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Pirf I ' S ' tlit ' t -r ?sa&serf -& ss5" Ai3V , &.; - 1 -t ' Air - "- -T- SSSSfii iatfete-KI . . :,v ;f- CTW gr??i Sfce mbc&tiaiattjj gagle: Saturday 8aiWHifti0, &pM 161887. rfgTj&jF?&S23y, g&fiSS SltliiSgl gr??? ir-rz?3 iv k ;?3v53r3a' - - " - ' - . - ," '1 'I w gaJlraaXe Buy lots m the Logan addition before the price advances; 70 2 story houses under con tract; car lino will run by it. This addition was platted only six weeks ago of 740 lots, auuot a house in it Today only 100 left Tojhe this part of "Wichita brings to your sicjone of tho wonder-, of the metropolis Pncts for a few davs will In. Inside w et fronts, "iOOO. Inside eost fronts. 525. All coineis of 4 lots, $,75. We have a fine h-t of inside and outside property on our books, and vrc will take pleasure in showing visitors an customers our city. We keep team leadv at our oflice door. Y. O. Itiddell & Co., olllce over Kan sas National bank. Mam st. dl2-3-tf The directors of the Wichita School of Music desire to inform the public that they will be at the school, No. 140 North Main street, from 2 to 5 o'clock p. m. daily for the purpose of receiving pupils, and giving any information that, may bo desired regarding the school. d&J-tf " Tor Sale Fifty feet on Waco ave at a spo:ial !&r gain. Geohgb G. Icattiiews, d90-tf 123 Douglas ave. Wheeler's addition. Special Sale. SPECIAL N OTIC a To Partlcrt Desiring loianon for 3Ianufaeto rtes. Parties wishing to lacato manufacturing establishments with bebt railroad facilities ick'&.P feubui b of Wichita, will consult their in5t lists by calling at the olllce of Tavlor, Hall 6c Co., 2il N. Mam st. d-120-Ct Four lots in McCormick's add, east front, $375 each, on Fannie and Meiro: dudicate on Elis ave. Walker & Fielder. 12.3-tf We have several bargains on hand too nu merous to advertise. Call aud see us. 24 lots corner Meridian aud Firot sts, 375 each, Yi cash, balance time. 123-if Walker & Fielder. Choice seed potatoe-, "0c per bushel, at ,, Steinhauser-Merklo Supply Co. 127-tf ' Bringyour property to uswo cm sell it for you. J. It. .hJEXifo: & Co. 126 Ot 2"s Choice seed potitoes, SOc per bushel, at Steinhauser-Merkle Supply Co. 127-tf I have this day withdra. from the market. April 12. n my property M. Gates. 120 :)t Coal. Hacker & Jack-on'hive opened a coal of fice at Dunbar Bros , 133 N. Main St., where you can leave orders by telephone for all Kinds of coal. 105-tf Order your coal aud building material at Hacker & Jackson's up town office, with Dunbar Bros., 123 Noith Main st. 105-tf I have made arrangements to fchip to Wich ita Magnesia lime stone, the bet in the state. Any oue wuhmirto place their orders should address me at Wmfleld, Cowley Co., Kan. 110-lm Geo. W. You:.t3 & Co. V Our Latest. Hot on cor Water and Cential, 4,500 good tei ms !2 lots on Main 87 1-2 ft south of 10th O0ctVcnli, bal easy tcrmi. liAon Main betjveen Tlurd and Central, $11 W-; good terms. 3 lots ou cor Plumb and Elm, cast front., large f i uit trees, 2,0i)0 Have customer for 50 or 100 foot, mu-t bo cheap, not to exceed ? 125 or $150 per lot; spot cash. Lot-. 1117,1119, Cnrlossave GiHfleissiein's 12th add $1,500; $500 cash, bal to bint the customer. Several five to seven-room houses in Math-ew-on's addition with lltty luot front, $4, 000 each. If 3'ou want to trade farm for city prop erty come anil sto us, if 3011 want to trade city property for farm, remember w e do u regular exchange business Duxbaii Bros , 12G-Gt 133 N. M:uu. Choice seed potatoes, lK)c per bushel, at Stfcntaauser-Aicrkle Supply Co. 127-tf or btolt.11. A (lark bav mai o pony, small star in fore head, in good condition; will pay well any one delivering her or information of where abouts. A. Ray. I Wichita, Kan.. April eth. 124 Ot Subscriber-, to the 13th st. bridge fund are . hereby requfsted to call at once and 1 ay their subscription to A. H. Maxwell or J. I Sawyer, who are authorized to receipt for the same. W. C. Woodmax, A. H. Maxwell, Sec'y. President. d!)l-tf ' 30 feet E F., on Water st., between Elm and Pine $.'5,(H). jft lots in McCormick's addition Lulu ave. &'J0. Addingtcn c Smith, -v 120-tf HON. Main. iKJc per bu'-hel, at 17 tf Choice seed potatoes, Steinhuubcr-Merkle Supply Co, C. V. Baxter, an experienced and success ful druggist at DoWitt, low a, says one fam ily thero created an immense sale for Cham berlain's Cough Remedy by using and rec ommending it to their nejghbors during their teige of whooping cough, now it sells rapidly on its own merits, it has no equal for coughs, colds and croi.p. Sold by Al drich & Brow n and J. P. Allen . i-O-tf New goods received evry day. Latest styles that will suit everybody in price and quality. A grand $500 upright piano given away on July 13 1V-7; a ticket given to cvury purchaser ot a pair of boots, shoes or slip- dll2-w2tf Notice to KuUdera. All kinds of building stone constantly on hand. Call on the Augusta Stone comj-auy, 702 East Douglas avenue. dll4-t At our ollce on and after January lst,lSS7, vnth special bargains 111 any portion of the city. Allen, Gi aha m& Jones. 35tf The north half of South University place add; buy now lefore they advance. 112-tf The north half of South University place add; buy now before they advance. 112-tf 2 lots on Hiram and Lui-oln sts, Garfield add, southeast tiont, $1,000. 2 lots on Hvdrau ic ave, Ohio add. o f, f.K). " Addi:gtox & Smith, 12)-tf 1 i'J N Muin The north half of South University place add; buy now before they advance. 112-tf Notice To gentlemen desiriug to build their residences in a fashionable part of the city that they can buy their building lota at very low prices from tho owner. Charles Roller, i0-tf Corner Third nnd Water. I This Week Only, at the GOLDEN EAGLE. I have placed on my counters 50 Doz. MaiW White Shirts, fa Worth 75c, at 40 o. B 50Doz.lotNo 2. Worth 50e.for25e 60 doz. of Fancy Dress Shirts, Regular Price $1.00: ior 50 c. HALT! PONDER! Here I c o Your Opportunity. h fce Residences Given Away Situated within TWO SQUARES of the! Missouri Pacific Depotfend in FOUR SQUARES of the main Busiress!, Center! in the Growing and Prosperous City of Sterling, Kansas, THIS WEEK ONLY! Golden Eagle, ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, I. GBOSS, Proprietor, 22S COB. DOUGLAS AND LA"WRE3STCE AVES. T Jno. S. Cozine & Co, i -i .t?ai nx jitmwmi, ibw .v e Agents City Proyerty and Farms for Sale-.-Rents Collected and Taxes Paid. Correspondence Solicited. Business Promptly Attendedto 238 N. MAISr ST. - WICHITA, KANSAS. W. O. Riddell & Co. have tbo "eaih" for n few good small buys. Bend in your list and vour lots will te sold. OlUca over Kansas National Bank, ilain htreet. So-tt Cho'co sch! iwtato1, GOo per rwiuliauscr-Mf i kle Supply Co. buciel, at 127-it Lots in Roenthall's nild S275 each: ii feet on Pattie, near Doufjla0, ?SW). 12:3 tf Walker & Fielder. eooi Mai 2 on Chautauqua C ChauUiuciua ndrl E-F 100x14b Einnoi la by., near Kth, S3 IHXl. 'd terms e. f. Audiugtou oc Mnith, j4U2i. am. 10-ti A I'lulii liiiiiiu'KH Jctter. D. W. Morris, wholesjilo and retail drug gist, l.'JO Commercial xtrtet, Emporia, Kan., Jon. 10, 18b7. jliamlrorlam & Co., De Moines, Iowa: Gentlenieu In sending to you the enclosed order for a gro-s of your Cough Remedy, allow me to cny that without any exceptipu it is the best selling goods now in ithe market, I hn e sold n great amount of i lu"i"R tne I)RSt yejir to 1-hu citizeuh of this yjoce and hae the hrst complaint to hear. It is the best article to use for croup I ever told, bfling pleasant to take, hich is an im- r- jwrtant feature nhere chihlreu have to take medicine. Sold by Aldrich & Brown, and J. V. Allen. d:.5-tf. Wheeler's addition. I R SNIVBLT THE RESTLESS AND SLEEPLESS ml Out for Bargains, A Mammoth Spring Stoek of ClotMog, Gents Furnishmg Goods and Hats Situated on Main LineoftheSamaFFeand Missouri Pacific Railroads. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS STIK ID k IIIIS1 M. H. PAGE, Secretary. 111-24 J. H. RICKSECKER, President. Ri J SEASON I. Allow us to call your attention to our large stock of eel Estate and Loan Aot1 Bargain? offered and taken every pay. I Tiave a large correspondence with eastern investors, many who leave invest ments to my choice. Money Ready Now. Those having property for sale call at once and leave it with me. Those wishing a bargain cad at once and GET IT. Remember time is money. OFFICE 122 N Main st, Old P. O. build ing. See 'I hcKO Prices. 100 ft corner of Emporia and l(5th $5,000. 100 It between 14th uiid ISth vnht iront on Emporia 1,000. 100 ft between 13th and 14th ou Fourth ave $3,000. 107 ft corner of 4th and IGth, south and east fronts $.",500. 50 ft near 2nd on ilarktt tt. -with house $14,000. "Wo have some bargains on Main rt and ; a low-pi ice between 11th and li-'tli rater tt, east fronts JUEEKIT.S M HICHAUDBON, 111-tf 2ia N Main. Wol f-iVra ! lots bet 1st and U, e f, on Waror, f 12,- 000. 25 on N Main let Douglas and 1st, e f, $9,500, with 2-vtorj fioiio buildinc. 120-tf Audinqton & Smith, 14'J N iSain. Take "CanHon BaM Stage" from Cullison for Grensburg. 5S-tf 100 fett Emixjria ave., cor, 10th: E. F. 4 loU on Green st. 12 blk outh of Douglas $1,000. ADIOTO.v & Smith. 120-tf 1 9 N. JIaiu. Real : Mate, GKEORGKE P. GLAZE, mm anfl mm I t UUUUU UUU lillVUl Bti xIiir tn all clisps or propf rty. StransM shown over the city with pleasure. Agent foi loanltiR the fnwlh of the Coiinet'tkut Mutual Life Insurance Company, In Sfnlgwlck, narvej, nnd th western lnlf or Butlor connty. Cnreful attention given to bus liei for non resident. lUsference. Wichita National Bank. Office 147 North Main. At the Mascot Real Estate Exchange. FOR SAL E Is now open and on sale at the New Clothing Hoase of Luttrell Brothers. Our system of quick sales and small profits has proved a great success: but we are not satisfied jet. "We want a still larger trade, and in order to get it. we have selected the most choice stock we have ever placed in "Wichita, and marked them lower than ever, and we hope all of our old patrons and many new ones will take advantage of our low prices. Agents for the sale of Celebrated Knox Hats, in Wiehita. Fon't forget the name and the place of LUTTRELL BROS., 122 Douglas Ave. Bet. Main and Market. uiev 9.4$3SSgrWj &'&!?&?& l:y$? VsSteftfcfiSfe fg;hc? mmbmsammiF m i 1. ASB&S SRi rri1 i uu iSSiSi 3$X. JDrrZSfif-WrX TrTF& mmdR&mS tmMsmmmm :S&ttmMttEB8SS$J&fi i-j2ttimmk imnHf la35;aiIMWrlSfWgTfaa,f Gandolfo St Co. Props. EUROPEAN PLAN. :-: -:- EVERYTHING NEW. ECOR. XAi:t and HRST ST3. "Wichita. "- Kansas. nE.VDQBAHTZRa:FOK COMMERCIAL PMEN, PIPER HANGINGS aid ME8I0R The choicest and latest patterns of all the American manufactories, Linconsta, Walton, Ingrains and Duplex Micas. Our experience in the business, with the aid of first class salesmen, designers and decorators we can guar antee satisfaction. Designs i urnlshed, estimates made and contracts taken for any kind of decorative work. Window Shades and Picture Frames Made to Order. Hyde & Humble, 114 MAIN STREET. 10f 1 H & Ml For Sulo. i An-A x?o 1 stock twul mrricuUnnil farm of ji sartv, ia the Cvvrkin bottom near Tr'ichits. Well imj)rovcd and o-TXHjiaJlj- adapted to the m aiits of a first-clb. farmer. Price $-5B jwr ncro. Base of terms given to the right parties. h, Will till ono-half to uit jrar ' V:haer. . Good ntr property taken if dosirod. Call and'b hown the faim, Lich will proru ur Hssertions. 100 bead of stock can le had cheap if sold 7ith the farm. Jtauienibcr our place. ISS N llain. IIS tf AA1.KE11 & PlEDLEK. Ijist Orjind Calforiila Excuion. Oulv on more California exeurcaon from Wichita via the St L.. Ft. S. & W, and MV-0uri Pacific railroads. Train will leave ft, a the Ft Scott depot at f:S5 a. nu April Jqfii. This is the last opportunity to visit the Pacific coast nt extremely low rates. For particulars write or coll on N. C. Keeran, 103 N. llainst; 321-12t 100 acres, G miles north on Hydraulic. A bargain, for a few days only. Addi.ngtos & Smith. 120-tf 14i N. Main. 320 acres, 3 miles east, on Central, f 100 jer acre. Addingto.v & Smith. 120 tf 14nX. Main. Tho north hiilf of South University place add; buy now before they advance. 112 if All persons aro hereby notf tied th,it 1 liavo purcliausl frota ho owner, J HaDer, through iris duly authorized agent, the east half of the southeast quarter of stetiou eleven, town Kw twenty -ovtn, range one eat, Sedgwick cg"jty, Kans;i3, for which I hold a written ctitract, filed in the offloe of the register of 4e4cU of said county. Davtd Hats. March 24, 1SS7. 112-ti Improved and Unimproved City Property on the best improved streets in the city. Lots on the inside on street car lines and in outside additions. Suburban lots on the east side in Maple Grove addition. Business lots and business blocks for sale at special bargains. Several fine tracts near the city for sub-dividing and plating. Improved farms and grass lands in all parts of the county ; also ranches in this and adjoining counties. All parties wishing to buy would do well to call and examine my list before buying elsewhere. W. A. THOMAS, The Oldest Real Estate Agency in Wichita, Kellogg, Alexander & Murray, ReaJIEstate and Loan Brokers MAKE INVESTMENTS FOR NON-RESIDENTS. Strangers are invited to call and make our office their headquarters. J3TA. B. Coe, abstractor, who has an experience of 16 years In the abstract business, is connected with us. Satisfaction guaranteed. Reference: Citizens Bank. State National Bank. 144 North Main St. dJCl.if D. W. MoCALLA. JA.XKS W MOFFAT McOalla & Moffat, j PIONEER REAL ESTATE AGTS., j 114 NORTH LTATN" STREET. Keep thoroughly posted on ail city property offered under ruling prices, and where ouick advances can be realized. Corres pondence solicited. Careful attention always given to invest ments for non-residents. d02 0. B. STOCKER, rSffisa3RSa!f3iEtar SME2S&S T&efH&sffi ZJ."i'., l-TiM3Srrtfl W'iSirSBS JZZiK Real Estate Brokers. . 327 Douglas Ave. Opp. Manhattan Hotel. LANDS AND LOANS, INSURANCE, CITY COUNTY AND TOWNSHIP BONDS NEGOTIATED. SPECIAL ATTENTION Given to the W nf fWol Pap l UlMl Ul And Refer by Permission to M. W. Levy, of Wichita National Bank, and Insley, Shirer & Co., Bankers, Leavenworth, Kansas. ( n - . VIASILIVJ J VI 11U11 ilUWIUUlUUi S-LttH &iZ2&&teit&J2Zg fer ilantels. C s 1ST T P I E C E S Fire Clay, Fire Brick tfSW Vv-.0J?,i"Sz Ke VfiEE mm iWiobita Mercantile Co.. Wholesale Groeers. G-rate-i "BSE'I2SSI'm W 215, 21?, 219 ii 221 Soi Market St Louisville and Portland Cement. C7 AUD and OF-TCH- Oa .: Rcrtt. beticpr IuUs Areooi Wichita, r2rsas. k. h. e:chabi, i t&, (WICHITA, KANSAS. k-W We have on our books the finest of prop erty in the city, especially desirable prop erty on College Hill, the fashionable resi dence portion of the city. Correspondence regarding property or Infor mation of any kind promptly furnished. HARDY SOLOlDN 4 SOUS, Opposite Manhattan Hotel. 327 DOUGLAS AYE, WICHITA, KA 31; tji 1 $ 1 I j t-Xf . C S 'Si, yi. tJ$Jf-:' ' H-.. i8r lj53feftSi frY?lS? : "2f rf jf 'S - -". "- vi- 80 i