OCR Interpretation

Wichita eagle. [volume] (Wichita, Kan.) 1886-1890, April 15, 1887, Image 5

Image and text provided by Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85032490/1887-04-15/ed-1/seq-5/

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$fce WticMto j?ails Saflfe: grtdtes Stomrttxg, &jn?it 14, 1887.
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Canadian Reciprocity.
New York, April 14 At the annual
meeting of the Canadian Club last evening
-Ernstus Wimau who was elected president
of the club, m-ule an address in which lie
referred to the present relations of the
United State3 with Canada, ilr. "Wimnn
thought it was almost impossible to over
estimate the importance of occurrences of
the next few weeks, lie thought that if
the object sought by Canada in her strict
enforcement of the exactions of obsolete
regulation and deni.il to American vessels
privileges enjoyed by Canadian vessels the
world over was the payment by the United
States of an award similar to the Halifax
award, it ought to be underwood once for
all that the American people will never
grant any such. There is no way to adjiibt
successfully the relations of the'two coun
tries. Mr. Wltuan thought, but by means
of thorough reciprocity between them;
such as suggested by the" bill before con
gress offered by Mr." Butter .vorth of Ohio.
A 2fevr Development.
Indianapolis, April 14. Something of
a sensation developed today in connection j
with the trawls ailegea to nave neen com
mitted at the lant elections. Under a nil
ing by Judge Gru-Jmm the prosecution
were forced lo transfer the cae to the j-tate
courts and the grand jury of the criminal
court has been taking evidence in the mat
ter. Tne jury is drawn to serve mx
months. It consists of six members and is
equally divided politically. Today th'i
Republican members tent a letter to the
judge in which they stated that there was
ample evidence to warrant the finding of
indictments in the election fraud cases, but
that such results were prevented by the re
fualof the other meinliers of the jury to
take action. In concluding, the three
members aked to be excused from further
service on the jury. Judge Irwin on re
ceipt of the letter expressed considerable
indignation, and said that tne facts stated
developed something entirely new in crim
inal jurisprudence.
A CrrouudlerfB Scare.
Kkw Youk, April 14. A New Orb-ans
special says: Referring to the report that
the steamship Gulnare is on the Iri-h
coast with a cargo of dynamite, it may be
proper to state that the" original and only
Gulnare is now in the fruit trade between
this port and Bay Islands. Stic sailed from
New Orleans April 1st for llurta, and her
charter is to the leading shipping house oi
Woodward & Wright. She sailed in bal
last and the only frtight she carried was
specie with which to put chase a cargo of
bananas. She will be due on return tin's
week. Some mouths ago the British con
sul here caused the Guluare to be detained
some da) a for an error in Jer papers. The
defect was mended and she went about her
business. The v(sd was owned by prom
inent Irfch nationalists of this city, an I
SDiue excitement was canted at the time Dy
the rumor that she Has Jilted out as a
Fenian privateer, and this may have given
rise to the scare on the other side.
Time Convention. t
New Youk, April 14 The time con
vention of railroad superintendents and
managers concluded its sew-ion this after
noon at the Hotel Brunswick. The new
code which was provisionally adopted six
months ago wa9 brought up again and
adopted. It will be put in operation as
soon as practicable. By this code a uni
form svstem of signals by lamps, wheels
and other methods and regulations for tim
ing and starting trains, rules for running
trains on single tracks, for switching and
side-tracking, are included in the code.
the general intent ot the new cone is to
injure safety to passenger and freight.
A plan for a system of telegraphic signals
was also introduced and provisionally
adopted. It will come up at the October J
St. XrOKlS LlT 8te)C
ST. Loci. April 14.
Cattl-Rcta. SOObpt 1CO0 market easier, choice
hwivy native teers $i T05 20. shippers
tora fair to gcxy t OOfiU ": feeder fair to
ifood 3 203 9u; stockere fair to good tSi)S3 10;
Texas cxmmoD to eholc. t2 J03 90.
Hogs-Itecelptii 4!: Bhpt 13fJ market actlTe: levrer;
choice, heavy and bufhta selection S3 55
5 .(: DacJKlnz fair to pood. . HSffi Sir rnrtr m.
dlum to prime. 5 20O5 35. pigs common to good l 50
ShwD Recelpts.2600, ghlprapnts ; market firm
Wool-Mediuru faaw'y 3 COS bO; fair to c&oii.e3 10
($4 00.
Choice wed potatoes, 90c per bcshel, at
Stelnhauser-Morkle Supply Co. 127-tf
Choice seed potatoes, 90c per
Stinhauser-Merkle Supply Co.
bushel, at
A Sort of Omnibus Affair.
Pjttseukg, Pa., April 14. The Knights
of Labor in this district have formed a
national district assembly of iron and
steel workers. The new district will start
out with twenty local assemblies and a
total membership of over 4,000. It will
include every class of skilled and un
skilled labor employed in the iron and
steel works throughout the country. It is
-xnected that headquarters will be here.
Officers will consist of master workman,
grand worthy foreman and executive board
of seven. Sub districts will be located in
every iron centre in the country, including
Chicago, New York, Cincinnati and St.
A Chicago Stock Board.
Chicago, April 14. Members of the
Chicago Board of Trade have decided to
to take immediate action for the incorpor
ation of a Stock Board in connection with
the Board of Trade. Its members hop to
be limited to members of the board. A
board of eighteen directors has beeu chosen,
and a formal application will be made to
day to the secretary of state at Springfield
for a charter of incorporation.
A Virginia Town Burned.
Richmond, Va., April 14. A fire to
night in Onancock, Accomac county, des
troyed most of the business portion of that
town. Twenty-three houses, including
the Grand Central hotel, postofilce and a
number of business houses, were burned.
There is no lire department in the town
and the citizens could onlv tight the fire
with buckets. Losj $30,000: insurauce
St. Lou id in Lnck.
St. Louis, Mo., April 14 It is stated
on alleged reliable authority that the new
shons which will muui be built in the
southern part of the city by the Missouri
Pacific railroad, will be the largest r.-.tlroad
shops in tiie country and will have full fa
eiliiii-s for not only building and repairing
all kinds of cars, but for the manufacture
of locomotives.
Kansas City Gram and Provisions.
Kaxsas Crrr.Aprll U.
Dally Indicator reports wheat No. 2 red, cash
70 asked; Mav 69J-J bid. TH asked;
Corn steady; No. i cab,32 Jf afced: April &i(iBd
May S1H bid 35 asked; Ju y .15 bid. J-j asked.
Oats. No. 2, cash, 29 b!d, April 19 cid; Hay 3CH
rlour. dull. Btealr: Quotations xxS5; xxx 81.00
1 10, family 81 131 25; choice t.1201 to; fancy to
extra fancy i .V)l 65: patent 81 &2 00.
Corn Meal. Green, 67; dried, W, choice yellow, 65;
bulk. 70.
Kran Italic, 53; sacked. 61.
Hiiy Fif m: fancy MuaU baled. $S 50; large, $7 50.
Flax &ed !.
Rutter Creamery, fancy. S; fine dnirr, 22.
Cheeeo Full cream, lS5ihll; fiats, T&5.
Eggs steady.
IVtultrj Old hens, fat. heavy, 3?,f 3 23; rooatcrs'3 0
turkevs. U.
ProvUIons. Pusar cured hams,ll?(; bacoa V dried
bref. 11; dried bet-f cleir, 9; dry salt cleat rib side,
fS 2); Iodk clear, 1 3 30 shoulders. 85 00; short clear,
S 40, sraoke1 clear rib siJ, 6 7i); lon; clear,
3 fy. shoulders, f. 73: short clear. OS 1.
Mew Pork-$18 W.
Liril. Choice tisree, 7 00.
J. R. KeDnon fc Co., at 107 south Main at,
make a specialty of property in the south
and southeast part of tho city. 127-0t
Choice seed potato?, 50c per
Stemhauser-Merkle Sapply Co.
bushp, at
J. R. Kennon & Co., at 107 south Main,
will rent your property for you and jruaran
tee the rent. 127-6t
ave Placet
Our Roger
Choice seed notatoes. 00c oer
Steinhauser-Merkle Supply Co.
bushel, at
Parties bound to sell their property ought
by all means to see J. R. Kennon & Co., they
have $100,000 of eastern money, and are ltiy
ing for snaps. 127-6t
Kansts city lae Stocfc.
Kaasir Cirv.AjirU 1.
Cattle. Hpcipta, IWT. shlrimer.ta.HM. lower.
Trading not snRlcent to establish pricua.
ti(.s. Kecelpts. 3.40, ihipments, Sj3, 5 to
lower; pood to choice S4X W. common to
rae-Jluf 5 0045 40; ikipi and pUrs 58 !V?A ).
Sh"ep. R-eeIpl. 31, stdptueiiu. r.one; weak
jtikI to choicv, iri OVv3 50: eommm to luedium t,'i 00
52 73.
CUleauo Liive citocJt.
Crncu-oo. April 14.
The DroTera Journal reprt5 cattle ree!ntf lift):
ahiomnt.' 3V0: dull; shipping steers. 0-Vi to Mt) lbs
.'. MlatJ le': stocKcrs ann feeler C2 6 -.4 i S cows,
bulls aud mixed 1 75J 9). buUt $J.Oe30J; throush
"X.uf cattle $2 50S V).
TIo Keceipto 39 0O. shipments 6w markt
teady roun aim mixed SotO&i'B pacV
lUrfajidlppinKSSlSiS 8 Jtf Bht 65Wa5 50; kl
isuu S0j
Siiei-p Receipts Mi O.shlpnients 10"0: market slow;
natirea WOlAino. western 4 U414 IZ; Tcuns $2.'0
'44 vO. lambs $t MX3 5
Choice seed potatoes, 90c per
Steinhauser-Merkle Supply Co.
bushel, at
Grand Lodjyre, Knthta of Honor.
Ottawa, Kan., April 13. The Grand
Lodge, Knights of Honor, sUte of Kan
sas, met here today, nearly 100 delegaies
being present. At the night session the
following ollicers were elected for the en
suing year:
W. II. Fullis, of Girard, G. D.
J. S Ilisrgs. of Lawrence. G. V.
G. J. Copeland, of H iKtead, G O.
Kev. E Skinner, of Blue Itipuis, G
.1 H Birtle, of Topcka. G G.
S. B Itiig-5. of Emporia, G. It.
It S. Turnngton, of Emporia, G. T.
W. II Hixon, of Leavenworth, G. G.
A. E Baird, of Wiulield, G. S.
W. D. Butler, of PenlKhly, J. A. Wells,
of Erie, and .1. II. Bortal. of Arkansas
City, grand trustous.
Fort Heott Hilarioua.
Ft. Scott, Kan , April 34. An im
mense ratification meeting was held here
tonight to rejoice over the Bucceas of Fort
Scott, the discovery of two of the largest
natural gas wells iu the United States. The
flow of the gas is fabulous and will .supply
tho wants of this city for all purposes, tor
light, fuel and manufacturing. The daily
papers liens are tilled with illustrations of
the new gas wells aud immense nrtfdau
wells and the people are wild with eAcite
inent and enthusiasm tonight over the
grand boom now in progiw. There wab
ii grand trade procession tanight headed by
bras bands bpreehes were made from a
platform iu front of the Huntington houte
by Col. Harris, lion. J. 11 Salee, GeM.
Rice aud others. Fully 8,000 people weie
A Swoepiujr StrikH Predicted.
Dktkoit, April 14. The executive corn
mittee or the National Defensive Associa
tion arrived at the Itu-sell home at a late
hour hut night. This morning a meeting
of the committee win held at tho busine
olfieo of the Detroit Stove Co. After an
informal talk it was decided that an order
should be Issued to members of the Defen
sive Association throughout the district to
commence work t once on St. Loiii pat
terns. Secretary Thomas payer This de
cision unquestionably mean a Bjrike and a
strike means that 25 000 molders w ill quit
work and that 7,000 men aud boys will be
thrown out of employment More than
that, the same movement will sweep the
Aphis: tho Naughty Men.
Boston, April 14. The Herald states
that .Mrs. Sarah E Iiowo. f Tfoman's
Bauk fame, has absconded with $50,000 ot
dt positors' money. Ever inre her release
from convenient on the charge of swind
ling dcpoiitors in her bauk, she ha con
tinued the business of receiving deposits of
money from women, pacing, or promising
to par, exceedingly high rates of interest
thcieoH. A lady from Augusta, Maine,
called at ilrs. Howe's house last evening
for the purpose of collecting iutircsl on a
sum of Biney deposited with her. She
wjis told by the mau who came to the door
that "Mrs IIoc has skipped, and has
taken $50,000 with her." Warrant have
been issued for Mn. Howe's arret-t and the
police are searching for her.
And the End In "ot Yt.
Pottsijoiu), Tex., April 14. John
Christian, brother of James Christian, who
was killed a few days ago, organized a
posse of twelve to thirteen to hunt the
murderers down and lau on them last
iiiyht. Alex Duzm and Steve Itusoli, the
two men who,kiiled Chrhtian and Litttrel,
were killed, making four lives lost and the
end is not yet.
Gratifying to Stockholders.
Kkw Youk. April 14 The directors of
the St. Louis !c San Francisco railroad,
at their meeting today, unanimously voted
that the present earnings, if continued, in
dicate that the company would soon be in
position to pay dividends on preferred
stvtck. The net earnings for March are
estimated at $:00.000.
Chauute 1-cctted.
Cdaxctk, Kan., April 14. A big rain
fell lust night and the fat mens are afraid
we will have too much. Iteal estate baa
opened upon a bigger scale than ever. Mr.
Itr. C. C. Hawlings struck coal at a depth
of eighteen feet. Great excitemeut prevails.
These arc Actual lidruim.
4 lots corner Jackson and livers avenue,
Rosenthal's add, J 1,200.
t) lots Moser ave, Mapl? Grove add, ?2,2.ri0.
5 lots Wheeler ave, E University add,
4 lots corner Motor ave, Maple Grovo add,
SI, 400.
2 lots Garfield add, Hiram ave, $525.
4 e t lots corner Ida and Henry ts, Lincoln
st add, $2,000.
4 lots corner urana a iaura, iicuormiuEs
add, l,X)
3 lors Moley ave, Ranson & Kay'a add,
1 block from street cars, $050.
4 lots in Liuwood Park add, .J&iO.
4 Jots corner Francis and Avenue G. Lin-
wood Park add. i'KSO.
2 e f, Motley avo, Ranson & IvayV add,
2 lots Kelnh add, cor Mosley and Morris,
2 e f lots. Fourth ave, block 1, Allen &
Smith's add, $000.
50 feac corner Tepka and Pearl, 1 block
from street cars, with new rell fiHishad 8
room house suitable for one or two families,
And a full list of cheap farms, and im
proved and uuimprovel property in all parts
of the city. Ker.van Bros. & Webb,
Room 17, up stairs, 224 E Douglas ave.
Choice seed potatoes, 90c per
Steiuhauser-Merkle Supply Co.
bushel, a
A A. Hyde. C. B. Lcdi.ax. W. P. (X,sa-sla:.-d.
Pjeeidcnt. Vioe-Preti't. Secretary.
. T. HWE5. G. O. M. DUCKXER.
Six miles east of Wichita, on the
Lots for sale at
$50 TO $150 EACH
for a few days only to start the
Agents 123 N. Main ft. Wichita.
O. B. LTJDLAM, Manchester.
Bt;r Suit Decided.
Pakkersijuhg, "W. Va., April 14.
Judge Jackson, of the United States Court,
has decided tho important cae of Caper
ton and others against Rich and others, by
w hirh the heirs of Hon. Allen T. Capertou
are put iu possession of 04,000 acrea of
land in Webster county.
New Yurie Hunojr.
NhwYoiuc. April 14.
SScney on oai t-iwy aTirft percent; olostsl at 2t
Prime raere;ntllc iapt;r .iw 6
SUTlliii? exchaun dull litit HMuiji at f i B.'M S6
for uj a.iy bills uixl 4 o'H for tlin(l.
rhf total wtUvi of htooIiH "ett- iW.orJ unart.
H?r'enth 10U
J pt-r-oenta 1-"J
I't iwrtvnw ll'.H
5 jHr-it-nta of 'i lUt
UiHrOlirl 6 Ml
hk'iuro A AlMii 145
'tiictto, Hurlluton Quincj 1)2
ij.CAviuna lS
?.rW Xt
L&ko Short" 5$
rtixtourl Pacific lin
Sorthvvmtrn 11!S
NVw York Outral 1U
Hj1Iuk 1
Rock b-laml l!
.'nlon HttCUlc 6m
CVtvMh 2156
Wctru UakQ 77
Chlco Urnin and Provlwioas.
Cukuoo. April 14.
The whtat nirtcvt wsj active and etroritfor, with
ihorU buylug more freely iintl dlpljj!ng moroanx
let' to rover outstanding May iiales. Any buying ou
tlwlr part, however, c tused values to rapidly appre
ciate. Trades are completely nttMaas the probable
course of price during the rematnlns half of th
m mUi. Ouulile news hax very Uttt weight, iu the
lncoll!t of a May squeeze, on the price of May
wheat. Kecclp:a'J3U4. Xa delivery openeJ aiSSftg
row to SJJ6" where It c!oje.l. Corn was quiet tuid
easirr, hut closed at yetordayN figures. Oau iuhj
aud eaxlrr. H pork uuchar.ced.
To Partion Deslnnjj location Cor Manufacto
ries. Parties wishing to lacato manufacturing
establishments with b&t railroad facilities
in the Mibutbof Wichita, will consult their
interests by calling at the ofllce of Taylor.
Hall & Co., 21X N. Main st. . d-120-fli
Choice .eetxl potatoti-, DOc ier
Steinhauser-Merkle Supply Co.
bushel, at
Brinj;yonr property to us, wo can sell it
for you. J. R. Kenbo & Co.
Choice 'etl potatoes, 00c jwr
Bteiuhauser-Mwrklo Supply Co.
bushel, at
Ve guaranUo rents to owners of property.
Call and toe us. J. R. Kennon &Co.,
17-6t . 107 South Mam et.
I hare had eight yo&rv experience i'h drs
making and am prepared to do flrst-cJats
work. Cutting and fitting a specialty. Call
at 3-M South Oak uii ott, west side.
dU7lw Nora FzAfcz.
Choice seed potatoe., 90c per
Stoinhausar-Merkle Supply Co.
bushel, at
Real Estate Brokers, 414 E Douglas avenuo
vricnua, Kansas.
List of special bargains, revised eTery mom
in: No. 1 80 acres choice land in corn, 6 acres
orchard, 2-room hotue, well, large corn
crib; 80 rods from Vallov Center. Price
SS000; cash payment $:000.
Ho. 240 acres land under fence, 1-4 milo
from Maze.iSfldijwick Co., on W. fc C. R.
R. Price S5500. Cash pajmtSHOO
No. 3160 acre farm, 1-4 milo from Mbzo,
on W. & C. R. R., 7-room house, large
barn, sheds, windmill, under fence, 40"h
hog-tinht. Price $7000; cash p'mt $2500.
No. 4320 a farm, 7 miles east, 3 sheep
sheds, large oarn and house, all under
fence and cross fence. $50 per acre; one
halt cash.
No. 61 10- and 1 9-room house just south
of Douglas ave, rents for 80 per month.
Price $11250; cash payment 2600.
No. 62 lots on N Lawrence avo bet 10th
ad 11th sts. Price $3800.
No. 74 lots on Wichita ft, bet 11th and
12thfts. $1076 each; 1-2 cash, bnl 6 mo.
No. 83 lots on N Topeka ave bet 15th
and 16th sts. $800 each, bf cash.
No. 92 lots N Main st bot 3d and Central.
Price $22500; hf cash.
No. 102 lots opp Daisy-Crawford opera
house, on Topeka ave. $8000 each; hf
Call or write for particulars. Having re
sided in Wichita since 1876, wo realize
our ability to secure for you safe invfet
ments. You are invited to make oar office
your headquarters while iu the city.
414 E Douglas ave, Wichita, KJm., (Israel
Bros', old stand. dl25-6t
On the Pulse of the Clothing trade of this Community to the music
Smiling every clay as the crowds Increase for our fine tailor made clothinc. Everything fresh
and new, which we are selling ror less money than you have been paying for common slop goods. No
matter what others may advertise,
You Will Always Find Us Selling Better Goods for Less Money
than any other clothing house in the state. We handle a better class of clothing than was ever carried
by any other dealer in this oart or the country. Before we came to Wichita, a good share of the
trade in fine Clothing, Hats, Caps, Pine Imported Underwear and Furnishing Goods,
none of the dealers here carried that class of goods; and before we opened our Children's DeDartme-t
you could not rind any first-class Children's Suits, such as fine Kilt Suits, Jersey Suits, Sailor Suits,
Jacket and Pants suits, or anything else in
Fine Goods for Children's Wear,
ITow no one thinks of going away from here to buy anything In this line. On the contrarv. people
from other cities are coming here to buy Them of us, because we keep an immense stock or the best
goods made, and sell ihem cheaper than they can get them for at home.
Tour are all earnestly Invited to call and examine our ex
tensive line of fine goods, and extreme low prices.
COLE 4 JONES, the One-Price Clothiers,
225, 218 and 220 E. DOUGLAS AVE,
Motor Line
Henry Scliweiter.
Ijeoaasora to
Cemetery .Ttollcu.
Notice is hereby given that all lots .and
fork in Highland Cemetery must be paid for
in advance and all work ordered through M.
8. Uochelle, as no other orders will bo hon
ored. Wichita Cemetery Co. 12(M2t
bushel, at
Choice sef d potatoes, 90c per
Steiuhatuer-Merkle Supply Co.
Te Township Officers.
The Eagle Printing house have In Etock
all the blanks tkat are used by them in their
business, also justice docket, civil and
crmin&l combiaod, at aa low a figure a tny
stablishment in the west. w7-tf
Chaico seed potatoes, JV)c per
Steinhauser-Merklo Supply Co.
bufchel, at
A special bargain, 100 acres only three and
a half miles east of Main st ad two aud a
half miles north of Douglas ave. Can ba
bought very low if taien at once.
127-St KnoitT fc Fciu.og.
Choico seed potatoes. !c pr bushel, at
Steinhau&er-Merkle Supply Co. 127-tf
For sal at a special bargain, if Fold within
a few days, a fow of the mot beautiful eaat
front lots on Jackson street. Griffenstein's
7th and 8th add. Also on New York and
Boston aves, Xathewson add. For further
particulars call on V. J. D., No. 805 Water
rt. 127 8t
Choice seed potatoes, 90c per bushel, at
Steinhauer-Mrkle Supply Co. 127-tf
Taken aa a Straw.
Ew:bka, Kan., April 14 It is regard
ed as a railroad item of importance Uih:
Gen. Sill, agent for the Atchison. Topeka
& Santa Fe railroad Co , today purchased
twenty-three lots adjoining the company's
depot'on the east. The fact that the Santa
Fe people are buy in tbh property is con
sidered a corroboraiTnj: the curreut suppo
sition that the rouad houses and divi-iou
headquarters of tbe Mulvane exteusiou
will Ik: located in Eureka. Combined
with the riin of yesterday thie has greatly
stimulated the real estate market aud the
transfers for yesterday and today uggre
ratesixtv thonand dollars.
SLOT Moltier'a Trouble.
LouiaYii.LK, April 14. Tho trouble with
thettovt moulders has renchid this. city.
The principal stove manufacture! s today
received the (s-cab) patterns which have
passed through thu shop f the Fourth
district where all the men are on a strike
announce their intention of standing by
the National Abboeintion. The number of
men employ! is helwoea five and siv
hundred. These latter y they will not
do the work and expert to go out iu the
morning. The manufacturers ay they
nro well stocked and that they will not be
Injured by the atrike.
AirU 7SH 77i Wi
lay 8.4 S4i Ss,
JtiiK- :JH als S1H
April 3:v sit S(W
iw r. i z'i,
June 4t'H Ai i
Ajtril iti HH Ui
ar JH -Mi stii
June -, ai
t I'ork
April 3)f0 ?).0 5V30 5J rj
... 21U r.lit v31W 'Ant
June tliU ri)iilui) :".m
AtHl 7S' 70 'H
Hiy iw 7i) (iin 71H
Ju..,. .7W IM 7 Ii
Cah oaotatlon ww a rlUw:
yionr it'silj-xnd unoli!Uurl.
So juprliiK h.jt .i3S;,-
So X fprliit? wtMt 1H
So I corn MiW
So i Barley hi
M- port Ju 75.
Boperui. nijti:s'3H
tvnwvat 4,,n
Con 1"M" Si'
Bt .. blwt iitf)
Kt. Ils Oram and Vrovlalona.
Sr. I-jitn April U.
ricnr-Qu! and dull. ..
'. beat Acdre Sn. 1 rvd ot. T-4i. !lsr7?K
AV 1'wlnir st S H ''d. Jane,r?r5i clalc.57Ii.
U 1. July 7Hlt"Ss
(J.rn -dutlcT VT,-.T.- Say 544&54K e!o.tcS
at Hih; JuueS.v: Jul st. .,.,
0ii-Kl-m ih37U: 31T. T'.
Bv a7 M V
IAd ull iM"Jl,!CB.
7s Firm at H
Batter Low. r:
y.vk Oil inf 'J 0; nw lt 00,
Choic sewi potatoes.
Stemhauser-NIerkle Supplv Po,
90c per bushel, at
Pioneor -:- Lumber -;- M-an
EstiiDllshed In 1870.
A Complete Stock of Pine Lurobe.i
Shingles, Lith. Doors, Sash, etc.,
always on hand
OffW KNrt rvsU ou HUriKl U.-i betwpor. Davla
renurf mu. f-a-ji dttmr
have op'-neel an office first
ricor vest of the New Carev
Hotel, where can b fcund
piats ana prices on my pro
perty along the Motor Line,
which h now being built to
the southeast part of the city.
Prices reasonable & terms
asy, '
hiladelphia Store
S. W. Corner Douglas Ave. and Market St.
Fifty Cents on the Dollar.
Real Mate Coid'y
Correspondence Solicited.
Wichita, Kan.
2 lota on FIlia ave, near Kellogg st,
A lots on Eni8 ave, near KtWuzg et,
6 lote on EHia avp, ntr Kellogj; it,
8 lots on Ellin avo, ntr KeUojjg rt,
ifr. H. I. Rick.
Choice eed potatoes, 90c ier
S t vi n hauser-Merkte Supply Co.
bu5bel, at
Wo have hou-a for ale from $2,000 to
$10,000 in every direction. Homes can be
procured through us on the mw liberal
terra. Come and see us; vre c-an sell yon
number one farms at prices that will r.rtonish
j-ou, and at figures that rrill pay you to in
vest. Remember the Eagle's prophecy
that all good farms in Sedtrick county will
be worth $10) per acre. We have at the
prewar time for sale 475 acres of Cowskin
land, well improved, for $40 an acre, and
will give mors than liberal tc-nus to the
right party; or will tke part payment in
citv property. This property roat be sen
to be appreciated. Walker & FidJer, 183 Jf
Xain. dl2S-tf.
Choice ed potato, 9f)c pr
Steinhauscr-iltrkle Supply Co.
bushel, e
Choice fO?d potato, Sfc'c pr biubel, at
Steinhauser-Merkle Supply Co. 127-tf
Ylka's AddSiien.
First coma, first choice. Terras e.y. For
sale by Tuceep. & Jace50.y,
d 124-tf 144 N. Main tt.
Township Offloer.
Each Road 0v6reeer should baTf
a 1 oaii OvLrser's Account Book, Ke
coipt Book for Labor, Receipt Book
for Extra Work, and a Receipt Book
for Msteri&l Uaod.
(P"Tbe above dbonld be fnrnisheti
to the OtHcors of each well regulHUni
Township.ai the expeiiee of the Town
ship. The Eagle ha the most om-
ptete Books acd Blanks now published.
At Lowest Rates and Ready for
r xatj.- arntsT.
la th V6IWt o ttt Xlanecah, fertll kerod pree
dnU nd wbere Um crops oerer tall, tbe
Occidental Tors ant Laid Cs.,
OBtr tor Sid lot ta tiw f o!lwlai
Hfcllrt.! tvwnt Is KAOaa:
CXUSTXll rniOm wt of Kingman 3SbQ'
wt of wlohlta.
CAIRO 'U nif wwt ot Elnian. anJ K KVf
l of tVlciilta.
CTTUSOt. U mi wn of Slnssuim, oad SB a2
ww of Widuta.
Th iMe towiM Jiat h rnrod sad irleri
frattocit. jlUo conEnloai hyroil "! U W!cJt 4
TtxlmrTL. Asthloa. To;fci !ata 7b. ad St. Lcrai
t. Sn Fraceiwo R.lrr-Xjj-v
H. Clooa. CalIJ-att.Ko. C. P. BhoV.
Cairo. Ea R. a BScftartiJ- Cilfcto. Ka.
DtM-rtor-B TT Kl:nW, Bouc. Ma; a. K Prai
k, Tp. Cn; H. L 6oarake. Trj. SiJi. 7
K. OUh-u. Klojmaa. Kit; T.CaW, Prid3it
Wihn, Sab.
And Silk: Sun Umbrellas, commencing Monday morn
ing and continuing until they are all sold.
remove all worms 1IC2P7 Tapo Worm.
Actiusr as a cathartic, thoy clratiK! tho fts
tera of nil lmpuritiCF. GITZ IZTOC k I?JiL
or by mail, In 25c, W)c.t ana 31 00 eizes,
removed alive
In two houra.
witu 2JJ.D wsriiE. consultation true.
bye&ecia! order. Termi H'aonable
2U Kanwi Ave.
fOppoa!te TVladaor ITotc!) lO-JIi, IlISi!
Conit to UriqiM-iw for Iar Brl
Pereheron Stallions.
At Pretty Viev Stoct rirm. located 4 mUf
wt of WichlU.
Real Estate Brokers.
Boom No. 3, 114 Mala street
'Wichita, TTnrM
In January last vro closed out the entire stock of
parasols and silk sun umbrellas or a manufacturer
retiring from business, paid spot cash for them and
got them at our own prices. The prices wo paid will
At just about fifty cents on the dollar of last year's
figures. We know it Is a little early for parasols but
at the prices we put on them we expect to sell them
Cm hor French p-JUrre with all lakronaU
bows. Ulllons In rvJee Tir jerof ljf7
Brats;. French draft, colo- black, tV) Gatu-b-Ua,
French Co ch, vjlor bty, biak JnlaU
323 J -pS. hlh xnile F-toci Draft, coiox
sc! KTtj, li to lasar ccaret with foal
Mar?s from a dlttaace krpt n-fW lre of
char? atowTSfr' rlk Al are 1 tj-5 to ia-r-rt
rat cnrM tntoit breMtajj 1wt
Win (UnJ at ax firii 'U fir 4 dy of the
fi, yrWav Dd Satnltv J r'Holisws'
bra. : cwl end or Map!- '. hildt 4 blii
-ouxb oT Ix-Q7l Arenas R.n I hare f.or
-l aad rm3p tullion? fr : alKafw
rlsoie -ho-iiiora bull toz Mfct rvot&bl
trnu. 4Jvi-w5i-:n HlBA SKITfl.
Ooar-JCVir for C ac-1 Xt-.caJ crpec lrailt.
Xtzi tor ArvJu: WX! eua:z7.
114 Main st, Room 4,
"Wichita, Kin.
Tucker & Jackson
Heal Estate & Loan Brokers,
7o acres adjoining John Bright University S42.COO.
60 feet and a large brick block on Dougiae ave $46.CX3a
25 feet and a 3 story brick house on Main st 25,000,
42 feet on 5 ifth ave S5.6GO.
35 foot basinets lot ou we&t side .$3,0C0.
10 lots on Cleveland ave $6,000.
50 feet and 3-room house on Ohio ave 2,500.
25 feet and 5 room house on Ohio ave SI. 200.
9o feet and fine house on Waio st $1 l.ooo.
4 lots on Hydraulic Sl,6oo.
4 lots In East University add Sl.ooo.
4 corner 1 is In South University add SO-So.
4 lots in Garfield 2nd add Sl,25o.
2 lots In Matthewson's add S3,ooo.
Tucker & Jackson
144 NORTH MAIN ST. 144

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