Newspaper Page Text
55S55!??S5fflTOwS w,- - 2 Jpc MMtita gailij gaglc: Jbroilaij pfonuwg, fjfeeft 16, 1890. MjiUuifWi.uiMiu ;jiCi-iWvtwoaB!38w4MeaaagPi'ri'i'iiiJiy A STROKE OF POLICY. THE LOUISIANA LOTTERY BAFFLED IN ITS PLANS. Governor Nicliol?, of Louisiana, Ee- fiises Proffered Funds lo Check the Floods. A Bound Hundred Thousand Tendered by tie Company for That Purpose and Returned. He Doss Not Desire to Place the State Under Obligations to the Institution Pending an Effort to Eenew Its Charter Tensas and Madison ParUhee, Louisiana. Now Being Hoods Tha liver Beporte. WEATHER BULLETIN. Signal Office, Wichita, Kan.. March 15. The highest temperature waa 3" ; the lowest 15. and the mean 26s, with fresh northeast winds becoming light east at night, colder, cloudless weather, and higher followed at night by slowly falline barometer. Last year on March lo the Inchest tem perature vai57. the lowest 2S and the mean 42s, and the lowest temperature during the mouth of "tftrch last year was 17 on the 9th. Fred L. Johnson, Observer. Wat: DnrAirrMKXT. Washington. D. C, March 15. 8 p. m. Forecast until S p. in. Sunday: For Missouri and Kansas Fair weather, southerly winds. HO BOODLE TAXES. Louisiana's Goyernor Refuses Money Of fered by the Lottery Company. Xrw Orleans, Lu., March 13. The. fol lowing correspondence explains itself: Xrw Olil.EAXS, La., March 15. 1SI0. 1 o Ins E ctellency, frauds Nichols. Governor ot Louisiana. Governor: At a meeting of the board of dhcctoisof the Louisiana Lottery com pany held at their office this day, it was resolved that the president of the company be directed to forward to j-ou the .-urn of ?100,000, to be u-ed it. your discretion to protect the people of Louisiana against the inundation now apparently so immi nent, in consequence of the threatening condition of the rivers. In accordance with the resolution, I therefore enclose the company's chuck on the New Orleans Xatioual bank for $100,000. Very respectfully, AI. A-DAcrnix, President Louisiana Lottery company. Governor NichoN answered as follows: I A Dauphin, President Louisiana Lottery com- I"iiy. Sir: I have received your communica tion of this date enclosing 'the chccK of the Louisiana Lottery company for $ 100,000 for levee purposes. On the eve of a session of a legislature during which the renewal of your charter will lx acted upon by questions vitally affecting the interests of ihis state, I have no right to place the peo Ole under obligations to your company, in however small a degree, by accepting a gratuity from it. I Herewith return you the check. Very respectfully, Fjjaxcis Nichols, Governor. A BROAD STREAM. Eight Peet of Water Plooding Madison and Tensas Parishes. VirKsnuno, Miss, Match 13 A tele gram from President F. L. Maxwell, re ceived at 10 o'clock tonight, states that the lueik in the Raleigh levee, which occur red at 5 o'clock, is now 500 feet wide. Air. Maxwell also requested that the residents of Louisiana in the Aladison and 'Icnsas parishes be notified by telegraph, and to w..rn them of the serious results 1 ho water from the break will po directly back about ten miles into Bear lake, and thence by two outlets into the Tansas river, one directly west from and the other through Jjukf One and Koundaway bayou into Bayou Vidal and Alill bayou, into Tensas river in the western part of Tensas parish. At Old Kichmond, about two miles west of Tnllulah, Bush way bayou inns into and from that Into Koundaway bayou. The water will here How- into Lushway and from that into Walnut luj ou where it will oveillow the garden sunt of Aladi-on parish and will seek the low amis in Diamond Point and the lower tortiotiof the parish. Iater telegrams stale that the volume of water going south lii in the break is abaut 400 feet wide .ind average depth of eight teet. AT OTHEK POINTS Memphis, Tenn, Match 15 The river 1'ere rose two-tenth since yesterday aud is now almut stationary at 36.(5 leet, two tenths above the highest water recorded. The situation betweeu here and Helena re ma' ns unchanged. Just below Helena the !eie is rejiortcri sloughing off somewhat 1. is no apprehension i felt. Ntw OiiLK VX. La., Maich 15. At Brus lij landing. West Bxtou Houge, the river loll one iiuh last night; stationary all day. '! Up whole parish is aroused and every ef fort lieing maiie to hold the ievees. PL.vytKMiNE, La., March 13. Fine tod:iy gave encouragement to our planters. New.- from the trout leports all .. vee safe ami able to stand two feet moie water. The river fell nearly two inches today. tT. Joseph, La., March 15 The river Ae one-tenth; It U uow within a few jnches of the great flood of lfc$2 awl 1SS4. "V ork has been commenced on the whole of the Teufcas front and every levee is, be lli.: raided aud carefully guarded. Natchez, Mist)., Aiarch 13 The river 1 is risen one inch; now only oi e-tenths of n uot below the water of 1SS2. Planter ir Concordia ami Tensas parish-are remoy 1. u tlieir stock to the hills B Mux Koul'E. La., March 15. The river is .statiouxi . No breaks rv port ad any i.l re ne.r this point. UvYorS.uu. La.. Aiarch 15. Th river r uue and one-half inches. Morganse.n 2 ee it. reported ail right, s'uee repairs wire made lat night. A.jkaxsa City. Ark., March 15. Tha pi uge reads touiglit 42: rising rauidly. Tne weather is clear aud cold. Everybody is out that wages will hire and lighting hard with sand bags to hold the levee. FIRE AT K1RKSVILLE, MO. Kansas City, Ma, March 35. A special from Kirksviite, Ma, says: Fire destroyed t he eutire south portion of the business blotk at an early hour tnis morning. It is supposed to have started from ati over turned stove In a room near the bniliiing ttcupiod by B. T. Iankin, drv goods. The t tal loss is about teCKUWO; insurance e?5. ft1 LanKin is a loer- to the extent of fiO.UOO Seven buildings ami the First National bank were completely destroyed. 'J. be block will be lebniltat once. KILLED BY HIS SON. New Orleans, L., March IS. An Deals, Fla., special report the killing of. , 11 BirchfteW by his 15-year-oM son. 1'irchtinld had hever&lv chufettsuA iW !) :;.4 had taken up lite goo to shoot his v. lie. wnen u wvnrew a phiim ua snot Lis lather dead. BircbSeld is represented jls & dantjerone character. SIBERIAN PRISON OUTRAGES. London, Aiarch 13. The attention of Mr. Sergisus Stephinak, the Russian Liberal, was called to the fact that some had expreed doubt as to the authencity and trustworthiness of the recently pub lished4 accounts of outrages to which political prisoners in Siberia had been subjected. Air. Stephinak said that the main features of these accounts were rully corroborated by such portions of the official report compiled by the Russian government has been given the public. "It is almost impossible to exaggerate the suffering of political prisoners in Si beria," he said. He expressed the .convic tion that the agitation in American on be half of reforming the treatment of politi cal prisoners in Siberia can not fail to have its influence with the Russian officials from the czar down. He feels coufident that it will result in mitigating the severity of treatment which is now enforced against political exiles. THE BUCCANEERS OF OLD Flaunted their skull and cross bones, their ensign, defiantly at the masthead. Your modern pirate, not on the high seas, but upon the high reputation of standard remedies, skulks under various disguises. His hole and corner traffic Las never to any degree affected Hostetters Stomach Bitters, although that standard in vigor ant and corrective has long been the shin ing mark at which his shafts have been directed. Cheav local bitters, composed of fiery unrectified stimulants, with an infusion, or extract possibly, of some tonic bark, are still sometimes recommended as identical with, or similar to, or possessing Virtues kindred to thote of America's chosen family medicine. These perish speedily, while the great subduer and pre ventive of disease pur&ues its successful career, overcoming malaria, dyspepsia, nervousness, kidney troubles, constipation and rheumatic ailments, not only on this, but on many continents. MURDERED HIS STEP-DAUGHTER. PITTSBURG, pn) Aiarch 13. Frank Groet ner, living in Allegheny City, last night murdered his step-daughter. Annie Refi ner. The child's remains were discovered in her bed ioom by her mother. The room presented a most horrible sight. The fur niture, ceiling and walls were bespattered with blood, uiid from tufts of hair found on the walls it is thought Groetner took the child by the legs aud dashed her brains out. Groetner arrested. He refuses to gtye any reason for the horrible deed. Ayer's Sarsaparilla will remove that tired feeling, aud give new life and energy. ARRESTED FOR FORGERY. Fr.EDOXlA, Kan., Aiarch 13. Sheriff Alantien returned to this city today from Arkansas City, Kan., having in charge W. D. Barnes, a prominent local politician, ex-justice of the peace and loan agent of Lafontaiup, this county. Bnrnes is charg ed with forging two names to a $100 note. The foicery was Grst discovered upon be ing handled at the Wilson county bank here, and it is understood today that he admits making one of the signatures. THE RESERVE RULE INVALIDATED. Philadelphia. Pa., Aiarch 13.The court of common pleas No. 4 this morning ren dered its decision in the base ball suit of the Philadelphia National League club agaiust William The court re fuses to grant the injunction asked for to restrain Hallniau from playing with the Philadelphia Players' League club and sustains the Players' League club, a de murrer to the National League cluL's bill. The decision invalidates the reserve rule. Alyriads of cases af rheumatism aud neu ralgia have already succumced to that wonderful remedy, Salvation Oil. Price 25 cents a bottle. "A month ago I was happy:" is the de claration of Bryan W. Proctor, the poet So were lols of other people who are now telling people in decided nasal tones "Got a toad iu my head." But there is still happiness to be secured; a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup will cure any cough or cold. CONVICTED OF LYING. PlTTSIiUHG, Pa., Aiarch 15. Rev. Dr. T. B. Alansell, of the AIcKeeysport M. E. church, who has been on trial on charges of lying and defamation, was found guilty this morning on the first count aud acquit ted ou the second one. You will derive more benefit from ncod's Sarsaparilla now thau at any other season. Try it. NOT ENOUGH WATER THERE. St. Louis, AIo., Aiarch 15 Advices from the lower Rio Grande country in Texas say that live stock of all kinds are suffer ing severely from si lack of water. Fears are entertained that if the dtouth contin ues much longer the loss will be very heavy. A FAMILY ALL KILLED. JACKSON, Alich., Alaich 13. A terrible accident occurred on the Alichigan Central air line crossing m this city this morning. Henry Purdy, accompanied by his wife and daughter, while attempting to drive acrobs the track were struck by an engine aud all three killed almost instantly. Every mother should keep Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in case of cioup and sudden colds. THE LAB0S. CONFERENCE. The Work of Organization Completed and the Prosram Outlined. fCopyrihtd 1890, Iy the New York Associated Pr$l BERLIN, March 15. The international labor conference assembled at 2 o'clock this afternoon in the famous congress hall of the chancellor's palace. The proceed ings were of the simplest cnaracter and were not attended by any ceremony. Alost of the delegates went to tiie palace on foot. An immense crowd outside of the palace watched the arrivals in sUence. It was noticed that the blinds of the hall were kept lowered as significant of the chancel lor's desire to keep the results of the sittings private for the present. Shortly before the time fixed for th con ference to open the emperor visited Prince Bismarck and had a long interview with the chancellor. Baron Yon Berlepsch, the Prussian miuister of commerce was sum moned to the conference and received in structions before going to the congress hall. The opening address to the dele gates had no distinctive characteristics. The delegates proceeded to elect officers. Baron Yon Berlepsch was chosen presi dent by acclamation, and Herr Magdeburg, Prussian under secretary of state for com merce, was mace vice president. An ad ministrative bureau was appointed-, con sisting of Fnrrst, French counselor of le gation; Dumame, secretarj of th French embassy Iwie, and Count You Arco Val ley, scretaiy of the German embassy at Paris The sittings will beein daily at 11 a. m. Prince Bismarck declines to permit an of ficial report to be issued until the proceed ings sIim U have beeu protocoled. Tbe se crecy of tbe sittings will not prevent the stcuriug of nceouute. of tbe proceedings:. On Alonday sections will lie formed to discass special questions. Planary sittings will be held afterwards for recording tbe resolutions of the -ectioos. Th emperor will give a grand reception to the delegates and tbe whole diuiomaiic body. It i exptcted that live plenary sit tings will suffice to register toe special aecistons, most ot wricr win nave au aca- j demic character. The conference will ter-l inmate at the latest on March 9k AH the documents were ordered printed I in French aud German The discussions j will be conducted m French. Votes will be takeu by calling the names of states in j alphabetical order. Each state will have j oue vote. S Tbe court festivities will feeftw en March j Ml A chapter of the Order of tbe Black f Kaarle will be beM oa March 33. Au ordett fest will be given to the Priace of Wale and Prince George and a succession of court dinnera and receptions will be held. The negotiations over the formation of a Cartel-clerical majority progess. The emperor accorded an nudience to Dr. Wind thorst, the clerical leader.'.on Wednesday, and Prince Bismarck and Dr. Windthorst had a prolonged interview on Thnrsd-iy. The terms of fhc "entente" urged by Dr. Windthorst incaided intervention in favor of the pope against the quirinal. The em peror is credited with advising Dr. Wind thorst to use discretion in his demands, saying that he must not forget that he had a, steadfast ally in Italy. " ANNOOXCK51EXTS. The general committee on the reception of General Alger wiil meet at 7:30 on Alonday evening, at the Aletropole. The chairman desires every sub-committee to be present, and especially the committee of the board of trade. Bv order of J. AI. Baldehston, Chairman, GAKFIELD POST. Aleefs Wednesday night. All persons who have made application to join the post will please present themselves for muster. All members are requested to be present as tbete is important bnsiuess to be transacted, and arrangements com pleted for the reception of General Alger. II. T. KltAMEK, Adjutant. Regular meeting of the Warwick lodge No. 44, K. P. Alonday evening at the I O. F. hall, North Alain street. All visiting members invited to be present. Work in second rank. C. E. Jackson, C. C. There will be a regular communication of Wichita lodge No. 39, A. F. & A. AI., tomorrow, Alonday evening at 8 o'clock. Work in the AI. AI. degree. It is especially desired that all the older members will be present on this occasion, also all fraters are cordially invited to be present. Peaks' is the purest and best soap eves madii. LIGHT AND AIRY; A Frosted Flama. Bays Algernon to Arabelle, "Don"t callers often stay ' And bore you till you wish they were a thousand miles away J" "Oh, no.,1' she says; "mamma well knows tbe friends I like to see; When bores arrive then she drops in and talks to them for me." Alas! Into the room a moment later coldly sweeps The kind mamma aud seats herself as though she's there for "keeps." Socn Algernon secures his hat and slides out throuph the door: He's very sensitive indeed. He calls on her no more. Chicago Herald. Iloxr She Said It. Harry I wonder if Kato is really fond of n.e? Dick I know she is; heard her say so. Harry You don't mean ltl Dick I do. though. Well, she didn't say so in so many words, but she intimated as much. She said that she loved even the meanest of God's creatures. Old boy, let me congratulate you. Boston Transcript. Plan's Fickle Fancy. At three we love our mothers best, Our fathers best at seven, While holidays and sports of zest Aro dearest ct eleven. At fifteen we're in lovo with dress, But soon in strange commotion Our sweethearts in their loveliness Claim all our deep devotion. At twenty-live wo love our wives, And later on the babies. But every day throughout our hve3 We're sure to love the ladles Chicago Herald. It Wasn't si Change iif Heart. ATame Why. only last week you said that nothing your father and mother could say would ever make you marry Rob Bobbett, and now you've engaged yourself to him. Why did you do it Lou It was something Rob said himself. He hadn't asked me last week. Louisville Courier-Journal. "aturo Is Wise. 'Tis said that thirty inches span The average woman's waist. And just so long the arm of man. So, when "tis snugly placed Around the damsel whom one treasures There is conformity of measures. How admirable are thy vtorks. Oh, Nature, kind and dear! For, spite of all the kinks and quirks. And various doings queer. Thou moldest waists of proper bias. With arms to fit thou dost supply us. Chatter. Too Far Ahead for Them. Alaude Just think! It is predicted that in fifteen years horses will have become so intelligent that they may be driven without rein". Alabel (regretfully) Yes, but what good will it do us? We shall be too old to go rid ,iiig then. Lawrence American. "Ulooiuem" Outbloomed. Tbo "3trong minded" petticoat Is bound to make her way Into every w Oman's wardrobe At no far distant day. And the man who wants to win the race, Must make a mighty "spurt," Or the girl will surely him In her bifurcated skirt. Mario Overton in Puck. Helplnr tho Tcaclmr Out. Little Tommy had spent his first day at school. "What did you learnr" asked his auntie on his return. 'Didn't learn anything!' said Tommy. "Well, what did you do?" "Didn't do anything! A woman want ed to know how to spell cat,' and I told her." London Tit-Bits. Couldn't Forst-t It. "There is one face that is always be fore me." said Clarence, as iie stroked the golden lochs of his month old wife. "And that is And then the timid creature hung hex dainty head, while the heartless wretch whispered: "My own." Yankers Statesman. The Softest Place. They were sleigh riding. lie I always pick out the softest place when I upset my sleigh. She Why, l' should think it would grow monotonous, always falling on your head. St. Louis Magaziae. The Old, Old Care. "T am getting awfully gray, doctor. Is there no possible wajr of stopping it? "Yes,; you sbookl diet care fully. Harper's Bazar. Musical riain. I Tae veS known experiment of aiaidsg sounds by holding a tube over a jet of bora ; In? gas (uca&Uy brdrofcea) is often omitted ia . eb3i!ry ol&sces because no suitable ntbing i is at band, says a corrpooont of Science, J and add: A faet not noted in any text book I have feea. and unknown wall se&caerstaat . I have consulted, nas bees broagat to light ic my et&&ss, vis., a bottie viil serve in place of a tab. A "pbikwait r afcBdJe properly : oararar wiU rieada nneiioonrf tfeasrad br f wide cMMtfeed bottle, a a quutne boie or I large - Of coor, umumcoorns ! to :fce principle of aeoosoc. fas fc 1? ttrsttgs t no test beet ctvi fe. ANIMAL N THE STAGE. 1 T- They Havej taken Part Iu Many Playa. "Mr. Dnrliuc's Performing Lions. The appearance of trained animals as act ors in. theatrical productions is anything but a novelty, yet somehow it generally proves to be a "card." Dozens of dramas depend, for some of tlieir most striking situations, on OX THE SEESAW. tho work of animals ranging in size from a dog to an elephant. In "Shenandoah" a horse dashes across the stage, supposed to b bearing Sheridan on his ride from Winches ter. This forms the climax of one of the acts, and generally arouses unbounded en thusiasm. In Neil Burgess' "County Fair," a horse race takes place on the stage. In Den Thompson's "Old Homestead," realism is added by the appearance of a yoke of oxen. In "Around the World in Eighty Days" a caravan of elephants marches ponderously across the stage. Frank Frayno's pieces are full of animals. J. K. Emmet hfcs several times introduced dogs into his plays. In "Kerry Gow" carrier pigeons bring news of the race. Tears ago, in "The Laplander,'' a thrilling situation was created by having a team of real reindeer, ostensibly running away from a pack of howling wolves, dash madly across the stage, dragging a sleigh. Everybody is familiar with tho dogs which add so much to Eliza's escape across tho ica bound river, in "Uncle Tom's Cabin," aud with the comicalities of the donkey in the same piece. There was hardly an animal not represented in the long procession which passed before Adam and Eve in the "Drama of Eden," recently produced in Paris. When "Rienzi" was brought out at tha Metropolitan opera' house in Now York a horse appeared on the stage in peculiarly try ing circumstances. There were fully 300 peo ple on one side, all singing in a mighty chorus. THE KJXG OF BEASTS IN HARNESS. On the other side was stationed a mammoth orchestra of brass instruments. Tho horse made his appearance between them aud went through his part, uuconfused by tho bustle and uproar. In "A Run of Luck," six Ken tucky thoroughbred,., all of undoubted pedi gree, took part, first in a fox hunt aud later in a running race. A paok of thirty fox hounds appeared also in the fox hunt. Theie are also many shows on the road which are hardly of tho circus order, but which consist entirely of trained animals. Soino years ago a troupe of educated horses was toured throughout America in a veritable equino drama, and similar enterprises have been carried out with dogs and monkeys as nctors. A company of trained cats was not long ago reported from Paris. Rut by far tho mast remarkable exhibition of animals is that afforded by Air. Darling (an American) and his educated lions at the Nouveau Cirque in Paris. These lions go through a really remarkable performance, sharing honors with a splendid and intelligent dog. They play at seesaw, ride velocipedes, are harnessed to a chariot in which they draw Afr. Darling about the stage with as great docility as would a team of aged donkeys. In all their stage work thoy are perfectly docilo and tractable. YOUNG ABRAHAM LINCOLN, Something About His Life &i.d His Strug gle Against Disease. Tho long struggle made for life by young Abraham Lincoln developed a sympathy for tho lad entirely outside of the interest felt in him as the grandson of the martyred presi dent and son of the Un.tcd States minister to England. The boy's seventeenth year opened with bright promise. His health was fairly good.and he showed many of tho per sonal qualities' of his noted grand father his meth ods of reasonmg, fe?". his droll humor, hu handwriting being ABRAHAM lincolx. noticeably like those of President Lincoln. He was unusu ally well advanced in study when taken ill, though not considered precocious, and had strong elements of personal popularity. Robert Lincoln married tho daughter of Senator James Harlan, of Iowa, and their on Abraham was born in Chicago early in 1673. He was given but the one namo. bnt a fort of reverential objection to its in miliar use grew up in the family and among f riuds, and still more to tho use of "Abe," so the loy was universally called Jack. He soon became quite a leader among the boys, and, scon af tor learning to read, showed a strong j preference for histories of the civil war. He studied out all the details of the principal ; campaigns with the aid of maps, and hu minute knowledge of Grant's Virr irna earn- ' paign was a surprise to all who talked with him. His first schooling was in Washington, while his father wa3 secretary of war for i Hayes but most of bis education was ob- : taioed in Caicago, where tbe family lived. ! He was well up in the classics, and was soon to have entered Harvard bad not Ins father j betn appointed minuter to England. There the don was atBicted by aa abecea nod w , taken to France for treatment, bet the r- ' tubs were not Rood. Blood poisoning foi- ' lowed an operation, and after retvming tc London toe patient failed rapidly. A Cold Hay lr Terrapin. Honorab (droppint: tiie last one oui of th wmiew TV huuriijr oo s afther rfa-j' 0 j, mke on m. ma am. E iefr bnfcfecia A' bswment wid x rf(lBlii(ll - B1tss - "Pf Personnl appear- 5$o-i5iSg0v2 mice, iuu even uia f j friarltiaa at-? - iPnn'PYTDnW! INFAIiTJABIti: TOR LL mil m iKFLAMTlONS. Sore Throat, Diphthsrias Use the Extract promptly. Dclsv 13 dangerosa. Eshcf assured. Sores, Sprains, Bruises. It fa cooling, cleansing, and Healing. fofows:! Pond's E-rtrnrt is cienr Ualdi III, pscd for Catarrh, Cold ia tho Head, c. (See paro II, in BtoIc of Di rections -wispped aioandc3t.h bottle.) Rheumatism, Neuralgia, No other preparation Im cured more cases of thee oitresang complsiats than Pond's listract. Try it I trolled and stopped. PtldC Pond's Extract is undoubtedly I iiCOj the bft rcmedv known fur Piles. The use of Pond's iTvtract Ointment in connection with the Esiract i highly recommended. tVi;. IS, Book of Direc tions wrapped aronnd each bottle.) In Bottles onlr. Prices, GOc, SI. S1.75. -Vote our name ei crv wrapper end iabei. Prepared cnlv l POND'S EXTKUT CO., 5S "& J"a ur osa fci ua a b It's rouiarkablo specific action upon the affected parts gives it bupremo control over Piles, however severe. Also for Burns, Scalds, JZiniplicns, Salt Rheum &-c. szajj Testimonials from all classes tjprove its efficacy. Price 50c. Sold by all Druggists or sent by mail on receipt of price. Put up lonly by POND'S SSTBACT CO., 76 6th ve N. Y. Should you conclude to do some paint ing don't fail to call on the Kansas Paint Co. "Will make any desired shnde and of the very best material. Factory corner of Third and Fifth nve. 193 2t IMVOllTAXT TO FAIU1EKS. Urine in Your Farms At Ones ami I.lst Tliein. At a meeting of the Wichita Real Es tate Exchange association on the loth inst. the rules charging a listing fee were sus pended for thirty days to allow all proper ty owners to list their property free. Es pecially do we want a long listof farms, as we are having many inqniiies daily for farms. Bring your property for sale to us and you will have ninety real estate firms at work with all the benefits of their ad vertising. If you will put a reasonable price ou your propertj we can sell it. George a. "Worth, Sec. dl03 It wl 4t A Change. Mr. and "Mrs. L. M. Combs, who have been residents of our city since '63 and are well and favorably known here, have taken charge of tho St. Lawrence, at 243 North Lawrence avenue. They will renovate the house throughout and make it second to none m the city. If you want a nice, clean room and first class table fare, so to the St. Lawrence. They are also prepared to accommodate transients. Prices reason able. 103 It Pillnc It On. Prisoner (to prosecuting witness) Can't you lend me 25, sir?"' P. W. Why, you thieving scoundrel, you etole 7.j from mo yesterday." 'Prisoner I know it; but I needed a hun dred. Washington Scar. A DicourasS Itrply. Affectionate Relative Why do you sit so far off, Cousin Jennia' Come over here on the sofn and sit alongside of me. Cousin Jennie I'm thinking that for a dis tant relative you are near enough already. Texas Sittings. Where He Getn His Chfstnnts. Mrs. Curaso (reading) "F. G. Kant, who lives near Wheeling, has a complete set of al manacs rnnning back to tho yor 17S&" Cumso Kant ! I don't recall any minstrel of that name --VVr,,tvi. ,.- A A I.;r:il I-xjierionco. She What profesiou do you think of en tering? He Oh, I sbnll embrace the law. She (with a sigh) I wish I was bound in calf P. S. She was, in about two seconds. Burlington Free Press. My I.npy's HIiifT. I (rreatly envy Lucy't muff Whene'er her soft, white hand is la It; Twonkt give my poor hart joy enough To hold her haitd on little nimtte. Rot this I cannot understand I couid not do no. I enuffw it. How Lacr's lauff can hold her baad And never dare to gently pres it. Chicago Herald. His KttKMin. Mabel Hal, dear, what makes you always call nu your bttle bimb Hal Because you always rattrrn to tbe fold. Ami be opened his arms with nil expectant and satined look upon bis ftmiimg face. First Omaha Mamma -Your tmbv ie a very strong child. Second Omaha Mamma Yea, when it has the colic at night it raises the whole hotw Omaha WY.ria-Rprald. -A.VD Blotches jRE FVWZftCE Thai tk bleed is wrong, and that nature is emdeav 0rtMg to throw off tlu impurities. Nothing is so beneficial in assistimg nainre as Swift's ipeific S. S. S.) It is a simpU t tgttaoie compound. Js harmless to tne most tUlicate Mid, yet it forces ihs poison to the surface emd eliminates U from the blood. I uwt:acted a arver rase of Mood psftwn that anf ited mt for Oaat-. '.or ioar years. JL. lw butties of fcw'rs --- - v. s. &) cane StaTitaa AzraBrirta-a PERflYROYAL PILLS riiui o K I R A & T ii I m T B E jsn y& a sa a JJeware ot Imitations, thereisOlny Ono fiiiih to o i JL !..-, rtfcfV " -wa fftwil tmrnr. .-j - , twiu tftim't I jm-w-- rtrrma Mat mt I wuns.-i- tjtsnarfem, jj , TgSSSSf anc'sec assasaww ua, , ALL THE LATEST STYLES fo TRADE js 1 UAEX y z&o y. zTAix a t . irxczrxxa. ALL OTHER DEALERS ARE compelledXq Demand 25 Eaeii. IT'S A COMBINATION I' V OUT. .Redaction of I'assencer .Rates via Santa Fe Route. Are now in effect to St. Lonis, Chicago and eastern points. Also to Pueblo. Colo rado Springs, Denver and Colorado points. Free reclining chair cars and Pullman nalace sleeping cars on all trains. OS tf "W. D. "SICRDOCK, Agent. Take stage for Stillwater at Orlnndo W. "W. Snyder, Manager. d44 tf Reduced Prices Previous to Romeval. Green Gage plums, gallon cans, 23 cents. Sorghum 25 cents per gallon. Seven bars Cherub soap 25 cents. P"p eorn 1 cent per pound. Package coffee 'M cents oer pound. Bushel baskets 40 cents. Asparagus 35 cet.ts per can. Dill pickles 15 cents per quart. Kraut 5 cents per quart, at TATTKRSALL'S, 333 North Main street. After this week in Occidental hotel building. 07 0c For sale or Trade. Three hundred and twenty acres good laud three miles west of "Valley Center at $13 per acre. Only $1,000 cash required, or will trade. Fine residence on "Waco street between Third and Central, east front, at a very low figure, small cash payment. Fifty feet nnd ten room house on Emporia avenue, one nnd a half blocks south of Douglas avenue; small cash payment. Fif ty feet and ten room house and stable on New York avenue between First and Sec ond streets, for sale very cheaD on easy payments. Northwest corner Fourth ave nue and Central, 75x140 feet, forsale cheap. The Shepard ic C'hapmax Mortgage Co., 02tf :J03 Sedgwick Building. Emigration to the West. If you have friends in the east who con template comlugwest, or if you gre going east, remember you can save time and money, likewise our friends, by buying tickts over the Missouri Pacific railway, the shortest line between St. Louis and Wichita by4S miles and over. Two hours the quickest time. This is the only line giving you choice of two routes, either via Kansas City or Fort Scott. Eletxnnt free reclining chair cars between ichka and St. Louis, also between Kansas City and Wichita, without change of cars. Pull man sleepers on all trains. Be sure that your tickets read via the "Missouri Pacific railway and thus save annoyance of changing cars and unnecessary delays, Remember also that no charges are made by porters for riding in chair cars. These porters are paid by the company and are not allowed to charge any one, bo they local or through passeugers. They are lured to attend to the wants of the travel ing public. City ticket office, 137 North Main street, Wichita, Kan. E. PI Blbckley, Passenger and Ticket Agent. II. C. ToWSSRSB, General Passenger and Ticket A sent, St. Louis, Mo. 10fi tf On nnd after Sunday, March 16, all Wichita & Western trams will leave from the new union depot at DoukUs avenue, Wichita, instead of the old union depot as heretofore. 102 lOt Cobs for sale at the Zephyr Mills, SI. 25 per load delivered. Telephone 1W. J-t Cut With The Knlle "And Knocked Out on the ery First RnwiMl. The Missouri Pacific railway knocked them alt silly when it announced cut rates to St. Louis and Pueblo. Remember, commencing March Tth, cheap rates will go into effect to St. Lonis ud points beyond, also to Pile bio. Denver nnd other western points via. tbe Mieeour! Pacific railway. If you are going east, west, north or south, buy your tickets via. tbe Muutonri Pucific railway. It is the shortest line to St. Louis by 48 miles and over two hours the quickest. Llegant new reclining enairears jwt re ceived from the Pullman Co., ou all trains. These chairs are free to all patrons of the Missouri Pacific railway. Come and get our rates. We aro here to stay City ticket office 137 North Min street. Depot corner Second ami Wichita atreels. E. K. Bllcklbt, Passenger and Ticket A cent, 137 North Mam street. Cut Ratet via the "Great l(ek Nlnsrf Kettle." Commencing Match S tbe Rock Island Route will sell tickets from Wichita at tbe following ratet: Chicago, first class, $14. 15; second clast, 511.13. St. Lout's, first cla&ft. $11.15. Commencing March 10: Denver, Pneblo aud Colorado Springs, 10 75. Remember the Rock Island is tbe only line running through vestibule reelintttK cbatr car free. Trains lea ye Wichita 7:40 a. ni. and &:& p. in. If you are going north, south, eaet or wet call at tbe city ticket office, 109 Kt Douglas avenue, and get tbe lowest cat rate. C. A. IiL'THEBFOBD. 97 tf Ticket Agent. IVInter IJtiirwom via ta Santa Fe Koal. 1be "harvest exeorsioo" seasoo ia past and tbe Santa Fe route, pleased with it. success in each of tboee excursiooft, aals couies to toe iroii wiu at ni aootuer ion duceinent for people to travel via tha popular line, io the way of round-trip ex cursion ticket, at greatly reduced rates to principal pointa io Old Mexico. Xw Mexico and lexaa: also Aiken, K C..An gutta, Ga., Biruiinktbam, Ala., Brona wick. Ga.. Callahan, Fia , Cbarleetos. S. C. Jackson rUle, Fla.. Mobile. Ala.. New Orleans, La , Savannah, (ia., Tbotstas- i vill, (in.: nmltad toretorn not late than June 1, le&x iransit limit to pointa in New Mexico. Old Mexico mod Texas will be 4 days each way. to other points named above, tntaait Unit wilt be t days ewee war. Tickets are aSo now on sale principal ....... M.frM I., f. Iif n.i. l.. T?i in .it. and Pnncott, Artx.: Portland. Ore.: oomt ' for ix moatbs, with going Unit 4ft day. ; Ijm Vegas Hot hpnofo. V M-. ttgtkra and r-alt Laae City. L tab. Idaho and Mositaea. ' good for 90 day: transit limit 4 day each . way Mop-over prrniese auowed on aj ! toartst tickets within tranait haiu. I- on mtonnatlcn cneentuiy anreri re ! t'tr- to route and rates. Fide-tnp rates , acd other reciai rates to Botnta on tbe A., i T & . r K. K. gaoMv! on appiir jttoa : I Meeptntf cr mecomnvxUuiaom ser-ttred and , ! bmaer fcd JMtum-. l t? , I in muu , u. .niiwt, eoau, ' Mate skcest aad t'aiow dspeA. 1 G. P. T. JUA.X eVia. If. R. H. &-a Tdfteka. Kasaae 1 To t-Trtwujss nsarhta work ioraicreaawd ibtwor, a tte ltstMka Armwm Msa4aW ' wcTfca, Xo. 2 Indiana arto 4I . We are soanars toat w are hrntisi v ry ennMsfen&v from the adrntsstaar m A-e heYi-ss lately frew aws-eral qsartent v, e .i re nMb obliwd Im tbe aa, bmt m- ?r Kilting to rfU reward to SavJ r party or twrtirs tfcau wrtto t aoooy u 'i letter etaowd -febloper and smO t -m to u. neroo of tfe axarkat. '-'f VArvat at fiKTAJC. faciba. telhnill aism rHaai .ia i Mii TaltorawsiTak issajat wnamaW- mAtMm ft mt Mw Uf U-C r liir" olli 1 l ll LAWYERS, Jest competed and for eala. ATTORNEY POi KET DOCKET: can ce asl in anr Mate ana U any turt. CopTrli&ied 1SSS 1 Tho n: comjlsti lttcleteYertmhtkhed. PAGED and with two la dexe-an ALPHABETICAL and DIAHY REFER. Ni V. IS D FIX umra! for indexlBSr eas alDai locally and by months and days The Docket U of in.oo-renUnttieto carry In the pocket and t hiadsoroely hoocd withexib! back. ENDORSED BY ATTORNEYS EVERYWHERE. Pries of. Docket. St30.or-Tt31e kqj postpaid to any addles epon receipt of SI " Wa aUe cat-rv a complete line of all kinds of Legal Blanks. Order by watt promptly atuaded tc Addrcu. THE WICHITA EAGLE. WICHITA. KAN3JLS. E. K. Po wax. PrwWat. H. T. Btav V. Prea. P.W. Waiu.brJk, CuiUar. Fourtli National Bank WICHITA, KANSAS. PAIDTJPQAPTTAT. - $200,000 SURPLUS - - - $16,000 DTJRBCTOES: K. T. Bean. B. R. PaweM. O. D. Barae. U ?. CH Aases I llwcfc. T W. waiter, 3. V7. Latrlmer. Jet Xooa, B. O. Orates. YERS everywhere endorse tJitj Eaglb'8 "Attorneys Pocket Dockj ecaa be used in any court and in any state. Price, $1.00. Bjj mall to any address, prepaid, upon rsceipl of $107. Address tbe Wichita Eagle; Wl-bita. Kansas. Z. LAWRSItcr.Prem. O. MAK7IM O.Y, T.r J. A. Davison. Cu er. M Side National Bank. CAPITAL, Paid Up, $100,000 DIRECTORS: It. E. Lawreaee. O. MurUn-an. II. L. H&UMd. M. Staatea. C. r. Coleman. C L. 3unpM, J. A. Da vise. Smlthjon. K. B. OampWl, Jl.LOHBAUIXJlt.. PresldM-. .P.aLLBN. Vkc Presides. I-D. SKINNER Oat Ml W.H. LIViyoSTO.V. AstMaal Cuhfe-. Stale National Bant OF WICHITA, KN. CAPITAL, SURPLUS, 3100,000 3 80,000 DmECTOIta John n. Cat att Vt. Wetter. Tf r. acta, P. V. Heaty. V A Jiff. k Harrta, J Jl. ..,,-; Jkia J.O.DAYIDSOXPrrti. r A.WA.I.KEK.VJce-f-. JOHN DEK.ST. Cashier. citizens bank; Paid up Capital - $ 500,000 Stockholders Liability 1,000,000 I-arrest Itf-ap Capital efaay Baa ta tftessMeof mUECTORH; C, Jt. MMIer. A.W. Mtttaw M. & U Datrhtoon. W. X. btaaley, Jofca T. Carpeatar. Do a seanraJ aankina Coejr. tewa aiid MnBtetsai II I T 1 Tl' W...'a w.flu L. A. WAUTOH. 9uLUta r Paid-up Capital, Surplus, $250,000 50,000 DIRKCTOKS m KOH?. A WOI.IVKH. M vr LCTT. LA fcLTOI-. kl TtTTL-t. MrKIHDA. LJliUriKj WKTCCtUUL JtfMJf DATlDeorr. j c kvta. Do a Genera! Banking, toflectJflg and Brokerage Busiaets. aSsvatsrn aad Foreign aicbanga boogliT, aad woML U. S. Bontte of all danomiriaUons Doognt and sold. Coctatj, To-w-nst-tlp and MttnJdpal BotKSs booghL S 0 P JE B I N T S N D E K T g . Mm mmtt0tm mm fer v at tst eav S ImaxLmm Aftuaup f- mam a, lMii, mmA ( rVur.'na.. r IMIJUX. ITT aMl MAaDtri M-Houi.H. Cm a ataaxrea lsttA u tg a eeai . arry la ta -cl h. Mawi is t Jatr.. a taatr. ftao Jaw tua. sal ay w tmmttf aJSrx. ase ratacat tmu far ciatji .( JI r Tor a! at4Sa ttrKt ay auA w rb Xaw ntnaflna, TUB WICHITA IUCLE. WieiseTA. XAaixa. READ THE WEEKLY "rfette ' ateksa'lfiatr -s.'Wiehita" Eagle. Contains Mora State al &QT1- era evrs &aa Baatera Dte- patcJaas toan aay papr in cb I S.mmi T w TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: i One Year, - $1.0C Six Months, - 50 cms Mm A ksndaosBw iafAaanasoa mmm at tMooitr. eavattaUtt tbe swJtuea of aJl toe atesaajja, omL. Mcm awad swbfic bwSdAaW ! note., etc. A cowapiese aswa twwIeM sn- I Iftawo inrbos. on IMw pmpmt, a bo sd I at taw. oaos ir ioortsiswt. & 1 - Jt 2 . L, lafA-f S- tT7 OJsnl'i.1 is- nt mm .Ml af Cnll OMklav HKb bear was mi aat Vll x,aM .mmtnm mt Mmr&i!. aVraew. wusasji am JsWefM, kaatf aaviira. XeaOry fm JhacaataMl waaaa, GtMMa OaaSu. fxa hu Wmw & mmm m aw moi, Or. asasyoxOiwiwiiraj' -rssul mm Amm WIiflTA. XAJEkxa I: