Newspaper Page Text
--jjYs 2f&r!?i C?v 4 IpS - - !FGi7S&r 5 f jffiF'lKgail!ilwi in n. ,. ; .. t .... . L..,,v ..w: --PifcjMaifc-.. a.1.. I' m ' - fffipjjgffiSPgspe pj .-,,- C V " "J- !-- t ' "if " - ' J '! V f -fi' , . T ! S t. Ir m 1 & S V ill . ? ADDITIONAL TELEGRAPH & k CAPITAL BUDGET. WHOLLY UNTUUB. Wasiuxotox, April 15 It Is stated at both state and navy departments that there is no truth in the dispatch from Key "West that. Commodore Greene. U. S. S. Yantlc, officially forbade English mm of-war at J. ore aH I'rmce to carry out the treat ol Eeizinir Torn, ;5i!inf, S(.Prlnrir wi,;,. npv tioiipr li,r,l nf ". .;., ..;i . j -.... uoi.k. Ui OUWI IUI1I, UUU1 J1C w me uispaicu in tiie iNew l'ork paper. He said it was not likely Commodore Greene would act without orders; if he deemed it necessary he would telegraph the department at once. T1IK CRUISEIt ATLANTA. fete official report of the trial trip of the .1... j. ....... .- . cruiser iutanui was receiveu at tue navy department this morning from the com mandant of the JSV.v York navy vard Average speed for the six hours 15 5 knots; uvvrtiu revonniims per miimicoi zi; aver age steam pr-jurc S7.1 pounds; averajra J slip of screw 4.44 per cent: average col 1 lective horse power 3,300, which is a little J v, short of the contract. Secretary Whltupj says sue win probably be accepted. A SUGAKED TETITIOrt. The interstate commerce commission has received by mail the petition of the Ameri can Suirar Relining Co., (f San Francisco It sets forth that the immediate effect of the fourth section, unless modified, will be to "entirely destroy the business of the dfshjn ion of products of our mauufuc .tor"jolhe states of the Mississippi vulley." The company has over $1,000,000 invested in machinery and material devoted t'- the manufacture of refined sugar, and bus large contracts for future buMnes in vol v ing many million dollars ba ed upon facil ities and opportunities offered by the over land roads. The enforcement of the .law will destroy its trade and capital. The railroads are willing to continue old rates and the petitioners ask that they be permit ted to do so. Founeen sugar refining PttabliEhments of Isew York and Philadelphia unite ia a letter to the commission. They under stand that the Pacific roads are about to make application to be relieved from the operation of section four. Before their re qilest is granted the refiners ak an oppor tittCty to he heard in opposition. It is al le$l, they say, that the Pacific railroads h:i'e been'carrj ing sugar at $10 per ton from San Francisco to the Missouri river points, while charging Salt Lake City about $22 per ton upon the frhorter dis tance. The result has been that eastern sugar retineis have been entirely excluded lrom market which geographically belong to them upon all grades of sugar made by llic San i rancisco relluera. The commission gave a hearing to day to 1 he representatives of the Richmond, Fredrick8burr & Potomac railroad who made an argument in favor of the supen sion of the operation of the fourth section if the act, so far as it applies to that road, T$fc account of water competition which the road has to meet. The representatives of several roads from Peoria, 111., were heard in support of petitions for the suspension of the operation of the fourth section so far as it applied to the transportation of grain eastward. They set forth the pecu liar ciicumstances of competition under which the Peoria market labored both with water lines and with trunk lines from Chi cago and St. Louis. The statistics of trade and of the revenues of the roads were giv cn in detail. A representative of the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley railroad, of North Caro lina, made :i brief argument in support of a petition to be permitted to meet competi ' -fvr tion at. certain junction points. J During the recess between the morniug and afternoon sessions the eommibsion changed its quarters from the rooms of tke Geological survey to its permanent abode in the Sun buildiug. The published state ment that the commission has appointed a secretary is pronounced incorrect, an also that to the llect that a decision was reached yesterday with respect to excursion rates. No cession as held yesterday aud no decision upon tha; subject has been made. A large number of petitions have bwn reccied from theatrical people asking a huspmsionof the law ils applied to the . amusement profession and such an inter .'JL preiation of the law as will permit railroad t companies to grant reduced rates as hereto 'fore. The commission ha replied that it cannot presume to determine what the "9" policy of the railroad shall be in this re gard." This is substantially a declination to make a ruliug upon the subject in ad vance of an actual complaint alleging an infraction in some regard. A long communication has been received from the executive committee of the Chica go Freight Bureau, an association com posed of morchHtits, manufacturers and the Board of Trade of Chicago, protecting against the suspension of the long ami short haul feature, especially as effecting the territory north of the Ohio and cast of the .Mississippi rivers, except on Pacific coast traffic, and that conditionally. The law wiihout such suspension is believed bv the association to be not only best for the country t large but for the future success ful operation of the law in the territory named. Notwithstanding the number and import ance of tho petitions already laid leforc the commissloa it has practically but one question uudrr consideration that relatine to ilia long and short haul feature of the law. OYER THE OCEAN. England. Lokdox, April 15 sir William Vernon Ilarcourt, resuming the debate on the co ercion bill in the houw." of commons thi atternoon, sa:a me present wnance c tween the Liberals and raruclhtes was based 0:1 the Liberal recognition of the fact that the wisest policy in Irish nffhirs lay in the ncccpthiiceof kome form of Irish government which would tend to satisfy the Irish people. He twhtt-d Lord Ilau- c V. dolph Churchill aud Mr. Ch&mherlaiu with having secretly consulttd Mr. Par nell, seeking to make an alliance Tiih him for their own purposes. Referring to the conspiracy aud Whileboy clauses of the projwswl act, Sir William declared that they sapped the foundation of all personal liberty and would even de bar Irishmen from forming business com binatious to defend their existing rights. The spirit in which the government would administer the coercion act, if it were passed, was sufficiently shown in the ap poiutuieut of Col. King Hannan to the parliamentary under-secretaryship for Ire land. By this appointment the govern ment had declared themselves to be the partisans of the landlord, aud determined to ndiniuHtcr the bill as the agents of the land owiaiTi in Ireland, thus becoming in struments to stimulute the worst passions of the people aud their bitterest religious prejudices. The bill would fail to "imp press the Irish National League because the people xf Ireland believed in the leaguo and trusted in it. The effect of the enforcement of the bill would be to make the government more de tested and Ijie league more popular than ever. As to the Tory and Liberal uuioa (L tauuts about American gold fostering Irish jg discontent, Sir William Vernon Ilarcourt said: There are none who have less reason to complain of American gold than the Irish landlords, for none get More of it; they get it through their poor tenant' rents. The proposal to Bake the bill per .aacnt Sir William characterised as a breach of the fundamental conditions of the union between Ireland and Great Britain. The government proposed to reverence this union, but were doing their best to violate it. If the government ear nestly desired to maintain the union let them abandon the policy of exasperating the Irish people and adopt the policy of juiice and conciliation. (Cheers.) Major Sanderson, Conservative, said the .National League wa. supported mamlv by criminals, ftyDKiMtersandiniirderfrs across the Atlantic. He did not chanj gentle- ' un ppponie wiui imoruing ineir uannd m "Iood but did charge them with asociatin with men whom they knew to be mur derers. Healy rose to a point of order. The speaker charged that Major Saun derson made grave charges but he could he met in deb-ite. lie, himself, was unable to interfere. Healy hereupon said he would say what he thought of Sanderson regardless of con sequences. If Major Sanderson referred to him he had no limitation in saying Sander son was a liar. This remark was greeted with rousing Parnellite cheers. The speaker called upon Healy to with draw the expression. Great uproar arose. The speaker again called upon Healy to withdraw. Healy refused. The speaker thereupon named him, and with Smith, first lord of the treasury, nwed that Healy be suspended. Redmond jumped up and shouted: ."I say he is a liar, too." Tne house divided on the motion to suspend Healy. The motion carried IIS to o2. When the vote was announced Healy walked out of the houe. applauded by all Parnellites. Siundeison said Sheridan was on the committee and against him a true bill was found for complicity in the Phoenix park murder. The committee mu3t have known what kind of man he was. Here Sexton springing to his feet shout ed: I say j'o u are a wilful, cowardly liar. There was another uproar. The Parnell ites rose and cheered fr.tntically. Sexton exclaimed: If I could only get you outside the door of this house I would thrash you wituin an ineh of your life. Excitement again renewed. S.iunderson being pressed eventually withdrew the words he used. The speaker then asked Sexton to with draw Ids expression, at the same time add ing: I cannot couceal from myself the fact that the provocation has been very great. (Loud cheers). Sexton formally withdrew the ex prcssion. Leak, member for Lancashire, suggested that Healy be recalled. The Speaker said nothing could be done in the matter until the next sitting Sexton gave notice that at the nxt sitting of the house he would move that the suspension of Ileal y be revoked. (Cheers.) Saundersou resumed his speech. Hi said Sexton was at the rueetiug at which Egan was made secretary of the Clan Na Gael, which Mas a murder society of America. Sexton roc to a point of order. The speaker advised Saundersou to withdraw the offensive expression. An other scene of confusion ensued. S.muder son repeating his words, whereupon Sex ton shouted: The honorable gentleman is again a liar. The speaker called upon both members to withdraw their offensive remarks which they did. At the conclusion of hissppech, Saundcr son was greeted with cheers from the Con servative benches. Adjourned. Concerning the Anarchists. Chicago, April 15. A special from Springfield, Ills.. sas; A reporter learned last night fiom Mr. Bailey, United Labor member from Enst St. Louis, whose assas sination was attempted a short time ago, that the detective who has the case in hand will make some, arrests within two or three days. lie has 11 cited the gang, or secret oath bound lodge, in Chicago, one of whose members did the shooting. In fact it sid he has uncovered a group of nine nihilists whose headquarters for the past six months has been in Chicago and the drift of disclosures, though a-J vet unau thenticatcd. poiut to Chicago. The organ izatiou of fifty-four members, or.six groups, nine members each, was formed for the purpose of wreaking yengence in case all hope of saving the condemned anarchist. is lost and that one of their number, acting upon orders of the group to which he be longs, made the attempt upon the life of Bailey, as hwaeiion iu the legislature re garding the Nerbe funeral was considered a great injury to the case of the anarchists now before the supreme court, DomiulcaiiH Divided. Nkw Yohk, April 15 A. special fronv Ottawa, Out , say.-.; Already a storm is brewing in the dominian parliament over the government's course in the fishery question. Peter Mitchell, M P., formerly minister of marine aud liheries under Sir John MacDoimld. is now found upon the opposition side of the house and in matters pertaining to the difiioulty between this country nnd the United States over the rightw of American fishermen, is at vari ance with the administration. Eirly n.t week Iih will attack the government. The policy of the liberals will lx pointed out by Mr. Blake tomorrow evening and be followed later bj' Mr. Mitchell nnd A Jones, of Halifax. The course which Mr. Blake and his party will take is that American fishing veaeh which have caught their cargoes outside of the three mile limit and having proper permits from their own government to touch aud trade are entitled to all privileges of ordinary trading vessels in Canadian "ports. A Ifew Pvlco in llallroaiHnsr. Chicago, 111 , April 15 The first trial trip of a vestihulated train whs made thi afternoon on the Illiuois Central railroad. Six coaches joined together as completely aa the rooms of a house were drawn at a h'gh rate of speed sixty miles down the road from Chicago, returning this evening The first coach was a combined baggage room, buffet smoker, bath and htrber shop. Next came a dining car, followed by three sleepers. Between each pair of coaches on tho edga of the steps a wooden wall or petition erected. The;-e par titions were joined by rubber bsgsring which yielded to every motion of the ir.un, but the partitions formed a perfect vestibule beiwtxm rach ciuple of coaches. Thr Pullman Company are tho originator', of the r.evice. Tnis system, it i? said, will be adopted by one of the roads ruaain from Chic3g to New York. Ktand 'ot, But Gat. Nkw York. April 1,1 A RAleisrh spec ial tays: "A party of Morman elders came from Tennessee iuto the eMern part of this state some weeks ago They at once began work in making converts, particu lafly among women. This created great indignation on the part of the people in parts of Buneomb and llendcrson coun ties. An organizatiin, fully officered, has been effected, for tha expulsion of tkio Mormons. The latter have duly no tified to leave irnrnediitfcly; if they do" not, tar and feathen will be ud and perhsps worsr puuishr&cnt will be indicted The people are in earnest and determined to ex pel! them. Parties of Mormons have been at work ia the mountain section, h?rc and there. Some of them were nearly beaten to death and driven into Georgia by the in dignant people. Xhmj Dtda't titrlke. Louisville. Ky., April 15. Tho ex pee.ed strike of the stove taolderi did not take place this aorniaz for tha raason that th boycotted 8t. LouU patterns were not rrta. out at i& iowminoi. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. ets- Tort Money. Skit Toes. April 15. JJoneyon call easy at4C8 percent; closed aHM ITlme mpre.inf.lle paper 56. Sterling exchange dull hat steady at $iS"44 S for ft) aay bUlg and $4 B7S for demand. The total Bales of BUcka were 221I5S iLarM. i-lHU-vtsniii Jin I per-cents """law Ifrper-cenis ivyA i-wr-ixnu of 'Mi. uq uesourl6 nz Cnlcago &. Alton uii ZUcexo, Durllimtou 4 Qaincy 142 Lacavrana 13- rie 3i; Late Shore 91a? Missouri Pacific lOTJi Sorthivpsfrn Vor York Central fteadluK Rock Island Union Pacific Walxtsh Wmt-rn Union.... WH it: H us ChlKaao Oram ana Provision. CRIC4BO. April IS. Ths vheat mtrkrt wa3 In a highly ntrfoin condi tion wiry. The lmpndlu:j f3r uf 11 corner InSIaj de lpry ciue-i a tot of thmail eho ts to run to corer and a a ntult Kay advanced from f:j u &iH "hl-h ra3 th top pric for the day. Outfldu lo ll Jf-n-soj appeared to hare no beartag whatever on th course of value s. riicro vrrj 4 fjr tra-lo In corn nnd the fiellcg vraz llrmer, lurjuly cuo to tho trrji-ita In -wlios:. vp3aed R&nvd Cl-j-cd lipht inrll M SO'v KTiW uy WH itJi Sj'i "'- My ih r:-;-5 orn April 4W S!J( 3'lS ijy S)7 z-hi vj June 403 Vru a Jat April aivj 31, ;r a M '&H Ji"i. K SfX ? UtTW I'nrfc April 20 50 )'0 J)? 20SO llH aUO JltW UV1W l'11j lunn U1W 21 U) till ID CIO) L.trd April -,W -V, -ZZ1 Hay "10 740 ft;a " 3.W, Juno 'M 7SU t-71i . i ' Cash quotation wcr? as folk"1. : Flour st-sdyanil unrhinfrdl. VoJiipriuu ivncAt .!(i-o7'-9 So'f sprliu wheat 71J So 2 red S "Co J corn M'aMU Vo I oatH 'iVfi it'li. fo 2 rye XnlAii Mo 2 Barley oi. les porif i) 73. Urd 7 J' Kootilr.1. 6hlj.wntn 'V'noat ' H Com rr.ViA M atH 61'AV 43 CO it. Louli (irain and lTtrvlHlona. St. I.ocix, April IS. Hour Quiet and dull. Wheat- Active Su 2 rel ciwh. 75t.'.tM May.3 &i1H lotlnc at 8 bid, June.7SXri)5i cIosIngTOJ. Ull, July 7iia'.fVi m.i dull t-HMti ?4Ji'ja: May MKZiJi. clvtj)f: at .1: if; .Tune3X; Jul'- 374". 0t-Klrm Cu7(i;H: ! 2o?4. Ke lisv nt3Vl Ljd full at: 2H34C5. 3sf3 Firm it 9Hi Ilutter Lowr: Port-Old me t!5 CO; new $'B , Liird 07 Hii St. liOalg Live SlocX. KT. Uium. April li. CittlC 110, RTOhpt lfOO rnaiket rtolrr. r.oie hfavy im:le steors $t 70w-"i 20, ihippers U-e fair to good $1 0"l 7U, tetlern f.iir to cood $3 20'!!; (tockers fair to good $2 2i'Ci3 10. Tixw cuminon tnebolco, W (4)0:2 91. Hf,-s Receipts 410. bhpr 1SJJ markpt active; lewcr; choice, heavy and ouu'herti Iectlou 85 jft "i 70. packing fair to (rood. S3 3-"(3-r) 5u; yorker ui Hum to prime. 85 205 35. pigs common to Kod 01 "0 r.5 1. Sheji P'v,ipts,2(if0, shipments ; market firm tt O'il Hwlium fancy S WX4 d), fulr to oi.oIi.e 2 10 ;oo. t i.-nnxu City Grain and PrnvlMons. Ea.isab Orn, April 15. tir.lly Ir.fllcstor reporM hfnr Ko. 2 rod, cash 7H aififd: Mav t,2i bid. 70 sJkt d; Corntendv; Nn.ic.iih, SUrfcud. April S2f tBkd M.h : bid 3fK axktd: Jii'y 35 lid, & ask-pd. Oatfl, Xo. 2, cash, 27 bid. Ajirll 29 bid; May S0 atUid, Flour, dull, st-a'iy: quotations xi 65; xxx $UH (.l 10, family CI nl 25; choice StS"V4i 4n, fancy to extra fancv al ', I C3: patont Si 903 UJ. Corn Meal. Green, 67, dried. SO. choice yellow, 55; bulk. 71). Kran Bulk, P3; sacked. 1. Ifi.y Fbin; faucy small Lalel. $SK, Inif. 57 Sf. riaxseod 9i. Kutter Cr'amry. fancy, 91; flue d.ilrr, 2i f'href.y-Full cram, HHS14; lluU, 7SW. Eg steady. ivmkrj Old hen, fat, heavy, SSi 23; rcontcra 3 JO turkevs. ftil. rnvtloiw. Suar cured hp.ra,115i; tMicon 10; drlfxl 0"sf. 11; dried bee clear, 0; dry salt clcrti rlbBldtfc, S 20; lona clear, 33 3u Rhouldtrx. C6 (), short clei, S 40, smoVed clear rib lil-, W 7d. lol c!fr. 8 . shoulders. " 73: short clear, 62 W, Jles I'ork 413 W. Lord.-Cholcj tierce, 87 00. n&nwA- City IjItb htoclr. KiiAa CrrY.Airll 33. OattU. RwxIpt3, 1194. ahlpmente, . Ulhr r .food to choice fcl 4SkM S common to milium. tMb ci 1J. sfxer. ti Vcf3 31. fee.ilni ilwm. J(3 VSa 4 Oi. cows, common to choice. $2 0Q(J8 90 Hon. Receipts. 10J, shlpmeiiih. i59i. Mftdy to toiij; gtxxt to choice f5 43'i t. commo:i to aifHilui" 5 lia5 40. skips and pls iS6L,i &j. Sheep. Receipts. 618. snip:neiii. tSi'; eak a-xv to choice, $3 0la3 50, common to rued I mo C-i W 3 73. Chicago l.lve StocK. Cmcioo.Aprlt 13 The rTOTers Journal reports cnttlo recelrt Ml ill ment.-2ml. dull; shlppliiKteori, 9fl to ivjo lbs f. !tJ3 Oi; stocKnr"! and feelere 2(01 01; cov.. bnlU aad cilifi 1 7V3 W. bulk f'.'4)i.3 0; throuah rexM cattle i 50614 50. fTos Itan-ipu 19ftm. lalpmc-it C0 markvt steady roun aud rnlz-l R jmk--InK and shipping V KQJ STii: light CSli'iS M; iklpi ni tAji 00 siuvp Hece!pt!.S0Til1h!pment ICT: nu'kt ijok': aatlvM jWB5'1: yreltrn tti IWJ-4 &S. Ttxirj fl.'o 4 IC, taml) $1 btS3A S3. ISRAEL BROS., & HOLUNGER, Keal Bitale Brokers, 414 E Douglns aven ue Wichita, Kanexe. Lut of special bargain, reviied even inorn- inc: No. 1 80 acres choico land in corn, 5 acres orchaul, --room bousp, well, laro c-rn crib; 80 rods from Vm117 Center. Price $S000; cash pa naent $u000. No. 2 40 acrn land under fence. 1-4 mile from Maze Selewick Co., on W. k C. li. R. Price S25O0. Cah pamt$1400 No. 2 160 acre farm, 1-4 mile from llftz, on W. 6t 0. R. R , 7-room houBf, large barn, hed, windmill, under fence, 40 a hog ticbt. Price $7000; cash p'mt $J500. No. 4820 a frm, 7 miles egt, S hep sheii, larr oarn and house, k11 under fence and cross fence. $60 per acre: one halt cash. No. 5 1 10- and 1 9-room hona ju?t outh of Douglns hvo, ronU for $80 per month. Price $H20; cash payment $2600. No. tt 2 lots on N Ltwreneo ave bet lO'.h d lhh u. Price $3500. No 7- 4 lot on Wichita ?t. bet 11th and I2'.hsts. $1075 ech; 1-2 cash, bnl G mo. No. 8 3 lou on N Top-ku ave bet loth and 16th sU. $S00 each, hf cash. N. 92 lots N Main st bet 3i aad Central Price $22500; hf cash. No. 10 2 hits opp Daisy-Cravford opera bouse, on Topeka ave. " $SO00 caebi hf cash. Call or write for particulars. Having re sided in Wichita since 1S76, e realize our nbilitv to secure for tou safe in vest ments. Ym are invited to make onr office Tour hoadquirteri while in the cky. ISRAEL BROS., & HOLLINGER, 414 E Douclas ave, Wichita, Kan., (Israel Bro. old stand. dl25-rt OLIVE BRANCH I a perfect cam x til dbM ol th woicb Every Woman Can treat ho-slf Isfattoo cd 2-.r iI llvtlyfrc. iUlUbte .GB,7S waoj. Addrr VRa ILnlUA aoBxI.v, S S Vatcr '. Ttchltji. E.c rVware of mUreprawi ompocnt clalmla.-lo cure all forts f female w.Xcf tiad mde ta tna Itatlon of rrj Clebrtd SpclCc thrp BrtccA" the only r:ui! trtucni for ih- d!eo U41 owl. a t-jti trtrr box bears the traie nwrk ktd olive rraprar-, BMie rherpetslar. UpectfulI 8. L. EJLKEJl. X. P.. 9CU. BLUIKA. HCaxly. ai teed. lad. ui JkTnt for Kacfta. WlchlU. KtuisM. dl wS-iaj DR. F. J. LEBANGOOD, TflMrUl UMrst ORVTSSXCE 2TO. An ordli'snc- authorizing the WIcblta aad Valley Center Motor Kallrod and Land Com pany to consirnct ant operate ltd railwav aloDg certain 6 .rrets ia the city of VVichlta. " fcxcTiox 1 That the Wichita and Valley Cen ter Motor Uallrcad and Land Company, its uc ceaorj anda.ilgnt-, re htreify authorized and ranted the r.'yht to construct, mulntdn aud operate its railway upon ard atony vvter eirtet, iorh3ier avenue, iota street, Jackson ttreet, Arkansas aTenue, Xorth street, Market street. SWtb street, lith etreet. aiid first street In the city cf Wichita. Szc. . That themilwayof said companvor ita ..ucossor0 aud itsjgns, shs.ll be so con btrncted upon mid aloujr the ttreet& and ave-nu-B of the ta d city of Wichita, with a tingle or dontIe track au necessary tun-onta. switches and t rntubles in such amanteras will least intenere vrlih private and public rights. .-tic 3. The track of slid railway shall be lsid and kept on the grade evj with the ourf ace of he fctrcets, aa thej nuvf are or aa they may be lrom time to time, along whi htald railway passes anJ h.ill be so co structod ttat the water in the laterhl sud cross gutters shell be free anu thelrn nne in eery particular com plete and than be constiucteu in such a manner m j ot to present the cros ing ofth ktreete and avenues by teams and wasons at any point with perfect ease .nd uafety; tne center line of such track thill as neur aa may coafurin with the center line of tho ntreet or highway over or alonwh'oh the tame may pa b unless oih-r- wii-e aire.ed by the city engineer; piov.deJ, that lu the even; of any difference between t e city ei gineer nail railway company as to the pruper place or roadbed the rame shall be de termined bj resolution of the city council Sec. 4. Thetthe rails and shalL be kept in con-taut good order, end tald cjmp ny or its euccesnoro und uos. gns sha 1 keep the spce between the rails and alto tbe space of twe:ve inches on tho oatfiile of every rail well paved or macadamized to the depth ofslxin lies and level with the top ot the rails: ana whenever auy ttortionot tae ritxesti on which 'aidcom- listiyh track is Hid is improved b the city oy being paved blocaol or niecidtmiz-u eaid company shall change their r aabedroa con form to ilie general Improvement of said ktreet by itrng the frame kl l ol materil as used by biid city for improvement. Sec. 0. Such railway und all the vehicles used thrren-) and all the appurtenance belorglug tho eto shall be kept and maintained in go iu order by ehid coinpau oritsa inns. ai. . uce but !lrht-elas rails snail be laid on said trac, and titer llingsto.-k urdther on shall be flrat in all respects. The gage ol raid railway 'hull be feet, or more from flange to flinse ot rail. The cars of -aid cuinpauy chad be run regularly to meet the public demand, aad sl.nll not be n. lowed to ktsnl longer tout twenty mil ute-at te lerrulniw of the tokH; cargi-hall be run kt inieraln ofthirtv mimt-fs an 1 phall run the ea ire length of the cotup eted track, and all ear that aro run after tui.sct thail hi provided with a p'o;ie. slgnil light on cacu end the of; and -ucil light rhall be m) placed thtt they can be readily teen fradi iftnce of at lea-t two blocks. A bell shall at alt tiniei be attached to so ue portion of be car, and when cruising j.nyof.hc etritts shall bo rung. die. C. Each pnaseneer on the vehicle may In required to t ay a fare of n -l vfr iivecruts to any point wiitiin the city limits and if lesthan tun era old not mora lhau ihre cents tor rid ing tu said vehicle trotii any point ntung said railway to any point to be designated i-y raid pajweiiger uitlilii ia!d city ilmit-i; provided, that the pass-nyer so re.iuireci to pay ana py in the 6ame -hall e trans ortcd to ouid point witlnii etv nd rear-onab e dlspit h.and pro vided ruttiier, tnat cuiiiiren ibninai uve years of age, accuriipinletl liy their parents or gn r dian shall be alloweito ride fre. aad pr vide't further, that -aid railway coniuanv ehali i.e llowet to cna.'ge double (are b;iwen the hours or ten o'clock p. m. anueixo'cincsa m S.iii ruilwiy comnanY mhy coll ctftioaroon nsone half mlie or its track is ojmpieteaudcaru ran luKtnnreo . Skc. 7. That sa.d company, Ussncctesors und asblcns, shall commo ce the construcr on Bald railway, on orbeiore tneurtuy of June. lbS7. and lihall complete the same from some pjint on Fir t street to :ho uorth line of said city, on or bef' ro i uust 1st, l-b7. mc. 6. '1 he city or W: hlta resrrvPh the rlnlit to lake up ttie t ack or tia-k-ftnd rem e the rails of said railway when neressary to effe any pibliciraprotement. he taLinsrup ami re laying oTeuch track, and placing lh roa ibed in'properco dltlon to be doneatthe epeiueof the city without any unnecessar del y: al-o tha s-ame riht is reserved for any private co'--ror.itiou or individual now granied or tha' may he granted the right to fueh etreets av niies, proWed that if nnld railway cmpiny fchal fail, refuse o neglect to mate tbeirpslrs on the sireetB provmeu for iu tms ormtiu ce, then the city nny maCe a ch rep'iua at th-- ex- Vten-e ot the railway ov tiers; piovided furthrr, tnat should the council reiniru the comp ny t take up the track for the uurp'e ol public im- iroeruent8 it thall bo done at tho e&penc of the city. Sic tt That said successors and afsiiinn, miy (jperate waid rod by the ust of mitor power, eii-c'ri ny, or nnia- power; mat ai'l rout hU-u n a pKt;enger riii ay; provni )t however, that said railway owners fhali not be prohibited lrom carrying the biggage i.elonglng to or accomp.'inyirgpasseneereat .n times or rnm cirying or deiiverlnjr p-teknxeu of anj kind or description throngh the medium of their railway, and that the rate charged for such transportation ahull not exceed tw nt live rent per hundred pound. Sec 10. Thatthecarof snidral'way shall at all turns be entitled to the track ami i he driver of every vehicle on the track or by the sid thereof, shall turn nch vehicle out whou any etreet car comes upjso aa to leave the track im molested for the (jasag ot the car; but In CArfe ii n uecMSsIu reijalre, the city of VVi-li-Kjl r-erve the r pht to live minute tin e for the removal of uch obstruction; provided that ftcjim il-e enc'iies oro'her apparatus goimrto or comlni: fr -ui ttreesiiuli hhvx'the rlhi d way oTnr all the land of xaM railwav, whenever the condition of the streets ahull l'e fit h ihatsneli engine and apparatu-t cann t othenvi e make proper time ithout ih use of said streets. VXC. II. Thatnocarln a ty cusn ll ill he run or be operated at a greater rped than twenty miles per hour. nuc 'l l hat said railway o"vnirs thall keep the roadwa. 1 an and tree from dirt, to much m liny be occupied by in tmck at d tuniuts and fchull tjiiuse the dirt r treet plunder lo be r moved or placea in hesps in.u li a manner e not tlnterr-re wth the freo ue of the streets by ihe public: a id in all cases when it becomes ne'eRi-arv to retunve snow or ice frm k-Hi 1 trnrks. It fliall he distribute! evotily over the snrfrce of the ''alince -f the street bo as not to interfere with the fre two and occupancy of the same bv the public .: . U. Ih's Krant shall extend for twentf years and upon tho expiration of the frinchle nniler this ordb mv, li, case the mm" Is n t Tfiietvedor extended, the owners of tho stld rnllwsv t-holl cease tu run ttieir cari and shall Immediately remove th lr track- from the stre-tF a d -a"d etreet hill tij them be placed i tnorouk-h repair in mcti manner and form as mav be precibe i by the city engineer. -!. H. In thirty days frora and after the pnblicatlm of this o dinance the said railway com,an, or It tince-nors and ks-Utis t-hall tile with the city cl-rk in writln? an acceptance of the provisions or this ordinance, in relation loeaih anil every part there f. ard in we f their failure to Die iueh en acceptance in tb tlme pecjfl-d, or if they skxll at ny time fail tocomply wl h each anil all the c riditlons of this ordinance, alter belay; properly and duly notifled, then shall be null a d void, and said railway wnr shall forfeit all right b-rebv granted or inendd r-ntih 'bc. 1J this ordinance hall tak effect and be in In I force trom and after it publb atlun in the official new-pfper ofthetyof Wichita, nnd ltii u ac:eptaaieby said company or their surcecors a d a's'gus.owcera of said railway A A.rirpc. C D. Lrataj. W. P.CX3tTsukT i'lcatiVn:- Vlo-iri. btcrulary. rascTDu: G.C. STRONG. L.T. i.VTES. O.O. It BUCBMIR. MANCHESTER, Six mile3 633 -. of Wichita, on the S. L. & & F. S. K. Lots for sale at $50 TO $150 EACH for a f eT7 clays only to start the boom. BUCKNFR & CLEAVELAND, i j;r ia X. Sln at. VW:hta. C. B. LUDLAM, ifancnester. ln7-;IiO Tswshl? Offcers. Each Koiid OTrer should have a hoad Overseer's AocouDt Book, He ceipt Book for Labor, Receipt Book for Estr Work, and 6 Beceipt Boor; for Material Ued. lyTbeabore ahouJdbe famished to the Officers of ceO ell rejfulatod TowB&hipt tfce expend of the Toira chlp. The Xaolb bM tbt w?t ooo ptefBooki ndBUalnB07jaUiibed. We Nave Placed Our Finger On the Pulse of the Clothing trade of this Community to the music OF GOOD GOODS & LOW PRICES. Smiling every day as the crowds increase for our fine tailor made clot nine Everything fresh and new, which we aresei'ing for less money than you have been paying for common slop goods. No matter what others may advertise, Yon Will Always Find Us Selling Better Goods for Less Money than any other clothing house in the state. We handle a better class of clothing than was ever carried by any other dealer in this Dart of the country. Before we came to "Wichita, acoodshare of the trade in fine Clothing, Hats, Caps, WERE COMPELLED TO 60 none of the dealers here carried that class of goods; and before we opened our Children's Departments you could not lind any first-class Children's Suits, s-ich as fine EUt Suits, Jersey Suits, Sailor Suits, Jacket and Pants suits or anything else in Fine Goods for Children's Wear, xTow no one thinks of going away from here to buy anything in this line. On the contrary, people from other cities are coming here to buy them of us. because we keep an immense stock of. tho best goods made, and sell ihem cheaper than they caa get them for at home. Your are all earnestly Invited to call and examine our ex tensive line of fine goods, and extreme low prices. COLE & JONES, the One-Price Clofhiers, 225, 218 and Motor Line Addition. Henry Schweiter. I have opened an office first noor west of the New Carey Hotel, where can be fcund plats ard prices on my pro perty along the Motor Line, which is now being built to the southeast pari of the city. Prices reasonable ci terms asy. SCHWEITER dr-tf HSLS'S AlTTI-BUi: US WOEM rOWDZES all worm"! IICSfT Tape Worm. AL BRUMES or by mall, lu 25c, CCo., antl $1 00 6lace, TAPE WORM ETbSS with EJiD WiPlTTS. Consultat'on Free. TAPE WORM REMEDY mM cm bysoeeia! order. Terms HoaBonable. Prof. BYRON FIELD. 2U Kan" Ave. (Oppose Wlndttor JTotH) K7JII, UXili ii!26-lin Coin to Uija !qafcMe? fcrr Parr V.rvd Pereheron Stallions. TEXKca DItAFTaai FU2VCH LOACil. a; Prutty Vle Stock Firm. lontd i aUp Tfet r,f Wichit. Caa thow Frf-cch vlir-t rtt!i all lnsporii borvi -tallioa l rrie farjearof I7 Ilistaj Fresclj Arsri, rolo- t!ci S) Gtat ttt. Frern-Ji, totor baj. blwk jolsU i5 J "tph, tljrh rrdi Frencs Drmft, coloi iteel zrsy, I2 lo lsn rr.r with foI Marra froaj fcdhtaar kp. 3 vrl. tr of chanr at owner' rlk AH are 1 lt"d u la i 1st hor4 for brlln)5; -Ieew6re TV1H Ur.l at mv ffcrrn th' flrtf 4 ct of th re-b, rri''aj- nd Sa:ordy t J T Holzn bira. teaJ ad of yp! at b.Wie 4 b.ocki -ootbof LHa2im Atmb HjtI. I bJiTt parr rtatl srri cullies fir ai!; ilwj i fr7 obotns iho'taor& bciU Tor nit t rtorabl tms. lilai-wlt : 1 HI2CAU fcKITH. S. S. MILLER, REAL ESTATE, Ocatrs.-Tor for Gaa a&d aia-al trawcl wK. Aiit tor JLrtrtUa WU cuc&lr-aT, 114 M&in st. Boom 4, WlCbiUa,KML HHflHiiiEuX5fiSHBsaucxsiflHElflMfllHK ,yir!BSuujSrS Brtii Fine Imported Underwear and Furnishing Goods, TO OTHER CITIES TO BUY THEM, SIMPLY BECAUSE 220 E. DOUGLAS AVE, S. W. Corner Douglas Philad Fifty Cents on the Dollar. SPECIAL SALE And Silk Sun Umbrellas, commencing Monday morn ing and continuing until iliey are all KOld. In January last wo closed out tbe entire stock of parasols find silk sun umbrellas of a manufacturer retiring from business, paid tpot ca h for them and got tbem at our own prices. Tne prices we paid will ALLOW : US : TO At just about fifty cents on tbe dollar or last year's figures. "We know it is a Utile early for paraeolH but at tbe prices we put on thtm we exptct to sell them A.LL IN ONE "WEEK. A. KATZ. Tucker 4 Real state & WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING BARGAINS 7o acres adjoining John Erigbt University S42.00o. 50 feet and a large brick block on Douglas ave S46.0GO. 25 feet and a 3 story brick bouse on Main st S26.0C0. 42 feet on Fifth ave S5.6CO. 35 foot business lot on west sld $3,000. 10 lots on Cleveland ave SO.OOO. 50 feet and 3-room house on Ohio ave S2.500. 25 feet and 5 room house on Ohio ave $1,200. 9o feet and fine hotisa on Waco st SI Looo. 4 lots on Hydraulic $lo. 4 lots in East University add 4 corner lets in South University add $64o. 4 lots in Garfield 2nd add Si .25a 2 lots In Matthewson's add 83,ooa Tucker & Jackson 144 NORTH MAIN ST. 144 WICHITA, KAN. elphia Store Ave. and Market St, OF PARASOLS : SELL : THEM Jackson Loan Brokers, " tfl? m ss m Mt. m Ii i-s-ak -.r Sfe 5 ",?., j.vr,t J'if-hi--T, 'fe &fsmmm &&& r.-f J Vv,,