fkt PW-W pi955Pp55P -iS 10 SUe Bfcicfcitu iattu n&U : juntos Dtooruiug, &ircit 17 1887. gjiwJe CONFESSION. Believe me, dear, unyielding thotgh I be. Ambitions flourish only in the sun In noisy daylight every race is run, TVith lusty pride for all the world to see. When darlaiess sinks the earth in mystery. When eye, or ear, or sight, cr sound is nono But death, a tide that waits to bear us on, And life, a loosening anchor in the sea, "When time and space are huge about the soul, And ties of custom lost beyond recall. And courage as a garment in the flame, Then all my spirit breaks without control. Then the heart opens, then the hot tears fall To prove me wholly woman that I am. Dora Read Goodale iu Harper's. MESSENGER BOYS' HARDSHIPS. Extracts from Jo Howard's Letter. Haril "Work, Long Hours, Temptations. "Wo complain of their laziness. Perhai.s they are tiro!. Let's look at that for a mo ment. A day's ivork 13 supposed to bo ten hours, but thoboys are compelled to remain until they aro "let off," mid in many cases these littlo chaps work from fourteen to sixteen hours a day. For tho extra hours lie re ceives extra pay of llvo cents each, so that assuming fourteen hours to bo the limit, in addition to liis regular pay he would re ceive live cents an hour jt four hours, or twenty cents, for which he gives up his rest, his sleep, his recreation pretty tough. VTc little know the temptations to which they are subjected. I liavo wen little fel lows on tho streets at midnight and in the early hours of tho morning, sometimes- on legitimate errands, often not. I overtook one not long since and questioned him for a momont as vio walked along, lie said he had bjen running for several hours in the service of a sick man. lie had been to the. doctor's two or threo times, to tho drug store several times, for a and to tho postoflice, and ho was literally fagged out. Tho companies aro as ready to place their instruments in a barroom as in a church, in a house of ill fame as in a private dwelling, and the boys, according to their turn and not according to their ages or crperience, are sent to these places at all hours of tho night, and to sporting-houses, dives, all man ner of infamous rendezvous, where their eyes aro greeted with orgiecal developments of various nature, whero they acquit e hab its of drinking and smoking, whero tlmy meet men as bad as the women with -whom they consort, who drink and make them drink, who solicit them to indulgence in every possible vice and subject them to in dignities and outrages which would para lyre, one would supiose, tho society organ ized for tho prevention o cruelly to chil dren, if by an accident they should ever know of tho beastliness to which children arc exposed in this Christian city. Little chaps aro forced to buy beer by the big boys in tho ollice, and good boys who never drink aro expected to put money in toward paying for it as much sis bail boys who want tho driuk. They think it is great fun at times to badger each other and not only to tempt but to forco loys to all man ner of dirt and evil. As a rule, the offices sirv contracted and crotrded, overheated and badly ventilated. A boy may Iw out in the rain or the snow fcr hours and -on returning seat himself near a heater, whence, after steaming for half an hour cr so, ho is called and starts out again with shrunken clothes. Ho rides in the heated elevated cars on a winter day or walks in the biting blast. Joe Howard in 2ew York "Wcild. IIubertons "Budge" and "Toddy." Tho following anecdote of "Helen's Ba bies" has not heretofore been published: The babies went with their mother to vWt her father, D. I. M. Hastings, of Hartford, whoe brother, a missionary in India, mar ried a sister of President Cleveland. The doctor at that time lived in a house with high stops, having his oflice iu the basement. There was an inside pa.vsagewaj- through the cellar from the office to the living rooms, and during the visit of the little boys to their grandfather the cellar stairs were on day found sprinkled with little pieces of paper. "When questioned as to their object the children explained that they put tin bits of paier thre in order to laid their way ba-k fcom the oilico by their aid. Their mother had ovidenlly been reading Grimm's fairy tales to them. One of tho .boys is now a well grown youth. The other died while still 3'oung, and his parents, although they had then two children younger than Budge and Toddy, adopted u littlo girl of the age of their lost bov. BuiValo Courier. Zulins'ci t!ie Torpedo liont 3Iau. Lieut. Zalinski, whose oxpeiiments with a dynamite throwing gun and nsubinarina tori'do at Fort Iifayotto have attracted so much attention lately, is a well built, mid dle aged man with dark hair just beginning to show a tinge of gray. Ho makes a friend of everybody he meets by his kindly and modest manners. In .speaking of tho pro gress in his work by which ho h:i3 advanced from throwing a charge of fifteen pounds of dynamite to n. distanco of half a milo to tho throwing of "CO pounds of uitro-gelatine to t distanco of oier a nri with safety, he always uses the pronoun we, referring to tho workmen who assist kim. Ho uses tho names of tho workmen much moro fre quently than he refers to his own efforts. Ho lives with his family in a comfortable cottage in tho officers' row at Fort Hamil ton, w here, those of his friends who know him intimately say, ho gives dinners that are oven more jwrfect in their way than his experiments with engines of war. Now York Sun. "Winter Iloads In Xorwny. In riding along the roads 3-011 see at fixed intervals stones with inscriptions on them moro or less extensive, sometimes simply initials and sometimes names with numbers. Theso aro placed there to show w ho is bound as tho owner of tho laud to keep tho road in repair and to keep it open in the winter, and for wliat distance his obligation extends. This duty, so far as keeping tho roads in re pair is concerned, Is fulfilled most admir ably. From tho snow plows which you seo turned up along tho road at intervals I ap prehend that keeping it open in w inter i3 squally well attended to. This is a duty im posed on the farmers, and only in exeeji lional cases is any compensation made for it. Col. Geo.-e Bliss in New York Ximes. Tho Charm of "VVoarlng Gcm. One of the charms of wearing a. gem is a consciousness of its indestructibility, its tvr miuioncy, and, if ono may tiy so, of its per sonality tho mystery of nature's methods in its "slow crystallization in dark telluric depths, of the glance of imprisoned powers shut up within its walls, a remembrance of the vague old idea of their potency all this ami "more, to many minds, has as much force as tho inherent beauty of tho thing itself. Who knows wliat spirit, what ono of the genii, what cabalistieally commanded sprite Is shut up in tho fiery depths of tho ruby, with its purp'O hlue corners, of tho pigeon blood tinge, in the heavenly color anil brilliancy of tho sapphire, in th sea green water depths of emerald or beryl There is alw ays a fascination in its sjark!e, I0th when we wear it and see another wear it, or when we lift it from its dark lading place in the casket whero we keep it, as it looks up at us u itli its lidlcss, deathless glance of beauty. But a bit of glass, however prcfe tdy colored what spirit is there in that, made by a man. according to a formula what spell can the most vivid imagination i o.: jure up in its ray what mystery lurks 73 a thing tliat any clown can put together? Nothing of tlio poetical or romantic attaches to tho wearing of the colored glass, the arti ficial gem more lovo of show- nnd glitter and ftjtentatinn enter into that. Harper's Barar. DEATII Ef THE DYNAMO. THE HANGMAN AND HIS GALLOWS RELICS OF BARBARISM. Dr. Smilhwick Discourses of a Moro Hu mane Agent for tho Infliction of Cap ital Punishment Description of Ills Deadly Electric Chair. Dr. A. P. Southwick, who is a member of tho commission to ascertain the most humano and practical method known to modern science for carrying tho death sen tence into effect in capital cases, is an enthu siastic investigator, and since tho commis sion was created by tho last legislature ho has spent considerable time in making re searches. "Do you believe in capital punishment, doctor?" was asked. "I believe tho death penalty is necessary," ho replied, "for there is a class of people, a lower order of beings, to whom it is positive ly necessary. I refer to peoplo who como from a lino of murderers that is, men who havo descended directly from families of criminal proclivities. Tho man who walks around ready to commit a willful, premedi tated murder should die. He belongs to a race that we want to wipo from tho face of the earth. The laws are liberal enough, with the various degrees of homicido and man slaughter, to protect individuals who do it in the heat of passion or under intense provo cation." "And about women?" "If the law i3 changed from hanging to death by electricity then it should and would bo made to include women as well as men. Any discrimination between the sexes would make the law unconstitutional." ""Would there b3 any objection to execut ing women with electricity.'" "No, sir; there would not. I think there would no longer be tho samo prejudico that thcro is now, because Imaging is a poor way of inflicting the death penalty." "How would you uso electricity?" "Just seo here," said Dr. Southwick, jumping up and .seating himself, in an arm chair. "Tho condemned man cansifc natur ally in a chair like this, placo his liands on the metal arms and converse with those around him. Tho metal plates would ba connected with a powerful d3namo and at tho proper moment somebody in another room would press a button, closo tho current and tho fatal shock would pass through tho body of the subject. Tho chargo would go straight through tho heart and lungs and penetrate the system, death instantly result ing. Tho expense of the apparatus with which to execute by electricity ia this city would bo about $150. Connection cculd bo made with the electric light station, and tho ex pense of an execution thereafter would bo of littlo consequence. It would not cost any more than a cigar to kill a condemned man after that. It would not bo necessary to maintain extensive and powerful machinery in nil tho prisons, anil it would bo vastly cheaper than hanging." "You believe then in electricity?' "Electricity Ls tho coming power. Death is instantaneous and tho body i not defaced. There is not tho morbidness of n hanging, which is a relic cf barbarism. Just seo a recent execution here Heman's I think it was when tho hanged man breathed fifteen minutes afteV the drop fell. If that is in stantaneous death then I would rather havo u lingering death." "Have you considered jwisons as a means of executing criminals'' "Prussic acid has been raggested, but neither that nor garroting has met with any favor. A few havo advocated tho guillotine, but I thin!; it is a barbarous mode of causing death. Hardly any one favors hanging in preference to electricity, tho very system being barbarous as are tlio method and paraphernalia used.' "Do you expect t!:at your plan wul be adopted'" "I sincerely hope i; w3L If it L adoptdl by the coming legislarare otlxr slates will undoubted!- adopi it, and I tiisk that within two years it will bo adopted all over the world- It wooll certainly L-j better than obliterating the death penalty, and m tho case of a woman there would b; much less objection to its operation than there is to hanging." Dr. Soulhw'ci added that in England the eamo quesuon had arisen, but no satisfactory substitute for hanging had bsen suggested. One of tho commissioners suggested that various means bo adopted and the condemned culprit 1x3 given his choice of deaths. State Senator Daniel II. Meridian has written a letter to the commission in which he saj-s: "Tho principal objection to the present inothod is that it Li primitive in its origin and barbarous hi its effects. It lacks every element of exactness and precision. It i3 absolute!' impossible to arrango a formula as to the size of tho rope, tho longth of the drop or the h"ft of the weight and the dis tanco of its fall, as theso sc-vcral elements must not only depend upon tho sizo and weight but tho general buiid and make up ot tho convict. Tho want of exactness in these several elements sometimes leads to the muti lation of tho bodv by severing the head; to unnecessary and sevcro suffering by reason of tho breaking of the rop?, nnd also to death by sufTocal .en whero there has been an im proper aijustment. All these things com bine to luako hanging by the neck most brutal. "I am heartily in favor of the application of electricity for tho purposes in question, for the reason that it is simple, sure and painless. 1 think that if the places of execu tion wero limited to two in this state, say ono at Auburn and ono at Sing Sing, the two stato prisons, and that all convicts as Foon as condemned to suffer tho death penalty should bo confined in ono of those two prisons (depending somewhat upon the locality of tho trial), it would be a vast im provement upon tho present method of hav ing tho criminal confined in the county jail till the daj- of execution." Regarding tho machinery to Iw used Senator llcl.lillan says: "Theso 'executions could take place in tho jail proper, in a room set apart for that purpose, with no appli ances save that of a chair, with tuo nana rest of each arm properly connected with an electric machine, in which tho condemned might bo seated and tho connection made by strapping a hand to the hand rest on each chair. There can bo no difficulty whatever in procuring a current of electricity of suffi cient strength to paralyze tho muscles of tho heart by this method. Indeed, tho cur rent that is used in this city for electric lighting purposes is of sufficient strength to absolutely dismember the body of nay human being, but a current of electricity of suffi cient strength to cause instantaneous death by passing from hand to hand through the heart wi'l not mark the body in tho least." San Vranelsco'a X"nr Trade. The estimated value of land furs and sea otter skkis imported into San Francisco dur ing the last year tvas over $1,000,000, one quarter of which was paid by the furriers of San Francisco to supply the demand of ladies, who little imagine when donning their furry wraps the dangers and exposure that have been imdcrgone by those whose walk in life calls tlieni to the inhospitable regions of Alaska and the Arctic San Fran cisco Chroaiclo. L fe .- "-s? "r-r A Xure's I'oolish Xotion. A foolish notion prevalent amonj; tho lower classes in several countries is that a babo at tho breast can be insured against colic by being made to taste everything vrhich the mother eats. Tho writer was onca horriGed to find her nurso about to give her baby cold s-law on this principle; the girl de fending herself on tho plea that bar mother always did it, and that it was good for the cliiH. Cor. Boston GHoba. A, M. Swirt, (Successor to Gn!lant& Heiser.) Coal & Feed, 613 East Oak St. Telephone, 108. (H7-lm WILLIAM KIP, CIVIL ENGINEER, Room No. 3. 1ST . jluln St.,. "Wichita, - Kansas. Plattlnjj, Subdividing and Mapping do'ie la an; locality on short notice. Plans and estimates for H. K. lines, water works and sewerage. PrplirrJnary gurvejB and loration made. All correspondence promptly answered. 13-tf C. F. CARD WELL, (Successor to James Horn.) DEALEK IS Coal : and : Feed OK ALL KINDS. 218 "W Douglas Ave. us E. B. EWJETT, Attorney at Lw. A. H. MAXWELL. Notary Public Jewett & Maxwell. Real Estate Bought and Sold, Investments made, Loan on Real Estate and Cliattle Security for lonff or snort time, Notes bought and sold. Room 1, 2 and 3, McCiess Block, Main St. OPPOSITE CITY COURT HOUSE. dICS H. McKIM DUBOIS Notary Public. Abstracts have an accurate er of books mid tan prepared r. mnkofuP .d Complete Abstracts of Title To aay property In Sedswlci County. 03".v Over VS Main tixtr Wichita, - Kati. CASWELL & BUCKLEY. Manufacturers of Onl-vanlspa Iron Oomtee Tin Iron and OVito Rcollns; by oxperleiieiMl vrorfcswn. re palrlns. RcKerlnjr and spenting done with neatnt aoddlspatiii. ;zrEstimaUM and dcilunu furnished ou short not'o EAGLE CORNICE WORKS. Just north of tho Occidental. Grand tail Sale Mrs M. KLENTZ "HI U ana eII art old. Hp from 23c to $1 worth twice the zsorsrr. Hand-rut all wool hoods, aic and Ji A rifline of Cloati, Underwi-ar. Corses 3uU. Haaoiercblefs. GioTf, O-trlch Feathers, Bird-. 'Syinsi-, Ribbon?, yelvet. Plusher, Astra ccaas. Ladife come early to securo bargains. M. KLENTZ. cr -ii i .hi .fL A K f3 m ,:& Ja jaaa SSSm M 1SIHHP9H EYiJ, JilAB SURGiGAUNSTITOTE, KiSSt yj SrECIALTIHS: Eyes, Hose, Throat, Catarrh, Ears, Surgery and Deformities. Proprietor and Surpeon in Charsre, K"orth Main bb'ee THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN THE GITY TO HUY PureDrugs, Medicines and Chemicas, IS AT Allen's Drug Store, Where can also be found r large f tock ot Paints. Oils, White Lead, Mixed Paint. Varnishes, Window Glass, Putty, Etc We alo keep on hand a large ocic of Toilet Articles. Perfumery, Shoul der israces, unest Jtrotectors, Sponges, Soaps, Trusses. .Te a!o reoetre Use most populcr a.6 reitoJWe Patent Medicines. Yoo xiU tlierelor gt: no cocriK-rJelts or testation In deolliw; with ui. To, oortrjinT frieinis who hare Lvrored c with he r pntronare for the last thirteen rears, we tfmJc ur sincere UuujkS. and to lhoe with whom it h.i ot ren our pooc rertnee to c-al, we would r that r clrlry; u. a trlsl we IU gusractce 500I gt- ij s.nd erf ect RattfacUon. Geo. E. Campbell & Co. Real Mate and Loan Ms. Mane Collections and pay taie? for non residents CORRESPOXDENC SOLICITED. N'o.23) N. Main St. Room 5. yTICHITA. KA W. H. STERNBERG, Contractor and Builder Office and Shop 349 Main St. FIRST-CLASS V70I.K at LOWEOT PRICES. Eart marea furnished on short notice. WICHITA. KAN" National Bank, BOSTON, MASS. AFITAL - - $400,000. SURPLUS - $600,000 Accounts of Banks. Pjinkers and Corporations so llctted. Our facilities for Collections are excellent and we rediscount for banks when balances warrant it. Boston Is a Itocrve City ana balances with us from Bauks-not located In other Keserre citlert count as a reerve. We draw our own Exehange on Loudon and the ContInent,and make ocab e transfers and place mone j thriiKhou t the United States and Canada. Government Uonds lousn and soln, (nd Exchang es In Washington made for banks without extra cnarge. We have a market for prime first-class Investment Securities, and Invite proposal-! from States, Coun ties and Cities when Issuing bonds. We do n several Banking business and invite cor respondents. ASA P. POTTi K, President, JOS. W. WORK. Cahler. l:-6nj Remimrron Standard Type-"ttriter. JHtS? igi-auiiuaiu w rjiirc jincninp f nia A-nWil. njjift .ml .-.wt .ui4 iv all leaain houses and pro- - iv; rj.ijfj i J "ti men: mil uiie oi iyj iftSWLinqfl wrltinj? 'unplies. s-end for 25MLSKi 'Hu-trated circular. WYliOi, SEA MANS & BENEDICT, d 150 iSi West Sth St., Ka nsas City, 3Io. WICHITA CRACKER COMPANY. 3Ll.NlijKACrUP.XXS or FINE CRACKERS and PURE CANDIES. 418 and 420 EAST DOUG-LAS AVEInTTJE. rVichita ? Roller fMPERIAL, Roller Patent; X. L C. inTiBUBHXD 13W- -Utstixrtv tt JfoJlOTrtee Celarv'i Irrr :.:- r .- r,.-n". ww n, nn t. WJ't -x-:, TTt. r.nrth tJ:l Mtb for l7 tt nva thor to i-v . j- WfrJ.awtl'm wkSTwi Vutfauw-J T W dura iv w .17 wKh .h-i. '..' en. wejj la tk ww cn'vAl ft fclciirfW -il vrlor. MONEY TO LOAN On Ghat feel Mortgages and Citiy Property, IN SMALL OR LARGE AMOUNTS. SHORT' TIME AT THE LOWEST RATES, 116 WEST DOUGLAS AVENUE. u&vr J. R. HOLLIDAY, WICHITA DEALER IN Staple and Fanev Qroeeries ATT, GOODS "WARRANTED. W. S. COREtZTT, President. A. IIESS, WICHITA Wholesale Grocer Company Nos. 233 and 235 North 1 & Biimel Real Estate Brokers And Investors of Capital. Safe Inside Property We Have a Special Bargain In a Half Section of land very near the city atSlOO per acre on easy terms. Will sell either quarter if desired. This should interest speculators. W. C. GLEJO'. W. C. GLENN & CO. Loan and Real Estate Agents HEADQUARTERS -POH- (MALE ill PCI ADDrnOKS. AlSO Property for SalS ail Over the City. Real : Estate : and : Chattel : Loans, 205 N MAIN ST., ROOM 1. FAIRVIEW The Gem of the West Side. Big Bargains! Best Bargains! FINE VIEW OF GITY. Natural Drainage, Good Water, Joins the Catholic See Grounds, Convenient to Garfield University, Street Car Convenience Soon, More Natural Advantages than any other Addition in die city. Investors can gtt in on ths Ground Floor and get better prices and terms than have ever been offered in uthe city. Don't wait, be first and catch a bonanza. irebaugh's 7th HEADQUARTERS Allen, Room 1 and 3 up Stairs, 414 B Douglas Ave. Mi mi tak WHITE RUoZ Extra Fancy R., Fancy. JNCORrOR 1TXS- w. OLIVER, IL30DEH & CO. insr Ho GROCERY No. 227 E. Douglas Ave J. H. I!I.VCK. Secrottiry nnd Treasurer. Vice ITesMent Main St., WICHITA, KAN. Mor e JAKES ALLISON. ohons Specialty Graham & J. O. DATIDfiCH. rta. CLJLwmrgB. CITIZENS BANK. Paid-up Capital, Stockholders Liability, Largest Paid-Up Capital of any Baalt ia the State of Kansas. Dl RECTO RS: aR.MELLSB. A-B.arrrma. ma.Lia. .u.dxyumo. W.3B.BTAiaY. J.O.DATTDSOK. JCHN T. CARrEHTKR. DO A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. United States, County, TownsMp and Muni cipal Bonds Bought and Sold. 3. LOKBAfiDr JK, Prwlden. J. ?. AllSH, VJce-I'raiUetk STATE NATIONAL BANK. PCCCIS80a TO Paid-up Capital, Surplus, DIRECTORS:- S. IJJtEARD. Jr.. 1. V. -ilXEN JOHN U IX DSIXTCR. .J'ETEB GETTv. CCmu1s1OMUKT. ormviT. nm OP TTTK nEPOTlLIC. New Yorfc KATIW-'Al. IKSK Or AWr.UlC.V, Chlowv ytaaT XATIOSaI, BAKX. Kins City. B. LOMBARD. Jr. VrmMnnt. JAh. U LOMBARD, Vice PrwiMent. Lombard M Prepared to make FARM and GITY LOANS at Shortest Notice, and Lowest Rates consistent with a conservative business. Money Always On Hand. And reads'- to pay out, if title is perfect, as soon as papers are signed. CALL ON US BEFORE MAKING YOUR LOANS. Office over State National Banlc, cor Main and Douglas, Wichita. .V.r.-IEDnRLANDKB,lWenU w. W.KIREWCOO, Ll KmmW. PFhmKf lEZ'15, A.W.OUV2R.Viee.I,rtk!enU J. U BUTAA, Bnlf7 Kansas Loan and Investment Co. Capital, $100,000. Money Always on Hand to Loan on Farm and City Pronerty Office In "Wichita National Bank: Bolldlnir, Wichita, Kan. S. T. JONES, Architect and B nilder, Has now ready some good new houses for sale, also a few good lots on Hydraulic avenue. TERMS EAST. Enquire at Shops on Lincoln Street Addition. F. T.BROWN. .'OH GOLOSH EL TL BPoOWIT 3c (DO.. REAL ESTATE AND LOAM BROKERS. WICHITA- - - ZAIjSAS. vc r CjX. T Q iReal Estate and Loan Brokens I Fafm Residence & Business Propeiy Scld k Exchanged. money to loah. taxes paid for n-n-residents. 0f w: 243 k Main st. WlCnita, Kan. in BLIGHTS Addition Jones, Wiciiita. 121-tf viurrsa. joax c. ptt&sr. $200,000 $400,000 I- I). bKINWEH. Caihtr, W. EL LTVUtWfrOK, JUHlitiMt KAXaAB BTO.TZ BiSKJ 100.000 $5,000 D. CAHKY. KOS. HARRIS, J. U. ALLMV, W. jr. OnnBS, P. V. UiALY. nutcrarrewB .vat:g.v al nxx x. nmw H.VRT T Wl hT, CfuhJrr n ortgage to. c. x WAIT, Bow? Mtk. TXT A Trp . '""A