Newspaper Page Text
RtsL-i1 W - iti-' isv-"- "'Wy5?7: 'flPPipgp - '-si- -,,rrVI,p, SftelHRxtMia g?ai sle: JFadtwflattj fpfomhtg, getatvcg 8, 1890. H h w ! FJNANCE1NDC0MMERCE WICHITA 3IAEKETS. Receipts for 24 hours, 54 Cattle, 336 Hogs The offerings in both cattle and hog-s were very light Packers and salesmen were disappointed, as they were expecting a good run again to dayThe cattle receipts consisted Mostly of fair butcher cows, heifers and steers-The market was not as act ive as it is somo days-Nearly everv. thing was sold at good prices for the kind-There wasn't much exciment in the hog pens, as the recei evet too small to cause any acivtyTne market opened steady a;4 yesterday's close and all trading w-,sdone on that f St ClOSQ WaS 'rong-Bulk sales at $3.67 1-2. WICHITA I,rc TOCK ,rARK:ET. Wichita, Kan, Feb. 7. R V CATTLE. HphtCnii i - Shipments 7.". Tho receipts were little ii r,ttqu:i!itvjut fair. The market was a trice- xre but most stuff sold early at jjood ell -rr too quality. Good fat cows and heifers 1. . well. There la In fact a fair market for all ,.ile.-j. We j note; Satire shipping steers, fancy. 110O31GM lot,.....:...; . ssso s 20 Good to xtra l.Urfitl.'W) 3 4J 3 0 fair to good native butcher steers, 110 1 lJOlhs SCO 3 30 Good Hatchers steer?. KOaUTO. 2 75 Tr3 CI CtCatlveJectinEStters...... 2 7(1 ' O'J Native stookers 2 CO & 8b 'Choice coiva and hifrs 2 15 Q'j t3 IFlr to Rood cows and heifers 1 7o 2 i(l Hulls and stags 150 ..2 15 Canners 1 501 Co ISEI'RESnXTATIVE SALES. The following nre the representative salosof cattle it the stock yards today: No. 1 r, 5 1 8 1 9 3 1 Inscription. Good initc' er cows-...., Av'ge. Price 2 10 Good butcher cow , r.tu fair butchiT cow sand heifers IW2 Choice butcher cows and hellers.. 034 Canner. U0U Camiers StSl Good butcher steer 11S0 htocKers 771 Good batcher steers 12 5 Hull S40 Gocdbull UiO 2 2o 3 31 1 6ri SOU 2 Gi .. 10 1 M 2 15 HOOS. Receipts 33C There "as little activity In tho hog apensas therun wa too light to cause much exclte snent. l'acters and t-alcamcn were much Iiip 3io!n!ednt they were expecting to tee a good run again tod.-iy. The m.irket was stroug tlirouyhout jind the offerings went off quick. 'Hie close was etrong. Bulk of sales at $3 t"H- Wo quote; Choice forted, W C7J3 70 Light irlxed. 20!420 3 i5 Cc3 n7 .Heavy mixed. 2.03ai 3 IS Gilt Hough old rows audstags 3 00 (3 25 Itni'ItLSENTATIVE SALES. Thcfollowin,? were the representative sales of hogs at tho yards today. No, - Dock. Average, Price. !'5 40 221 S (u 7a 411 itO 8 1.7H: M F0 251 3ihJ 53 .... -za zr:,. W M 234 .". fiTJij An .... 3ili 3 t.7H; CO S2J 2o6 3 o7Ji- SHEEP. There is very little doing In the sheep pens. Mar 3tet steady. 'Good mutton sheep, 80100 T3 253 75 Good stock wethers. i5ca5. 3c Good to extia lambs 4 1024 CO Wichita Horse and Mule Market. Wichita, Kan.. Fob, 7. The demand for small horfes and mares for touthern tra-le is lfotter. Mr. Smith is here buying for the Atlanta, Ga., market. Prices steady at quo tations. Extra drnft horses , Good draft lion-es Kxtra mares Gi od nniros , Kxtra drivers Good drivers Kxtta stroplt-rs Good sti cetera Oregon Plugs Mules. 14 hands Mules, 14' hands Mules, 15hau x. Mules, 154 hands MuIoa. heavy V&l6i hands. Mulcy, plugs 125 G0ai50 00 105U0125 Od no iioi3r io 70 UX4 !6 00 150223 10 Jill OC012J i !()) IflllS (10 8 tO 115 U I :iri l)LVv l 0,1 211 (XICj. .j0 UO Iir. U) 7510 75 10- 85 (W fi5 O' U5 O) Vb 01110 00 11.5 0i17a OJ WUwaWLt) Brier Mention. Jjipbt run of stock today. Our packers wiint more ho;;s. Houston shipped four cars of cattle east today. Sliiner & Bnfz handled upwards of 1.0C0 cuttle at the yards last month. Mr. Bush, of Bush & Heath, Douglas, came in late last evening with a car of hCRS. B. B. Ramsey, Andover, vras on the mar ket with a car of hoes. A. D. Caton, Peabody, came in with a car of hogs. A P. Smith cRme in from Spivcy with a car of cattle and hojjs. G. Koch, Cheney, marketed hogs. 3Ir. Lehman, Halstead, was on the late snarket with a car of uorkers. PROFIT IN HOGS. I insist that there is as much 'profit in hogs as there is in steers, hut thej' .should run out and have the same advantages, writes Geonio V. Hoffman in the Kami New Yorker. There is but one better animal to enrich land, and that is said to be the sheep. Hoj:s are better than cows or steers to enrich land. I would turn them out with the cattle; they will eat a preat man' weeds and grasses that the cows will not. Of course you will have to keep better fences and to ring the hogs, but with the appliances of toiiaj two men will ring 100 in a short time. We can trow almost anything on hog pasture. At tho present price of corn, buckwheat and barley, I think there is as much profit in pork at 5c per pound as in anything we could raise. We u ed to think there was moro profit in pork at 3Jje or 4c than there was in selling grain when it brought more than it does now. I would cook the food; you cannot make a profit out of any thing if it is not well taken care of. I would bed my hogs with straw; it will make more mauure if nothing more. Lawrence Journal: Stockmen buy corn for 15 cents a bushel, but admit they make it worth 35 cents to them by leeding it to hogs, cattle and horses. II the farmer has no stock he had better get some. A Russian writer asserts that through the caieless. sacking of grain and the ue of hooks upon the sucks while loading and unloading into and from cars and boats, hii average of 2 per cent of all grain trans ported is ost, entailing an annual loss of fo.t 00,000; and he estimates the yearly cost of bags at half that amount. From the Live Stock Indicator: The mainspriug of tarniing is the seed. It is more important to secure good seed than to prepare for its reception in the fcoil. The failure of seed to germinate may cost the farmer the loss of an entire crop. The teed is something that tho farmer should rarelully exmiiue now, before .sprsng opeus., by te&tiug it in boxes of earth un der ulass. From the Live Stock In-dicator: In feed Ing and laticiting hogs it is important to have a lot as near of the same size, weight and quality as possible; it will sell for a better price than a lot of various sizes and weights. If. when fatted, there are a tew small ones or one of an extra size, the Jot will sll tor more in the average if you take these out and kill thern lor home use or dres for the near marker, or sell wheu u shipment i being made of hogs that av erage with them. From Daily Trade Bulletin: Looks now as if the increase in the packing of the west for the winter season would reach l,5'J0,uC0 hogs. The Liverpool Daily Post in comment ing on the receipts of cattle from America says some of the steamers have carried car goes of 1,000 head, and in such cases the loss has been equal to 150. A movement is now on foot by the underwriters to restrict the cargo to TOO or SOU The Post estimates the weekly receipts at 10,000 head. LIVE ST00E MARKETS. By Telegraph. KANSAS Cttt, Mo. Feb. 7. CATTLE Receipts 8SUI, bhlpments240u. Market steady. Steers S3 :i3 4 75. cows M 75J TO. stockorx and f?ders. 2 ai 3 20. HOGb Receipts 7W, shipments 10OL Market weak but active. All grades tS UJ3 to, bulk M 75. iOIEl .P Receipts 1400, shipment lltil. Market Heady. Cool to choice muttons and lambs (3 50&5 40, blockers and f eeden, o UM35 25. Chicago. 111.. Feb. 7. The Drover' Journal re- Sorts: CATTLE Receipt 7.MJQ, shipments S.M) arketstroiiger. Ueeve 4 it gb 00. steers lUst 4 S5. stockere and feeders 3 2o3 60. leias corn fed steers S3 UU33 50. HOGb-Hecelpts 2MUI. hipmenta lUAO. Market slow. 5c lower, closinc steady. Mixed 13 75js3 9 . heavy $3 754 00, light 3 754 05, skips 43 iUKjw IS. bHEEP Receipts TUiL shipments 2UU0 Market steady. Natives SmSO 6lO. wcsiern corn led (4 50&5 su, lexans J 50 g 00, Iambs d IXX&6 40. ST, LOCIS, Mo,. Feb. 7,-CATTLE-Kecelpta 900, Mjipments K0, Market steady. Good to fancr patlve steers 254 30. stockers and feeders $1 Ki J20 muse steers 2 t3 5'i. DOGS-Recolota '. shipments 1KO. Market slow. Fair to choice S?aJKS3 OSiOO, packlns grades t 7753 'JO. SHEEP Receipts 13L9. shipments 011 Market Strang. Fair to choice 4 405 15, lambs 15 UI&6 W. Wichita Grain Market. Wicnrr a. Kan Fob. Corn ii moving freely and receipts will probably continue to increase during this month. There Is some whtat coming in and prices are about steady. Receipt for 24 hours. 10"20bu. corn, 1900 bo. wheat. GRAIN Carlots on track: ' WHKaT Good milling 554580, while other grades arp quoted at.1Oca.11d down. CORN No, 3. 12&13c OATS 12iiir.c. RYE-No. 2 22324c. No. 3 20a22c. H a Y 4 to per ton; 64 (M In car lots. GROUND COKN Chop In car lots 33c per 100 lbs. Wichita Produce aiarkct, Wichita, Kan., Feb.". Potatoes a little scarce and are strong at quota tions'. Eggs continue active. Other articles In the market .-steady. POTATOES-Kansas 45c per bu, northern 60c. ORANGES Mexican S3 50&3 75 per box. baskets. w. perbbl. perioaibs. i ;l 51' jer uu. T.ANAXAS-il 50i 50per bunch. EGGS -llraimo per doz. ilCTTEK Fancy creamery 25c. choice creamery 22c choice butter lPc, fair 15c, cookinsr butter lUc. utiiujv..Na uresoeu. o&sc per id. live ! 7.i psr doz. TUJ KKEYS-LIve &57c per lb, dressed 211a Wichita Leather Market. Wichita, Kan., Feh. 7. There is no change to note. Demand onlT fair and prices steady. SOLE LKATUnR-(Slaughter) 2729c. B.A. 2527 good lamagel 2123c. HARNESS No. 1 oak Kc, L. H. 30c, Union 2Sc Hemlock 25c. tv I,F Domenic nrai an, French ?3 1CVJII 60. CUT HALK SOLEb Heavy S3 CO. medium $2 50. light (1 25(3.1 75. Wichita Provision Market. Wichita, Kan.,Feb. 7. The demand Is fairly active and quotations show a little weakness, especially In mate pork. Prices for other articles unchanged. SUGA II CURED MEATS Canvassed or plain Ilatns, 2l)lb3 and up. Willc. Hams, 12-1 bs and up. lOillKc. Hams, small size. lO<lbs. 10JCsl2Hc. Breakfast bacon (full width or btrips) S3Hc uiiea oeer nam (extra ury) yc famoked bref tongut-, per doz, $4 00. f'oitage or bonel&s hams 7kc. SIUK M.-.ATS- Short clear sides, packed, (dry salt), S5 80(3.5 50 per 1C0 1 bi. Clear backs ?5 iftto 75 per 100 lbs. Iiong clear bacon .'5 .Sft.1,1; C3JIcwt, liaton shoulders, 43(5.514 c. SaI'SAGi- FrcsU pork sausage. No 1 5h3.6c. Fres-h pork sausage, (extras) usc. Wichita nide and Tallow Market Wichita. Kan., Feb. 7. The demand continues for gieen hides. Pricos steady to strong. HIDES No, 1 green 27fc per lb. No. 2 greon 2kc per lb. No 1 green sait 3fc, No 2 green halt 2J4c, dry hides J'S.GVCo er lb. bulls and stags lUc. TALLOW No. 1 3?c per lb. No 2 2c. bllEEP PELTS-Mj.750 each. M'lchlta Flour Market. Wichita. Kan., Feb. 7. There was a little more inquiry on local account. Prices uncharged. Best patent, per cwt, (standard price Secoud gradu Extia fancy ShipCtufrrbi:Vk."i."I"Il"";";"." Bran .J210 . 1 70 . 150 . 120 . 45 ,. 40 MAEKETS BY TELIGBAPE Ketv York Money. New York, Feb. 7. Money on call easv, ranging from 2 to per cent, last loan 2, closed offered at 2 per cent. Prime mercantllo paper 4?f'u5). Steiliugexchanceijulutbut steady at S4 83forC0 day bills and M Sf-l for demand. Tho total sales of stocks today were 271,173 shares. The stock market was dull and closed at slight advances ovar yesterday's figures, 4s coupons 12T.M 4.s coupons lillJi Pacific tp of 95 lie Mis-ourlCs llfl Chicago; Alton 131 Chicago Burlington & Quincy 103 Lackawanna 1375-fi Lake SI 10 reV.V.V.V. V.V.V.V.V.V.". .V. '. '. . '. '.'. '. ... '. '. '.'.'. ilW? Missouri Pacific 75M Northwestern l!U!-4 New York Central 10ti?i Re.-ullne 42 Kock Inland, ex dlv w, Union Pacitlc ITiJv Wabash 13 Western Union to Chlcnso Grain and Produce. CniCAGO. 111.. Feb. 7. A good business was transacted in a speculative way in the wheat market today, but the volume was not as large as yesterday. The buying and selling seemed pretty evenly divided. The close was about c lower than yester day. A moderate business transacted in corn, the volume of business being very fair considering the narrow range. The feel ing was rather easier on the near futures, while the distant deliveries ruled rather firm. The market closed a trifle lower than yesterday. The cut in Nebraska rates was hardly as much as was generally anticipated. The cut is about l--Kc to 5c, the outside figure being for western points. Oats were weaker and a shade lower. Trading was considerably lighter but a fair business transpired. A moderately active trade was reported in mess pork. Prices ruled 7l0c lower aud the market closed quiet at medium figures. Trading in lard was light and prices in clined in favor of buyers. Only a moderate trade was reported in short ribs. The feeling was weak. Prices ruled UK5c lower and closed tame. Tho leading futures ranged as follows. 0 5 r o 1 f I I ARTICLES. 28 n f r ? ; : : " : Wheat " Match May 73V Tf-X 7S". 7SH June 7JK 7-.-V, 7s5g 7SV, July 77Ji 77?j 77 77U Corn February Murch 291$ 2l'j OH ZHi May 3U,, 31H 31s 3!( July. 'Sih 324 Oat ; February I March ' May s 22SJ 22M 2CK June 22U 23$ 21JS, 224,, Prk Mirch.. ".".".".".". ".".".". y'fTJa'! 982J "77 977 Mai- Id 10 ' 9 ." tl 15 June 10 .2 10 12& 10 IKj-s 10 (Ka Lard February Marcn 5 S5 5 S5 May b' 5.; June ti 05 tid. Short i: b-,- January - February March 4 7-t 4 75 4 7.' 4 75 Mav 4 STHj 1S7H 4 S5 4 S5 June 4 95 4 a.'.'u' Cash quotations were as follows: Fl.OLn-S:eady,510c lower. Wlnlcr $2 00ai 33 spring SI UW4 :.k WHKT3-No.2tprmg;5c No.2red 75c COUI-2?3sc OAT- 2iJ,.&21c. RVE-43C. liAltLLV-&'S57c. FL s.ELI I 35c. TIM01HY-1 -a POKK-jU 65 9 70. LAill5 SI shout Riiis siDEs-r4 70t sa SHI ICLOEKS-Dry salted Jl i(34 37H. SHOUT t LEAK SIDIiiii 05. WUI-KY-tUC SUGARS Cut laif 7U$c granulated 6jc, stand ard AOljC. akticles. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat T4.10J 17.000 Corn - 115.t0 2SUXU Oats Hmiv 201.0m BUTTER Steady. Creamery 2t5n&27c, fine 211 finest dairy lSv322c; tine .l&lx. EGGS-loc Kansas Oty Produce. Kansas Crrr. Mo., Feb. 7. The Dally Indicator. reports: FLOUR- firm. XXX 12 2V$ 03. choice U 70S320 fancy S3 E0Q.4 4. patent 4 1(W 20- ... , WHEAT Ixiwer. No. 2 hard cash bike Feb ruary 4c bid. No. 2 red cash tSsc bid. 70c a--ked. COKN-Quiet. No. 2 cash 22c bid; &Mc asked: Fehniarv c oats No. 2 cash VHc February 17.Hc bid. HYE-No. 2 ca-h :75.c MILLSTUFF-Easy.' " COKN CHOP-42C. BRANVe. SHIlSTi.Fr-0c IIAY-Mendy. Fancy S3 SO&S CO. J L.Xil.hU- Quiet and unchanged at J2 50. lifr-YIJ-QuIe: lut jteadj-. Desllveriied reflned $3 62 W. soft Missouri $4 57W. ilKJ?.Eit-,F'nc" Creamery natt dairy aXiS.c. CHLbsE-tj:y FuU cream twins Millc. Yoaag America hxgllc. western :xic. EGGS Active at He. CO UN M EAL steady at 1 5r,l 55. LIVE POULTRY-Qilet. Choice ha $2 502 75. ELDRIDGE WICHITA UNION STOCK YARDS,! mcMECA, KANSAS. PERSONAL ATTTENTION TO M. C. CAMPBELL, Catt fa Salesman. Our office is in charge of an ex perienced oook-lceeper. WE SEND THE DAILY EAGLE TO OUR PATRONS FREE AS A LIVE STOCK MARKET REPORT. Special information by -wire or I Correspondence always has letter free on application. prompt attention. LIVE '-.STOCK SCALE BOOKS! Three Forms, STANDARD! HOWE! FAIRBANKS! When ordering state WHAT form is wanted. smailfat2 0(l2 23, mixed hens and roosters 1 75 2 00. I'ROVISIONS- IIAJIS I.e. HKEAKFAST BAC0N-g4'c. DRlBD BKEF-Sc. DKIED SALTMKATS-Firm. Short ribs 5 61; lone clear W 37k;. shoulders S45j, short clar SJiOhEU MEATS-Steaiy. Short ribsitt ij ion ; clear i? 25, houldPrs .5 12K short clear $6 POKK-Firmat?110.l. LAKD-Steady at Sb",M. St. louis rroduce. ST. Louifi. Mo.. Feb. 7. FLOUTl Market steady nnd unchanged. XX 75c. XXX Sic family il 'J0. choice .12.'. fancy 1 40, extra faucy l axil 55. outents 1 7j1 US. WHEAT Loner. The May option touched the lowest point today yet reached. '1 he close wan weak with May ic, Juco about the same and July 1-Itto below yesterday. No. 2 red cnth .5-Kc March 7bHc May 77J4c asked. June 7iQ77Mo asked, July7(i4 74Xc asked. Ausust 7IMc. COKN Lower. No. 2 mixed cash 2tjjj,'c. Febru ary 2fi;: bid: March 2GMc bid: April StfKc bid. May i',a bid. July Hdic asi:ed, August 23c bid, OATS-CIoied Arm. No. 2 cash 21c bid. May 21& 21;cbid. KYK-N02 cash 42c afeked. BAULKY Dun. Minnesota 5Cc: Wisconsin Iowa 35c 51c ATTQENEYS AT LAW. Thos. C. Wilson; Jos. a, Ukcuachee City Attorney. WILS01T & BRITBA0EER. Attorneys at law, iSl North Main Street, Wichita, Kansas. Telephone No. 11. dlOS tt W. 1. Campiseix. jas. l. Dyctt CAMPBELL & DYEE, Attorceyh at Law, Wichita, Kansas. lOCtt H. C. SLUSS. , W. E. &TANLBT. SLUSS & STAITLET, Attorneys at Law, Wichita, Kansas. HAEEIS, HARRIS & VERMILLION, Attomays-at-La.Tir lllS. llnin htreet uecond floor. J. It. Hallowell. J.E. Hums Late U. S. Attorney. EALLOWELL & HUME, Lawyers, 142 N. Main ttaeot Wichita. Kan. 141tt P. A. E0UKBAUGH, Attorney at Law. Attorney for Western Collectioa Bureau, ltooms 1, 3 aud a, X0 137 North Market s treet, WlchiU, Kansas. d 23 E. B. JEWETT, Lawrer. Kooma 2, 4 una v tic North Main str Wichita, Kansas. d 104-tf JOHN W. ADAMS. G. W. C. JOXES. G. W, ADAMS. ADAMS, JONES & ADAMS, Attorneys at law. Office, first stairway east of tho Wichlu National bank. HC-tf HATTON&EUGGLES, Attorneys at law, Fletcher building, opposite Occi dental Jiotci. !'' W. H. BltlDEXIIAUOn. W. H. 3 ACCH. BRIDENBAHGH & RAU0H, Attorneys at Law, Rooms 5 and 7 at 205 North Main Street, dffl PHYSICIANS. Disease of the and Throat, clashes rket street. ock. DR. C C I'DELKT. PHYSICIAN AND SUKGEO:;. orncr: kcmkence: 21 Ea?t Dohj;1u3 Are. I j;is Notlh Marcet Street Prof siiOBal Calls Attaadcd Pru uptly. 53-tf EItL,a MUNSELL, M. D. t&X&ZSL m-, . , rire Or.lAiJlljO, Eve. Ear. Noo. Throat and Catarrh. Iloomi 11. 13 and 15, No. 205 North Main street, ResldAce, 1203 South Ed. porLu -tf DR. E. OMA COBB. Female and children's diseases aspecialty. Horns for Ladles iturlmr Connnemect. strictly prirato nlipn o de-Ired. Lettrr of Inquiry confidential Jiid answued immediately on ruceipt of wm. Home. 711 South Ida avenue: Wichita. Kanst 112 tf DR CBOSKET, Eye, -:- Ear, -:- Surgery. Office Hours 9 to 1(1 A. M. 1 to 4 P. M. Sunday to y'. Kooia 17. chheliur Bulldlac. W. M. JOHNSON, M. D., Homoeopathlst. Office and rolilence oTer 117 N. Slain St. Ofljce hours 3 to 10 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. and at nicht. d5S-lm VETEKINART SUR&EONS. J. M. PHILLIPS. S. E. PHIIJJP& PHILLIPS & PHILLIPS, VETERINARY SURGEONS. Graduates of the Chicago Veterinary Collon; memlX3 of the Chicago Veterinary College Aiso clJtion. We are prepared to do all kinds of retartrary work, including canine practice, dentistry, and all frurslcal operations. Hospital accommodntl' ns for all patlenw roQuirini special care. call, by tele- paone, telepraph or mail IU WJ id receive prompt atten- uoa by day or nlsht. We ose an oparaune table inMead ol throwm horses. Othce, 111 Xortb Lawrence Ayenua Tel ephone Xo. 71 l-t PHOTOGRAPHERS. ROGERS, The Photographer. Pictures in all slzea and rtyles. He also carries the finest assortment of pictur frame In lh city. Give him a frieodiy call and ex amine aamnlKi. DENTTSTa DR. L a TO.S0N. Dentlsta. All work cuarastted aratclaaa. OtBc Hi E. Douslas arenue. orer Paal Jones A Ca. drar store, Wichita, Kar,vu. isi tf DR. E. H. 0REDIT0R, DcmST Offlc 144 N. Main. OTer Smith 9OTerL Vlsulircd air tualnlstered. R1cbc (SJ( X.To ti arenue Wicsxta. Eassaa. R tf TAXAD2RMISTS. TAXADERMIST. All kinds of taxa aennist wort dot e ia Crt-chvM ordrr. Der heads pat up. RncraAd. Ailtlnis of birds mounted, etc, etc Send orders to J. i Cooruu 1U & ilala !-, Wichlu. Ki. &tU E.E. HAMILTON, M.D., &TfXtt3&' Eye. Ear. Nose -t?3i3'5:w!S.'C'-;''-'-,c t.itarrh nnd lltt &?&MiiS Ouicel27 N. Ma ftvMWy2 Israel .t Myers bl &m& I CAMPBELL EEEdSesEeport. gSKSS&ttaBfc THE SALE OFAI,L STOCK B. W. ELBHIDGE, Hog Salesman Our private yard man is always ready to receive and care for stock. comrrssio MERCHANTS. SPECIAL. Oar Scale Books are printed on good paper. 500 receipts to a book, bound and perfor ated with stub gives on each receipt a table of legal weights. PRICE LIST: Single Book $ 75 Three Books 2 (X) Six Books 3 75 Single Book by mail, prepaid 85 Address, THE WICHITA EAGLE, Wichita, Kansas. H. P. Murdoch, Business Manager Orders by mail promptly attended to. COMMISSION AG-ENTS. ARCHlTEOTa J. H LYNCH Architect and Superintendent. Office, room MO Sedgwick block. 107-tf 0. . TERRY, Architect and Superintendent. Rooms II ad 17, Bitting Week. Wichita, Kansas. . E. McPHERSON, Architect. Room IS. No. 200 North Main Street, Wichita, Kansas. U7-tf W. T. Pkoudfoot. . W. Bird. PROUDPOOT&BLRD, Arohltects and Superintendents. Ofhca la Faioh- heimer block PATENT ATTORNEYS WM. J. HUT0HLNS, Patent attorney and solicitor, mechanical engln cerand drauKhtman, Full reDort of patents to date. 13 yeaiu of practical experience. Preliminary examinations made. Rooms 11 and 12 Flrebaugli block, 151 North Market sc. Wichltu. Kan. d49 tf ABSTRACTERS. A. J. APPLEOATE, (WithA.D.Mallory) Atstracter, ConTpyancer and NotorjPnblio Fine clrauubtim: aspecialty. Complete abstracts to any laud in Sedawlck county. Room i'lfi SedB wick block. Can be found during business hours at county building. lOWf Old pnpers tor sale at this office 23 cts per hundred. 23-tf TWO SOCIETY QUEENS. One Attempt to Kale Beyond Her While tho Other Grsoofully Abdicate. Two of tbe prettiest girl$ in a town wber prettj girls are by no means rare have re cently passod tbo point beyond which they cannot with propriety be spoken of as "girls." Both of them once possessed unusual beauty; both were considored, though in widely dif ferent ways, attractive. Tboy were spoken of as "bolW in tbo circle in which they moved. Ono of tin-in, who, with a little touching up of the cheeks and eyebrows and the as sistance of a skillful dressmaker, is yet hand some, still considers herself a "belle," and makes her desire for admiration and social supremacy uncomfortably evident. She is unmerciful in her critioism of the youngor girls who are just entering her 9at; sho tikes to snub and disconcert them; she speaks of thorn as "chits"' and schoolgirls. She has no iommifie friends, aod as her old admirers marry or desert her, she finds her native place growing moro and more dull, and finally gets out of it as often as pwaiblc. Every summer, with many huge trunks filled with gorgeous ctothes, hhe goes to a large hotel at nome gay resort and spends tho season in "showing off." Some people laugh at her, but there aro some who admire, and she will be able, doubtless, to play at being belle a few years longer. The other boHe belongs to a family rich in children, beauty, health aad good temper. Her drosses have never boon cosily nor espe cially elegant, but no one ever stopped to think what slia liad on. She is still pretty, without touching up, but tho first fresh bloom of her beauty has departed, and people are beginning to lament that she doesn't marry. Not that they make ill natored remarks on tho subject, but they soy she Is not the kind of person who ought to be "ap old maid." Sho is so capable, so domestic, to sweet tempered, so fitted to be a wife aad mother, that she ought certainly to be tbe mistress of a home. It is rumored, moreover, that she has had a groat many offers; and it is known, though not through her telling of them, that she has had several. To be stun, in talking over her suitors the gossips agree that they were nice enough young men, but none of tbena half good enough for her. It seems to bo on ge eral principles only that they wish she had married. Meanwhile, before any one realizes what she is doing, or that the means to do it, still less to think it is time for her to do it, it is found that this belle has abdicated! There is no formal announcement of the fact, bat so it is. She goes seldom to parties. She ceases to act in theatricals or pose ia tableaux; she "manages" instead for those who do. At church fairs she is found no longer as flower grrl, or peasant waitress, or gypsy fortune teller in coins and gay scarfs; instead, sho smites at you across tbe apron teirie, or shares tk distracting labors of tho supper committee, or is placed in charga of tbe rail- drea's march. 1 As sweet, sereno and gay as ever, tbo shares the enjoyment of every fes&al ccca skin, and adds to its dtarm. But people , come to hzr now with compliments, not for herself, but for her swter next ia age, just . budding inio womanly beauty; or for the J litsle brother, who played tbe page so wll: or tko younger fisicr, who was quaint ad graceful in the minuet. She flushes with pride and pleasure as such pkauaui thingi are said to bcr. She is yet mere pteaMd when a gracious word is spoken concerning tbe other sister, the shy and awkward one, not blessed with tbe family beauty, and caios paias herself to mentien, wbn tfce rest are praised, bow sweet tempered that ens it, and bow helpful at borne. "What she herself a at home only the tired hcobewne whose burden eiw hfu and the little flock to whom fcheis-aeroocd mother will v- know. One cannot bj a belle for a whole Ef e. Tbe timecocoes whea, if a girl would net be pwbed down, she must sp down, unless iaded will seep up ictfead. That iti always pcad- ' bie to ta, and aae wno oom it hotmn cctais and rains much, venbtrbeiatycle4oea net v&nih, hat merely changes ia kind. Ptcpla may not say 30 oittm, Ew txUj she IooJeiP bet they w21 be ora thuerer sai-J'Sow lerefcr sfe M" " ADVERTISE COLUMN. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. Your Wants Supplied The following rates under the different heediaca will be charged. S3-PAYABLE STRICTIiT IN ADVANCE. No advertisements taken for 1ms than 10 cents. Ona line adrertisemenu cn&rsed eamit rate as (wo lines. NO ADVEP.TISEMENT5 TAKEN "TO RUN UN TIL FORBID." Prices ciTen under cla.?lfied head la this column applicable only to local advertisements. No f orelca advertisements taken at prices git u. Answers to adrertlsements tnt in care of the E-AGLX officu should be called for within 1(1 days alter insertion. Wheu advcrtUers wish replies for warded to them stamped envelopes must be tent. Reference to former advertisements should s1t description and date of Insertion or copy of tha ad vertisement should be sent. . Not responsible for advertlsemsnts given ordls continued by telephone. WAJS'TEDTEMALE HELP. uuuer ion iieau x per imo per uay. Domestics. Vi rANTED-Glrl for cenerel houseworl:. Ooo-l ages. Apply at- isa r. tmporia ave. urj iil' w ANTED Olrl for cenaral housework. Call at bl. iortn tiwrence. avi Ct w ANTED Asood cirl for housework. Inquire ot Jirs. lioss, .ii r. .mporla. alu t "Y7"J','''''0lnPetent Sir' or woman atonce for tt general housework, wages 13.50 per week. Apply 1140 N. Topeka Ave. dtlMt WANTED-A girl for nousowork. Apply at TO1 E.O-Wst. Pouell&Koland. dS-6t w ANTED A good cltl at 1151 N. Topeka ave. Cjbtl T7"AN'TED OocdBlrltoao housework tn family T V of two. Inquire at 425 Campbell avo.. West Bide. djb tf yurses. Laundresses. Miscellaneous. WTANTED Younjclndy tellocraphe and type- T writer. State experience aud !alai y for six to seven hours work each day. Address Manufac turer, care letter carriur No. U, Wichita. Kau. dJO-tf SITUATIONS FEMALE Under this head 1c per line per day. Domestics. Housekeepers. Miscella neo us. WANTED Position. A Refined, educated lady recently from tho east deslreu a position as houekeeMr in a widower's, family. Address Jonnie box 111, Marlon, Kan. dT2 3t WASTED-MALE HELP. Under this hoad "c per lino per day. Trades. Bookkeepers and Clerks. Boys. Salesmen. "1 if ANTED Salesmen to sell our apectaltieg to VV the trade exclusively oras side line; i-amples and caw furnUhcd; exclusive territory; food puy, gcrmanent situation wltn chance to build up a fine ade. Model .Ledger Co., South Bend. Ind. dM 15i e o d Coachmen, Teamsters, Etc. Miscellaneous. SITUATIONS MALE Under this head lc per line per day. Trades. Bookkeepers and Clerks. Boys. Salesmen. Coachmen, Teamsters, Etc. Miscellaneous. Employment Agencies. Under this head 2c per line per day. AGENTS WANTED. Under this head leper line per day. WfANTED We want to hire an energetic person l In eery locality to diftrlbateadvertf&lnc mat ter and attend to our local Interest. A straight sal ary of $159 per day and expenses will be paid. Ad dress Inclosing 2c stamp for particulars. CNIVER SAL. SUPPLY Co Chlcaeo, flL No postal ansvi ered dr." &at ii xun bt VX""" ANTED MAN As acnt for our patentKafes H size ffixlSxli Inches: 3JretalL All sizes as low Naw style"; new patterns: new lock: new factory; Not governed by safe pooh Every safe warnntd. Rarechance. Permanf-nt buslne-s. OUr ternw and catalogue will convince you acents clear I Jtf) to jiJJ per month. Write for exclusive territory. Alpine safe Co Cincl nnatl. O. w & Sat (ii S WT ANTED Lady acents for a cood paylnc ar- T tide. CaU at 7 sooth Main si street from 9 JO to dil-Cf V? TED Four lady canvassars. Call at 2X North Fourth street today. dGt ITANTKD AUENTS In eTery city town and TT vHIae In the Uclud buts (except In mate of Kansas) to take tubscrlptlons. PoMmattem can mak njoney. No capital required. Sampl" copiss fret. Caah commUilona: mosey can be roa1 by getUar up clubs. Address the Wichita ti.'le WlchltaTKaa. ?Mf AGENTS WANTED In evry city and tow la th United Statck (except in Mate of Ktm.jj; u sell to lawyers. Jast the book every lawyer nda eadorsd by lawyers verywhere: tells at sight, n de'iays necessary, a book ran b delivered wbea ulilictdt, Applicants must b able to furm.- reference vain rwjnlred. Full particulars fre Address tha Wichita Eavl. WlchlU, Kaa. 11-tf WA NTED Miscellaneous. Lsdrrthls head 2c per Una per day A VTrtl DuiftlAfnVnnv fh.f fhrU A liwim V at the Keystone House, 170 meals siven per day. Meal 20c 13 per wek. 2i; N. Ma!d t. W; a.-- " I - a NT ED Parti es wi shl a s cholc to w u for lay t T ins and breading purposes can be supplied at ' Wichita Hennery corner iftth and Waco avenue, j yresa egs for family us always on band. d72 it J T ANTED A roller top o2c desk. AddrcsC T a, Eacle cfiice, stating price, etc. aadjwbere fiere 1 uca cu vc; Bki- d-I-tt' W T A VTrfl Tfl nn-rfc . rr4 ilI.Ae. Amlr V IcqtUre or le.vo word as Well's, 'iizio L Co's. i omce. aw w ll'AM ED We want your snaps in vaexat lots' I t got the ca.h for them. Bring them la at ooee. Wealowaat enaa stocks of gcods. We have got clear property and can for some stock worth from Jp J W to 12Ji 1 Geo. L. Koase. Jr A: Co, room M, niiT"Rk blocE. C'J fX WANTiiD A few nsore mea or ladlejs to work for good wage. Apply wyiay. Address Ephraim EaBs, Wichita. Kaa. O t W "A NTED vacast Jots ia cethera Irt of cjty. WRl pay U cah Ii turcas. C P, Yoahorgt. U-& T ANTED Everybody to Jcssw thxi are j fca-iiuarvrf tar Tawiiiae. v uieui best lectioa of all desrrJtXloaj. CotsIc hard hits, lace :n solver aad golt fronted and fascy 9avrnJr5. sovelty cards, etc at th loo-ei yrtors. We giv) a North Mala street. az in w 'ANTED To fU cuxxzVp vMn&, 2inar cr J -at. - wa - iWa I r f- ri - as rlr errwiron.l LdirrTands tscf siagJ harse-. at j Kaa Maple street. w'et side. uST Cc "tVANTED A stock of gesr werehaadise wcrth 1? abcct(t2A WataveacaM-emxrlorvech stock. Geo. U Rocse. Jr, tt Co, 'XI Jytrfrwci: biocx. yst W ANTED A few isare hcrOrs at 3j Et ASUbKise - T V jooo ooov 4fc A THE PEOPLE'S C0LTJM. Your Wants Supplied l ANTED To bur a house acu iti f es. of jrround " on monthly payments. Addresn. jtatlns terms and locaUoo. Vv . O. S caro Eazle oflcr. dIT tf BUSINESS CHANCES. Under this head Sea line per day. FUt SALE A flrit-ciass confectionary stine. bakery acd ice crAui parlon combined. Will take sood dt-ar real estate in part payment- W. J. tke:ton.K:N. Market r. drOiA 170 R SALE A neat flrt-claA stock of millinery. X Will take cltar real etat la part payir.rnt. IV. J. Sieltou. 151 N. itarfcet t d?J ft" f'OR SALE Aftts;-classtrnlt awl confectionary bn$.int3 Rest corner in Wichita, real low. A. B..thUo2ico. dM It PABTNE11S WANTED. X. nder this head Sc a line vrlay. 2) BE SSMA JZIN G. Under this heudVc a lias per day. WANTED Houses and Booms. Under 1 his head Sc a lice per da. FOB SALE Farm Property. Under this head 2c per line per day. FOB SALE City Beat Estate. Under tnls head 2c per llae per day. " half north ot Douglas aenue on Fifth nn. or will trade for residence propertx. Adtlros William Tobias. iK E. DouUk a", e. dru ft" POR SALE On monthly installment plan, several very desirable residencvh. ratiein iu price from H300 upward. Wjell and centrally located. Hare cliance to procure a hoina oa eay terms. II. V. . LewK OJtf Vli bAJL Household UCOaS. Under this head 2c per llna jifr dy. FOB SALEM iscella n eons. l-nder this head 3c nor line per iu). POR SALE-Ualfinterculathc Wichlu Mineral Wells situated three aad a half miles northti-t-V from Fatrnitnmt. For full particulars addrttii M. i. r uiiei, JouiKi, liau. uiiu F on SALE Fresh cows at the Occidental barn dMtit X N. Market. IT1 OR SALE A Smith it Vai.Vj steatn pomp In cwod S- condltioo: also sevcnil pullf.vs and a lot of e and b inch beltlac. Cltlzeaa Electric Co , Third anil Wichita streets. dSUt IT'OR SALE We have two comptoto Mts ot butch ers' tools., iucludlur Ice- boxe. ctc cither of which we will sell at a ret baxca.n, or will suit eut entire, A ood opening. No oppusition. Aditres Smith A SmallridKe. Burns Kau. dilj e I.OR SALE A limited number ot pure utoodwl : White Plymouth Rock fowl, from prize wlu nlnc Mock. Cockerels S? each; two hrut nul one c:ckerel for 5. 'flits is the ixjbt variety both an layers and for the table that I hae ever seen, and the prices are erectly reduced. l It. (i.immnn, Cullisou, (Can. 31 lit FOR SALE Cbeiip. a nmtumcth and Sampson Jack. Yoiinjj and warranted. A good foal Setter. D, W. Dj e, Wichlu, Kau. .3 2r ?OR SALE-MasKs, beards, wiss, of all decrin i. tlonvat whoiiiIeand retalh and costumes to rent at the 5 and 10 cent store. d North Main ft. ol tt FOB. SALE Deeds, morttrarca and ell kinds of legal blauki.biauk receipt books, note books, etc. ut the Wichita Eacle uihce.Ori!ersby mail prumptly attended to. a lib tf FOK SALE Scale hooks. short nnt wiiiers note books. Want receipt abu note houkf aadlraal blanks ut every kind. Mailorders promptly attend, c w, Call on or audrcrs in Wkhlta JLatiLC, Wlcb a. Kan. UUtf FOR SALE A handsome lithograph map of tbu city of Wichilv kivcs lumn uf strevu, pubile building?. collettCN parks, etc. also 12xli on linen paper, price 5 cents each. 3 for 10 ceutu 35 cents per dozen. Audrtbs the IchlU Eagle. Wichlu. Kan. 1 1JJ tf FOB BENT HOUSES. Under this head 2c per lino per day. 4l-i TOR RENT seven room residence at southeast Kii corner of Pine and rurtli streets. Collar, cis tern, etc. all In cood condition. Rent Slia month ou six mouths lease. Inquire ICi North Emporia. d7Ul OR RENT Eleven-room houo with modern i improvomeuts at 112C N. Lawrence ne. d'I-Cf ; FOR RENT A four room cottace. 1 S. Lawrence. Call zisa fl tt Y FOR RENT A pood -room house on Colleso E'-t mil, furnished or unfurnUhcd, to rlht party, luciudiujc pantry, cloets, cellars, clccrn. porchns and Kood barn and carriuj;o houw. also ral acrm of garden U deslrL For particular call or address Mrs. E.C. Munn.3J12 E. Central ave. 070 61 i8 FOR RENTOR SALE-Itesldences In all part" aiiS. city Wright A Co. Ijtst of postoQIce. 14 tf FOB BENT BOOMS. Under this head 2c per line por day. 1?OR RENT Grooms for light housukeeplni; or will furnih rooms, with closets. Rent cheap. UU South ToiekA. d72 It I?OR RENT Two handsomely furnished rooms, irround floor, cheap rent, best location. Inqulru it 25) N.Emporia avenue. dttMf l?OR RENT Furnished front room 5.PJ per 1 month, furnished ault rooms !..W pel per month. 31! North Market street. u-w F OR RENT Nicely furnished front room. G3 N: Topeka avenue. ux KOOMS FOR RENT Two desirable rooms for rent at Vli South Lawrence atuuuo. Hoard If desired. d at ITOR RENT Furnished rooms, furnaco heat. X3 North Fourth avenue d7 Ut F OH RENT Two pleasant rooms with board, at fcast 1 niru street. uoj w- FOR RENT A ulte of nicely furnished rooms on flrt floor with or without board, inquire at 313 North Topeka or la. North Market, dia-tf FOB BENTSTOBES. Under this head 2c a line per day. FOR RENT-IJrlck etore-nsim No. Ill Eaet Dotur ics ave.. flno office ami sleeping room, to cood parties very low In Richland bfuck. Barnes A toa. J07 Douglas av;.ut. dVtf FOR RENT A good ore room within one-half block of DoaclM avenue on a irvod business strcuU Apply U P. V. IinAly. Hi E-Douglas v. FOB BENT Farm Property. Under this head 2c pv line per day. Y R RENT A small farm for cash. Thos.O. Hos. 112, North Jlaln street d' . FOB BENT Miscellaneous. Under this head Sc par line p day. FOB BENT City Beat Estate. Under this head 3e a line per dsr MISCELLANEO US. Under this head 2c a lice per day. DR. I-duc's Perto-lical PUis. tho great French rerady. act directly on tbe menstrual srvtem and positively cure suppression of the mn-. Warraatisl to promote tnrntrutVn. Tht pun should not b taken during jirgnaary. Am. 1511 Co- royalty pro cpncer. la. $2. Genuine np p.ied by Chav Lawrence, US E. Uongla. V, Kbit. Kan-, svaofe-ale and retalL 5 sun landt lyr Ct rfl J'tz-ck cf wsip. diamond pollsn dut Jit jYJ and d'amond brick, put ipitibaat h rappers, three ounces to the boi. Fixtures Ut manufactare go with the tock. Usqnir. Cood reason tor wishing to 1L sample icrwardM on aiislicatioa. Address John W. Ltttz, Llncoia, III tWlst '"II.L dispone of ray household fonrf:ar iron. ststicg cf parlor aod Mmois tiltA..cart-t etrt I eoruary 14ta by raOe. Room 3 over lii x hraporta. Tjcrfeu on sale at Uaaielt' fXl Eat Ixjog ia. dM lit 1JUONE NO U5If your propertT Is for rent or sale. Israel Bro re l titat aad reals. a tr ENGRAVED calTleg eardsal tr.e Eu-1 once; w can j.rU.1 joor catas Ircsa -hm vjr putt U MjEr tf FOB SALE-Horses and Vehicles UidJtr this head Zc yt Hz pr ixi. w fANTD-A cheap tiers at ZtS Ncrth XaIu. C'JS- FOB TBADIC rs4er this heai ie ?r He per day. AV ' A-S-AM"--- COI.UM Jf- 0 acrr to Kaa. elMf, cwictT et oa two We. u truie lur AiciiiU. property. .w t-irgACt WKttartrrir, clear. t- trade fir farads S4ar titr ajio e er ctty axid fans property ia eterji atxi nhwtra jan of l.ij?. for v. h.ta property asa lnam alo csy projerty aid farms crAr. la Otik. tor WtciMt proytrty ad faray, wui .saie some lbCQXshrsc Coi asd Has ycexr prafrty etd get Uarral&. a. roc. prices for csb. A. if. 'Asshjls,, I:J ,! ' Dealer. V iCLiXA, Zxti. i'l-U j FIR Ti:ADE-a f-t fc frtwit tesid vtvjtr.y uar Ceotral areas. &ervi UnesiSibrar Ir s Iz-ttAa ttl&eace t!ii Ttti. - i4 Z.ttrz . wsu acc-3 a tnr.ali taccshra&ua. JnAin Ukx Box TUJ. ctt f. 3 t F K TKADE-Clear iftU- ty irtperty.few ITOR TBADE-Ar4 fans with e&Sy eouUiAiv csinsr2e for a rrsiJtefrt. A44rs- C. eee f CirrrNo.i 5 4 rrvi t nr-frj-vA.Ma ftrK. lassis. ta si X wirfjL.isrrfiJJ'TSrtJr. H11Et Lz!a aveitc. Wjids Kas. iiir T"rt ort a tlf V. tr.tflMrfft f tJTV-A i? srWertr. U. ii. Xxliou. Cir fcalMl-ttH'.-tf 1 THE PEOPLE'S C0HJMH j Your Wants Supplied WANTEDBOJLBDXBS Under this head 2c per ttaa ; -- - -- -? MEETINGS. Utftfer this head 2c par lis perdagw music teachers: STOLEN. Uadar this head 2c a Uaa pr aar. FOUND. Under this head 2a per Una yr day. CND-Oaenew ixle f or c&rriaro. Call ac Ma. ilahxuV Detective aicency. 4.7 8l STORAGE. ruder this head 2c per line per day. FOB EXCHANGE Ucderthls head 3c per Una per day. LOST. Under lhl head 2c per Una per day. STBAYED. Under this bead Jo per line per day. TYPE WBITEBS. Under thl head 'ic per Uao pr dav. FINANCIAL. Under thU head 2o per Una per diy. "fOEY loneU 1 .TAhotvefs biurxies furniture, piano, otvae, TlhorM, biorxies, etc- at re.MjuaU rates. rates. CT1-4U. Uicfclaon Co .3 "edew tea bnlldUir. ANTF D Borron r tor roon'y. We Jsaa tnonev on a. I cUasc of cood set-aril r at the lowest rates. Oeiv L, House. Jr. JC C. Room aw & -VI SCIWICK KIOCK. 031 !X TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. RAILROAD TIMETJLBLEa MISSOURI PACtriC R. R. TKI.V L ARniVC I IXI.TI Fort Scott. Kanas City, M, lxuls and eastern nv ....) Fort Scott, ICnrtS City. St' Louts aod eastern ex. .. . ' C011w.1v Spring. Afctacufi and Rlowa ex.. A Conway Sprlsfrs, Aatlianvj and Kiowa x. .... . .. .1 Hutchltiitan. sterling Ummwe jKisscccer , Hutch.. KaoepolK ruebiol and Don vera t. .... .......I A II trains run daily I Depot becond and Wichita atreet; tteketofflca DT North Ualu atrMt, E. E. UuacauaY. ras-seager acd Ticket Agaat. NEW TIME TABLE CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAND Jk PACIFIC RAILWAY. l'Otet Kuclt IMand Hotrc'l In effect oa and after December f th 1W9. TKAIS? I AHU1VK l l.AT fiOlXCXOKTH A KB r AST. I ARJHVrXi LXATks. No. 2 Colorade Sprlnr.! I Denverand Pacific coami Evpre dally No. 2 Kansas Cllr. ft Loui and Chicago Through ilallandax. dally . No. 1 Kansas City, bt Louis and CUltare algbt ex. daU- k'n H? araihrkirulaHoh oaily except auadar.... I U 30 A Ml USA r OOINO SOUTH. No. 3 k'ana Lea Is and Ckleau ax. tlatlr ., No. 1 Leuls and t blcatro tnruugh mail aad ex. dally , S'n kl lrramiuli.tlbn. t)y except Sunday... E 51 r xl Stnrv KiegantfrearecliiilngchalrearsoB all trains. ant I'ollman tlpers from Wichita to Kansas at and Chicago without change oa Want trains. I1et sold and br chocked Urauah to all points north, south uu aad west, and steamship Uoksta old to all European points at lowest rata. City ticket offlca ll East Daiiglaa areaue. corner Mala struct; paaeenrar Italian corner Douslaa aad Moatt avnues. C A, Ktrntiaroat). Ticket A feat. JnoSefapt'aN. o. T Jt P. a , Chlens-o.nL 7 )0 a ill tlSrn HUlxl HOMil lldrn; iCOrx ;r.v '.Cam 1190AM sorx ST. LOUIS J. HAN FKAMC1SCO H, It, TRAINS. AaatTE. LIATC Uottir it, psas (to Ella- worth) tUiAM HOam Going svrst pass. stopsal UurrtoD).. ifirn 4Ur Going East, passengar IM)I art) AM Going Kas' '-weuger ) IQSSym 0PM CltrLnlon Ticket 3lc. a Nurth ataln street. and Union Depot. Oak street. W1CIUTA A WK6TJCKN K. R. TI'-SLfll AUiUTK XJTASJ Going Weiil, pass fdallyj....! 7.7. ICi A K Golar tVnt. freight. I.. ixti r u Going East, pas i 7:ii r Ml . ..... Oolngkt. freight . .. .. .i MJ6am ....... . Union Ticket offlca 13 North Mala street, aad at Colon Depot. Oak street. W. D, MURDOCl, D.H. Rhodes. rrelght A rass.agt. tONMaio. bupt. cor Ilk aad Duuglaa. ATCHISON. TOrCCA A SANTA ft R. R. THA INK ARRITa I I.I1TI HORTII A.tD EAST. Texas express... ilO PH Eastern express , laim Culorao aad California at. preM ItOrw iUpm Chicago express. Us ml Kir kSL'TH AMD WHI Texas A Panhandle express J0Al TUaM Emresa ItUsH USSaM Express 7irwl iorx City Ualoa Ticket office, m North Mala ait-eat. asd Ualoti Uepel. near Uak street. OEALED PROPOSALS Will t received at tht 17 oturo of the Saparvlslag Archln-cl. Trsiry Department, Wahlngun. D.CL until a o'clocx p, m ou the '3lh day of l ebroary. ISV. for all the labor and material rrsi'iired to complete tta Approaches to Ihe C K. I'o'tomce. Court llou. etc bulUIr at Wichita. Kansas. In aceortlance Kk lb dra!ntf and sp-rlflcatloa. copies of which may he ba4 on an plication to this office or ax tb officii of tho utiinteBoat. Each bid mast bs accompanied by a certified check, for f 100 O). The, Department will reject alt bids rs celvt-d after the time) fixad for opening the msh; alo bids which do not oamoly atrUtly with all tha reqiiremrnta of thU invitation J.s II Wi.xnittM. January 23rd. WJt. Eupervlaicr Architect. Wit uaod HKADB, IToto H4i, Eo Talepei, Bait Car, nio.1 all klrsJa of rUtlaaiarj (ut of j Iok B9, lAXkofTMpimi aaJ FriQteiy tka YTlekl Kacu, Wtckita, Wadding nl Party JnTltatlons, an graved or prialeti. at lb Wichlu KagLjC oCice. dJt Fre Reclining Chair Car Service, t Denver and Return, via tha haata Ta Baote. Tfae Atchison, TopSta t Santa Fe now running dally free reclining chair cars on their nJifht train to DtnTer. Panv eHET leavioK Wichita at 4i0 p. in., will arnre at Pueblo for breakfaat the b9X I'lorning. Colorado bpritm at 100 a. m.. and DcnTer for dinner, la arfditlon U Iree recllnlnc chair car aenrlcsj Piillrnan reservation tnsT b had upon application nnlon ticket ofilce and onion depvu W. D. McROOcr. d 101-tf Paw. and ticket aeo- TrJMM Une to SU lxls ai4 lh Eaat. Tha bosit. qalckt and raot direct hot from Wichita 10 ht. IaU and all princi pal eastern, soatbeasiera and cortbsra t3lic. The Frlco line niM two dally txpret tralnifrom WicbiU to Sv Loul wltboot chanjp, eqnlpptd with Pullman palaerj alcfer and fret: recllniar chair can. .No other line do- it, Lloe coasufctlona In rst fouu union dpot with aotld Tbale ex prex trulas, wjtbout chaBic, to Chicago, LoalsrilU, fincinaati, CI?TtUad. Iltt burc Phllaflelphi. New York and li&stoo- Th popcJnnty of UjIsj Ha bolau oot Tersally ackuowedil by ail cernpeUiJTni, ail pa aenzr train of othe-r railway Use cnt-rin Wichita frcas tha north, ovub. aod wet arrtTe la litn to connect with the FrUco Jia lz expr tralna to tb et Jf yon cannot pnrchaae tarocb tickets reading ru Fnaco hoe f rora year starting point, it will py yoa to ptjrcbaa to Wick it in order to ecurs the. adraatata as4 comforts of tkl line. rorurtber information rcardlBa rate, tin., concecllo&s asd tbreaih revervatlcB of slepinz ckt accrmmodaUosa call tspoa or addr-ia W. D. Murdock, ticket ajtest, l'l Xorth Main sirwt, cr Oak atret nciaa depot. D. WlSHAKT, Cen. Paas. Ajreet. dtf-ll Su Loau, Mo. CALLING Car-JU, Waeiaait IaitA tics. Lwtctes Ca.-4; MaeaCWa, Party lTtt( t;sa. Priafe t-r Lltes tyivrdat tn Wkfcit a.LS cJ6m, rTV-i .&. .J3 ia z&fff ' -j S , . . -.jfrjay:?. -j. r-i3 'j'V?'