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MV JS -mrzzz? H , Ki HH, WUW EuKA,KnMApril 15 -A .party of t A I V IX HA K
i, t msr tr a j& emv w jt kj maf'y 'Ar-r-jv iiuituiuiiu iuu uunu
I v M H ) TSB Sr ks3 BH j00"" Mourning at the Death
L ;, , M W vl!r' &! IfC ', 0fL of Her Honored
h &i I W 111 am mM 'BK' !F H&
)f 123 and 125 Main Street.
li: i
Standing : on
Of 14th st and Broadway, New York, where one hun
dred ladies pass eery minute, over sixty on an average
are wearing Jackets like those we are now showing, and
lovely little Jackets they are, worth from $3.50 to $10
each, come and see them.
1 00 New Spring
These come almost exclusively in black beaded grena
di e. New designs.
Tne result of weeks of toil in gathering mountains of
me chandise for you will be crowded into one grand
carnival sale
1000 yards crepe Hesse ruch
ing. 50 new designs wortn 50
cents per yard at only 25 cents.
1000 yards fancy ruching at 5
cents per yard.
lOo doa all linen hemstiched,
handkerchiefs, white and rancy
borders at 12 1-2 cents.
50 doz sheer linen lawn em
broidered handkerchiefs at 50
50 new designs in jet dress
trimmings from 10 cents to $7.5o
per yard.
50 little Nansook dresses, tuck
ed and pleated, at 35 cents.
1 lot, all colors, satin coaching
parasols at $1 each.
And opening of the highest novel
ties to be found in America only at
.-4 rr-r S Set s$"
P& 05 bV4 J &sc m
u s e lAy&h. vi s f s:
w ct ta
? 1 B!
Xr S
J& WjMW &&
J v,.--f-f iA- et
& ? jf FXJS
J HV5! is w x mr -wcw rgLA i
'' w r ' - . r A aojf",i
IK Ksa wi jj ,-TT' .iai 5i stvs ' ". 3
R i k r l.-?- -Vt.JmcH. TT til t -rf"LVT . t k & JT
: the : Corner
Shoulder Wraps
We Provide for AIL
25 pieces double 'aced, all wool
dress goods, plain colors and
fancy checks at 50 cts per yard.
20 novelty combination dress
patterns, worth 510, for $5.
5 pieces of black surah silks at
50 cents per yard.
50 doz fine silk gloves in black
and tans, worth 75 cenis per pair
at 50 cents.
100 doz gauze vests at 25 cents.
50 little seercucker dresses ior
children, 2, 3 and 4 years old, $1
A few pieces fair Victoria lawn
3 1-2 cents per yard.
20 pieces plaid nauso k, worth
25 cents per yai d at 15 cents.
4o0 yards cream oriental lace
worth 1 2 1-2 cents, for 5 cents
per yad.
SS3t " & 'v
Ba Witt'
-JL xA. V .
"?355 5S32!
And Beloved Mayor, Hon. A. B.
Webster, and Turn Out
Enmass to Pay
The Last Tribute to His Memo
ryImpressive O-remonies
and Imposing BurlaL
Plucky Peabody Procures tlie Plant
ef the Experimental Silk Sta
tion Cnlliaou Contented.
Attlea Displays a Broad Grin of Da-
lttfht at Her Snccea lu 8ecur-
ifijf Valuable Railroad
Funeral Obsequies Over the Remalne
of Mayor WVbdter atDodjre- City.
Dodge City, K.iu., April 13. This has
been one of the dajs ia the history of this
city which ever' citizen will remember
w ith pi ide and sorrow. It brought togeth
er the lurgest number of people ever be
fore assembled here to pay the lat sad
rites to the honored dead. They came with
flowers; they came with hearts full of fra
ternal love; they came with but a single
thought in the beautiful spring with na
ture's choicest offerings to deeoaate the
casket which contained all that was mortal
of their beloved mayor, A. B. "Webster.
All business was suspended during the
day and extensive preparations were made
to carry out the order of exercises. The
remains lay in state at McCarthy's opera
house from 12 to 4 o'clock p m., under a
guard of honor detailed from Lewis Post,
G. A. R. Fully three thousand people
viewed the remains and the procession to
the cemetery was over a mile in leugth.
St. Omer Commnndery, Knights Templar,
from Great Bnd, supported by Apollo
Commandery from Lamed were in attcn
The exercises were begun at tho opera
house by the Rev. G. Lowthcr. From
there the procession wad formed, cocsist-
r of a platoon of mounted police, band
St. Omer Commandry, Knights Templars,
Vpollo Commandry, hearse drawn by four
black horaes, relaties.St B;ruards Lodge
A. F. and A. M.. council and official-) of
Dodge City, Lewis Post G. A. 11 , Geo. II.
Thomas Post Sons af Veterans, three hoe
companies and hook and ladder company,
uniform rank Kni-rlits of Pythias, Select
Knights Ancient Order United "Workmen
and citizens in carriages.
At the grive the ceremonies were con
ducted by the Masonic fraternity, and as
the sun was sinking in the west the cofQn
w as lowered to its llns.1 lesting place. A
salute was tired, terminating the exercise-1,
but not the memory that Dodge Citv liu
lost one of its bett citizens aud faithful
Attica Jubilating.
Special Dipiteh to the Dall Kale.
Attica, Kan.. April 1.1 Attica is hav
iuii a jubilee tonight over the arrival of the
engineers on the Spivey cut off ia thi
city. Officials of the Atchison, Topeka &
Sauta Fe here today siy that grading be
tweeu this point and Spive- will begin in
thirty d-ns. Tho band is di-coursing its.
beat music, aud speeches are being made
from the balcony of the Occidental hotel
Grade stakes are set to w ithin five miles of
town. The streets are thronged with
yelling, cheering and happy people. Mr.
Spivey was here to 1 ly an I set aside valu
able railroa 1 real estate in the city for a
flouring mill. Captain Smith, chief en
gineer, has order to report to the general
oilice at Topeka the resulta of, the Spivey
surrey as soon as completed.
Attica, Kan., April 15 The surveyors
from Spivey reached here at noon today,
making a complete survey of the line.
The distance is 13 1 3 miles. A prominent
Santa Fe official here yesterday stated that
grading will positively begin in-ide of
thirty day, and that the work would be
pu-hed to completion aa soon as mocey and
men can do it.
The Border road survey, from here to
Pratt, will begin the first of next week.
Mr. Spivey was here yesterday and donated
one block of ground for a mill, which is
to be of 100 barrel capacity, and will be
completed July 1.
The Silk Station Located.
iXcUl Dl!tctt to tnt Dal j- rfojla.
Pebody, Kan , April 15 The experi
mental silk station was decisively located
here yesterday. The site selected by the
commissioners, out of fully one dozen,
w a Iwautiful location ia the magnificent
Highland Park addition to the city of
Peabody. where the extensive sale of lots
ws held last Saturday The experimental
building is to be 3 )xS0 feet, tne contract
for which is already let. the work to be
completed in fom da. Pulchritudinoui!
jf,S and inuUitudioou-s too, j- Peabodr.
Culliton Cnllintrs.
&VeiI Di) witch :. hw Oallj Sal.
Ccla-IsOS. Kan , April 15 Fine, so&k
lag rains hava tweu fdiiog berc since
M'MKlty night, the llth. Vh!tii'in
spk-ndwl tMHittKa. mi up, -and a lanje ,'
acreitge of ora i -3g p; jevtry
bo iy is hmT ov ,a-j n trvtx- t C'ul
i:on a- iucrpr4'ti lt Monday to z
cur (f the thiri -U-. Tae riiy election
will btf hehl April 25
M'naiu -r Qnina Dead.
New Yok. Ani Jo Archbishoo .
C)rrigin lia csoie me-vsHge sa lar JCca
i&gitQr Quinn died thl afternoon.
Ubiqnitoaa Official?.
Eukeka. Kan., April 15 A party of
state otiic ials, consisting of the lieutenant-
governor, secretary of state, attorney gen
eral and state auditor, accompanied by
their families and several prominent rail
road otlicials, arrived in this city by spec
ial train and stopped off two hours. They
were taken in charge by Mayor H. G.
Jones and conducted over the city in car
riages, expressing-themselves as delighted
and quite favorably impressed with the
real estate boom now in progress.
The Cadotahip Contest.
Newtox, Kax .April la. At the meet
ing here today of the committee to pas3 on
examination papers of candidates for cadet
ship at West Poiut, E J. Rhodes of King
man stood the highest, S. C. Brock of
Hutchinson second, and C. E. Cook of
Kiowa county third, in a clas3 of twenty,
They are recommended for the place in
the order named.
The recent heavy rin3 followed by
pleasant weather have started vegetation
rapidly; all Lind3 of crops look well and
there will be some fruit in thi portion of
the state.
A Syuodical ocbool.
MufNE.roLi9. Ktn , April 15 The
Preab; terian Synod, which closed its labors
at Belleville yesterday, decided to locate
the new Presbyterian College at Minne
apolis. Lieut. A. T. Hilliard, a prominent cit
izen of this county, was buried here today
with Masonic ceremonies. He was a prom
in.nt .Mason and comrade of the G. A. It
He was adjutant of the 49th Pennsylvania
in the Lite war, and was a brave aud faith
ful soldier, who came here from Mifton
county, Pa , in 187S.
That Peaky Kuunii Section.
Lndivxai'Olis. April 15. At a meeting
of the board of trade today the following
report was unanimously adopted: "Your
committee would respectfully n-port that
the. business of the city of Indianapolis, aud
especially the manufacturing, wood work
ing, grain, milling, lumber, pork, and ele
vator interests, are at present paralysed and
w ill be perm ineutly crippled by the lack
of fair and legitimate competition among
the iailnuds as the result of the interpreta
tions put on various sections of the inter
state commerce act by rail
way companies, aud the sched
ule of rates thereupon adopted
by them and we recomuiend that the board
of trade of Indianapolis petition the inter
state commerce com mission to immediately
interpret for us the second, third aud
fourth sections and that portiou of the
twenty second section which pertains to
the issuance of mileage tickets.
Your committee finds that while the said
act positively prohibits pooling among the
railroads, ) et by the interpretation put up
on the law by them the railroads of tne
country have now a more cast iron pool
than has ever existed besore, actually creat
ind under the law what it was intended
should be absolutely prohibited by it.
Stove Moldtti-b' Citrlfce.
Cleveland, Ohio, April 15. The
tove inolders' strike in this city will uu
doubtedly be iniugulated next Monday
morning, at which time tke patterns from
St. Louis, Chicago, Milwaukee, Keokuk
and Belleville, III , will be placed on the
molding floors iu several Clevelaud foun
dries. D M Tho:na, of Louisville, Ky.,
secretary of the general executive commit
tee of the stove moulders' National De
fense Association. W. W. Baldwin, of tln
city, ciiairmau of the executive committee
of "the third district, arrived from Detroit
this morning. Soon after, Mr. Thomas
issued a circular order to stove toundera of
the 3 1 district telling them to send the
fourth disirict patterns to the foundries on
Monday. The circular was in conformity
with a lesolution passed in Detroit. Mr
Baldwin stated the obnoxious patterns had
already been divided and all ioundries in
this district would obey the order and trj
to msike castings on 3Io&day. The aseoci
.itiou expectedlhat the molders iu eer
foundrx , with the exception of a few coun
try shops would immediately quit work.
Still Woi'lng at Eatoa.
Cnituso, April 1.1 The joint confer
eao of the general passenger :igoati of the
eastern trunk lmes and Central Traffic
Association roads ended today The pa.s
stuger boycott was not discus-el and no
meeting had with western officials. Spe
cial rates of one nnd one third fare tor
tk round trip were granted to the Na
tioiial Educational Association, to be held
at Chicago in July; the National Sunday
school Teachers, at Chicago, June 1 and 2;
YuuDjr Men's Christian Association, at
Jinn Francisco. June 1; Grand Army of
the Republic, at St. Loui, in fccplember
Military parties going to the national drill
at Washington, traveling in parties of
twenty five, in uniform, will be earned for
three quarters of a cent a mile each way.
The rates for ministers of religion were
placed at 3 cents a mile.
Proposals Rejected.
Chicago, April 15 It was confidently
asserted this morning that the carpenter's
strike would end unlay on the basis sub
muted by the Master Carpenters' Associa
tion in case the strikers failed to accede to
iheir term. It was naid the master car
penters would begin to idenle for car
ptntcrs at points outsiJe of tte city. The
answ er of the executive board of the Cir
penters' Council to the proposition w
submitted at 4 o'clock this afternoon It re
jects the propoxate and reaffirms the origin
al diaaads of the men.
Tae master carpenters promptly replied,
refusing to deviate ia the slightest from
their original stand. A mas msetiag of
the journeymen wili be held tomorrow or
The iladdock Mardor Trial.
Sioux Citt. Ia . April 15. Judge
Peudleton occupied nearly the entire day
with his argument for the defense in the
Haddock cae. closing about 4 p m., after
an exhaustive review of the entire cav in
which the testimony of each material wit
nev was analv zed and brought forcibly be
fore the jury. He closed the ca-e fur the
defense and was foil j wed by Hon M. D
0 Connell for the state, who talked about
two hours aud up to the hour for adj urn
menu It is thought that he will fi Dish by
noon tomorrow and that the Co-e will e
given to the jury m Wf afternoon.
An low- VI1a" lr--jtroTfd.
Yf,sniXGTo2i. I' 1. April 15 Fire
last evealtur de-'iroyed aluuwt tae i-nurr
business jrortioa f ibe yuU of Ami
worth, t.;o nile esv-t of tub plecv
Mure ihxQ twetv bttMne ooumw aadj
uveral OweSlfn2s were coB-aael ami b3n
bote dti.-wcd
L -s esnn43 zt $40.
00J ty $aj,0Clt with light ittsuristc
I Print Vorta Dr ryed.
Dover, N II , April 15 The rrratotl
art D.ner ha ever exp-neaced x cjrrwl (
lai- ahernooa in ih-j Vatot Compan - j
. oritjt works. It Jlt involve . Kr-
r..-rn L')t) tWO nd will ttiruw60 ODer ,
lives out of eupfo'meat. Sutodj ff-
.. ,--- .'. i
killed bat narraw eacapea froat death were
1 an mil.
Spontaneous Combustion in
Milwauke9 Wholesale
Drug Scora
Cause3 the Death of One Man,
the "Wounding of Anoth
er and the
Total Destruction of the Build
ing and Stock of Goods;
Los3 S165.000.
Prematura Explosion in a Rail
road Gut In Colorado Causes the
Death of Six Xail.
Colored Criminal Strung up at
faanTtlle, Tnn.. aud a Wifo
Murderer Executed at St.
LoaiH Other Xotes.
Spontaneous Combustion Ciused
Disastrous Conflagration.
Milwaukee, April 15 Shortly before
11 o'clock fire broke out in the wholesale
drug store of Charles Biumbach fc Co.,
on Market square near the St. Charles
hotel and the building is now in ruins.
The fire originated in tho cellar where two
clerks were engaged in getting out goods
to fill orders. A varnish barrel burst and
instantly there was an explosion and flash
of flame. Rudolph Zabel, one of
the clerks, was quickly taken
out iu a dtiug condition,
his compauion, John Y'eber, wa3 thrown
some distance and badly hurt but will re
cover. Instantly the explosion occurred
employes on the upper floor rushed out of
the building which oon became a mas of
seething flames The fire fouud the roof
througli the elevator shaft, aud alihough
Central fire station is only oue block dis
tant, when tho firemen arrived at the
scene the doomed building could not be
entered. The heat was intense aud the fire
for some time threatened the cigar manu
factory of Nic Simon. The llame-s are now
under control The buildiug was owned by
Rudolf Nunnemajher. Itcost$22,00o and
was insured for $15 000. Loas on stock,
$150,GOO; insurauce $75,000.
A Maine Towu Afire.
BiDDEFor.D. Me.. April IB. 2 a. m. A
large hre is iu progress at Kceuebunkport.
UnTf of the business seetiou of the town
has been consumed. The Biddeford fire
department have been telegraphed for and
are about to leave on a special train.
A Saturn, Mass., Ulazo.
Salem, Mass , April IB, 1 a. m. A
large fire is raging at the New England
brick works, at Davenport, b.:t there is no
way of obtaining any idea of the extcut of
the tire or tne damage tonigut.
A Murdaror Szocuto J. in Tennessee Tho
Crime for Which Ho DioJ.
Nashville, Tenn., April 15. ileu
Brown was hanged here at 11.17 this morn
ing for the murder of Frank Arnold. He
died protesting his innocence. Tne mur
der of Frank Arnold w&j a deliberate,
cold-blooded affair. Aboiu sit miles from
this city lived a quiet old colored farmer
named Frank Arnold. J list over the hill
on an adjjining place lived Ben Brown, a
renter. Arnold had a hw suit with his
neighbor and soinc ill feeling resulted
Bill Brown, oue of the party, turned
state's evidence. He said on November
9th Ben Brown, Nelson and Foster Joslm
and Simon Fox went on a coon hunt,
when they reached the thick t
bimou Fox, who was carrying a gun, fired
at his uncle Frank; he did not fall, and
Ben hit hiui on. the head w ith an iron bar
Witness claimed he was hired to watch aud
I received two buckets full of meil aud a
peck of turnips for his service. The bod
was carried in apiature, where a grave
was dug. The following night the body
wts removed to a stable, de-cipilated, dts
membertd und brought to the (ity and
buried iu tanbark, where it wa3 afterward
discovered, bimon Fox died this week m
the penitentiary where MacL-dn now U,
and others are btill iu j ul awaiting trial.
, x Wifa Murderer Hanged.
St. Loch, April 15. Daniel Jewell, the
wife murdered, was hanged in the jd
yard here at 6:40 thu morning. About
fortv personi were present. He wa
awakened at 5 o'clock. After partaking of
a light breakfast he was vi-ited by Father
Lehu. At 6 30 SheruT Harrington rend
the death warrant at the dor of Je"eIlV
cell; the prisoner's arms were pinioned and
the march to the scaffold commence J The
mournful procession pissed into the jail
j ard where nood the horrible instrument
of deih. Jewell turned his cvcj dwa
and appeared to bo de-ply engyed "Ith
his conftAMon. Aa old cracker box had
bsen placed on the trap ia grder to give
the poor wretch a greater fall He mount
e-J this and his legu were pinioned by
Deputy Sheriff Brfcanan. Deputy Forter
put the black cap over hSi hewl and
Humphrey adjuted the rope; Sheehaa
cu: the ro"fc, the trap fell, a few struggle
and Jewed wat deai The bcdy wj cut
down at 6 52 . m.
The crime for wh'ch Jewell wu execu
tefl was the kiLiaf of his wife Ellen, or
rather, the infiin of a wound from tbt;
tffeeLi of whick Jic dieri four month af
terwrrt Tr. sr did not Jive happily j
toetbwr, ana tmiuj th wife relu.-l to
live any l"aj;sr witi her husband, borne
tim afier lee "pa,ati'a Jewdl cilltd oa
Ellen, and dtirinr tae in errtew he aUactd
her with a kuif-', b.u failed to on her He
then tnreaVned t. iiU ner. aiwi o Decern
i-r tUl, liH4. he went to her mottoer1
wlnre -he w-ts Jopri&.r. nnl sh.t tier Iml
dd ivK kill her if nht
1l he" w
n vannt-z -otn. j
Aoril 23h. 1?5, when
Hi wa.s tnnl aol rutvictnl
i-3tf III, ram: wen ue iprte omn t
m pfwal l wa atarm-l al excuU.t
tui fw februtrs lu. A t&al J&e be
ws xr-T? Hi uh yssmoaia sod G tvaroor
iliratidBk' rpttoi bus u.h lo&ij.
g-arcn Abndnd.
Cnicsoo. April 15 A ',cfi frnrs
Bssern r. Mic . svr' ThM5i.iiCTiaty
rani ntv gtfBl tb- pmliHrtti niM 2 155
of , At'o-cey C i it hreb. rnrjuesJi uc pro
ra ,htWi njJaJ-crnt'a tsmjiUsi t'J invti
"""i .1 - VU' l.-W..T... .-".-
ralethe tb-srse, of fra id. Ijcit ittt? have
loand no evttuaceoi imua asa save give.
"Weather Report.
WAaorxGTOX, April 10, 1 a. m. Th
following are the indications: For Mis
souri: Fair weather; slightly colder in the
southeast portion; stationary temperature,
foMowed by rising temperature iu the
northwest portion, winds becoming varia
ble. For Nebraska and Kansas: Fair weath
er; slowly falling temperature; variable
winds, shifting to southerly.
A Yirifiala Cyclone.
Wheeling, V. Va., April 15. The
first genuine cyclone ever witnessed in this
vicinity was experienced this afternoon and
wrought devastation over a section of
country extending from St, Clairsville.
Ohio, ten miles to a point as far east as this
city. Little damage was done here, the
First National Bank block and Trolland
son's dry goods store were almost swept
from their sites, only a portion of the Iowlt
walls was left standing. The dwellings
and busiacv. blocks of I. 11 Patler-ou,
druirgist, G. Epon, grocer, and Janus
I'atter&ou, dry goods, had the up;er wulls
and roofs swept otl. The Natioutl hotel,
and forty other houses were leis seriously
No casualties to persons are reported, the
funnel shaped cloud having beeu seen at)
proaching in time for the familie-s to take
refuge iu cellars.
At Btrtou's Station, four miles north, a
new brick house was leveled to the grouud.
AC,P.wx, five miles west of this city, on
the National road, the brick hou-e of A.
lliukle was demolished aud he badly hurt
The town of Bridgeport, just across ihe
river, escaped, while M trim's Ferry, on
the opposite side of the river at the north
end of town buttered even more severely
than St. Clairsville.
Here a bro id valley gave direction to the
de-stroiug gale, which licked up forests
and farm houses. In the town proper,
75 to 100 houses were more orlcsdm
aed. aud the loss will reach $185,000
Walnut Gove, a fine park, has hut few of
the 300 lofty trees standing, and Jame
Reillv's house aud saloon were blown
d wii aud Mrs. Reilly was pulled uncon
scious from the ruins and may die Her
husband had both legs broken Mr
Wilhelm'a collar bouu was broken. Mr Da
vis, of the M trim's Ferry Stove works,
was probibly fatally injured. A Gerinau
lady was dangerously injured.
The river for miles is strewn with wreck
age. The Fairview school house, one mile
west, was totally wrecked and iliss White,
tho school teacher, badly hurt.
The La Fayet'e nuk was engaged by the
city authorities as a temporary shelter for
the bouiele?. A meeting of citizens N
called for tomorrow to devise measures of
relief. Every few minutes news comes of
additional damages in the country
and it U sife to say that he aggregate los
will exceed a million oi dollars.
Tornado lu Ohio.
YfKLLSViLLE, Ohio, April 15. One of
the most tenllic storms that ever visited this
section passed ocr this part of the country
at 3 o'clock this afternoon dninz immeribo
d image, The torti ido crotsed the Cleve
land te Pittsburg railroad at Summerviile
and was.iccompiuied by a huge water
spout which bur-t just on the outskirts of
the town. Rrports are nuRgre oingto
tlie wires faring down. No fatalitiea to
far are reported.
Will Boycott 1 11 tit oad of Strike.
Detkoit, April 15. The extcutive
boird ot the Iron Mot lers Associ ulon.
Knights of Lcb r, hel I a meeting toniglil
to consider the question of a strike m cv
the tabjoed patterns are put on them It
ws ordered that the men keep at work on
whatever given them untli they receive
further or lers from the executive board
This means a postponement, at least, of the
dreaied strike It has bten rumorvi that
theBrulgevfc Beach puiierns will Ih; used
as ihe defensive associallou d maud, and
that th'sslmei cast will y; boycotted all America
Six lien
Killed and etoven Wounded
1 Premature Ivxplodtou.
Burma Vita, Uul , April 15. At 5
o'clock list evening a premature blast
killed six men and wounded Mivun at the
Cimp of Kyner, Higbee cc Bernard, while
working in a sixty ft cut on the Midland
grade, near Bueua Vi-ta A twenty-foot
hole had been put down to bio nil the
face of the cat and was -prung with twenty
kegs of black glat po a dcr The foreman
was loading the charge, and when he bad
filled in the kegs the eitrge prematurely
discharged, throw iug masses of rocks into
the cut, where thirteen lueu were working,
instantly killing six an 1 wounding m;ven
The wounded Include Mr. Bsrard, one of
tlie firm, but cone are fitally wouaded
The dea-i lie at the morgae here. The
names of the killed are:
Tim Sullivan,
A Conway,
W. b Orcoran,
Wm O'Neill,
Wrn. Kjpes,
And an unknown man.
The wounded are recovering and are re
oiivin the bct of atieutioa ciaha
the explo-fon was cau-?i by tamping the
bla-t witli aa iroa br. Cnflsctlag tl&tc
meat?, however, are sile in tuh rc
ptt. national amk.
PhiladelphC, AtbletlCflO.
PHrLADZLrniA, April 15. The Phlla
delphiaj saut th Athletic out uxiar in the
la.-t gmtf of the spring zn&. The rtcoid
suads rive games won by each dun and
one tie game.
Detroit 11 1 Istmritls i
Inujizpoii ijSt LoauBnywBS... 2
Tent Boys HtrJk?.
Vrrr-iscno. Pa . Aprfi 15 The teat
bm ui jsfvztl sfa-."tfe are oat ji
suik f X nn tulrtocp in m-H l ft ceot
i lorn d:25sBtnw k xf ff airv
They aUjs swur ir km Ah-n
j!, jy jj A$wg J r mtmi
, ,, . mtK g. ad kk,:!
( jw;Csd htf w,a j,a flifcif
, gj want oa u Ttte -r f-
s afcu, f net, awttsarv
b-r it o3 t sA tUd x w
teal back fe wrfe by l&nfe parents.
Lincoln Corsin-iaorativ- Krercfe"i
iirv.isr.rmi.t, Jii . April 15 fn tta
tv cooil tnlv-rCirr .f ihe diiJ vl
AbrAh iJttCila w oraisx taefad
-- - -
e!-i repreciauve iuj mw
ecw ?- ""' " -
tito LLscqIb GiarcU of iioeor.
The Round-np of the Weelrti
Busuaess, as Shown toy
Dun's Review,
Indicates a Generally Heal thy M
Condition of Trade all
over the country. 1
No Embarrassment to Collectors
in Legitimate Business
Real Eptato Speculations al B4
Roads Cauaw a Htrtngency
in Money Matters.
The Increase in Actual Clrralatlo ef
Monev th Past Quarter Canae
the Gorerunmut to Draw
lu Silver Certtfiaatus.
The Iteanim' of th WeeJtM HualseM
HUow's) GriUlfyinc Conditions.
New Yoni;. April 15 R. G. Dun A r
Co., in their weekly review of trade, sayr v
Considering the embarrassment from ur
certainty as to freights, accounts of trail J
are burprisingly baits factory. It is tb
almo-st testimony tint retail trail
is unusually large. No emb rrasment ap
pears in collections except where real en
tate or mining speculation locks up all
available means, or in some localities when
bid roads still block busiuess. but inmost
caes improvement is reported. The r -1
mirkable activity is cleirly ennected witk
the exceeilmgly plentiful supply of money,
which is more abutidttit where s itie ueed
was previously reported, while at man
pointn, as at Memphis, money "was never
so abundint before."
Kites rise to 10 per cent, or S to 10 only
at some far western poiuU, or where pecrt 5
lation rages, but are usually moderate for ,
the locality. The increase in actual circu
lation of money from July 1 to April I ba
Iteeii 79 8o.5,l55. or six ilud one hilf Kt
cent. The stimulating fact of .such an ad
dition is even where felt.
From Washington news ootnes that tit
treasury, realizing the ri-ks of cxcetr
issues, will now draw in ilver certitlcalfl
of the larg'-r denominations
Siiectilatioii in real estate is rnmpiat la
Colorado, spreading to cities and towns
thnnighout the 6tate, has museil muck
lot king up of immu in Minnesota awt
other western htate, ha- "ndvancrtl pricv
wonderfully" at IMiiladulphln, and hold
prices up, though the lever has ututcd, a
Nashville How far mi h demands will1
prevent the leturn of money, uttul at thi
-easfiD, to coiiitnercitil centres is e't i
doubt, but no fear ia felt of money going
March exports of products having bro
Mtrpnsingly inrce, n oia largr pun h i.ssoC
ioeKS on lorein iic-euwiii. are rejjr(c,
but with somswiiAl Mi-pielntis osti iitntioO,
miil foreign ivilintigu reinnius xtrongeT
than it wouhl naturally be If monl-y wa
miug this w.j- to pCy f.r many ecur(
1'nccs did not change grontly during th
week, though wheal is loer and corn
little higher, with out, pork, hog, n4
sugar unchanged CoiTee l,aj risen a
eighth and cottnu u slxtceuih laid U
shade atronger nml lierf fctldtiis a little o
account ol Ire-iplil ndrs.
Tne enorm-Hi print iriion and the em
bsmumenl iu ltippiug products account
for a decline of 87 o'liU In iron
In dry good the situation h not altered,
the uncertainty of rates aileuipg dlUAi
trade, but eotlow are htrcujjir and wool
has become mure Heady, many holdin re
hising toMdl the Ulter "gnd- nl eurreet
prices Territory wools are precd for
hale and weak
An improving trade Is noted ia blilea,
leather hud lxrii and hocs
The busiae-jj fnllure during the Itwt
-even t!as iiiimt)-r For the I, ulted Mate
110. for Ca limit 20. total 175. aiTMiuitZMI
la-iwek, and Ib-J the corrwoonding Cfk
iut ear Bunness catiMltieM ure oa th
decline in every Htion of ihr country.
Ittinhlo ih Itubbura.
PiTTMJCiw. Pa . April 15 It aprirnr
thst the most unirtHnt arrest in Uh; Pa.
handle ca: in et Ui be mwic A form
conductor on tlie rad named C-oaaellv
hiippo-! to hve Ir-en lh ItaJer of t
gnig and U have cotien awy with an iaft-
menv; amount of nlnnder ikmehoar or
other he ct wind ujc time ajjo that t
dv would k marie and kltfd. He 11
now in KansA. but na oflic. htt bwr
M:nt after him aud it is wrtwi that u
will !- arre-tel and brMlifht lvck w IMI
cily nrxt week itwn tlitrty and kb-
... A ,,. t.t the t-rmUtX mllrOTlrr will Wi
a hearinc s.nd will ;ive hosrl to await Um
action of the grod ju J.
In p-k!nicof therotitK-ry toi3tj, 8peWI
Agent Kuc said tnry mww u-i aae w
identify evrry artirU rrcoverci. howefr
small to tell by waora It liippfl,l of fhipraeot, tfc cat fa watch It
cnoUtn'-rI. the name of tie forcm
crew of the train, all the pUe- t wMe)
tlie car Iski ovrr. wfaea it w robf!. Of
whom, the haad tbmuzn which t
tti rt tries tsi aai ttte nams fit 1
o-irtv to whom ib article CoeJf V
We know juv. fLi h". witc aa Um
mrnie amount of rdundsT i Uored i tW
city which we bre not yrt dUnrl-Lj
sf'n, who are guilty and have tha far a.J
rj,pil rre-t my think u ecpv w il
U jrapUK Mac every aailtt I ur
dote urvel!L,cc'
fi'ftt-V fl'rhta ia ilMTiti.
2ew York April 15 As A'Uata.O.,
rrtal v. Th-xe i- eoegjct ul JnrWI
finn K.lir.-1-n tte iwl fryltffsl ffilfM
GK-rku Wdtism H vH!i in
j ion U , v. in-HrtM ukJ oa trig
f hea ur j it f !- mruu tce&sj
--.,. iTmirrml to tit- 1411 a" Ji'41
, rUA rahf a k-rr ' i r" f wsL
.hkSm tttr tM '4 J'jr PWrU
j -i & i 4Me afe- uvw r r
m&M iini Ut Mtf
. .,. Ta- i. ,
. yg trtowr.
i -
; Ir lSufc' iltthrry.
.,.. xu t .i tt rfK
vta'-r Vi
' r i la Vlpmum
sKjOw '. JWST9M
reuK " f ' ' S1
vr,arti. usut iijj V' s .
sn rt. fess calls. o u ( iir
1tA i .Jt ha t,-iwir ? wl
nii iifhri.ixt F-r. H i"s v-i
f. rrrT -ilT-.-- -
f;;r - , .' '
hAJUag aci I ami.
w -
jgaSfr rgjc.
f . AlS .
s2lj ' ssij,ET.., f,ni-r: w-fis, B-, s.'caj:.s.a' isi-.-
J A ta- .. trrjn, rf!5 ,. tjSTZt ' z&jl-, ?.-& L,
ti'-.Ki-Uf'i.'ltte.rjliiLXLvr0TSS .-1. ffia' " -" " ' ---'"--
.. , JL.