaying trains throughout the lied
river valley.
The mercury is down in the neighbor
hood of zero. It has been snowing near'
all day along the line of the St. Paul and
Milwaukee, but the fall has not been
heavy enough to interfere with travel. The
.Milwaukee, Omaha and other roads run
ning throughout the southern part of the
state havo had light Hurries of snow all
along their lines, but no delay has been ex
perienced in running trains. The mercury
on these line ranges from ten to thirty
decrees above zero.
The Ulizzard Broken.
Bisitaiick, Dak., 2-foT. 23. At noon to
day the snow btopped falling and the ereat
tst blizzard ever experienced in North
Dakota wxs brought to an end. The wind
is still strong, but no snow is falling, and
citizens are out in force shoveling the
drifts and making roads. Scott, the stage
driver between this city and Ft. Yates has
not been heard from. He was duo here at
7 o'clock hist evening.
Willowy Whin's.
Detroit, Mich., Nov. 23. Representa
tives of the American association arrived
here this morning to confer with the direc
tors of the Detroit luc ball club. The
directors favored the association, but hav
m received private concessions in regard
to their percentage system froi'i the Lad
ing league clubs, it was unanimously de
cided to remain in the league.
Cincinxvti, Nov. 23. .Manager Wat
kins ff the Detroit club, heard from the
meeting of the American Base Ball associa
tion today, and informed the association
th-il the Detroit club received assurance
from the letgae clubs that all concession,
that Detroit had demanded would be made,
and, therefore, the candidacy of his clul
for the Pittsburg vacancy need have no
further consideration from the association.
The association now addresses ifself to the
consideration of the merits of the other
two applicants, Cleveland and Kansas City,
with indications that Cleveland will be
At the afternoon session of the Americau
association, Kansas City's offer of $7,000 for
the franchise and free transportation from
St. Louis to Kansas City and back to St.
Louis for all association teams, wa hardly
considered. The Cleveland club was then
formally admitted to the association. The
finance committo will vhit Cleveland to
examine into the finanei&l backing of the
it Important Conference.
Chicago. Nor. 23. An important con
ference with far reaching results was hel i
here today between trallro manager iiuirr
of the Chesapekc & Ohio railroad, Gen
eial Manager Walker of the Kanawha
Dispatch hue and It. W. Geiger. of the
Pennsylvania, J. N. Culp of the L. & N.,
J. I. Granmeyer of E. &.T. H., and Com
missioner BJauchard representing the Cen
tral Traffic association. After home dis
cussion the fact was conceded that tin
Che-sipcke & Ohio was not necessarily to
be regarded as a formidable rival of the
Central Trafllc association. Both partie.
then agreed to do the best they could tr
promote c:uh other's interests The C. &
O. promist'd to maintain by its rail line,
the Central TiatUc association all rail rales
I'he deilerontials herutofore awarded the
C. & O. road on business taken by Its wa
ter route will be c ntinned That road
will charge Baltimore rates on businc..
taken by it to Newport. It w also agreed
that the" Central Tralllc association and ('.
& O. will hereafter exchange statistics, that
each may know what amount of busiues
is carried by the other.
Xo Strike Yet.
Pittsburg, Pa., Nov. 23. Reports to
day from the Connellsville coke region
to the effect that all the were in operation
and a; yet no indications of a strike. 3Ir
Atchison, the secretary of the coke syndi
cate does not believe the men will go out
inasmuch at a majority of their deauaude
have been granted. Peter Wie, the leader
of the K. of L in the region, ha.- informed
the operator tiiat Uie K. of L. ele
ment will nt join with the amalgamated
association in a strike at this time.
Chicago. Nor. 23. A special to the
Times from Detroit say- According to
President Stearns, of the league ball club
not only Chicago but all the members of
ttic ie-itcue except me i. iouis acu n an
mgton clubs, and Kaunas City applicants,
have enncenteti to give the employes a k-t
tent of gate receipt; as they did last year.
It Y.-as in consideration of Uih wholtwiKr
ciacesioa thxt the Detroit club today de
cided to reman: m the league.
More Iron Bands.
SraixGFi&LD, 111.. Nov. 23 The Chi
cajo, Kansas City and Omaha railroad
comnanv wa incorporated TeU"nlav
Capiul "stock, f5.000.OW. The" principal
ofilce will be at Chicago It L oropo.-cd
to construct a road from Chicao to. or
near, Hamilton, in Hancock county, to js
point on the HUsLssippi rivar opposite or
seirir opposite the city of Keokuk, Iowa.
DiiatrBUi Rillrad ColHsfon.
Oisvl-Oo?e, Inwa, 1ot
a -r.
fre' 'H iraini collided aes.r Laoey on the
', TnW r..n 1 fivrinilM north of this citv
; Iowa Central, Cvc milft, north ot .um cuj
vertTdiV raorninz instantly
hinjr th
i rireimiii. Mar.rn. and
:y - 3
I th train coinc ou!h di-lvvrtri order
Tjirtv1 Ti, tii
T7xtt 1
njesi -
-" - "---" -..-"v......
, Citicago. Nov. 23 At toaihts
1 !nr fif tb rxfiDC coast nr.vraer
j the cosiaiHice "f eautcra read reportad
ewlnj to tht refutal of tb B & O. ruid to j
conaeat Jo abolih tht payment of cotsmw-,
j siaas. liti"1 mmling will h kii !-1
oorraw. J
NOVEMBER 24, 1886.
The Angel
of Death Again
in His Cruel
H. M. Hoxie, the Manager of
the Gould System of
Died Yesterday in New York City
Charles Trar.cis Adams, Sr.,
"Buried Yesterday.
An Effectual Estonpcl Put Upon the
Oklahoma Boomer Business
Settlers Fired Out and
A Zs'umberor Indian Tribes to be Ke-
moved and Placed Upon tha
Much Coveted Territory.
11. it. Tloxle Dead.
Nhw Youk, Nov. 23. H. AT. Hoxie.
general manager of the Gould south-west-'rn
vstem. duVl at 2:30 this morning at the
Broadway hotel.
'1 he cause ol death was exhaustion in
consequence of an operation performed on
him at Saratoga in June last by removim:
tone from the bladder. He has also suf
fered from kidney disease for the last thirty-five
years. He has been very weak for
the last seven days, but the doctors had
great hopes of his recovery. The patient
began to sink rapidly at 5 lastevenins but
was conscious to the hist. Mrs. Hoxie and
Captain Hayes were with him when he ex
pired. Shortly after the troubles on the Wabash
system of railroads and the southwestern
roads last May, 3Ir. Hoxie began to com
plain of pains in his loins. Finally he be
came bo much worse that he was com
pel led to give up work and take much
needed rest. Trouble with the strikers
worried him very much. He left St. Louis
in the latter part of 31 ay and rune cast to
Saratoga. Alter consultation with his phy
sician he concluded to have the operation
performed which resulted in his death
After the operation he was relieved and
felt better for a time than he had for years,
and hoped that by taking rest he would
regain his health entirely.
Mr. Hoxie in company with his wife
took a trip to ilontre'al August 2.1th
From there they went to Quebec and t he
White mountains. They came to New
York September 10th, and took apart
ments in the Broadway flats in the Metro
politan opera house block. When he be
came ill his physieian, Drs. Metcalfe and
Waul, were called; he wii still weak from
the effects of the operation and any excite
ment was deleterious. He failed rapidh
but sulleied little. Had hopes that he
would be able toon to attend the meeting
of the managers of the southwestern pool.
Mrs. Hoxie and Capt. Hayes were r.-ith him
There will be no funeral services in this
city. The body will be embalmed and
taken to Des Moines, la , tomorrow and
funeral cervices will be held on Saturday.
Mr. Hoxia had a eon who in buried in the
family plot la the ctraetery at Dot Moines
and before he died hi expressed a wish
hat ho tfaouU be buried by the side of hi?
In Mem or lam.
Atcsisoh, Kan., Nov. 23. At a meet
ing of ollicers and employes of the variolic
department of the ceutral branch I nion
Pacific railroad, held at the ofllec of Ever
itt & Waggoner this evening in this city,
the cencr.il attorney for aid company, W.
T Fagan wbu eleete-d chairman, anil F.
Kverett, secretary; the-reupon B F. Wag
eoner offered the following preamble and
resolution which were unanimously
Whereas, we hare jtmt learned with pro
found regret of the death of Col. II. M
LItxie, firt vice president of the Missouri
Pae ilic railroad company, and
WiK'Kas, rcoguiingthe eminent abili
ties and ppkndidtalentn of the deceased us
u railway executive. n(- earnestly de-iring
to show o ;r appreciation of hiJ ktvicc a
an olrleer and sterling worth and churjeter
as a man, therefore be it
Resolved, That we extend to the re'.a
tivc and friendb of the dece-aml our tvm
pathy in this their great ler:aveme:it, and
to assistant man -igers of the southwestern
ytetu our deep regret at the lot, of one
o wie in counsel sud able an executive
Resolved, That as a further mark of re
spe t a copy of the mmutc and resolu
tions be printed and psted for thirty dare
in all of the oulces an I etatiuns of thi
Ka.s-sas Citv, Not. 23 Lodges 51 and
164 of the Brotherhood of Locomotive E-s:iRt-ers,
in this city, met tonight and
adopted resolutions of respect and condo!
eaoe upon the death of H. M. Hoxie. A
special to the Journal report Mmiler at
tion by the Mi-souri Pacific employs, at
Parcoru, Kaaas.
St. Lor 1 9, Not 53 The jwtti of the
dth of Co! H H, Hric, Jlrt Hee-pnsi
drill and general maavger of the Muotm
Pacific rilroi was Te.-eied here todfty
with profound fcorrow. Dot only by hwl
t-ociatcfi In tin? managerneat of the great I
sy-tcin and empl') cs of the road, but by a
wide circle of f nends tnd a-tjuaintanct:
he bsji in Hi; city. 031f and employe j
at the centrnl head otmrteM of tle com-1
r.a- tv t vsrtrwifc Ma'jont m me niv.
. . ... . ;.
h.4,i Bi.dn,-i thu RfiMTiM,n and adootI
rnlo;IcreMdutionof (oiHoxieft ibilUTla110 Ule "' thr Mrakcr
.c.r..!r,N!M.nHr h! vinrinMs aim!
dred of the eaplovefl and Ifiey will bi heM
a dav r two for mre narctn-, when they
will 'be -nt to Kr lloxic as meraonul
bxve teen he! i at principil pfece 03 lb J
roid at which rc-dsiuoas ' respect wrc
j zn
i"r .-. r..-r... -K . - ; - -
i Rorrictn mstmctt!. hv teJegrapn. r.tl cm
Ttt-iijti fcuwrrioienarciv aao hssax oi ovparv-
' .' . . . ... . . w
menu of the oea.ui ot tattr uci oroenr.
I" s -ctr "- t- rw-c
thf d'ufcd ;h.t all oSces aai tharm oi
Kfany telcrim hire bjen receiveel f roro 1 arrange a rain mcewasj in prisma 3atai ' fiouJ ai wm, rrfewl U laic lhz la'
poinuon tfae-yei'ni espreicr; dvrp oar-1 the vtmJic: in caw: a xnp-rcrJeat 1 ntMafi remalnfaBi; m Ba!gsria isfter Gobi
-r f Ur I Jnrie df-ntb snd raw-tit? ! eranVjd by tome oweof tie .opreme hd. 1 jtaaJhnr femtUtTc uixlcr tivrm&n im
i- tni7-Hr...ithetxapeir be closd ou the da;, of Of
r funerxl, and that no more traiaa be
1 . 1 .
! Wf o-wJ ww-sr.
" i . ... -f . .. - - j
A coniBituee repneaus? ca oepsuri
meat of the road d comssdrraWe sum -
ber of Hox: autre lntimat; fneai wdl
' attrnJ tar fuorrsl at D Viofai aad b is
, eipscied thii a Isrje isutaber 'of tiirod
&Sdab. in dtSenmi p?u of lias west wfll
Caarlei Trsaela Actaisn' Fnnerai.
QctKCT, UiM.. Sor, 22. The funeral
of Chariai Fntaaia A?- vu held frcit
llaa t r- al t 'clock this af rooa.
The services were very brief and simple.
consisting of the rciKlinE: of tlio burial
ritual by" Rev. D. 31. Wilson, of S'onc i
temple.who was assisted by Rev. Henry
W. Footc. of King's chapel, Boston, anil
the singing of two" hymns by the Temple i
male quartette. The interment was at Mt.
Wallaston cemetery, where the committal
service m as read. There was no flowers or
Arthur's Will.
New Youk, Nov. 23. The will of the
late ex-Preident Arthur, which was matlo
m March last, will probably lj nll for
probate tomorrow It i believed to direct
the disposal of a'jout $2o0.00G of real and
personal property. It is sa'd that the lo
qurtf:, exrept in one or two instance in
which charitable institution: are benefitted,
are of a private nature. Nearly all the
prominent perrons wl.o came litre to a
tend the funeral have depsirtesl from the
city. 31 r. Blaine went away th? morning.
Gen. Sheridan went to "Wasliiun
ton in the afternoon. ex-President
Hayes had already goce to Ohk.
sen itors and members of eonirreK: returned
to Washington em Moudny night's train.
Judge Greiham and ex Secretary Lincoln
diel not return to tne city from Albany but
went to Chicago. Ex Secretary Chandler
went from here to Nen Hampshire; ex-
t Attorney General Brewster came Unci: to
the city and went at onre to Philadelphia:
ex-Postmaster General Hatton returned
here and v ill remain two or three day?
The family remained in see'luion today,
receiving only a few intimate friends.
The 3mpoi'ir Homicide.
Kansas Citv, Nov. 23. An Emporia,
Kan , special saj Rev. Robt. lnirl Col
lier arrived late this afternoon from Kan
sas City. The funeral services over hi.
Kn, L!" D. Collier, were held at .seveti
o'clock this evening after which the funer
al party left in a special car over the A. T
k S. P. road enroute to Davenport, where
the interment w ill take place Yarbrough,
the murderer of Collier, will have a
hearing tomorrow
An Octo:enariau Murderer.
Clkvklakd. O . Nov. 23. Tlu-? morn
ing Judge Hutehius bound old man
Wheeler over to the common pb: court
without bail for the murder of hi. wife.
Wheeler was SI years old and his wife was
ST. They had In ed here half a evnlury.
Each wr-h worth $20,000. Mr-j. "Wheeler
was strangled to death on the night of the
12lh inst. Wheel r claims two robbers
wcie the murderers
Ta Ta, Oklahoma.
Rkd Fokk, I. T., Nov, 23.'-Capt.
llayei. ot the Fifth cavalry, came in last
evemn? from the Sue ami Fox ageuey iuhi
the southwest wh-re he lias ln moving
Oklahoma lxomers off the forbidden law!
I le states the Indian department hr. con
cluded to locate the Comnnchr.. Cheyenne.
Arapaho, Kew.iucr. and Wirlntn1, tast
of the Jtesth degree of hngitude, which em
braces Oklahoma. Thii will rttle thnt
part of the country as being open to whit
The .McOnado Trial.
New York, Nov. 23. At half past 6
o'e-lock the jury came into court and rr
portetl to the rmrdr that it had leen ini
possible to agree on a venlict and expressed
thelH'lief that further trial to do o wan
useless. The recorder lectured them ou
tlio importance of the duty In-fore them
and K'nt them bnk until 11 o'chxk It i
understood that the panel bus stiHl ten for
conviction and two for anpiittal all dny.
At 0 o'clock tonight the jury reportcl
that they were unable to agree, theTwen
then locked up for the night
Plradln;: for Time.
Chicago, Nor. 23 Ijonanl Bwrlt,
Captain Black anl others, attorney w repre
renting the iuterwU of the i-vrtn con
detnnwl anarchist, applied to Jnttiej Boutt
of the Illinois tupretiie court for wiper
cefleas. The matter Imu not yet been de
Chicago, Nov 23-The Daily New
Broammgton, 11!,, special Kiya. Applha
tion for a wipereetiisw in Uie cne of Bfrfe-,
Parsons nu 1 their eouvictetl fedow aa
an-hist was made to Justice Stott. rf the
Illinois Fiipreme court thin afternoon by
Leonard Swett anil Cajitain Black Th"
brief of IM jHigcts wid their lailky rec.nl
of the trial coisting of H.000 tjje wriiuoi
tmres were bHbuiittfl without
oral argument. Jimticc Htaw
said he would receive te rword uiid lnrf
and give Uicm an immediate cxantiuntioo.
TliTeupon Capt. Bbsck and 3lr. Hwrtl n
turned to the hotel, and u fw ndout
later w-at again t Justice Scat' rm
followed by two jujrter!' carrying lxtTV-u
them the trunk contai lag the KMW i
reeonl. After unpacking i in Juaiirc Sc-WV
preheme. Capt. Black aael Jfr Settlmnd
d him the brief anl imulr a few expiana
tions as to thi error claim wl and Wvr Utry
could le mo-t expodiiiuJy examined, io
oral arguaient w.-v made It k nadttood
another Interview -will be iirid wfcJt him
Nothlar will be done tonijiit in the
matter of conslekTtng the appticauno v
Judge Soott. He will begin sork Umntr
row on the conuleratioci of tiwr UxAhtHtoy
and will work 'n it uUdHy md m rapWIr
as poaeiihk' Ui tin cod. It is odTtod
there will be no rl Fgutnst. il txtn
apparent that bo cocln;-ioo will b reached
for a nomberof day.
Chicago, Not. 28. The Ainrcy mo-
; custum
rfetrotly formed to mam
the loorrmcfit in iavtr i ihe enadrHHil
anarchic. bekJ r. muetig UtMiffrs. ul wbkia
the pnacipc.l hpeakep- wtre Stair Rprr-tUiUTe-eleei
C. G. IHxoa, M. J. Dmper,
G Korbat-k sad baator H. iL JJrk.
each of wnosn wa a MMeo-Xal cwb
dkiatc on tbe lal;r ticket in
ifhu rAnl
rft-iUm. Yt biie diUirbi'
v '
! being aoarehki or ootnmnabl a lb-
1 veheaienU y dmtmt ed the verdk m toe aa
! UaUed'Iibor parly noakl pr-t a jU
to ic goTcnnr tMwwuvts vtmr
cney. and
a coKUni'ic w spp'iUiTa v
A Traill ess GonieB5ae.
New Tokk. Nov, 28. A enwlcrcacr
1 r.-.rr".. .'. " ' .
, wsjt aea this murroooa !ewern rmtmtem
naraa taai a ooraiotusc ot :HttoTn ywet
jm? aimiors, aau i'rrariii aaa sati ?-
.. - , -r. t t . , ... i
, '" UKcni ui sar unnq .itnww ij.
mtrm,- wa ia er -
Tbc object of Ue wmietrmK wa Ui met-
i sfck t the pba of Up Northern IoJir Co
in )oinis with lb VaUm PaeiAc ntiJrond
,tnttArUutunnxvm .3avisxm pm
t. ij t r. . . 11 .
x-rcwscEi xi. jt. 7 w- &iynusmuf,
' 4lrd that aotitiitg xkM Yt direr, not m
1 1 rqcard to the conference rivumtimx
s Adam. of Ue Ujiw l'ri$c rxUroed. -rt
i aat pn-fai l tlj-cooiretv.
Exprw lUit VCat OtT.
XewYokk. Kor. S3. In ajrer-nknee
-ftb the sgressnent st&td by rcprewnu-
tires of Xhh exprc-4 ozap&mti etrrdy,
j tL chdtcxlioz rate of b: pria j tre
j r4ure4 b all Uam tolyr.
WHOLE NO. 788.
A Great Battle as Fouglit
Kecently in South Af
rica Between Friendly Natives and 4
Portuguese and Hostile
The Former Were Defeated: the Total
t , .. r't tiiiUi Knl.1 tu tli ?
XJUS13 iV JJWlfc .... .....
"Kisht Thousand.
Thelnsnrrection In IndlnSpreadlB
The Ameer Saspectod of l-
The llnsso-ltulRarlan ComptUattoa
Not Nearln-r :t Sutllcmont iu
London. Nov. 2 Priscrw Bcstrk.
wife of Pnneo Henry, of Battcnl-.rg, ad
youncet daughter of Queen Victoria, ban
e.ivr birth to a sou Both mother aoid
-on are doing well lord Randolph
Churchdi ivs m'mistir in attendanco at
the ae'coiichtiieat
A grexit j-care was causcel throughout Uw
u extend this nfteniotui by the tiring ot
cannon in St. James park lo celebrate &
bitth of the nuecn' new grand child. X
dense fog w:u prevudng at the time, aad
for a while the ilenotation were beilarcd
to le tlio' id some dynamite attack.
The Krl of Canmvon publwht-4 a lelUM"
in the '1 unit, defending the procnt gnr
eminent and ftrongly approving the tra
fer of air R G. C. Hamilton from the poat
of under -vx'retarj for Ireland to thu colo
nial Government.
A flUiMitrh from Bliamo tars A PrtT
of Daeoit at mkhd;:ht eulentl the BrltUh
eantonment, el lire to th barracka and
tiard hoiiH. killed three loepini: Kurnpa
ans and then decamped. The gnrri0
sa notularined unlil the Uacoiw wer
making otT.
The Bntii-Ji resident at Aden. !n behalf
uf the Bombay amTuinent, li-w annexed
the imporUnl iSlnd of HcHla fn tho la
dtan m eio, and howUxl tlw British flaf
Advices fmm Durban, Nov nbr SJ,
state that a geacrai and apperouUy succr
ful rcvidt Is ih mgre among the natlvn
agaittol InrtitgiKiwi auUtoritiva in South
ri Africa. The Atneiican intfcd nary,
Wilcox, arriTetl in DuriMin from the 1'or
tiieiise hettlrtneni on the eat e-ot abort
1 ht-Trail. sal His report H as f i'oWi:
Nuti.t. ai hihanilwiuc. a Portugal e port.
two huudrtd mile nhuvv Dfhgci bay,
re up Hgaitut Pirtugiu'j taxniu.n S.Ul -mimle-rcd
tt oHcct)r ()ctoln-r 1J.I A
ba ttle was fuught brtin b.OW Portu
HCmM- ami friendly native Mi one side i
'.10,000 hostile nntht-H ou the other Tha
Portujcue weie drfcatetl and puted. Tha
l in killed ou both fide4 U ctluiated t
,000 men.
.Mr. ileox ray tbe goTenmr of JaV ;
juatiiqiio haa gone into the country to ca
.f avor to xuppivM the n volt ami wire th
port of JuliMuilmnc fruxa f dllnir Into tka
the hrjKlf of the liui-rnl. The towa
w burnendrd whrn tut' mloionarr la4
heard from it and tin wtmien and childrra
bad Iw-'ii n-nM.vi-d to t-hlpa lying U U
iiiadatend. The er.Urc c uatry around ktii
ibcton ban alremlj Un abandoned Vy
the Ponugctrf- and arranpfOi'-tiU JHrititad
to remove the pojrti!nu'ii of ltd cmtant
out to aen if hoHiile native attack lh iuviu
in force.
Pprn. Xrv 2S - It l ftalod that uudar
pr'urr trum thu Ucrwiaa nud PKlsh mem
ir the Austrian deb-ffat lon'n Iwdg'-t cont
ij.itn-4 report ban twn auieoderl so u to
contain censure of General lv.au! Isr awa
make Ie( e'mphaiic tir a-ajju rfealnt
Ohi waevfal character of the relatluri U
iweea Auatria aud Rufin.
The budctt ootnmite; i Um A'istrlwi
d lrptlu in utahing nrfort 00 unrig
MitiwalfM Hudepi to what it ca)U "uuivvt ,
m! dwap)ronl of Gene-ral Kaul!r't arbl
trary inierftTeticc. otiijare-l with the vU
and moderate ututo-k .! tha B ilf arlana.
IMtrrriojf W tlie iprvihr whbh Wtr
made b Krnjrnr rraaciii Joseph J4
C uot jtaltukT on Austria forela rt
riox.s Um oumioi'Uf drarri tlut tlw
"Awlriaft fife crcr rewly to aiake any
rrnflf when the loor f the maftrch
ha Ui f. dcftudcd, rmi are grateful that
Uey ty Uwc l-b-inp of peace."
The utmioiUee rrjtk-m ihat the frlea'l3ilp
l-i'xr u Au-trU and t;rtaay iM "bsfil
j AtvufXin n-d AH-wt n msdt ttb
ax-ord aiwl Jett.iy of taterrts ltn
KajfUnd and Atwiruiio itcoy jyint, uml
r-MuiM uuuU- to U- f t tuat Auitna efl
j-y an vauWrnrnmluix witJi Ivjy whkk
will prove mt'ttiaily adraUtrou4 ntid U
in Uh tetenwt i,i rmt
DruLtn, Hot, SSL TJc trMp at Cttf
rf h ot KiMarv. AlMoo ami lul.m hr
hern mfKn! aoi irt t lo U Ju rc'f
loom tcuxl ...! tmiiiary duty dOfng lha
Ai a Meeting ui ihr Sntiemz Lcfeue to
day H wt anwouartd that KtA had Ura
rtodvl lre laai meeunv. that i.4$
j bar! Imhxi ifr-okd to erieied Un&tiU Kf,
ilnrrtnptm niualtf ir u i.ower Ae
j&i'Xn u yxttai xbs aproprittwa of
Katire pfws ci Ger
wvrr Xhr irpOft
MdJ in feHttfff. Iktf
I protaeUoit rf RnwaiiV Ja llulgitH ou tlw J
vccomtu m JtMUiwns oiari-i.'t it H
Sk-kdiy dexow I-re VkmX Ur- KTMm
tsoe whra rwtH! V 'in w by tli rtif f .
ikfimsi. tbr oClciaJ itttd He fkaL
-it kapryi ti IT;e njlmr
rr -,-." :..; rr'
xttrrTomrta. af uraany iur oaitMm
a6 tmmnta u exxtn. m csarrw ot jw-f
nw airj'- naa;u. m vs e. jss-s-sssjij
i . .it . . - i . J.
BmcurrKiaow w pw.4 i.uww
1 vrAAev vl Um (Usmma rnrfii. YJ
j ml vJ m ij mua rpiI,
J ndtA.
Vjhmax. i-r Si. A tvtr (I nxt-
. . . . . - f. .
jrteu:t 4fco anr!tJ Ik-- Ifts iSJ5Xtte j
.! that tihittm h lw bv Afiwrr t.
Aiftmaiaixa't irfM
Tiwr 1- w? lh
4 , i, kj rafid tt. 1
j the hJtorace til niiVMa faneiw,
htibeUtwrx.u. Many of tH:a
I iroaan ar Woloc !& r-bd oInif lo titr
f kamKvblc awjeettftoce rhea Jo w-rftfirf
:li Ilrfdrh AfiaafcrtAn lousdarr ammi$
ja by JbncT. wljkrU gxTcrK8 turn
i pkkj& that he la.Uzu.Ul Ui yield IS Vrithlf
I oecUtiwi. 3
L ' -i r itf- tl
TUsiH-c - J T iCVi
4 . '
' 1

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