Newspaper Page Text
j "' ' "-". " ft - - , zf t.. a gte 'mirttite Sails Sagle: aturdtts gjfcouitt0, &pril 16 1887. :r 1 8 i i S! M vU i n i& IW! m mjMVj- pwjl A BEAUTIFUL EA1L 6INGULAR CASE OF A PATHETIC OUTGROWTH OF SENSIBILITY. Story Told to an Expert In Xcrvoufl Affections A Particularly Hideous i'nir of Ears A Sort or Holy Grail Quest. I heard of a patholic outgrowth or ncrvoua feasibility the other da3'. A professional man who lives at tho West End, and who is not only a painfully self-conscious innn, but also one given to observing things about him with great minuteness, has becomo so acutely susceptible to the essential ugliness of tho human car that he scarcely sees anything else in tho people about him than their ears. To a physician, an expei fc in nervous uflvclions, whom ho was wise enough to consult, this gentleman told Lis story somewhat after this fashion: "Jt was as many as five or six years ago that the eight of a particulai ly hideous pair of ears, one of which had been slit in a ghastly maimer in somo accident or fight, s-et nie to reflecting on tho extraordinary caprice of Providence in sotting, m tho mo3E conspic uous placo upon tho head of its curious earthly achievement, such utterly absurd end unsightly contrivances as liunjaneais. The car is useful, no doubt; but might not an in finite ingenuity and nn omnipotent choico have provided man with an auditor nppli anco lesj hideous than this convoluted ex crescence? studying it ur. "I was led to ask myself, is thcro anypuch thing as a Txsuiliful human car? I looked up all tho passages in polito literature in which the human car is i efcrrcd to, and found not only that Mich passages are extremely few, but that the beauty referred to all tho com parisons, of delicate, i ink edged feminine to tho translucent inteiiors of sea shells, and the like, are .simply comparative. 2U po t ever thought, so far as 1 could find, of finding ab solute beauty iu tho car. It is only as a pendent or an accompaniment, less hideous than usual, to tho bwmtiiul head and fa"e of n lovely woman, that tho actual ear ltsdf, as npart iroui thu faculty of hearing, over bo comes tolerable in poetry. Jn a. I tho car is a thing to be dissembled; no realist ever ko unblushing as faithfully to paint tho ear as it is. Photography reveals it in all Us ugli ness; but poolry bears the jime relation to art that tne dissection of the body does to tho love of Immauuy. '"Tho 1 unning of these through rcy mind led ino to start a sort of Holy Gi nil quest for a ruJly beautiful human ear, and at tho tamo limp 1 found myself searching out, uheuover I got upon a streetcar or a railway train, and as I walked down the crov.ded streets, all tho ugliest eas-s, with tho in stinct! 'o eagerness of a connoisseur. Tho oir habit grow upon me. I became a f-ort of col lector of ears. V.'hen 1 cams into a railway train filled with people, my oyo ran down tho long rows of cars next tho akloto too whether there was a vacancy in the doviou3 lines that I might fill with my own. That low of ears, to n, mau who had fallen into tho habit of observing nothing olsa but the ears, was hornbly suggestive of a i,ca serpcntl KOTHir.'G HUT UAIIS, KARS, EARS. "I say that all this began iivo or six j ears ago; but, of course, my mania for Mich it has S)ecome did not all at once take this seri ous form. It has been a gradual growth. In'ow 1 find it threatening, perhaps not my mental balance, for I feel capable of main taining that, but my peace of mind certainly, and all my old sensibility to the beauty of tho human form and tho loveliness of life about me. lily old keen senso of tho beautiful I lament, as a fallen angel might lament tho joys of paradioe. For mo there is nothing in the world but eare, ears, cars. The pleasuio that 1 hometimes feel in meeting a specimen less hideous than the ivst does not ri'ay me for tho o.Te.; jo w Inch the uniform dead level of ill-shapen growth inflicts upon ine; and I am rcMMveJ, if medical science can do any thing for so strange a malady, to tako tho utmost possible advantage of it. If it could Hnntluenco my organs of wight as to make it impo.-sil)le for mo e or again to ieo tho hu man ear at all, it would be a consummation devoutly to bo w ished." I understand that tho eminent physician consulted in this case was completely nou-plusf-ed for a time, but has ut hist succeeded in so influencing tho Mill'erer's thoughts and attention by diverting them to other chim in. Is that Le is already somewhat less poign antly conscious of the 1 arc ho sees; thut tho doctor is, in fact, fightmg ths o'.d mania with a now 0110, and intends, to check the now be ioro it, in its tm 11, shad Jake possesion of tho patient, as did the other. The. ''u, I havo no doubt, will Miggofc to more than 0110 reader sjinotiiing of a similar sort in his knowledge or experience. It is only one of mam" morbid oulgiowtlw of the keen con sciousness, tho rawness of sensibility that overwork and intense mental htrain havo fcujcrinduced. Boston Post. Support of Homo Artiits. Ono artist .said that the dealers did mora in foreign pictures in a day in actual money than tho studios with thtir fccores of artists do in n month. There i3 no mere conclusive proof that support is Licking than is found in tho Vict that young artists just now are com pelled to neglect their serious work and do what they can of an ephemeral or business like character in order to meet their actual bread and butter bills. The rent has to be paid, even if customers do not come, dinner lias to bo bought and tobacco must bo had. So if tho great picture on the easel cannot bo sold for 1,000, why something must bo dono which will hell immediately for .$10. And so thcs young follows get into idl kinds of pictorial work. A m-.' r ;! tho citv here, who has dono two v. porU tinu- fav des::. no sot: uotablo pieces of work, sup- It and his family during tho .io laboring on what is now a ork with tho public by drawing .r threiti irvil rtustinfliilta ITmn.nlrt about it, and said simply that he I -- '-w 1 coidd mako more monev inev in a shorter timo ! by this work than by any other. He had dono other theatrical work. Ho had gotten up dainty draw ings for souvenir books and illustrations for special programmes, but nono of them was so profitable us taking a pieco of charcoal mid with a few sweeping strokes picture forth tho thrilling climax of a melodramatic play, with tho heroine in the arms of the hero ami tho villain properly and artistically foiled. Book and magazine illustration is another way in which artists who nio killful draughtsmen earn quicli money. Some of them havo done so well at it that they give now nearly all their tlmo to it and aro employed aud deluded on for this work by the bigger publishers. New York Mail and Express. A I.iroiimtive l'iremnn'it Woik. 'Idon'bknow of a harder worked man than tho locomotive fireman," said an old engineer. "The average man thinks that all tho fire man lias to do is to ride in tlie cab aud occasional!- throw in a stick of wood ora shovel ful cf coal. The truth is tha from the tima tho fireman leaves his outgoing station until lio reaches tLc end of lus rim it is almost a i constant strucjle to keep up sttm.' Ar l&nsaw Traveler. Homo r.Iatlo Rrooin Uolilor. Tako i wo largo epoons, drive lare nails j through them in tho wall about two incbes j apart, and hang up your broom, brush cud , np. To malro cbects Irst los a t" 'J get thin ia iho midJlo, tvar Muit$7r ; l eevr the out odes tocctlicr andl:em tLoios. For Sale. One nice driving mare and harness. Good sie, good color and lady can drive her any where. A good chance to get something choice. Emporia Ave. barn. d-123-tf 1,1st of Uargalns. W. O. Riddell & Co , over Kansas Na tional bank, comes to the front only when prices aro such a3 to "head them" good bar gains. 50 It on Division st, $1,700. 4 lots in Riven-ide addition, $3,000. 50 ft cor 10th and Allen, eat front, 1,100. 10J ft Butler & Fisher's addition, $1,000. 4 lots, cast fronts, in Logan addition, !,- 300. 50 ft, east front, Carey Park, $1,600. Lo's in 10th st addition, $275 per lot. 8 lots cor Ida and Division sts, 16,000. 4 lot- cor 13th and Emporia, northeast fronts, 0,000. 50 ft between 1st and Douglas on Emporia, $18,000. 50 ft on Emporia near 14th st, w front, 1, GOO. 5') ft on Top&k.-u cor English, 17,000. 100 ft Ro-enthal's add, .$950. 100 ft Rosenthal's ndd, cor, $1,100. 100 ft Rosenthal's add, $1,250. 10') ft Rosenthal's add, .$1,400, 50 ft cor 1st and Emporia, $10,500. 4 lots in Logan add. w f , $1,200. 25 ft on Lawrence ave near 1st st, $8,000. 50 ft cor English and Topeka, good house, $13,0-30. 50 ft on Topeka ave, cor English, nice house, $14,500. 5 lots on cor Ellis & Grand, $3,500. 4 lots, o f, Wichita st, Carey park, $2,700. 50 ft cor Fannie and Frnncis, $1,100. 12.5 It on Francis, also fronts on Hydraul ic, $2,000. 75 ft on Faulkner ave, Riverside odd, $3,000. 113 fton cor 1st and oth avenue, $20,000. 4 lots on cor H aco and lmi-st .j,.0. 05 feet on New York ave near Douglas $3,000. 4 lots here and 4 lots in all parts of the city. We have property for sale iu all parts of tho city. Wo do a strictly commission bu-ines-i, and Sell property at owner's price. Our con espondeuco is large and control some of the best property in tho city. We will be glad to have buyers as well as sellers call and tee us. Over the Kaunas National Bank, Main street. W. O. Riddell & Co. 122tf 100 ft, e f, Emporia ave, near 10th, will be offered at a bargain if sold this week. 120-tf Addln'Gto.v & mith, 110 N Main. 4 lots in Griffeastein'sadd Sth $3,200. 2 lots just above 13th on 5th. A bargain for some one wishing to build. E. F. Addingto.v & Surra, 120-tf 140 N. Main. Experienced salesladies wanted at the En terprise Fancy Goods Store. dl24(ifc 100 ft cor Kith mid Emporia, the best and finest corner in Eagle add, only $3,00i). Good terms. Admxgton & Smith, 120-tf 1 19 N Main. 4 lots on 4th near 10th, $2,200. 50 ft on River st, 4-room house, $3,500. 120-tf Addixgton- & Smith, 149 N Main. Buy lots in Judson University addition. For sale by Israel Bro3. & Hollixger. d-115-lbt We have money to loan on short or long time. .llen a DeVore, over 110 Main st. dl05-tf Wo guarantee lents 1o owners of property. Call ami tea us. J. 11. Ke.vno.v ftCo , 127-(5t 107 South Mam st. I have had eight yoars experience in dress making and am prepai ed to do first-class work. Cutting and fitting a specialty. Call at 32 1 Siuth Oak sti eet, west siae. dl271w Nora Pease. Choico seed potatoes, 90c per Steinhau-er-Merkle Supply Co. bushpl, a 127-tf Ci met cry Notice. Notice is hereby given that all lots and work in Highland Cemetery must Ixj paid for in advance aud all work ordered through M. S. Rochelle, as 110 other orders will be hon oral. Wichita Cemetery Co. 12C-l2t Choico H?ed potatoes, !H kt Steiuhnu-cr-Mjrklo Supply Co. bushel, at 127-tf To the Valjllc. In reply to a great many inquiries in re gard to Jud-o.'i University property, the trustees of said institution respectfully an nounce to the public that they have not 3'ot put auv propertj on tho market. When the "Judson University propcrtj is ready for sale, due announcement will be made. And the3' further request parties platting addition-, in the vicinity of the uui veritj" not to use tho corporation name of the institution. Meantime persons desiring information 111113' caU upon .1. F. Sheurnrui, chairman ex ecutive committee; F. E. A. Smith, secre tary of the board, or W. F. Harper, presi dent of tho board. . 115-tf Bu3" lots in Judson Univer-it3' addition. For sale 13- Israel Bnos. & Bollinger. d-115-lSt Buv lots in Judson University addition. For sale by Israel Bros. & Hollixger. d-115-lSt Tho north half of South University place add; buy now before tby advance. 112 tf The north half of South Univorsity place add; ljuy now before the3" advance. 112-tf The north half of South University place add; lury now before the- advance. 112-t At ScoUsville, Kan., a seven months old chiM of A. O. Motes was sick w ith bowel complaint for more than thico weeks. They had little hopo of its recovery, as ever- pre scription they tried failed. TI103- were tln&l-I3- induced to tr3' Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhooa remedy, which effected a prompt and permanent cure. The3' are uever without this safe aud pleasant family medicine, and cannot say too much in its praise. Sold by Aldr.ich & Brown and J. P. Allen. iJ-tf We nlwn-s have special bargains on Col lege Hill and vicinity from a 25 foot lot to au Sfr icre tract Allen, Graham & Jones. 35tf Loan KcgMtcr. Philadelphia, July D3, 1SS6 Wichita Eagle. Wichita, Kansas. LTentlemen: e have seen one or your T I . - 7: Mortznge Loan Registers at the oniee of the ruiiaaeipais .uorigugu aim irusi v., mis cicj , ana snail ne oungea 11 you win seim iuis company one similar m all respects at your earlicst convenience, and remain llesrt)ectfully yours, 1HEODOR2 FROTUINGHAM, d65-tf Secretary. The one hundred dollar lots in Judson Uni versity addinon are tip top and will yield I the purchaser a profit of 400 per cent For sale nv Israel Bros. & hollinger. d-115-lSt Buy lots in Judson University addition. For sale by Israel Bros. & Hollinger. d-115-lSt DniK Store Tor Sals. A clean stock of drugs and fixtures for ale, jroo 1 trade estiblihed Virtually the onl- drug store in the town Term guar anttvd Reason- for --elUne not for waat of trade, but removal from fit arwator to em bark m other 1umiio.sS Stool; and fixtures a di invoice $2,500 to $3,CO0. Respectfully vour, Bex L. Bear. dSbtf We h- monev to k n or short or long ame. Allen ft "DsVore. ovr 1 10 Alain U dlUVtf Extra vipies of the EaGij: can moed in ffH .-.wniins tivkh for five cenu. iuh. wrtt- n- v. !thollT imtiojkTs. Tbc north l.olf f South Unlrerity place a'id; hm iw lfoH :5ev tulvancc "llU if Jnd-y U'iiver-irv i4lti"n L? the ulsoe to buv 'idrcewwwtM vour profit upon Ul?jf '""iwSlBiwZ nr aav by K HOIXDWUL SPECIAL NOTICES. Choice seed potatoes, D0c per bu-hel, at Steinhauser-lTerklo Supply Co. 127-tf A choice residence location No. 1 G2 feet, 7 roomed house, bath room and all conveni ences. You cannot build and buy the ground for the money, (3000. Good terms, this is a genuine bargain. Walker & Fied ler. 123 tf Special. 3 room hcuso, (new) good barn, one Jackson ave. bet 10th and ltth st, S1.GH0 lot, 50x140 Laura ave, 150 ft from Douglas ave. cood 5 room house, $3,700. 50x140 Ida ave, good houe, (rents for $18 per month) very cheap, price $3,500. 50x140, cor Ida ave and Prince st, $J,700. 42x140, Market st, between Waterman aud Lewis st, Q room house, good cellar, $3,000. Tho above property is very cheap. 100x140, Lulu ave, i. cConniek's add, east front, $l,C00Kcah 100x140, Waba-,h ave, near 10th st, east front, $2,000. Terms very easy. 50x140, Afosley ave Hodson & Stancers add, price $1,7.0. This is very cherp inside property. 100x140, Gold st, Eureka, Rock Islank add, east front, $1,250, 1-2 cash. The above property is very cheap, and will not last long at present prices. 121-fit Buow.v, RicncY & Troupe. All mj-property is this day withdrawn from the market. All real estate agents ore requested to take notice. 12 1-6 1 J. II. Greexleaf. Four lots on Hydraulic $400 if sold quick; ease fronts. "Walker tc Fielder. 123-tf Not Speculation. Wo will Fell 1G0 cr 320 acres of laud verj near Wichita for $100 per ucro on easy terms. This is a rare chance. dllG-tf Bu.wvell & Morehouse. Buy lots in Judson University addition. For sale by Israel Bros. & Hollingeu. d-115-lSt Choice seed potator s, 9iJc pe Steinhauser-.Uorlde Supply Co. bushel, nt 127-tf Four lots on Ohio, south of the Frisco, very cheap. Will pay you big to see this and buy it. Walker & Fielder, 123-tf 133 North Main. Two show cases for sale cheap by Post, th pawnbroker, 425 Douglas uve. d01-tf Ohio addition, 13tli street ave. Good lots, easy terms. 129 E Douglas. and Hydraulic Belcher &Co., SStf College t .vu The plat of College Gieea n now filed and the now town is now o rL market for sale. The streets are graded and work on tho foundation of the new Catholic building is in progress. Tho side tiack will be graded in a few da3-s and the depot will be built. The Catholic Investment and Building Compauy will build a number of good residences m this beautiful suburban villa, end several others who havo bought property there are to build houses, and within sixty du-s there will bo quite a town. Lot- are now selling ut 200 and $225 each, but will soon be raised. Now is tha timo to got bargains ani choico lots. Apply at the ofllce of the secretary. Ollice in the European hotel, Douglas ave. d97-tf W. H. Grattan, Secretary. Coats' thread in all numbers nt New York prices to dealers. Larimer & Stinson, 132 Main st, Wichita. 93-tl Wheeler's addition. dfiO-tf There having baen a considerable demand for shares of stock in the Wichita Union Stock Yards company, none of which has been for sale, the bo lrd of directors has de cided to sell $30,000 of tho shares in small blocks. Applications should be made to J. O. Davidson, president of the company, at the Citizens bank. S7-tf To the CltlzeiiH of Wichita and A'lclulty. Yc wish it known that we havo located a branch nursery nt Wichita, and that wu mean business and have como to s-tay. We intend making Wichita a distributing point We ask for nothing but your patronage. Parties wanting stock will do well to take a look at tho samples of our stock ou exhibi tion at the east end of the iron bridgo oppo site the Riverside hotel and get our prices. They will find it to their interest to buy di rect from a 1 esponsible nuraer-man. especi ally a home nursery. Avoid buying of deal era and treo peddlers. We guoranteo our stock to be firtclass in every particular We make a specialty of setting and guaran teeing tock, particularly evergreens. Our stock of shade and ornamental trees and shrubs is full and complete. W. C. Shaw and R. H. Southwell aro our July authorized agents, aud any others who mev hereafter be employed will be furnished with a certificate of authority under the nursery seal. Any orders entrusted to them we will be responsible for. Headquarters at tho Commercial hotel until further notice. C. H. Fink & Son, Props., Lamar,"Mo., and Wichita, Kan., nurseries dll&w37-tf Choice seed potatoes, 00c per bushel, at Steinlmuser-Merkle Supply Co. 127-tf Chnice seed potatoes, 9Jc per bushel, at Steinhauser-Merklo Supply Co. 127-tf A special bargain, 1(50 acres only three and a half miles cast of Mam t and two and a half mifcs north of Douglas ave. Cau ba bought very low if taken at once. 127-5t Short & Furlong. Choico seed potatoes, 9Jc per bushel, at Steinhauer-Merk!o Supply Co. 127-tf Choice seed potatoes, 90c jier bushel, at Stcinhauser-Merkle Supply Co. 127-tf Choice seed potatoes, 90c per Stainbauser-Merkle Supply Co. bushel, at 127-tf 2 lots on Ellis ave, near Kellogg st, 4 lots en Elns ave, near Kellogg st, 6 lots on Ellis ave, near Kellogg st, 5 lots ou Ellis ave, near Kellogg st, Mr. H. I. Rick. Choice seed potatoes, 90c per Steinhauser-Merkle Supply Co. bushel, at l'J7-tf the nawn-dOl-tf A fine snare drum cheap, broker. Post Wheeler's addition. Ladles' Kcal Esute Exchange. We havo fitted up a real estate ofllce e pec ially for ladies, where they can list their property and buy and sell, having a large and desirable list of property on our books. Shall be pleased to show vou bargains. This office will be under the charge of llessrs. Gardner Bros. Billings, Richardson & Co., d77-tf No. Ill South Main Street Important. Get your stoves repaired at the Wichita Stove Repair shops, Nos. 16 and IS E. Elm ana oi. . Jtiainstreet. 7t-eod Thos. Mcnro, Proprietor. The Eagle printing and blsoik book es tablishment is prepared to do all kinds of Uob printing and blank book making, guar anteeing tnoir worK to oe nxsi-ciass m every rospeot. All counter work, checks, bond, perforated, numbered or loose at prices ajusl to Kansas City or St. Lonis. DrngElsis' Malements. Druggists' liouor statements can be cmvd at this oillo? at $1 per thousand, pot age extra. d35-tf XVTieeler's addition. Special Harains on Douglas enue Main srei. Allen, frrnhsni A" Jocos. 8Trf j Guardian' 'air. J For sale, the north Iwl of th e&? half of I tlie -outhv.-ptt quarter of wlioB tiret-, in j ywnhip 27. range 1 ea-t- I The alKive d"-."ri'ed Isnd N-toac- to th I tste of C. C. A!'i-ton. in 1 oa -el? , j ffr h few dav Tbi- la.d w i-- thf loca T5-tf "" K R Jstvktt, 1 'Utn'.ian fo t h- r. ofli T:nfk? Bk"S TJ'e Wichits Eagle pmmu; bo6 fce j n ock a complete lint- of jutie nwl tec' I blanis nd townsUp 'Ank of ail fclnls. Hicker iS Jackoa up oflle is with Dunh&r Bron., t IS3 North Wain All or der giva thar vill recelre prompt nttcn tfiea. ( 10ft4f P.OBT. EPURGIX, Notary PuSHc. BOBT. SPUBGIN & CO., Koom 3, Citizens Bank Building, "Wicnita, Kansas, Handle WICHITA .'. REAL .". ESTATE A1TD FAEM PEOPSRTY. If You Wisli to Buy or Sell Property in this " CITY OF DESTINY, Or vicinity, please communicate with us. The" judicious invest ment of funds for non-residents a specialty. Reference by Permission, H. w. Everest, Chancellor Garfield University, Wichita: Citizens Bank, Wichita, Kan. ft -bEALElt IN- Northern I Southern Pine Lumber LATH, SHINGLES, SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS. jO i'frlCE A-'a WEITE ?'. VAKD WcstHntiof Doisjlss Vvecae. O YiLLOW PINE YARD Across ibeStrwr. u Fort Scott, Kansas, is having a wonderful growth and one that appears to he solid. It cannot well he otherwise with the natural adva-ntages she has for manufacturing. She has unlimited supplies of coal, natural gas, flagstone, ce ment rock and pure water. She has eight railroads, a large jobbing trade, and is the natural distributing point for Southwestern Kansas and the Indian Territory, and is the healthiest city in the state. The Investment and Improve ment Company, through their agents, S. F. Scott & Co., will commencing April 19, have a grand auction sale of 1,200 choice residence lots joining the city limits and only one mile from the postoff'ce. They offer special inducements to non-residents. Terms of sale are one-third cash, balance in one and two shears at 8 per cent. There is 5o per cent in 60 days on your investment. Street cars traverse the en tire addition; it is highly lighted by gas and the streets are graded. Fort Scott is destined to be, and is, the only manu- N facturing city in the state. Railroad fare refunded to purchasers of lots in this addition. GOE. K. DUNnAM, Formerly of l)n ton. K. E. Dunham, Young & Walker, Re al Estate Brokers. Will open an office at 106 E Douglas Avenue, occupying Titest side front of Deming, .Lynch & Co.'s Real Estate Exchange On or about Monday, April 11, 1887 POL H KOKX. iri slclcnt. A. V.-. OLIVER, WICHITA NATIONAL BANK. Successors to Wichita Bank, Organized 1872. Paid-up Castoi. - - $125,000 Surplus, - - $25,000 DIRECTORS. 3.n. KOUN, A.W.OLIVL11, ;,f. W. LEVY, B. T. TDTTLE. J, F. NIEDEttLANDEft W. '.. TUCJtE . JOHN DAVIDSON'. J. C. ItUTAN. DO A GENERAL BANKING. COLLECTING AND BROKERAGE BUSINESS. Eastern and Foreign Exchange bought and sold. U. S. Bonds of all de nominations bought and sold. County, Township and Municipal Bond bought. J. F. MAJOR. MAJOR & REAL ESTATE & LOANS Money always on hand at tli Lowest rate. Abstracts furnished and examined. 10G "WEST DOUGLAS ATEISTUE. Ladies' dressed kld,flexibIe-soleshoes,sillJ:--worked butt:n hole on opera and common-sense last, in widths from B to P,only $1.50 Our own line or ladies' flesifcle-sole button boots are made of the finest quality of Braz kid, and are as soft as French, and -we warrant them to wear better. We carry this shoe in opera and common-sense lasts, in widths from A to P, for $3 Our ladies' fine French kid Turns are tbe finest ever brought to the west, in all styles and widths. Our ladies' low shoes and slippers are the best in the market and we carry them in opera and common-sense lasts, in all widths at the very lowest prices. If you will call at our store, we will guarantee to give you the Best shoe for the least money. " fit ' ' " "We warrant every pair to be as represented. LOCKE & Masonic Bu Iding, S-W. Corner Main and W, O. RxDDjlX 6l CO Real - Estate - Agents, CITY PBOPSETT AND FABMS FOB SAJSE, SentOoliected and Taxes Paid- Business Promptly Attended to , CorresDondence Solicited, orttaStr- wichita, kan. J. a THLSOK. PALLETT, WICHITA, KAN. YOUXG, Cf Wichita, ' C. M. WALKER, Formerly ol Wilmington, Ohio. Vlce-l'r ideas. II. W. LEVY, C&shlor. V. E. CREESE. BRBESE, Great Bargains nsr- loots. Shoes k Slippers at the Wiehita Shoe Parlor, Corner Main and First Streets. FINDBISS, n irst Street. 0M1NG HEADQUAETEES FOR WEST SIDE PROPERTY. Property on Maple, Seneca and Chicago Avenues. Also a full !!' of bargains in all parts of the city. Farms to exchange for city property. Investments ror non-residents a specialty. Strang! in the city are invited to call onus and we will make it pleasant ana profitable for you. A large list of farms. Come and see us at 106 w Douglas, 4 doors west of Main. COLEMAN, HANLEY & CO. J, O. DAVIDSON. Pivst r-. C KXIGHT, Etcy. Dayidson InyestmentComp'riy,; PAID-UP CAPITA!,, $300,000. DIKECTORS.WOHV QUIKCY ADAitS, A. KXlQirr. JOIiN E. S.VMXJKD, $5,000,000 Loaned in Southern Kansas. Money Always on Hand for Improved Farm and City Loans. OFFICE -VITII CITIZENS IUXK.yorthwt WIPUIT4 L' S UQ4Q Corner ilaia Sticv't ur.a DoUxUj Avcou. J TllurUlfl, NnnOAO Shearman's South of Garfield University. Plat ust filed. First come, first served. Terms very easy. Enquire of any agent. HEADQUARTERS, Room 1, Over Woodman's Bank. HERE S TODR THE OATVILLE TOWN CO, Have Placed Upon the Market 100 -:- LOTS -:- 100 In their beautiful Suburban Villa, delightfully situated upon an Elevated Plain :M ci Easily accessable, good water, beautiful drains, wido streets, nominal prices, easy terms and liborai inducements to those desiring to build. SIX TRAINS A DAY To and from Wichita on the Ft. Scott & "Wichita R. R: For further particulars apply to .:. P. P. ROYAL, President. N. H. ROBINSOti Secretary, JAS, H. Arebiteet, Siiperintendent, Builder, Office 133 All information in regard to tho latest out in the Building line given with pleasure. Full line of sample Brackets, inside Unlsh and hardware (latest improvements) to be seen at my offlco. All persons intending to build good residences should not 1 ail to see samples of inside finish for Cheapness, Beauty, BJlegance unrivalod. Don't Forget the Place, 133 North Main st. J. E. HTJMPHRER, (Established 1881) Notary Public. J. E. Humphrey & Son, CAPITAL 550,000. Money to loan on approved seccurity at lowest rates. Buy and sell real estate. Investors in Wichita property can do well by calling on us. Money sent us from other places will be Invested carefully. Please call and see us. Office 100 B. Douglas Ave. Wichita. J. P. LCCB. DIX & CO., REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Arkansas City, Kansas. Have the best investment property in in Kansas. Office 'Corner Summit and WK. A.RZKD. Eeed & Eobinson, k REAL ESTATE & LOANS, CITY AND FARM PROPERTY. The Best Bargains, The Largest List, . The Easiest Terms, j Are always urid on cir . Cipita.l invested for -?ftL p.omrinaas and ridallty. CAXi fJkSZ tEl US. 105 East Dougl Hve.. h ' j. W. T. DABCOdC Vie I"re. H. K. GU liIRO CtlAB. O. WOOD. C A. VTALKER. it. C EXIQHT W. T. BAtCOCK. W. K. BTAXLSi-. 1. O. UA1DbON'. - Addition CHANCE! t m O'BRIEN N. Main. .7. E. HUMPHREY, Jr Notary Public; Kansas cor- n. t. ck5b the moa; growing town Fifth, over Mattack's Store. dl.3 bvycxs fcoinjfww- V Ichita, Kansas, t7 to' -CI -1. it , H i sweats &SS TSH X i-f . r5iMsf