OCR Interpretation

The Wichita city eagle. [volume] (Wichita, Kan.) 1872-1883, December 05, 1872, Image 3

Image and text provided by Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85032573/1872-12-05/ed-1/seq-3/

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""S.i.iWW1 nBWIOMm
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Ce SHScite tgak.
Venison, buffalo and wild turkey arc a drug
In tliis market.
Mr. Kraft Ik hnildinga cottage, 31x20, on
Lawrence avenue.
Senator Caldwell left this state for Washing
ton on last Thursday.
Slnper Sewimr Machine headquarters in at
Mr. M. Emanuel's Razar.
The neither for the pa-t vvctk hai Ik en
hard on the coal merchant".
The Kniporia Xnr-t (rrous fact-lions at the
expense oriur coiitindmiii.
Mr. Stone. tifCaldvvrli. vas in town on bllsi
nc during the fore part of the week.
Good substantial -tone is bt in,; put ilnvvn at
the principal street cro-shi- tu the city.
nilU !t Kramer arc :igent for the clebra
tcd Wlieelcrand Wil-on Scuing Machine.
There are at lea-l six thousand head of cat
tle licing fed in Seiiisnick comity tin vv Inter.
Tlte cattle traile is not yet closed. Quite a
number of car load" hate been shipped during
the week.
Peter Laux has built an cxtenslc ice house
on the bank of Little river, near Mungcr"
Thev came cry near having a Cre at the
Kmplre House last Friday morning. Cause
defective fine.
W. D. Russell has gone to Leavenworth city
to meet hid wife, who has been spending some
time in DoMnn.
AVewere honored with a call from Mews.
Chamberlain and Boyd, two of Sedgwick City's
prominent men.
A nevv town has been laid out in Harbour
county by sonic citizen of Hutchinson. Name,
Medicine Lodge.
SaIer, Smith on'l other arc ln!ng out a
town in the southern part of Ueno county, to
be called Mavsvillc.
On last Sunday and Monday the thermome
ter stood at sixty tlegices above 7CI0 in the
shade ilurinir the middle of the lav.
Supt. Bancroft, master mechanic Ferris, and
land asrent Morse, ot New ton and the A., T. fc
8. F. H. R.. were in tlie citv on List Saturduv.
In another plirevv ill be found a notice if the
dissolution of the firm ol C.illcn. Moore fc Co.
Me r. Tavlor and Schucll return, wo believe,
to .function City. .
Mrs. 'WilcoxMin will tontinue her lectures at
the school house for the month of December
on Thursday ami Sund.ij' evenings, commenc
ing atTo'cloik p. in.
M. H. Church J. F. Nessly. pastor. Pcr
viren every S ibb.itb at 10J o'clock a. in. and
in the evening: Sabbat Ii school at 'i oMoik
p. in.; prayer meeting Wednesday evening.
Mr. Foster, of Topeka. brought into tliN
market, last Saturday, a car load of hogs. A
tew stock hogs were mixed In. but the l.irgi r
portion of the lontl were very large and very
fat hog.
The Pn-hjtcri.in -oiirtv will hold services
at Kagle Hall on next Sabbath morning and
rvenirg. Services will be held by them at
that place regularly hereafter Sunday school
In the afternoon.
Itouse and Lamb are stall-feeding one hun
dred select steers on their firm n-arSeilgwiik
City. Kverybody in Wichita knows thec
gentlemen, ami even body wishes them nie
ces in their enterprise.
The new firm or Caldwell .V Tit-worth will
open a lino assortment of groceries, nucens
vvare, glait-ware, etc, etc.. in the I'airlc lllock,
within the coming vveck. Mr. Caldwell i-now
in the city selecting his goodn.
Charley Hill's drug store looks beautiful at
liigbt-tinie, with tin- lamps burning in the
chandeliers. shaded with red, white and blue
globes. Charley is progres-ive. lie ktcjis
that same kind ofl.iiup for sale.
The district court in and for Sedgwick
county, convenes in Wiiliit.i nct Monday.
5. W. Kecvc-. the clerk, informs us that seventy-two
rases are docketed, eleven of which
are criminal, th" balinee civ il eases.
Born, at Selivan's r.mclie, in this county, on
Sunday night, thn lt in-t.. to Mrs. W.irk,
three cbildreu all doing well. It i- -aid there
Is great joy in a hou-e over the birth of one
tlill.l, what must be the feelings of that house
hold ! '
The land agency of John M. Steele, sold to
Wm. Mathewson, of Ft. Sill, KM acres belong
ing to the fJiflord brothers, on last Monday,
for the sum of $.1,700. This land i- situated
about three miles troin town, and 1-a very
choice piece.
Rev. B. Kelly, of Lmporia. honored our of
fice witli a call," as did Kev. D. 1'. Mitchell, ol
-Topeka, and Kev. 11. D Fi-her. 'I hese men
all stand high in tlie M. V.. conn rente of Kan
sas, and thev were all here ai-ting in the
dedication of tlie new church on la.-t Sabbath.
.Tan. Brylen, a siieres-ful cattle drover, left
this city for his home in Texas this wet k. lie
will be engaged this winter bu.vir.g and col
lecting cattle for the spring drive. Mr. Ilrv
den is well plea-eilwith Wichita a- a shipping
point for cattle, and will drive to this point
next spring.
(Scorge Hoover, editor and proprietor of the I
Lyndon Ohrrrrrr, spent a da) witli us la-t
wick. Mr. II. is going to wind up the Oh
rcrcrr, as fur as Lyndon in concerned, anil any
town in Kiin-as de-iring a live newspaperman
could not po-sHily tlo better than to secure
George Hoover.
"WlIKKl.KIt llRtX." You ran sen that
painted on the sule-of a liand-ome tlcliviry vva
gon da-hlng al-out ourcity tlcliv cringcxtra f.im
ly groceries to their numerous cu-tomer- troin
their estabH-hmcnt. No. 22 Main street. They
have received 0(H) bbl-. of choice winter ap
ples. See their advertisement.
The late Gen. .1. II Line once said that he
would not call into question God's power to
make a finer country than Kansa. but that lie
never hail. Correct. And that part of Kan
sas known as the Arkan-a- Valley, ot which
Wichita is the center, wis Hi- crowning ef
fort in that real e-tate traii-at lion.
,f . II. Black, of the Diamond Front grocery,
(Comes to our reader- thl-vveck under the head
.of 'new advertisements." He keep- a well
selected stock of family groceries ami the bct
.brands of Hour. He ha- al-o a set ol hair
bank's bay cale in front of hi- door, w here
weighing will be promptly attended to.
Commissioner.!. T. Carpel ter sav- there i-
niiich complaint of mail- and po-tma-ler. up 4
his way. It appears that Valjev Centre has
jieilht-r post inarm, man -or miss. Tlie mail
train leat cs a mail there on an av erage ol once I
in three weeks. We have written to the I', i
S mail agent to come ''own here, and he an- i
swers that he will. After we have went over
the ground with him we think Jhings vvUI fjo ,
straight. I
The Masonic and Odd Fellow-' ball given ,
last week wa- a complete success. The hall
vas filled to overflowing, and cvervjtiingwcnt
'merry as a marriage bell." v The Mipper at
the Douglas Av enuc Houmn bv it- proprietors.
under tlie immediate supervision of Mr. Alien.
wa elegant. The receipts weie very -ati-Jac- i
(lory, which will be expended judiciously to- '
vard titling up the new hall for the accommo- '
datiou ol thv undent, tiine-luiuorcd ordeix I
The well known and popular real estate firm
of Steele A Smith has been dissolved, Mr.
Smith retiring from the buines-. This firm,
by fair dealing and judicious advertising, has
Itccome widely known throughout the oa-t j
and has done a vast amount ol bil-ine-s and a
jrreat dt?al toward encouraging emigration to
this va'ley. Mr. Steele will remain in the bus
iness. All buslucsstoattc r addressed to him j
will lit: attended to promptly. See their di--o- I
IiiticMi no'Itv in aii-ithiTftliirnii.
The dedicatory services of the M. E.
church took place on W-t 'ablulli. Rev. 1).
1. Mitchell, of Topeka. Pi-licr. of Lawrence,
Kelly, of Emporia. Hartniin, of Kl lor.idn. Ll
der MrQui-toii, and two or three m!ni!ers of
the di-trict were present. The d ly being an
c.Mremelv pleasant one, the attendance vv.i-
large -o large, in fact, th.it quite p. iiiiiiiIh r
failed to gain admi-sion. Tlie iimrntrg mt-
monvras preached by Dr. MiU hell, on "1'lie
rise and progress of Cliri-1's kingdom on
earth," which wa- able and eloquent, and wa
listcncd to with marked attention. After the
sermon a financial statement wa- made- by .Mr.
Frakcr, showing that the societv had bought
lots, built a commodious par-onage and church,
finished and furnished the church with -eats,
ofas. chair-, c: rpets, chandeliers and bell
everything complete leaving them with an
outstanding it'debtedne of about sixteen
hundred dollar, which the congregation was
politely aked by Uev. Mr. Mitchell to Toot lip.
After raising six hundred dolliis. the meeting
was ili-iui ed to meet again at 2J o'clock, at
which time a grand Sunday -ehool ma meet
ing of all the schools in tlie city was hold, sing
ing and -liort spi-eches being the order of the
exTcis-, at the close of which all were in
vited to attend the services of tlie evening, to
be condiuted by Dr. Fiher. who preeihcd a
very able discourse on "The divinity of
Christ." W. B. Smith then made a statement
of what had been raised in the morning, show
ing that a thou-and dollars was jctto be raised
to clear them of debt. Mr. Kelly then took
the stand and. in his usual happy manner on
such occasion, made a few remarks which
were (minted and pithy, and In thirty minutes
time the thousand dollars was raised, ilearing
tlie church entirely of debt. Tlie house was
then dedicated to the worship of God. Great
credit Is tine the public generally for respond
ing so gencrouslv when called upon tor help in
this christian enterprise, and of three or four
we might make special mention, but our citi
zens know who they arc. Services will be
held hereafter at the new church preaching
Sabbath, mornimraud evening ; Sabbath school
In the afternoon ; prajcr meeting Wednesday
evening. The public are cordially invited.
IV ws free.
The nostotHce has been rcmov ed fi om its
old location on Main -trcct to the Laglc block
on Dougl is av enue. Hearing that some par
ties had stated that we were concerned in its
removal, we here state, for the benefit of all
such, that it is a mistake. We ncv er -poke to
the po-t-i aster with reference to the matter;
m fact, wc knew nothing of it certainly until
two days before its occurrence, at which time
the Hon. .1. It. Mead informed us that it would
in all probability be removed, and he was op
posed to its removal. Ol course there aru two
sides to the question; in all probability there
will be champions upon both shies, but as we
have often said, in local differences we cannot
take any part. What little interest m the way
of properly that wc have would be best con
served if the pn-tiiffiru was up about the Lin
pirc House, and il it should go there, or to
the old court house building, we should neith
er vv ork for or again-l it. Our idea of a post
office is that it should be located as centrally
as po-sible, compatible with silety and con
venience for business men. IVr-tms living
outside of town do not care what end of a
street the postoflicu i- on, or even what street.
Do our authorities know anv thing of the
condition of the three bridges that spun the
Chishohn cast ol town? They are very unsafe,
lottery, rotlen. without railing, ami all ready
to tumble. If these hiido'0s arc not soon
looked after the tounly, township or city will
have to pav in damage- three tiuie what new
bridges would tost. Three Hob-on truss
biidgcs, ot one sji in each, can be built across
Clii-holm at a v cry trilling t ost, bv lcav ing out
stone abutments. Drive down piles and nuke
the appro.ii he-ol tlirt filling. Such biidge
will la-t years, and the arc exceedingly ehtap.
The Little Arkansas river, the Xemie-cali and
Cow -kin will all have to he bridged, and we
-ugge-t that thev all be biidged in that way.
The bridges are just as good, while the last,
as those with stone abutim nts, while good oak
piles will last lrom ten to fifteen je.irs. Some
thing must be done about those Clii-holm
bridges right avvav.
We do really think that Wichita and the
surrounding country can boast more hand
some women than any other locality in the
state. This is a common boast of tiewpapcr
witli refcreiiie to their respective town-, but
the truth is, we have looked the matter square
ly in the face, without prejudice, ami unbiased,
and that is the solemn eoiuliisioii ariivedat.
And that is not all. The streets of Wichita
will, on any given pleasant alteinoon or Sun
day morning, show a greater number of fash
ionably difsscd ladii-t legular a In mode, re
cherche eclat, H.irpei's Bazar and Mine. De
inorcst's "walking co-tunie"aiid "full tire-"
turn-out- than any two place- of its size in
We note in the Arkansas City 7rawr that
Wichita's bridge builder, W. J. llobson, has
reccivt tithe contract for constructing one of
his excellent truss bridges aim- the Walnut
river at or near Newman'- mill. Wewill war
rant I ho bridge to give -atisfat tlon. Wc al-o
hear that he ha-ju-t entered into a totitract to
bridge the Vrkausa- at Kl Pa-o, in this county.
The bridge is to be 270 feet in lcuglli cxt llisit e,
ol approaches, ol three spans, with iron piers,
whit h are to rest on the bed rotk of the liver.
'I he bridge I- to co-t $10,000. Kl Paso takes
stock to the amount of one-half. The bridge
i- to be finished by the tii-t day of next
!.;. Hyde, living in Grant town-hip, has
just i ccciv ed by c.pre-s fiom W. Smith, in
Napa Valley. California, a bill of ticcs ami
shrubberry. toiisi-tiug of cutting- from a large
variety of grapes, apricots, pomegranate,
figs, almond-, currant'', al-o a choice lot of or
namental flower- and shrub-. All this added
to a laigt; orthartl of Kan-a grown trees, he
will soon have fruit on his farm of tlie thoice-t
varieties. He has also the Poland and China
breed of hogs, some of w hit Ii he oilers for sale.
Mr. Hyde lias very extensive inipitweineiits
on his farm, having only began this l.t spring.
There will be a special meeting ot Wichita
Lodge. A. I". & A. M., held at Kagle block, on
Thursday evening, the Mh in-t.. at" o'cloik,
to consider tlie qiic-liou of holding a public
dedication and installation, and other festivi
ties count cted therewith, on or about .he hol
idays. A full attendance of the member- i
e.irnestly tle-ircn. 11. C. SLU.-s, vy. M.
C. AV. Hill, Sec'y.
Oorre-immlt ncc- of Hit- Kaolc
Wichita Public Schools.
Koliof lli.nor Condition- 1. Pre-ent ev cry
day 2. Never tartly. .'!. Goad le-son-. 4.
Unexception ible in conduct.
ii inn school
Chirley Bate-,
Lulu iJangel,
Flora Nelv,
Nellie Scliotif M,
Francis Magee.
.Toscph Grantham,
Alouro Dcva-liicr.
Nevv ton Stage.
.Miin.u' .Miller.
A Hie Davidson,
John Patker.
Hisliua lates,
Fki:s, Teacher.
Nettie Miere.
Willi tu: Devashier,
.lame- Moore.
Alice Hilton,
John Mori!,
Hallic Mrn.
Medford Deva-hier,
Willie Kngli-h,
Alice Alton.
Lolo Bate-,
Belle Kgan.
Mvrtie Kgan.
Kdgar Meat!.
Clara Jenkins,
Alite Mlrere.
Mollie M flier,
liachel Hoy at,
Kunice Itoyal,
Charlie Maiamicr.
llattic Miller.
William Adam-,
Kiidie l.aiuk,
Lucy M.ige
Idi Maddux.
Sarah Wallace.
Lisv Ttckkr, Teacher.
Frank Hilton,
Loui- Clark.
Lincoln Magee.
Charlie Clark.
llattic Daley,
Kmma Wallace,
L'va Millis,
l.ucv Lautk.
Martha stout.
Maurice Wright,
Mosa Baldwin,
Kittie Utley,
Fretl Burg,
Willie Cook.
Willie Martin.
John l'atteron.
Charles Miller,
Claud Neff.
Kni-t Ilarri-.
George Kngli-h.
Ralph Millls,.n,
Willie Ne-lv.
Tlioiin- Moore,
Chariie Miller.
Cliarle- Cooper.
Martha Kendall
LI7Z1F. Iltr.iivv
1 eaehcr.
High Sthool
70 '
15epoctfnlly submitted. .
JoitX TlTKEn. cnpf .
Munich, and Dramatic HNTrr.TAix-
Jir.XT On next Friday evening, the 13th
ni-t.. ourtiiizr.isare to he favored with an
other entcrulr.incnt Mmilar to the one -o sue
t "-fully giv en a lew vvccl.- ago, limit r the
ati-picei of the Methodic!. Tii' time the
Pn-bUiTi.ui cliun li conies in for the benefit.
M-t of the pi rforniir connetteil with the
j other contort wi.l again take part, and they
are to be a-si-fed bv -ouie talent from abroad,
.iniongolhers Mr. J. I?. Djvi,of Topeka, one
of the line-l singers in tlie state.
The tni-teis. of the M. I', church return
their thanks to tlio-c who contributed to the
liquidation of the church debt on lxst Sabbath.
.1. 0 Fkvkek, Treat.
. IK.
In this t It y. on the Pth of November,
Mr. DiiitiiiQie'r.ige. In thu.'HJtli vearof his age.
He wa- a n-itivc of liiiigliamton. New York.
Kevered and beloved by all who knew hiin.
he cxpricil hiuielf as being willing to go,
and that all wa- well with him. The wife and
daughter nave the sympathies of a chri-tian
coiiiuiiiuitv in their -ad bereavement.
my entire stock of furniture at auction, on
Saturday. December 7th. Sale from 10 to 12
a. in., and 2 to 4 p. m. This is yourlat chance
to get furniture at your ovv n prices. Sale at
my ware room-, corner Main and Douglas
Avenue. C5-tf B. Haywood.
Plain Talk. Every intelligent American
citizen knows full well that advertising is sim
ply a gross humbug some men announcing
that they have the Iargist and best selected
stock of goods between the boundaries of the
Atlantic and Pacific oceans,offeringsuch fearful
bargains and sacrifices, troin which the novice
woultl infer that they were public benefactors
distributing charities ad libitum.
Sow. reader, can a merchant pay for his
goods, employ help, pay rent, pay for Ins liv
ing, clothes, incidentals, etc., bcidcs realizing,
as many do, great wealth, without profit, and
large profits at that? You answer, no, sir. Be
guided by your decision. Don't be duped by
thoe Hauling advertisement, for iow prices
look very well in print, and immense stocks on
a hand bill or circular dwindle into insignifi
cance on the shelves.
from our experience and knowledge wc ad
vic our friends and readers to go to the little
unpretending C.ish Dry Goods Store of Nixon
A: Co., near Todd & Royal's, vv here, if y ou arc
not made satisfied in goods and price-, wc will
sacrifice our pretentions to truth and ju-tice.
ui-tf. Mkkciunt.
Big feet wanted at No. GO Main street, Wit h
ita, next door to the City Bakery 100 pair of
the biggest leet in Southwestern Kansas for
which calf and kip boots will be turnNlicd.it
SI less a pair than the regular price. Now,
gentlemen, trot in your big leet and save your
dollar. Parties with small feet having the
courage to wear big boots shall get them at
the small price, all the s.inv , and no que-tion.-uked.
It Siikvumvx
Wooi) Wanted. fiO cords of hard wood
(oak and Walnut) bv John Exton. Ollice
j. Douglas avenue, near depot. JM-4t
Mi:iicai. Notick. Dr. Moorhead would
say to the citizens of.Wiehita and vicinity that
he has opened an otllce on Main street, near
the United States land oihee and Kmpire
House. He vv ill do a general practice, but has
made a specialty of all t hroiiiu di-ca-e for
iie.uly thirty years. Bead my advertisement
in lull in Wichita Daily Jlmcon.
:u-tf .1. M. c. Mooirnun.
All kinds ol li
Beinicr'.- book
'gal blanks to oe had at II. J.
-tore. S2-tf
William Heller A Co., of Junction City, have
opened a first-cl.is- meat m irket nearly oppo
site the po-ttdliie, at the -in of people's
Meal Mai kit." They have the nea'.e-t ami
cleanest market yet opened ill Withita. Their
main object i- to supply private families with
the choicest meats. Sau-age i a specialty
with tin in. It is cut with knives, ami is finer
than any thing of the kind ever offered in this
market. Jut try Heller Je Co. once. I12-U
SCHOOL FuKNlTUlli: A. 11. Close, of In
dependence, Kansas, Ju,, opened a branch
olhte at thl- place, wheie he will keep a full
supply of school furniture anil apparatus.
School bonds ca-hed at the highest market
rate-. Office with MtClure & Co.
lb-tr M. I I'oi:sTH, Agent.
Go to C. P. Hind-, Todd A: Royal's to sell
your hides and furs for the highest cash price.
No. Hi Main street, Wichita, Kansas. ."1-tl"
" How to :o Kat." By the K.m-as City,
St. Joseph and Burlington route. "Though
last not least," is an adage as true a- it is old,
and its truth is again exemplified by the com
pletion of the new line to the east via Creston
and Burlington, vv hieh. though the last, iniy be
called the best route in the vvc-t.
The line consist- of the Kansas City, Saint
Joseph and Council Bluff- railroad, with two
daily trains from Kansas City, through Atchi
son, Leavenworth and St. Jo-cpli to the Mis
souri state line, there connecting with the
Burlington route, which lead- direct to Chica
go. Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Logan-port and
Coluinbu through ears aru being run to all
the-e points.
This line i- well built, thoroughly equipped
with every modern improvement, including
Pullman's sleeping and dining cars, and no
where else can the passenger o completely
depend on a speedy, safe and comfortable
jo .nicy.
The Burlington route has admirably answer
ed the query, "How to go Kast,"by the publi
cation of an interesting ami truthful document
containing a valuable ami correct map, which
can be obtained free of charge by addressing
General Passenger agent B. ,t M. IS. IS. It.,
Burlington. Iowa. 12-tf
Barnes has a good assortment of new goods.
Call and see, and leave y our meaure for one
of those nobby suits he gets up. Remember
the old saying, that clothes do not make the
man, but they help the looks of him mightily
after he is made. I.Vtf
Hill, the druggist, keeps Ligget and Hud
son's beauty tine-cut tobacco the best tobac
co that is manufactured. 20-tf
A Cakii. I would respectfully announce to
my many friends .md the public generally that
I can be found at all hours, day or night, at
the drug -tore of Chas. W. Hill, where I
-hall be jilca-cti to -ec all those who require
my services. J. It. Askew,
Prescription Clerk,
Formerly with Geo. Matthews A Col
Dkxtistky. Dr. W. L. Doy le, a regular
graduate of dentistry, and of -i year- experi
ence, has permanently located in Wichita,
where he is prepared to pcrtonn any opera
tion pertaining to the proleion. Artificial
teeth inserted on any of the meritorious ba-c.
Prc-ervatioii of the natural teeth nude a spe
cialty. Office over Iiobb A Pittenger'- -tore,
anil two door- south ol po-lo!lict'. 2tMf
Small-i-ox. Dr. Owen A Medlin having
procured pure vaccine vim- that ha never
been humanized, con-equently pure from
scrofuloii-or -yphilitic taints, propo-e inoc
ulotlng a- a prophylactic again-t variola or
-mall pox. The doctor- think every peron
should be vaccinated once every -even years.
Office, Main -trcct, Wichita. 24-tf
M. M. Emanuel has procured the valuable
service- of an efficient lady clerk for hi- popu
lar Bazar, vv hich vv ill lc vv drome new to many
of hi- lady cu-tomer. Mr.TCmanue! i doing
a large bii-lne, which i rapidly upon the in-
t crease. He -bowed u- -evcral orders for fine
good- from Hutchin-on. Wellington ami other
surrounding towns. 2G-tf
C.vnt. We are receiving a full and com
plete stock ot fall and winter dry good. bxt.
shoe, groceries, building paper, etc etc.. eif
bet maker- ami qualities', and -ell thcm eitap
for ca-h or counter pay.
AIo. money to loan in utii of $100 or up
ward, by mortgage on real etatc.
24 Wm. C. Woodmvn Sox.
Charley Hill still keep the little iron "B"
cigar, vvuicn i -aid to te me nnet uome-tic
j cigar in the Wichita market. HU imported j
cigar' are superb. tf
Take your hides to C. M. Garrison, tlie old
est hide buy er in Wichita. 2.75 for buffalo
bulls. 27-tf
i K. Fuitt.K Y. phy sician, Maine street, Wich
ita. 21-tf
Spraguc'sandMerrimack urinU .
Vi'.im-ut! a ir:nts .
Mar A and Indian brad sheetings.
Limisdale and blcarlied luifadiua. .
J'acuic extra unhlt-nchc-tl
Indian baid unblcac lie-d
Deiiim. and shining btripe. . .
I)t lames H wool
Flaiim-ls, btttall wool.....
Factory .leans, b-st . . ..
Domestic lUuguauu . . .. . .
$ 12'i9
1U C
2U (t: 30
M (
70 ft
70 ft
lt!iC 23
U (S-J30
Young Hyson Tea..
70 PI CO
IinM.-rml . . ..
OiuiiHiwder .
Oolong aud Japan . ..
Java old white
Uetined Sugar
Crushed and pulverized
Nevv Orleans brown
Virginia nulural leaf tobacco.. ..
Gold bar .... . .. .
Uice ...
Sorghum inoliuses
Golden S'yrtip .. ..
Cider Vinegar
White Full
Cod Fish
Dried Apples and reaches
Corrauta ami UlackbtTiico . ...
Canned Peaches .
Cannc d Chcrnea and Strawberries
Oysters . . ..
Lobsters untl banhnoa
KgS -
Salt ...
Lard ,
Clear Sides
Family Soap
Kerosene Od ,
70 ftjl 00
1 00 ('.! t
70 fit 40
2J.V 2,f
2S ( SJ
U),(i IBS
l." 1
liJife 14
1 li
5) (3 75
N tl 20
10 & UH
75 0j -
W (gl 20
UJ ftjsl 30
K (o 5)
10 & i-
il ( .
a) 33
40 f4
30 (c
30 IS,
a t
30 C4 35
30 &
12 ti Jt
15 ft It
11 .it
11 13
40 (4 80
ii .-a
-i IS W
Flour, XXX i 4 00 6 00
Flour, XX jpring wheat 2" (-4 SO
Com Meal 1 50 &
Buckwheat 6 00 7 00
Fall Wheat 2 50
Spring Wheat ft '
Corn ... . 25 ftv 35
Oata -J5 6 35
Choice bcefsttak 6 li
Itoost " 8 C 1
Fresh fork 10 ( U'.i
Chickens 30 (A 33
Turkeys 1 00 &
Native Walnut and Oak, t M 50 00 w
o!lwtKl 45 00 H
Pine 35 00 SO 00
Native Cattle 2 75 (31 00
Texas Cattle .. 3 30 tl"i
C-ilves, spring. 4 00 f
Dry Units lu to IS
Creen salted 7 7Ji
Has a full supply aud receives dally of
Oi iters for a bushel, ton or cur load fllltd
promptly .
jf Special contract to ill or Jen by the carlvxd
Oidersleft nt Steele A -.mith's, Maitin, I'hdlip
.t l,u.'i, J II. Mack's, -sliliUiIrl-.V liilvsi-ir-,,
Wtsl .V Mnnii's, Ui.ts V ItiU'o, lltsd .V t.t tin's,
and at the VJrten Front (VV. V. 'Iliomas A. Co. '),
will meet with proiu;it attculiou.
OFFICE Dousbu avenue, near depot. 31-tl
AT;sq-TioT ATI!
Christopbti Columbus discovered America in
the year II v, and since the people who inhtblt
this bind of ours h ive found mine- ol gold, silver
and mineral of nil dtecniilion, but the latest
discovery i that made in IsTJ by
No. 22 Main Street,
ZF-Ajsrair grocers
gkneral commission mi:i:ciiaxt:
Coods delivered in my jiart of the city or envi
rons Ine of ch trj;e.
Swcut Potatoes,
Irish l'ottitocs,
lltittcr nml Kgs,
Forci";ii Fruit!,
Canned Fruits,
Spice's, Nuts,
Coffee, Tea,
Tobacco and Cigars, Sv nip & Mola-sc-
VVe bare rect iTetl too birrels nf choice winter
apple Jeiitton, Vandevere ami Pippin.
Now is the time lo lav in vour winter supply
no Family Flour at nhtiltsale -ad retsil.
3?"Ce)q pj Ton or Car Load.jgl
ss i,A stJMiAND sEE US
f-Jtvi w
niEELEIt BK05.,
2-2 Main Street.
It -oir open to &t public, and ftlei up in the
laSett aid ru,tt imp-oeti ttlt.
Samples of the dia nt qualities of
lapcrtcd and o:2stic Liquors
Mr be obtained at all times nt market quotation.
Brandon A Kirmciers celebrated
TJtird St'dei. Fear Umpire Uoxue, I
A N!!D T
Northeast Corner of Main Street and Douglas Avenue,
(Opposite the Eagle Block)
wtc:e33::., szeidg-wtcik: coTjTTir, ttattsas.
The following is bat a very small portion of the property that I have for sale, av d atn receiviugncw even- day.
I carefully select and personally examine for patties at a distance wishing to make investments.
I collect rents, pay taxes, aud furnish correct abstracts, as I have the only set of abstracts to real estate in
Sedgwick County.
One hundred thousand acres of land tor bale not in descriptive list below, located iu Sedgwick, Marion, Butler,
Cowley and Sumner Counties.
&Xotice carefully list below.
I make no li-t of city property, a I
have MJcli a largo, quantity that I have
no room. I have 1,000 lots, improved
and unimproved, e-ompri-ing residence and
busine-H lots, located in the mo-t deirable lo
cation in the city, at reasonalc prices.
Take Notice A Fine Bargain.
A STOCK FARM Tlie best in Southwestern
Kan-a- containing 040 acres, being
the we-t half of the northeast and catt
half of the northwest quarter of sec
tion 26. township 34, range 2 west, and
southeast quarter of section 26, town
.hip 34, range 2 west, and northeast
quarter section 3., town-hip 34, range
1 2 west, and southwest quarter section
25. township 34, range 2 west, said
tract containing 40 acres of good hard
wood timber and 250 acres first bot
tom, balance second bottom, being the
finest range for stock in the country,
having a corral which will hold 1.000
head of cattle; 40 acres under cultiva
tion ; good house 1 J story This tract
lias a line stream of water running
through it, with a quarter of a mile of
stone, rork bottom This stock farm
is located in the county of Sumner, H
miles from Alton postoflkc, 15 miles
from Wellington, the county seat of
Sumner county, and 40 miles from de
pot at Wichita. Setlgw Itk county, and
is well known throughout this locality
as the 'Hradbtiry StocV Farm " Price
NO. 27fi 160 acres first bottom; 10 acres
broke; southeast quarter of -cctionlS,
township 28. 1 east. Price $800.
XO. 2T.T 1113 56-100 acres firt bottom ; 30 acres
broke ; 2 miles from this city ; north
east quarter of sci-fion 5, town 27, 1
cat. Price 2,5500 on easy tcrmi.
' XO. 275 160 acres second bottom ; 15 arre
broke ; 8 milrs from this city. Prico
,-GOO. Southeast quarter of section 21,
town 23, 2 east.
NO. 276 ISO acres first bottom, 25 acres tim
ber, 15 acres broke, log bouse 10x18.
kitchen (pine) 12x11, stable 14x32; Si
miles from this city, in sections 3 and
10, town 28, 1 east. Price $10 per
arre. This land is located at the
junction of Cliisholm creek and the
NO. 267160 acres first bottom land, 40 acres
under cultivation, pine, bouse 12.26,
good well, 500 peach trcc, 2 dozen
box elder-, 50 grapes, 200 walnut trec,
5 miles from this city. Price 1250.
NO. 20S 160 acres fir-t bottom land. 15 acres
broke, 3 miles from this city. South
east quarter of section 3.5, tow u 26, 1
east. Price f 11 per acre.
NO. 26 160 acres firt bottom, 12 acres broke,
house 12x14, 0J miles from this city;
southwest quartfi of section 29, town
28. range 1 ea-t. Price 650.
NO. 270160 acres second bottom, 16 acres
broke, 6 miles from this city ; north
east quarter of section 32, town 27, 2
east. Price 1200.
NO. 277 16o acres second bottom, 10 acres
broke, with good water, 17 miles from
this city. 5 miles from Kl P.io. Price
550. Southeast quarter of section 21,
tow n 29. range 2 east.
NO. 27S 160 acres second bottom, with two
good springs, p miles from this city.
Prit e b5ft. Southwest quarter of sec
tion 25. tow n 27, range 2 ea-t.
NO. 2SI Ii'iO acres second bottom, n splendid
view of Wichita, 1J miles from this
city. Price2,000. Southwest quarter
ofseotion 26, town 27, 1 east.
NO. 262160 acres lirt bottom. 10 acres broke,
house 12x14, four miles from this city ;
southwest quarter of section 11, town
28. 1 we-t. Price $ 850.
262 North w e-t quarter of section 5, tow n
ship 27, range 1 we-t, all bottom land,
7 miles from this city Price 700
261160 acres; 12 acres of planted timber,
63 acres undtTcultivation; pine frame
liou-e with cellar; milk bou-c 12x4;
hedge rows all around; good bank
-table; 300 fruit tree-; on Clii'liolm
cirek; good -pnng creek running
through -aid hind ; being the south
east quarter of set tlon 14, town!iip26,
range 1 ca-t, 6 miles from this city
Price 2,000
IMPItOVKl) KAKM 160 acrc, first bottom
land, with 50 acre- in cultivation ; good
house 14x20, pine, story and a half;
good stable 12x26; 130 rods of grow
ing hedge; a gootl well; three and a
half miles from Wichita, being the
northwest quarter of section 33, town
ship 26. 1 east. Price $ 1700.
NO. 217 A rare bargain, only in the market
for a few tlav f5J acres first bottom
land, with 25 acres under cultivation ;
gootl hou-c; 25 bearing peach tree;
three-quarter of a mile from Wichita.
Price $35 per acre; one-half cah
tlow n, balaurr in three and six months
NO. 214 A fine improved farm 167 acres
first bottom land, with 30 acres large
, wqotl timber; 25 acres under cultiva
tion ; 11 tory hou-c; gootl frame su
ble corral ; one mile of good pot and
rail fence, and po-ts and rail enough
to fence the place ; three and a half
miles south we-t from Wichita. Price
NO. 213 IsO 24-100 acre fir-t lttom land, 5
mile from Wichita. Price 700.
NO. 212320 acres -et-oml bottom land, with
20 acre- under cultivation eat half of
section 12, township 2S, 1 can 54,
miles from Wichita. Price ?2.00.
NO. 211 ICO acre- flr-t bottom land, with 14
acres under cultivation outhcast
quarter of section 25, town-hip 27, 1
west two mile- from Wichita. Price
NO. CO 160 acres tirt bottom land ; southeast
quarter -ection 20. town-hip 23. ranee
1 ea-t ; 20 acre under cultivation ; J
mile from Wichita. Pncc SHOO.
NO. 64 150 acre- -ccond lottn ; outhwet
quarter section 31. town-hip 26. ran
3 east; 30 arre under cultivation; j
house 12xs: lTty0 growing cotton-wood-;
12 mile- from Wichiia. Smile
from Pry Creek po-tofflc. Price
' 1390; one-half ca-h, balance in on j
year's time. f
The coiiHtic- of Sotlvvick, stunner, Covvh-y ami IJutler ronprif an area of the ist a?rirulliin.l lan-l i of ths-JIs-i-sijjti
valley. Tlie Arkau-a ntn- diaoufillj through lh -ereral conntie aarnesl. fonnltii' of !llf an i"ittiire
vallfj ranjtns from --veti to twelve mile-
Xetif-Ceth, Vftlmit nd Wirtt--tcr rirer.
cvuitrr with fertile valtcr-. Tlie -oil of
tuvtio. all knil- i- onitirps-ed. (.lini-te
eeUhf ,e,,t au,lcr the pre-iiipSon !avr
(Successor to Steele & Smith)
NO. 61 100 acres second bottom ; southwest
quarter section 22, town-hip 20, range
1 ea-t; 100 acre." under cultivation;
good house and stable; four miles
from Wichita. Price $2,000.
NO. CC 160 acres first bottom; northwest
quarter section 18, township 28, range
1 west; 10 acres under cultivation;
log house 16xlS, and good well; i
miles from Wichita. Price $ 1,000.
NO. CS 160 acres second bottom; southwest
quarter section 21 township 29, range
2 east; 60 acres under cultivation;
good frame houe 16x20, plastered;
good well; 300 forest and fruit tree,
growing; 14 miles from Wichita.
Price fl.OOO.
NO. 72 160 acres second lottom; southwest
quarter section 26, township 27, range
1 wi'st; 6 More- under cultivation;
pine house 12x14 ; good well ; hedge
row all around ; 7 miles from Wich
ita. Price 650.
NO. 79 160 acres tf second bottom; north
east quarter t-cction 34, township 26,
range 2 east; 8 acres under cultiva
tion; good well; 300 growing fruit
trees; 8 miles from Wichita. Price
NO. 81 ICO acres second bottom; 13 acres
under cultivation ; C miles from Wich
ita. Price 4900.
NO. 82160 acres second bottom ; southeast
quarter section 17, towuhip23, range
1 cast; 10 acres under cultivation;
house 14x16; with several springs of
living water on; 8 milti- from Wichi
ta. Price 700.
NO. 83160 act es first bottom ; northwet
quarter section 25. tow iihip 28, range
1 west; 12 acres under cultivation;
pine frame house 12.X12. Price fisOO.
I NO. sr
160 acres second bottom; southwest
quarter section 28, township 26, range
2 cast ; 12 acres under cultivation ;
box house 12x14 ; 71 miles from Wich
ita. Price 8600.
NO. 87 SO acres first bottom; wc-t half of
south we-t quarter of section 7, town
ship 28, range 1 cast ; 71 miles from
Wichita. Price S30.
NO. 72 010 acreK second bottom; 100 acre
under cultivation; on Dry creek; liv
ing water; 7 miles from Wichita.
Price $3,300, on ca-j terms.
NO. 7u 160 acres second bottom ; southwest
quarter section SO, township 20, range
2 east; 71 miles fr&m Wichita. Prico
NO. 76 160 acres second bottom; northwest
quarter section 16, township 29, range
le.Tt; 11 miles fiom Wichita, half a
mile to Waco pontollicc. Price SsjOO,
on easy terms.
NO. 77160 acres fust bottom; southwest
quarter section 10, township 18, range
1 we-t; hou-e lb20, with cellar: 3
acres of timber; on living stream of
water ; 0 miles from Wichita. Price
NO. 7S 150 acn s second bottom ; northwest
quarter of section 20, town-hip 28,
range 1 we-t; 24 acres under cultiva
tion; hou-c 14x16. frame; 10 miles
from Wichita. Piicit650.
lT" Ml landt with tinXer ot are tttuated on
running ttreami of water.
NO. 9.! 160 acres first bottom; 10 acres under
cultivation; pine frame house 11x16.
Price b50.
NO. 191 160 acres second bottom; 9 acres un
der cultivation; houo 14x16, pine;
good well; 9 miles from Wichita.
Price ? 600.
NO. 197 1C0 acres first bottom; west half of
west half of section 33, towii-liipyj, 1
wc-t; about 7 uiiiu from Wichita.
Price ?500.
NO. 2C8 80 acres first bottom; eat half of
iiorthcat quarter of section 11, town
ship 28, range 2 west; 10 acres broke;
pine house 12x14 ; 8 miles from Wich
ita. Price $350.
NO. 243 160 acres second bottom; southwest
quarter section 23, township 28, range
2 ea-t; 10 acres broke; 8 miles from
thU city. Price 8s50.
NO. 256 153 acres fir-t bottom land; north
west quarter Section 5, town-hip 2b, 1
east; IS acres of timber; 10 acres un
der cultivation; 21 miles from thU
city. Price 2,000, on ca-y terms.
NO. 20100 acres first bottom; 12 acres under
cultivation; house 12x16; pump and
corn crib; northwest quartel ol sec
tion 20. tovvn'hip 25, range 1 wc-t. 41
miles trotn the railroad tiepot, 21 miles
from Park City, and it mile from thi
city. Price ?700.
NO. 122160 acres second bottom ; C miles
from this city ; northwest quarter of
section 12, township 27, range 1 east.
Price fSOO.
NO. 210 160 acres second bottom; southwest
quarter section 12, tow i!iip 2,, range
1 cat. Price 1,000.
NO. 24 160 acres second bottom ; northwest
quarter section 17. lownhip 28, ranc
1 wc-t ; 10 mile from thU city. Prit
NO. 25320 acres first bottom ; west half of
section 32, town-hip 29, range 1 eat ;
17 miles from Wichita, 2 mile in Sum
ner county. Price $ I ,WJ0,
NO. 27320 acre first bottom ; tart half of
section 1, town-hip 28, range I west;
3 mils from thi city. Prico ?2jXi0 ;
1200 cah in hand, eo0the31t of
Deccraber.1872. without interrt.
NO. 220 -TO acre first bottom Untl; eO rod
from thi city. Price ftO per acre.
NO. 219 ICO acre first bottom Und, with IC
acre under cultivation ; good boue ;
2 mile from Valley Center, 7 mile
from thi city. Price ?I0 per acre.
NO. 221 SO tcrt- first Itotto Untl ; cal and
outh side; good 5 wire fence; 1 tail'
from this city. Pn ?0,000.
NO. 2 c0 acres firt bottom Und; 1J rsiic
f. .u thi city. Price tW).
NO. ES 1ft) sen- second bottom ; 20 xrxr un
der ccltivation; C tl!- from thU city.
Price 7crt.
NO. 63 I3S SUM acre first bottom ; south
west qiurter 'ctit-n 35, township SS,
range 1 e-jt ; 20 scr- of UrmVr, 65
acres nudcr cultivation ; two Uvg :
hcu-s--and table: entire pi ss under
-ol ftnrf ; 10 tile from thi city.
Price l.Vi0, ?lr) ;, f.vo in Ix
month or year, with 10 pT cat. i
in width. Other trvin of le inafiintuils-, tirh a- Uk- Little Arkao., j
iate, IMiiiT. Spring, Oyf.-nfn. ChMioiut and Coow-kiu cm, direr!ff th !
the rallcy and uplands i a rich -andr
terapemtf, equable and healthr. Thutiaiid. of afre of latid arc ozn to
for the ale of ths O-tjre Indian Jand.
L'A- N D r
TIf you cannot find anything in these column-
that suits you call at my office, corner
of Main street and Douglas avenue.
NO. 90 160 acres; first bottom; southeast
quarter section S3, township 27, range
I cast; 45 acres under cultivation;
pine frame house 12xlG, with kitchen;
II miles from Wichita. Prico 2,650.
NO. 92160 acres first bottom; southeast
quarter section 25, township 29, rang
1 east; 00 acres good timber; 50 acres
under cultivation and fence; hewed
log house 14x16, with kitchen; fence
post set around entire piece ; 15 mile
from litis city, 4 miles from Kl Paso.
Price 2,600.
NO. 112 ICO acres second bottom; northeast
quarter section 10, township 27, range
2 west. Prico 900.
NO. 12080 acre first bottom; wet half
of the southeast quarter of section 15;
township 27, range 1 east; 20 acres
under cultivation; good house 14x18,
1) story; corn crib, milk house, and
hedge rows broke all around land ; one
mile from this city. Price 2,500.
NO. 56160 acres first bottom; southeast
qnartcr section 22, township 27, range
1 west ; 3J railM from this city. Price
NO. 1S5 146 acres second bottom; north
hair and southwest quarter of section
35, town-hip 26, rang- 1 east. This
body commandi. a beautiful view of
the city of Wi.-hlta, and U a full tract
of No. 1 land. Six miles from thi
city. Prico 2,400.
NO. 191160 acres first bottom, 5 miles from
this city ; southwest quarter or sectlou
, township 27, range 1 west. Price
j KO. 203-1C0 acre first bottom; sontheast
quarter section 8, town-hip 27, rsngtt
1 west. Price 800.
NO. 39147 51-100 acres first bottom; 12 acres
of timber on the Arkansas river; 27J
acres bndtr cultivation; hou-e 14x20;
3 miles from Park City. Price 2.000.
NO. 110 172 20-100 acres first bottom; lOacrrs
under t tilth a tlon on Cowskia creek ;
10 acres under cultivation f miles
rrom Belle Plaine. Price 1100.
NO. 41 60 acre fir-t bottom; 6 acres of tim
ber on Cliisholm creek ; the north half
ol the northwest quarter of section 27.
township 27, range 1 east; three-quarters
of a mile from this city. Price
N0- 2 158 acres first bottom ; 6 acres of hard
wood timber; 25 aero-tinder cultiva
tion on Spring creek; lialfmllu from
Kl Pa-o. Price 1204.
NO. 45 166 acres tir-t bottom; 60 acres good
hard wood timber; 18 acres under
cultivation on Spring creek; 13 miles
fi-om this city. Price 810 per acre.
NO. 47 160 acres second bottomland; Miutb
east quarter section 10, township 28,
range 2 east ; 8 miles from this city.
Price 7&0.
NO. 29320 acres first bottom land, principal
ly It) miles from this city. Price 1200.
30160 ncrcs firt bottom; south half
or north hair or set tlon 12, township
27. range 2 west, containing 12 acres
of hard wood, 10 acres under cultiva
tion, good stream or running water;
71 miles rrom thl city. Price 1500.
31 160 acres first bottom : nnrllm,..!
quarter set tion 4, township 25, rangt
2 we-t, nearSedgwitk City. Price 700.
NO. 3180 acre first bottom ; 21 acres under
cultivation; hou-e 12x16, fra-ne; good
pump ami stable; the south half ortho
northeast qunrtrr or section 20, town
ship 20, range 1 east; 4 miles from
this city. Price WW.
NO. 36101 01-1W) acres first bottom; 70 acres
of good timber; II acres under culti
v ation ; hou-c 1 1x20 ; rail fence around
entire piece; 18 miles rrom this city,
1 miles from Clear Water, 6 miles
from Iyindon. Price J500.
NO. 37 110 acres first bottom. 18 miles from
thi city. Price f.f).
NO. 10 160 acre second bottom, well watered
with good springs or living water;
southwest quarter r section 25, town
ship 27. range 2 east; 10 miles rrom
this city. Price 1200.
Nw. 11 160acrr second bottom, 35 acres un
der cultivation; southwest quarter ot
section 34, township 26. range 2 et ;
8 miles from thU city. Price 1,000.
NO. 13 2s0 acre first !ottom. containing 40
acres or gootl ban! timber ; 40 acres
under cultivation; 20 acres under
fence and post holes far 40 aTC, with
a lar house with gootl cillar; 500
living fruit trees ; good living stream
or water; lots 3 and 4. and ea.t half of
section 13, township 29, range I ea.t ;
13 mile from Wichita, 1 mile, from
EI 5'ao. Price ?I2 50 per acre.
NO. 15160 acrrs flr-t bottom. 10 acres under
cultivation, good living watr; south
east qiurw or n ction 5, township 2x,
range 1 wrt; fc mile from UiUdty.
Price :X. Terms, fVX) ,ah in
hand, f 100 Dec 30, JS72, without In
terest. NO. 261 ISO acre first bottom ; cat half of j
north"-t and rat half or southeast j
quarter or section 1ft, township 27, J
range 1 wot; 25 acre nndoiUIrs- t
Hon ; log horns ; 3 mile from this '
citr. Price tli.
NO. 201160 acres flrt bottcw; -titl,wrt
qosrtor of se-rturo 17. ton titbit 23.
range I cavt; 20 a m under tniiivs- I
tlon; fc hr.zj- 1J; jj tuuVs from ,
tbitrity. Price llro.
We have a Urje nnt-lstr ',1 pie &rix.! i
in tracts orfrora ocn to twmsy tist ; rjtA&. I
Ing the dtr of Wleirtta, c!UW- for suboriun
residence. i
. 5 Aarstca- fcfM fo- 'i, itttttctl
en the crner of Wstor itreet uni
Doaglas its., in the city of Wichi
ta, bring UtxtH, with win CxM.
thr- storit high, coot-ining fifty--
r&n. TbS boa -a 4ullt this
s-unnaer, and I 4oing a g'wvl tu-lr-n.
Thi propTty can l bo-jrat for I5r
f, on -ay trna . Kor faU partru
larv pJa-r addres u; GroeoeiiOzlrO.
?zz ironcs.
I have th m!y iJ romjt" i!rrct" ot
( title; to real estate In -lwltk roust.
loatn. -ereral f-tt i d-pt!i. Weu-
Imroii'ratlon I poriji la rapldlr.
rsKDaWIfiK l-oii.VTV. KAN-A-.
Dealer, .a
v jf
'n V.
We keep the largest and beat astorttU'
stock of lumbar in Wichita. ' '
Oar experience. Ui past three ya la Mpply
In the wutU of this part of the SUl couvinoMU
we can still (lv as good slUf-clioa U Mr
tomsrs as heretofore.
Our grades are well kaowm to be tfce beet la the
market. We shall slick to ear gT-dse, end hope
to see all our old cnetooters.
- fX . I s- tf"
. .
" Jm
vHi?iS$i ' " - , '"'
Ift trill mmUlihertl iWvssmi to sat trajil,
Wlrolesl and retail
Keep the Urge! etoefc of
In Southwest Knntai.
C-ll -nrf etsiuln onr jrradrs, We ill est be
uuderstilil. Lumber dUrd lasble ell limit
without eit clukrge.
0Ji4 and yard en Doflt !, iwar bptt.
. MeCI.r.X
mm -tf ay ,g4,,
" 1
i n

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