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W--mc- 'FiPP m,ffpp!l-f5!i Sfre Midtits Dailg gagfc: jfrraftaoi pLimmtg fjftrccb 9, 1890. s&i stilt) '' A, 4 TZ HERE AliE SIX BEAUTIES. SELECTED FROM THE FLOWER OF NEW YORK'S WOMANKIND. Florence Finch Kelly Writes of Them and a Number of Others Whose Pictnrea Aro Not Given Stars of the Professional and Social Firmaments. The most-beautiful woman in New York Shut would bo a very difficult matter to de cide. But there Can hf nn nnik.h'nn no m tha two who are the most beautiful. Any one LILLIAX RUSSELL. with half an eye for beauty would say at onco that they aro Manou Laupdon and Lil lian RusselL One, a belle in the most exclu sive circle of the Klectest society in the United States: the other, a queen of the foot lights, famous alike for her beauty, her abili ty and tne frequency and freakiness of her love affairs; oue, the inheritor of wealth, po sition, social prestige everything that helps to make l.fe beautiful and desirable; too other, the conqueror of everything she has gained it would be hard to find t o t omen or fn o lives moreutterly diverse than these. And yet, if Paris himself had to bestow tho gold en apple uon one of the pair he would end bis ptrplesity by flipping a copper, and award hL prize according ns it came down heads or tails. And their types of beauty are as different as their lines of life. Hiss Langdon is tall and willowy and dark, with big, soulful, dark eyes, and that peculiar patrician kind of features and expression w hich is seldom seen except as the 1 esult of several genera tions of refined instincts. ilis3 Russell is compelled to diet rigorously and exercise in order to keep herself even a little lesa than stout. She is fair and rosy and jolly, and there is nothing whatever about her eyes, or any other feature, to suggest a ants. urnsE koche. bouU There are more expression and vivacity in her face con than she showed a few years agj, and therefore her beauty has boon greath increased But it is stid the beauty of tho perfect animal, while iliss Langdon's, far from perfect on tho anunal side, is changed aud intensified by tho beauty of a lively spirit. Among the young matrons of the Four Iluiiui ed. Mrs. Burko Roche is one of tho mo-st beautiful. She is said to have besun ?&!&? & s ilES. DAVID THOMSON. proceedings lor freedom from the unpleasant consequences of an international marriage, and society is anxious to find out about tho specific acts of cruelty wnich she aliases against her Englifh huband as ground for divorce She L au exr-elleut specimen of tha peculiarly American type of beauty slender and delicate in form and feature and with out emphasis in coloring. She has hair of that ureailful "nay color.' wh'ch is the de- "puzzisd fjiB Poolers," MOST of the rases cured ly Ayer's S.irsajmrillii liae leeii en on up by the regular prai tice Phj aieian are recouiiueiulmg this medicine more than eer, aud with satisfactory-reMilts. E. M Sargent, Lowell, Ma . sav; " be wral j ear ago, mj daughter lnko oat with "huge tore, on her hand faci , mid other parts of her bodj . Tho case puzzled the doctors My daughter u-ed Aj er's Sarsapanlla. and it resulted in a complete cure Her blood seems to Lave been thoroughly purified, as slits has neer had so much ai a pimple since taking this medicine " " Tins i to certify that after bavins been ssck for tw elve years w ith kidney d'sease and general debility, and having bi -n treaUtt b seeral physicians with out relief, I a'ii now In-tier in every re spect, mid rl,,t,k I am nearly well, takfii sen bottles of Ayer's Sarsapa 'la "Maria JLudwigson, Albert Lea, Min. arsaparilla rnrr-AnEa nr Dr. -J. C. Ayer &. Co., Lowe!!, Mass. Price SI; ix bo'.tle. $s. Worth $5 a bcult. PWWi sssfe ; tw c? I nVOr S d spair of women who do not know how to manage it and the priory of thosa who do: soft, liffht blue eyes, and a clear, pale complexion. Her frame is rather small, but perfect in its proportions and a delight to the eye in its curving outlines. It has no angla3, no saper flous flesh, no abrupt curves it is all gently flowing lines and graceful curves, that melt into one another and leave upon one's mind the impression of harmony and grace. She has three children Cynthia, aged 6, and a pair of twins, boys, two years younger. Little Miss Cynthia mothers the two young sters in a most comical way, putting on to ward them matronly and protecting airs, which they already begin to resent. The ac companying picture scarcely does Mrs. Burke Roche justice, for it is a recent one, and shows the effects of her trouble in the unusual thin ness, and in the l ather drawn and sad expres sion. Mrs. Cooper Hewitt is Mrs. Burke Roche's sister and is thought by many people to have greater claims to beauty. She is larger, with darker, brighter coloru, and m uch more life and vivacity. She rides and fences and plays tennis and indulges in all the other fashionable athletic sport3, and shows tho result of them all in her high vitality and hearty enjoyment of life. They are tho daughters of Frank TTork, in whose stable, fitted up as a temporary t&eatre, a little com pany of young society wemen played "Ca milla"' a few years ago before a very select audience of ladies alone, Airs. How ltt, who was then Miss "Work, plaj ed Armand with such vigor as to bring down the bouse a2fc win the delighted admiration of the entire'' audieuca. The very sweetest face in all New York, as overy one who studies this picture will cer tainly agree, is that of Mrs. David Thomson, born Miss Purdy. It has all tho beauty of refined, harmonious feature; and of a sweet and gentle expression, but it lacks a little in complexion and coloring, of all that a very beautiful face inuat have. Somebody wise in this world's foL'ies has said that if a woman has a beautiful skin it will profit her more than brains, or wealth, or position, or physical endowment of any other kind, and there is at least one woman in New York who can look in her mirror and kno.v that for onco a cynical philosopher spoke the truth. She is Mrs. George Gould. She has a beautiful chin, and she has achieved that in this world's graces and rewards which she never could have gained if nature had spoiled her face by making that member prominent and peaked, or insignificant and retreating. It is a very sweet, intelligent and attractive face which she has, in addition to its be'ng merely beautiful. But she is losing the beauty which was. so rare and delicate during her stage life, and which caused the eyes of George Gould to rest with delight upon Edith Kmgdon's face the first time he saw her. Her eyes are as largo and dark and soft, her hair as luxuriant, as silky and as brown, and her features as delicate as ever, but since the two Gould cherubs in vaded the Gould household her complexion has lost its clearness, her eyes some of their brightness, and her form its delicate outlines. Her grace tho Duchess of Marlborough nas one of the most beautiful women in New York. And if one might make a major premise of the disposition and character of the head of the houso of Marlborough, and a minor premise of the duchess' traits of character which shine forth in this picture, luo umy mgicui conclusion to wnicn one can come io that she will be a New Yorker again befoi e many more years. New York is divided upon tho question of whethercr not Marion ilanola is a beautiful woman, bue has enthusiastic admirers who rave over her eyes and her hair and her figuro aud oxpiession. Aud there nre others who say she has freckles, and therefore can't be beautiful. She has luxuriant hair of tho dark, red-brown color that is giving a new impetus to the manufacture of chemicals but hers is so by grace of nature and not by force of dye and her eyes are big and bro n, soulful aud far away. She is a little woman, with a stovepipe waist that would THE DCCHSSS OF MAIILBOBOCOH. have made Venus' eyes pop out of her head with wonder, a wicked little curl in her lips and a devd-may-care expression lurking in the corners of her eyes. These last have con tributed immenseiy to her success oa the stage. She has a little daughter, Nora, of whom she is very fond and proud, and who is herself over again, as nearly as it is pos sible for a bttlo bundle to look like a large Ode. Miss Schromer is ono of those few peoplo who had not the good fortune to be born beautiful, and who has not; had the enterprise to achieve beauty as somo of tho w iae ones are saving it can be achieved but who, nevertheless, is having beauty thrust upon her with a success equal to the real estate boom of a western town. She has brown hair, gray-brown eys, features rather pleasing, mainly because sho looks good r.atured and amiable, and a fairly good, fresh complex ion. A certain rich man who admires Miss mvmmk v :. '-v. k "s5f"v- wssESjagg JIARl N ltANOTA. Schreiner immenser, and thinks her woa- ftrA Jr-fo if hmmA f derf ully good, clev er aud beauuful, is prov ' ing his devotion, not in any such vulgar and i commcnuiacc way as laving his wealth at her feet, but by systematically building up for her a reputation as a stunning beauty. Fxcs5CE Fixch Krirr. ij tionruolisiu. "And what has become of your son Jtmnnef' "Jmsmie's gone into joumalinn.3 "Why, he is only ten years old.' "True for you, bet he sells forty news papers a day. He's a smart boy, that Jmimie.' Harper's Bazar. See-Saw. An artist went to spa to see What lie miht stsj at sea to draw, lie only sa'w Trhat ail may see Tha sea was all the arusi satv. And trhea he sstt he'd eea the sea. Proceeded he the s;ae to draw. And since his scene I often sec I"re seen the sea the amst saw. Erchaa; 501 TRIE. He Is Known as the Coquelin of the British Stage. LONDON'S FATOBITE COSEUIAN. His Wonderful Gift or 3Iimlcrj He Liter- ally Woke Up One Moraine und Found j Himself Famou A Remarkable Success In the "Private Secretary." I It Is said that Herbert Beerbohm Tree is j the favorite comedian of fickle London. His real name is Herbert Beerbohm, the "Tree,' j his stage name, being derived from the Dutch meaning of Beerbohm. Almost from baby- uwu uo oiuwu u.u eLiituiuiojiry gm 01 i mimicry and often amused his school fellows and got himself into trouble, by imitating tha t masters. Some time after he left college he proved that he was of good business ability, for he took charge of a part of his father's enterprise, The Evening Corn Tocde List, and for eight years worked profitably at it. But his talent as an actor could not be suppressed, and, wearying somewhat of tha ami crma ol ousme3, no aexerminea to en- 1it in tho nrmv of amifceiir af tor Tn i lor list in tno army or amateur actors, in a let- :s&r to The San Francisco Chronicle Constance RSorhohm oiv; thnt hi'? sii(c?s was Kn hrill. xseerDonm says tnat; nis success was so orui- lauc au over Lioraon, no oniy in private houses but in public, that his friends induced him to turn his back to business and adopt the stage as a profession. He played moe than one hundred parts, to the great satisfao- tion of the public; but it was his Private Secretary that won him recognition as the IpnHinc mniPdian of tha dav leatung comeaian ot xae aay. It is said that tnere were scarcely more than sue funny lines in the part of the Rev. Robert Spalding in the original piece, and that Tree made all the humor him self. "When he ap peared on the stage with his innocent blue eyes tear laden and gazing up ward, his fair au burn hair smoothly brushed and parted in tho middle.wear ing a shovel hat and long coat of; priestly cut, and carrying under his arm a bandbox BEXIlBOnM TREE. soda water bottle of full of oranges and milk, his appearance was indescribably comic and alwaj s provoked a roar of laughter. He finally decided to give up the role, how ever, as he considered it too clownish. He next appeared in a dramatized version of Hugh Conway's "Called Back" as a villain, showing remarkable power. His "Pompa dour" was the theatrical event of the London season. Tree is most accomplished in the, to the actor, very valuable art of "making up." A clever draughtsman, he is able with a few lines from his brush to transform his face mto the likeness of any man he knows aud w hen, while playing the part of an artist, he felt desirous to resemble Sir Frederick Leigh ton, tho president of tho English Roval acad- emy, with tho aid of a few touches of black BEER1 (I k jgjir jc is"?.2:fef7i: u.s... .wut.u vjl u,u ""3"'"":l personage. As tne old rlussiaq prmoe in "Xadjesda''his make up was a veritable mar vel, every wrinkle and every shadow m the face indicated with such exquisite skill that it was not possible even when standing quite near him to detect the art concealed by art. In the 'Red Lamp" and again in "Part ners" his cunning disguises may fairlv bo called masterpieces of painters as well as actor's craft. In his wife the eminent actor has been par ticularly fortunate. It was once said of Mrs. Langtry that in her earliest youth she was not so beautiful as when she neared the age of 30 for that until then she had not learned "how to be beautiful." ilrs. Tree accom plishes even moro than Mrs. Langtry, for at a much earlier stage of her career she has caught the knack of ulways looking the most attractive woman in whatever room she may be, and this without possessing features of absolute regularity. She is an excellent Latin and Greek scholar, a clever mathema tician and a really brilliant conversationalist. Aa an actress she has frequently distinguished herself, one of her finest efforts being made in a play given at tho Cromwell house "The Talo of Troy5 in which she spoke her lines in Greek with such charming effect that tho then prime minister, Mr. Gladstone, himself an ardent Greek scholar, craved for an intro duction and complimented her in the warm est terms. A Coming Man. Collins Hello, there goes Dulcy. There's a coming man for you. Boye "What makes you think that! Collins Oh, his general appearance and make up. Boye Sorry I can't agree with you. Collins Then I'll prove that he's a coming man. (Shouting to Dulcy), "Hae a drink, old fellow." The way that he responded left no doubt in Boye's mind. In fact, he was too coming to be becoming. Kearney Enterprise. People's Five Tear ISenefit Order. A i egular meeting of tha Imperial com mandery, being the second since it was inni: tuted, was held recently. Several important matters were discussed, changes made in the constitution and officers elected. The general feelmg w as one of gratification at the able manner in which the affairs had been con ducted and the genera! success of the order. There are very nearly 7,000 members, and there has been no lessening of the steady I tooii Cold, I took Sict, I TOOK SCOTT EM result: take My Meals, i1 I take My Rest, j AND I AM VIGOROUS E.NOLGH TO T IKE ! ) ATHlG I can ly my HArs o ; 3 ecltins fat too. for Scott's Emulsion of Pure tod Liver Oil i andHvpophosphitesofLimeandj Soda OT ONLY -KED MY IlICi p- ( 5 ieii Consumption ctT blilt t J ME LP, AND IS :OW PI .TLNG 5 j FLESH ON MY BONES J AT THE RATE OF A TOVW A DW. c take i r jr r as easily as i ro mu I i I JilLK. iiXH testimony is not'iing :ew. scott's oiii5iov is doint, wonders dvily. Take no cthl. A r Udi 1 1 V C esr-rai o-i KHSYO0S D3XLTrj "2T"D "E "Weifcaeis of reyid VZzi. EJTeitt j SJ XL.U o' Errors crXsrwiStraCH or Tc; S4nrit, Ac! XAfHOOD fi.Hr Hrxcrnt. tlw EaUrrr ia JbMlsfetr atfinf HOST THEiTSCrr CrC 1 a -!a tMtirr fra 4 ; Slur. TrmKHr. Ed Prlrm feerit. i x4) tm. x&tttvt isiz uzzizxi cc, sarf Aio, s. t ANSY PILLS! ULv mmm- 5 C i r I . 1 ryii tf&i cEiiwt s. SmTe m sua: WEAK -MEN Suffering from the effects of youthful errors, esrir decay, iTmsangwelmes3.1ostpnhood.etcu.Il eend a valuable treatise (eeedjecntaliiiEg fcU Tarbeulars for home care. FREE a charge. X splendid TTiflt'irt work ; enould be read by every man ttco is nervous and debilitated. Addres frot, F. C..FOWLEB, MoodnSjjCoaB, 4fi UNACQUAINTED 1WTH THE CEOGRAPHr OF THE COUNTSTVU OSTUN UCH inFCRUATiON FROM A STUDY Or THIS UAP Or 7HI mcz3 leap, Boci Mil & Pacific Ej. Including lines Hast and "West of the 2CiS3oari Elver. The Direct Eoste to and from CHICAGO. HOCK JSZiASTD. DAVETPOIIT. TJ-ES 2IOINES. CQirWCTTT. W.TTSTS XP-ATEHTOWr. SIOTTX iiLas, jaxNjtJiajflJiaa&i rAu sx-. jus- i ATCHISON. LEAVEA WOHTH. KAKSA3 CIXx. topeka. denveb, Colorado spnos and PUEBZ.O. Pree Seciinins Cbair Cars to and ito CHICAGO. CALDWEXJi. EUTCHZNSON i . T.r.T.Ci-r, f-rw ,, -paina Eleeriine- cars be- twecnCHICAGO.WTCHITAandMUTCHlNSON. ' jJffiffi?! t0 ad from SEe;FISHEI . ifXfceSVji i- c"BaEC TDMHiO SULlU lEStlSULE tArllLSd THAlhb of Taroush Coache3. Sleepers, and Dinlns Cars OTStas choir Cars between Chicago and denvbs, ! COLORADO SPRINGS and PTJHBX.O, via St. Joa- . KanBaa Citv and Topeka. Excursions ' daily, with Choice of Eoutes to and from Bait LiOIeo. Portland, Los AnEele3 ana tan rTancisco. Tha Direct Line to and from Pifce's P Jfc, Blanl tou. Garden of the Gods, the Sanitariums, and Scenlo Grandeurs of Colorado. Via The Albert Lea Route. Solid Express Trains daily between Chicago and Minneapolis and St. Paul, with THROUGH Ile chninff Chair Cars (KSES) to and from those points and K&nsaa City. Throush Chair Car and Sleeper between Peoria. Spirit Xako and Sioux rails via Kocl: Island. Ths Pavonte IJno to "Watertown, Sioiac Falls, the Summer Resorts and Hunting and Pishlnj; Grounds of tho Northwest. The Short Line via Seneca and Kantalces offera facilities to travel to and from Indianapolis, On dnnatl and other Southern pointo. For Tickets. 3Iaps. Polders, cr dssired informa tion, apply at any Coupon Ticket Office, craddres E.ST. JOHN, JOHN SEBASTJAN, Gen'l aiana&er. GcnT Tt. & Pass. Ast. CHICAGO, ILL. ATTORNEYS' POCKET DOCKETS. Can be Used in Any State and in Any Court. The most complete and convenient Pocket Docket ever published, with two indexes an alphabetical index and a diary index; shows afc a glance jusc what date a lawyer has a case in court; keeps a complete record t back, a convenient size to carry in the pocket. Endorsed by attorneys everywhere. The following are a few of the many testi monials; The following strong endorsement from Cant. John E. Ash, ex-judge of the iJOth He writes as follows Wichita, Kans , Oct. 20, 1SS0. It is the most comp'ete and concise work of the sort I have ever mec with. I cannot fee how the systematic, practicing lawyer cin do without it. It shouid be entitled "The Lawyer's Vade Alecum." Truly and sincerely Yours, John H. Ash, Att'y at Law. Arkansas Citt, Kan,, Aug. 10, "S3. Thb Attorney-.' Pocket Dodket was receiv ed all right and will say that it is the most; complete and convenient aiticle that a law yer can have in hi office to facilitate busi ness. It is just what every lawyer needs that has nDy business in court. Yours, etc., 21. N. "Wi.ntin El Dorado, Kan., Sept. '5--S9; It. P. 3Iurdock. bir: I am in receipt of the attorney PocKet Docket. I have been using one of your dockers for some time but I consider this one with its alphabetical and dairy index and its general arrangement better than any other width has come to my nonce. Yours, E. H. HuTcniNa, Co. Att'y, Butler Co. Pr.ESCOTT. Arizona, Feb. IS, 1S0. Dear Sir AVe received the "Attorney Pocket Docket," .uidnreniore than pleaded ttithit. It ia coueuienr, well airansred aud complete in every way. Yours truly, IlERSDOX & HAWKINs. Muskogee, I. T.. Sept. u, 1SS9. Gents We bde examined one of your "Attorneys' Pocket Dockets," and iiud it one of the most complete of any we have seen. Please send lis one by return niaiL We are yours truly, Shepakd, Grovf & Shepard. FCLTON. Kan , March 9, 1SS9. Dear Sir: Enclosed postal note for tl.07 in pajment. for "Attorney's Docket." Am well pleased with same, as it is the hand iest and at the same time, concise and comprehensive pocket docket I have- seen. The Diary Index and Alphabe'ical index are valuable features. Kespectfully, E. C. Gates, Attorney at Law. Cottonwood Falls. Sept. 20, lsH. Dear Sir I would not do without your "Attorney's Pocket Docket" for double the price of it. 1 think every attorney should have one as they can turn to it m u moment and get a full history c every case that they are interested in. Kespectfully, George M. Hatden, Attorney at law and clerk district court Chase county. Price of Docket $1.00 By mail postpaid to unv addrc-s upon receipt of S1.07. Address THE WICHITA EAGLE. R. P. MCBDOCK, Wichita, Kan-as Business Manager. d&wtf nUBI -:- PACIFIC RAILWAY. The most noDUlar route to Kan- l sas City, St. Louis, Chicago and j i an points :ast ana to .cot Spnnas, Ars. leans, Fioriaa and South and Southeast. SOLID DAILY TRAINS St Louis, Kansas City, Pueblo and Denver, Wl'x'fi Pullman Buifefe Sleeping Cars, VTA THE COLORADO SHORT LINE The Shortest Route to St x3nis j , 5-DAILY TRAINS-5 Kansas City to Sp Lanis. 1 Fnllman Buffet Sleeping Cars. , Free EecSining Chair Car a C. TOWHSEND, I KsCfe? LAWYERS. Jest completed sad for sale, ATTOBSST X KET POCKET; can be csed In any State ana ! anr Court, Copyrighted 1SSS.J Tbeinostcoaialfta IKsrStel ever Punished. PAGED and with two! a-dexe-HSJi ALPHABETICAL cd DUUtY REFEK- twtlcallr and by months and days Xba Docket M oracoaTenlnt5lzeto carry in the poctet and U bindsomel- bound with fleilbta bxcit. EKDOHsED v iTTYinx-wvt; everywhere. Price of Docket. SI OH or 'lr,u be eaS postpaid to any addresi upon receipt of 1 PT. We also carrr a complete line of all kinds cf Lecsl Blanks. Order by mall promptly attended ta. address. THE WICHITA EAGLE, WICHITA. KXXSAS. JE. R. Powell. President. R. T. Beax, V. Pres. r. W. WALLECJr-. iiiihlit I lUUttl U( WICHITA, KANSAS. PAID UP CAPITAL SURPLUS - - S200.000 $16,000 DIRECTORS: K. T. Pe3n. E. R. Powell. O. D. Earne. Ii. R. Cele I r.r. f n-V T? W iT-.1lr ri W Im i iiorse. u. o. Graves. j ' ) I rT'V l'W AvaFvwhaA arAriA 1 lll Eagle's "Attorneva Pocket Doc jjtt f if el," can be used in any court ant many state. Price," $1 00. B mall to any addresa, prepaid, upon recript j of fl 07. Address the icuita Eagle, Wi-bita. Kansa.4. E. LAwjuracr.Pre. O. Martixsox. V.P J. A. Davisox, Cas er. West Si National Bank. CAPITAL, Paid Up, $100,000 DIRECTORS: K. E. Lawrence. O. Slartins on. H. L. Smlthioa. R. Hatfleld, 31. Stanton. C. F. Coleman, C. U. Campbell, L. blmpson, J. A. Davison. E. LOMBARD, JR President. i P.ALLEN. " lte President L.D. SKINNER G ai hi TV ,H. LIVINGSTON. Assistant CasUien OF WICHITA, KM CAPITAL, SURPLUS, $100,000 S 80,000 -DIRECTORS- Jobn R. rarer Georee W. Salter, vr- F. Green, P. Allen. Kos Harris, J. JI. Jiona P. V. HsaIj-, 'omb.inlJr.. Peter Uetto, L.D. iklnner, Janiss ooibard. J. O. DAVIDSON. Pre. C. A. WALKER. Vice-Pres JOHN DEUsT. Cashier. CITIZENSBANK Paid up Capital - $ 500,000 Stockholders Liability 1,000,000 Largest Paid-up Capitil of any Bank la the State of ICaasif, DIRECTORS. C R. Miller. A.W. Bittlmr 31. fctewart, H.G,I.e. S L Daiidon. w. E. Stanley, J. O. Davidson. John T. Carpenter. Do a ceneral banking business. County, ToHCbQlp and Municipal and Sold. United State Bondi Bought LEW. Pres't. . VT, OLI TEK,V-Pr L, A. Vi-AIVTON. Cwhlr. r. ft U Paid-up Capital, Surplus, $250,000 50,000 DIRECTORS SHKOHV. AIVOLIVEK. M W LETT. t WALTON. &TTCTTLE, N'rMEDClU LADER. WRTUCKIR. JOUX DAViDiOy, J cnurA. Do a General Banking, Collecting and Brokerage Business. Eastern and Foreign exchange bought anti sold. U. S. Bonds of all denominations bought and sold. County, Township and Municipal Eonds bought. SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENTS. Jixt comp'ttJ and for sale itlbU oQco ""KpcctJ of Tefichcr Ability, for u bf buparioteadenu smj ITiRdpaM o: CmitO:. CITY aod CUADEU i' HOOLh. Can rt urj la aaj eltr The book U ef a. ctatitpnipnt u In rnrrr In lh iorkf. 11,ri i In Cloth. Mccnu. Flexible Racist SOL tentbTintil io aay auuress upoa rscejpi c: m ccnu lor ciotn man SI Sl iaz nezlbie btndlat Orders by taxH will rfc. cccpresat&lMctloa. Addref TliiJ WICniTA EAGH Wichita, luui READ THE WEEKLY kmiPTI N oil ADO tti f I. I Nat Bait ie HSiWiehita"' Eagle. I Contains More State and Gti ral New3 and aastern Dis patches than ajay payer in th - soutiiwesc. I TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: j One Year, - $1.00 I Six Months. - 50 Citx st A handsome litbozrapb man of this city, containing sbe names of a$l the rrfts parkn, colleges aal public bnflriinss, doa!. rtc A complete inp theirs by fifteen inches, oa linen paper, can be bad ' at ti,is ogic. 0-10 ctnt es.-fa. SEAL 5STAT AGS2TTS- Tr)irTT cctSe lte I aU rirsdi f Beeta ! 4 BJaalrs. fxk .- r4 trr Jfteil U JLitzU ', cms iiac tX v-s; or-r.r JiVttniru. RtSr Benin. :ou jmw. ut iirsvtten, J,xrrx nbu I Eotd 3J EUc. Coatrart KocVi. PocksC tcsJ tu Ea)u tee rarsi and rij ?roytx, U. Of 70S WICHITA EAGUL WiQUTA, KJJ4X 1 SCALE BOOKS! Three Forms, I i f STANDARD! HOWE! FAIRBANKS! When ordering" form is wanted. state WHAT Patented by TfconiM A Eolsoa. SHHEEpvhII CHICAGO LUMBER CO. . WHOIESALE AND RETAIL LUMBER DEALERS, COB. 1ST ST. 'AND LAWRENCE AVE. Chieago Yards, 35th and Iron sts. Chicago. W. A. SMITH, Salesman. GEO. L. PRATT & GEO- D. CROSS, Resident Partners Wiehita City Roller Mills. ESTABLISHED 137L IKCORPOIU.TXD 1UI V&asfMrar t& TaUawi&g Ppmlw Braid IMPERIAL, High Patent; KETTLE-DRUM, Patent; TALLY HO, Extra Fancy, -ASK FOB THB ABOVE BRANDS AND TAKE NO OTHER OLIVER - & - IMBODEN - CO. J". O. DAYIDSOX. Prrtideat. "V T. BABCOCE. Vtce-IVeaMeat. TH05. 0. FITCH. Secretary and Treasurer. Davidson Investment Comp'y Paid-up Capital, $300,000. DTTgRF $5,000,000 Loaned in Southern Kansas. Money Always on Hasd for Improved Farm and City Loans. Offie with Cltizea Bak. northwest coratr Xaln Street bad DoaU at. WICHITA, KANSAS. LITHOGRAPHING ! Thb EAGLE lias added ART DEPARTMENT. We Have First Class Artists, Designers, Engravers. Send for Samples and Prices. R P. MTJRDOOK, Manager. THE WICHITA EAGLE, M. M. Munlock Sc Bra, Proprietors. Printers, Binders, Publishers and Blank Book MTr, All kinds of county, to-wrushlp and school district records and blanks. Legal blanks or every description. Complete atoclc or Jus tice's dockets and blanks. Job printing or all kinds. We bind law and medical journals and magazine perfodlcah of ah kinds at prices as iovr as Chicago or Ner York and guarantee work Just as Kood. Orders sent by mail whl be careruHy attended to. Address all busi ness communications to R. P. MURDOCK, Business Manager. L. C. Jackson, Successor to HACECB JACKSON, Wholesale and Retail dealer in all kinds or Anthracite and Bituminous Coal And all kinds of Building Material. Main office, 112 South Fourth North ilaln. Yards connected Globe Iron Works, Wichita, Kan A. FLAGG, Proprietor. Gofars to Eaj. T7II1 yea sd them to at ilAraftcr tSl ktad of Mhfrry 4 Brflerr, Task vA S5yi Iron "Work, Po3ts. Shaidrs 1 Hangers, aad Ali kiadi ofe&tfcj: toa4 t. order. Lsniomt frabi es lt riMbes cf -worJe. V71 H. POlfD A Superintendent. SPECIAL. Oar Scale Books are printed on good paper. 500 receipt to a Hwk,. bound and perfor ated with stub jives oa each receipt a tibia of legal weights. PRICE LIST: Single Book... $ 75 Three Books J CO Sue Booits.... 313 Single Book by mail, prepaid S3 Address, THE WICHITA EAGLE, Wichita. Kansas. R. P. Llordock, Business Manager Orders by mail promptly attended to. 3,000 COPIES! From one original. Writing, Drawing ilusic, etc. Of tvpt-writer ietzerj 1,5CD Copies Can bo taken rrom one "riinaL Recommead- tv ver 30,000 USrtlRS Th EaGLK 1 agent for thb 1 of tha aboTe machine. 'xtra upplle, cUi, Ad 're. R. P. MXTBDOCE, Wichita, Kan3 Lithographing to Its avenue, Branch orfice, 133 with all railroads in the city. TkMeEpe FcmJrf t asxms of fricUoa. to 5 jr cst TtsiC ere? may muVomxliC asd 40 to 0 pr cat orw taj tAag.1 fui4 trIt fcaxu.. OL'K OUAB AXTY a tfeftt it u jsot -&jzaist lafaltfejta 5 tiajrix b t1t -ccia bsiJt, aaJ t SO p'tMid t tV-am rvttUmK tt H mti it -Jli cr-y k4oi 15to30peroafri r tba no j tisjcl &l tt eyllcdw escie bslJ W, Waj:t th. iwtSG? ci Prde s f JLtLSji&3$a' -, .-av