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--fravr t - 1 jrf. iMNUfiiii ilfa m r t fa ij i ftw-n tthi n If t i r r ' j- -Sr 43 fcc Sicfeita fails fagle: Jatireaatj Saoruimj gulp 23, 18S7. . s? n ijr" w M M. X. MUKDOOK, Editor. SATURDAY MORNING7JUi:Y-23ri887: REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. 3Se Republican cf Sdg wick county. Kansas, will held a. count; convention for the purpose of nomln Mtegc&nd Mates fr itiofollcmlngoffices to be filled fer election this fall, viz.: 0001117 Trecsuir. County Clerk. .Coanty Rt glster of Deeds. Gcmnty Sheriff. Gouty Surveyor. Grant? Coroner. Te townships ana wards win DC enuuea to ine zouowins number or delegates in sua convection: first Ward Nineteen delegates. Second Ward Thirteen delegates. Third Ward 1 en delegates. Itosrth Ward Fifteen delegates.1 ratk Ward Fl e deHgates. ABon Three delegates. Attica -Four delegates. Deiano 'our delegates. Xagle Four delegate a. Xrte Three delegates. Greeley Six delegates. leant Seven delegates. Garden Plains, K One delegate. Ourden Plains. S Three delegates Ctawnd Blver Three delegates. Grpsnm Four delegates. - HimoU Three delegates. Kechl-Slx deleg&us. Lincoln Four delegates. MIuBeaa Three delegates. .Morton Seven delegate. jTnsaescah Seven delegates. Otalo Three delegates. Tmt ae Five delegates. Bark, B Two ("elegates. Park. W Three delegates. Bnckford, I Four del eg ales. Boclcford, M Three delegates. Salem Four delegates. Bbenn&n Four delegates. Union FKe delrgates "Viola Three delegates. Wichita Seven delegates. Waco Five delegates. Valley Center. V P. Four (elegates. Valley Center. S Three delegates. Tie central committee red mmsni'ed that the pri maries be field fn m 2 to 4 o'clock p. m. at the usual ottoc place In each township, and In the wards of tfcecftyof Wlchlra from 4 to 6 o'clock p. m, on "Wednesday, the 3st day of August. Tbeoounty convention will bo held In the Grand Jmnr hall. In the city of vrichlta, on Saturday, the M day of September. 1687, commencing at 10 o'clock B. i The central committee also recommends that the crtaoariesln theflmcommlrtlon district electdele sates who will nominate a commissioner for said dls "&fet on the ad Jcu nmei t of the county convention. Br order cr the Mepuniican couniy cenirei cum- . What do our friends on the Missouij think of out car shops? "The little town of four thousand people on the flats with a couple ef plug, railroads," got there all uie same. Gastein, Austria, will experience another "field of the cloth of gold," on the morrow, the monarchs of the occasion being the emperors of Austria and Germany. The nlace of meeting mav not be ornamented with the brilliancy of the former occasion, yet nature will contribute largely with the beauty of the valley of the Gastein. THE OHIO ELECTION. have their Count Tolstoi of Russia Is said to be moving for the re enslavement, of the 22, 000,000 Russian Serfs who were emanci pated by Czar Alexander II. twenty-five years ago. And the measure is now pend ing before the council of the empire and it is feared that the present Emperor Al exander III will favor it. W. U McSee, Secretary. JUDICIAL DISTRICT CONVENTION. The BepuhHcans of the Eighteenth Judicial Dis trict will hold a convention lorthepurpoieo' p'ac lug In romlnatton a candidate for judge of the dis trict. The central commitu recnimend tha the delegate s he chosen at the fame time and places des ixcalfd by ti e county renibllcan -entral committee icr holding primaries, viz. August 318L Each tovmshlp ana wards will be entitled to the follow lrg number ft delegate: First V ard Mr.ereen dek gates. Second Ward Thiitrii delegates. Third Waid Tea delegptes. Fourth Waid Fiftten delegates. Fifth Ward-Five delegates. A ft on Three delegates. Attica Four delegates. Delano Four delegatus. Eagle F .ur delegates. Erie Thrte delegates. Ofvtley 81x delegates. Grant Soven delegates. Garden Plains, N- One delegate. Gardei. Plains, t Three delt gates. Grand hlver-Thrte delegate. Gj psum Four delrgutea. Illinois Three delegates. Kechl feix d-lemites. Lincoln Four delegate). JUnncha Three delegates. c Mcrtfn- Seven delegates. Klssescah Sev. n delegates. Oni Three delegates. Payne Five delegates. Tark, E 1 w o delegates. Park. W Thrf e df It gates. Rockford, D- Four delegates. Bockford, M Three delegate. Balem Four delegates. Sherman Four delegates. TTnton Five c elegates. "Viola Th'ee do egates. Wichita Seven delegates. "Waco Five delegat s. t Valley enter, V. C Four delegate. VaUey C. nter. 8 Thrte delegatep. Thecltrlctc i vent Ion will be hcM In the Grand Army Ball, Wichita, Kaoras, on Saturday, the Ed day f September, IK' 7. at i30 a. m. By older of the Ditlrict Central Committee, H. L. TAYLOR. Chairman. It is not Germany nor England but Prussia that Russia should fear. There are monarchs in Europe, there are oppress ed people, then and so sure a3 the good God has given them the minds to know the strength to strike there will be disas trous '89's. Tere is a distant rumbling, an admonition of a Versuvius, that will s ooner or later belch forth and prostrate Europe's arena. The Union Pacific will be built this fall as far as Kingman via. Hutchinson, and theje will not be a mile built toward Wich ita. This is a fact that we have from the highest authority, Major General Great-I-Am Murdock to the contrary notwith standing. Hutchinson News. All right, Ralph, How many cars do you wan) ? Better put in your orders early to the Wichita car works; first come, first served. A Texas paper claims that the passen ger conductors on one of the Louisiana roads are prohibited from going barefoot while on duty. Some of these knights of the punch rather than . comply with so despotic an order have resigned, while those who wear thoes and stockings are ridiculed by the passengers and accused of putting on airs" becanse they are in the employ of a railroad company. Kansas City takes the cake when It comes to blow; when it takes cash she arn't there. The oldest lawsuit in Illinois has been (Six tho docket for forty-tW6 years. It be gan about a $2 hog and has cost the prin cipals $7,000. The Eagle, proud old bird, flies from her nest this morning with ten thousand fledglings, with their wings on the wind and their eyes on the sun screaming to the top of their voices The Peerless Prin cess, the Winning Wonder, Wichita the biggest city in the brightest, smartest young state In the Union has got there Eli, and is ready for another proposition. Lead in another horse. A syndicate of Hebrew gentlemen from Kansas City have purchased 1G0 acres, west of Olathe, Kansas, and will plat it and establish a Jewish colony. United we stand, divided we get left. The Wichita man yesterday morning caught one hand in tho other, and said JMire's to the Board of Trade. Shake I Meer Baboor Alliy, a Hindoo resident of San Francisco, has filed a declaration of "his Intention to become a citizen of the United States. He is the first of his race, so far as known, who has ever done so. "It is astonishing," said Governor Mar maduke of Missouri the fore part of this week in Chicago, "Perfectly astonishing, the cool and delightful weather you have in Chicago." As people In Chicago were dying about that time at fearful rate from the effect of heat, it may be inferred from the governor's estimate of Chicago climate that the summer breezes in the neighbor hood of Jefferson City are not particularly refreshing. At last it lias been settled at Hutchinson lhat the malt sold on the streets is intoxi cating, that Its sale is within the prohibi tory law and the seller, unless holding a permit from the probate judge, must pay a iine or go to jail. Again comes then port that the Santa 3Ce owns a controlling interest in the San Trancisco line, and will take possession August 1. El Dorado Republican. President Winslow and Seligman Bros. are in Europe, and have been absent since May. In a few dajs the work of placing all the electric wires in New York under ground will begin, and will be continued until every street in the city has been cleared of Wires and poles, thus removing a danger ous and by no means ornamental nuisance. Our first educational institutions were established In New England, Some of our best still remain there, but with the tide of Immigration that creeps westward, with the progressiveuess and energetic zeal of the west, New England will inevitably have to release her claims as the zenith of education in this country. The Boston Herald laments: "The National Educa tional association elects a Colorado man for its president, a Kansas man for secretary, an Illinois man for treasurer, and gives Massachusetts the first vice presidency. When westward the star of empire takes its way, we wish it would leave something besides its vices for Massachusetts." The Democracy of Ohio forces in the field, and unexpectedly to a good many people they have dodged the only real issue before the country the protection of American labor. The Re publican party has repeatedly proclaimed its belief In a protective tariff. It was supposed since the recognized leader of the Democratic party in the south and west, Mr. Carlisle, had repeatedly and manfully proclaimed his conviction that the theory of protection is false, that the Ohio De mocracy would take a bold stand on this issue. Tne Louisville Courier Journal, the leading Democratic journal of the west and south, has boldly declared its opposi tion and has given notice that the Democ racy would attack the theory In its strong holds. It is conceded by all par ties that the revenues of the government must be raised by tariff taxation. The Re publican party has declared its intention to adjust this tariff with a view to the protec tion of the American manufacturer and American laborer. There is no chance for a double construction of the language used in State Republican platforms. The Dem ocrats of Ohio in their platform on this subject say: "We demand such judi cious reduction of the present burdensome tariff as shall result in the production of revenue sufficient only to meet the expense of the economical administration of the government; payment of liberal pensions to Union soldiers and sailors and payment of interest and principal of the public debt, and if necessary in favor of such reduction of internal revenue except on liquors, as will prevent the accumulation of a surplus in the national treasury, and we denounce any attempt to abolish the tax on liquors for the purpose of keeping up the present unjust, unequal and onerous tariff system." The only position here taken is that they are opposed to the abolition of the internal revenue tax on liquors. But can any honest Democrat tell the position of his party In Ohio on the subject of pro tection to Americ&n labor? Henry Wat- terson can tell the free trade Democrats that the platform favors tho reduction of the tariff so as only to produce a sum suf ficient to meet the running expenses of the government economically administered, and there will in consequence be a very large reduction of the tariff. Mr. Randall can tell the protectionist that the platform favors raising all the revenues of the gov ernment by a tariff, and that tbe Demo crats intend to build a navy and fortify our sea coast, which will require a greatly increased revenue from tariff taxation, and we will in consequence have more protection. They are in favor of a redugtion of the tariff to the necessities of government. They are also in favor of a reduction of Internal revenue. Would not a reduction of internal revenue necessitate an increase In tariff duties to the extent of the reduction on internal revenues. It is barely possible and by no means probable that the Democrats can carry Ohio on such a platform. The masses of all parties are honest and demand fair dealing on the part of their leaders. The masses of the Demo cratic party in Ohio will be disgusted with their own platform. OVER THE EAGLE LINE. THE OLD FLAG. A large number of people were noticed on our streets yesterday vigorously shak ing hands. Some worldly minded people were inclined to ascribe this good feeling to the location of the car shops instead of to the gospel preaching of the Salvation army. The Empress of Japan expects to visit the United States in October. She will land in San Francisco, travel east by the way of Salt Lake, Kansas City and Chi cago, and return in two months. The southern route. The empress will be ac companied by a retinue of twenty persons. The Leader says: "There will be 5000 Indians In Tacoma and vicinity pretty soon from British Columbia, and the In land Empire, and some will come in their canoes from far' off Alaska. But to calm the rising fears of Intendant immigration we will add they come here to pick hops." The modest Princess of the Plains might under ordinary circumstances feel elated over the little matter of securing a manu iactoring interest that will employ two thousand men, but her mind is so taken up -with larger Interest now demanding her attention that the present enterprise is not .appreciated as it otherwise would be. The Kansas City exposition is a mrgnif icent enterprise and is worthy of com a&edatkn; yet. In no spirit of boasting, we remark that if said exhibition were one year later, the Peerless would be in con dition to help along her sister at the mouth oftfceKawby coming to her rescue with aa exhibit of manufactured articles that would make the Kansas City exhibition tiaectandest ever known in tho world's itatory. It Isn't much to be wondered at that Canada is agitating the question of union with the United States, but the same facts should make Uncle Sam think twice before he opens the door to her. In 1F68 the gross debt of Canada was .$94,000,000; it has in creased until it now amounts to $290,000, 000. The annual expenditure has risen from $13,000,000 in 1808 to $39,000,000 in 188G. The population has increased since 1S57 only 33 per cent, while in the same time the gross debt has increased 230 per cent, and the annual expenditure 290 per cent. There could be no object in adding Canada to the United States, except such as Is based upon a sentiment, or for the laudable purpose of reforming It. Omaha Republican. AN OLD MAN. The oldest man in the world is said to be James James, a colored citizen of the United States, who resides at Santa Rosa, Mexico. He Is 135 years old. He was born at Dorchester, S. C, in 1752. He was one of the laborers at Fort Moultree during the unsuccessful attack by the Brit ish fleet in 1776. He was then 24 years old. nis master, James James, manned one of the guns during the fight. His last owner was Henry James, who moved to Mexico in 185S, in order that his slaves might become free before his death. At present the rheumatism keep3 James from walking, but he can drag himself a short distance, and otherwise is in fairly good health. The speech of Major McCattiy at Rich mond to a visiting Grand Army post, which will be found in another column, is in many respects, a strange production. There are, perhaps, no people In this country whose loyalty to the Union has never fal tered, who would ever entertain such an idea as that contained in this speech. The rebellion and its cause, slavery, are no par ticular credit to the great heart of the American people; that we as a people should wish to perpetuate its memory by an inscription on the flag of the free. It Is to Major McCarthy's credit that he ac cepts the situation and pledges his allegiance to the Union. It is no discredit to him that he thought his cause right. We believe this speech contains the sentiment of the greater part of tho men who fcught in the southern army. They will say the star spangled banner is a grand old flag but we still love our battle flags. Like an adopted citizen who swears allegiance to the Re public, but whose love goes back to the hillsides and valleys and repling rills by the old homestead in his oppressed land, so the love of these men wonder to their for mer allegiance. Because of this returning Ioyc to former allegiances the fouuders of this republic enacted in their supreme law that n o man born on foreign soil should even be trusted to beav the office of presi dent. For the same reason the men who fought to destroy this government and swore allegiance to another flag, are not the men to whom should be committed the interest of this Republic. To the Editor of the Ejgle. On our trip over the Eagle line we found corn in a much better condition than one would expect They got but little of the late rains but their corn will not hurt much if they can get rain in the next week or so. The immense brick yards at Colwich are doing a fine business and the extra number of men which they employ make tenament houses in good demand; there is none to rent at present. It looks like a good place for some capitalist to plant a little money in the way of building houses. No doubt they would rent readily at good prices. Andale is also coming to the front with her pressed brick enterprise; when they get fairly down to business it will be one of the best concerns in the state. Commer cial men will no longer have to pull by Andale to stop over night, as Mr. G. W. May berry has moved into the city and is prepared to keep traveling men in first class style. That is what we mean for we stopped with him and know whereof we speak. Mr. Nick Anderson is doing the stock business of Andale this season. Mr. An derson is a good man for the business. The people in the Andale neighborhood all along the line, were very much disap pointed in not getting rain last Tuesday night, but they can stand it a week or two yet. Mt. Hope is about the same good trading point a3 of old, and why shouldn't it be? As they are surrounded by the finest class of farmers in the state. Haven people are feeling very jubilant over the push and enterprise of Messrs. Smith & Peckham, in erecting a flouring mill in the city of Haven, with a capacity of seventy-five barrels per day. They have put their building up of the best ma terial to be found anywhere, and have pur chased an elegant 48 horse power Westing house engine, and everything will soon be in running order. No doubt they will draw a large patronage from around Hutchinson, as their mills are somewhat on the old order. Mr. L. O. Smith is a young man, but a very usefal one to his community. Mr. Fred Thorp, editor of the Haven Independent, informs me they will soon erect a large brick school building. Haven's mill will, when In operation, prove a greater advantage to every business man in the town than they have any idea of at the present. There will soon be a large ele vator erected also, which will be of great convenience to the farmers of that section. At this end of the road we also found corn loo king at least a hundred per cent, better than we had any idea of. So surely we will have an excellent yield all around. P. B. perpetual Union view of it The blood of American soldiers has so fixed it The American soldier, and especially the southern soldier, will see to it that the flag of the Union Is supreme everywhere, and will permit no riyals. Welcome, glorious, perpetual, indivisible, irresistible Union! Let every man swear allegiance to one country, one filae, and the American sol dies's motto: "E Pluribus Unum." PUBLIC OPINION. THE PROPOSED NEW FLAG. The Speech of Major McCarthy at Rich mond to a Visltingr Grand Army Post. A BOLD BAD GOOD MAN. A christian minister of Odessa, Mo., named J. J. Henry, was accused by the good people of that town of conduct unbe coming a gentleman and minister of the gospel, toward a certain young lady of his flock. Missouri like, a mob of about fifty persons called on the reverend gentleman with the avowed purpose of escorting him out of town, clad in a suit of chicken feathers and "on a rail." At this stage of the interesting proceeding Rev. J. J. Henry did what was considered a very un expected thing for a minister of the gospel to do. He came forth in answer to the calls of the mob, and with resignation de picted on his countenance and a big Colts revolved in his hand, he cooly informed the mob that he was innocent, and they could have his body, but that the first man who touched him would be shot down like a dog. XTobody touched Rev. J. J. Henry, and latest accounts says the deacons j will investigate the matter. A FAMILY REUNION. The Munson family will celebrate their one hundred and fiftieth anniversary in America on the 7th day of August next at New Haven, Conneticut, in regard to which the Denison News: "Two hundred and fifty years ago, on the 17th day of August next, Miram A. Munson and fam ily renounced allegiance to the British monarchy and cast their lot among the wild and boundless forests of the new world. Their camp was pitched near where now stands the city of New Haven, Conneticut Mr. Munson, like the vast majority of emigrants from the old country at that time, was thoroughly imbued with the principles of religious and civil liberty and as America offered the greatest free dom for the enjoyment of these principals he preferred to undergo the trials and hard ships of pionaer life to remaining a vassal to the English crown. Since that time the family has been a prosperous andsuccessfu one, It has grown and multiplied, and extended until there is scarcely a state in the Union in which they are not to be found. Politics has never been a leading feature with the family; they, almost to a unit, prefer some industrial avocation. Among their members may be found many of the wealthiest and most influential peo ple of New England. They are conspicu ous among the manufacturers and bankers of that country, many of them being millionaires. Those of the family who emigrated west and south are mainly agri culturists and traders. The banner (the bloody shirt) having worn itself away with the frautic efforts of twenty years ago, the Star Spangled Ban ner was again run up to the head of the stuff and peace broke out everywhere. Iu this presence ana in this happy era it is hard to realize that there was a time when I sincerely hated, as the emblem of oppres sion and as the flag of a deadly foe, the Star Spangled Banner! That it once typ ified to me everything hateful, despicable and tyranical. It is hard to recall with vivid reality the fact that there was a time when the Confederate battle flag gathered volleys of bullets and curses wherever ii floated. The loyal sons of the North aimed death at it and the men who bore it. It floated bravely and sometimes victoriously over sulphurous fields, and to our ejes was as the plume in the helmet of Liberry. We loved the brave old battle flag and hated the beauty and grace of the stars and stripes. You hated the red rebel rag and saw in the streaming, waving, rustling, shining Star Sprangled Banner a thing of wondrous beauty, a joy forever, a fit ob ject of adoration. 1 begin to approve agaiirthe national colors. It is a pretty flag, and fiies over a brave and ereat peo ple. I, I well, I love the old flag and I would like to improve it Can t you fellows who fought and captured the Con federate battle flag so much, now that you have had time to think over it, and have seen and understood the men who carried it can t you see that it is not sucn an awfully bad, ugly old thing as you thought it was ? I honestly believe the people of the north thought they were right, and for that rea son 1 can forgive them. I have forgiven them; and you have forgiven us. Good I The hope df the country is in the men who carried "arms. The people of the north and of the south are hopelessly, affection ately and irrevocably mixed up. Why not mix up the flags and put an end at once to the war and to the bowling fanatics? The Star Spangled Banner is today the bravest and the purest flag that waves. It repre sents a land of liberty and a brave people. You know what it is and will doubtless join me in the sentiment: "Long may she wave." The Confederate battle flag can not be forgotten. It floated over valor, devotion and heroic sacrifice. It heard the shouts of victory hi d fought it way to a place in the world's history. In with the southern cross, then? Let the Confederate battle fla be a part of the national colors. Mix the flags and what a brave Unnn flag it would be. Up with a Union flag that will declare to the civilized world that here we have a country full of union, peace, liberty, equality and fraternity! Un der that flag a b'ljle call would assemble an army able anUwilling to meet a world In arms and wiui victory already perched upon its binner Foe without nor foes within cnuld birnk the line over which fl iHtwl the grand reunion banner. Up with it and let the world beware how it shakes its fist or makes a face at the great Ameri can flair, with a North, a South, an East and a West, all shouting the battle cry of freedom. Put the bstt'e flag where it will do the most good to the most people, for the longest time; where it will commingle In imperishable union the patriot blood of the blue and the gray. All honor to the man of the north who will first suggest, urge .and secure the crowning glory for tbe American soldier and I now "pronounce him in advance, peacemaker ex traordinary to his imperial majesty, the American people. The Union Is no longer a mere sentiment, but a ligament such as bound the Siamese twins. One flag, one uniform, one source of authority is the loyal and ucfllnchlng demand of the south. A union of hearts, of heads and of indisso luble bands. There is no middle ground between state sovereignty and absolute National unification. And state sovereignty is dead. If we have decided to abandon a federation, and have Instead a modified, unified, perpetual union, a single national existence, why, then, let us all face the music! Away with all petty sovereignties, north and south. The South Is in the saddle for the Union forever. S'ate constitutions are null and void at every point where they are not within the limit of the constitution and the New York Herald: On the whole, and after you get used to him, the live "Yan kee" is the best man in the world to have on the ground. He knows how to make things hum, and likes to do it. Denver Republican: It Is the fact that the monopolies whioh run our legis latures and control our commerce are growing stronger than ever in this state that the people have less to do in this mat ter and they know it. Dallas (Tex) News: An electric kettle has been made in Berlin, and water can be made to boil in it. These Texas newspa pers which are wont to depend upon lazy subscribers for stove wood now see batter days ahead. Brooklyn Times: Wheat "and cotton are necessaries, or practically so as things go at present, and there is always danger of a corner in them, but it will probably be a long while before any one will try to corner prunes again. New York Times: Apparently nothing but a law absolutely requiring such struct ures to be fire proof will put an end to the criminal risks that in storing other people s property, and there is doubt if such a law would be effectual, as unfortunately, laws will not enforce themselves. St Louis Globe-Democrat: Col. Bill Morrison is said to cherish the opinion that he can beat Uncle Jehu Baker for congress next year. One of the greatest drawbacks to Col. Bill's political welfare is the habit of. cherishing opinions, particularly in re gard to Uncle Jehu, which run contrary to Urn cold facts of experience and observa tion. New York Tribue: So long as this city does not contain a majority ot scoundrels the people have it in their power to keep villains In subjection. Thny have just wit nessed an impressive manifestation of the majestic force which resides in their united purpose, and it will be their own fault If New York once more becomes a safe place in which to conspire against the laws of God and man. New York Star: Hoodlums and mobs are the same everywhere, but Mexico, as represented by her intelligence and worth and public policy, is grateful to this coun try. There is n jealousy, no suspicion, no hatred, nothing but an affectionate re membrance of our great kindness in the hour of her darkest need, and an unques tioning faith in our abiding sympathy and friendship for the future. Detroit Tribune: The Democratic bosses of Iowa are writing letters to their Texas friends informing them that prohibition in Iowa is a failure and warning them not to permit Texas to adopt the ruinous policy. On tbe other hand the Republican papers and leaders of Iowa testify that prohibition is not a fail ure In that state, and General Weaver has caused quite a sensation by coming out In his paper with an editorial completely sus taining the Kepuulicau statements. Salt Lake Tribune: Now. after this long course of perfidy, what trust or power can congress or the country confide to this wide spread and compactly organized Utah conspiracy, which has demanded everything and never honestly conceded anything! What public man or politician can espouse its cause without being dis honored as a particeps criminls? What political party can give it "aid and coin tort" without being deceived aud betrayed in the future as in times past ? k: The Reason Why Our customers tell us we are doing the business of Wichita. We are not surprised to have such a magnificent stock as ours thrown on the market at such a sacrifice attracts every purchas er. People know our sale adver tisments are ""bona fide." We must have money to effect our dissolution soon. Come and see our prices and our stock. Wilson & F.ox, 203 AJSTD 205 MAIN ST. W. B. COBBETT. President. A. HESS. Vic President. J. H. BLACK. Secretary aed TroMUrer WICHITA Wholesale Grocer Company. Nos. 233 and 235 North Main St., WICHITA, KAN. MONEY TO LOAN On Chattel Mortgages and Oity Property, IN SMALL OR URGE AMOUNTS. SHORT TIME AT HE LOWEST3ATES, Wichita Banking Co Tender Feet Fitted. "TI3 A FKAT TO FIT THK FEF.T." Z223: DAW 116 WEST DOUGLAS AVENUE. 3, O. DAVmeOK, PKXt' J. C. KNIGHT, Bccy. Vf. T. BABCOCK.lee Pre. THCS. E. K1TCH. Trta Davidsoni InyestmentComp'ny PATD-TJP CAPITAL, $300,000. IS DIRECTORH:-JOHN QUrNCV ADAMS, A. KNIGHT, CITAP. O. WOOD, C. A. WAI.KElt, M. a KNIGHT JOHN E. 8ANFOBD, W.T.BABCOCK, W. E. BTANLKY, J. O. DAVIDSON. $5,000,000 Loaned In Southern Kansas. Money Always on Hand for Improved Farm and City Loans. OFFICE VITH CITIZEN8 BANK Nortbeatt I WIOHITA k'AMQA Corrr N ilulh dtnjo c and Doogla Avenue. ) ITIUIIIIfl, Anliunu. None ss Good for the Money. H. L. SHOBER & CO. Parlor Shoe Store, 312 E DOUGLAS AVE. Four Doors West or Manhattan Hotel. C" Do not forgbt tha Place. .3 ireher Eleetrie Manufacturing Co. No. 321 West Douglas Ave. CAPITAL 60,000.00 DOLLARS. N. A. ENGLISH, Pres. J. O. DAVIDSON, Treas. E. A. HUTCHTNS, Soc Manufacturers of and dealers In Batteries and Instruments, Electric Motors, Electric Dells, annunciators, speaking tubes, phy sicians batteries and instruments. Hotels and private residences urnished with electric bells or speaking tubea A full line of eJec ric supplies. Repairing of every description. Nlckle and silver plating. First-class work work In every department at lowest pos ible rates. Get our prices before giving out yonr work. d2S-U Spanish Cigar Parlor NEWEST BRANDS OP DOMESTIC I IMPORTED CIG-ARS. Extra Fine Fruits. Special Orders Taken, 104 N MAIN ST. 5-i lm Geo. E. Campbell & Co. Real Mate and Loan Agfa. XzXe Collections and par uim for non-r&sl&eiiv. C0EKESP05DENC SOLICITED. ". Mln BC-Booa J. (dll tT) WICHITA. EA5 W. H. STERNBERG, Contractor and Builder Office and Shop 349 Main St. FTRST-CXAE3 WORK ai LOWEST PS1CZZ. EC bum fsr-'.bed oa doel notio. WICHITA. EJUS- OLIVER BROS., Lumber Dealers Wichita, Kansas. Wichita, iayfield- Wellington. Harper, Attica, Garden Hain, Antnonv.Arkansas City, n dale and Haven. O. F. DEC J. P. LUCK. COL. H. T. 8 UK DIX & CO., REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Arkansas City, Kansas. Have tbe best Investment property in in Kansas. Office Corner Summit and Fifth, the most growing town over 'Mattack's Store. 4LS New Dry Goods! JOHN G. ALLEN Is now receiving a general assortment of New Dry Goods, Gents Furnishing Goods, Eta, which he is offering at RETAIL AT REDUCED PRICES And respectfully solicits the examination of purchasers generally as he is prepared to offer special bargains. Also requests the atten tion of merchants to his wholesale stock, which Is full in all departments. diw L. D. KK1SXZH. CMtW. W, H. VS-iVUtrjOS, JlmI C&icr 3. r. AJLLZS, Vteo PiwKtat. STATE NATIONAL BANK, tffCCCTMOTi TO EX5EJLS rTXTE HLXZ.) Paid-up Capital, Surplus, -DXBECIOBS:- $100,000 25,000 B. LOXBAKI,Jr, 3.T. ALIXS. 30nSZ.CJ&XY, Ct RaHTM, 3. LD.ESiyyEH, j-etkk arrro. w..sjskei. kv.maly. JXi. L. LOXBARO, H. a. TOLZK. x. xx.: rn -CORESWOXUrST- XATiaxAi. Exxr or thz Mtpcsutc, r t. rXBXT jrATHBUI.3UjrX.4tMM -Off. VinOJTAZ, 8AJSE OT A3tXtCA,Cina. SXACU79JIK A1W34i.UI. : S! V