Newspaper Page Text
jy-apaajj! fmmfm wmmmjmk wmiwmkAMmm I fixe WLxthite BmIj gagle: ftostlaij IKamittg, HJartft 11, 1890, WICniTA MARKETS. Receipts of Live Stock at the Union Stock jXards -for 48 Hours93 Cattle, 834 Hog's. The Offerings in the Cattle Line -A veragecT -Rather Poor Today. feChoice Fat Cattle of all Kinds Bring the Highest Market Price, but Inferior Grades are Slo-WiSale and Lower. The Demand for Stockera and Feeding Steers Continues Good, and there is Some Good Stock in this Line on the Market Nearly Every Day. The Host Market Opened Strong at About Satur day's Close. Advices from Eastern Markets Noted Stronger Feeling and Advance of 2 1-2 to 5 cents, and Prices Here Soon Followed. Bulk of Sales at 3.70, and Closed Strong. "WICuita rave stock market. Wichita. Kan.. March 10. CATTLE. Receipts !S shipments 249. There were only a few choice fat butcher's cattle on the market today. The feeling on good fat stutf wa stronger than Sat urday. The mat kct vtasuctlveand a good clearance was made. Inferior grades are weak and not selling as well. Many more good fat cattle could have lieen M)ld at strong prices. Comtniss.on men at e looking for biff receipts this week .Hid If the stuff is only fat It sill find a iu!ck sale on this market. Poor stuff scl.sslowon any market. Native shipping steers, fancy. HC031G7) lbs KS) Ooodtontra UiUftlsdU 7 4J Good to citra native butchersteers. 11030 IaOIIm 3 00 Good Butcher steers. bcO&lU'iO. 2 iJ Native feeding steers 2 so Native stockers . 2 K5 holcecows and JielfTS , 2 40 J'ulr to good cows and heifers 2 10 Jiulisand stags 2 (M (.Miners 1 i" Poorer grades and scalinw.iKs 1 OJ lUiPKCSENTATIVi: SALES. Tlio following are the i eprescntutlvo salesof cattle at the stock jurds today: No. Description. Av'ge. Price 2 reeding steerr. !iii 3 Iu 1 Butcher steer lhO :i l"i 6 Butcher steers liW 3 45 CO blockers fto 2 15 2 stockers 7fi 2 !l 1 Common bull 1100 1 75 1 Fancy biit her heifer It 42 2 71 1 Choice lm'cher heifer C!0 2 SO 1 Goon butcher cow 1-10 2.0 1 hulce butcher cow 1,10 25 11 Choice butcher heifers '.Mil 2 4'1 14 Choice butcher cows and heifers. .ltlK 2 47'.j 2 Good butcher cow "vfl 2 .tj 2 Good bu'cliercoTT 1015 2 23 1 Fair butcher heifer iCO 2 15 1 Fair butcher heifers 93) 2 10 2 Fair butcher cows 101!) 2 10 2 Canners. liM 1 t)5 2 fanner." 1140 1 '."5 8 Canners 11.11 1 ftJ 1 Calmer ii'Ai 1 GO hogs. The receipts were larger than Is uut! on opening da , 1 he n'arkel opened stroi.g ..t Saturday's close. I..i-7 (ole Kims lroin e.iMurn markets noted u s i .nge: reeling and an advance of 'ZJSi.c over Sat urditj 's prices. On receipt of tins nilonnatlou lmy its, or the jmckliig housi-, ;idvance I i rices futly 2 t. Tin- ? H7. hogs today were not as gui-l quality .son Satuiday. 'Ihe inaiket whs Z'v m tiigl.or when utiity wa connidei-d, A nlc- load of Miiooth vf'tx hogs would have sold at $3 J2. today. UuiU of sales .it 3 7U and clotcnl r.troug. kri' The following are the n-prcseiiuillvo sales of hogs at the j ards today. "no Dock. Average, Pi Ice. 7o .... '.-S5 3 70 (3 .... l 3 71 72 .... I'M) 3 70 4S 4tl -.c.: i. 71) 61 .... 103 3 70 1.3 .... 224 3 70 6J .... 21 3 .0 &l 27ri h 70 21 .... 2i! I 3 67U 47 12U 2(5 i 3i;7g t;i 4u 2so :t t.7 CI 1'.0 2o2 o t " SIJIXI. There were no sheep on the market. Prices etcudy. Goad mutton sheep, SO'lOO Good stock wethers. 7Vj5 Uood to c.Miu lambs V3 2J3 75 ,'.'.'.". i VHi CO M h'hlta Horse and Mule Mar'et. WirniTA. Kan.. March 10. Receipts lair and a letter feeling all aiound. It rtKiksas though thcri' mlchtbo a xood 1iu-iihs in this Ilm this week. Mr. 11 lift .stinted overland with hoi(esu:d mules for Oklahoma this morning. Cal loway shipped oue load of horses and mules to tiltlle Hock. Pi Ices unchanged. Hxtra draft horses J125 roaiio (X) P(fl draft horses 105 (OSir W Kxtra mares l()(fl.(l!. 10 tnml mans 711 106 !15 Utl KAlradilvers 150 lKri2i5 10 Gooddllvrr.s 1KI tmPi") l Vxtra streetei-s im 10x115 tM nl streetei-s , SJ (Ortb 115 Id Uregou 3o 011(U CiO 0J Plugs 10 KM. M 0.1 Mulfs. 14 hands O CO 75(0 Mules, n hands 75 (.. S U) MuIch. lahaM s - tn ISV3 HI nHJ Mules. I5h. hands to (KUluVi 0.1 Mules, heavy lilOJa hands 125 0Jila (W Mules, plugs a)U.fcj.0JU) Urlef .Mention. J. J. roore & Son, city, had a car of Kittle at the yards from Haveu. G. W. Dadihniui). Derby, marketed hos?- O. G.Jacobs, Valley Center, came iu tvitli a car of hogs. W. Shim, Derby, was on the market with a car of cattle and hogs. Jones & D.irtoii, Ilesstou, had a car of boss ou the late market. It. T. Ban, of Bean, Bleakmore & Co., has just returned from a business trip to his old home in Kentucky. T. W. Fleshmim, Derby, marketed hogs. The btcck yards comp.uiy are adding more cut t'.o pons to the new yards, as the increasing business in the cattle trade compels them to make more room. In unloading a car of hogs this afternoon J. B. Bleakmore was quite badly bitten near the right knee by a vicious hog. W. It. Dulauey, "superintendent of the stock yards, and L. B. Preston left on the special for l"ort Worth this afternoon, to attend the cattlemen's convention, which convenes there tomorrow. A. Golden, Whitewater, came in with a car of hogs. L. A. Buckley, Lincolnville, was iu the market with a car of hogs. Dunnaway & Whittaker, South Haven, marketed hogs. L. -M. McCrceklin, Derby, had hogs on the market. Bradstreet's reports the available supply of wheat in the United States east of the Kocky mountains and Canada, and the quantity on ocean passage to Europe on March 1 as 05.S41.000 bushels against. 109, 724,000 bushels the corresponding date last year. From the Trade Bulletin: Exports of wheat and llour from both coasts for last week were ',,Jt34.SG9 bushels against 2,300. 725 bushels the previous week, and 1K)1,510 bushels the corresponding week last year. From July 1 to date equal to Tl'.-llo.'JOa bushels this year, against G3,GG0,6iXJ bushels in 1SSS-9. G II. Benson, Haven, president of the State Alliance exchange, has located at the stock yards, where he will mnke his headquarters iu future. He will look after live stock interests of the alliance. He will use his best efforts to have all the livestock tributary to this market come here, and in that way will try and increase the receipts and business of the Wichita union stock yawl. W. C. Glenn, of Ilealy & Glenn, left for Texas this morniug to attend to some business matters. LIVE ST00E MAEKET8. Hy Telegraph. Kasas City. Mo. March 10. CATTLE-Kecelpts ISO', shipments 2MI. Market strong and 10c higher. Steers S- -US' SO. cows H MVS-t OU sloekers and feed ers S2 tixa.. .0 HOGS- Kcceipts KXO. shloments nat Maiket strong. All grades u 70-W So. uuIk strong, .i Itx&s K.'1. fcHKl- P Receipts tU'. shipments au Maiktlsioiv. tiood to choice lambs and muttons Jo 50i5 4 stockcrs and feeders, to Utoo "-5. Chicago. 111.. March 10. Tho Drover'sJoumal re wrts: CATfLE Receipts shljments Win Market strong to 10c higher, closing weak. Choice locstni bcees Sia.5 la steers fo 75i4 75, stock rs ami feeders V- 405 CO. Texas corn fed steer s2 ir.-31t. cows, bulls and mixed 1 50 ir, mi. HOGS- Uecelptsii4M.stiipmentslC04. Market sti-ong to 5c higher. Mixed MW.4 IU. heavy $i S.a4 1, light ."! SA14 12 ta skips 3 40S3 SO. MIEKP Receipts 75(10, shipments 30 1). Market weaker. Nathes to 50 G 00, western corn fed i S0j Co, Texaus ?. 70 J5C. lambs SlTiQGJ. ST, Locis. Mo March 10. CATTLK-Uccelpts 1501, shipments at). Market stronger. Good to lancv native steers Jb ."(Xo i. dockers and feeders Xi 3i33 00 rano steers Hkd.. .i. HOGS-lJe-celnts 2.WU shipments sai. A.arket strong. Fair to choice heavy ;s3 RK4 0J,taeking grades J S(3 3 56. SHKbP Receipts none, shtmnents 3T0. )Ur Jtet st.ndy. Pair to choice, 4 ftco ?. lambs S4 50 C2i. ATichlta Grain Mavk-cL. Wichita. Kan.. March ltv Itecelpts ner9 a little light today. Good No. S corn is selling at 13314c Dealers are very busy loading cars out as fast as they can get them. - Receipts for 24 hours. lJOW bu. corn. 900 bu. oats, C50 bushels wheat. GRAIN Carlotson-track: WHEaT Good milling 65ftac while other grades are quoted at 50c and down. corn No, a. nai3c, OATS-126.I8C. RYE-No. 2 ffl S24c No. 3 20'2.23c HaY ft aiirton:SI (Win car lots. GROUND CORN-Ciiop In car lota Ec per 103 lbs. Wichita Wholesale Fralt Market. Wichita. Kan- March 10. There are no changes of note. The trading has been fnir for Monday and prospects good for a fair weeks' buMness. The receipt of fruit will probably be good this oek as the jobbers are looking for large sh i pments. I'i Ices the same. ORANGES Mexican S3 503 75 per box baskets i'd 7",4 (, ciates. JJ kU3 75. California Washington navuls 5 0f(33 3per hot, California Riverside 3 503 75 per box, Mes sina SO ilt-?.:: .5 per box. Imperial s4 50 per box. LEMONs Messina per box. UWifJ. API'LEs H 40wl50perbu;4 25i5 50 per bnl. BANANAS Jl lii&Z M per bunch, fancy 3 00 per bunch. FIGS Layers 15GlSc per lb, 'A oval boxes 3&3 3 75 per IUJ. DATES -Persian CO lb boxes, 8'AQic per lb, Tard 12.U14 11) haze, l2Kc per lb. HONEY Calif orniit 1 lb frames 17313c per lb TV'iclilta Provision Market. Wichita. Kan. March 10. A little more life Is manifested in the market for hog products and n stronger deelooeil. Ea-tern markets are stronger and foreign advices favor sellers. Pacters ate rather Independent in tlielr views and are not pressing their property for suju. .no material cuauge in pi ice. 5CGAK CURED MEATS Can v-ssed or plain Hams, 20 lbs and up. 'x-jllc. Ham", medium and up. IK.ilIJfc. Ham-, small sizes 10&12 lb", ll12yc California picnic hame, 55jc, Breakfast bacon (full width or strips) SS9M& Di led Iwef ham (extra dry) '-'c t-moked tkeef tongues, per doz, $4 0J. Cottage or bonep ss hums, 75c New Yorlc shoulders. 5S5J4C Sllb MhA'lS- .Short clear sides, packed, (dry salt), $3 3335 50 per lCOlbs, Clear flitches. 5Vc. English bellies, oc Long cjears des, 5MC hhoulders. 4c Clear backs 5 .;05 75 per 1C0 lbs. Longclcir bacon to .IXSO UJcwt, C.ilifoi ula bacon. fc. Teu:ie?ee bacon. 5?ic. Short clear bicon, (Jic Clear bacon backs, b-p, li.icini flitches. G&..He. English bellies bc. ll.icun shoulders, i)i3.h?ic. Holled shoulders, boneless, CHc SaUSAGK Tresh jiork sausage. No 1 otSCc. Fiesh pork sausage, (extias)bj-ic Vienna ami Fiankfurt. 10s. Head cheese. So, Holognas lounds 4ic. llolognas middles, 4)c, vickle bologna, 4Kc Toiiruesaus.ige. 5c Livorsausage. 5c. l.iier pudding, re LAltD Uasls'lc's. Choice family 51;c. Uakers' special jJic, ' I'ure leaf 0c SuirCc. Pastry Cc riiKSH MEATS-REEF Sides or whole caraiss. SHCKc Hind quarters 5CtfJc Foi o cpiartero 2;yi;oJiiC Loins icjbc-POKK- Pork loins5'5i"c. Tender Loins 9c. Spare I lbs 5c. Kick bonus 2c. PUM'AKED PICKLED GOODS- Pigs feet, put In halves and spiced Quarter bin's, 40 lbd, ?1 tAJ. Kltts, 15 lbs. s..c. Pickled and spiced pig's tongues Kit's. 5 lb-. $1.75, liipe. pickled and spiced Uiurterbbls, 40 lbs. 130, Kitts, 2-jlbo toe: Wlchit Produce Market. Wichita, Kan., March li.'S r.uiiies on the produce market only fair todiiy. Hutter i-j in koimI supply and draggy. Eggs In fair demand at quotations. Pi TAT iE.S Kansas 4jc per bu. northern Ulc. CAUliAGKb-New California SJ 503 00 per 100. lbs. ONIONS Kniisas $1 2531 50 per bu. ECCih-tirelOcper doz. JSLTITER Fancv creamery 25c, choice creamery Ko. choice butter 14c. fair i2c, cooking butter 8c. CliLtoK- Eastern full crcum 13c. Half cream ll 12c: skim StA'.t llmburger 14ij,15c, brick U15c. full cream Swiss 14it,15c ,, ., i HICKE.Nis Dieted CJiSSc per lb. live $2 530 7 1 per doz. TURKE Y:-Live CSTc per lb, dressed OSHc. Wichita Leather Market. Wichita, Kau., March 10. Businfssojiened very good and prospects fair for the week. Prices steady. SOLE LEATHER (slaughter) 27Sc. 15. A. 25G.2 good damaged 212T.c. . . Hemlock 25c. . . . . . CA LI' Domestic fiil 00. Tionch ?3 10 I '". CUT HALF SOLEs-Hcavy s'J U). medium J2 50. light i 1 25&1 75. Wichita Hide and Tallow Market. Wichita. Kan.. March 10. There Is very little demand for hides and iudlca tioi.s point to lower puces. IilUhS No. 1 green 2&o per lb. No. 2 green 2'4c per lb. No 1 green saIt."l4C No 2 green salt 2J4C, dry hiiK'si Iftfi'e er lb. bulliand lWc. 'I ALLOW No. i IiJXc per lb. No224C, bllhEP PELTa M&.te each. Wichita riour Market. Wichita. Kan., March 10. Tho demand for flour Is not what It should bo Wheat isMimesttongerbut It does not materially change tho demand for flour. Millers are looking for higher prices. Rest patent, per cwt, (standard price J210 f-ccolid grade 1 50 Extra funcy 1 '' shipsiuVri'buVk."."..".".".".'..".'.".'.'.'.'."..'...."......' -"o RraU 40 MAEKETS BY TELEGEAPEL New York Money. New York March 10. Money on call t?v ranging from 45 per cent, last loin 4, closed offered at 4 percent. Prime mercantile paper 5k.7. .sterling exchange unlet and steady at S4 S2A for 0 dav bills unds4 &i for demand, 'the total sales of stocks today were 403,435 shares, 4 coupons J22JX 4U coupons 103H Pncillc of 115 Ht JIlssouilCs HG ChlvngoA- Alton 1-' Chicago P.tirlliiKton it Quincy IWJ-i Ltckawaun.t 'Srt'4 La k o "sii ore .V.'.V.V. ." V.V.V.V.V.V.. '. '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. '. '."'.'.'.'. 'iWi Missouri Paclllc 's Northwestern 101H New York Central WM aendimr &h Rock Island, ox dlv "Jl Union Puc.lic - j Western Union iljf Kansaj City Pro luce. Kansas Citv.Mo., March 10. The Dally Indicator reports: FLOUR Quiet and steady. XX C3c: NXX 75c: fam ilv W choice l 15 fancy si 40; extra fancy 1 50& li patent SI S'al SO. WHEA'l MrongT. No. 2 hard cash about GKc. bid. March iShc bid. No2 icdciMi foc bid. CORN t-troncer. No. 2 cash 21h Md- 2Kc asked. March 21vsc OATS No 2 cash 17c bid. March les at LJC; RYE No. - cash S:c bid, 'larch sales at ;'. LLAD-Qulet but steady. Doslii erizc-d ictined SSh.". s0fi Missouri 54 G-i. COIlN M EAI-Weak. 4.c. CORN CHOP- fee 15KAN-l)uli. 2feC Higher prices aro charged on order. SilIP.sTrFF-.40c HAY bteadv. Fancy prairie. 5 00a sfl, FLAXSKhU- il 25. RUT 1ER Quiet. Oooil to fancy Creamery 21 2l'c. dam good to rancj "AiJliC. CHE EM: mil crcim twins lOGllc. Y'oung Ameri can HwaiOsjc. vesteuifctt'.'C skimmed 45- EGCJ-s-Qu.etat Hc L1VE Pol LVRY-Qulct. Choice lions S- .VG2 75 roo-ter M l 75; chjekens El 75S2 iV. PROVlslONss- Lower. HAMS-3 25. HKlL,KFASr RACON-SJiC nitIKU HtEF-Tsc URIK1) bALTMEATS-Slsortrllx f 2 rftS2 '.0. long clear 5 .V. sh'Uldei-sS1.5.shortcliar575- MIOKKI) MEAT Sliort rib sides g oa, loa-clear-0 oi. shoulders S50', hort clear sides S3 25. 1'ORK-MlOo, L-KU luiisT CO: refined J53:!', St. Louis Produce. St. Lon. Mo March 10. FLOCK -Quiet but unchanged. XX $2 2S2 ."1 family 2 4K2 50, thoue S2 i0i2 75. fancy S3 20 (i2 SI. extra fancy S-2 on iSTU. WHEAT Hinher, closing flrm.No. 2 red cash 76K May 7tJJit77c. June 70-Hc CORN tS-ic higher, closed flnu. No. 2 mixed cash 25Wfet .5jc May 2.Vic July 2iSc. OAl-lietter. No. 2 cash. 20'tC May HTyilc RYE Hold firmly. NoS, 4lHcasked. 15ARLEY Slow. Sales of Iowa at 3sjtc, Minne sota, o$e, Chicago Grain ana Produce CHICAGO, 111., March 10. Wheat trading was lijjht and market quiet and dull. It was a waiting market, operators not feel iuR inclined to eularpe upon their out standing trades until they ascertained the nature or the government report. They as well as outside speculators were disposed to hold on! and the volume of business was far below the averaee. The market opened J-iC higher than Saturday, eased oft' Jc, then rallied Hf$Xc feU back rurain to in side fleures. but ruled steady and suddenly went up 1-si' c and ruled lirm and closed at about .(. 'c higher than Saturday. Iu corn a fair amount of business was reported dtirinc; the first half of the session and the feeling prevailing was quite firm. As the day ttdvanccd values: ruled quiet, but the advance was very well maintained. The close was H'(3;C higher than Satur day. Oats were moderately active for jJav ELDRIDGE 4 CAMPBELL ITJLJ Li j''T?'TrrKr7"'TJ' BHdstreet's Report. KaSNaSolialBaiik. PERSONAL A.TTTEXTI02T TO THE SALE OF ALL STOCK M. C. CAMPBELL, Jl. IF. ELDRIDGE, Cattle Salesman, Hog Salesman. Our office is in charge of an ex- Our jtrivateyard man- is always perienced boo1:-l:eepcr. ready to receive and care for stock. WE SEND THE DAILY EAGLE TO OUR PATRONS FREE AS A LIVE STOCK MARKET REPORT. Special information by wire or j CorresDondence always has letter free on application. j prompt attention. LIVE '-.STOCK and advanced c, but outside figures were not'maintained until the close. In mess pork there was only fair trade and the feeling was comparatively steady. A moderate busiuess was transacted in lard and the feeling was stronger. Short ribs sides were moderately active, firmer. The leading futures ranged as follows. c n r o " ; P" n . 5 v AUTICLES. 3 S j ,f j; T V Wheat March TtVt 7S 'Ti 7S iay TSfc 7-j -,bu -ay, Jnly.'.'.V.V.V.'.V."..".'..' 7Ci "iili ''i Ys'y Corn February , .March 2S S la SJ May 2-.'!S 2".Jf -'-' '-' Jnlj-. ab 51 UfiR SI Oats February March 2l rs a.t, a May 2iH 21?, 2m 2!K r.lui'e 2UJb '.IUs 2UJi 2CJ Pork February March 3Si 0 S :i y.". '..'. May 1(1 07U 1U15 10 07J-i 10 lia June IU 12tj li) 15 10 10 " 10 15 Lard Febiuary Marcn i.. 5 ITsi G (Kvs 5 87.4 ! 02?-.' May til)5 fi iu t; to (i lti " June OO.'i (112M (JC7Jj ti 12W Short Ribs- January February March 4 !H) 4 ft) 4 0 4M Mav 4 !) i'.nH 4 07 4 H5 June i 's:y. 5 u) 4 y;tr. sou Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Dull and unchanged. Winter wheat patents ic iWli '). spring wheat patents l to u.4 t;. straight S3 &XVI Su. WHEAT No, 2 spring 737Sw:c. No. 2 led 7S3 7SHc. COUN-2S3fc. OATs-WMOWC UVK-42'jc. IJRLK -Nominal 5557c FLaX SKKU-fl 43. TIMOTHY-il 18 I'ORK-S'J 87010 (f), LAR1-C 0216 fi 05. SHOUT RIIJS tIDKSTi (S.M 4 D5. MIUULIlLRS-Dry salted M 25ft I ''0. SIIOR'i' CLLAR SIUKS-S5 :0i5 iO. WHI.KY-H02. SUGARS-Cutloaf 7G"Kc. granulated SMc. stand ard A cWc. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat. Corn Oats.... 15.HH 115.iXi 12,000 IM.OJO BUTTI'K Steady. Fancy croamery 2t'iCi2fisjc. western 23j,.5c. flne 2iG2Jc. l!r.'--st dairy lUcSKc, line 4TUFc i;Gos--i.;i(ai3c. ATTOBNEYS AT LAW. Tnos. C. Wilo.v. JOS. A. BliUBACHEU. City Attorney. WILSON & BET7EA.CEER. Attorneys at law, is I North Main Stieet, Wichita, Kansas. Telephone No. ll. dlOh tf W. i CAirilEI,L. .TAS. L. JJYlill OAZdTBELL & DYEE, ' Attorneys at Law, Wichita. Kansas. lOCtt H. C. SLUSS. W. E. tsTANLKT. SLUSS & STANLEY, Attorneys at Law, Wichita, Kansas. HASEIS, HAEEIS & YEEMILLI0N, Attornei;-at-Law 1US, Main 2tiot second lloor. J. K. Hallo wkll. Lulu U.S. Attorney. J.E. liUMK HALL0WELL & HUME, Lawyers, 142 N. Main itaoet Wichita, Kan. Hltf P. E EOHEBAUGE. Attorney nt Law. Attorney for Western Collection Bureau Rooms 17 and Is. No. 151 Nor h Market street, Wichita, Kansas. E. B. JEWETT, Lawyer. Rooms i, 4 una 1 -U North Main str Wichita, Kansas. u lW-tf Joux W. Adams. O. W. c. Jones. G. w, Ajjaus. ADAMS, JONES & ADAMS, Attorneys at law. Ofllce. first stulrway eas.t of the T'ichlU National Imii 116-tf W. H. BniDENBADGII. W. H. SAUCD. BELDENBAUGH & EAU0H, Attorneys at Law, Booms 5 and 7 nt 205 Nortii Main Street. dO pnYSIOIAS. E. E. HAMILTON, II. D., 5-;-'.er.- Diseases ot tho BmSh Eye. Ear. Nose and Throat, t3Sptf:iW'trI Cat.-irrh and lltting glasses. JferS-jfe. Office 127 N. J.rK.-t btreet, j 1-ael & Myers block. DK. G C. FCKIiBY. PHYSICIAN' AND SURGEON, orrtcr.:' I ncsinEXCR :fl East Douglas Are. I 121J North Market Street Professional Calls Attended Promptly. 53-tf E. T. & L S. MUNSELL, M. D.'s, SPECIALTIES. Eve. Ear. Noe. Throat and Catarrh. Rooms 11, 1J and 15. No. 205 North ilaln street. Residence, 1AO South Em poria, w-tr DK. L 1:13IA coiia Temale and children'" disease asjclaltT. Home for Ladles during Confinement. Strictly private when so deired. Letters of inquiry confidential Mid anwred immediately on receipt of sje. Home. 711 South Ida avenue; Wichita, Kansas. DR. CROSKEY, Eye. -:- Ear, -:- Surgery. OfSce Hours 5 to 10 A. M. 1 to 4 P. M- Sunday 9 to 0UJ. Room 17. Kechheiiner Building. COMMISSION AGENTS. ABSTRACTERS. A. J. APPLEGATE, (WithA-D.MaHory) Abstracter. CoiiTeTancer and Notary Pnblic Fine draughting a specialty. Cotnplete abstracts to any land in :odcvlck connty. Room 21a tedg -wick block. Can be found durtng business hours at county building. lUJ-tt DENTISTa DE. I 0. WILSON. DentL'ts. All work guaranteed first claw. OSlea USE. Docclas avenue, over Josea A Co. j dras store, Wichita. Kansas. "ll- DE.E.H.0EEDn0E, DtvrtsT Office 1M N.Mala,crverSraltlj4OTwr;. VitalUed air administered. Iteslilenc SS N. Tt. pek ivenua Wlcaiuc, Kansas. W f D. . SMITH. D-nU Kooat tX, SdgTtck bulWisg. Wichita. Ktuia. cfcil-lm PSOTOGSAPHEHS. S0GESS, The Photocra?"er. KcrnrficioaHiliet and rtyles. He also carries the finest a$.tn: at of picjen: frames In the city. Ohc him a frissdly cI acd ex &mlD niil.s. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. VETERINARY STJRGEON& J. M. PHILLIPS. S. E. PHHJJPS. PHILLIPS & PHILLIPS, VETERINARY SURGEONS. Graduates of the Chicago Veterinary Colleg; members of tho Chicago Veterinary College Asso ciation. We are prepared to do all Kinds of veterinary wort, including canine practice, dentistry, and all surgical operations. Hospital accommodations foe nil patients requiring special care. Calls by tele phone, telegraph or mail will receive ntonspt atten tion by day or night. Wo uso an operuUng table inttea'd of throwing horses. Orhce, 11-i North Lawrence Avenue. Tel ephone No. 71 133-tf PATENT ATTORNEYS WM. J. HUT0HDTS, Fatont attorney and solicitor, mechanical ngin per and draughtsman. Full ronort of patents to date. IS ears of practical experience. Preliminary examin'Ufons made. Rooms 11 and 12 Firebaugh block", 151 North Market St. Wichita, Kan, d9 if ARCEITECTS. J. H- LYNCH Architect and Superintendent. Sedgwicls block. Office, room 506 107-tf 0. W. TEEEY, Architect and Superintendent. Kooms 16 and 17. Bitting bleck. Wichita, Kansas. W. E. MoPHEESON, Architect. Room IS, No. 2WJ North Main Street, Wichita, Kansas. 117-tf W. T. PitounrooT. O. W. Bird. PEOUBIOOT&BIED, Architects and Superintendents. Office la Feloh hcimer block JUSTICES t0 PEACB. Fortheuseof Juf.Iccs of the Peace, we carry It rtocfc and msfco o order all kinds of LEGAL RLANKS. DOCK ?S. both CIVIL and CRIMINAL, riling Envelopes, Transcripts, clTll and criminal v.lth and rlthout caption, Stray Blanks, Blank! tisid In Civil and Criminal Cases. Justices Recolj 1 ttoks. Law Books. In fact srery kind of a book c8 blank uied In a Justice's oOlce. Orders 17 mill Kill to promptly a'teudod to. Addrasa 'i'llE WICHITA EAGLE, WICHITA. XAH&&& REAL ESTATE AGENTS. P. W. BEISSNEE, REAL KSTATE '. AGENT, Galveston, Tcias. A.M. Wassam. J. R. Da vies. " ErBTiiood WASSAM. DA VIES fc ROOD. UEAL ESTATE. AGrEXTS WICHITA AND GALVESTOX. Special attention given to city property. Corres pondence Solicited. Money caiefufly in vested for non-ies.dentj'. REFERENCE: Kansas National Bank, Wichita, d5tf MUSIC TEACHERS. r a coot. I A Servant. A Chambermniil. A Dining Room GirL a itesidenco. To Buy Real Es-tata. To Trade. ToKcntaHmi'o. To Borrow Monoy. A Situation and I. Many Other Things. Uead and Adveitisc in our Want Coiumn GALUNG 1 Cards, Wedding Invito tior.s, Luneheon Cards, ilenu Cnrtls, Farty Invita tions. Printed cr I.Ithn- STsphcdBttnro Wichit EAGLE offlc-9, VicJ v Knuai. COLLECTION AGENCIES. GitiLPHED pd Printed L.'Jtte lj BusintH Cardw, Wedding & i'arty'invitatioLts, 'Jailing Car.i Luncheon Cards, Bonda, AIor'trnee, CertlQ cateB of aioclr, etc., at tho Wichita EAGLK 3c. WichiU. Sinus. Tlia Comfort of Ugliness. Give men or women minds big enough and hey will not think of and the wcrld will not Tforrv itself ahoufc their faces, though they may bo as plain as Charlotte Cushman, as rugged as Ralph Waldo Emerson, as ti;ly ns Georgo Eliot. Poorlittlo misshapen Pope said: "The mind's the standard of tho man." And tho world said "Amen!' He had tho mind. It is useless argum;? with a young girl that beauty is not a blessing. It is in her nature to want to bo pleasing and ad mired. She sees roses loved and worn be cause they are beautiful, and she would be of them and with them in tho rose leaf long ing times of her spring in the world. Homely girls havo sat up nights to cry and, thinking ot fairer faces that have been mora courted bcauso fairer, have fallen asleep on pillowa wet with; tears that have come from kindly eyes and dropped from homely cheeks ia sym patny. Tell them that beauty is only skin deep, and that it brings unhappiness, and they will still sob: "Gfvo mo tho beauty." Itis like tolling a poor, tired, overworked man that "great wealth only brings misery.' Ho wil still wish to sake the chances on a littla wealth. But all the same there is lots of com fort for tho homely. They can bo good and wise and, having much time away from their mirrors aud their flatterers, can think and do.great thing?. New Orleans Picayune. A Good Scheme. An impecunious but clever young woman, when asked how it was tbatBho always looked o well at such little expense, replied: "I buy as much as possible between seasons in Feb ruary for summer and in August for winter. To be sure, I have no choice in novelties, but the whim3 of fashion are too expensive. I always buy what I call standard goods, those materials that never ready go out of fashion, like cashmere, camel's hair and henriettas. They drape prettily, ccme in exquisite color ings, and can be worn when thinner and heavier goods cannot. I never indulge in new shades, excepting in accessories gloves, hats, parasols or sashes. I cannot afford to havo a pronounced looking gown which by Its colorings tells its age. I cling to browna, grays, blues, greens and blacks." Nctf York Commercial Advertiser. In Switzerland actt other mottntalnotis countriss the scat leads long strings of ani mals daily to ar.d from the-uiountahrv, but it is ia Sonth Africa that it is regularly kept aud etapioyod as a Isader of Socks of sheep. Should a blinding saonn of rain or bail drive the silly sheep before it. or cans th?m tc huddle topSher iu a corner so as to stitlocate eaca otaer, the trained coat wf!l wate them up, and. by a method best kno-ra to hicaself , vnli indaca them to fellow him Ut a plioe of iifeii'. fiiey Wan ADVERTISE T V r7AY Vooo ycroY $7 A Ar TwocenT COLUMN. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. Your Wants Supplied The follovrtn- rates under tbediSerent headings will bo charged. -Q-PAYABLE STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. No advertisements t.V.en for less than 10 cents. One line advertisements charged saice rata as two lines. NO ADVEr.TISEMENTS TAKEN "TOKUN UN TIL FOKUID." Prices given under c!alfIM hearts In this column applicable only to local advertisements, No foreign advi-rt'.seinents takeu at prices given. Answer to advertisements sent in care of tho Eagle office should bo called for within lUday!. after insertion. When advertiser wish replies ror warded to them stamped env lopc-i mut be scut. Ilefereuce to former'advcrtlseinoKta shoaM gh 9 description and date of lasertioa or copy ot tht ad ertlsen:ent should be eent. Not responsible for aavertieraents given or dls continued by telephone. WANTED FEMALE HELP. Under this head 2c per Hue per day. Domestics. Y ANTKI Woman to t.nko euro of luurnlnhed rooms, m - orlh ilaln, room IB. H3 '-; WANTED A good srirl to do genera! housework; no WR-hlnc. must 1k a trood cook: references ieial.cii. Mrs. H. Imbouen, 215 North Emporia uve. 18V WANTED A sood cnofe in a family of three: no housework :eiulreil; wages 1 1J. For particu lars apply at 110 N. Siarket et. S7- WANTLD A frood woman cook for .1 dining room; mmt be nood pastry as well as general cooking; bitigle woman preferred. Address, slutini; reletences, J. M.. V. O. bo's lit. t3' "7"ANTED-A clrl for North Empat la n e. jeneral housework. 1227 Ui-Ot WAN'TED-A Kirlin family of room 3o, Zlmmcrly blooU. Inquire at Nurses. Laundresses. Miscellaneous. WANTED stlish dresumker to -t.w by tlio day, at i2u North Mam; chargei mustbore.1 sonablo. Itoom 10. tiS2' WANTED Immediately t an o experienced waist makers; also oue apprentice a 1S5 N. JIarket street, second floor, room 2. 1)7-2" SITUATIONS FE?IALE. Under this hoad lc per lino pt day. Domestics. w AN tbbA placu to do KeiitTul houaeMorli. AJJl-sjUlID ill. wO J III J1CBU il". tT. 3-J II o usckeepers. U,rANTKI A comiHitent bookkeeper and steno (.Taphertotrtho position in a bank; must lm a good penman. Apply at Southwestern UbninefS college. 'Ji-fct M iscellaneous. WANTED MALE HELP. Under this head 2c per line per day. Trades. Y 7 AVl'hD Pants maker wanted at once. C F. Ilarmenln, ill t. First st. S7-0 Bookkeepers and Clerks. "IVr ANTED Immediately a competent man for it cerkshli or partnershlu lUKeucnil lnsuriinco business. Iucjulro of Juo. L. lloyd. U bwUrwirk building. Sfl-tf Boys. Salesmen. SALESMEN WANTED AT ONCE-A few rood men to sell our totals by sample to the wnols salo auit retail trade. W e are the largest manufac tuterslnour line. I.llientl salaty paid. 1'ermanent position. Money advanced for vai;cs, advertising, etc. For terms address centennial Slig. Co.. Chl caso. III. d) OJt Tues Thurs i: fcat Coachmen, Teamsters, Etc. M iscella neous. Coachmen, Teamsters, Etc. SITUATIONS MALE. Under this head lc per line per day. Trades. Bookkeepers and Clerks. VATAN i'KD .Situation as bookkeeper and steno VT grapher. best of recommendations from pre vious employers: will furnish machine. Addro;-. 8. care Wells fcargo . Co. l'J-7 Boys. Salesmen. Employment Agencies. Under this bead 2c per lino per day. WANTED The finn hands ut ilvOJ per month; man and wife ou I.ttm: 1 woman to do hoiise work family or two, waces 3 to iXto per weok; i dining room girls at 115 per month; 1 hotel clerk. If ou want -mploymeni of any kind apply to un, v e haw tho facility tn do you Kood; 7 now agents for train wont, big pay and frpjendid Job For par ticulars address with 10 cents in stamps J. IU Ken worthy fc Co., HI L. Douslau. 97t AGENTS WANTED. Under this head 2c per l.neperday. "TTtTNTED rifteen good canva'srs for Kar.fa,s V and lex&s: none but good man need apply. Rose-., the Photo. WJ ANTED Agents to sell patent right lerri'xry. NV a device of great merit. Liberal frm to the right man. Addre-s It. F. Wiicos. i-5 North Wash ington avenue. Wellington, Kansas. t3 ti TrjA-TED AGENTS-In eyerv city town 4.nd fV village in the United SUtes fneept ir state of Kausasi to Ukc stscrlpt'ont. Fo-tniis-tfr-can make money. No capital required, fears?! copies free. comml.:oi.i. muoey can be md by getting 3p c-uhf. Addr: tho Wichlt l't V. icfaru. Kaa. 71 if AGENTS WANTED In every city and town in the United States (except in fctate of Cacta5 fc tell to lawyers; Jutt tee beat every Lx'fjer Ji-id eadorsed by Jawysrs -veryrbre-, )lt i:ht. s. c.e'mjt r.ectiinrr. a.n booi can be delivered when' t.i I made. Applicants tnusi bn a Wo to turn Uh reference wtsn required, rn ' pertlcnirs free. Addrt the Wichit Eagle. V tehlt. Eaa. 71-lf WANTED Miscellaneous. Ccderthis bad-t rr Imeprday. rANTED A pUceto work for board wh..e al 11 tending scccol. UaiiatcSccof scuthi-tern Bcslcf college in XI WANTED To pscrcbAH; a. jtoriof Vots and Lvcc, grai, or hardware; will par part cash aad b.Unco la clear rel estate. V. J.3tltoa.ir7N.MarLt. XJ ANTED "We waat a larger ti of farrnr, ri4t TV yoar farm with uj for s-u-or trade; wo are haviag more laqnlnes for firms tbn fc- Mm tiat pt. cow Is the time to pat them on ttus market. 'i.-TA. U7U. - i.V.V... S s-. ... s-.s vwrs- X "'"ANTED To trade Sse rwddese property fcr toci of taerrbandi: croctries preferred. Address wUh fnil partlCstiars K. :. b.. E&gie oO. T.Ar AT "ANTEI To bar a t-co-wl-Lacd flre-?rwf aaf e-. rncst in srood ooaditlas and ebeap fer cash. Addr- with Cescrlpticra aad jirica Locit bji n wicsita. KAasa. W-l TXT NTED-Totira fcorMs by 1 tnoath. Ea intreatCl5N. Xa!n. i-tt TTT" OTED Bayers tvr saiiic at 1SS N. V ave; nil.!: 1l twdtiiverei tldoor. I-awroc J6-Kf WANTED A rood 'cnad lod octal fnr rcor-l-ts-Jid:?.- Adar 1. . Bftx. 20 Xiag--tk-jr"-!:-!!::- wh kSsJ. and prica taait be citap. tt- w "ANTED To "wjy. tl ftc eurtang'' rtsy or farts 1 -vrnmrts at tl resi. aSicrof . 1- Post. Ilooss tl a Moci. "Sb N- Mats. tr-n -C PARTNERS WANTED. Ctdtr Vi hd :c a Has pe-"Ur. THE PEOPLE'SCOLUMN. i Your Wants Supplied WANTED BOARDERS. Usder this head 2c per line per day; T7ANTED-BoarJers rith or North Topcka. ir without rooms. SSI WANTED Uoomers and boarder at 504 East Third street. Privilege of piano. 9 C WANTED Houses and Rooms. Under this head 2c s Use per dar. w ""ANTED To rent a turnlshed hoase iu govxl 1W.A.4UU. . 7. .uusull, -T-u& WANTED-To rent a small furnished cottag In houe. Jtefereccea exchongtil. Ad4ra,cureihla otace, &mall Family S&-5 FOR SALE City Ical Estate. Under tals head 2s per line per day. C"OIt SALE Wichita real cute in ihefine-t loca- L ttrtH In th.flft- rMtit ull n. m.h am.) tvirf trade. Addfess Jean. Eag.e cace. ' v;-; FOR SALE Farm Property. Under this head 2c per "ne per day. POK SALE Four hundred acre1 ot choice farm JL land twelve milts south of Wichita, nrar Derbv,.' auitncec: oneti-uarterMeiiitanrovert witn joung orchard: good house: rood stable, cribs and otii- hoases. Will soil ail of abovti ses oa tniet or divide to suit purchaser Corny and it price. Fir Is caeap and on easy pa meats. Jao. M. Moore, admr. room 1. UZ N. Mam. VT-Jf "VjWK SALE A farm .of three ejuarer sec X" tlocs, avIII i-eil 1.2 or S quarters; tlrst-rlsK im provements. running stream on two ituartprs: wilt 00 sold cheap, as it must be sold, 137 N. I-awvcncc. '.4-I2- ''" T1- FOJl SALE Household Goods. Under this head 2c per Sine per day. FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles . Under this head 2c per line per day. I OK SALE A pou. good rdzr. with hnrncj". and j gentle driving horte and cart or .-sen; rig. Willi Iny something. idditionnl ir trade s-ults. Apply to I 125N. Market street, room i, Israel block. S1-6 j FOR SA LE Miscellaneous. Under this head 2c tier line per day. 1jKK saLE-.V Uather top-tiucgy and harness or : will trade foraplaun. lecjuiroSA North Main Street. SSs 170KSALE A fow copies of Dr. Chas'. Receipt . book, or trade for men's clothing. 3H North SUln street. 9s 3 I7"OK S.LE A stock of millinery cte.nn; will take . clear reivl c-tateia iart payment. Vf. J. Skd ton, I'.' N.Miirkbt st. VZ-C l?OU SALE I olfer tho toUowlug property for JL sale. Any una desiring a home in tho ilnest lo- I - cation in the cit or desirable business proierty that (. iin n.vtui. It n....nt 1 ..1 1 1 1. .nmu, i , .11... ,T t),. ...Un lJi hV'llil, ..& IJV .siw.ll f , meir pocket to can ana see me, u- i must so:i mis property and will make prices that vI.l bo below bedrock: fceven room house on N. Topeica, No. fcffi. i) room lious on N. Lawrence nvc. No. i-0; 11 room house on X. Lawrence. No. 4S.5; V5 room house on Lawrence, Ao. .;;. sroom uoe on uutun aver no; tuo4rootu houses on Market. Ncs. -J13 and iJS; J story brick on Main strcot. No. .4 and aiso vacant lots away down below present prices. Call and we me. A, fcmlth. i3; N. Lawrencoaxo. icj-i IOIt SALE OR BENT City or farm property, . improved or unimproved, Liindlcrds, letiaul-. buyers and sellers take notice. Israel Bros., 2i N. Marai-t, new Israel block, phone ri'J. VS-tf 176itSALK oirfitADEVnTu felrctcd stock of -I drj' goods and notions Iu voice I5.17M at llrst cost. Will exchange lor half cuh, balance In Wichita property, tor particulars address Lock l!oi'.', Wichita. Kausos. H-C I'oK SALE Notice to ail suiTerer. Kim t'hol X with his famoiiH Chlnevj medicine, which cure both prlvnto aud contagious dtsci-es, can be found at No. ..-a W. Douglas ave., Wichita, ScJgwic. couaty.Katifas. 77 .'i IiOil SALE Deeds, and all kinds of !es-al bl.inks;blank receipt booki, not bocs.s,cu nt the. Wlohltu Eagle ouice.uniers by mutl promptly attended to. U M xt "JT'OJ! SALE Scale boolcfi.bbortband writers' note AJ tfcoks, blank receipt and note book aad legal Lianas ut every kind. Muilorders-promptly attand u to. Call ou or audress the Wichita LciLC, 'li;U . knn; Itutt 1TOB SALE A handsomo lithograph map of th city of WIchltH. gives names of htreew, pubila buildings, colleges, parks, etc.. slza UxIj ou linen jiaper, price j cents each; 3 for 11) cents: 35 cents per dozen. Address the Wichita Jtugle, Wichita, Katu dlUUlf FOR RENT HOUSES. Under this head 2c per lino pr day. j"OB KENT OU bALE Butiness and re-Idcnco properly iu all parts of the city. Israel Bros to if T?ron KENT Residence 312 South Lawrence fiji avenue, ot 8 rooms and hnll, in ejicelleut retialr. witti city water and gas; locution and neighborhood the very best. Imiulro at sCU bouth Luvsrencwuve nue. tw () fJJ FOB BENT One of tho finest residences in tho Efk city, with all the modern improvements, third house north of Oak on 'Iopeka. inquire ot 0-orgo Jio:.y, sot a. 'lopeKa ave. v7-i T3IOK BENT-UHl North Emporia, eight room pfij house, cloets. pantty, cellar, city water, b.iru uud cunlage room. Inquire at lO-'i North Fourth. s7-o S? FOB RENT Now ts-room house, with convenl "F'a ences; only Slj. 001 South Lawrence avenue. V7-3 ? TOR BENT 7-room liouo and liorn to rent ii'rj. cheap, corner Thlrtecnlll and Wichita, streets. W7J. Skelton. 1-7 N. Market st. 'JUS (pWFOB BENT Nlco cottage on Waco avenue. BiaL Call at McComb Brs., 1.1 E. Douglas. a7-6' tfWFOB BENT Good five-room houe with bath l2ii room and pantrjj la one-half block of street tar. first door south of 1331 South Lawrence. En quire at 3U3 E. Douglas or 1071 N. Lawrence. ! FOB RENT A hand'omo cottase on Coil'-go IIIIL Inquire at the-Kemucky hat store, U7 East Douglas. Mtf CKi t'Oll BENT OB SALE-Residence-. In aU part ifchi. city Wright i. Co. East of posloEice. It tt FOR RENT ROOMS. Under this head !c per line per day. FOB KENT Furnished or uufurntlied rooms, also 8 or 5 roomed house and room for Sight couse keeping; all new, on Third, between Topeica and Emporia. Sj 0 F OB KENT Furnished front offico room over Ki North Jiaraet street, jsraei Bros. a. it J70B RENT Furnished rooms, with or without board; convenient to bu-ineSs. 4(1 S. Mala street. 97-C 1?OB RENT Togentl-tnen n!cJy furnished room, . tenns low. Call at room 6, IO N". Main atrt. K7-3' I7OB BENT-Orto large furnlhI room raluWe ? for one or t went a lery reasonable prlco. In Cjuire at 51t. N . Waco. iff- 7" I?OR REN 1 -Rooms at US North Market lir I 1 Hllllg.joom I. 'ft-fr pOR RENT Residence flats, four room each. X! separate hall, bath room, water ciov-t. coat bin, etc., in umw bulldtCk' corner Norlh-EmpcrU avenue: aiii Elm. Apply at Ut North Kmporfa. t-l I70R RENT Vry nicely fcrnlshefl front room. . first floor J2JU0 por xt farslshed rrcmt up ls. L2aperwet.. -ide roora Uft ucfi room cbsp 31s .V Market st. umiMica twj I7GIt BENT Furnished roota at 237 North Mar : ket. sttr. I70B BENT One f uraished roenn at IK N Tofielta FOR RENT STORES. Under this head 2c a lino pr day. "irOU RENT More As wb have ieaxl Xtvt Ma- ! JL mu building ure room we will rt tie rxtttt j ti'.w occupi1 by as, iSf North Main str; Mayor J t:onr,u very liafcl 1 T Blbp A zok Hi'. 1X)R RENT-BrScfc -ts-rim No. 411 Ei-i Dong . Us ove. CjincSlc' iid aleepttLt roota. tOfcvl rrtlfi- v-ry low' in Richland btcck. liaroes A ruts. AT Dongla aviaac dU-U Ff)K RFNT A g'jod sust rcoto wjthla cce-aalf block of Dosga avesce Kt a px-l UxOsa rt- Atiy to P. V. l!Uy. 423 E-DjogUa av, ecu FOR RENT Farm Property. Uadr tlus bttA 2c pr Slo per Cjkf. "LHJR RENT fcnudl farm arc rui)' cs of Dfficg X las cnf)cr nyjtncottagw r--3S. Jldrkst. io c.alr of Jr.o M. More. Roota l.ltrN Mais. - FORRENT-4. Uraox 3 acrts oae-aalf n-tie frm jA-ktas bow-. lauir of li. a. Ht, roots & Zi ititn 'rty block. W FOR RENT Miscellaneous. .'sAer this bead Sc per Ha i-er 4ay. FORENTCityllealEslate. Vodtr tils fcad 2c Use pr day. BUSINESS CHANCES. rsdc tal bid 2c a Use prr day. FOR TRADE Ca!cr this td Zc per a e pefiay. TTOlt TRADK-tTia trle M-ros M(u fer ct e A? P5 ja-BTJcrtT. CiUttrrsT.'iloiiavv. f-ri "VJ THaDS ftpaccaU foe- eeo-l fctrws at tfc JL OosWcirUl ber. S3 N. MAri C -' FI BTRADC-ror a hone or sy !-- rT?t wgw Ift Zt reatlf gMUTJi srvt. eat VSArr. iS. ttrttfw:. AAre --. fc.."!" Iiazl&Ce I T?OR oRA D"v-Far Is 1 1 rrspesry. If. . IJdfei crrtnl IflUAi fer TTicaita Si i3.0tK.-m?'. THE PEOPHl'S-COLCrm. kYour Wants Supplied FINANCIAL. Under this head 2c per Una per day. MONEY TO LOAN Short time money at Iowe rate en horse, cattic. wagons, or buggias. 2U West Douglas ave. -tr MONEY TO LOAN On pianos, organs, house hold rornitnre. horses, cattle, collateral t-. curlties. etc. If yem want a loan come and sc . ltooeru ti Myers, over IU N. Maia. '.- " fON'tY TO LOAN-Oa furnUuro. p'.aao. or. ..TJL. gan.-. hore. males, bnygies, cows, tc i amonDW from SlQcp at reaonabI rates. Dioklu son A- Co.. room "l ;edj.w!ck; blocs. JS-. IF VOU want to borrow money to tld ovr th bard titccH on your horv. cattle, pianuc. or cans, household good. or anv kind ojjrooa secarity. to tj J. r. Ludlam, comer "r"lrt and Mala street. KC "A rONEY loaned on hores. bagrle. cow. pUaew, JL household rnralture. ttc. Note bought, li jotj want agnail amount of moaev ccme aad sns ue. W. T. Nash & Cu over 110 N. ilain street SNtr "WANTED Bcrrowrs tor tnooey. W lofca money on all of goodseenrity attaa cwestrates. Oeo. L.-ouc,Jr J. Co., Itoom U 2JI iredwtcv block. dSJlf -r- MISCELLANEO US. Under this head ?c a lino par day. CFKINO Is approaching. Bring your clothing u 3le renovated. Yvn save money. Wichita Tali-. iag Co, fj& North Malu. :s5 I K. Ledncs Periodical PlPs. the great French. JU' remedy, act directly on tho menstrual system aud positively enre tnpprrksloa of tbo mencv, Warranted t promote uicnstrantlon. Thcc pllln should not l taken dnrlnc pregnancy. Am. Fill lv niMllrnmn, fa C? nntltlA ,r)T titled by Ciia-. Lawreni e, Ufi K. Uouglas. Wichita, Kan., vi holosjile and retail, O an t ndt lyr "T70K BARGAINS-Hand-made ingle hamefr JU siiCW; strong wagon barnea from Sls.W to t-u() l-ade. of cool onk.t&nnel leather, and other prcw filtiou(tely low at Palmer's Harness Stur. SSS N. ala street. ss-itswii-u CAL. T. WAUD-I'rofcsNlocal auctioneer. stoc'C and farm sale a'r. Bft ut reference. Corresjndence- solicited. Office. HAW-a Douglaj avenue. Wichita, Kan. dsl.'lt wxi 4t " Withlt,"shV.l I leave you? Ye. 1 T tica magnificent cartilage, the ircm ot thi sotithxtest. mxks tho call with oaer of tw biud nev chnnec requiring from ySJSn xo HUfi cah. Ad dress Lock llos Ai. carthase. Mo. si 1FIconlilputaJasp-rcoua;yraln on exhibition at Wiohlt. it ould arouso the Mlcawbcrs. Th bent I can do it to give reliable information bboua the mineral lands here. Address Lock Box 25S. Car thage. Mo. M ."0- LOST. Lead i'c per 'Ice per day. JNSTR CCTION Under tbi head ic per Une per day. FOUND. Under this head Zc per line pr day. I?0UND Near Bock Island depot a largo glove. X Owner can have same by calling at tri f.'il oClce. i'-.t STRJIX'ED. Under thU head lc per line pr day. STOLEN. Under this head 2c a line per day. FOR EXCHANGE. Utdcr this head i- per lino per day. "iTOBEXCHA NOE-w"W "CharIes ha"ovr"lCi) X pieces of property of hn own anywhern you want it. 211 North Main street, room S, Sl 5 J"j"jB EXCIIANGt: A flne"lSart gold watch J stem wind nnd etand some citsh to Chnnc Jor furniture, carpets, etc. Call en or addranW. W. Charles, 'ill Nortll Main street, Wichita. Kaaias. 9T, i I?OB KXCIIANGE-A few highly improved farms " in the famous Sun L,ul- Vally. Colorado. All under Irrigation with rrrptual water right. Tlio richest lund in tho world Call on or address W. W. Lharlea. RoomJ. 3-4 North Main strort. Wi i 2.1 NORA. VED callinrcard at the Earls omer; wa -j can print your tarda front the cupper plate. 1 Id) tf STORAGE. Under this head Jc per Una per day. MEETINGS. Undr this bead 2c per lino per day. DR ESSMAKING. Under thl brad -"e a line- per day. Ra4JLRO-sLD TTMi:TABLE& MISSOL'Bl FAClFlO Jt.IL TltAI.vs tort Scott. Kansas City, iit I311I1 nnd eastern ex Fort Scott hao-as City, t Ix)ul ami at4rn ex Conway Springn. Autbcay and Klow i Conway Sprtos, Anthony and Kiowa Hutchinson, sterling and fjvliaftee oawengr. ... Hutch., kmiopolln, 1'ueblo andDenverx...... ..".". ., All trains run dallr I ABH1VC I I.CATt no AM tliru nam ItUDI '.JAt Itorn Depot Second and Wichita ttrnel; tto.rlo31c L'l North Mainstrvtt, E. E., ra;engr and Tlckai NEW TIME TABLE CHICAGO, HOCK ISLAND A PACIFIOKAlLWA.'. ("Great rUC.c Island Rouio.'l la effect on and after February 1. 138- TJ'.AI3 t AWUIVE I non.c xorth AKn ast. No. 2 Calorado Scrlor. Denveratid l'aclcc Caat Eipr tllr No 2 Kansas City, H.L3 and Chicago Thresgh JCi.Il and r. dally . Ne 4KnfiW City. SH Louts and Chlcaga aigbt eJ. (allr . No. CI Acconimodatlsn. dally except kundJ. Ko. ; Kibiu Cltr. ax. LeaU AiLftirzit 40 A U 31 Cam 31i ru andCblcacaoz'. daijy No. 1 Kans- City, St l.alU S 43 All 7 00 AM nnd ceicago tnroagii rcallandex. daily sCirit :ar No. r,l Accommo4atiaa.i dally except Sttcday . JIM r, E;egatfrrellnlBgchalrcar em aU train. "d FulluiaB Wpr- from Wichita Jo KantAs CU aa4 Chicago without chtnj- 00 lilfht Ualas. Tlckvt mid aud taji'-i chtcl.t tkiattzk to all yolr,l north, -ciatb mst mI w-t, and irUatttihlp tlckU sold to ail European wlt at Iwet rate. Cl'.T ticket omca J'Jti fcat Dougis aveaO. crcr Mala ttreit. paserr station l3i.lJ and MaaA avuu. t. A. HrCTWJCRr3Rn.-.TIkt Abu Jkoi:hatiaN. o T A , Chic ro, IU 6T. LOUH A SAN FRANCISCO It. li. TRAjKB. ARaiTK. J LZArr. Motng Wtrt, pa Jo Lilt-' tit am! worm Colli et J-"S. tp at (ZSata (Urx XOIA.K Burrtooi ' . j tar fifAXvf K-t, paSnrr .1 tia-Ml dolni ):it. Dtistnr'r . I -!Q3Sin r tt Cltv Union Ticki oSh. m.lntti'iuiywMi, bi) Cdlon Dtt, Oak strcat. TICUITA A WCBTtR-f ft. It. TItALtS ARBtrc JLCAJrB OfAne Wi. tj f daisy, f , f lfiJi Oolac Wu freirkt,. . .1 ll r M Uoloc Eat.p. Ooir.f Eaat. frelgbt torn lalaTtc.t.rslz::ft ?ala ettyn. a at TIbIsb Depot. Oak !. Tf. D. tf CHtKz, D.Ii-ftnot.H. Tf.ikl A- UH Mala. 5cp, cur 4ta aa4 luti. atciiison. tofeea a sa.tta ft n. n. THAJK ARntvc onrw AvnxAtt. 1 j TtA xpr ....-! ttjorut iViru Eajrt-r xpr., JaU XIIaU Clrad aL.4 Cauf vraU x- ! T,T-m. Km U6rv. cicar ipr- U-U ItJrM "sotTTM iRMl ... I Teia A r-aataadJ tpr-S4 'XiM ExprrM- . . MKaMJ Ja Expt. . ". . 9 tUr t "tHr Ustoc TJt re. ia Krtii'aAa"a tUf. aadUaloa !i,sar 0lrt. HOTEL CAREY. $2 to $3 Per Day. s,-. . J , 'jfes.JS'fefefe -SsVJCj,.- - &- t-vSZn -'t Srrix'SSf CS ;5 3 s-tirri.