Newspaper Page Text
-tw!rB?S3',' w&wW ,wy.vllllw',?w,' n V ffilkjjite (Kajjle. I:r:ti ra 5ti::li7 c! ei:h v:tl, fr eZ: isZiglt Stat SUJl'CKirTIOX TWO DOLLAHS IN ADVAKCE. GRANGE DEPARTMENT. NATIONAL GRANGE-BUSINUSS OFFICERS. Jvo. T .Taxes, Matcr, Helena, Arkansas. O. II. Kelly, bce'y, lulsvlllc, Ky. ICansrs State Gransc" Business Officers, M. 11. Hudson. Master, Miiideton, P. IJ. liaison, Secretary, Emporia. SEDGWICK COCJJIT DIKECIOUY. DISTRICT GM.VGE-M Dili. A. II. Durand, Master. E. A. Doncy, Sccretarj, Jameeburg. Mc t 1st "I ucsday in each month, II, n. m. Advance Grange," Wm. Loclard, Master JI. Camii. Secrrtiry, feedgwlcfc City. Meets lit and 3d cdnc.6dajs lu each month, 7 p. ma "Xlnocseah Grange." William Ross, Master. Mary 11. Clumbira. Sic'y.. Clear Water. Meets 1st Saturday before full moon of each month. " Wakulla Grange, " C S Zimmerman, Master. T. .1. Smith, Secretary, SedjrwicL City. Meets 2d Saturday In each month at 11 a. m. 'Gem Gransc,' F. J Canton, Master. S. 11. Ueiden. Secretary. Valley Cmtcr. Meets 2d Wednesday before fall moon of each month at 6 p. m. I'ralrit Gem Grange," J. U, York, Master. Geo A . hite. Secretary, ichlta. Meets c try alternate Saturday night. "Attica Grange," 1 McDonald, Master. James 1'icLcns, Secretary, Attica. "Yoscmltc Gramrc." S. D. l'alktt. Master. D. O. Williams. Scc'y., Ohio Center. "Clarion Granc ' C. A. VanXess. Master. Mrs. J. U. shuen. Secretary, Clarion. en. Secretary. Clarion. Meets 1st Saturdii) in each month 2 p. m "Grant Grange," II. L. De-ving, Master. Minnie Bench. Secretary, Valley Center Meets 1st and 31 Saturdays In each month at 7 p. m. "Valley Grange,"-E. I' Thompson, Master. Mrs. Marlon Wight, Sec'y , Wichita Meets cecond Saturday of each month. '1'lcasant Hill Grange" Harry Martin, Master, O. Martinson, Secretary, Wichita. Meets 1st Saturday of each month at 7 p. m. ' Waco Grange, ' 'J. A- Nelson aco tirangc," o. A-.Miaon, easier, Edwin Gee, Secretary, Waco. Meets 2d Satur- riwin liee, sccre da of each month. "Itoclford Grange." J. HoutMinnieh. Matter, J. llurbaucr, Secretary, El I'a&o. Meets 2d Friday of each month at 7 p. ra. 'Fairvicw Grange" S. II IUdcn, Master. G. II. Wamslcy, Secretary, Wichita. Meets 2d and 4thSaturdj s of each month at 2 p. m. "Onion Grange," J. W. White, Master. li. . icu oecrcmry, Liuriugc. "Evergreen Grange," W.T. Likely, Master. J. P. Morrison, secretary Wichita. Meets 2 and Ith Saturdays ot each montlt at 7 p. m. "Lone Star Grange," n II Miller, Master. 'I bos Williamson, Secretary, El Paso. Meets 2d Fridaj of each month at 7 p. m. "Pleasant View Grange," P. Watts, Master. II Ulessncr, Secretarr, Wichita. ' 'Illinois Grange" Jas. SacVet, Master, Albert lAichnart, Secretary, Wichita. Meets Tlmrsday before 2d Saturday each month at 2 o'clock ii. in. "Home Grange,'' William O'Brien, Master, J. 1). Giflbrd, Secretary, Wichita. Meets 2d and th Saturday of each month at lp.m. "Payne Grange," J. Dcvorc, Master, James WiUon, Secretary, Greenwich P. O. Meets 2d and 1th Saturdays of each month. "Oowslln Grangc"-Jas. P. Barnett, Master, Irani Dale, Secretary, Eldridge. 'Oro Grange," II. B. Wikoff, Master. MA. IUlfu, Sec'y , Wichita. 'Minntha Grangc.'Wohn Teagan, Master. Wm U. Ferris, Secretary, ichlta. Meets 1st and 3d Fridays ol each month at 7 p. m. "Eden Grange" A. J Wolcott, Master, Wm. Simpson, Secretary. Wichita. Meets 2d and 4th Thursdays of each month at 0 p. m. "Mount Hope Grange," Amos JI. Durand, Master. Mrs. Maggie Baird, Secretary, Monnt Hope. Meets 1st and 3d 'IhurdaS of each month at 7 p.m. "Harrconv Grange, "W.N Woodruff, Master, E. A. Dorsey, Sec'y, Jaraesburgh. "SclUserSpnngs Grange," I. W.Bear.Master. K. Picrpont, secretary. Minneha. Meets 2d Saturday of cacn month at 7 p m . "GreenlcafGrangc" E. W. Waters, JIastcr. Thos. E. Preston, Secretary. El Pao. Religion and Hunters. Good religion and good manners al ways go together. They are things that God has joined, amino man can put them asunder. This follows from the nature of religion, which is the love of God and the love of our fellow men. It is a compliance, in some good degice, with the two great command ments of divine law. It is the exercise of proper feelings toward God and a corresponding treatment of Him, and tho like toward our neighbor. He who has true religion is a renewed man. Holy love has becu shed abroad in his heart by the Holy Spirit. And that love makes him kindly disposed toward all. This tho precepts of the gospel require of him. Hois to love not only those who love him and to treat them kindly, but he is to love even his enemies, if he has them, and to treat them with kindness. So did tho Saviour, who is to be the example of all his disciples. Itellgion.having its scat in the heart, is developed in the outward life. It modifies and bhapes tho conduct. It has upon its possessor a refining in fluence. It improves his manners. Under its power he becomes more kind and gentle and com toons. Such was its effect upon the great apostle. Be fore his conversion, ho was impetuous and headstrong. He was ovei bearing, caiing little for thcintcrcsts of others. But religion tamed him. It subdued his natural ferocity and made him lamb-like. To tho Thcssaloniau Chris tians he thus wrote : "Wc were gen tle among you, even as a nurse chcr ishcth her children." Wc find him, iu all circumstances, an example of courtesy. But it may be said that Christians are unmannerly and boorish. They are greatly lacking in kindliness and friendliness. Wc arc constrained to admit that it is so. Wa arc not our selves strangers to such. But it is nevertheless true, as we said at the outset, that good religion and good manners always go together. There arc no exceptions. It is no more trui that good religion aud dishonesty go together, than it is that good religion and ill manners go together. Those boorish and unmannerly Christians are lacking in good religion. They arc greatly deficient here; and that is the reason why they behave no better. Let them increase their religion; let them get more of tho genuine article, and they will be improved outwardly iu an equal degree a3 inwardly. There is not a defect or deficiency at which some precept of the gospel docs not aim a blow, and which is not rebuked by the example of Him who was "holy, harmless and undcflled." To learn good mauncrs, ono does not need to go to school to Lord Chesterfield. He can better learn them in the school ot Christ, where he has ever before him perfect rules aud a perfect example. H. S., in Observer. Bees need fresh water constantly. A supply is easily given by a jar inverted in a saucer aud daily replenished. It is but little trouble thus to furnish as many of theso watering places as may bo needed. They aro neat, easily ex amined, readily replenished, and read ily accepted by the bees. There is no danger of tho products of the fanner getting out of fashion. So wc can safely keep on producing bread, milk, butter, cheese, pork,beef, mutton, poultry, fruit, potatoes, eggs, etc., without any danger of unfashion able things being left on our hands. Jowa State Register. L. S. Hardin says that the Jersey cow, as a rule, will yield from a third to a half moro butter in a year than cows of any other breed, and Jersey grades aro superior to any other. The Pool-Betting 8in. It is reported that Johu Morrisscy has deposited $2,000,000 of pool money iu ono of tho city trust companies. There is probably as much more put into the hands of the other pool man agers. It would not be extravagant to say that (here arc $5,000,009 to-day pending upon the results of the elec tions iu the various States, and this sum is increased hourly by tho con flicting stories which come from the doubtful States. If there should be no election, or a dispute as (o who is President, the peoplo who have in vested it would bo deprived of their money tor some lim'e to come. Some fine day large sums of money will sud denly disappear from 6omc of the pool rooms, ami then people will wonder how keen sporting men wero willing to trust their property in the hands of gamblers, while they would not be satisfied to place it in a banking in stitution unless it was known to be thoroughly solvent. Wc hear that sonic of this money is very loosely kept. 'One night over $100,000 was deposited in the safe of one of tho up town hotels, without receipt or other guarantee than the honesty of a hotel clerk. These sporting people arc not business men, and have not business habits. It will be as much tho fault of the betting public as the proprietors of the pool rooms if at sotno time heavy losses arc incurred. All this public gambling ought to be prevent ed by law. There is excitement enough about our elections without having betting so organized that it is a temptation to everybody to "put up" something on the result. As now con ducted, pool gambling is even more demoralizing than lotteries. Jew York Graphic. The Hog Snpply. The Kansas City Price Current pre sents reports from Missouri, Kansas and other parts of tho "West giving the supply of hogs from which it makes the following deduction: In looking over these reports wc find that in "Western "Missouri, out, of fif teen counties heard from, ten indicate that the crop will bo larger thau last year, and four less than last year, and one about the same. As to the effects of cholera, ten report it as having been destructive, one as having experienced no cholera,and four as having done but little damage. In Kansas out of thirty-seven coun ties reported, twenty-eight indicate that the crop will be larger than last year, one less and eight about tho same. The cholera has been very de structive in three counties, whilo in five it Has been very mild, aud in twenty-niuo there has been none. The reports of Southern Nebraska show a uniform gain over last year, aud but little cholera. From Southern Iowa, out of niuo counties reported, ono shows an in crease over last year, six less and two about the samo. In six counties the cholera has becu destructive, in one none, and in two little damage has been done. It will thus be seen from these re ports, which arc as reliable as it is pos sible to get them from disinterested parties, Kausas, Western Missouri and Southwestern Nebraska show a uni form gain over last year, while a ma jority of the reports from Southern Iowa show a falling off. Physiological Effects of Quinia. Dr. E. L. Drake, of Faycttcvillc, Tenii., has published in the Medical and Surgical Reporter, some of hi experience and conclusions respecting the physiological action of quinia. He says, at least three diflercut phy siological effects can be obtained from this drug. In doses up to two grains it is a tonic ; from this to live grains it is a stimulant, and from that to ten grains or more it is a diaphoretic re laxant and calmative a febrifuge. The amount of twenty-four grains may have some anti-periodic effect in a mild type of ague, but will prove very disagreeable to the paticnt,ou account of ciuchonism. If he has any headache it will aggravate this symptom. If this amount be divided into three doses and taken within four hours, at any time after a pyrexia has reached its height, say after 4 p. m., the tonic ef fect will be apparent in the relaxation aud diaphoresis ; the patient will be drunk. A half pint of whisky can be taken in small doses during the day without inducing intoxication; yet if it is all taken iu the course of two or three hours the individual will bo apt to exhibit strong evidence of being in this slate. So with chloroform and ether. I make it a rule never to give qui nine m the forenoon, always giving it at night, to the amount of not less than twenty-five graius conjoined with an opiate, and am nearly certain of get ting a good diaphoretic effect, which will be apt to extend through the suc ceeding dav. In all the pvrcxia; of this region I prescribe it the first visit, aud frequently have the satisfaction of abortiug a case of pneumonia, ormak ing its subsequent course manageable. Iu the pucumonias of the middle-aged, who are so liable to overwhelming con gestions of the lungs, it is the sheet anchor, given in large doses at the out set. Attention lias been called iu the daily papers to a practice provalcut in some parts of the country, which ap pears to illustrate tho power possessed by'milk of absorbiug atmospheric im purities. It is that of placing a saucer of new milk in a larder to preserro meat or game from taint. It is said that not only does it answer that pur pose, but that the milk, after a few hours, becomes so bad that no animal will touch it. A favorite remedy lor chapped, cracked or bruised teats in cows is a wash of tar, aud, after placing it in an old pail that will not bo wanted for anything else, add six or eight quarts of water, and use tho waBh as often as necessary. It renders the teats soft, and at once heals up all cracks and wounds. Ono or two applications is generally sufficient for a cure. Termin on Fcwli. The Rrairic Gazette speaks as fol lows : "A very important duty of tho poultry breeder is to seo that his chicks aro freo from vermin. Sprinkle sulphur continually over tho chick ens, roost and houses, the latter two occasionally washed with kerosene. If you find the slightest symptoms of the nrcsenco of vermin, get rid of them immediately. Sometimes care less breeders will loso setting eggs simply by not occasionally sprinkling tho hens and nests with sulphur, or other good insect powder, and tho poor bens, unable to stand the dread ful pests, have forsaken their nests. A careful breeder will never allow tho scourge of lice among his poultry to trouble him, but will see that he "has none of it." MISCELLANEOUS. BISSANTZ & BUTLER, -Dealers ln- STOVES, TINWAEE ETC. Special Attentioityald to Repairing and all kinds of Job Work. PUMPS A SPECIALTY. Good 1'rico paid for Old Copper and Tea Lead. No. 74 Douglas Ave., Wichita, Kansas. IOE I ICE ! IOE I Clear Crystal Cold! HENRY SCHWEITER Tales pleasure in announcing to the Citizens of Wichita that he hat made comptete arrange- mentt to supply the people daily tcith o-ooid ioe, The coming Summer, at reasonable rates. He has orer Three Hundred Tons a year ago, and has made arrangements for a large quantity besides from the Xortb. 53" If you desire goodlcc.promptlvdcliTcrcd, call on 13-tf 1 IIEXKV SUlwEITEK. DRY GOODS. NEW YORK STORE! We Aim to Ketp Things Moving. M. KOHN & CO Wholesale and itcta DEALERS IN DRY GOODS Clothinc, Hats, Caps, LOOTS, SHOES; CARPETS, ETC. Cor., cv Main and Doucilas Ave., WICHITA, 3CA.OST. is-tf C3-0 TO MURPHY- k REILLY! to buy your O-EOCEBIBS! At Wholcsalo and Ketail. Wholesale Wines and Liquors. XDOTJOXjAS -A."VE., New York Block, opposite 3?ost Office. 50- UARSL3 AND STONE YARD. Lime, Plaster Hair and Ceneat. C. KIMMERLIE & CO., Second Door Korth of Firrt national Bank, Main Street, WICHITA, KANSAS. The above firm will furnish all kinds of Marble Wrk, Graye Stones, Slabs, Monuments, Etc .and NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEWDRUG STORE! c:h:.a.s. -w. hii.1., 0RUG6IST AND PHARMACEUTIST New York Block, Dotty las Avenue. WICUITA, KANSAS. The Largeit and Bell Steel of Pure Drugs nd Medicines nr THE SOUTHWEST. Met Articles, Perfumery. Patent Medicines, Etc. Agent for th AYXRIL CHEMICAL PAINT. KFhysitUns Prescriptions carefully compounded. Also keep on hand the best and purest Wines nd Liquors for medicinal purposes. je21-tf GROCERIES. CASH GROCERY! L. G. SCHEETZ. GreenFrontHasIt POB CASH! -FULL LINK OF Staple and Fancy Groceries! COAL OIL, ' SALT, FLOUR, AND PROVISIONS. Sorth-Wetl Corner Douglae Atenue J: Starlet St. Goods delivered to any.part of City. 33 H. II. MCriAKDS. O. KOGERS. RICHARDS & ROGERS, 3-:ROc:e3:r, si Douglas Avenne, East of Main Street, Wichita, Kansas. 12-U GROCERIES. QUEENSWARE. ALLEN & TUCKER, -DIALS US IX- Staple and Fancy, Groceries ! QUEENSWARE, STONEWARE, CUTLERY. Foreign and Domestic Fruit Salt, Grain, Produce, &c. &c. New Tori Slock, Douglas Avenue, W -LCECIT-A., 52- J. L. ZIMMERMAN, COUXTT ScrKHEfTKTOIXT A3TD NOTABT PUBLIC. WILL ATTEND PEOMPTLY to writing Deeds, Mortgages, Contracts, taking ac knowledgments, etc Pays special attention to the paring of taxes for non-residents. Office in Sonth Boom, OccidenUlHotel Block. Wichita, IW-ITJ JK CALDWELL. i W , a5- WnOLESALES jij :, CO'AXOrlL' AilSTD STONEWARE. E3-ZR A sett;of PIECES or wmrE GRANITE wake forse-ive DOLLARS. A DINNER SETT OF 70 PIECES do do do do ELEVEN DOLLARS FALL 7 Patterns of Glass setts, f 1 to $1.73 each. 11 do do Gablets, l.C0to$2.S0perdoz Glass Itowls, open and covered, high or low. Bar Glasses, Ale, Beer and Lemonade Glasses. I3ST CIIANDULIEKS, BRACKETS, PRICES A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Gl'OCEMES. I " .AJ. reDME-AND PRICE. 39 MAIN STREET LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! AND SEE "GOLDEN EAGLE" Has to say regarding the price of Clothing, and see if you do not find goods quoted lower than ever known in the market. Mou's half Hose, all sizes, for ----- - .05 worth It H II ...-.- .10 " i "-..--- .25 " " Haudkcrchicfs, ready for use, .121-2 " ' " " all linen, - - .20 " it tt tt tt tt ... .25 " " Overalls, .45 " " Undershirts, .33 " " Drawers, .33 " Men's Vests, - .75 worth $2.00 Men's Full suits, $10.00 worth $15.00 " Jeans Pants, $2.00 " 3.00 " " 12.00 " 20.00 " Cass. " 2.00 " 3.00 " " 15.00 " 25.00 " " 3.00 " 5.00 " Overcoats, 5.00 " 10.00 " 3.50 " 5.50 " " 8.00 " 13.00 " Coats, - 2.00 " 4.00 " " 10.00 " 15.00 - 5.00 " 10.00 " " 12.00 " 20.00 " Full Suits 7.00 " 12.00 " " 15.00 " 25.00 Look at the endless variety of CH-ElsTTS' FTJKlSnESIIIlTa- G-OOIDS department. A full line of Taper and Linen Collars. A large assortment of Suspenders. Gents and Youths Fine White Shirts, of the famous Eagle and Bur lock brands, at all prices. ELEGANT LINE OF .MEN'S OVEItSHIRTS. TN TEN VARIETIES, INCLUDING IIEAVT GOODS, BOUGHT ESPECIALLY FOB CATTLE MEN. HAlirDKEECHrBPS Of all styles, kinds and qualities, including fine Silk, Linen and Cotton goods, especially ad ante for this market. The Iloosiery department embraces all goods known to the trade, such a Cotton, British, Merino, Lisle Thread, Baldriggan and Worsted. In the C3-I,0"VE STOCK, CAN BE FOUND CASTOB, KID, DOG SKIN, PLYMOUTH. ' BUCK, CALF, SUEEP, LISLE TIIREA D, TC My Department of f3-EUrO?IiEM:E3rS7 TJ'aS'X)Eia"WEJ.ia Is surpassed in thi or any other cly. It includes Medicated Ited Flannel, super all wool Scotch and Merino goids in assorted colors, both lull and half-fashiond. Also, the flnest lambs wool and cheaper varieties. I also carry a full line of o-Ensrars' cnEJ-vsnsijiiY. Mufflers, Cardigan Jackets, etc , in endless variety. All I ask is a call to convince you that it is to your interest to buy of the "GoldeuEagle" House, Not 23 Main street, t opposite the Post Office, Wichita, Kansas. IE. S.ORADDOOK, PROPRIETOR;, i IE :A.T Castors and Bottles, Tlated Ware, Spoons and Cutlery. Knives and Forks, Foclct Knives, Lamps and Chlmnies. KEFLECTOKS AXD GLOBES. STONEWARE, STONEWARE, COAL OIL, ETC. 39 MAIN STREET. WHAT THE CLOTHING HOTJSE .10 .25 .50 .25 .35 .50 .75 .50 .50 elegant goods embraced m our FURNITURE. - "J. T. McMILLEN, Dealer in all Linda ol IF TJ IR, UST I T TJ IR, IE i Carpets, "Window Shades, Mattrasscs, etc., NO. SI MAIN STREET; WICHITA, KANSAS. JSi. SOLTE Manufacturer of and dealer in all kinds of Parlor, Chamber, Dwelling and Kitchen FURNITURE. A Full Line of Undertaker's Goods. UndcrtaVsig done on short notice and in the most approved style. JIATTRES9K3, CAUPET3, CURTAINS, Etc. 64 IVTATTT STBEET, WICHITA, KANSAS. 12C-Iy MISCELLANEOUS. Wagon and Blacksmith Shop. THE OLD RELIABLE M. R. MOSER. Proprietor. Wagons, Carriages and Sulkys huilt on shor notice and Work snaranteed. -Special attention paid to WOEK SUCH AS Repairing Plows, Harrows and all kind of Agricultural Implements, Shoeing, &c. Remember the Place Sign of the Rig Wheel, Main Street, Souih of Douglas Avenue, Wicthita. 37-tf 1&. ZIMMEBLY, SKALXB IK :h:.ajr,d-w"-Ajr,:e37 STOVES, TINWAKE, THE CELEBRATED GARDEN C1TT TLOWS AND CULTIVATORS. BRON'S CORN PLANTERS. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, ETC. Eooffing, G-uttering, and all hinde of Job Worl Don to Order. NO. 25 MAIN STREET, WICHITA, XANSAS. l-ly HE. "W. ZKEILSnDXjIE, -Dealer in- Weed Sewing Machines ! Please call and examine THE FAMILY FAVORITE" ITS NAME INDICATES ITS QUALITIES. 1. because it is adapted to all the wants of fami ly sewing. 2. Because it can be readily comprehended by any one wishing to sew. 3. Because it runs so easily. 4. Because it is always ready and never takes on "fits." 5. Because it will do any kind of sewing with less changes and fewer extra attachments than any other machine. (i. Berause it Is self-adjusting. 7. Because it is made of the very best materials, and in the most thorough manner. It Is a two-thread machine, making an elastic T.ock-stitch. It has a straight short Needle. It has a Shuttle with a Patent Spring Tension. Its unper Tension renniresno manlniilnilna- tn admit the passage ot kinky or uneven thread, whether linen, cotton or silk. Its oiling is done upon the under side by turn ing it tip on its hinges, and soiling goods is im possible. Its stand is solid and Arm. Its table is lonsr and roomv. Evervnart works noaitivelv. nml it U nnf .tii ject to th yielding or uncertain operating of No machine costs so little for new parts and re pairs. More than 200,000 machines or Its manufacture are now In use and attest to all is claimed for them viz: that they are superior to all others in point of Capacity, Adaptability, Simplicity ai.d Dura bility. Attachments, Parts, Needles, Oil, Etc., Kept on hand. Also Needles and Purtt furnish ed for all other Machines. Offico on Douglas Ave., Wichita, Kansas. 43-tfl LUMBER. eTOTTTT JDJL77-T1DS02Z; The Pioneer Lumber Man! Of Sedgwick Coustt. ESTABLISHED IN 1870. A Complete Stock of Pino Lumber! SHINGLES, LATH, DOORS, SASH,&c, always on hand J&T OjjUce and Yard on JTarlet Street, leticeen Douglae Acenue and Pint Street. 49-tf SHELLABARGER & OLIVER Wholesale and Retail Dealers In LUMBEE; DOORS AND SASH I G5T Office and yard, Soulli side Doug las avenue, near Depot. IG-tf MILLIS & STEM, CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS! Wholesale and Retail Dealers in BUILDING MATERIAL WICUITA, KANSAS. i-tf Oshkosh Lumber Yrd, SKIN NER& PHILLIPS. Have nor,' on hand a Large Stock of Seasoned Lumber, Glazed Windows, Doors, Shingles, Lath, Etc., Etc. From the Celebrated OSIIKOSn, WISCOXSIS MARKET. IVe do not claim to sell Cheaper than any other Jtrm in the State, or to furnish better Lumber, but we dn claim, that ice can sell as Good Lumber at as low rates as any other firmm IVtchita, and solicit a fair share of public patronage. Wolf River Best White Pine. SOMETHING NEW! Ail Scantlincr and Joi-U sized, making a ?reat saving of labor In Lathing. t2T" Office and Yard south side Douglas Ate. near the corner of Douglas and Empori. Loan Agency. HARRIS & HARRIS, Corbin Banking Company ZSnEW TOBK MONEY TO LOAN On Five Years Time at tieust ipiejir, annsrn:. INTEREST. COMMISSION EEASONABLE. Parties having mortgages on Im drored Lands now due, and those wishing to mortgage are request ed to call on us before closing up with any one else. We neither use Circulars nor travel from house i house. nr ehanrc for executing naners norfor looting at Lands nor for making abstracts. -nencowTF.3 exx- PAY OFF AT ANY TIME ! TTA-R.-R.TS & HARRIS, Wichita, - Kansas. In same building with U.S. Land Office. G-t NNE BATH ROOMS, Kooms which are sup plied with Hot and Cold Water. All things pertainfrto thebathingdepartment are new and ttr nnd first-class in everr resnect. ODen Sat- iinl.avnlcht.i nntll 12 o'clock n. rn.. nndonSnn- ,f S1Je?n.7,B",0 lU-tfJ DIETER &KAYSER. The Kansas City Surgical and Medical Institute and "Women's Hospital F. Coolet, M. D., Surgeon In charge of Surgical Department. J. W. FosTwt.M. l).,Snr gcon in charge of Medical De partment. Treat successfully all kinds of deformities such as Curvature of the Spine, Clnb Feet, Hip Joint Disease, Wry Neck, Miff .rotnU, Crooked Lirabi. All our apparatus U madetinderourown super vision and applied by us. Plastic operations ai the restoration of the lip and nose Tumor of all kinds removed. Cancerous Growths of every de scription. Including that of the breast, tre ated successfully., Also -aUrrh, disease of theeje. cataract removed and the blind speedily rcstorep tosignt. Piles and flutula radically cured. All diseases of the urinary organs, including stne in the bladder and stricture, successfully treated, special apartment, provided lor ladies. The sur gicat diseases of women a specialty, A large, thirty-two cell battery ready for use in all cooes requiring electricity. Wc have in connection with the Institute a first-class hotel where we board our own patients. Street cars run direct from the depot to the Institute. Drs. Cooley or Foster will visit any portion of the country in consultation, or to perform any surgical operation. Address Dns. COOLFY A FOSTEK, Cor. 12th St. and Grand A e. .Kansas City, Mo. N.B. Stnd stamp for our Journal. 16-tf Canada Southern Railway Lines THE ONLY AMERICAN ROUTE TIIIIOUGII CAXAJJA. SHORT AND QUICK LINE TO THE EAST, Via Buffalo or Niagara Falls. NO GRADES, AIR LINE. NO CURVES, STEEL. RAILS. Direct connections mide at DETROIT and TO LEDO with all lUilway Lines from tho West. And at Bnffnlo ami Snupension IlriilRC With New 1 o tk Central and Erie Kys. The Fjsscnger Equipment of the Canada South ern is unsurpassed in the Country. For Centennial recursion Iluslnc. The Canada Southern Is geographically situated so as to be able to offer a larger list of routes to select from than any of its compctors, and being the last ot the Through Lines constructed, combines all the modern appliances lor the safety one comfort of its patrons. Tickets on sale at all offices of connecting lines For any information address, W. K. Mum, FcaxkE. Stow, Gen'l Manager, Gen'l Foas. &Tiek. Act 7- Dinuurr croiiisr iBXTOisr, Dealer in XjIZMZIE, iBTjrnDiDinsra- stohs TLASTER PARIS. CEMENT AND HAIR and Osage Shaft and Fort Scott Red C O.A. L Stone and lime To Contk-ictohs and Builders. Haing completed the purchase oi what is now the larger portion of the cele brated Florence Quarries, i am able to tell at lower rates than heretofore. The lime will be burned from carefully se lected rock, and sold at the lime house. Orders for stone will be tilled at from four to Sve dollars per car according to size and thick ness of stone, parties paying their own freight. Orders sent to VT. II. Sanner, Florence, or to the office near tho depot, on Dosgias Ave nue, will be promptly filled. J. EXTON, ALBERT IlXSi. rKTER OETtO. BZESS &c G-ETJTO, STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES 93 Main Street, Wichita, Kansas. l-ly "W. G-. HOBBS, -Dealer in- GROCERIES Qucenswore, Gtcnewaro & Prcduco. East side Main Sl..f our doors north Post Office. WTCECITA. KTJiJETS-S. IFLOTXR,! :m::e3at,! CANNED FRUIT, GA3IE AXD POULTRY, SALT, SPICES, ETC. Wichita, June 8, 1570. 10- TRICKEY BROS. & CO.! Dealers in Fresh FAMILY GROCERIES PROVISIONS, FRUITS, FLOUR' and FEED. WICHITA, KAKSAS J3-Corner of Main St. and Douglas At. "3 s,'1 1 ! " '.' 4ie- 4. .j3tr "-&& jsu " ."'"l:? 'r'?- .,jr"" cwe. f