Newspaper Page Text
' '--. ) 1 - - ' - '$: " 4 k l V ! it 4 ! t v ill -ni$Mfcfcr i uxmisMmU R. It. TIME TABLES. St. I.., rt. S. W. Ji. K. iJErwr. Atutt :. St. Louis. Chicago &. Eastern E.xp.. 9:23 a m, 9.5U p m Kansas Cltv. St. L ' " .. 7 i p m. 6:15 a in Anthony and Kiowa Express . ..9.10 a in. 9i am 101A) p m. 6:5U p in Wlebltti A- Colorado. nErAUT. ARRIVS. Ettttchlnson and Local 8.) a in. his a in StScblnson and LochI 10.10 p m. 7:00 p m Depot corner Second and Wichita sts ; City Ticket fflco 109 X Main st. S. C. Kefha.v. Ticket Agent. T. A. S. F. Ji K. Arrive .. 7.40 d m. ..11:15 turn .. -i'ia.m. ...7.U"lp.m. . 2.40 p.m. I eaves .. 7.Jp. m, ..Li 15 p.m. . d:25a.rn. .. 2.30 p.m. . 325.) a. m. .. 7.p.m. 3 olng North, Passenger Solng North, Accommodation .. Jolng South. Passenger Solng South, Passenger Going feouth. Accommodation .. Going North, PoMenger Going North. Accommodation... Going South, Passenger Going South, Accommodation .. Solng North, Passenger Going South, Passenger Wichita "Western. Arrlvi. . BJ0a.m. . 7.11 p. ra. .12-03 p. m. Leavos. . 8 15 a. m. . 7.50 p. m. . 2.25 p.m. No. 2. Mall and Express... No. 4, Express Way Freight No. 1 Kali and Express.... No. 3, Express Way Freight St. Louis A. San Francisco. LfAves. ...6JQ a. m. .. SiOp.m. 12fl p.m. ...SUia. in. .. 9-20 p.m. . lOiSlp.m. . 3-OOa.m. doing West, PasRenger.... , Going Wtt, Passenger Going West. Freight Oolng Kat, Passenger 3olngEast, Passenger Going Hast, Freight Oolng Eivst, ireight A TTORXE YS-AT-LA.AV. GEO L. DOUGLASS, Attorney at Law, 211 N Main sr. Wichita. Kansas, All biHineso promptlj attended to. 4-tf XL L. GORDON. CIIAS. V. COFFIN GORDON & COFFIN, Attorney and Counsellors at Law, Ofllce over 221 E DougiUa ave. Wichita, Kan l-'O RICHARD A HASTE, Attornev at law, Ofilce, room 2, NO. 246 N Wkhltu, Kansas. Main St., d!2C tf J. W. ADAMS. G. W C. JONES. GEO. W. ADAMS. ADAMS, JONES & ADAMS, Attorneys at Law. Ofllce first 6talrway east of "vVlcliltu National Uauk. 11C a. C. 6LUKA. W. E. 6TA.NXET. SLUSS& STANLEY. A ttornoys at-Ijtw. WlehltA. Kansts. J. F. LAUCK. Attorney at-Law. Ofilce ftrst door north of IT. S. Lanrtotttc In Commercial Ulock, Wichita, Kinsas. . 'Special ottontlougiten to all kinds of businud fon cected with the United States Land ofllce. HATTON & RUGGLES-x Attornejsat-Iiw, 1J2 NMainst.. Wichita, Kanssx. JAMES. F. MAJOR. Attorney at Law. Will practice In nil JTcnr.s .courts. Collections a specialty. OHlco over Smith a: Stover's, Douglas aieuue, Wichita, Kan. D. A. MITCHELL. Attorney ot-Law and collection a,ront Ttr!t, Wichita, Kansas. J. M. HUMPHREY. Attorney uMsw, Woodman's BauJ: building. 3Ialn btr ct. 143 A. M. STunpfrv t. w. i btukdevakt. STURDEVANTand STURDEVANT, Lawjeri, No. 231 N. Main st, rooms land 3. Clem ent block, Wichita. Kan-fas. HARRIS, HARRIS & VERMILLION. Attornej s-at-Law, Commercial block, Wichita, JCausas. 0. D. KIRK. Attornev aVLavr. Boom No. 2, V 8. Lund Office buildlnjc Vrichita, Kan. W. S. MORRIS. Attorney aMaw. Office in Temple Block, Wichita, .Kansas. XA.8AMCKY. I. T. CUll'llSO SAN KEY & CAMPBELL. Lawyers. Wichita, Office southv.oit cor ner MurLet street and Douglas ave. REUBEN H. ROYS, Attorney at Law. ofll o in tho Roys Block, corner Douglat, nnd Imroncoaeinu-t, Wl-hita. Kalian.. D. V. VELTY, Attorney at law. OITlco'S) N. Main. j.VALTER DeLACOUR, Attorney at Lhw. Sp''clilty: Ileal citato In w and oxamiu.ition of title- to land. Trusteeships and the care nnd settlement of .Ute-. OrUeo ultlibom b ml Morta Co.' s w cor Main and Douglas. Wicli a. w. ojMEvfJn. ruos. c Wilson-. Notarj Public. CLEMENT &. WILSON Attorneys it Law. Real ettatc law and exam! nation of title a peei Uty. Office i"l Main fitreet, Clement bulliiln. J. R. HALLUWELL, J- K-' Iito U. S. Attorney. HALLOWELL and HUME, Lawyers. 2 North Main St.. Wichita. Kan. V. T. CAUrilKLL. J S. X- UTUll. CAMPBELL & DYER, Attorney? at Liw, Wichita. Kan. IW-t SMYTH & BROOKS, Attorneys at-Uiw, Bit ting Bros- block, rooms 5 & 6 M. UoTr. Commercial oIkt-tloiLs sp-jciauy. Will practtc' In state and Fdo-al courts. W. A. MORRIS, Attorney at Law. No. 221 Eat Douglas aenwe. A. T. attorney at Ii vr. "Wichita. KansHS. CARPENTER. Office. No. 220 : R. L. HOLMES Attorney nt-Law. Titles examined. Ill North Main street, Vlthita. Kau. 71 J. M. BALDERSON. Attorney at Law. Wichita, Sedgwick county. Tnu. Office in Vntennial Block- dlMtf J. R. SITES. Attorney at-Law. Office 117 E Douglas avenue, with Anglo-American Loan aud Investment Co. EDWIN WHITE MOORE, Attorney at-Law, oer Wichita N-tlonal HauJcWIch Ita, Kaiieas. E. B. JEWETT, Attornov at liw, has his rooms 1, 2 and 3 McCless block, opjweito court house. Mr. Jewett ill give PcIal attention tobuinev in the probate court, fiaving had ten j ears experience iu this ofllco. W. K. Carijsle. A. N' J. Cbook, L. I- CarumJ- Carlisle, Crook and Carlisle, Lawyer. Rooms 2 and! over 217 East Douglas av. cnue. Telephones Ofllc. No. 231; W. and L. L. Carlisles residence No. 21i. PHYSICIANS. W. M.JOHNSON, Homojopathlst. General practice, chronic diseases. &nd diseases of females. Telephone No. 106. Ofllce and residence over Sleel Jfc Sen's hardware etore 117 N Malu street. Wichita, Kan. oruee hours, b to 10 a. in- 2 to 4 p. ni aad at night. dfiktf J. H. TERRILL, M. D, Phylclan and Surgeon Diseases of women and children a specialty. OCJce 111 n Main st. in front rooms of Ala rich A Brown, Reed .t MePher-on block. Residence 1S1 n Topeita ave Telephone for day calls ltd' night calls 120. 53-tf DR. B. A GUYTON & SON, Physicians and Surgeons. Ofllce block. 311 Slain st. up stairs, rrnt room, oppo-ite Occidental hotel. Rrsldencv. 727 n r ter treet. One of us in the oClc at all hours div and nicht, eiocpt when at mc als. Telephpne in omce No. iSi. DR WILLIAM HALL, of naU A Bennett, Gives vl -ii attentien to Disea of women. Blood und Skin Dlwise and ail trohIe of the TJrlnsrv Organs peedll cure-1 In Ixitl' sexes Office over Woodman's Rank. North M..ln street. Con-"Ultntlon day or nlibt Free. 'Rad Drs. Hall -c Itennett's tard In this psivr.' Tt W W, WILLIAMS. M D. Regular Phpsici m a nrgeon Hi V Miln Stre-t. room .s and 3. w ephone No. 142 N Mala. Wi hlta. J. E. BENNETT M D. Of the Jinn of "Hull x Bannett," doe a general practice, but give special attention to tuweureof EPnPSY or felling flta. the OPIDM HABIT. CATARRH, PIIJES and privatodetfeaaes i&botlitezea. 09rUon free aad eonCdentlaL 04rtc 143NortSi M at. TeJephase 35. fBw dbpUy ilrwrfinwm.t PHYSICIAJfa. P. D. St. JOHN, M. D. Office Over Barnes drug store. Residence IKS N. Emporia avenue-near corner of First ptreet. OlHce telephone 129. House telephone 157. DR. J. J. STONER. HomecF-nathlst. Offl'-e opposite posiofflce. dence, 623 North Main street. Wichita, Kansas. phone 113. Tfle- DR. CHARLES A. WILSON, Physician and Surgeon. Will continue his profes sion in all its branches. Consultation fre. Office and residence at 151 N Main su over Weller &. Mil ler'e paint office. 'f W. A. MINNICK, M. D. Homoepathlst. Office 139 North Main street, xlesi deuce, 1017 North Fourth street, near T7ntnn deoot, Wichita. Kansiw. Ofllce telephone No. 2C3. Real dence telephone No. 14L L. M CONKLIN, M. D. Offlco Cor. Main and Second sts. Wichita, Kansas. Diseases of tb Rectum a specialty. I employ the methods of all the leading Rectal Specialists. Includ ing the BrinkerhoS, Treatment is safe, certain and nearly painless. Ofllce hours 9 to 12 a. m, and 1 to 5 and T to S p. m. J. H. TILDEN, M. D. Special attention given to Surgery and Gyniieoo ogv. "elfencc4j S. Market. Offlco 22S N. Main, will visit any part of the state in consultation or to perform surgkal operations. llS-tf E. E. HAMILTON, M. D. Specialties: Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Noso and Throat, Catarrh and ftttlng glasses. Office southwest corner Douglas and Market, up stairs, Wichita, Kahs DR. C. C. ALLEN. Physician and Burgeon. Ofllce and residence 420 Douglat avenue. New and effectual treatment of hemorrhoids, and diseases of woman a specialty. Dr. T. L. ANDREWS, Specialist in diseases of ear. noe, and throat Temple block, up stairs. No. 7. Ofilce 12 R. R. HALL, M. D., Physician and Surceon. Strict attention paid to chronic diseases. Ofllce 211 n Main at, resldonce 1H2 Waco st. 105 tf ' DR. KATE S. PERRY, Phyflclan, Surgeon to Women and Children, 216 N Market. Ofllce hours 10 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 4 p. m. d HH-1 mi W. R. McPHERSON, Architect. 201 North Main St.. Wichita, Kan. 117 DOCTOR KUDER, GERMAN PHYSICIAN AND SDItGEON. Ofllce On English st, between Emporia and 4th ne; only 2 blocks south of Douglas ae. Wichi'a Kansas. d93-3mt DENTISTS. Smith. C. S. Kou-dan J. SMITH &. HOUGLAND, Dentists. Kansas. Eaglo building, Douglas avenue, Wicliitn McKEE & PATTEN. Surgeon Dentists. Teetli extracted without pain. Befct setartiflclal teeth, 83.S0. Ofllce 217 East Douglwi aenue, Wiclilt.1, Kan. ARCHITECTS. K. J. GHODAVENT CARR&GRODAVENT, Archltoctrt r.:id Sui)erlntemleuts. Ofllco In Clement building. Main street, rouin Ui. dl05-tf K. A. WE.VTOX. C. it. MA5.MVO. WESTON & MANNING, Architects nnd Superintendents. Rooms 8 and 4, Kozarris bldg, over luO S Main st, Wichita, Kan. ALFRED GOULD, rrom Paris and Boston, Architect and Superintend ent. All classes of building. Room 2S Bitting blocL. 80-tf J. M. GILE. Architects nnd Superintendents. Office in Eilott & McJieca building, lvom 7. C. W. KELLOGG & SON. Architect and suiicrlntendent. Plans and specifica tions for all clsshes of buildings. Ofllce mer Aldrlch & Brown, Reed t McPheion building. Main strrct. DUM0NT& HAYWARD. Architects and Superintendents. Offlco la Rnjs' block. Wichita, Kan. w. t. rnonnroOT. a. vr. bijoj. PROUDFOOT& BIRD. Architects and Superintendents. Office in Eagle block. MUSIC TEACHERS. MRS. S T. KENDRICKSON. Teacher of Piano, Organ and Theory, 422 North Mar ket street. ATISCELLAXEOUS. c, P. McKENZII Civil Engineer and Sureor, Room 20 Bitting Block, Wichita, Kan. RODGERS, The Photographer. Pictures In all sizes and strips. Ho abo carrier the finest ass-rtmnt of picture frames In the city. GUe him a friendly call and ox amine sample 4. Dr. D. T. SNOKE Veterinary Surgeon; p-a-luato of Philadelphia Vet erinary College of 73. Proprietor of Horses Home, opposite G. A. R. building, lbt, st. Telephone 172. d93 BUTLER & BRUNER, CrVIL, MINING ENGINEERS AND ARCHITECTS. Plans and estimates for bridges, roofs, public buildings, business block-, modern dwellings, etc. All kinds of Mirtcjlng and draughting promptly I..,,.,,iiL iv, ciu iy i nnu (."lillliaiis lui iuuruau cull stmction and sew erage a specialty. .H. UU 1 L.I.K. late Alsst. J-.ngr. A., T. & JT. t. K. It. ABM. BRUNER, late As-t. Engr Penn R. R. Co. Room o-J, bitting Block. Wichita, Kan. Ill lm WICHITA NOVELTY & ELCTRICAL WORKS. Manufacturers of and dealers in steel stamps, Kteneel. key, hotel ami baggage checks, doorplates, police and society badges, locks, kejs. seal and electi leal ongnu lngs. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES OF ALL KHTDS. STAGE, STEWART A GARMAN, aw isortn jiam street, ."ki tloor. Wichita. Kansas, Bariralus in Real Eatato. A line agricultural and stock farm, three cj.d ose half miles from city, about 125 acres broke, t u'j ter section fenced for paturo, plenty of water and & small liouse. Also 2-W lota In city finely located and In freer neighborhood. Bpeclal terms to those wlixig tc make horn s. Also suburban property. For further pt-tknlm see Clu-is. T. Poorce, agent for Wm. GruuTenstem. at city ofllce. d 7-tf The People's Line. The Great free PhccReclinin2 Chair ar out St. Louis, It. Scott S chita In conc't'n with Mo. Pac. Ry. Is bow running mcrning and evening train daily including Sunday, to SIAIIIXIT I-IOIUIIiS Without Change. Pafcua Fabtt Sleeping Csrs od Ewnaig Tra; 43 MILES The Shortest Route to Si Louis The Only Short, Direct Route to TEXAS AND SOUTHERN POINTS By wfclcfa U pftssMCfer a-voida em btjI, depot transfer aud ve tUoun dcr. AS! Texas Points Local to this Syste tf S&e WLitkitz ail; SONG NEVER WROTE. His thoughts were sodj, his life was singing; Men'3 hearts like harps ho held and smote. But in his heart vrent ever ringing, Ringing, tha song ho never wrote. Iloverin?, pausing, luring, fleeting, A farther blu'j. a brighter mote. The anii.hed sound of swift winds meeting, The opal swept beneath the- boat; A gleam of wings forever flaming, Never folded in nest or cote: Secrets of joy, past name or naming; Measures of bliss, past dole or rote; Echoes of music, always flj ing, Always echo, never the noto; Pulses of life, past life, past dying All these in the bong he never wrote. Dead at last, and the people, weeping, Turned from his grave with wringing hands ' "What shall we do, now he lies sleeping, Ilii. sweet song silent in our lands; "Just as his voice grew clearer, stronger"' This nab the thought that keenest bmote " O Death! couldst thou not spare him longer? Alas, for ttie songs he never wrote !" Helen Hunt Jackson. POETS OF ONE POEM. "Wolf, Gray, tVootlwortli, and Payne lie- inemberctl for Single l'ocm. An interesting list might bo made of single poem poets, and tin instructive essay bo writ ten on their lives and works. Single Speech Ha l-ilton nidc many speeches, though but one lias become famous. And Charles "Wolf wrote moie than tho ''Burial of Sir John Jloore," yet by this one poem will he always be i emembrred. So, too, George Withers' "Shall I "Wasting in Despair" is only the best known of a large number of poems soma of them quite equal to it, from a critical point of view, perhaps superior. Shirloy would hardly be lememLeioJ by general readers but for his fine ode, ''The Glories of Our Blood and State." Thomas, of Celano, would be forgotten but for "Dies Ira," und those great national hymns, the "Star Spangled Banner," the "Wadit am llhein," the "ATarseillai-o" aud ' God Save tho Queen," may be accounted famous works of single poem poets. Many peoplo who talk of Ben Jonson would bo puzlel to quoto it single line except from his "Diink to Me Only AVith Thino Eyes;" and, though Waller's name is so well known, he is more often recognized as tho wriler of the lines on a girdle than on account of any thing else. Thomson's "Rule Britannia"' has earned him more fame than his "Seasons" or his epitaph on Newton ; aud more peoplo know Gray's "Elegy" than have over even lead his "Od&s." Samuel Woodworth wrote "Tho Old Oaken Bucket.'' but who wioto "Ben Bolt" and "The Old Continentals?" It is but seldom that one writer is foi tuuato enough to piodnco two such well known pieces as Campbell's "Hoheiilmden" and "ro Mariners of England"; while Dibdin, though ho wiote so much that once was popular, would be almost forgotton now but for "Tom Bowling." Such a list might be greatly pro longed. Lady Ann Lyndsay's "Auld Robin Gray," "William Spencer's "Death of Gelert," aud'Gav's "How Happy Could I be "With Either," might all bo cited, and many more; but enough has leen said to show how littlo even the best critics can judge of u poet's powers by a single specimen, and how much accident, if it can so Ixj termed, of one happy line or one good melody may have to do with tho fame of a writer who would otherw iso bo unknown. These remarks apply with greater foi ca to song w Titers than to any other versi fiers. A good tirst line often makes a song, and still more a good tune, without which, indeed, it w ould fall coniparath ely into ob Ihion. John Ilowaul Payne only wrote tho words, not tho melody, of "Home, Sweet Home.'' Hemy Watterson in Couiier Jouinul. Knergetio Itussell Snjro. If there is a man in New York who is pro pelled by steam it is llucsoll Sago. "When ho step out of Ins oflico upon tho street ho goe3 shooting up, down or across Broadway as if driven by an unseen and uneasy power. No ono over saw Mr. Sago quiet unless when asleep, aud even there ho probably twists and jerks like an eel. At his office ho re ceives a caller with hand mechanically ex tended, mechanically pumped and worked at a rapid rate, and unless tho visitor puts in his timo w ith much celerity it mikes Mr. Sago crawl all over with apprehension that a second will be lost. He never sits still in a chair in truth, ho prefers to stand. There is probably no more miseiablo man in Now York than Mr. Sago on tho witness stand. "When he had to swear in tho elevated raih oad cases ho settled into his chair as if tho hand of fate had struck him; ho held on to himlf as if to keep his soul from flying fiom his body, and when ho was released ho grabbed his hat, shot out of tho court room nnd was on his- way to his oSco as if pursued by tho Evil One. Mr. Sago takes the elevated up from hi-- oflico after business hours, walks pell mell from tho Forty-second street sta tion into Forty-third street, jumps into his carriage and is whii led into tho street in a jiffy and off thiough tho park. When ho cau't keep in motion any other waj he twitches his facial muscles and nervously woiks his hands. Now Yoik Tribune. A ISoston Story. A youngster of tho fcmalo sev: had just commenced lier school life. She fomid her self one day in-:i littlo group of other school children wlio were further ndvanced than she w:is. They were tolling each other what boohs they were "in" in school and making as much as they could out of the subject. Sho could not stand it. Even to her infan tile mind tho meaner position she held in that company was clear. But sho did not mean to be quito out of the discussion. So bhe took advantage of a pauso in the talk and burst in with her list: 'I'm in a primer and n slate and a pen cil nnd a sponge!" San Francisco Chron icle. Profos-or Morse's Tirst Lecture. I remember hearing I'rofesf-or ilorso de liver his first lecture on telegraphy. It mis in a small schoolhousc in a country town in Pennsylvania. Ho had an assistant with him and they arranged a wire around the room, and, sitting a few yards apart, communicated to each other what was dictated by any ono of the audience. 2o one believed it to bo anything but a hoax, and wo all la'jghed at the idea of talking over a wire as Mr. Morso explained. Steamboat Inspector in Globe Democrat. OiiRlit to Draw tho Lino. Sinco they havo introduced "Lullaby" into "Tho Chimes of Xormandy" and "Nearer, My God, to Theo" into "Faust," and "The Last Rose of Summer" into tho "Mikado." it's pretty hard to tell whether you are attending a nursery, a prayer meet ing, singing school or an opera. Thoy ou-jht to draw the lino somewhere. Thi Living Church. Mark Twain Explains luork Twain epli; whv he does not like in tiiis citv the clerk is sura to ask; 'What hotel shall I sentl this to, ' " Sented mucilage is a new thing in paiiu stationerv. ilrs. TI!er, of vVcshington. is the apostle of a new dicrsation in the way of wonn's dress. Iler creesl is waists instead of corsets, layers cf rdercIotkins fitted sraoothlv to the body, and drawers to match the gown, a sort ci adaptation of Lady Habberton'i "divided skirt," with elirht difTerenc. 21altln Assurance Company. Tha Danes csstirs inaidpris upon TKiymuit of an ancrl sum of a comfort"1 b uonr at , ctia tige. Tio benefits of the iissocio tion ccaso at marriage. tOCOmeto;ew.ork with his Tifo. "Sis WNTED-Torent fun.! room suitable for I i IS, c "-toreeweets. uwjuireof Hesry FI T7BRAL2i-ric farm e.e- su Hoj-s Jejj3v. S is VCTV "llHo"? fo Iiavo vn-v ono tinl- cl-a t3u3t- -4-lre r-S rt Watr tl. 1214' ,"r m n ! -T acre. rf jrw l cr- irw-J fcT UwJ. ii vuv ..nos to navo everj one tniniv sea - ' !-r-s. i.trxrs .. -i t . - vi iAit-. was gtr-Uxt tiat-on tn -i tirtsrsos litea 2v"ew Yorker. he savs. "and Wanted-t , rent More or half tore with io pf;,I"C . T'; ffl ui- to mui, vav, -D.. jrs- pro. , '-' -'- a.., i.. r.,-v uuu i vi other haOn-. tirtlerv blne. add b o A. Oeater of cltj oa last aer Add box tl 4Jv Wfca- rv. o&oc d IS yet whenever fhe bnvs anvtimig in a stora i ;Vc. p wShirit 'jiti.Giwsuadi rmzuii. w t-w- f uXz : $txxOHi ffcttvuiUQ, All notJcos of Employment, or Situations Wanted, will be charsl for at the rate of Ore cents per line per week: no notice for less than 25 cents. All For Sales or other business notices will be charged for at the rate of 10 cents per line per week; no business notice taken for less than 50 cents. WANTED. -TT7" ANTED Two apprentice girls at S2: e Douk1s, to l-arii dress niblpg. U9-8 w 7" ANTED Lady or gentleman canvassers, to sell ?! aiuuiii3, ctioc wua. mueiijai louos, autofirapa album, eta. etc., for a noue In tnH city: lern the business in the store; must "je neat and entertaining. Address lock bor2 5. city. 123-U 1X7" ANTED Immediately, a cook f ir small bojrd- inrhoU'e. A DldT at 703 n Main anil Pino TTTANTEP Nurse cirl, 1 to 13 years old. Ipply V jit front room. SjO n EmporU ave. 12a tf XrTA;,"rED A ood 6irl ,n a family of 3 persons, VV at 1 Jl 1 n Em porla ave; good - eges . 125 S IT ANTED By a colored boy of good character, a Vy position In private family to do general work. Addre'3 t. O . this oface. 123-C WANTED Situation as bookkeejT or cicrk In a store or o"ce; have h:.d experience; can i;le pood refa Addrs C. N.. Kagle QlM. 12i-ot X rrANTED A girl for general housework. Hogon, the photographer. 1JJ-6 "TTTANTED n aUtant bookkeeper and office clerk, one tint Is acquainted with the city hu-Uirk had experience in collecting. Address O., Easrle office, in jour own handwriting. Giieuame and age: state how long you hae resided in the citj. 121b T VNTED A womHn to do plain sewing; must TT hive her own machine. Apply to W,t Wich ita ilattre-. Factory. S2Chicaso ave. 129-3t TT7"ANTED I'ants maker, at once. ZUka, over 22a Douglas ae. 1-C WANTED One dlhwasher nnd one launJry Y girl. Applj ut once at City Hotel, ISO n Market. 123-W TTANTED To rent, store on Dougla ave. or n tV Mtiii St.. for grocery business; would rot ob ject to buy out someone alread la builuess. Ad-oret-i 23S n JIain st. 123-0 "TTT ANTED A sltnation as bookkeeper by a j oung TT lady who writes a (Indiana und understands tr-e bu8lnts; bestorrcfi, can bs given. J. B. rlatbers, 124 s Ith sr. 12S 6c rrANTED A girl to do housework In a small VV family; good pay. Mr. . T. DuBois, 13:17 n Topeka ave. TVT A.NTED l'asturago for 50 head of stock, near V the city. W. K. Green U-if XJ ANTED .SItuat'on by oung man Of reaular VV habits and go d ref; willing to do any kind of work; h i had experience In oilice w ork. Add J. W. Pope. 117 u Main Ht 123 6 TTTANTED A nrcl.l6 white barber at Newton. T T Kan.; good vvaft-cs. Addrcns O. It. Parker. New - ton. 12 SJTrAVTED- A position In a stroeirj or Rome other 1 T bu-lne-i: exp- ience-1 in DooKKeepliii: can sh i w k od refer ncc. Address E. G. Cole, U2 n i o- jeka a e. 12s 6 f"7" VNTED A girl; general housework: excellent t T wazes no wasning. Apply at Dr. Eurlev's res Idtuc". No. 1UI4 u Law lenceavo. J23-:( XJ VNTED I'0-.Itlm by Jcrman Americ n joung vV m-vn, IS years old. vvhosptakt and write-. Eng ll"th, Oerman nd Freuch perfectly, nsclrrk In sture or ;fllce. Addreus C. bchltmiuir. 216 n .arktt. 123-6' TTT" VNTED K comp"t-nt girl to do general house V V work, at 412 Uiverst. 123 1. TTT"ANTED S'.COi.OCV) worth of goo I Wichita VT pnperty to trade for farm lands. Woarewe'l acquainted vv I h lands ill over western Kan'as. and know tnelr value; bring In vour property aud we can lit you out with any sized tract jou want. Er in Real Estate & Investment Co, cor Douglas and Market. 127-lf TTT vNTED Situation by a reliable womtn of T T p'Tlctict' us chambermaid or dishwasher A It, Eagle offlce. "TTT" NTED Sltu-vllon by young min of good edu TT cation, 1 j ear's ex erlenceaprcscrlnt on clerk can givo go'Kl refs; any honorable emplovment ac ceptahlo. Addro-. C. care of thl-i ofllce. 127 Ci w ANTED A good rustler to sell real estate at 107 s Mala 12 r TTT VNTED To trade 2VI choice resident lots In St. T V Johu, Stafford 'o . Kan for Wichita property. This is a grand chance for speculation as it. Johu Is on a big boom. ad this property very cheap. A.J. Ednewortli tz Co. 2vS. n Mala. 127 64 TTT ANTED A good girl te do light housew ork and T T assist In sew ing; good wages to ono that Is com petent, apply at S2"J e D mglas ave. 127 6 TrANTED-l(,tf)arcHofIind In we-tern Kau V V sas for s-vle or trade. We want lnd for sale In every county in western Kansas. Send us a ( om pltoiiescrIptloa of jour land giving tho section, tow nshlp and ranse, churactcr or the soil, lay of tho land price, terms of sl, etc., and if It is cheap wo will find ym a purchaser or some ono nln will trade jou good Wichita property at Its nctual cash value. ErwIuReal Estate x investment Co. cor Douglas and Market. 127 tf l ANTED-l'ealb r be-U and pillows to renovate V at one . having put up tnls llrst class steam machine tor a thoit ime pnly, as we cannot nlford the room. v e lo goou woric ana weigh vour feath ers when we got themand when theyaro r turned: house cleaning, carpets sewed and put down ana gentril up!i ilsttrln dune on short notice; go -d -it lcfuitlouglvtii for work alreiiy done In this lty for the past three j ears J. F. Smith, upholsterer, 216 s Mam ntoppo theniuse'im. 126 b TrA.--iTF.!) Parties desiring to buy nou-es on the In'.tallmyat plan cm ho accommodated by calling on W. C. Olonn C 20ji 31 tin sl Uvbt WANTED Vll wanting Ilr.t class sewing, cut ting aud rlt.lsg ono call at J.'J s Emporia ave. 126 6; TtTTANTKD-To trade u very line gold watch Tora gocnl horse and light spring -wagou; Imjuireat 2."i3 n Main M, room 2. 126 ii "TTTANTED Ladies desiring an cl gant face toilet T trj- L n ion's s itlu enamel, only to be used to heaprociateil; prlc- ri-i cent. 12VI2 TTVNTED-.SItuitlon in grocer j store, hid ome IT experience, can give good rt-fs; add It, this ortlce. 12,l2 "TT VNTED A "oo 1 bookkeeper, call ou Trimble T T uras ihrelkeld. 110 e Douglas. 12-Ct WANTED-'v-wIng lu families by day, call oredd SK v,li2f nsthuve. i.i, WANTED Property and merchandise of all kinds in all pirts of the country to exchange and sell. L F. Cochran & Co, 211 e Douglas. Wb'lilta. 12i6t VT7"AK!ED v pirt-r with Jit) cisii capital for H li tlf interest in a legitimate estab!l-hed busl ntss pai lus 10.1 percent profit, I his Is a rare bu-l ne- op jortunby for an tnersitlc youn; man of Rood uddrev. vv ho is not 1 to vv ork It f erence Klven and rtqulred AdJrisi IMsluiss Intesrlt. EaKleoflicc. Wltnit,!. Kan 12u-'j VTANTED-A colorel coachniau. T 11"! n IJtv. re'ic av e. Or. Onlwar, lD,6t r ANTED ?ood man to work on ranche, ono thathts had merlence In Inndllnc -tock preferred, inquire at . L2J a Mttiu st. room J ou Satur- nay 'I t v 126 Ci XTT VN" rD-Pharinucl-t. reghtere-1 In Iowa and er. leniorate. Is odpu Tt Kanax. o-l bookWeper. temperate. for enmyemrnf add Cnci. fcaiiie ofllce 125-bt T7"ATE1) iSgooi lathers imrae II UWy, eteady T V vrork and k,oo1 wages paid to pol men, add Wellington bt-irues. 319 u Water st, Wichita, Kail. 123i TTT"NTEDWaUt nnd skirt makers at Sirs. R.J. T Forest's parlors, app imm-dlalely at 127 n Market st. 125-6 "YTTANTED An Industrious, honest man, fairly Y educated, who cau furnish Jdi n o nice sjen-tt-el travellnc bu-jlnes: no peddling or 6 11 books and It win pa) SKA) per month, net. Add hrle. kanle OlUce. I25-6t "TTANTED-To buy S lot TiOxlW ft) on Larimer Tt avo bet 10th and 11th sts, must bo w fs; state loweitOAsh price add J. C S this office 125 1 WANTED By a German man and w lfe situation such as pard nwork. housekeeping, etc. It quire Waco 6t first notuen of Ras works. IC "WTANTED If you have anv thine to sli or ei- Y change, call on or add ilurdock A Wilson, the; inosi extensive trAUers in the west, tjorre-ponaence s j!Iciu-d througnout the U. S. II. & W., 321 e Don,; los ave. 1254 TT"A2rrED Girl wanted for ceneral hou-eor T T refb required. Inquire at 25 n Water st, city. 125 tt "TT ANTED At Kansas Steam laundry 2J0 n W T T ter ct, a womui to mark clothes and do oSice work; th- right woman will be vrel! p&ld, also Iron ers wanted 12:Vt "ITT"AXTED 2 houes with 3 or 4 rooms ltctpd T near the Wichita carrlsae works; tho-e having houies In that locality; ecqutre at the cor 1st ad Wat.r. n&t VrANTEU At once a good girl to do general TT housework, German girl prefd: (rood pbvrt?. steady employment and small family. Inquire at n Topekn ave 125 tf 1 r ANTED Immediately a girl for jrenerai hou--TT work; watrs reasonable; inquire at 123 n WaJ nut kU West Vv icklta. 13-Ct ITTAXTED fO railroad mea at 125 per month and TT board or $175 per dav. anted 15 carpenters at S per day. Wsnted 21 men for city labor a il W perdjy. Wanted 2 raiiroa.1 bbictjUs at IVi r-r j r.wjata ana oo&rti. Wanttsl Wruea for brick yam.! Wanted 25 good rfrls for hoa-work. I cbarseyoa no5f.ra sltcaUon Wanted I man aa wjfe I for a farm. Wante-l everybod lootlnvr for a fctua- J Uon to address with tmp or call on J E. Ken- j yf"br. rrn 6 .ve ui DongU' ave. ,4l " s-VTED Imaiedlatety vi.hT wonvrj, trei ersnl InjiaenmtCokiiJrasveUncdry. VCi caco av. West V ichita. 0-i T4JA 2& XTT-AXTED-T,frad3 Wjcblt PP-Ttr r l ," iwip-nri- dolrswctan " i ro. j rpartJca'r,)!inMra Svsr J!c D-Ztcut ve. J K. Ke,.wMih. . !- V"-NTKD SluuttiO"! ov raaa aid -ife - eit or couatrr. wllllnr to w.r. Add rU or cooa irtflln lo wwit. Add K- thlso!'s. " - ' T ANrrj-Ovt.WeitT nmer.r or t--s and i ootat Jitfxcbsaixf wjoI iraUr ciai Br, Oak a j s-vn w NTE Ao.jd irctnTatoaoe to to I J..Miii fi:r ad run a t--Jt yard. i w tm r j- :s ii c-. iw u -tts 3t y, e-ADAitfaoeedai. dJre locX ! C!4- j v "VSED-M osc-r.Si fifl (to s-rI b' ns work W t. good wa " ttwt rkrudofairL J,-ii-Ci- Tr a.Ttw a ipl J ; &pvil 16, I8b7. WAJTTED. f ASTcD PostUoa by J oung man in hardware T T or some otnw Dustness; a years experience In hardware also understand bookkeeping. Add J. W. WRterst. wicnita. 12 6t WANTED One or 2 flrt-cl-w coat makers Im mediately at ft. W. Walsh's merchant tailor Bipre: paj union prices and bleady work. P W. niu:il. Autuuut.aiiu. 14 ftl r ANTED A good girl for general housework. t inquire at ojo d topeca avo. airs. . iL. Don ney. 124 TTTANTED V cartr to furnish oows or monev tc 7 fctart a dalrj , have farm, pasture, stable and norses:ioriurcrpri'euia: can or ana S-, U2 Douglas ave. 12-1-6 WNTED V boy under 20 as assistant cashier, mmt btj able to rtsrure well; aad La your own writing, poatofflce box Tii. 121 t f ANTED SItuition In an offlcc. by young man TT with six years experience In general oCiee work; aidres "D" care of U W. Keudle, 113 E Dou- lasave. l-6 "Y7"ANT',D For spot cash Lots e.v.t of Santa Fe TT K R and near Central ave. Leave price, must be a bargein; add Climax, care Eagle office, liit TT7" ANTED By an industrious oung man of 17, Vt a pla e to work for boanl while pursuing a course at tho -outhwetern Business College. Call on or address E. H. Fritch.jirlnclpal. 122 tf TV'' ANTED Eterrbody to kn'iw of the followlrg T bargains 1m the bet lands In Kansas; for sale by J W Boyd, Conway Springs. No. IS. One of the best welt Improved quarters, 6 milt east of Conay Spring.; price. SAOjo. No. 29 320 acres of good land, well watered and cheap at 1,500. Ml ceres near Convvav Springs, well Im proved, fine soil, Ie than a mile from church and "Cliool; prLT !.(iOU. -l-o 3J0 acres near Evv ell; tine laud and well lmprfved; prio S5.00. Also 1.) acres of good land in Hr.rper conntv; good stock farm; 14 milrsof fence; wtll waterwl aiid line grass land; a splendid ranch, aud cheap at 19, "Ctt, part on time A io l,12i) acres In Srrigw-lck county: 750 acres la pas ure; located on the Munecah river; well im proved, good ntlghborhood; all cash price $U,tUt; will make good loan oa It if desired; uiis Is a rare chance and must be fatten soon: good store room of brick; price $J.IM, will rent big ANo otner busi ness hou-s und lot;, for sale at rare bargains which will pay 20 per cent or over on the investment. tall on or address J W Bovd, Conwaj Sprtas, Kans'-i. Ijium 1TTANTED rorent a 5 or o room house In good Tt neighborhoxl. wlllb y fu-nlturo ir suitable, apply Ht coinmlsdoiihou-ie. 213 Main st. Us tf T7"AN'TED-Eve'body to remember that Good T T year & Co , having bouxhl the druc and tlx tures of Iirael Uros . n.ivo stooved w ith a fresn nnd complete line at No 427 u Dotulas ave. Tbt.y havo a!o ihe b ek tile of piescrlptioiu left vv ith the form trtlrm Alt prescriptions and receipts tllletl with acurucy aud dtsputch b a compet'nl ph-iumaclst. 116-ira V GENTS WANTED V Hi TnE LIFE OF IIENrtY Ward Uccv'her by Thos W.Knox. An authentic and complete history of hi-, life and wore from tho cradle Hi the grave. Outsells ail others lo to 1 The Lest and cheapest and splcndldlv Illustrated. SelLs like wild tire. Ex ra terms. Outfit frto Now Is, tl'etlme. Address at once, b. F. Junkiux Co.. Kan .is Ci (i . Mo, u Kta lm w l I m "Tr ANTED A gool girl todogentrat housework; T T app'y at 431 u Fourth ave. llOtf TTTANTED Jlortgages; we have money to loan In T amounts fiom SjW to S'&UJ on buslnvos or rc- Idence property tentrall locited, we will discount sh irt paKT secured by good mortgages. VIele & Shepard. JU e Dauglas ave. WVtf WANTED Ladles and gentlemen to know students at the Southwestern budness college are Instructed privately at their desks, thus avoiding all embarrassment. Persons cm attend the day or evening sessions with equal advantages. 3S-tf TTTANTED Cattle nnd horses to pssture; plenty T of ruiiutng water nnd sli.ulo Iu tie pasture, add Wm. Mottl, Leon, Kan. S7 tf TTTANTED A nicelv furnished, pleasant room, T T with board for gentluinau and w lfe; add W. Leak earc carrier No. 2. p. t. "i tf J AN TED Iu place loarm on long time on farms Tf or business blocks or on short tims or chattel or real estate securlt j ; rates low and prompt atteu tlou. Vshbel Welch. Ensie block. IM tf STaNTED To loan at ow est rates, jUV.KJU on -lty T T ana rarm property, iioney reaay any nay. I. W Conner iin-r .179 f f 1 tTANTED Bfiokkeeurs and bushsess men to ? T know that the atlomtl Accountant' Bureau liter unsurnasfed facilities for the nrocurement of firat-class men and women for positions as book keeers aud accountants. Business men who want r'lclent htlp, and expert bookkeepers who can give Crst class references, and want situations, would do well by addressing us. ORlcu for the state of Kansas at tho Sautnwedtern Business College, Wichita, Kan sas, d 2s-tf WANTED Borrowers for money; we place money at the lowest rates on all kinds of chattel se curity loans, and also on second mortgages on farms. Wlchlt Banking Co.. No. lib West Douglas ave. J7-tf TTTANTED To loan e.V3,ur on buslne blooks and T -Idence property, within the rext thirty days. Kansas Loau and Investment company 127tf ; ANTKD A girl todogpnerai house work: good VT wages. Apply to 325 8 Main st, 117-tf POIl RENT. T7OR H-CNT-To gentlemen, a nicely funiMied ? room 2 blocks from Douglas ave; ground rl lor. 3n4th ave. l.-b I'POK RENT Desirable parties can obtain looms at . 440 Rlv erv lew av e. K tl J 71 -R RENT V. nicely furnishid room, to gi ntle :inuomy. 41J-. laln. 12") 0 J7OX P.RNT Nicely furnished front room. Ic . quire 21s Nor h Topeka ave. 123 C IOR P.ENT-Furclshfd room, at 313 n Emporia. : i2!-n IrOR KENT-IS) acre pasture land, 0 rods above ? ISth t-t bridge, on alg Arkansas rlv. r. w I:h plenty gnnileanJ vnur. Gtnlrs W. II. Maxwell. .Uj n Main st, up i.yc- T7VOR KENT A good set of office roonii. Inqu're -i. a at this ofllie. i.-Av i....i i . .. iiiu.-ij uriiJii.-i r.iiji in ne hitirt f the city, inquire of Dr. Wm. Hull, at 'I1 iLnJLri o er Woa lm m's b ink. 12 6 I710' KENT Furnithcd room, with board, at 2oi CilKt. ilsr, TnT) T.E-VTT T-.. .. 1.1.. r .....! l . l "IT'OK KKKT One elegantly furnished room on . urst noor, aico, a ouru ror rent. Iinjiilro ai 2JI s 125 tit F OR IIEI.T Furnished ntn. ut Jl Emporia arc. 12? (f 17ldt REXT A nlcelv-fu-nlshcrtl roOTi. with bith room and clo-ct utt3cheI, referrnce reqiilreU 216 n Joieka av e, l2i 6 TT'OR REVT-Two deslriblu front rooms, half block ? from -treet ir lino, co-! boird ciu i-o obtain d In the s.mie vicinity Inquire of llr. A. II Whit morv. lO.'t n Fourth ave 12- FO:tEN"r I nice unfurulsh-d room I block from I'reshjwinn church. nlo 3 two blk from Dou?Ias ave on sarket st. all rooms on the ground njo iu1 win rent v parlies with fcinall f-nllbs. Add res 1EM citv YZi 6 rpORI'.E.VT X deep, t con Lir.- business room 31 ft front 10 en. t coral n xr wlxSJ. elevator and sialrwav. wen Huupu-a ror wnoieaie usin. nrst class hxja tion lietvvwjn Island 2nd st. c-jm uulck. a IlnesO acre bottom farm. 3 tnbes nut of Mount IIo, t-J acr s under cultivation, b dance line h-vy Isnd only SIJ" SUrtjcash. Dunbar Urn, Uj n 31aln iST-fti I7".OR REXT wo furnlshcil rooms for rent to ac ' ceptable partle at 8 Rlvcrrlew are. 12;: TT'OH RENT-OseS room, one Ipora and ono 5- X' room houce for rent at Mai tin's Wichita Rectal ogency, room t ovr 2ya n ilnln. IOR RE.NT 1 single rooms and 2 unfurnished for : rent, inquire Ross, Grant & Luckel, 113 u Main. "TTOR HEX r-Room suitable for irent, "o 1029 n jiain st t-t rant ana iitn. is 17OK RENT V nicely furnished front rooTi on lit floor. il n EmporU 12&6 IrORRE.VT-2 nicely furnishei rooms 1 sultabl ; for 4 eatJemeu at3W Topeka ave 2 blk iroan Irt R REX Nice and newly f,irnUh.l up stairs room, convenient to street Cir. for elth-r lady ww.rum-nniiuri Kcuueruea, irnu rcaioruuie. j Inquire at 102-Je Lswrence 12S-C 2710R REXT Offlce at 141 n Main; fixtures for Ie, llnqul- t!3)n Mala r-e-m 5. 12T.- 3roR REXT Xlc furnl-hed fmnt room on flrt . floor to centleman and lfe of two tlc-cle n tlemeruwlihor wjiooat board. Apply at :nir C-ntfitl and Washington av.-. lV4t IrOK RENT Farslb1 rooms, furnished room, f urnlh-1 oonas. f uraishe-l rorm. furnished rooms, farnibe jci anrt furci-hHl rooms la any prtcity Wichita Reatal and Collection AitMK-y. 144 n Haln t up -tlr. I25-ir J7or REyr-os3cj--.ofa-rs,oniee,o-3w , . o2ce. ffl-rt. oSIces and oT3ce la 5 ftHrr-t Wld lCK-A tions. wjj'a Rental and Collection Agency 1.4 n Jlaic t up "tAlr. I25- FOR REXT r'nrrlsh- rooms rb-sUr farnUh fdcn Lawrence. 31arket. Topek and 4tb aves. Iu private bo'ie. at all prlona. Can u!t the rorwt fasudiou. Wic iits Rectl nd C lieciloa Aweary, m n Main st oa tr' 121 S -r-f)it rfvtt ir rm-t -r, -.-.- e- ,,v K0lSn?S'l''JS Sfl ?.biT2l f5i tf?olrlt ' lrols io'" lla nct excnao.e i. TT'OR REXr-Famlshej room. ttzte or to alte. j - new rtrtafjKc n o t rcr.i toe cuy. CI be KXiK RiVT 2 1 crad roo, ) t Topeka. 14 j ir'4 KEXT -Ta ir 2 sHtry brier bntej. J4 rcej.ra.; ! A well Hitie j, -nte at vuyrta. Ka , veof VSTZTZYS-ZritA TV? -: ,7,r gT ! T.M1K J.VT-Friben r il Tcta a ' w U r:vfc ttrvr. .&.. ,-r ivc - Ii !' ;! 'r- -Ire Ui-. jA-vity oi . w-ter .r ts (.' wsl r- fr jaj , ( uK 3j( e Jt I j; .. . u and w 1. .-a- tn -lUvUjn. """ t-'ntm- tu? rKi, w-t . -sarimWM 3 j e U ml ji- Mr4. lti! ! f T a trtr rf mr. ai a iwrmJ 1 1 IFOI . Vi -U' ' to' a. ortAlo out tn. talyrua. UttrU. -u.o4. Addrm m. sj-tr nOK BEN7- rtiitr titm n-nu. r ttzrr cw X. ptr, ta crater tf Uitcr; aivi u-rt tw flrj U of tnAt tor roU -,-Vt. Jobst(i,Ai Umt'm- A ii turn rewft jt Metvwi mm FOB SALE. FOR SALE Chetpa ni-Jt-cla business, bulldinc No. 9'4XH. c h.Xast DougU. l23-t FOR SALE A rare barg. 16t) acres S miles sorth of Arkaou City, and 7 lota lu Arkacta-s CJty. Address Mrs Miller, this office. 12?-6 FOR SALE OR TUVDE-A first-class dining hll and luncb counter in on? of tbe best location in cttr: S3 regul r bo-iriar: good rut of transient: will sll ror cash or trJ for cltr property. Address A. care Egle orace. 125 FOR SALE 5 acres on Park ave, eat of i hiibolm Creek- Mclutyre& Collins, G. A, R building. !- FOR S.VLE One grxxl faiillv horse, with buggy and harne-s. Enq lire 2,)s ilala st. 12S-t I7IOR SALE Houses and lots oi -vsy terms of jir 1 meat; vacant low a' bed roik. a tha owners need money and mmt sell; fa ms at fa'r price and on reasonable payments; sl-rf, chaap acre t roxwriy. For bargains call oa Tosh & Leonard. 147 n Main, JI.isct Exchange. 123-6 P OR SALE IS) acres of lind between Kinsley and Lewis, In Edwards county. Cin , on Chi cago, Kansas & Western Rillroai; prlca $1.6tU. T rms one-half cash. balan-i to suit purcna-er. This is choice land and surrouade-1 by good farms. Also. 160 acres near Greenouiy. th- couiitv sat of Kiowa CO.; price S2sy. Terms $J tvli. b'alanco to suit purchaser. Henry K. Tuller i o 112 Main. 1J3C T70R S VL5 8 east front lots on corner of 2cd -t : and Burnice ave for only 323 each, worth tt5d each, mu-t sell this week. Erwtn Rel Estate Iu vetiunt Co. cor Dougvs and Market. 127 tf FOR SALE Lot 125. east front, on Main st bet 2nd and Xrd sts, for only S15.CU). etsy terms; his Is the cheapest lot In the blocs. Erwln Real tstate Inve-tment Co, cor Dougl.-u and Market. 127 tf FOR SALE OR TRADE-For Wichita prorjiertv. 1W acres of well w itered ltnd lu Butler Co; ror par ticulars add E. A. Robinson. i5i Mosley ave Wichita, Kan. ijifij I7OR SALS 11 uhwIj furnished room, best Ioea ? tlon Uilty.esllat JUnMatn t. 127 6: "ITOR SALE-At a speclil birga'n if sold within a X! fewdas. of themo'l beautiful east frout lots ou Jackson st, Grelffonsteiu's 7th and sth add; aN on New-York and Bostut as. Mathewson's nd i.for further particulars call oa V J D No J5 rt'ator st 127-t ITOR SVLE A tlrst-clisa second hand piano I square grand, cheap, A. r.Owen, Ui n Maltist, 12t6t 1710 R i ALE ro sell 4 lots, Chautauqua ave bet ? M-ip!e aud Ce-sar 1 block DougUs arc, a-add luck )mx lf2 ISrC JT'OM SALE The rincst f-vmllv hor in Wichita, . Iron grev In color. 5. v ears oil. and n written innrantee th tt he is perfe- tly sound. For particu lars call at Ransom Payne's real e-ta,e oSlce in the Masoulc building near the postofflco; 12 1 fct YjIOR S VLE 6 acres t.,. mile north of Judson t'nl 2 tdks n street car lino. Ran son nay oClco llJn Main st 1216 IT'ORSALE 2 lots Porter ave. Vj) pe- lot, ft) ft J cor Pine and Wate-2 houses, price $. 52, ft oylTSon eutral bet W-vco and K'ver2 stor houu price SsO; 4 lots cor Me-ldlau and Carolme'st. $ prr lot; 3Ji acres close to ejtj, SI") per acre, 16 lot on Falrmount av e, JIM per lot, 2 lots cor 9lh and W nbish 5X1 er lot, I lots In Lincoln st add 3 Ci per lot, 2 lots .Stover's add good 4 room house, stable, ilLide. S5J),-J lotss r:mpirUav, sun) r lit Wft cor CleveUnd and Pane 7LJ per lot. 5 lots As) ft s cor Clevelaud and Park XV r lot. 50 ft by 175 on River st. gixKli mom house, shiule, fruit, etc , StXw 4 lot cor IiUand Zlmmerly Line dn st ad i, 8M per lot. 2 lots Cainp'iell s add.Wab ish ave,3J75 lot.vvll trade for team Ellsworiu .t Riggs 1S2 n Main st over Larimers stliuou. 6 low Junction Co add. $55o jr lou lil-'i J7SOR SALE-24 lots In Klncald's, out lots on 4th ; and Einptirla aves at a big birgaln. must be old at once. Kiruuni George. 110 vjin st 121 Ct IT'ORSALE Slotsou s Ltwrence nve, vv fs, near ; How ard st at a big bargain if sold at once num .t George. U0 Jiam st. 124 61 FOR S VLE 10 f t on s Tpefca v near new opera bouse, with good house, ut $j,aw. This i a snap. Farnum & George, 110 Mala st. 121-61 17;OP. SALE 10) f t e f on -"lev eland ave. beginning .' UU s of Park st or Frlseo av e, price &!, Jin. cash 81,41", bal S nnd b rnos at 7 lr cent, will dll W tt at btiino rate. Lots 7, 9,11. n Market st. Hoover's ndd. f. bugln nlng75fts oriltiist. price S2,7ti.cwh l,in. $Wj In 3 mos. 8i lu 5 mm. 3v 11 unit ut d p.r cent L p 1. 46, 43, Ts Park Place a.e. Hersey'. add. e fs 1"5 ft deep, price $Uk;-r2UW cah. iVU In 4 mos, Jlfei) alxiut G mos, 8 per cent. Ix)ts3i).:522. n Emporlnave. Ferrell's 2nd add, bet J.ih and UUi sts. price $2500. $1210 CRh. $1W lu 4 mos $450 in 6 mos. $n&jn S mo. a per cent. Lots C3 70.72,71, (ItfiftjArk uve. Knnsis City add, cor Belle st, o f. price 3I4CO; $-i50 cash, bal in J. 6 and 12 mo. S xr rent. Lots '29, 2. Millwood nve. Junction Town Co add. price $IUl); Sl'A) Cnsh, bal S at.d b mo S percent Lots iS. SI. 3S. blk 2. MIllwoo'l ave, Junction Town Co add. price $1 10: owh 3ri). Vi) in mo, 8 per cent. Lots 12,4-1. 41, 43, blk'2. Mlllwooi are. cor Auder son ave or w 1st st. Junction Town Co ndd, price StXty, $!( casn. bal 3 mo. S iwrcent. Itcvd, Jackman i Co. nwm 6. H4 n Main st. 12t 6t 37ORSAI.E Sd ft on n Topeka end good house at . $2A. must be sold at ouce. Farnum & George, lloMalii st. 2 ;t 1710R SALE The following aniperty Is open to all ; real cut-to agent. L)LsN. lil to I2s. s and e cor Lincoln and Hiram tin. prion 1M; $7"i5 In Jaudb mo. 'Janici j aM lots lil to 115 sand weor Lincoln and Hiram st. (Sard -Id ndd. term same as ahove. also 2 o f bits N is Hi v 1 RJ lint n.r- onin aiH price '7J),SVW cash, bnI6.ini 12 mo. S e f Ni .Ntwsi aii(13on ilinnluare. Onl ndd. price i.t, cash 37'J, bal 6 m I 12 mis T us agent n-portlug guloflrst wiiirectflvocommjislonat 12W n 4th -ve J21-C L TOIl S VLE A new imoiu houso with cellir, clos .' et. bitn room, uluintiwlfii- .-kmiIiw will lit: romnletctl about 3Iv 1st: iH-.t front, rm i:nmn ave. itiv. rslde add. new b irn P.x2! ft Will m-11 W, T3. or itf) feet lib house for terms call on A .Smith, ow nei. t!7 N Livvreuce ave. d Ul-tft TOItSVLE-BlacVsmlthshop SOtti with 2 good wts of tools, also offl ( 12r20 all nw and in .rood repair, situ tted In oie of the bt funtilnz dUlrlcta lu hOUthivirstern ICius n, now loin? a flret cbi's busl nes, win sell cheap and on east terms or will rnl tOttk'WMl stead Vinnn. Add to r D Hrramn JcCn. &)& e UougUs nte. Wichita Kvn 121 tf FCiRUVLE-lhotelsoflS to 3) room cai-h In dlff erent li-Kimltu R. It cities of southwest Kariso.. also half oi ?o xl scfiool land 2 rnll- from It H. t)w n at $.') por aero. Will sell vcrv iw and on easy trrrai if taken noon. J H. Barry ,'Klnslor Kan. 121 lt 1710R SVLE-Planlntt mllI-Rultdln. machinery . nnd lea'e. First-class pa) In bu.ln.: ao-sl nsv Kins for selling, address 22 Ellis ave, Wichita Kau. 12!12t 1rOR RALE 1 loM on r Main st, near the new Fort ? V-.i:t depot, ciipBt$l.iaJeAl(.call at my offlco .s. F M i"lAndr. htif JTVDR SALE Lots, one and a half mlli-s ett of ? liwTenoe and half a mile i-juth of Douhu avs, prfcrs low, terms very rivwoaabie. liuc-iier Cleveland, ov er 1 A n JIain st. IU tf J 701: 8AU-T3i! J2 corTopoka ntid With, $r,Hj; tx 22Dor Kalrrlewand Htu efrJw iOi ft In rarer ynrk. 'Ct' ltv acre cr :th and Sherwood v, (W-, call ou uhas. Raster, onr. cor M and Wat- Htf JJVJUSt-LE-Arood bottom farm of Vo acres 75 acre first Ixittom, 0 acres of wtl-h is In culilr. tion, 13 acn-s tlmOir. a le-arinrf J'ach orenard, and jouii apple orchsri. i) acres ferK.d with post and 3 !re rlijht by th bfju", with nev rfalltnir running water In tbe cnrlosort: a fine pasture, fr-.rne hou- ItilSl with .tone btMient tin dernojiUi. frame srrAnarr iCn:2 frnme barnl'it. hor lot by barn, two xA wells aJJolnln thin fa"" ' bave another, of i-oat-res, o acres Ht txjttoin. j 50of which is in cultivotlon 10 lu tlmlxr-. i kTc I fenced for pasture by the itou". frame houw 12x1s, on-htory with cellar 'rjtli c '- fyfi well. crn I crib stone ,ii!e. feed lit with running wtT Uirot-vh It, berln peach ir-hnl and walnut erove Dy toe nou-e nrs l farm are well watered T ar-re of jnxl onnz tlmb-ron them. II acre of flrst-clas bottom Unrl lu cultivation, a very delra ble pro;Tty for stock and uriln farm will ell both Uvether for .'. pe HeTr. --ui Klve 4 to 4 years time at 3 percent lntereto3 2.6i or I win m-ii them epeftlT -d rflre tmo jnrt, but would want mure per acre to -t-ll them eerirtelr. the X3t acres I 6 mllei frfirn n and are n.'t botutn farms. They must b sold. Address Uorti. Ix-vb. Kaiists. JjXIR HALK- W own aJ of tMs profrrty and will . sll any of It on rruUI pynvntdow. CeUaoco lu threw or nt. years All of it t In town aad la bo lody future icreat addition. 2 rvrm boo-e and two lou. Wictiita t. 5 ruom boas and oae lot. Water at, north, S room boux- and oce lot. Water st. north, 5 ruom bous and one lot, V aie-r ft north 4 rwwa hotue aed one lot. Market r nrib 4 lale lots north Xarket street, &, ft trvt eeh lots No , ft, 141. 3t, 124. th. ", i. Norttj Watr n. ri ft front, lot No. ii. 44, ?, So, ,, ', . S, J. 5. 123. V, k;hlU st. lota No 7i .2- Wfc ave- lots tlo 1, t and esS f t front. WaahbKrton ave ' 4d oa vivt; louN'.2od t, Wab!i ae. In' add, corner; " . ii. ia. ii, i nuwaui . Mover' j, mu 5o. t, i, Vt and A. YoarA ave, j-c Phillip' add. lot No , EraporlA are, Orme A rlUlp add. Fir t.U lnform-thm apply to L w I,m or Harry Btewart. HlO-tl "PORSLKOR EXCHANGE D irb. Jn-.rt-.-d JL asd va,Tot property In Winfteld. Csr Co . .aaforalerrex buure for property Ja Wichita. Add S. L GUter!. L" S Lad once. WJebtia. K. IJTtf FOB SaI The rewt retJt bardwan. tsaia-c in the cltv A'jnof Uli-jiri a Kutk... ia DowjI ave. a,tf FOR BALE On hsd-j i tnai with two 4 room bffam. on Wiwno i. ecu. lelirwn 1ft i! I M Hta. For terms c: oa J E Hwn.fcrwy kSoii. wj'wi-t a-tt ITOk SAIX-7S ft oa cot of Idlartpo and Wa A? Ux rt. kaivl xlLit n,rr St. vtf FCt'ALXi hm ia oref rfty cis. Al GrbA Jr j TT'OH AilX A r;s-rb fcitrssSs a tr H bK r frvmCr-r.i-kw . r re ,n i?!,t-T lertk ' f.n-.purr , iVle -tbdt :x "CVR L5 -i U (a,W,Ji,. a ckM vm--- - ' - .cPf -? - cijja t r.i 1 Um.. UiAMiffltAllMP.I.Mh.. yo i!f.twiiisKvft i- - T3JH -1LS-Ts Mrr teuew 6-r ! nJH -iLS Ta'i Tpu ixu 6-etta f Sr!e-A. red e.V-, nitr, aytettmt rfc i bajva psyr. tuner -ife, its". 4 fx- -u. I &.- ft gC3V- t- J'IIW Ie I j 7KS4TJf-TB BIJ x-eif8 aWJ pepJaAj IS . Si&iS -il-V. VatXV Viy mil- u rt ioreuif. ,vj t ter UOitrr, in a "Water ,, ta- FOS4ALK-l1- rMtM TJ tmtrZ t-aSr-r-,SaKkfer 4 mt mnmm FOR SALE. T7OR SALE Good cw for sale. ml a few I .' ouiu ana oxen at wet end of Dou!m t oridM. EOR SALEl ft lot for WH thU L lnM prgm erry aad 40perc-nlunlrrtAtmrlcet bsa calls me wy and I am coaipeled to seU. Z 3 t SH Main room 3. 12M FOR SALE Restaurant and lo eream partivr aX nicely f-rnLshed dola? a inyxl h:i!ntt fi. l at .. write for Information, box ZX, p. o-. Newts Kansas. 125- T7H)R SALE Lodging hoas. nxturs. new b, A' good rua, reason Tor telling rvr health; for ear UcuUr. call at 21 w Douglas, Lavelle houso. rJJ- FOR SALE Old paper at U oCky ti cva hundred. iOh S.- Lots in itrong- addlUoa. Tnh ajtr 2 tion U located two Mocks from horwi cars aL close to the new park. Twenty tire new two-stery residences now being built. lood coten well M cured taken In payment for lota. Inquire of O.G. Strong or leading real mtaU men. dStf FORS-UJv Two aJditioas ani choic btnt property on west side. Allen, Rnm k Jutm. i "T7OR SALE) aero tracts for ibdl vidian. Alto. 1 Graham ft Jotte. SB-f LOST. LOST A rl pocketbook containing dceU, ak vtracti and tax In the name or A. WV Davis, of --timner connty The nndrr vviu roelTi a liberal reward by returning to Fred II S acker. HI uMaln. ijv LOST A nwvu poivy 4 yesr old with I've letter J on left hip; the finder w IU b- rewards br lr lu U e nij ctir 4tU an 1 Leva , ,. p. Smith. LOST A gentlenvins mxxrf pi i ou TgUs arc bet Lawrencu and M-ilu. the wvrty will lh rewarded by Itwving tao same at this ollc-j. 12- )OST x note and mortgig gUen by Geo iiiick. thefiu ier bv ieariu it at Frau Xv Gvorgesonicv, nMain st, lid, will bo ruwrdL tr TOfrr-Somwhere on Main or D.aK av g.d4 (deer. button with E. W enrare.l tKfta. fluupr w til leave at F. G. dmlh t iva au 1 reoelv STOUAGK. STORVOn-Forlumsohold gicsl or merchandj, boxed or Ioom if you htveauy gsis to tor bring thorn to tha Wichita btorago Co, No. II Wert fciula w, H'lt FOK TKADK. FOR TKVOE-A block of 3tory 5 nom brick hour (1 houes in all) 14 miles front v'ourt hruwr. In the bet n-sldpucn part of thec-tv of St. Louis, hou-es ant ne nnd wed rtnUhed Inulu ai4 out with rences. outhdu.e. ete . u complete. jt and water anil all other of the Utet iinpruremea of city, all rente 1 to jiermanrnt ten rt!. i nu t ovsluHtile pltxy of pnits?rty vvtit tn le or gv-fct improva-t and vsaiut prope ly In au giKHicounir neat town in Kansas Call tor -artlculrs A J. Lds-eworth Co.. 2i n M via st. ') tr ITvOK TRADE-ift) acres of Ivn t near Kingtnnn. for . city p. o,njrty. 2 lots ou th mifrt busi.i s mrvrt In a town on IhuS K. Ry for a team of horcm, or hiueand biug. or carriage, it sintlt st..ok of clgtr for a lot a business hiu.e -n leasi . round f r lata, also, other pniperty to exshivnga Call un Tivsli A Leonard. M7 n Haln X. Micot Kxchange lt 17DRTRVDE-V InnJimo roddpnee pr tv-rK.U .' mlau lies rido fromChlcag i in a first ci loca tion, wou'd ex ii ingrt f r w l -niu proiwrty lt. t t-purgin. CltUo-ts' Bank building. 127 un InORTIUDE-Wohiveon our list om- nfth . llniit farms an latock rtnehes lu II trper, ittrtMir and KIngni in cjunti4. wh'eh wa will trote for Wichita projierty Will tra le a spi-u II 1 ranch of luvwrenln Harr und Kingman cvmu.. for stock of clothing u KU n id hitr niimix.r I half section In Klngm in Co. t mllo from ra:lrovl ta Uon, Tor nalo chenp. or will tr i for go- 1 h rs or caltlo. All vou people who hvvo anytnlug for tnvlA comeandseous. Erwln Real Elvt ,t InviMtmunt Co. corDiusWsarid MarkeU Itt tf 1A)RTRvDK-lwIlltri.leddrab.T Insldn Wich ita property fo- Und or bits and cAn. ill and pt p irticut irs. 'ouglxs uve J R. Keuwortliy. room i ovirsa rati STItYKD. QTRVYED OR STOLKN-v grey hnri, weight Oabout Iv l, any Informoti n ti wheralonts will 1 reai'insbly pild onicoll'j n JI-ln rooui J, J.8. Crubtrei'. res cr Wih aud Clernlaiid. 12.t TAKEN UI'. TIT VKEN :i' T iken up by the undersigned at Pt X tl I livery stable on April tt. iH7 tdtrkbar or tirown mare mum about lS)l htnds hlh,or7 vears old. go.Ml unier, harness msfk on n-i-tnnl sides rr& Young, IU Patlls ave. Wiehltia, April 12. W !- "OEl'ORTof the condition of the KANSAS .V. LVHOSALIIANK. at Wichita, in thUe of Ka tas at the close of bulnrss Manut 4, ISA Iiansnml discount .... iOL Orerdrafts , . ,-( V H louds to secure circulation . VTVUAUW Duo from npprovod reMrve aentt WU t7 Due from other .National bants jTssxTLas Dun fnirnbtatc bunks and tianifm Real rotate, furniture and tlxliin-s ft 4t liw taai 32l!.n Z3)Kt OJ.2B IV USD ,7IW.SJ Currt it eXnM and C-ji-s paJ.t 1'remlums pjild Kichuiucs for clnrlnx hou . Hills of other banks Fractional pap r currency nlkrl and cents. SlM-ole r,n teniler nolt i,iijm Jr-,fi lU-di-mptlon fund with V lrcentof circulation h. Treasun-r, J3 ToIaI LUIIIUTIEM, Capital stock paid In hurf I us fuud Umilv-ldi-d prollt .taltiirial Iihii ihH'-k vuufandlnir . Individual depoilui tlbw-t u 0C27AT:.U tlW! IJ;7J Z2.VIOW ch"ek Demand (vrtinraOM r.f ilepolt Du to othr r.:ptal luinlu Due to tilaU) Imnkt and lanier' 1WM.'T "JUv Total 5LU4 Stat of Kana. Cnuntr of iirwpk u I, li. VV lu, l'ri'oldetit or the aUiYw nknvsl ba ito sob-mnly swear that ttw atxv t.-il.-miit Is t to the Uitof in) kuow-ledf and b-!lf II Vt l.KWIK rrMt. bubscrllHsl ami ntorn to IWore tn tbts'ytb dr vt Seal a.xh.H7 C V SrCI-kNAflWI. ;'iary CuWle. CmnmUsbm t-Tptnm Untrh , IViJ. Oorrfct-Attent: CiiAa. K. rs i J.U DrrK.jDIr A. A. Hrtr.J OEPOUTof the condition of th WICHITA XA 1 tTION AL VXK, at WUhil. lu tin- .t.u rt . a, at tho rltr-- of bntxirA. ilnrrjt 4, tffft KesfKJltCEA. Irmns and discounts flrtrlrkff- V M. liODlU Ut ecire eJruUtkin Othrtick, botul an t trlori Due from npprove.1 r.wrrn unu ; Due from otlier National link Dufrti ''late banki and bankers Krai estate furniture nwS flxtur 4Tirrrntexprtirn'l tr paid l"remlum paid Kirfcane. for clearitur, oou U1IU of other Ixnk FracUotud paper currf urT.nlckeU id csu Specie .. f Iy-k'ai tender not KMetnptioa fatil with VA TrrMtwer te pr cent of clrtFul&Uoc) . . Total UAWLTnEfl Capital stwk paJ in urTla fubd CbdlvVJed proflu fatlorml bank tym- oqUfaadfn , Icdivtdul depceUU snbct to cUe4;k D-mnd oertSncate of dteit L-6 Ut other VaUonAl b k I a to Hixi bak ad tASkcn Total . . V L5i-r4j JLTSLStT trrATEoKiCANnA. , Coott or Rawjcx. J I. t W Levy. Cashier of tbe abora rmt Nutfc do lemnly if tiiat Ue bv tt-f&nt u ts to tbe bet of mr koowplt aad belief M L.KYT C-)r SafeTfbi aud rra to Vriat tn this Hit day of I&eilJ X.-C JBT Kil3 U VtllroX. Vibuj rMfcihfc Oorr"t AUiwt. A. W Oirr.l Stoti VkttiMfti IXmrUj, SANTA FE BAKERY Established 187a, It thr Place to get Evcryikinw Kept la a Pim-CU Bakery. EO'KAKDT & SCOTT. ia, 144 MAIN STREET. r. r. a iTtx. a. rcsxz. B ATLE & FUNKB CIVIL ENGINES & L' NO SURVEYORS. 1& try vii Mtw t t j- 4k. yasut. w jrt j-4 Jftjr f 1 a rvtw lottlce 327 Douglas Arenae, , .....'.... wswi3ani w 1L J. CIASCY CO, Real Estate Brokers. mrnt r 4MI WePJ ttrATHM 3rr,XT :itl afiK 12:.j.h ;.. 'JJJUU )H5 LS7J 44.WI II U3J-XUI ltjJ eaw;j UMU L7M.7 s M rJ J itWMK --m sSi riirfSzn.l'ti..t -.,;t..!'-c95 , .5 ate.,?,;