Newspaper Page Text
- St- ewwwjiSJ5fEE3fc&a?5i'.f' t i SS&cjjfa OBagk WICHITA. TIIUKSDAY. DEC. 7, 1S7C. CI TY AND COUNTY NEWS. Mr. II. II. Culloin's wile arrived In this city last week. "Star" bat something to say this week about roadf. Toe Methodist Sunday school will havo a Christmas tree. J. H. Stephens who his titcn cast returned home Saturday. llcv. J. C. Tst is down tor a fow days. from Hutchinson Ilcnry Boltc is getting in a large inroice ot new luralturc. Dr. Doyle's new residence oughly painted. is neing ttior- The Empire Houto is nearly ready to be opened to the public. James L. Djcr has been appointed ISciclver of the Wichita land oflice. Weigand & Co. are enlarging and rearrang ing their mammoth brewery. T. M. Lane's team ran away yesterday and fcmashed bis buggy into splinters. Father Scuurz writes that he sailed troin .New York tor Liverpool on the 18tb. The Messrs. Ilouck Brothers ka.t, added to their establishment a large Hall's safe. Mrs. Pittenger and .Miss Josic havo returned alter an absence oi a number of months. John Herbns new brick business house, on Douglas avenue is nearly ready for occu pancy. The Dzslric' Court i still in session, being engaged principally In di'pcnMng of civil suits. A wild form ot scarlitina is reported preva lent, but which has proved fatal in no in stance. Mr?. Ellsworth, sister to Col. Stcwatf s wife, who has been south and east, returned thi week. Ite Father Swcinibcrg will hold ssrvices at the Catholic church Friday, (to-morrow) at 10 o clock. Two sisters from the Leavenworth Paro chial school are in our city soliciting funds for that Institution. Wichita was Inrested by a bogus jewelry swindler last weok. Wc move that hereattcr ourauthoriticijug such gentry. A plain gold bracelet was lost in this city last Thursday. The finder will please leave it at thii oflice and claim a reward. Wilbur Huff received a dispatches jester day, calling him horns to Sew York, on ac count of the serlom illness orhis father. The llcv. George Ualcem will preach at the Baptist church on Friday evening, the Sth inst. Sen ices will begin at half past seven. Mr. and Mrs. Shcllabarger, of Decatur, Illi nois, parents or Mrs. G. F. Hargis, arrived m our city Friday night to spend a portion or the winter. II. V. ArrowFtnlth was thrown from his horso on Monday and his face scarred up somewhat, but fortunately he recensd no serious bruises. It don't pay Keno county homesteaders to come to Wichita and give concerts, wo should judge iromlho long rows oi empty benchos that greeted them Monday night. W. S. Johnson has sold his interest in the Valley House. Mr. Johnson, by his unilorm courtsey and strict business integrity has made hosts ot lricnds and no doubt the house will feel his loss. Tho late cold snap prevailed Jromone cad or the land to the other. Even as near as Kansas City and at the towns on the Kaw riv er, the thermometer fell from two to sis de grees below zero. Along the lakes tho cold was reported intense. Tho attention of Wichita builders and con tractors is directed to an advertisement of cer tain improvements to be made at tho Osage Indian Agency for which bids will be receiv ed. The specifications or tho work can be Jound in the Eagle office. J. K. Finley, a bloated bond holder who resides in a small village up tho road, Em poria wo think it is called, was in the city Monday. Altei being jostled and jammed around our streets lor ono day ho concluded to rtt;rc again to the country. A social club formed a few evenings since, consisting oi a number of young ladies and gentlemen oi the city. Their amuso ments will consist in part of readings, inuIc, parlor dramatics, etc. "Qui Vive" is its name We are on the qui tire to hear the first mtcrtainment. Fred Markwort, in a busincss-iiLc way, opens a nice bakery, confectionery and lunch room A neater, nicer and more inviting es tablishment of the kind cannot be round any where. Bread, pic, cakes, etc, always fresh and sweet. Opposite tho po't office. See what he says In his ad. Mr. Ukana, living twenty miles west, stuck his shot gun under his house supposing he had a dead bead on a rabbit, but it appeared afterwards that the muzzle was run into the sand, which caused the gun to explode, cut ting his race in several placas quite severely. He Ininks the rabbit escaped, James Viclc, or Rochester, New York, the greatest floriculturist in the world, has issued his guide lor 1877. It is the finest edition ever issued, containing 300 illustrations. Tbe work is indiipentible to glower of Dowers or vegetables. Price twenty-five cents per year. Our lady readers should sccuro the quarterly by all means. Address James Vick, Rochester, New York. A little child or Mr. Wrigtit's being deliri ous of a Tevcr, crept out oran tip-stairs win dow on to the kitchen roof, thence jumped to the ground last Thursday night. It was near tho middle of the night, extremely cold and ho was entiiely unprotected save by his night shirt. The little fellow was discovered by a policcnian on Mala street, near Douglas ave nue, a full hair mile from bis home. Au answer is submitted to our bridge cor respondent or last week, by one who'-Got-out-the-hand-billj," It must be understood that the answer is no joke, but bona-fide con victions, at least we print them as suca.whst cver tho author may havo tuoujlit wbn he wrote them, ir they don't convince anybody they are at least Taluable as showing how in genious Ii the mind or man, and what a great lawyer their author would have maac, espe cially in hopeless cases. J. H. Mead, who was summoned by tele graph to Davenport last week to sec his father, returned Monday. His latner was driving a wild pair of horses, which becoming scared threw him out ol the vehicle in which he was seated, his head striking a curbstone, fracturing slightly tbe skull just above tho outside corner of the eye. Ho was picked up, and for some moments llfo was thought to be extinct, but when his son left ho was considered out of immediate danger. Thank'giving day was observed after a fashion in Wichita. Business houses kind o'hair clo'ed and half not. There appeared to be a kind of wavering, an indecision, as to whether it was just the proper and profitable thing or not. The address or Rev. Turnbull lor it was xu address rather than a set ser mon to the united religious societies of the place, was a happy and entertaining effort. It was patriotic and solid, still entertaining and enlivening, being thoroughly enjoyed by ail who heard it. Tho Topcka Cov.menueaUh announce) a holiday edition, which will contain a vast amount or matter or State-wide interest. Be ing a political daily published at the capital of tho Slato much more is expected of it than ot dailies issued in cities or even commercial importance with Topcka, still it has not dis appointed its friends or the Republican party . All bickering, rivalries and jealousies aside, wc must say that throughout the campaign just closed the ComwrntceaUh has not only ac complished a good solid work, but has evinced an enterprising spirit which entitles it to the confidence of the Republican party In the State, and to a high rank among west ern journals. It has proved almost invaluable to leading country papers as also to leading politicians throughout the State. In fact, the Commonictalth, is a good, reliable, newsy pa per, as tree of vv isby-wasby nothings as ol per sonal I meet he, and being published at the capital is fndhpcnsiblc to any one who de sires to keep posted about State affairs or has a penchant for party affairs or tho doings or political men. MmlciUJaioa. Trelimiry steps were taken on th evening ot the 1st inst, by a few musically Inclined persons who assembled at the residence ot W. D. Itustell, which resulted Tuesday treeing in the permanent organization of a society to be called the Wichita Musical Union, with C. S. Caldwell Director. Miss Mary Eldrldge Pianist. Union to meet once a week for re hearsal. The name se far enrollsd are : Mrs. W. D. Russell, Mrs. II. Imbodcn, Mrs. W. E. StanUy, Mrs. W. D. Mead, Miss Eldrldge, Miss McCabe, MissTodd, Miss Flora Uedfirld, Miss Carrie Kedfield, Miss May Wil lard, Miss Lou Caldwdl, Miss Titstrortb, Miis Throckmorton Miss Ilargis, Caldwell, Dean, Imbeden, Stanley, Davidson, Wood, Bliss, Mead and Murdock. 01 the capabilities eflhe society, wo do not spcak.and of the probabilities we defer to some future time. jt was w Juno wucn we duiv and cravclT charged all the boys about the ofilco to bo good while we went away off down to Phila snadelfy. Probably two weeks had clipscd when we turned to a gentleman, who was standing in Iront or Memorial Hall, dressed In the extrcmest fashion, to ask tho meaning of those big brenze horses, forty hands high, with wings on their backs, and which were tied up to girls for hitching posts. It wasn't the answer so much as tne unexpected voice that took us down. It was no other than Tommy Holmes, who bad been under our nose as devil, pressman and foreman for four ycar. We intimated to him that tho Eagle would kick his last flap unless ono or us started for home immediatcly.and wc guessed lie vyas that one. He wanted one more day to do'thc exhibition in and he would pull out for the setting tun. Well, wo never caught another glimpse of that boy's bright head un til this morning, when he came poking into the office. He said he guessed he had taken the wrong train, and wanted to know wheth er we were coming out tor Tilden or Grant. Wc answered, "we guess so," and he pulled off his coat, ami the next time he gets a chance to take the wrong train, won't bo soon. The following iettor was received the other dav, and will be interesting to old settlers : Massillox, Ohio. Not. 20th, 1S7G. To the Sditor aglt: Dear Sin : Please torward to my address a copy, or copies of your latest paper. I wish to get track ef some oi the first Bottlers of Wichita, with whom I became acquainted while I was stationed at Wichita, during 1S0S and 'CO as a member or company "H," 5th U. S. Infantry. I contemplate taking Horace Greeley's advice and go west, to settle, and therefore wish to put myself in correspon dence with my western acquaintances. If I am not imposing toa much, pleaso show this tocnyot the following gentiemon it they are still about Wichita. Mr. John Wtrd, son-in-law to Mr. Llewellcn wbo lived over on Cbis holm creek; John Meagher.Mlchacl Meagher, J. J. Mohcn, brother-in-law to the Mcaghcrs; Geo. D'Amour, Squire Munger, 3Ir. Vigus Mr. Lcdrick or any of the old settlers of the time mentioned. Enclosed find 25 cents for papers and postage, and accept my thanks for your trouble. Yours Very Ilcspoctiully, Herman Mayeh. Address Massillon. Stark o.unty, Ohio. The investigation or the charges preferred against the Rev. A. II. Lackey, ot Peabody, by the Presbytery or Emporia, in session in that town, was concluded last Friday morn ing. After remaining in session nearly two weeks this church, when its final vote was taken, decided that the charges were not proven. But, in as mucn as in the trial there was developed a looseness in business habits, and imprudent conduct on the part or the ac cused, he was advised by the Presbytery that In the iuture he should be moro careful as to the management of his business aflairs, hasty remarks and imprudent engaging in political and secular matters. This decision wo believe is generally received with approv al. This minister, having more than ordi nary ability, has been very successful In the past and wc trust will be even more so in tho iuture. Rev. J. P. Harsen preached his filth anni versary sermon last Sabbath. The loilowing statistics taken from the annual report or his church will not only show the amount or labor performed by that Reverend gentlemen, and the material increase of membership, but that the society is strong and properous : 2o. ot crinone preached 682 " " persons received into tho church on profession of faith 72 " " byletter 115 Total number received 217 No. of adults baptized. 20 infants baptized 67 Total number baptized uncral attended. ... Carriages Present membership. 05 100 Mention last week was niado of an effort to get the Wichita Library Association upon its feet again, and of a meeting of the direct ors. We did not know at that timo that ono or the original directors and an earnest friend of the enterprise had been at walk in a prac tical manner for some time soliciting sub scriptions, but such was the fact. The list, when wo saw it contained over eighty names and over lour hundred dollars. That simply rucaiis that the library is an assured tact. As soon as the list reaches a round hundred wc will publish it. Thcro has been so much coming and going this Centennial summer that it has been no slight task to keep the run of our people. But they arc about all at home now and we perceive no disposition to trot any more this winter. C. F. Gilbert, who spread .his Cen tennial into contmcntial bounds, returned to Wichita last Friday. Ho spent somo three months of the summer wandering through the gorges and climbing the peaks of tbe Rocky mountains, swinging .from thence to Fairmount Park in the hazy days of October, then back to the home of his parents at Cin cinnati, where another month was spent. He has improved much in health, "pints ind ap pearance and we welcome him back. November 30, 1S70. Editoii Eagle : We. the prisoners con fined iu the Sedgwick county jail, wish to ex press our sincere tbsnks to Sheriff Dunning and Deputy Masscy lor their kindness to us while In their charge, and especially to Mrs. Dunning for ttiat splendid Thanksgiving din ner. Hoping yet to havo a chance to return the kindnoss before wc die, wo remain your humblo scrvauts, Prisoners. MAUIUES. At tho Wichita House, on Thanksgiving eve., bv the Rev. V.'. G. Hobbs, J. T. Holmes and Sallie Mai-sie. Accompanying tho above announcement was enough good cheer, in the way ot bridal doli cacics to supply the whole oflice. Wc know they will live happily. Here's our best wishes to them for all that makes life bright and de sirable. At the residence ot S. C. Summers, of Min neha township, on tho 25th init., by Esquiro Wm. R. Ferris, James Young, of Sedgwick county, and Mis Lizzie Kiscr of Gcnlieo, III STKClAIi NOTICES. Allen & Tucker have the agency at their place lor the boss scrub brush. Go and ex amine. 30-H I, the undersigned, hold the ngeucy of tho book entitled The Lord's Laud," writen by Rev. U. B. Ridgeway, travels in the holy land, describing places that are mentioned in the bible, completed this Centennial year. Evrry family should have it, those who arc not Christians as well as those who are. No other agent holds or is allowed to sell this book in this county and city. Will deliver In sixty or ninety days alter subscribing. I will canvass the county and any one wanting the book before I get to them can do so by calling at my houso in "Wichita. CC-tf Nelson Chaffee. Pork packing has been commenced by Har vey & .Stewart, first door west or Douglas avenue house. All lovers or spans ribs and other choice product of the hog, will find it to their pecuniary interests to ."give them a call. 35-2t. Farmers are requested to call at the packing house of Harvey & Stewart, before contract ing their hogs else where. 35-2t 603 suits ot boy's clothing at fifty cents less than New York cost, at Ed. Uiginbotbam, northwest corner or Main street and Douglas avenne. 35-tr The largest stock or toys and rancy goods at wholesale and retail ever brought to Wich ita, at tho Post Oflico Book Store. 35-tf Who will allow their friends to pass over the hollldays and not get them something nice at Uerrington's. 35-tf Go and see the elephant at Ucrrington's. 100 boys overcoats at 50 per cent less than New York cost at Ed. Hlglnbotham, N. W. corner Main street and Douglas avenue 35-tf Music hath charms to sooth tho tavago. Get Johnny a drum at Uerrington's. 85-ti Gents' orders taken for custom made suit 25 cents on the dollar saved by giving us a call, A perfect fit guaranted at Ed. Hlgln botham, N. W. corner or Main and Douglas avenue. 35-tf Notice to Ladles, Mrs. L. M. Henderson will sell all goods in her line tor the next thirty days at cost. Stock consists of all kinds of rail and winter hats and bonnets, trimed and untrimmed, fcathers.rib bons and flounces of every discretion. Next door to post oflice, WichitaKansas. 23-tf Santa Klaus passed through Wichita the other night and called at Uerrington's, and said that his Ilolllday selection was tho best be bad seen west ol SL Louis. 35-tf A continual racket or horns, bones, music boxes, Chinese babies squalling, whistles blowing, roosters crowing, ;dogs barking, steam engines .running, elephants sodding, jacks jumping and pigs grunting at the Post Oflico Bookstore. 35-tf Miss II. Pierpoint has opened a dress and loak making establishment in rooms over Woodman's store, where she is prepared to do all kinds of dress and cloak making, on short notice and In tho Intent styles, she also is prepared to cut patterns for ladies ; making cutting one of her specialities. Will guaran tee satisfaction In cvety particular. Having had a thorough practical experience iu the art, tho is confident of pleasing. The ladles aro invited to call ;ind see what she can do. 25 tf Ture cider vinegar at Block. Dunscomb's, Eagle 35-tf Everybody should use Brown's liver pills, prepared for diseases of this climate. Cures headache, biliousness and liver complaint Sold at J. P. Allan's drugstore. 35-tr Car of fine Michigan apples just iu at Allen & Tucker's. 35-tf iscautlly your complexion, tup rarislan lily balm will remove tan. pimples clc. making the skin soft and fair. Go to Allen's drucs store for It, only 60 cents per bottle. 35-tf Turn over a new leaf an go tc G. U. Uer rington's and get a new ledger. -12-tf Take your hides to C. M. Garn6on, the old est hide buyer in Wichita. 27-tf Garrison has been in business in this city six years this month and his harness has a good reputation, notwithstanding the low, would-bccalumnics circulated by groveling competitors. 17-tr There is nothing want but what grocery. ; in the grocery line that you you can buy at Wheeler's 35-tf Try the Old Government Java, already ground and ready Tor use. Warranted to be strictly pure. You can get it at Wheeler's. 35-tf "Iron Trail" A spicy sketch descriptive of a trip over the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fa Railroad, the beauties, scenery and pleasure resorts of the Rocky Mountains by "Nym Crinkle," the musical and dramatic critic or tho New York World' sent Iree on application, together with the San Jaun Guide, maps and time tables ol this new and popular route from Kansas City and AtchIon to Pueblo, Denvcrand alt points in Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and the San Juan Mines. The finest line of Pullman Sleepers on the continent between the Missouri River and the Rocky Mountains without change. Special round trip tourists' tickets from the Missouri River to Denver at $50, good to stop off at all points. Address, T. J. AxdicKBOX, Gen. Pass. Agt,, 2U-n Topeka, Eras. W. S. Jenkins late Register U. S. Land Of fice, Wichita, Kansas, Attorney at Law and Solicitor of Claims. Oflice second door north of Post Office, Wichita, Kansas. Ilav ing re turned homo after an absence of several months in Washington, D. C, in the practice before the General Land Office and other de partments there, I am prepared to prosecute all claims to lands arising under the pre-emption, homestead, town-site, fimbcr-culture and mining laws. Parties having claims in con test before the Local Land Oflice or the De partment at Washington, will find it to their advantage to consult me, aslgivo special at tention to that class of business. Collections made in this and adjoining coun ties and monies promptly remitted. 16-tf Private board and plea-ant rooms, ol Mrs. J. O. Fraker. Inquire 29-tf Grange, Odd Fellows and Masonic at the post office book store. manuals 42-tf Notice. Miss Mary Eldridge will give lessons on the piano, organ aud mclodeon to all desiring in struction. Terms : ten dollars (810) per term ortwenty lessons, onc-hairpayablc in advance. Pupils will please apply soon at corner ot Firs street and Emporia avenue. 20-tf Honey in the honey comb, at H. A. Wheel er's 35-tr Tatcnts on all lands entered prlorto April 1st, 1374, are now ready at the land office. It would be well ror the parties to whom the patents belong to get them and havo them duly recorded, which may save a long and tedious litigation at some Tuture time. 44-tf The undersigned announces to thb public that he has purchased the well known "Bald win Art Gallery," on Douglas Avenue, and hopes by 6trict attention to business to merit a liberal share or tho public patronage. First class facilities for all kinds of work. Give me a call. T. H. Stevens. 41-tf Mrs. A. Watson is selling hats cheaper than anybody ir you don't believe it come and see. 30-tr Canary Birds. A cage of several line canary birds for sale, by pairs or by lot, in quire at this office. 31-tr You will never make a complete success in baking biscuits until you use the White Lily Baking Powder you can get it at Wheeler's. 15-U Stages leave and arrive daily to and from all points in tbe south at the Richcy House. 47-tr Buckwheat cakes and maple them at Wheeler's. syrup. Buy 35-tr Save your money by patronizing home en terprise. We are agents for the sale or coarse wrapping paper from the Humboldt Paper Mills, aud keep a supply on hand. Geo. Y. Smith, 24-tf Eagle Block. Pigs for Sale. I have now a fer pair or full blooded Poland China pigs forsaiu out of stock imported from tbo well known pens of Shcpbard & Alexander, Charleston, Illinois. Price $12 a piece, or $20 per pair, delivered at Wichita. Address "William Jones, Wichi ta or Union township, Sedgwick county, Kansas. 30-tr Wanted. Ev crj body to know that Luken sells Osage shaft coal, southeast corner of Douglas avenue and railroad. Try him. 25-6m To the Public. I would respectfully announce to the people of Wichita and vicinity, that I have secured rooms with Cbas. W. Hill, druggist, and that I am prepared to do any and nil work in ihe watch and jewelry line. Long experience ia the business enables me to feel warranti-d in asserting that I can give satisfaction. So'icit ingashare of the patronage of tbe public 1 am, very respectfully, ALEX FtniMANX. Late of Warsaw. Illinois. 7-tf Ohio Stoneware, by tbe car load, at Allen & Tucker's. 6-tf Agents wanted to sell the Singer Sewing Machine. For further Information inquire of W. Ma'on, general agent for the west. 3-tl Look to Your Own Interest. And buy the celebrated Estey Organ. They are the best in the market, and to those desir ous of purchasing an organ, we would say, send to us lor illustrated price list, and we will prove the truth of the above statement. Address Hall, Waite & Co., Emporia, Lyon County, Kas. General agents for Southwestern Kansas. 23-3m CM. Garrison makes ail harnesses out of Indiana Oak Tanned Leather, direct from the tannery. l'-u Luxuries! liuckwheit flour, raiplo syrup, sweet cider, mince meat, apple buttcr.honey, Calafornia jam, etc., Allen & Tucker's. 35-tf A. few dress goods aa cost at Dunscomb's, to close out. 35-tf Cure your hoarseness and sore throat by using tar troches. Only 23 cents per box at Allen's drug store. 35-tf Fresh candies at Dunscamb's. 35-tf Arnica salve the great healing remedy for old sores, wounds and frost bites. Nothing liko It for healing. Sold at Allen'g drug store. 35-tf Havana cigars at Dunscomb's. 35-tf An old-time stock of boots and shoes, gloves and caps for the hollldays at Dunscomb's. Sold cheap for cash. 35-tf The only strictly country storo in is Dunscomb's. Wichita 35-tf Go to Allen's drugstore for a bottle .of Od ontine for cleaning and preserving the teeth. 35-tf A New Firm. We notice a marked change on Main street. Geo. Inncs & Co. have pur chased tbe entire stock of W. J. Hobson, con sisting ot Dry Goods, Hals, Caps, Boots and Shoes. They are receiving an immense stock of entirely new goods, bought at the lowest figures for cash. This large and commodious sales room has just been painted and refitted, presenting a very fine appearance. They are now prepared to offer great bargains to those who are in need of any thing in their line. It will pay to call and see them at Hobson's old stand, next to the Post Office. 31-2t Hvouwanta lamp chimney that won't break from heat, and one that will give you twice as much light as any other, call at W. S. Corbctt's or J. A. Black's and get ono of Lindsay's patent Silver Light chimneys. 34-21 W. C. Woodman is now selling real Alex ander Kldd Gloves la black or colors. 34-2t Kansas Chestnuts. And now if you want Chufas, or Ground Almonds, I can supply the demand; also sweet corn Minnesota and Stowell's Ever green; Tomato seed, the Conqueror, Green or Golden Gage, Canada Victor, Hathway and Trophy. Lettuce, the American Gothering, a new, excellent lettuce, Tcnniball, White Sctician and Frankford Head. Asparagus seed, Asparagus and Rhubarb plants, Black berry, Raspberry, Strawberry and Gooseber ry plants. Tomato and cabbage plants in their season. Call on or leave orders with W. S. Corbitt or address U. Shuman. 34-2 Competition is the Life of Trade, Smith & Pittcngcr arc on the war path. Wo having been dealers In coal for the past four cars, would call your actention to the Tact, that we are now carrying the largest stock oi coal in the city, and can sell you the best Osage Jshaft coal ever shipped into thl market, at as low price as any dealer iu the city. Hav ing the most accurate street scales now in use in Wichita, you may rely upon full weight' and a square deal, and assured satisfactiou In every transaction. All orders in the city will reeeive prompt attention. A fair trial Is all wcask. Thsuklng you Tor past patronago and asking you Tor its future continuance. We re main rcspectrully youas Smith & Pittenger. Wichita, Nov. ICth, 1S7C. 31-tf Wasted. A girl to do general housework good wages paid to one that is competant. Inquire at the residence or J. Schraimerjr. in English's brick residence. "Don't forget it." Smith & Tittenger aro selling the best Osage coal in this .city. Try us and see. 03-tf Don't forget it. Smith & Pittenger will not be undersold by any coal dealer in the city. "Don't lorget it." Smith & Pittenger sell their coal over the best street scale in this city. 33-tf. "Don't forget it." Smith Pittenger screen all their coal, and would ask a share of yonr patronage, guarantcning always satis faction. 33-tf. "Don't forget it," Smith & Pittengcr's oflice is the first coal oflice on south side of Dsuglas avenue, near depot. 33-tf Notice. My books will be found until December 10, at my old stand lor collection of accouuts due due me. Having closed out, my business must be settled up at onco and those indebted are requested to call and pay up. 3i-2t IT. J. Hobsox. A Good Farm for Sale. 1C0 acres, all in cultivation, 110 acres in fine growing wheat, all on old ground price low, terms cay inquire of II. E. Corn at ray old stand next door to post office or of 34-4t W. J. Uonsox. Go to Smith & Keating's Agricultural House, corner of Lawrence and Dougla3 ave nue. If you want good wagons, sulky plovvs, harrows, corn shelters or any thing in the Im plement line. 34-tf Goods arc not misrepresented at tho new Mammoth Implement Store ol Smith & Keat ing. 34-tf Bain, Schuttier and Buckeye wagons, hand and power corn shcllers, he best sulky and gang plows and plow sulkies at Smith & Keat ing's Wichita. 34-tf You will fiud the largest stock of imple ments and the best and latest improved ma chines at Smith & Keating's mammoth store. 34-tf Strayed. From the subscriber living 2J miles southeast of Wichita, a bay mare pony with halter on, 12 years old. A liberal reward will bo paid ror her return to N. P. Jackson's stable in Wichita, or to my place. 33-31 J. Carrotiikrs. Fairbank scale books at G. H. Uerrington's P. O. Book store. 22-tr Pure and unadulterated sweet cider at II. A. Wheeler's. 35-tf Notice One Four-ton Scale for sale at a bargain. Enquire or J. T. Holmes, at the Avenue Book Store. 15-tt Howe's scale books for ralo book store, Douglas Avenue. at Reimcrs' 33-tr Garrison keeps eight men at work on har nesses and thinks or putting on moro hands to supply tho demand. 17-tr C. M. Garrison keeps eight harness makers at work manufacturing harnesses. 17-tf Modoc. By Mambrino Patchcn (full brother to Lady Thornc, and the sire of Lady Stout, that 11 r. Bonner paid $1,000 for at two years o!d,ICatc Pachen, now owned by James McFerran, of Louisville, Kentucky and valued at 815,000, Rothchilds Mambrino Bertie, Gill E. Queen, and a host of others, that have as much speed, and more endurance than the produce of any other horse,) by Mambrino chief ; dam by Ga no, be by American Eclipse, out ot Betsy, by Sir Archie ; hrst dam Capitola (the dam of Woodpecker Gold Dust) by Bob Jordon. ho by imported Jordon, 2nd dam Wino by Woodpecker (the sire or Gray Eagle.) Modoc is a beautiful blood bay with black points, 1G hands high, weighs about 1,100 pounds and in form and symmetry will com pare favorably with any horse in the country. He was loaled April Ctb, 1S71 ; being bred for the stud more particularly ; consequently has been bandied but little, but has splendid ac tion, and shows great promise or speed. He is a splendid breeder. I have two orhis colls jearllngs, at my stables, that I will take great pleasure in showing, one or which we have been driving a little that wc think wil rank favorably with any horse in the United States. He will bo exhibited in harness at the Wichita fair next week. Anybody conv ersant with tho stud book will see at a glance his fam ily on one side arc thoroughbreds, and on the other side trotters equal to any. Modoc will make the fall season at the Wichita Stud Stable, com mencing Sept 1st at the very low price of $25 the season, with the privilege ot return ing mare in the spring it she fails to breed or another in her place ; which makes it equal to an insurance. The spring season will com mence March 1st 1877 at same place at 50 tbe season. I will give two prcmuiums, in gold, for the two best colts, to be exhibited at the Stable November 15th, 1S77 best ?15, 2nd best $10. Wm- Tarltox. 26-tt Wichita, Sept. 27th, 1870, Havo you rheuasatiim, pun In the back or side f Arnica, Liniment will cure jeu. You will find it at Allen' sure, Wichita. 85-tf Notice. With due regard to all Interested we re spectfully present, that over duet; to ut in large amounts, n both notes and ledger ac counts, must receive prompt pay r adjust ment satisfactory without farther delay. Our bank, stora and office arc well known and convenient to all our debtors Neither Jtlme nor disposition incline us to assume the duties of our debtors in pursuing them for settle ment. Hence with firm, but Ircspectlul def erence, we herein notify our friends that prompt compliance with the above request is the only sure immunity from trouble and ex pense. Respectfully, 35-3t "W. C. "WOODMAN & SON. ATTICA, Nov. 11th 1S70. I will sell;50;hcad of good Berkshire eboata at my farm 10 miles west of Wichita. 334t. JOUN Kklly. itnwo'Spji!o Books. School books, School books. Howe's scalo books. School books, School books, At Reimcrs' books store, Douglas avenue, Centennial Block. 32-tf "Don't forget it." Smith & Pittenger are selling coal for cash, strictly. 33-tf If you try Wheelers spices and don't find them pure and a first-class article he will re fund your money. 35-tf The bouse formerly run by Bob Short will, in future, be conducted by Short & Jcwctt, but shall bo known as Bob Short's pool-room, at which place is to bo fonnd all kind of drinks in the latest styles. Also Seltzer In jugs, Blue Lick in bottles, Vichy water, ginger ale and fine imDortcd Indiapale ale. No. 103 Douglas avenue. Vri-e lunch twice a day 10 a. m. and at 10 p.m. 15-tf The Singer Sewing Machine. Over one million and a hair in use. The most durable and lightest running machine in the world. As an evidence, the Singer, Rcm iugton and Wheeler & Wilson were invented about the same time and put into market, and at the present day tho Singer has over one million and a hair In use, tbe Wheeler & Wil son has about five hundred thousand and the Remington has the small, insignificant num ber or five thousand nine hundred and fifty- three, which can be seen on the upper end ;of tbe needle burr, which makes the Remington the last choice ot the people, and they would not have sold one quarter that number had they not sold them under a fictitious name. For many years the Remington machine com pany have attempted to force their machines on the market as the Remington, but failed, which reminds me of several occurrences. Fifteen years ago the third diy of July, I was in Bloomington Illinois, stopping with a friend by the name or D. fl. Horner. There were two agents at the place, the Wheeler & Wilson and the Remington. The Wheeler Wilson agent had confidence enough in his machine to sell It on its own reputation, but the Remington agent's confidence Tailed him, and he attempted to sell it as tho improved Weed. Some five years ago, while I was sell ing the Howe, I happened to meet an agent that was selling the Remington. Ho had as little confidence in his machine as tbe first one I met, and he attempted to sell it as the Improved Howe, and 1 havo been creditably informed that the Remington agents are sell ing their machines here as the improved Singer, which is raise. There is no Improved Singer except the original one, which cannot be sold in the Southwest except by or through int. Those who wish to buy the Remington aro welcome to, but I deem it my duty to inform tho good people of the South west, through the columns or your paper, so they will not be imposed upon in buying ma chines. A machlno that cannot be sold on its own reputation should not be sold on the merits of a machlno that has been long tried and proved, without doubt, the best in . the world. The impositions offered are of the deepest dye. W . Mason, General Agent for the Southwest. Wichita. June 27, 187C. 14-Cm Any one wishing a horse or mulo pastured should apply toA.T. Lonnsbury before go ing clscwhcsc. He has 120 acres, well fenced with plenty or timber and good water, three miles northeast of Wichita. 8-tf GEO. Y. SMITH Eagle Block, Wichita, Kausas. ESPECIAL ATTENTION U called to the following ENTIRE NEW STOCK Ladies far trimmed, embroidered, silk trimmed, Beaver Cloaks, from t to 830 each. ENTIRE NEW STOCK Xcw Styles Ladies Furs at popular prices. ENTIRE NEW STOCK Ladica Trimmed Hats. ENTIRE NEW STOCK Ladies, Misses and Children! Hosiery. ENTIRE NEW STOCK Of Flannels, Shawl, llUnkcU, Quilts, Ac. ENTIRE NEW STOCK ALL OVER, THE HOUSE. Wc wish It distinctly understood that every dollars worth" or our Fall and Winter Goods were bought since July first, at prices much below those or forme r years, and we have no faith In higher prices, -nd are willing to exchange goods FOR MONEY At a slight advance frc m cost. Our friends and strangers can r ly upon getting new goods atUiis year's prices. ODtSTE rpZRICXS TO uXjXj. GEO. Y- SMITH, . C. BBDFIB'.D, Manager, ffirtv'" Houtl FARMERS' AXD5 MERCHANTS1 'BANK CORNER FOURTH AND wich'ita, CAPITAL, FULLY DOES A GENERAL Receives Deposits ; buys and sells Exchange, Foreign and Domestic ; issues Certificates of Deposit payable on demand, and bearing 7 percent. Interest ; Loans Money ; Hakes Collections upon all ac cessible points, and issues Drafts direct upon all the principal cities of Europe, and the Orient. COUNTY, SCHOOL AND BRIDGE ACCOUNTS AND COLLECTIONS S-3m CHARLES COMMISSION And COAL ATnTID a-IRAIlsT, NORTH SIDE OF DOUGLAS, WICHITA, j-tf WICHITA MARBLE "WORKS, AU kinds or Monuments, Tombstones, Mantle, Table Tons. cic. ua w.-. -'-"--' Shop on Douglas Avenue, near Wichita, Kansas. the bndce, 2J-tr A CENTS WANTED EVEKYWIIEKE FOU 13 n.i.i"'. ".'";, v.:r.niii.i:..i J-. our new Fictonal Family uiuie """"'" EnoTi-.lopeilia. The beat niui cneapcet iu "'"'", ket. Nearly 2000 Pictorial illustrations, commission allowed. For terms and Liberal circulars write immediately to the ,.mvrrn ST. LOUIS 1III1LE rOBLIsIIING CO., 32-tf 305 Locust st , at. Louis, Mo Printing Office For Salo. i .,ni.t. nnifit r..r a nnuotrv newspaper and Job printing establishment will be sold at a bar bain on one to live years' time, or exchanged for debiruble rcnl estate In Kansas. ,,, For particulars address, II. W. LEWIS. Wichita, Kansis. November 1, 1S70. a-',r Notice. Tueascbt Depaktmkxt :xt, ) x.KNcr, , IsTO. ) OrriCE or Comi-troli-ek or tub v-lhh WimivfiTiiy. October23. .-..I.- i. .......v... ... tn nil iMrmi.q who may have claims against "The First .National Bank of Wichita. Kansas," that the. same must be pre sented to II. B. Cullum. Hcceivcr, with the legal Sroof thercor, within three months from this ate, or they will be disallowed ,. JOHN JA KNOX, Jl-lm CompirallMT of tUt C'uirucr- Notice. United States Land Land Office, I s, Nov. IS, li?TG. ler of the General The Commissioner of the General Land Offlce nnder dute or April 21st, 1C70. approves cash en try No. CSJ7, by Isaac M. Itobertson for northeast quarter, section 15, towhihip 27. range 3, west, subject to appeal b Jonathan llurtt. Sixty days are now allowed for appeal in said rmae It- ! 'I'AYJLfQlt, ifcat KsSUler. Hnorlff's Sale. On Monday, the llth day of December, 1S7G, at 2 o'clock p. ra , on the farmofKobert L n'Mealev. on the west side of the Arkansas rlv- lsa..v-11iMl nmiwrtT. tn Wit Three hundred and forty-four bushels, more or less, or corn in bulk, in the crib on said farm The property of Win II. O'JIealey, taken on an execution in favor of the First National Bank or Wichita, Kansas, in an action wherein the First National Hank of Wichita is Plaintiff and W. II. O'JIealey and others arc defendants. Sheriff's offlce, Wichita, Kansas, November Kth,1ST0- H.W.DUNXING, 33-2t Sheriff. Petition for Bridge. To the Honorable Board of County ConmUtioneri of Sedjmck County, Kamat: We, the undersigned, citiiens of Scdwirk county, would respectfully ask that your appro priation to build a bridge across Chuholm creek, on township line bet een Uwnship 27 and 2S, be applied to build a bridge over Chisholm.onfmile south, on section line between sections 3 and 10, in township 23, south, and that an order to open the section line bctwaen said sections, 3 aud 10,in township 23, be made: WSwaney T J Sturtevant Jno A Edwards W II Harding I P Baldwin S II Gibson Levi Branson T J Clark W It Alghin John Risk ThosEl'iestou JBusston J Corttn S Sloper D It B Greenlee J Green E Sloper John Hahn G W locrger Michal Ioerger J II Gilford J It Bush John Ohl Hezekiah Boone L J Taple H T Sllknitter J It Shockcy II A Baker John Dolan G M Freelan J II Preston JWAIcCtuer Z Stafford TS Carlton Michael Langn Jno Frelingson Jerry Wilson Morgan htatford J II Stafford M Clayham It U Stafford U J Stevens 36-3t FRED MARKWORT zb-a:k::e:R"2, CONFECTIONE RT, AND LUNCH-ROOM, MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. ir... -AinHntlv nn hnnil thu licst fresh bread. eakes ind pies.acd everything in the bakery line. Hot coffees all hours. M-t DOUGLAS AVENUES, Kansas: PAID UP $50;000. BANKING BUSINESS. BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. H. "W. LEWIS, President. MARSH, MERCHANT, Dealer ia &s AVENUE, EAST OF DEPOT, KltTSA-S. Sheriffs Sale. District Court, 23th Judicial District, Sedgwick county Kansas. J. C. r raker, "1 vs. . I II. J Hills, 11. T Kramer, vv ilhclnim 1 1 Hills, II. C. Day. J. t. comstocK ana James Blackburn, partners as J F. Com stock & Co. .Thomas E Tootle, Thomas K. Tootle and William Peak, partners as Too tle, Hannah Co , Wm. Scott, James Dunn, John Ilollovvell and John Service, partners as Charles Scott & Co, S. It. Kra mer, Samuel C Davis, Andrew Sproul and John Divis, partners as S.C Davis & Co. n.i fh wl.hitnS.ivtnrs Bank. defendants By virtue of an oiileroi sale issued out or the District court orthe 13th Judicial District, sitting in and forScdgwick comity Kansas, wherein J. C. l'rakrris plaintiff, and 11. J Hills, II. T. Kra mer, WilUelmina Hills. II. C. Day, s. F. Com stock anil James Blackburn, partners as J. K. Comstock & Co., Thoma3 E Tootle, Thomas K. Tootle and William Peak, partners as Tootle, Hannah & Co., Wm Scott, James Dunn, John Hollowell and John Service, partners as Charlrs Scott & Co., S. It. Kramer, Samuel C. Divls, Andrew Sproul and John D ivis, partners as S. O. Davis & Co., and the Wichita Saving Bank, derendanU, I will on Saturday the 2ii day oj Decenbtr, A. D. 137C, between the hoars of 2. ind I o'clock p. m., at the court house door, being at the front of the building known as Easle Blockj on DougMs Av enue, in the city or Wichita, Kansas, offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash in hand, nil Ihe right, title and Interest of thederendanU H.J. Hills, 11. T. Kramer. Wil helnunallllls.II. C. Day, J. F. Comstocfc and James Blackburn, partners aa J I". Comstock A Co., Thomas E. Tootle, Thomis It Tootle and William Peak, partners as Tootle, Hannah A to. , Wm. Scott, James Dunn, John Hollowell and John Service, partners as Charles Scott .t Co., S. It. Kramer, Samuel C Davis, Andrew Sproul and John Davis, partners as S C. Davis & Co , anil the Wichita Savings Bank, in and to the lol loning described real property, situated in the county or&edgwick. State ir Kanas, to wit : Lot N'o. nintty-six, on Main street, in the city of Wichita, in the county of Sedgwick, and State or Kansas, and appraisement or said property being waived. said rral property H levied upon as tbe prop erty of defendants II J Hills, It T Kramer, Wil hclmin Hills, II C Day, J I' Comstock and James Ulabkbum, partners as J F Comstock & Co, Thomas E Tootle, Thomas It Tootle and Wil liam Peak, partners a Tootle, Hannah .t Co, Win Scott, James Dunn, John Hollowell and John Service, partners a Charles Scott A Co, S It Kramer, Samuel C Davis, .ndrcw Sproul and John Davis, partners ass C Davis A Co, and the VV ichita Savings Bank, and will be sold to satis fy said order of sale sheriff's office, Wichita, Sedgwick county.Kan sas,Novcmbir20tb, A D., 137G. 11. S DUNNING, Sheriff of Sedgwick County, Kansas. Stanloy filiation, Plaiahff's Attoruvys. 81-St SEALED BIDS. Omen of I.xotAx ArrAiiu, j Osage Ackscy, I. T., Nov. 27, 1S7C. 5 Scaled bids will be received by the undersigned at the Osage Agency, Indian Territory, untit 1 m., Tuesday, the 13th day of December, A. D. 1876, for furnishing material and furnishing one hundred rods of fence, more or less, at the dis cretion of the U. S. Indian Agent, inclosing and partitioning Mission School Building at this Agtncy. Also, roofing a portion and otherwise repairing said building as the Agent may direct. The bids on fence mnst state price per rod. In order to bid understanding, bidders should make a personal Inspection or t lie premises. The successful bidder will be required to give band, with satisfactory eccurity, for the faithful performance of the work. Specifications will be furnifhed on application to this office, or can be secured at the Traveler office, Arkansas City, Kansas, or the office of the Wichita Eaolk, Wichita, Kansas. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. CYltUS BEKDK. 36-2t V. S. Indian Agent. Notice of Final Settlement. The Stjt or Kaxsas, ) ., Sedgwick County. J B In the Probate Court, in and for said County. In the matter of the estate of James McCulIocb, deceased. Creditors and all olherpersonslntereted in the aforesaid estate, arc hereby notified, that at the next regular term of the Probate Court, in and for said county, to be begun and held at the Court Itoom in VV ichita, county orSedgwlck and state aforesaid, on the first Monday in the month or January. A. D. 1377, I shall apply to said Court for a lull and flnal settlement orsald estate. M W. LEVY, Aministrator ol tbe estate of James McCulIoch, deceased. Wichita, Nov. 20th, A. D. Itf7. 30-lw STATE NORMAL SCHOOL EMPORIA, KANSAS. The winter term commences January 31, 1877, Examination for new students, January 2d. Ex perienced teachers in every department. Tuition payable in advance, is $5 per term ror Prepara tory Year, 87 for higher studies; 82 incidentals. Text books at cost, or rented lor .02 per week each. Cost of board in private families Is from $2toSIpcr week. Students can rent rooms and board themselves at less cost. Furnished rooms in Boarding Hall for ladies can be rented for 83.S0 per month. Applications should be made early, to the President. N". B. The tuition Tee will be refunded to all normal students at the close of the term, provid ed appropriations commencing with the fiscal year are granted by the Legislature. 30-2W C It POMEUOY, Presideat Wagon and Carriage Shop. I wish to Inform my iriends and the public generally that I consider myself perminentlr located in Wichita, and am prepared to do all kinds of Wagon and Carriage work in tbe best style. Shop in connection ivilli like & Granger's Blacksmith .Shop, on Water Street. -tf A. AT3ST. XjJJSTJD. TjJk3TlD. STEELE & LEVY, Real Estate and Insurance Agents South Side Douglas Avenue, East of Eagle Bloclr, WICHITA, SEDGWICK COUNTY, KAN., THE OLDEST REAL ESTATE AGENCY LN TILE SOUTIUVEST! Agents for the RED STAR and A1LERICAN" Lino of Steamships, sold at lowest rates to and from allpomtsiti EUROPE to and from all points COIRIESIFOIDEILSrCE SOLICITIEjID. X&A. faithful adherence to duty in the interest of our natrons involves con bu annual oflice work and precludes our "camping at the gate" of every new ilditi" to solicit. If von want insurance that will not fail von in thr.'"trv. inghour" favor us with a call. "We represent the following companies iETXA, Hartford Connecticut, Assctts Piicenix of Rrooklyn, " North British &McrcantiIc,G.TJ. " -Home, New York, " American Central, St. Louis, Ho." -PucExnc, Hartford Conn., " German-American, New York, " -Insurance Co. of North Amcr'a " Fireman's Fund, SanFrancisco " -Continental, of New York, Wc aro Agents Stock Farms, Improved Farms, Uulmprovcd Farms, Osaco Trust Lands, Railroad Lands, Homestead Lands, In connection with the following list we have for sale several tracts of land, ranging from 1 to 20 acres, adjacent to the city, suitable for suburban resi dences, and choice residence lots in all parts of the city. Wc also have the ex clusive agency of several of the best business lots in the business center of the city. Call at our oflice for infor mation as to price and location. HO. iU 100 aero, 7 miles northeast of town ; 12 acres in cultivation, and heUse, rows broke. Price 550. NO. 310 ICO acres cood land, 6 miles north west of Wichita. ; some improvements. Trice $G0O. HO. 321 160 acres, nsrthcast quarter ot sec tion 0, township 27, ranc 1 west, 20 acres incultivation, 12x14 framchouc, live miles northwest ot town. Trice ssoo. jgrstcelc & Levy are the exclusive agents of overb0,000 acre9 or railroad lamls. compris ing the lands belonging to the A., T. & S. F. railroad, ia twp Xo. 25 & '26, ranges Nos. 1 anil 2 east aud 1, 2 and 3 west. These are by Ur the best railroad lands in tho Arkansas valley, convenient to the city ot "iVichita, the largest and most enterprising city west of Topeka. The lands aijoiuing those ot the railroad com pany are well improved. Townships and school districts are organized, school houses built, and schools supported ia nearly all ol them. Do you want good Und adjoining loan, try this. SO. SOI 240 acres; the northeast quarter and the north half of the southeast quarter of section 4, township 20, range 1 cast; has 25 acres broke, anil hedge rows btoke: 8 miles north of 'Wichita. Trice 1500. NO. 305102 G4-100 acres : northeast quarter oi section 1, township 27, ronge 2 cast; 10 miles cast of Wichita. Trice S00. NO. 3SC 1C0 acre, the southeast quarter oi section 2, township 28, range 2 west ; unimproved. Trice 70O. NO. 410 1C3 acres, In section 33. township 23, range 1 east; 30 acres timber, 60 in cultivation; Kix2t pine house; water ed by tho Arkansas river; 3 n-iics south of town. Trice 3200. JIf you cannot find anything in these col umns that suits you call at our oflice, corner of Main street and Douglas avenue. NO 529 C33 acres, in llatlerconnty Kansas, being sec C, town 21, Range II east. A gooU stock farm l' ice 3 per acre Wc have a largo number of pieces of lands in tracts of from one to twenty acres, adjoin ing the city of Wichita, suitable for suburban residences. NO. 1C0 South half oi southeast quarter ol seetion 35, township 20, range 1 cast, and the north half of the northeast quarter of fectlon 2, town'hip27,range least; containing 1C0 acres, and wa tered by a -tream ol living water; 4 miles nurtticat of Wichita. Trice 1200. NO401 South half of the northeast quartci of section 34, township 27 range 1 east, containing 60 acres; - mile southeast or Wichita, bottom land. Trice 1500. NO. 403 Northeastquarterof section 2, town ship 23, range 1 cast, ICOacrct ; water ed by Gypitim creek, 15 acres of tim ber, i miles southeast ot Wichita. Trice 2000. NO. 404 East hall ofsouthcr.t quarter ot sec tion 5, township 27, range least; 60 acres, one half mile north ot Wichita. A splendid location. Trice 15C0. NO. 102 Southwest quarter ot section 20, township 27, range 1 east; second bot tom; commands good view of town and valley ; 2 miles southeast of town; claim improvements. Trice S1SC0. NO 5CJ 210 scrts, lieins the northeast qnartersart toun27, runrrc 2 cast; cine miles east of Wicliita; liu cj acres in cultivation, frame house 10x20 l'i story, two rooms plastered with a kco1, watcrul In I Tour Mile creek, pood welt unil roo1 j spring; I'ostoiace wilniii Hi null: ol unn. l'ricci,503. 01 ,500 cash and b.d. oa timo. NO. 501 Northwest quarter of section IS, township 27, range 2 cast ; H miles northeast of Wichita. Trice j'liOO. NO. 510 1C0 acres; the southwest quarter of section 33, town-hip 20, range 1 cast, 3 miles north of Wichita ; has 70 acres in cultivation, all good bottom land, ijood house and well of water. Trice f2100. NO 530 Northwest ii of sec IS, town SI, range 3 erst. (.uti'Ktcraule improvements. Trice 1,200 ita Trice, 1330 NO 532 luO acres: nir ii of s-o G, town 20, range 2t:ist; 10 milts neol Wichita 1'riceWO NO 534 ICO acrci, being the north ii of sw ii of sec 32 and east i, ofse ii ol eec 31, town 23. range least, hug 15 acres in cultiva tion, U.vij frame house, good well with 10 ftot water, II miles se ol Wichita; Smiles north of Ul Taso. Trice 15oo, two-thirds cash and balance on one year's time NO 552 iN'orthwest ii sec 23, town 20, range 2 w 20 acres under cultivation ; ten miles north east of Wichita. Trice 750 N0 5C2 Sec 10 town 2), range 3 cast, containing CIO acres, has Ul acres In cultiraton, U acres in wheat, S acres rje ; 5 room frame house unfinished 1; story, good basement good well of Mater, 500 ieach and apple trees in good condition, Id miles southeast of Wichita, roiirmiics from DougIas3U'; miles of timber. Trice "M per ncrc,cn be had for part cash and bal. on time. NO 5G3 SoutLcart quarter sec 20, town 27, rane 3cat; a gsod piece of land, has living water. Trice SlO per acre. NO 5C4 Northwest quarter sec 21, town 23, 1 west 10 acres in cultivation, Tine hou-e 11x24 living water, sixmitessouthwestot ich ita. Trice SI.3W SO 507 Northwest quarter section 21, town 20, range 1 wc' , has 25 acres under cultivation ; eg houses, 11x10, each ; good well of w?'.er ; 2 miles of Ohio Center. A bargain. Trice, 5050" NO 071 Northwest quar of sec 20, town 27, range 1 west; watered by Cowskin Creek; soint- improvements. Trice, 1,000 NO 573 Southeast quar of sec 2S, town 27, range 2 east; has 40 acres under cul tivation; 1 mile of hedge planted; food orchard ; CJ miles of Wichita, 'rice, 1,100 ; part cash and part on time NO 574 Northeast quar of sec 0, town SO; range 1 west; 18 miles south or Wich ita; 2 miles ot Howling Green ; has 03 acres of hardwood timber; 50 acres under cultivation; log house; good stable; watered by the Ninncscah river. Tiicc, 10 per acre NO 577 East half ol sec IS, town 25, range 3 cast, in Butler co., containing 300 acres; watered by Wild Cat creek 3 miles from Clarion T. O. ; 17 miles northeast ot Wichita. Trice. 4.25 per acre The counties of Sedgwick, Sumner, Cowlcv and Butler comprise au area oi the best agricultural land west of the itissis'sippi valley. The Arkansas rivr erruns diagonally through the counties named, forming of itself an cxtensivo valley ranging .rom seven to twelve miles in width. Other streams of lew magnitude, Mich as the Little Arkansas, Ninncscah, "Walnut and Whitewater rivers, Slate, BlulT, Spring, Gypsum, Chisholm and Cowskin creeks, divcrsfer the country with fertile valleys. The soil of the valley and uplands is a rj sandy loam, several feet in depth. Vegetation ot all kinds is unsurpassTJil. Climate temperate, equable and healthy. Thousands of acics" of land are open to settlement under the pre-emption laws for the sale of the Osage Indi an lands, which arc unsurpassed in fertility in any section of the State, and iu no other part can cheap homes be purchased with all the advantages of good ahead and best classes from the east, uiiuui iu uuy ui iiiu uiuci cuiiiiuuuiiics oi oiucr ctatcs. jinc young and "row ing city of Wichita, now with a population of 4,500 inhabitants, and propcrVr callcd the Queen City of the West, presents almost uncqualed inducements for money investments to all business enterprises, and more especially to manufactories. STEELE & XjE"V"2", REAL ESTATE AGENTS, "WICHITA, SEDGWICK COUNTY, KANSAS. a. TjAJSHD. Tickets in KANSAS. $C, 137,250 '-',500,000 10,000,000 G.000,000 1,375.000 1,678,617 2,000,000 5,000,000 800,000 2,500,000 for tho Sale ot Fotwin Lands, Business Lots, Residence Lots. NO 579 Sec 17, town 21, range 4 cast in Sut ler co. Trice, 3.50, cash, per aero NO 530 Sec 8, town 25, rans:e 4 east In Butler co. Tnee, 3.50 per acre, cash NO 581 Sec 22, town 23, range 3 cast in T.ut lerco. The above section Is all good and cheap at 3.50 per acre, cash. NO 5S2 South half orscc IS. town 2S, ntc-e 1 west; 320 acres; 10 acres timberl watered by Dry creek ; 0 mite south west of town. Trice, 1,600 NO 5S0 East half of southeast ol sec 53, so.4 west half of southwest of sec 34, acu northwest of southeast and northeast 01 southwest of sec S3, town 28. ranee 2 east, containing 210 seres, 2 milos cast oftl Taso, and all good land. Trice, 5 per acre N'O. 505 Northwest J, section 10. township -7, range 3 east, on Ilutler county line. 10 miles east or Wichita. Trica ?S00, NO. 503 East halrof southeast quarter sec Hon 14, township 28, range 1 nut 80 acres. Trice 100. NO. COO Northeast quarter of section C town 20, range 1 west; 25 acres in cultivation. Trice 511C0. NO. C01 West halt ot section 20, townh!p 28 range 1 east: 5J miles south & Vi ichita. Some Improvements and s splendid piece of laud. 320 acres tor S1C00, part ca-h and balance on tinw. NO. 50180 acres. West halfor tbe Norrh west quarter or section 22, townsnip 7.'. range 1 cast; C miles north ol Wichita and a splendid piece of seo opd bottom bed. Trice 2525. NO. 502120 acres In sections 4 and 3, town ship 20, range 2 cast ; has 5 acres Jt timber. 05 acres under cultivation 14x2a log house with 3 rooms, good cellar, well of water and watered by spring Creek. Hcpge in good condi tion around entire piece ; also, a lico orchard ot cherry, plum and pear trees in good growing condition. 2 miles ol El Taso. Trice 52000. NO. 501 133 acrc3, being Northeast quarttx of section II township 2y, range 1 east. 10 acres timber, 60 acres in cul thatioa, a good well, 33 acres under rail fence, 30 apple tree3. Three sides of rarm under hedge, and watered by the Arkansas river. Situated 12 miles 'south or Wichita and one mile cast of El Taso. Trite $1500. NO. COS Northeast quarter ot section 27, township 20, range 2 west ; 12 miles northwest ol Wichita, lias 50 acres under cultivation and watered by the) Cowskin. Tncc S7C0. NO. !04 Southwest quarter or section i3 tow ushit) 27, range 2 cat ; eight railo east or Wichita, 23 acres under culti vation, tramc house 14x20 1J stories living stream and good well of water, 200 apple, 100 peacK and starve num ber or soft maple, pear and cherry trees good condition. Trice, a sold soon, $1100. NO. COO North half ot .Northwest qnartcror section 12, and south half of the south west quarter of sec 1, township 35, range 3 west, adjoining the town ot Caldwell, la Sumner county. Water ed by Fail creek, and a good bargain. Trice fc75J NO. 60S Southwest quar. of section 1, to-.Mt-shlp 20, range Teast ; 10 miles east, c- ichiu. All under cultivation, Hit 10 frame hou-o v.itli shed kitchen. 2 acres ol tim'jcr; Trico $i:0o. NO. CIO 210 acres In section 33, town-hip 302 rage2 ea-t. 00 acres in culiiialiun. 1 tranic Lou.-cs with good cellars, Ihimr liiing siock water, 4 acres of forest tcecs, 500 pe-ii.Ii. 50 apple tree. 2iM different varieties ot sniail fruit. lj miles of a school .house. Trice SISC0. NO 015 Northeast i sec 25, town 20, range 2 east. 12 miles northcastot Wichita. Trice 750. NO G17 Northeast I sec. 4, towt a5, rane 3 west, containing 222 acres, 00 acres uider cultivation, 25 in wheat, frame dwelling 10x22, good corral, wind mill, stable, grauery and other im provement''. It miles lrota S-dwItlc CUy,24mi:cf from V.'uhita. WlllUhc k team in trade. Trice IfcOO NO CIS Southwest i sec 4, town 20, range 3 west, 21 acres In cultivation. Trice 5A NO CIO Northwest J sec 4 town 27. ranga 1 east. 2$ miles north or Wicliita, siual hott-e arid 25 ccrcn In cultivation. Trice 3.C0O. NO.C24 80 acres, north ;li:i!i of nw J sec id. town '26, range I east, good house 10x 21, 1J story, liisli piastered,good tal lo 10x20, 23 acres In cultivation, 13 in wheat. 3 miles north ot town. Trico 1,00. NO G25 Northwc-t J sec 2. town CO, range 2 est, lmprov ed. Trice COO. NO 02G Southwest i sec 0, town 20, ranju a west, splendid piece or land. Trice 020. Also the seiscc II, town 21, rauge 1 west, 10 acres broke. Trice NO C27 Southwest I sec 2, town 25, rai.0o2 cast, has 33 acres in cultivation, yuol dwcihnglHlS with til 12xI2pla;terud cellar full size or house, good weii ol water, 23 peach trees ill good con dition. Trice 1,200. NO C2S Northcas J sec 27, town 27, ranso 1 cast, unimproved, sev en miles cast ol Wichita. Trice 750. NO C30 Lots 5, C and 7, in sec 0, end lot 1 in sec 7, town 21), range 3 cast. TricoE50. NO CSS A bargain Sotuhua-t J sec '-', town 28, range 1 east, 4 milts southeast ol town. Trice 850 NO 033320 acres, east i scc33, town 28, ran e 2 cast. Trico 1,100. NOG34 Northwest sec 2, town 21), rango-1 west. Trice COO. NO 035 SouthweH i sec 33, town IS, ranra 1 west. Trice 00. NO CSC Eati sw! ec 33, town 27, range 1 west. 80 acres. Trice 350. N'O C37 Northwest i sec 2, town 28, range 2 west. Trice 000. r?0 533 Southeast sec 21, town 20, raio 2 east. Trice 550. NO C30 Southeast i sec S, town 20, range 3 west. Trice 500. NO 040 Southeast I sec 8, town 28, range 1 east. Trico 1C0O. NO C4I South J ne i sec 11, town ZS, Trice 330. and in point of' culture and societv. are ff I (1 - n I ' I """"'"SKRSr.SteK.ait wimi WtfWH XCJtW'iciil riNi