rr- 41 J" ST""!
ffificjjto ifajlc.
Lout Dittman started yesterday lor Chicago
to spend tbc holidays.
Forltie past ten (Jays wheat has landed
from 05 ceats to $1,10 per bushel.
There will be preaching in the school house
next Sabbath by Iter. J. S. Turnbull.
Miss May Willard lias gone to Newton to
assist In giving a concert in that place, which
comes off to-morrow night.
The venerable Bishop Simpson will presldo
over the Kansas Annual M, E. Conference,
which meets in Wichita tbc 7th oi March.
lion. . V. Hackney, ol Winfleld, was be
fore the United Stales land office two days
last week, as counsel in a contested case.
Mrs. Meagher lost, near tho corner ol Wil
liam and Water streets, a mink rape or lur
collar. The finder will please leave it at this
Captain Tarlton's great endue of aluable
Mock comes off neit Saturday, a lace to be
noted and remembered by our farmers an'J
Three wagon losds of wild turkevs were
driven into town on Monday and offered for
tale. Other wild meats are becoming moic
Two eminent gentlemen ol Kansas will
spend Saturday in this city, Their business
may be politics or it may be railroacl,but wo'll
bet h'u neither.
Jack McCall, who murdered "Wild Hill" in
tho Ulack IlIUs, has been lound guilty ol the
crime charged and has been sentenced to be
hung at Yankton.
The Kaunas Stile Teachers Association
holds an adjourned meeting at Topeka, De
cember 2Clh. Tho rail oads will carry per
sons to it at reduced ra cs.
A very complete and satisfactory report ol
tberirstTrcsbvieiiin Church, of Wicb'ta
will bo lound in our columns this week. It
will prove interesting to ever body.
Tho household or J. F. l.iuck was made
happy by ibc arrival ot a (alr-.aced young lady
that had never istted this v alley before. Wo
congratulate the Judge and his wile.
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. M. acknowledge the
receipt of tho compliments of the Qui Vive
Club and an inv itation to attend their social
at the Occidental parlors next Monday eve.
A firm, consisting ol a couple of brothers,
lrom New York, are contemplating the erec
tion orgas works in Wichita, somo lima next
season. Names and other particulars fur
nished in time.
The teams tint, under W. J. llobson's
contract, transported tho Sioux Indians
through the Indian Tcrritoiy, bate returned,
having met with no accident or trouble
north mentioning.
Ferrell, of tho fruit, confectionery and toy
store, tho gentlemanly and accommodating
lellow who runs our telegraph office, has scl
eral lively specials iu this week. Whenjou
get ready to buy holiday good g've him a
Tne Turnvcricn fcociety. ol Wichl a have
decided on a masquerade ball, on New Year's
Eve. The Society i a very strong one, in
cluding the best elements of cur Geiman
citizens and no doubt it will bo a happy oc
casion. Owing lo dry weather and other causos,tho
Arkansas City Tractltr saj . the lartneis In
tbatviciolty failed to sow as much wheal this
year as usual, and most ol what was sown is
late, yet the prospect for a lair ciop is deci
dedly good.
JuJgo 11. II. Kistier is taking steps to have
Josephine Demer lit pai doncd out of the Pen
itentiary The action is most piaisevvorthy,
and meets our hearty approbation. Judn
Fisher wa the prosecuting attorney. Jndge
Campbell, we undcrs and, will sign the peti
tion. Wo hope Gov . Oiborn will act.
Rev. W. E. Copeland, now of Lincoln, Ne
braska, will preach orlccurc, this Wednes
day evening, at Ibc M. K. Church. He ad
dressed largo audieuccs at TopeLa and Einpo
na on Sunday and Monday. Mr. C, as is
known to many ol our citizens, is an eloquent
and interesting spcater.
The old folks are working away with sure
succe3. They cannot and will not fail. Their
selections were mado by a member who has
been in the old folks business before, and we
understand that they do not propose to offer
it to the public unl'l they aro thordugbly pre
pared. The county bridge across the Big rhcr is
in a dangcous condition, a part of the rail
ing is pushed loose. Somebody, with their
team w HI tumble off from that bridge somo of
these line days and the concqucnco will be
better known alter the case goes through tho
They bae been engaged for some time
they live up on the Avenue ; they were look
ing over the Eagle the other ccning, "Look,
lovt," ho said, "Craddock is selling suits for
tiflccn dollars." "Is it a wedding suit," she
exclaimed. "Oh. nol'" he said, "a business
suit." "Well, I meant buiine3-," she naively
The Topeka, Leavenworth and Lawrence
papers, with characteristic complaisancy, are
mutually congratulating each other over the
possession of the only musical societies
worthy of note In tho State. Go slow, gentle
men. Wichita not only boasts such an or
ganization, but claims talent of as high an or
der as can be found in the State.
W. C. Woodman received a heavy o.ljcial
documcnt.covcrcd with red tape and big seals,
lrom Samuel J. Tildcn, tho other morning.
He has simply been iak:ng time oy the fore
lock and proposes to have something to say
himself with reference to the distribution r
patronage, wo suppose. It strikes us that he
might have held up till tic fourth ol March,
but he didn't.
Cant. John II. Tolls, editor of the Sumner
County Freit spent Monday in the city. He
had been attending a meeting ol tbc Kegcnt.,
ol the State Agricultural College, of which he
Is a member. Cantain says tbat the settle
ment of Sumner County is moving westward
with the solidity and regularity or a line o
battle by sections and ranges and that twof
years more will see Sumner completely filled.
To all ol which wo most heartily assent.
Wo are glad to chronicle tho marriago ol
Mr. Andrew Hanson, of this citv, to Miss
Eliza Fanning, ol Fairvlcw. Mr. Hanson is
one ol tho thoroughgoing and industrious
young men of our i alley. To him must be
given the credit for tbc handsomely arranged
grounds ol J. It. Mead, he bein a floricultur
ist and landscape gardener. Wo wish tho
bride and groom lots of happiness.
The best opening in tbc State of Kansas If
not in the west, lor a small foundry and ma
chine shop, is at Wichita. A capacity for
small castings, with a couple ol lathes and a
planer, together with ordinary hand tools,
would meet the demand at present, probably,
but an establishment of much larger preten
tion, backed by capital, would prove a pay
ing investment.
Wichita is only about one hundred miles
south of the mouth ol the Kaw nver, never
theless during the late cold snap which closed
the livers and lakes of the north and formed
ice ono fool thick at Lawrence, Topeka and
Kansay City, the Littlo Arkansas barely af
forded good skating, while the murky witers
ol the Big river were still exposed lo the sun
light. The storm in the northwestern States
proved terrible.
Public Sale of Livestock.
On Saturday, December 10, 1S7G, I will sell
to the highest bidder, at the Wichita Stud
Stables, corner of Waco and Central Avenue,
two pur ol fine marc mules ; Henry, by Dren
non, a fine, combined harness and saddle horse
perfectly gaited and gentle, suitable for a lady
to ride or dri e. Wichita,a fine,large yearling
colt, by Modoc, has very fine tiottlng action,
and will make a fine stable horse; six fine
shoats ; a goad sulky , and the grasshopper,
a strong sulky ler breaking vicious horses.
Terms : Four months at 10 per cent., with
approved security. Sa'e posttiv e.
Wm. Tjlkltox.
Wichita, Kansas, December 5, 1870.
E. It. Dcnnlson, Auctioneer.
To tho Patrons ol Southwestern Commer
cial Agency : There will be a stockholders
meeting at the Agency's warehouse in Wich
ita, the first Friday in January, All stock
holders arc requested to be present.
,E. K. Towell, Secretary.
Editor Eagle : Please announce tbat
Santa Klaus will be on the boards to distrib
ute gifts for the Baptist Sunday school and
others, Christmas evening, at the church. Be
speak us a houseful. AnME.vr.
Hon. John Guthrie, who came so very near
carrying off the Gubeinatoiial prize in the
last State Convention, spent one day in Wich
ita last week. John is tho same whole-souled
genial man that ho ccr was just as happy
and philosophical as though he had won in
the great contest instead ol lost. Ho has
hosts ol admirers all over tho State, and we
aro glad to have him como and see us.
Hogs and Corn vs. Wheat.
Col St. Clair, Forney, Brown and Carter
brought up lrom Sumner county, on Monday
twenty-lour head ol hogs which averaged
thirteen months old, and three hundred and
eleven pounds each. They sold to Davidson
& Brown for three hundred and seventy-three
dollars and twenty cents. Col. St. Clair re
commends that laimers pay more attention to
bogs. He was satisfied that the hogs above
mentioned wcro not fed over four dollars
worth of corn to tho bead. Comments aro
By our local advertisements ol the last two
weeks it will be seen that Messrs. Harvey Jfc
Stcwa1 1 have opened a packing house near
the bridgo and hav c been cutting meats as
fast as the hogs could be procured. S'ncc
then Mr. Charles Miller, one ol our leading
capita'isls, has associated himself in business
with thce gentlemen, the firm being known
as Harvey. Sicwart & Co. This makes a
s.rong firm and promises for the fu
luro apsrmaneni cs ablishment of this kind
in our cl.'y, which every citizen of Southwest
ern Kansas will aoprecUte. We have alwajs
contended that every hog broushl o Wichita
for shipment should be slaughtered here. II
shipments .nut be made let it be ol the manu
factured article. Wo wish success lo eho firm
of Harvey, Stewart Co.
The ques ion that now agitates the boys i,
wno was Dwyer, anyway ? Unheralded and
unknown, accoinpaniod anly by the homilicst,
bob-tailed tei ncr that cv cr grined at a Scotch
man's heels, that "innocent abroad" lit down
on Wichita the day belorc election oflering to
bet odds that he could name four Northern
States that would go lor Samuel Jones Tildcn.
And he did that thing cv cry time. Where he
vvasfiom what his business, or who was his
backers no one ever discovered, but betook
in our boys in a way we despise. An Irish
man by birth his mickey mouth proclaimed
him, but tho facility with which he rolled his
ghb tongue around to French, German and
English languages made the eves of our un
sopblillca cd KackcnsacLers stick out. The
first week he 'proposed to build a machine
shop, the second week he thought he would
establish a newspaper, but the third week he
hied himself away dog and all, his boots, hat
and pockets fil.ed with Wichita Greenbacks
Aiiot sweet Dwyer; ion voyage innocent one.
The e'oom ol Winner & McNutl, tue fiends
who cu sed our city with the committal of the
foulest act lecorded in the unuals ol crime,
has been fi-cd. The Sup; erne Court of Kan
sas, list week; dcn'ed he applicat'oj of their
couasei for a new , ial al.mlng the rulinjs
and findings r Judge Campbell. The judg
ment ws most righlcous. A thousand years
of compulsalory labor and punishment by
simplo confinement Would not atone lor the
dark deed perpetrated aga'nst the life of their
unsuspecting victim on that Christmas morn
lag. For fiendish de'alls and blood-curdling
consummation the entrapping andmu dering
of the inoffensive "Ter " ooly as a horrible
by-play to dcfiaud a llfo insurance company,
finds few parallels in the catalogue of cr'mc.
Much as we aro oppoed to the summary ven
geance ol mob law, those wretches might
have been pulled i'mb lrom limb without a
protest They were devils incarnate. The
old cellar it 73 Main stiect, into which the
burning oody of "re"," eatuiatcd with he o
scne, fell , half consumed, still s ands open.
No building has been erected upon the silo of
tha b act cr'mc. A true bistorv of the daji
naolc deed should be pr nted and hung up Iu
each of .bcrce'ls, that they mijht each day
be brou'.iHtace u face with tho tcn-'bls story
until their beads became jray and their faces
funowed vv'ta remorse.
Tha Siot: Iad'ins and Wica'ts
Senator Ingalls submitted a resolution re
questing the Secretary of the Intcnor to re
port to the Senate immediately what edot
the Government had made to removo the
Sioux Indians from their present reservation
to the Indian Tcrritoiy. A few weeks sinco
one hundred of these Sioux passed through
Wichita, slopping here for a few days. They
went to look at the country, and we believe
they report tnat it is in all lespects satisfac
tory to them, at least Colonel Boone, who had
thcin in charge, intimates as much. He has
gone to Washington. Thoro is considerable
opposition in this Slate, alo upon the part ol
Kansas City, to the removal of these Indians
into the Tcrritorv ; not that any tiouble is
anticipated, but from the fact tbat such a pol
icy tends to the postponement! the opening ol
the Territory to settlement. Aslaras Wich
ita and her interests arc concerned we are not
averse to the proposed change for many lea
sons not accessary to mention at this time.
So long as we continue to be tbc head of
wagon transportation lor supplies to agencies
and forts we can a Cord to be patient ov cr the
impatience of others' adversely affected. Let
'cm come.
To te memori cf Grant Grunge lit. 053, Scdg-
tciel County, Xantat :
Wiiekeas, In view of the fact tint brother
and sister Beaeh, members of our Giange, aio
about to lcmove from our midst, thereby
severing their long existing and harmonious
assoc'utions with us- therefore
Rerouted. In considerat"on of those friendly
relations which vvc have so long maintained;
those brotherly ties which have so firmly and
prohtably united us together, we deem it
just to oui selves and duo to brother and sis
ter Beach to unanimously express our re
spect for them.
HesoheJ, That in brother and siter Beach
we recognize good and true Patrons, and
hsnored members ol society.
Jittohfd, That wmlo we highly prizo their
associations as Pattons and neighbor, and
painfully l egret their separation lrom us, wr
none tho less extend to them our best wishes
for their future, prosperity and happiness.
Retailed, That we take pleasure In recom
mending them to the members of our Order
and to all others with whom they may here
after be happily identified.
The abov e resolutions were unanimously
adopted by Grant Grange.
II. L. Dew HtG, Master.
Some More Shooting.
Last Friday morning a wagon drove up in
front of the offices of Drs. Allen and Fabnquo
which contained a wounded man, who was
bleeding about the face and spitting blood.
While Drs. Allen and Fahrique, assisted by
Dr. Henderson, were attending to the wound
ed man we learned from Mr. Bojcr and oth
ers, who brought the wounded man in, that
his name was Dwyer; that he lives twelve
miles southeast of WInfield; that he, with
others were on their road with loads of wheat
for Wichita, and had gone into camp on Bit
ter creek, in 'lowley county; that during the
night one Hornaman who liv cs between Grouse
and Slh cr creeks, came along vv itn uls team,
as was supposed, and abstracted sev era! bags
of wheat from the wagons in camp, then kept
on bis way. The wheat being missed in the
morning, Dwyer got on one ol his horses and
followed the thief, overtaking htm on Gyp
sum creek, a few miles south ol this place.
Upon demanding his wheat Hornaman told him
to stand back, at the same time drawing up
an old musket, which he discharged at Dyer.
The guu was loaded with bird shot and took
effect principally in his face. Sev cral ol them
were exliacted, we believe. Sheriff Dun
ning and E. J. McMurray immediately started
in pursuit of the would-be murderer, but
cume back, after a thorcugh search without
him. It afterwards seems that as soon as he had
committed the act he drove down into tho
bed of the creek, where he laid all day and
when he attempted to drive away at night
was seen by Mr. Pink Fouts and .one ol the
Massey boys, who attempted to capture him,
but It being dark the man escaped, leaving his
team which tbey took and put in the stable,
but which was gone next morning. During
the day he was overtaken near his home,
which is at Lilllec Dutch, and brought back
and lodged In the Wichita jail, and to-lay,
Wednesday, he will have his examination.
The wounded man Is not fatilly injured, but
it Is feared that he may loso one of his eyes.
The First Freabyteri&n Church of Wichita.
The Presbyterian Church of our city held
its annual meeting for the election of officers,
and presentation of annual reports, on last
Wednesday evening. The audience was un
usually large for the occasion, being composed
of the members of tbc Church and friends of
the cause. Tho pastor, He v. J. P. flarscn,
presided. The first report presented was that
of the society, by the socrctary, D. A. Mitch
ell. The report shows that the society was
first incorporated in 1S70, and tbat new ar
ticles of incorporation were filed with the
Secretary ofState during the year past, giv
ing the society more authority in extending
and perpetuating its objects of usefulness.
The society is free from debt and owns prop
erty of an estimated valuation of $7,000,
which includes the parsonage and the church
edifice in Its present unfinished condition.
The pastor's report shows that during the
j ear there were leceivcd, on profession of
faith 14
Received by letter from other churches.... 22
Total additions '30
Number dismissed by letter 17
Number suspended 7
Number of deaths 1
Leaving a net gain or. 11
Total number of members 13S
Funerals attended during year 18
Marriage ceremonies performed 22
CS. Caldwell, superintendent of tho Sab
bath school, mado a verbal report showing
the school in a prosperous condition. J. G.
Dunscomb, secretary and treasurer of tho
school, reported the total receipts during the
vcar 127 54
Disbursements 107 90
Balance in licasury 819 01
Av erase attendance lor the year 100
Miss Flora Pollock, secretary and treasurer
of the ladies' building society, reported the
receipts ol lour entertainments during the
ye?r amounted to 240 05
Expenses 112 Co
Balance in treasury $123 00
Mrs. J. P. Harscii, tho president of the
ladies' missionary society, presented her re
port, showing that alter the donations of the
jear to the Home Missionary Society there
was a balance ol 83.10 in the treasury.
A. A. Hyde, treasurer ol the Jchurch, pic
senlcd his icoort, show ing the total receipts
ofthe year fl,2bo 20
Disbursements 1,1"! 90
Balance In treasury $130 SO
Unpaid bills 163 SO
Cashonhand 130 SO
Uncollected bills 430 30
Total scsourccs.... $430 30
Mrs. D. A. Mitchell, secretary of the Sisters
in Charge, reported an average visitation of
from twelve to filleen families per month, of
those who do not attend church, and of the
new comers into our citj .
Dr. J. C. Dean, chairman of the building
committee, reported the work on the new
church progressing rapidly and that during
this month the structu.o will be under roof,
unless prevented bv unavoidable delajs.
Amount contracted lo be" paid $3,300 60
Paid on account SSi4 13..
Cash In hands of Treasurer. 522 25..
Uncollected subscriptions .1,90.1 CO..
3,300 00
Total value of church property $7,000 00
Balance In hands S. S. T. 19 Ct..
M. " ... 3 10..
" L. B. S. " ... 12S 00..
Halance in church treasury. 130 00..
Balance in B C. hands ... 522 23 .
Total cash on hand ?S03 39
Less unpaid bibs 153 SO
Leaving balance of $ 049 50
Uncollected subscriptions . 300 00
Uncollected sub. to C. F. . 1,903 CO 2,853 19
Total resources $9,853 19
The ncs business transacted was the elec
tion ol officers. CS. Caldwell, K. E. Law
rence, J. C Dean and J. C Kincaid were
elected to the office of ruling elders for three
years. Tor sisters in charge. Mrs. Elizabeth
Dean, Mrs. M. U. West, Mrs. II. W. Law
rence, Mrs. Harriet Kellogg, Mrs. Frances
Ridge and Mrs. Ann Cook.
Trustees, J. G. Dunscomb, C W. Graham
and W. C. Little.
Treasurer, W. 0. Little.
Collectors, D. A. Mitchell, It. E. Lawrence,
T. L. Nixon and W. A. Beese.
Ushcis, L. B. Ferrell, Reuben Lawrence,
O A. Mitchell and C. W. Graham.
Sccrctaiy, D. A. Mitchell.
The business part of the meeting was
brought to a close by singing the long metre
Doxology, alter which the audienco dis
cussed the rciicshments provided for the oc
casion by the ladies of the congregation.
Keport of Pleasant Valley School in the
counties of Sedgwick and Sumner for tbo
month ending Deccmbr 8th :
Number of scholars enrolled 43
Percent, of attendance 90
Number ol visitois 15
Department, good; scholarship, average.
Star scholars for the month :
Taj lor Sadler. Claude Sadler. Litcher Sad
ler, Columbus Noel, John Anderson, Isabelle
Duncan, Lenora Sadler, May Anderson, Kate
Anderson, Nettie Duncan, Jessie Duncan,
Mamie Duncan, Eva Boycc, Alice Noel.
All are Invited, and parents specially re
quested, to visit the school.
Joel J. Booth, Teacher.
By Rev. J. McQuiston, at his residence In
Wichita, November 10th, 1S7C, Mr. Leonard
F. Griswold, ot Sumner county, Kansas, to
Mrs. Mary Zink, of Iowa.
By the Rev. J. McQuitn. at tho residence
of 0. N. Fanming in sedgwick county, Kan
sas, December 7, 1S7C, Mr. Andrew Hanson,
to Miss Eliza S. Fanning, all or Sedwlck coun
ty, Kansas.
On the 12th fnst., at the parsonage, by Jas.
T. Ilanna. Levi Kinsley, of Sumner County,
to Miss Nancy J. Hiser, of Macon County,
In this city on Wednesday Dec. Cth 187C,
Herbert Leslie Smith, aged J years, 3 months,
and 21 days.
In this city, on Wednesday Dee. Cth 1870,
Maud, infant daughter ot Russell E. and Cor
delia Root, aged J weeks.
Iu this city, on Thursday Dec. 7th, 1876,
Frank, son of Jcbial and Sallie Craig, aged
2 years, 2 months and 15 days.
In this city, on Saturday. Dec. 9th 187U.
Gcorgiana. "daughter ol Dr. William and
Catbcr.nc White, aged 8 years, 9 months and
2 days.
Tne above death was caused by tho pre
vailing disease of scarahtina. and was very
suduen, she having attended school as usual
on Tuesday previous to her death. No ;dan-
gcr was apprehended until Saturday noon,
when the absent members of the family were
telcg.aphcd the sad tiddings, but failed to ar
rived until a tcr the last sad rite was pcrlorm-
cd Tho bereaved parents have the ympa
thy of our pcoplo in their sad loss of their
bright sweet child.
Near Wichita, on Menday, Dec lllh, 187G
Robert, son or ltoucrt and t ranees t;. mown,
aged 10 years.
Ask your grocer lor the lard put up by
Harvey, Stewart &, Co. It is pure and sweet
and by calling at their packing house you can
sec how it is made. Not so with shipped
lard, jou must run your chances on that.
Don't forget 1 You can save 50 per cent,
on your meat bill patronizing the packing
house of Harvey, Stewart & Co., first door
west of Douglas Avenue House. 37-tf
Holiday goods. Just opened, and endless
quantity of Gents' Scarfs and Ladies' Neek
Wear. Also silk and linen handkerchiefs.
Ladies' embroidered sets always found at
Georgo Inncs & Co.'s, IS Main 6treet, .ictt
to the post office. 37-it
Gross cruelty and Inhumanity aspratlVed
by parents allow ing their children U go out in
the cold air without a proper covering to
their feet, when they can purchase fane strip
ped hose for 10 cents, Misses strpped bose for
20, 25 ana 30 cents, Misses ribbed, all w ool for
50 and CO cents and our entire new stock of
boots and shoes, Sv uare Dealing Stors of Geo.
Inncs & Co. next to post office. 57-lt
Everybody 6houId use Brown's liver pills,
p rcpared for diseases of this climate. Cures
headache, biliousness and liver complaint
Sold at J. P. Allan's drug store. 35-tf
Ribbed hose, ribbed hose for ladies, 2 pair
for a 25 cents, 2 pair for 25 cents. 37-1 1
Waterproof! water proof 1 1 water proof I I
gray mized 50, GO cents, and $1. Seal brown,
myrtle green navy blue, good qualities 1, 00
$1,23, 1,50. at the Squaro Dealing Store, 18
Main street, next to post office, Geo. Innes &
Co. 37-1 1
Uncalled for December 14.
Mooro. Miss L
Adams, Mrs G
Alexander, Mrs A
Bellz. 31 iss Irena 3
llailev, Mrs C
Booth, JlrsVA
Bulge, Mrs A
Ba.'nes, Mrs E
Bishop, Miss L
Barnes Mrs L
Brown, Mrs T
Baker, Mrs N A
Bayd, Mrs Ida
Craig, Miss A
Cobb, Mrs
Dislorn, Mrs N 2
Donaldson. Mr L 3
Dennis, MrsS
Lvcrctt, Miss H
Garrelt, MnltJ
Griffin, Mis N
Ilumprcy, Mrs HE
Martin, Miss L E
Marlow, Miss M
Montague, Mrs A
Moorebouse. Miss C
Marble. Miss E
Miller, Jlrs F
Michael, Miss E
McKe e. Mrs E
Mikcl, Mrs J
Motley, Miss I
Newton, Mrs C
Pattce. Miss D
Read, Mrs E
Rogers, Miss A
Roney, iliss A
Roaper, Mis E C
Richards, Mrs F
Steele, MrsM
Saver, Miss E
Snodgrass, Miss L
Sexton. Miss C
iiugnes, airs a
Starks, Mrs J
Knofuock, Mrs A T 2 Snodg-.ass. H'.ss C M
Keckley. Mrs H S
Stewa.t, Mrs U
Lucky, sirs M
Lyon, Miss B L
Lee, Mrs S
Mowery. Mrs J 11
Martin, Mrs C
Shafer, Mrs t
Tobias. Mrs E
Wcbr, SI.sE
Weeks, Miss H A
AValker, Mrs M E
Miller, airs '
Vtcber, juiss a
Lcmmon J W
Laurie. II W
Lindlcy It
Lyon O N
Rijney II D
Miller G
Mitchsll F S
McEvers J
Mondav J
Mummey F
McElza A T
Avery W L
Armstrong, W
Brown, H S
Butts W n
Boitick H
Bennett Geo U
Bostick G
Bransdin W G
Brookman. T G
Boodin, Th03
Beaison, G A
Benton C
Brawbaker, J A
Bunk J D
Bagley, W W
Bowei s, E
Bailey J A
Bolin, T J
Bayer, J S
Bell E
Barker A
Baker M
Blackburn, E
Co-, C
Caldwell. W
Culbertson. A E
Cook, Dr S D
Caldwell, S
Cnapman, B D
Clay. J W
Cobb W F
Carr. J F
CoIHds, J W
Crrson, J W
Complon, W II
Casllcton. 1FT
Culp W II
Cavvthon C C
Chandler, J M
Closby, J D
DcanngJ A
Daniels Dr J W
Donnell. J W
Emelv, J M
Elslon, J P
Foster M
Focman, J
Fisher W
Fieneh W E
Fans J
Fcalbcrston W A 2
Freeman M
Fiddiugs W M
Graham W
Gilslv W W
Grcorv W 2
Giles S 3
Glcssncr. U
George J T
Gusliu J
G laves Prof J
Gardner J T
Hooker B
Hunter B A
llarndcn J
Uu3man C
Hartlev J A
Hun tcr I) N
Hughes I1C2
Halt W G
Humphrey W P
ilai ris E
Ucdglm E E
Jones T
Johnston I 3
Jones B G
Kaho D II
Mansfield W H
McGchu T
Matthews T
McGee T
McConnahie A 11
Mdlcr B
Maxwell A II
McCaffcrly O E
Mills CV
O'Uryon W S
Pinktiam D
Palmer E II
Powers E
Pa.-ker T A
Piland J
Paiker J J
Prakcos O
Powers ET2
Potter W II C
ParkisonT L
Revcs & Cole
Rowley Wm
Row J P
Raj mond A N
Rose L
Russell J A '
Stewart D C
bpcllman It
Smith W T
Shaa P A
Smith L E
Sterns J A
Steward Dr J C
Slafford J A
Stephens C
Smilh J
Sieger J
SUieibcr L
Sneiry L
Sory (I
Sheets E B
Smilh C
Stocks J S
Skinner O D
Tullley C E
Turner J
Todd E B
Vanbureu N
Vauer J
Withravv N
wecden II C
westG w
Woirall J P
West Cha-les
wicker T
Walker L D
wells C C
wil-on C C
white J
wall U K
Walker FF
walker S D
Victor! Vic"or! Victor! Victor! Try the
Victor Boot. The only boot mide that will
stand proof against evcrvthing. Anjectire
niw stoek. men's, women's and children's
boots and shoes, at the square dealing store of
Geo. Innes fc Co., next door to post office.
New dress goods in all colors, seal blown,
mvrtle rreen. cardlilaN, otc. etc., clegaut
styles in biocades cashmeres black and color
ed, alpacas and mohairs, in full 1 ncs at the
"Lquare Dealing S'ore,' next door to the
postofficc, Geo. innes & Co., 18 Main street.
Balmoral and relt skirts from 50 cents to
$3 00. all colors at the Square Deallns Store
next Tost office, Geo. Innes i. Co. 18 Main
stieet. 37-lt
A Good Farm for Sale.
100 acres, all in cultivation, 110 acres In fane
growing wheat, all on old ground price low,
tcrm3 easy Inquire of II. E. Corn at my old
stand next door to post office or of
344t W. J. Honsos.
Go to Smith & Keating's Agricultural
lliitcn nrnnr nT l.ntrnnpn nnil DrtllfflaS aVC-
nuc. if) ou want good wagons, sulky plows,
hirrows, corn shellcrs or any thing in the im
plement line. 31-tf
Goods are not misrepresented at the new
Mammoth Impiement Store ol Smith Keat
ing. 34-tr
Bain, Schuttlcr and Buckeve wagons, hand
and power corn shellcrs, he best sulky and
gang plows and plow sulkies at Smith & Keat
ing's Wichita. 34-tr
You will find the largest stock ot imple
ments and the best and latest improved ma
chines at Smith & Keating's mammoth store.
Strayed From the subscriber living 2J
miles southeast or Wichita, a bay maro pony
with halter on, 12 years old. A liberal reward
will be paid for her return to N. P. Jackson's
stable in Wichita, or to my place.
33-31 J. CAWlOTHEnS.
Fairbank scale books at G. H. Ucrringtou's
P. O. Book store. 2 2-tf
Pure and unadulterated sweet cider at U.
A. Wheeler's. 35-tf
Notice One Four-ton Scale for sale at a
bargain. Enquire or J. T. Holmes, at the
Avenue Book Store. 15-tf
Howe's scale books lor sale at Reimcrs'
book store, Douglas Avenue. 33-tf
Garrison keeps eight men at work on har
nesses and thinks of putting on mere hands
to supply the demand. 17-tf
C M. Garrison keeps eight harness makers
at work manufacturing harnesses. 17-tf
By Mambrino Patchen (full brothor to Lady
Thornc, and the sire of Lady Stout, that Mr.
Bonner paid $1.000 for at two years old, Kate
Pachcn, now owned by James McFerran, of
Louisville, Kentucky and valued at SIj.OOO,
Rothchilds Mambnno Bertie, Gill E. Queen,
and a host of others, that hive as much speed,
and more endurance than the produce ol any
other horse,) by Mambrino chief ; dam by Ga
noT he by American Eclipse, out of Betsy, by
Sir Archie ; first dam Capitola (tho dam ot
Woodpecker Gold Dust) by Bob Jordon. he
by imported Jordon, 2nd dam Wino by
Woodpecker (the sire of Gray Eagle.)
Modoc Is a bcautilul blood bay with black
points, 10 hands high, weighs about 1,100
pounds and in form and symmetry will com
pare favorably with any horse in the country.
He was loalcd April Cth, 1871 ; being bred for
the stud more particularly ; consequently has
been handled but little, but has splendid ac
tion, and shows great promise of speed. He
is a splendid breeder. I have two orhis colt
jcarlings, at my stables, that I will take
great pleasure in showing, one of which we
have been driving a little that vvc think wil
rank favorably with any horse in the United
States. He will be exhibited in harness at the
Wichita fair next week. Anybody conversant
with the stud book will see at a glance his fam
ily on one side are thoroughbreds, and
on the other side trotters equal
to any. Modoc will make the fall
season at the Wichita Stud Stable, coni
mencini Sept 1st at the very low price of
$25 the season, with the privilege ol return
ing mare in the spring if she tails to breed or
another in her place ; which makes it equal to
an insurance. The spring season will com
mence March 1st 1877 at same place at 1 30 the
season. I will give two prcmuiums, in gold,
for the two best colts, to be. cxhitbited at the
Stable November 15tb, 1877 best 15, 2nd
best 810. Wm- Taklton.
2(Mt WiehiU, Sept. 27th, 187G,
Have you rheuoatitn, pain In the back or
tido I ArniM Linimclt'will cure ju. You
will find It at Allen'e tre, Wichita. S5-tf
With du regard to 11 interested we re
spcctlully present, that ever dues; to us in
large amounts, en bott notes and ledger ac
counts, must receive prompt pay or adjust
ment satisfactory wiluiut farther delay. Our
bank, storo and office Jiro well known and
ner disposition inclineits to assume the duties
of our debtors in pursuing tacm ror settle
ment. Hence with fir, but respectful def
erence, we herein no'ily our iriends that
prompt compliance n.h the above request is
tho only sure immunity from trouble and ex
pense. Respectfully,
33 w. C. Woodman & Sox.
ATTICA, NOV. 11th 1870.
I will sell 50.hcad ol good Berkshire shoals
at my larm 10 miles west of Wichita.
33jt. " Joun Kelly.
Howe's Scale Books, School books, School
books. Howe's scale books. School books,
School books, At Rclmcrs' books store,
Dou"las avenue, Centennial Block. 32-tl
"Don't forget it."
Smith .tl'ittengcr are
selling coal for cash, strictly.
If you try Wheelers spices and don't find
them pure md a first-class article ho will re
fund your money. 35-tf
1 he house formerly run by Bob Short will,
in future.be conducted by Short & Jewett,
but shall be known as Bob Short's pool-room,
at which place is to be lound all kind of drinks
in the latest styles. Also Seltzer in jugs, Blue
Lick in boitles, Vichy water, ginger ale aud
line imported India pale ale. No. 103 Douglas
Pr.. lunch lwice a day 10 a. m. and at 10
Tho Singer Sowing Machine
Over one million and a half In use. Tho
most durable and lightest running machine in
the w orld. As an ev idence, tho Singer, Rem
ington and Wheeler & Wilson were invented
about the same time and put into market, and
at the rrcf cnt day the Sinser has over one
million and a hair In use, the Wheeler & Wil
son has about fiv e hundred thousand and the
Remington has the small, insignificant num
ber of live thousand nine hundred and tlftv
three, which can be seen on the upper end .of
the needle burr, which makes the Remington
the last ecoice ot the people, and they would
not have sold one quarter that number had
they not sold them under a fictitious name.
For many years the Remington machine com
pany have attempted to force their machines
on the market as tho Remington, but failed,
which reminds me of several occurrences.
Fifteen j ears ago the third day ol July, I was
in Bloomington Illinois, stopping with a
friend by the name of D. II. Horner. There
were two ageuts at the place, the Wheeler &
Wilson and the Remington. The Wheeler A
WiNon agent had confidence enough in his
machine to sell it on Us own reputation, but
tbc Remington agent's confidence failed him,
and he attempted to sell it as tho improved
Weed. Some five years ago, while I was sell
ing the nowc, I happened to meet an agent
that was selling the Remington. He bad as
little confidence in his machine as the first
one I met, and he attempted to sell it as the
improved Howe, and 1 have been creditably
intormed that the Reraiugton agents aro sell
ing their machines here as the improved
Singer, which is false. There is no improv ed
Singer except the original one, which cannot
be sold iu the Southwest except by or
through me. Those who wish to buy the
Remington aro welcome to, but I deem it my
duty to inform the good people of the South
west, through the columns of jour paper, so
they will not be imposed upon in buying ma
chines. A machine that cannot be sold on
its ow u reputation should not be sold on the
merits ol a machine that has been long tried
and proved, without doubt, tho best in the
world. The impositions offered arc of the
deepest dye. W. Mason,
General Agent for the Southwest.
Wichita, June 27, 187C 14-Cm
Luxuries! Buckwheat flour, inaplo svrup,
sweet cider, minco meat, apple butter.honey .
Calafornia jam, etc., ctc.at Allen A Tucker's.
A few dress goods aa cost
to closo out.
Curo your hoarseness and sore throat by
using tar troches. Only 23 cents per box at
Allen's drug store. 35-tf
Fresh candies at Dunscemb's. 35-tf
Arnica salve the great healing remedy for
old sores, wounds and frost bites. Nothing
like it for healing. Sold at Allon'j drug
store. 33-tf
Havana cigars at Dunscemb's. 33-tf
An old-time stock of boots and shoes, gloves
and cans for the liollidavs at Dunscomb's.
Sold cheap for cash.
'I he only strictly eountry storo in
is Dunscomb's.
Go to Allen's drng store for a bottle of Od
ontine for cleaning and preserving the teeth.
Competition is the Life of Trade,
Smith tS. Pittengcr are on the warpath. We
having been dealers in coal for the past four
j cars, would call your actention to tho fact,
that we are now carrying the largest stock ol
coal in the city, and can sell jou the best
Osage ;sbaft coal cv cr shipped into this market,
at as low price as any dealer in the city. Hav
ing the most accurate street scales now in use
in Wichita, you may rely upon full weights
and a square deal, and assured satisfaction in
every transaction. All orders in the city will
receive prompt attention. A lair trial is all
we ask. Thanking you for past patronage and
asl Ing ) ou for Us future continuance. We re
main respectfully j ouas
Smith S. Pittesgei:.
Wichita, Nov. ICtli, 187C. 34-tf
Wanted. A girl to do general house work
good wages paid to one that is coropetant.
Inquire at the residence or J. Schrelmcr jr.
in Engli-h's brick residence.
"Don't forget it." Smith & Pittengcr arc
selling the best Osage coal in this city. Trv
us and sec. 33-tl
Don't forget it. Smith &. Plttenger will not
be undersold bv any coal dealer in the city.
"Don't forget it." Smith & Plttenger sell
their coal over tho best street scale in this
city. 33-tr.
"Don't forget it." Smith & Plttenger
screen all their coal, and would ask a share of
jonr patronage, guarantying always satis
raction. 33-tf.
"Don't forget it," Smith & Pittenger's
office is the first coal office on south side of
Dsuglas avenue, near depot. 33-tf
My books will be lound until December 10,
at my old stand lor collection of accouuts due
due me. Having closed out, my business
must be settled up at once and those indebted
are requested to call and pay up.
34-2t W. J. Hobson.
Toys for boys, and girls too. at Ferrell's.
Grange, Odd Fellows and Masonic manuals
at the post office book store. 42-tf
Brackets, wall packets and such at the DI
lar Store. 37-tf
Something less than a car load of pictures
and frames at the Dollar Store. 37-tf
Visit Ferrell's store at once, it will pay vou
for the trouble. 37-tf
Never saw as complete assortment ol all
kinds of pure candies as Ftrrell has If you
don't believe it come C. 37-tf
We would like to call special attention to
our Dollar Store. Wo keep honest goods
and aje a permanent fixture in our town.
Any one will be well paid to v I-it this place at
least. No 20 Main street. 37-tf
Home is made happy by a Chritmas pres
ent from George Innes Jt Co.', next tho post
office. No family should be without some
thing from this elegant new ttore. 37-lt
3Iifs Mary Eldridge will give lessons on the
piano, organ and melodeon to all desiring in
struction. Terms : ten dollars (310) per term
of twenty lessons, one-half payable in advance.
Pupils will please apply soon at corner of
Firs street and Emporia av enuc. 2 J-tt
'Don't forget if tho Dollar Store. 37-tf
Honey in the honey comb, at U.
, Wheei-35-tf
Sparc ribs, sausage, back bone3, heads,
tender loin, pigs feet and leal lard for sale at
starvation prices, first door Jwcst ol Douglas
Avenue House. 37-tf
Have just received, 25 barrels of choice
Michigan Apples, 5 barrels choice Michigan
Cider. A fine large assortment ol Christmas
candies, California pears, lemons and oranges,
fresh figs, dates, etc. Keep constantly on
hand all kinds of the best fresh bread, French
rolls, a variety of cakes and a full assortment
or the best fresh crackers. All of this I shall
sell at the lowest figures. Give me a call at
21 Main street opposite the post office.
37-3t Eised Mawcwort.
W. S. Jenkins, late Register U. S. Land Of
fice, Wichita, Kansas, Attorney at Law and
Solicitor of Claims. Office second door north
of Post Office, Wichita, Kansas. Having re
turned home after an absence of several
months in Washington, D. C, in the practice
before tbo General Land Ofliee and other de
partments there, I am prepared to prosecute
all claims to lands arising under tho pre-emption,
homestead, town-site, flmber-culture and
mining laws. Parties having claims in con
test before the Local Land Ofliee or the De
partment at Washington, will find it to their
advantage to consult me, as I give special at
tention to that class of business.
Collections made in this and adjoining coun
ties and monies promptly remitted. lG-tf
Patents on all lands entered prlorto April
1st, 1874, are now ready at tho land office. It
would be well for the parties to whom the
patents "belong to get them and hav e them duly
recorded, which may save a long and tedious
litigation at some future time. 44-tf
The undersigned announces to the public
that he has purchased the well known "Bald
win Art Gallery," on Douglas Avenue, and
hopes by strict attention to business to merit
a liberal share of tho publ.e patronage. First
class facilities for all kinds ol work. Give me
a call. T. U. STEVENS.
Mrs. A. Watson is selling hats cheaper than
anybody. If you don't believe it come and
see. SO-tf
Canary Bikds. A ca,;e of several lino
canary birds for sale, by pairs or by lot, in
quire at this office. 31-tf
You will never make a complete success in
baking biscuits until you use the White Lily
Bakiujf Powder vou can get it at WheelcrV.
Stages leave and arrive dally to and from all
points in the south at the Kiehey House.
Buekwheat cakes and maple
them at Wheeler's.
syrup. Buy
Save jour money by patronizing home en
terprise. We are agents lor tho sale of coarse
wrapping paper from the Humboldt Paper
Mills, and keep a supply on hand.
Geo. Y. Smith,
24-tf Eagle Block.
Beautify your complexion. The Parisian
lily balm will remove tan. pimples etc. making
the skin soft and fair. Go to Allen's drugs
store for it, only 50 cents per bottle. 35-tf
Pigs tor S vle. I have now a few pair of
full blooded Poland China pigs for salo out of
stoek imported from the well known pens of
Shepbard J. AlexauJer, Charleston, Illinois.
Price $12 a piece, or 20 per pair, delivered
at Wichita. Address William Jones, Wichi
ta or Union township, Sedgwick county,
Kansas. 30-tf
Wantfd. Everybody to know that Lukcn
sells Osage shaft coal, southeast corner ol
Douglas avenuo and railroad. Try hiin.
To the Public.
I would respectfully announce to the people
of Wichita and v Icinity, that I hav o secured
room3 with Cbas. w. "um, druggist, and that
I am prepared to do any and all work in the
watch and jewelry line. Long experience in
the business enables me to reel warranted in
asserting that I can giv e sat isfaction. Solicit
ing a share of the patronage of the public, 1
am, v cry respcctlully, Alex Fuhm vnn.
Late of Warsaw. Illinois. 7-tf
Ohio Stoneware, by the car load, at Allen &.
Tucker's. 5-tf
Agents wanted to sell tho Singer Sewing
Machine. For rurther information inquire of
W. Mason, general agent for the west. 3-tf
CM. Garrison makes all harne-ses out of
Indiana Oak Tanned Leather, direct from
the tannery. 17-tf
"Iron Trail"
A spicy sketeh desenptiv e or a trip ov er the
Atchison, Topcka and Santa Fe Railroad, the
beauties, scenery and pleasure resorts of the
Rocky Mountains by ' ni Crinkle," the
musical and dra nalic critic of the New York
World1 sent Irce on appheation, together with
the San Jaun Guide, maps and tune tables ol
this new and popular route from Kansas City
aud Atchison to Pueblo, Denverand all points
in Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and the
San Juan Mines. The finest line ol Pullman
Sleeper on the continent between the Missouri
River and the Rocky Mountains without
change. Special round trip tourists' tickets
lrom the Jlissourl Itiver to Denver at 5"0,
good to stop off at all points. Address,
T. J. Anderson, Gen. Pass. Agt.,
26-tt lopeka, Kans.
Miss II. Pierpoint has opened a dress and
floak making establishment in rooms over
Woodman's store, where she is prepared to
do all kinds ! dress and cloak making, on
short notice and in the lastcst styles, she also
is prepared to'cut patterns for I idles ; making
cutting ono of her specialities. Will guaran
tee satisfaction in evcty particular. Having
had a thorough practical experience in the
art, she is confident or pleasing. The ladies
are invited to call .md see what she can do.
25 tr .
Ture eider v inegar at Dunscomb's,
Car of lino Michigan apples jut in at Allen
& Tucker's. 33-tf
A continual racket of horns, bones, music
boxes, Chineso babies squalling, whistles
blowing, roosters crowing, dogs barking,
steam engines running, elephants nodding,
iacks lumnins and plus grunting at the Tost
Ofliee Bookstore. 35-tf
Farmers are reni-cHcd to call at the packing
house oi Harvey & Stewart, beloro contract
ing their hogs else where. 35-2t
Take your hides to C. 31. Garrison, the old
est hide buyer in Wichita. 37-tf
Garnon has been in business in this city
six years this month aud his harness has a
good reputation, notwithstanding the low,
vvould-becalumnies circulated by groveling
competitors. l"-'f
There is nothing in the grocery line that you
want but what you can buy at Wheeler's
Try the Old Government Java, already
ground and ready for use. Warranted to be
strictly pure. You can get it at Wheeler's.
Go and see the elephant at llernngton's.
100 boys overcoats at 50 per cent less than
New York cost at Ed. Illginbotham, N. W.
corner Main street and Douglas avenue- 35-tf
Music hath charms to sooth the
Get Johnny a drum at llernngton's.
Gents' orders taken lor custom made suit
25 cents on the dollar saved by giv ing us a
call, A perfect fit guaranted at Ed. Illgin
botham, N. W. corner of Main and Douglas
avenue. 5"lf
Notico to Ladles,
Mrs. L. M. Henderson will sell all goods in
her line lor the net thirty days at co.t. Stock
consists ot all kinds or fall and winter Iiat3 and
bonnets, triiucd uml untrimmed, leatber9,nb
bons and flounces ot every discrlption. Next
door to post ollice, Wichita, Kansa". 2S-tf
Santa Klaus passed through Wichita the
other night and called at Hcrrington's, and
said that his Holliday selection was the best
he had seen west of St. Loui. 35-tf
Tork packing has been commenced by Har
vey & Stewart, urt door west of Douglas
avenue house. AH lovers of f pare ribs and
other choice product of the hog, will find it
to their pecuniary interests tojgive them a
ca'I. 35-2t.
Private board and pleasant rooms,
ot Mrs. J. C Fraker.
Allen & Tucker have the agency at their
place lor the boss fcrub brush. Go and ex
amine. SG-lt
I, the undersigned, bold the agency of tho
book entitled "The Lord's Land," writcn by
Rev. H. B. Ridge way, travels in the holy
land, describing places that are mentioned in
the bible, completed this Centennial year.
Every family should have it, those who are
not Christians as well as those who are. No
other agent holds or is allowed to sell this
book in this county aud city. Will deliver
in sixty or ninety days alter subscribing. I
will canvass the county and any one wanting
the boot before I get to them can do so by
calling at my houe in Wichita.
36-tf Nelson Chaffee.
500 suits ot boy's clothing at fifty cents less
than New York cost, at Ed. Hlginbothani,
northwest corner or Main street and Douglas
avenne. 35-tf
Tho largest stock or toys and fancy goods
at wholesale and retail ever brought to Wich
ita, at the Post Office Book Store. 35-tf
Who will allow their friends to pass over
the hollidays and not get them something nice
at Hcrrington's. 35-tf
Turn over a new leal an go to G. II. Hcr
rington's and get a new ledger. 42-tf
TTOiarrsnEi'S' .a.t IiA"w,
All kinds of Monuments, Tombstones, Mantle,
Table Tops, etc. DAWSON & A DAM3
bhop on Douglas Avenue, near the bruise,
Wichita, Kansas. S-tr
our new I'ictorul Family llible and Biblical
Encyclopedia The best and cheaj est in the mar
ket, hearly 2000 1'ictori 1 Illustrations. Liberal
commission allowed. For terms and circulars
write immediately to the ,.
32.tr 303 Locust st , bt. Loui', Mo.
Printing Office For Sale.
jobprintlngestabllshmentwinbesolaat a bar-
Dam on one w live jc:irs iuhv, ut ..-u. ..
desirable real estate In Kansas.
tor particulars auurcss,
II. W. T.LW1S. Wichita, Kansas.
November 1, 137G. s--'r
Tnotat WV TilHAltTrifVT-
:vr, )
, 1STC. )
11 . ..... r,nT tAlnlmP 0t 17l
MABIllUiUs viw- , .w..
have claim- against "The First ational Ilnk of
Wichita, Kansas' that the same must be pre
sented to II. 15. Cullum, Kect-iver, with the Kpl
HnAr (hirn.-ir within threp months from this
date, or they Will be disallowed
JI-3m Coraptrollurof tUe Cmrcncy.
TTntteil Cl-lt(4 T.Tinil Oftir.fr.
ItTltlttti l'nnata KftV ltf lCfi
r.L -i I. .t.n.'. nr tlin l!unirli T.iml fftl
Xlie LUlUllU33iUUCt U Hi" vjwtwi.. u....
under date or April ilst,i87C, npuroved cash en-
. . . . ji.mW nTnnM i 1nlir.l.AII fill- Wirt ItH .1 t
quarter, section 15, township -T. range 3, west,
bUbjict to appeal b Jonathan Hurot.
slxtr days arc now allowed for appeal in said
ce. J 3 II h. llAYLOU,
M-lt Register.
Sheriff's Sale.
On Monday, the 11th day of December, IsTB,
at 2 o'clock p. m , on the farm of Kobert L
O'Mealey on the west side of the Arkansas riv
er, ubout Ove miles south of the city or VV ichita,
Sedgwick county, Kansas, I will tell it public
dale to the highest bidder for cash, the following
described proptrty. to wit.
Three hundred and forty-four bushels, more or
less, of corn In bulk, in the cnli on said farm
The property or VV m H. O'Mealey, taken on
an execution in favor of the First National Bink
of Wichita, Kansas, In in action wherein the
h lrst J itional Hank of Wichita is Plaintiff and
VV. II. O'Mealey and others are defendants.
Sheriff's office, Wichita, Kansas, .oYembcr
27,b1;f70- II. W. DUSKING,
33-21 Sheriff.
Petition for Bridge.
Tv the Honorable Hoard of County Co-nnissioner:
of Sedgxick County, Kanxas:
Wc, the undersigned, citizen of Sednn-k
county, would resptctrully ask that our appro
priation to build a bridge across Chisliolm creek,
on township line bet een towns.up 27 ami 2si, be
applied lo build a bridge over Chisholm.ono mite
south, on section line between sections 3 and 10,
in township 2d, south, and tint an order to open
the section line between said sections, 3 and lu.in
townsbipSS, be made:
WSwincy TJ Sturtevant
VV II Harding 1 1' Baldwin
Levi Bnnson T J Clark
John ltisk Thos II 1'ieston
J Cortin S Sloper
J Green E aloper
Jno A Ednards
S B Gibson
VV IS Alglun
J Bus-ton
II It It Greenlee
John Ilahn
.1 It Gilford
Heekiah Boone
J it Shockcy
G VI Freelan
. Stafford
Jno Frclingsoa
J It Stafford
II J Stevens
G VV Iocrger Jlichal Iocrger
J It Bush
JI CSilknitter
John Dolan
J VVMcClucr
Michael Langan
L J laple
II A Baker
J II Preston
T S Carlton
Jerry Wilson Morgan Staflord
M Clajnam ii n aiauoru
Sheriffs Sale.
District Court, 23th Judicial District, Sedgwick
county Kansas.
J. C. t raker,
H. J. Hills, H. T Kramer, Wilhelmini
Hills, II. C. Day. J. F. Comstock and
James Blackburn, pnrtners as J F. ( om
stock A Co. .Thomas E Tootle, Thomas It
Tootle and Willnm Peak, partners as Too
tle, Hannah & Co , m. Scott, James
Dunn, John Ilollovvell and John Service,
partners as Charles Scott & Co, S. IS Kri
mer, Samuel C Davis.AndrewSprouland
.Tnhn nirn. nartncra as S CDavis A Co.
in.ithi.VV lr.hitibavinssBink.defendants. I
By virtue of an order or sale issued out ofthe
District court ofthe l!th Judicial District, sitting
in and for Sedgw ick county Kansas, w here! n J . C.
Fraker is plaintiff, and II. J Hills, 11. T. Kra
mer, Wilhelmina Hills, II. C. Day, . F. Com
stock and Jimcs Blackburn, partners as J. F.
I'nnistnck & Co.. Thomas E. Tootle, Thomas It
Tootle and William Peat, partners as Tootle,
ilinnih .tt:o.. vvm scon, james iunn. Jonn
ilollovvell and John Service, partners as Charles
Scott A Co., fc B. Kramer, aarmiel C. D iv is,
Andrew Sproul and John Davis, partners as h.
U. Davis A Co., and the Wichita Savings Bank,
defendants, I will on
Saturday the 2.W day oj Decenber, A. D. 1S70,
between the hours of 1 and 4 o'clock p. m , at
the court houso door, bung nt the iront of the
building known 33 Eagle Block, on Douglas Av
enue, in the city of VV ichita. Kansas, offer for
sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for
cash in hind, ill the right, title and interest of
the defendants II. J. Hills, II. T. Kramer, Wil
helmina Hilts, II C. Day, J. F. Comstock and
James Blackburn, partners as J V Comtck &
Co., Thomas E. Tootle, Thomas IS tootle and
VV illlam Peak.rartnera as Tootle, Hannah Co.,
Wm. Scott, James Dunn, John Ilullowell anil
John Service, partners as Charles Scott & Co., S.
It. Kramer, Samuel C Divis, Andrew Sproul
and John Davis, partners as S C. Davis A Co ,
and the vt ichita Savings Bank, in and to the fol
lowing described real property, situ ited in the
county of sedgwick. State ot Kansas, to w it :
Lot No. nlnety-siv, on Main street, In the city
of Ichita, in the county of Sedgwick, and State
ofKansas, and appraisement of saidproicrty
being waived. ...
said n al property is levied upon as the prop
erty of defendants II J Hills, II r Kramer, Wil
helmina Hills, II C Dav, J F Comstock and
James Blabkburn, rurtmrs aa J F Comstock A
Co, Thomas E lo-jtlc, Thomas Jt Tootle and Wil
liam Peak, partners a'l oolle, Hannah & Co.YVm
Scott, James Dunn, John tlollowi.ll and John
Service, partners aa Charles Scott & 'o, S It
Kramer, Samuel C Davis, Andrew Sprout and
John Davis, partners as S C Dans A Co, and the
VV ichita Savings Bank, and w ill be sold to satis
fy said order ot sale
Sheriff's office, VV ichita, Sedgwick county.Kan
sas, Novcmbe r.!0th, A D., 1S70.
Sheriff of Sedgwick County, Kansas.
Stanley Allatton, Plaintiff's Attorneys.
Office op Indi vk Arrants, j
Osacie Aoenct, 1. T., v.'27, lb7G.
Scaled bids will be received by the undersigned
at the Osafre Agency, Imlim Territory, untie 11
m., Tuesday, the l'Jtli dy of December, A. V.
1HTS, lor furnishing material and furnishing one
hundred rods of fence, more or less, at the dis
cretion of the U. S. Indian Agent, inclosing and
partitioning Mission School liuilding at this
Agency. Also, looting a portion and otherwise
repairing said building rs the Agent mny direct.
The bids on fence must state price per rod.
In order to bid understanding, biddtrsshould
make apersonal inspection otitic premises
The success ul bidder will be uquired to give
bond, with salislactory security, for the faituiul
performance ofthe work. Speciilcations will be
rurnifhed on application to lids onice, or can be
secured at the Traveler otllce, Arkansas City,
Kansas, or the oOlcc of the VV ictura Eagle,
Wichita, Kansas.
Ihe right to reject any and all bids is reserved .
3if-it U. S. Indian Agent.
Notice of Final Settlement.
The State of Kaksas, (
Sedgwick County. J "
Iu the Trobaie Court, in and forsald County.
In the matter of the estate of Jame3 McCuIloch,
Creditors and all otlicrpersonsintcreitcd in the
aforesaid estate, are hereby notilled, that at the
next regular term of the l'robatc Court, in and
for said county, to be begun and held ot the
Court ltoom in VV ichita, county of-edgwick and
slate afrisaid, on the flrst Monday in the month
of January. A. I. 1S77, 1 shall apply to said
l.ourt for a lull and llnal settlement or said estate
Amlnistrator of the estate of James McCuIloch,
Wichita, Xor. 23th, A.I) WG. 30-lw
1 he inter term commences January 3 1, 1S77,
Examination for new students, Jimnry '2d. hx
penenced teachers in every department. Tuition
payiliHC in HtiTancc, is 9 per icrju tut i irjjjiii
tory Year. $7 for higher studies: $2 incidentals.
Text books at co3t, or rented for W per week
each. Cost of board la private families is from
92 to $4 per week, students can rent rooms und
board themselves at less cost. Kurni-hed rooms
in lloirdlngllall for ladies can bercntcdforSi M
per month Applications should be m vie early,
X It The tuition fee will be refunded to all
normal students at the close of the term, provid
ed appropriations commencing wl.li the II seal
year arc granted by the Legislature.
SG-2W C It l'oMhltOY, President
Wagon and Carriage Shop.
1 wish to Inrorm my iriends and the public
fenerally that I contuicr myself perminentlv
ocated in Wichita, unl am prepared to do ail
kinds of Waion and Carriage work in the best
style. &hop in connection with Yike A Granger's
Blacksmith Shop, on Water Street.
49-tf A. AVEY.
Real Kstate and Insurance Agents
South Side Douglas Avenue, East of Eagle Block,
Agents for the RED STAR and AMERICAN Lino of Steamships. Tickets
sold at lowest rates to and from all points in EUROPE to and
from all points iu KANSAS.
(JA faithful adherence to duty in the interest of our patrons involves
continual ofliee work and precludes our "camping at the gate" of every new
building to solicit. If you want insurance that will not fail you in the""trv
inghour" favor us with a call. "We represent the following companies :
.Etna, Hartford Connecticut, Assctts ...
Phcenix of Brooklyn, "
Noktii British & Mercantile, G.B. " -
Home, New York, "
Ameiucan Central, St. Louis, Mo." ....
Phcenix. Hartford Conn., ....
German-American, New York, " -
Insurance Co. of North Amer'a "
Fireman's Fond, SanFraucisco " -
Commercial, of St. Louis, " ...
We aro Agents
Stock Farms,
Improved Farms,
Uulmprood Farm 3,
Osage Trust Lands,
Railroad Lands,
Homestead Lands,
In connection with the following list
we have for sale several tracts of land,
ranging from 1 to 20 acres, adjacent to
the city, suitable for suburban resi
dences, and choice residence lots in all
parts of the city. Wc also have the ex
clusive agency of several of the best
business lots in tho business center of
'he city. Call at our office for infor
mation as to price and location.
NO. 814 100 acres, 7 miles northeast or town;
12 acres in cultivation, ami lieile
rows broke. Price SjT0.
NO. 310 1C0 acres good land, 5 miles north
west of 'Wichita ; some improv emeut".
Trice C0O.
NO. 324100 acres. nrthcat quarter ol sec
tion 0, township 27, ramre 1 west, 20
acres in cultiv ation, 12x1 1 frame hou-e,
five miles northwest of town, l'rice
B3rStccIe & Levy are the cxclusiv c agents
of overh0,000 acres or railroad land, compris
ing the lands belonging to the A., T. & to. 1
railroad, in tvv p No. 25 & 20, ranges No. 1 and
2 east and 1, 2 and 3 w est. These are by lar
the beit railroad lands m the Arkan-as v alley,
convenient to the city ol Wichita, the largest
and most enterprising city wc-t of Topeka.
The lands adjoining tho-c of the railroad com
pany are well improved. Townships and
school districts are organized, school houses
built, and schools supported in nearly all ol
Poyou want good Ijnd adjoining town, try tnis.
NO. 301210 acres; the northeast quarterand
the north half of the southeast quarter
or section 4, tow nship 20, range 1 east ;
has 23 acres broke, and hedge rows
bioke ; 8 miles north or Wichita.
Trice 1S00.
NO. 305102 04-100 acres : northeast quarter
of section 1, town-hip 27, ronge 2 eat;
10 miles cast or Wichita. Trice S00.
NO. SbG 1G0 acres, the southeast quarter of
section 2, township 2S, range 2 west;
unimproved. Tncc 700.
NO. 410103 acre, in section 33. tow nLip 2S,
range 1 east ; 30 acres timber, BO in
cultivation; lUxiipinenousc; water
ed by Hie Arkansas
3 miles
south ortovvn,
Trice 3200.
J37"lf you cannot lind an thingin these col
umns that suits you call at our olhce, corner
of Main street and Douglas avenue.
NO 5 C33 acres, in Itutlcrcounty Kansas, being
sec G, ton n 24, ISange S east. A goodstock
farm f ice J per acre
We have a largo number of pieces oflands
in tracts of from one to twenty acres adjoin
ing the city of Wichita, suitable for suburban
SO. 400 South half ot southeast quarter of
section 35, township 20, range 1 east,
and the north hnlr or the northeast
quarter of section2, towmship27, range
1 eat ; containing 1G0 acres and wa
tered by a stream ol living water: 4 J
miles northeat of Wichita. Trice 1200.
NO. 401 South half of the northeast quarter
of section 34, township 27 range least,
containing fcO acres; 2 miles southeast
of Wichita, bottom land. Trice 1500.
NO. 403 Northeast quartcrof section 2, town
ship 2S, range least, 100 acres; water
ed by Gvpum creek, 15 acres or tim
ber. 4 miles southeast oi AVichita.
Tncc 2000.
NO. 401 East hall orsoutneast quarter ot sec
tion 5, township 27, range leait; 80
acres, one half mile north of Wichita.
A splendid location. Trice 1500.
NO. 492 Southwest quarter of section 20,
town-diip 27, range 1 cast; second bot
tom; commands good view of town
and valley; 2 miles southeast of town;
claim improvements. TriceJISOO.
NO 3G0 210 acres, being the northeast quarter and
north h ill of southeast rjutrter of sec It,
town 27, range. 2 cast: nine miles east of
Wichita: has U) acres in cultivation.
frame house 1Gx2G 1, story, two rooms
plastered with a good cellar, watered by
1 our Mile creek, good well and good
spring; i'ostoulce within 1), mile of farm.
Fnce$2,50O. $1,500 cash and bd. on time.
NO. 501 Northwest quarter of section 18,
township 27, range 2 cast ; 4J miles
northeast of Wichita. Trice $1200.
NO. 510 100 acres; the southwest quarter of
section 33, township 20, range 1 east,
3 miles north of Wichita : bis 78 acres
in cultivation, all good bottom land,
good house and well of water. Trice
NO 530 Northwest ii of sec 19, town 2G, range 3
erst. Considerable Improvements.
IMcc 1,200
ita. Trice 1300
NO 533100 acres: nw ii ofsec 2G, town 2G, range
2 east: 10 miles neofVV ichita. Tricc50O
NO 534 1G0 acres, being the north K of sw ii of
sec 32 and cast ii ofse ii ofsec 31, town
23. range 1 east, has C5 acres in cultiva
tion, llxia Irame bouse, good well with 1G
ftot water, 11 miles seot Wichita; 2 miles
north of LI Toso. I'ricc 1500, two-thirds
cash und balance on one year's time
NO 552 Northwest ii sec 23, town 26, range 2w
20 acres under cultivation; ten miles north
east of Wichita. Trice 750
NO 562 Sec 10 town 20, range 3 cast, containing
CIO acres, has UU acres in cultivaton, GO
acres In wheat, 8 acres rye; 5 room frame
house unllnished Hi story, good basement
good well of water, 500 peach and apple
treex in good condition, Id miles southe tst
of VV ichlti, tourmiles from Douglass 2,'
miles of timber, l'rice $s per acre, can
be had for part cash and bal. on time.
NO 5G3 Southcart quarter sec 20, town 27, range
3 east; a good piece of land, has living
water. l'rice $10 per acre.
NO 5G1 Northwest quarter ecc 21, town 28, 1 west
loaevsin cultivation, 1'ine house HxJS
living water, six miles southwestot VV ich
ita. l'ncc $1,300
NO 607 Northwest quarter section 21, town
21, range lwes , has 25 acres under
cultiv ation ; eg houses, 14x10, each ;
good well of vva'cr; 2 miles of Ohio
Center. A bargain. Trice, fcG50
NO 571 Northwest quar or sec 20, town f,
range 1 westj watered by Cow skin
Creek ; somb improvements.
Trice, 1,000
NO 573 Southeast quar or sec 23, town 27,
range 2 east; has 40 acres under cul
tivation; 1 mile of hedge planted;
food orchard; 01 miles of Wichita,
'rice, 1,100 ; part cash and part on time
NO 574 Northeast quar or sec 0, town 30;
range 1 west ; 18 miles south of AVich
ita; 2 miles of How ling Green; has 03
acres of hardwood timber ; 50 acres
under cultivation; log house; good
stable; watered by the Mnnescah
riv er. Trice, 10 per acre
NO 577 East half of see 18, town 25, range 3
east, in liutlcr co., containing 300
acres; watered by Wild Cat creek
3 miles lrom Clarion T. O. ; 17 miles
nuriueusb oi i iciuui.
Trice. 4.25 per acre
The counties of Sedgwick, Sumner, Cowley and Butler comprise an area of
the best agricultural laud west ofthe Mississippi valley. The Arkansas rivr
er runs diagonally through the counties named, forming of itself an extensive
valley ranging. rem seven to twelve miles in width. Other streams of lesj
magnitude, such as the Little Arkansas, Ninnescah, 'Walnut and "Whitewater
rivers, Slate, Bluff, Spring, Gypsum, Chisholm and Cowskin creeks, diversify
the country with fertile valleys. The soil of the vallcv and uplands is a riti
sandy loam, several feet in depth. Vegetation ol all kinds is unsurpassed.
Climate temperate, equable and healthy. Thousands of acics of land arc
open to settlement under the pre-emption laws for the sale ofthe Osage Indi
an lands, which are unsurpassed in fertility in any section of the State, and in
no other part can cheap homes be purchased with all the advantages of good
soil, climate and water. Our people arc entcrnrisincr. and made un of tho tro-
ahcau and best classes from the east, and in point of culture and society, are
equal to any of the older communities of other States. The young and grow
ing city ot Wichita, now with a population of 4,500 inhabitants, and property
called the Queen City of the West, presents almost uucqualed inducements
for money investments to all business enterprises, and more especially to
for tho Sale ot
Fotwin Lands,
Business Lots,
Residonce Lots.
NO 570 Sec 17, town 24, range 4 eat In l!ut
Ier co. 1'nce, 3.50, cash, per acre
NO 580 Sec 8, town 25, range 4 east in Butler
co. Trice, 3.50 per acre, cash
NO 581 Sec 22, town 23, range 3 ent in IV '
ler co. The above section Nail good
and cheap at 3.50 per acre, cash.
NO 582 South half of cc IS. town 23, rangp 1
west; 320 acre; 10 acres tiinhcrl
watered by Dry creek ; 3 mllc south
west ol town. Trie, 1,500 ,
NO 589 East half or southeast ol se-c 3-s and
west hair or southwest of sec 34, and
northwest of southeast and northeast
01 southwest of sec 33, town 28. range
2 eat. containing 240 acres 2 milei
east orl I'ao, and all good land.
Trice, 5 per acre
NO. 505 Northwest 1, section 19, township
27, range 3 east, on flutter county
line. 10 miles east or Wichita. Trico
NO. 598 East half of southeast quarter no
tion 14, township 28, range 1 weft
80 acres. Tncc $ 400.
NO. 599 Northeast quarter of section C
town 2(!, range 1 west ; 25 acres In
I'ricc $1100.
SO. C0I West half ot section 20, township
28, range 1 eastj OJ miles south of
Wichita. Some improvements and a
splendid piece of land. 320 acres for
filOOO; part cash and balance on time.
NO. 591-60 acres. West half of the North
west quarter of section 22, township
26, range 1 east; 0 miles north of
Wichita and a splendid piece or sec
ond bottom, land. Trice 8525.
NO. 692120 acres In sections 4 and 5, town
ship 29, range 2 east; has 5 acres of
timber. 05 acres under cultivation;
14x28 log house with 3 rooms, good
cellar, well of water and watered by
Spring Creek. Ilcpge in good condi
tion around entire piece; also, atino
orchard of cherry, plum and pear
trees in good growing condition. 2
miles of EI Taso. Trice $2000.
NO. 594133 acres, being .Northeast quarto,
or section 11 township 29, range 1
cast. 10 acres timber, 50 acres in cul
tivation, a good well, 35 acres under
rail fence, W) apple trees. Three sides
of farm tinder hedge, and watered bv
the Arkansas river, fcltuated 12 mile"-:
south of Wichita and one mile east of
EI Taso. Trice $1500.
NO. 003 Northeast quarter of section 27,
township 20, range 2 wes-t; 12 inllei
northwest ot AVichita. Has 50 acre
under cultivation and watered by tho
Cowskin. Trice $700.
NO. Ml Southwest quarter of 'otion 23
tow nship 27, range 2 cast ; eight mile
east of AVichita, 28 acres under culti
vation, frame house 14x20 1J stories
living stream and good well or water,
200 apple, 100 peach and a large num
ber or soft maple, pear anil cherry
trees all, in good condition.
Trice, if sold soon, 1100.
NO. C0C North half of .Northwest quartcrof
section 12, and south halfof the svilth
west quarter or sec 1, township 35,
range J west, adjoining the town of
Caldwell, in Sumner county. AV atcr
cd by Fall creek, and a good bargain.
Trice S750
NO. COS Southwest quar. or section 1, town
ship 20, range 1'east; 10 miles east, o
Wichita. All under cultivation, 14x j
10 frame hou-e with shed kitchen, 2
acres of tiniberj Trice 1500.
NO. CIO 210 acres in section 33, township 302
range 2 cut, 00 acres iu cultivation, 2
lrame hou-es with good cellars, living
living stock water, 4 acres offore t
tcces 300 peach, 50 apple trees, 30l
different variolic ot small fruit. Ii
miles or a school house.
Trice S1300.
NO 015 Northeast J sec. 20, town 20, range '
east. 12 miles northeast ot ichita.
l'rice 750.
NO C17 Northeast I sec. 4, town 20, range .!
west, containing 222 acres, W acres
under cultivation, 25 in wheat, fram i
dwelling 10x22, good corral, win I
mill, stable, granery and other Im
provement, 14 miles lrom S-Mjgwiih.
City, 24 miles from Wichita. WlilUVei
a team tn trade. Trico IsOO
NO 018 Southwest J sec 4, town 20, ran'e J
west, 21 aero in cultivation. Trice .'
NO 019 Northwest i sec 4 town 27. rari t
cast. 2j miles north or Wichita, sui u
house ami 'Ai acres in cultivation.
Trice 3,000.
NO 024 SO acres, north ;hairof nw J sec . '.,
town 20, range 1 east, good houe lice
21, 1J story. Iilch p!a-tered,good tahle
10x20, 25 acres in cultivation. 15 n
wheat, 3 miles north ot town. Tn a
NO 025 Northwest sec 2, town 30, ran- 1
vvet, Improved. Trice 000.
NO C20 Southwest sec 9, town 29, raii- 9
west, splendid piece or land. Trii e
020. Also the so J sec 11, town 21.
range 1 west, 10 acres broke. Trice tr;
NO 027 Southwest 1 tec 2, town 25, raii0'o 2
cast, has 35 acres in cultivation, good
dvvelhngl4xl8 withcll 12xl2plastcred
cellar full size or house, good wed ot
water, 29 peach trees in good con
dition. Trice 1,200.
NO 028 Northeas sec 27, town 27, ranj;c 1
east, unimproved, seven miles cavi trt
AVichita. Trice 750.
NO C30 Lots 5, C and 7, in cc C, and lot 1 in
sec 7, town 29, range 3 east. Trice 3J.
SO 032 A bargain- Southeast I sec 2, town
:, range 1 cast, 4 miles southeast ot
toivn. Trice 850
NO 033320 acres east J sec 33, town 23, range
2 east. Trice 1,400.
NO C34 Northwest J sec 2, town 29, ranfce 1
west. Trice COO.
NO C35 Southwest 1 sec 35. town 13, ran.'u 1
west. Trice 000.
NO G3G East 1 swj sec 35, town 27, range 1
west. 80 acres. Trice 350.
NO C37 Northwest J sec 2, town 28, range 2
west. Trice 000.
NO 538 Southeast 1 sec 21, town 29, rangu 2
east. Trice 550.
NO C39 Southeast i sec 8, town 28. range 3
west. Trice 500.
NO C40 Southeast J sec 8, town 28, range 1
east. Tries 1000.
NO 041 South i ne J sec 11, town 28,
Trl c 350.