Newspaper Page Text
I:ri a Zlzzitiy a t::i reel, fttn c2cs b&fili Elxi. sucatirxiox two dollakj in advice. GRANGE DEPARTMENT. NATIONAL GKANGE-UUSINESS OFFICERS. Jo. T Jonxs. Master, Helena, Arkansas. O. JI. Kelly. bec'y, LotiisUHc, lfy. L'Kansss btate Grange" Business Officers, 31. K. Hudson, Master, Mapleton, P Tt.Maxson, Secretary, Liuporla. SEDGWICK COUNTY DIKECTOUT. DISTRICT GJlAXGE-ZiDttl, A. 31. Durand, Master. E. A. Porscr, Secretary, Jamcsburg. Miits lit Tuesday In each month, Jl, a. m. 'Advance Grange," Wm. Locknrd, Master M. Camn, Secretary, Sedgwick City. Meets 1st and 3d V cdnesdays in each month, 7 p. m "XInncscah Grange." 'William Koss. Master. Mary K. Chambers, Sec'y., Clear Water. Meets lit Saturday before, lull moon of lach month. "WnKullaGrangc," C S 7Immcrman,3Iaster. T. J. Smith, Secretary, Sedgwick Cit). Meets Id Saturday in each month at II a. m. "Gem Grange,' F .7 Canton, Master. S. M. lieidcn. Secretary, Valley Center. 3Itots 2d Wednesday before full moon of each month at 6p m. 'I'rairic Gem Grange," J. II, York, Master. Geo A White, Secretary, Wichita. Meets c cry alternate Saturday night 'Attica Grange, ' P McDonald, Master. James l'ickcns, Secretary, Attica. "Yosemitc Gramre." S.J. Pallctf, Master. I). O. illiams. Sec'y., Ohio Center. "Clarion Grange" a A. VanNcss, 3Iasicr. Mrs. .1. C. Slaven, Mcretary, Clarion. Micts Ht satunlay In each month 1 p. m. "Grant Grange," II L Dewing, Master. Minnie Bcaeh, Secretary, Valiej Center 3Icets let andSl Saturdays in each month at 1 m. Galley C Grange, "-E. J Thompson, Master. 9 Marlon t Iffllt. Scc'r . WIchlti Mrs Meets second baliirilaj 01 cacn monm. 'Pleasant Hill Grange" ' llarry Martin, Master, O. Martinson, Secretary. Wichita. Melts 1st Saturdjy of each month at 7 p. in. "Waco Grange," J- A Nelson, Master, Ldmn Gee, Secntary, Waco Sleets id Satur iliy of each month ' 'Itockford Grange. 'J Iloiit Hinuicli. Matter, .1. Iluibuer, becrctury, 1.1 Pu30. Meets 2d I'rida of each montii nt 7 i m. "FalrviewGrango" S. U Hadcn, Master. &. 11 Wamsley, Secretary, Wichita 3Icets Id and UUSalurdays of each montii at 2 p m. 'Union Grange,' J W. White, Master. . S. Bill Secretary, hldridgc. "Evergreen Grange,"-W. T. Likely, Master. J. P Morrison, secretary Wichita. MeeU 2 and lib. Saturdaj s ol each month at 7 p m "Lone Star Grangc,"-U H Miller Master. 3tios Williamson, Secretary, LI Pano. Meets 2dFnda of each mouth at" p. m "Pleasant View Grange, " P Watts, Master II Glcsencr, Secretary, W ichita. "Illinois Grangc"-Jas.Sacket, Master, Albert Lcichhart. Secntary, Wichita Meets Thursd iy before 2d Saturday each month at 2 o'clock, p 111 "Home Grange," William O'Brien, JIastcr, J. D Oifford, Secritarj, Wichita. Meets 2d and 4th Saturday or each month at 1 p. in "Payne Grange,' '-J Dcvorc, Master, James Wilon, Secretary, Greenwich P. O. Meets 2d and 1th Saturdays or cich month . "Cowskln Gnuigc"-Jas P. I'.arnctt, Master irank Dale, Secretary, Lidridgc. 'Oro Grange, 'II B. Wikofl", JIastcr. M A., Sec'y , Wichita. "MirachaGrangc.'WohnFeagan, Master Wm It. Ferris, secretary, W ichita. Jlietslst and 3d Fridays ot each mouth at 7 J) m. "Eden Grange" A. J Wolcott. Master, Wm Simpson, Secretary, Wichita. Meets 2d and 4th 1 hursdays of each month at C p in. "Mount Hope Grange," Amos 31. Durand, Master. 3Irs. Maggie Baird, Sicrctary, Mount Hope Meets 1st and 3d Thursdays of each month at 7 p. in. "Harmony Grange," W N Woodruff, Master, i:. A. Dorcy, Sec'y, Jamesburgh. "Scltiscr Springs Grange," T.W Bear.Master. L. Pierpont, secretary, Minneha. 3Ieets 2d DUlUTUilVUllLU JllVUiua, 1 1 .. "GrccnlcafGrangc" E. W Waters, Master. Thos E. Preston, Secntary, LI Paso. latest Grange News. The number of subouliuatc Granges unw in Virginia is 37S. with ten Po mona Giangcs. Several co-operative Mores arc beiiitr established thiough- out tho Stale, generally with good 6UCCCSS. Patrons of Butler county, Ohio,liac a supply store with $10,000 capital. Tlifrhland countv rations also have ono with $13,000 stock, which will be raised to 25,000 this coining winter. The ulacc of 111001511'' of the next State Grange of Michigan has been dc tct mined. The representatives elect will convene in Rcpiesentativc Hall, in the city of Lansing, at 10 o'cloclc,ou Tuesday, the 12th of December. A Grange in South Carolina requires the lecturer to keep a book, in which the prospects and forwardness of the crops are recorded at each meeting. His record will, of course, make a compaiison of the crops of various jcars easy, and may ultimately piovc of much interest and value. The amount saved to Pations, through the Missouri State Agency, in the last six months is : On sewing machines, 3,825; corn planter, 1,137; cultivators, 1,530; mowers and cap ers, 7,53G; grain drills, 1S0; groceries, etc., 8,000; total, 26,508. The chairman of the National Grango Executive Committee reports that there is C2,25C25 invested In Government bonds, worth now about 70,000 in greenbacks; 9,747.51 stands to the credit of States that have not drawn their 2-50 for each subordinate Grange; deducting this leaves the net assets in the treasury, 56.578.18. The Master of the Indiana State Grange says: "A largo majoiity of the Granges in most of tho counties report themselves in good working order, and increasing in membership of a better class than some they have lost. As soon as money can be real ized on this year's crops, they will be enabled to more fully carry out that excellent policy of the Grange the cash system of busiucss." In spite of the prediction of its ene mies, the subordinate Granges of Minnesota are, as a whole, in better condition than they were a year ago. The secretary's books show that up to date the amount of dues received is greater by 1,000 than last year at the same time. Further than this, all the obligations of the Grange incuned by Brother Dcnman's failure have been met dining this time, and the Order is out of debt. "Worthy Master Forsyth, of Illinois, who had been requested by the com mittee to visit every couuty in the Stale, in the interest of the Order, re ported that he had spent his cntiro time in the performance of this duty and his necessary office work; that ho found tnc interest of the Order on the increase in all patts of the State, and that he believes tho Order on flic in crease in all parts of tho State, and that he believes the Order to bo stronger to-day than at any other pe riod of its history, though somewhat less in numbers, lie also reports the co-operative enterprises in a prosper ous condition. California State Grange. The work of tho Stale Grange year has been mainly iu righting this the ship, bringing things into better trim aud prcpariug for work. Tho dispo sition was to rcviow tho past and draw lessons for future action, rather than for the iuccption of any new en terprises. The Order lies never be fore stood upon clearer and firmer ground for straightforward progress. Pacific Iittral Press. As compared with the rest of man kind, George Francis Train insists that lie is a cocoanut among peanuts. Cotton. Late planted cotton grows better than early planted, but in locals where tho seasons arc short, it is important to plant early, to secure maturing of the crop. Cotton should be planted very shallow ono inch is ample depth. But dry weather provailipg, it may not conio up if tho seeds aro near the surface. The old fashioned plan of opening furrow with a scooter and cov ering with two furrows of tho same, aud thcu knocking off with a board just as the cottou is ready to como up, is the Eurcst,butit is slow aud tedious. A plaufer with wheel running in tho bottom of furrow, aud ptessing tho earth in a nirrow drill into which the seeds fall, and covering with a board pressed down with a spring, or by a block, will under ordinary circum stances, givo a good stand. If the beds aro rough and cloddv, it is best to pre cede the planter with a harrow, which wo will briefly describe. It is simply an ordinary triaugular harrow, from two aud a half to three feet in width behind, aud with teeth set a little sloping backward, to prevent its foul iug. The front tootli should be about six inches long in the clear aud the rearmost ten inches, the intervening ones increasing gradually in length in length from front to rear. Such a harrow will hug a bed, clean it ofT, still leave it elevated, aud with a uni form rounded surface. Wc find it ex ceedingly useful in our own practice for smoothing and refreshing tho sur face of beds. It is a great point gain ed in cotton culture to have the young plants in a straight narrow Hue, on a smooth, gently loundcd bed the first working can then so easily be given it. Southern Agriculturalist. A Frenchman on tie Centennial. A Frenchman who visited the Cen tennial reports his observations in the lievue des DeuxMondcs. He sums up the lessons that the exhibition teaches as follows: "America can feed Europe with corn, wheat, preserved meats and live stock, as it has supplied it with cot ton; it has clothed Europe aud it can nourish Europe. It can get along without Edrope as far as regards iron, steel, copper, machinery and most of the manufactured products. It will not cease, however, to give Euiopc the gold aud silver which is needed for all transactions, for the mines of the United States yield more than the mines of tho whole world. As for coal, Amcriea will soon produce as much as England, that is, as much as all the test of the world, and its car boniferous deposits are twenty times greater than those of England. America will learn more and more how to get along w ithout Europe, but Europe will not be able to got along without her. It is truly a new Eng land which is lising across the seas, and which aheady threatens tho old Eugland in all her markets. The com mercial interests of France arc also thicatcncd; even Amciicau wines are competing with ours. Tho conuois seur alone demands the wines of Fiance." The London Cotut Journal says the following about Short-horns: "Whether tho top price for Short horns has yet been reached we do not know, but that a Duchess bull was sold for 3,5000 guineas is a great fact The animal was named the Duke of Connattght, the purchaser was Lord Filzhardiugc, and the price was paid at the sale of Loid Dunmoie's castle, at Dunmore near Stilling. It is not 6urptising to learn that this animal was dcsciibcdas "the finest Duchess bull iu the world," aud it is satisfac tory to know that he is not going out of England. Strange to say, both the sire and mother of the Duke of Con naught came ftom Canada, having been bred there by enterprising pur chasers of Bates' stock. The other prices realized at LordDunmore's sale were higher on au average than ever before known. Another Duchess bull brought 3,000 gs. two inagniQcent cows 1,950 gs. and -1,810 gs, respcctivcly,and very few of the animals offered realiz ed under 300. The average of the bulls was 992 16s. Sd. per head aud of the cows 576 os. 6d. per head, the to tal average of the 39 lots being 672 16s per head. Horse Radish. This is another well-known vegetable used as a condiment with meats, the roots of which arc perfectly hardy and planted in the fall. It is a valuable plant, but quite gcncially ncglectedin tho farmer's gardens, being usually found in some corner ovcr-ruu with weeds. If planted in good soil and carefully cultivated the roots grow quickly aud large aud aro much less likely to be stiingy and tough than when grown slowly and in poor land. A Book About Cats. It is announced in "Our Dumb Ani mals," that a woman in an adjoining State is about to publish a work on cats ; but whether in favor or agaiust, we arc not informed. We will venture to say, however, that it is iu favor of the Jclinc race, as that is the only tiuc womanly view to take of the sub ject, aud she may count us in as a sub scriber in advance. The New Crop. The Department of Agriculture re ports that the cottou crop will fall Eomcwhat short of that of last year, but will rank among the largest crops ever known in tho country. The sea son has been favorable for gathering cotton, except in North Carolina. The liber is of superior quality in the Southern belt and tho estimated num ber of bales is 4,202,100. Last w inter some farmers disposed ofsomuchof their corn that they were so short of feed during tho spring and summer, aud tho growth of their stock was, in consequence, di minished several times as much as tho extra feed they needed. Wo know of one man somo of whose spring pigs are now no larger than others who were months'youngcr, and tho sole reason is that the former did not havo cnouah to cat iu their infancy. Then let every farmer be certain not to sell or feed too closely this winter. Na tionalist. A little boy in tho infant class of a Sunday school was asked by his teach er whether he had learned any thing during tho week. "Oh, yes," said he. "What havo you learned?" "Never to trump jour partner's trick,'" was tho reply. A pretty Wisconsin school-marm, fo encourago promptness, promised to kiss the first scholar at school, and tho big boys took to roosting on the fence all night. What the public a twenty-five cent hat lo pay election bets wilh. MISCELLANEOUS. BISSANTZ & BUTLER, -Dealers In- STOVES, TINWAEE ETC. Special Attentionlpald to Repairing and all kinds'! Job Work!' ' "' PUMPS-A-SPECIALTYr Good Price paid for Old Copper aad Tea Lend. No. 74 Douglas Ave., Wichita, Kansas. IOB ! ICE ! ICE I Clear Crystal Cold! HENRY SCHWEITER Tales pleaturt in announcing to tht Citizcni of Wichita that ht hat made complete arrangt- menSi to tuppl the people daily with GOOD IOB, The coming Sumnur, at reasonable rates. lie has over Three Hundred Tons Of that Fine, I'lirc, Thick, Clear Ice, secured a j ear ago, and has made arrangements for a large quanlit besides from the Xortli. ffj- If j ou desire good Ice. promptly delivered, call on 19-tf IlhMCY SUlWfcllElt. DRY COODS. NEW YORK STORE! We Aim to Keip Things Moving. M. KOHN & CO n holcsale and Kct.i DEALERS IN DRY GOODS Clothing-, Hats, Caps, BOOTS, SHOES, CARPETS, ETC. Cor. of Main and Douglas Ave., WICHITA, 2CA.:N". is-tf a-o a?o MURPHY & REILLYI to buy your O-jROOEIRIES! s At Wholesale and Retail. ' Wholesale Wines and Liquors. DOUGLAS .A-'VE. New York Block, opposite Post Office. so- MAEBLE AND STONE YAED. Lime, Plaster Hair and Cement C. KIMMERLIE & CO., Second Poor North of First National Hani, Main Street, WICHITA, KANSAS. i j, u .i..i.v. nii nrrAriii I Werk. Grave Stones, Slabs, Monuments, Etc ,and I cuisionciooraer uoruuuuiugn. - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW DRUG STORE! creeps, -w. :erii.i, DRUGGIST AND PHARMACEUTIST New York Block, Douglas Avenue. ' 'WICHITA, KANSAS. The Largut and Beit JSSecl ef 4 Pure Drugs nd Medicines: 1AT THE SOUTllimST. Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Patent Medicines, Etc Agent for the AYERIL CHEMICAL PAINT. tfThytie iant Prescription! carefulli compounded. Also leep on hand the best and purest Wines nd Liquors for medicinal purposes. Je21-tf CROCERIES. CASH GROCERY! L. G. SCHEETZ. GreenFrontHasIt POR CJLSEn rfLL LINK OK Staple and Fancy Groceries! COAL OIL, SALT, FLOUR, AND PROVISIONS. North- West Comer Douglas Atenve it Mariet St. Goods delivered to any part of City. 33 H. H. niCHAUUS. O. ROGERS RICHARDS & ROGERS, G-jOCjUj SI Douglas Avenue, East of Main Street, Wichita, Kansas. 12- tl GROCERIES. QUEENSWARE. ALLEN & TUCKER, -DEALERS IX- Staple and Fancy Groceries I QUEENSWARE, STONEWARE, CUTLERY. Foreign and Domestic Fruit Salt, Grain, Produce, &c. &c. Neut Terk Elocl, Douglas Atenve, WICHITA, KANSAS. 52- J. L. ZIMMERMAN, COUXTV SCTIBISTESDEVr AD NOTARY PCELIC. WILL ATTEND PROMPTLY to writing Deeds, Mortgages, Contracts, fating ac knowledgments, etc Pays special attention to th nsvinff of taxes for non-residents. Office in South Koom, Occidental Hotel Block, Wichita, liansas. i E. CALDWELL. i WHOLESALES O O-A-L "OIL: A;ISTD- STONEWARE. & tz " t tl- -u .- p' -.- C ), !UKiJ t "at sir v- frrv j. A SETT;OF 10 riECES OFiWHIrE GltAKITE WAKE FOZgFIVE DOLLARS. A DIN5.EK SETT OFD PIECES do do do do ELEVEN" DOLLAKS FALL 7 Tatterns of Glass setts, $1 to $1.75 eich. II do do Goblets, $1 SO to 1 50 per doz Glass Howls, open and cohered, high or low. Bar Glasses, Ale, Beer and Lemonade Glasses. IlsT CII.VKDELIEIIS. Kit VCKET3, IFIRICIES A FULL ASSORTMENT OF GROCERIES. 4 . 'COME AND PRICE. 39 MAIN" STREET. LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! AND SEE '- " "GOLDEN "EAGLE" Has to Hay regarding the price of Clothing, ind see if you do not find goods quotcdlower than ever known in the market. Men's half Hose, all sizes, for ----- .05 worth ( " ...... .10 " it ' 'i ....... .25 " " Handkerchiefs, ready for use, .12 1-2 " " " " all linen, - - .20 " u it u ii ... ,25 " " Overalls, .45 " " Undershirts, .33 " " Drawers, .33 " Men's Vests, - .75 worth $2.00 " Jeans rants, tjKJ.OO " a.uu " Cass. '' 2.00 " 3.00 " ' 3.00 " 5.00 ' " 3.50 " 5.50 " Coats, - 2.00 " 4.00 " - 5.00 " 10 00 " Full Suits 7.00 " 12.00 Look at the endless variety of G-EITTS7 jTTJttlXT&JZTlSrG- GOODS, department. Afull line of Paper and Linen Collars. A large assortment of Suspenders. Gents and YouthsFine White Shirts, ofthe f imous Eagle and BurlocV brands, at all prices. ELEGANT LINE OF MEN'S OVEUSHIRTS, IN TEN VARIETIES, INCLUDING HEAVY GOODS, BOUGHT ESPECIALLY FOR CATTLE MEN. STA-isrDicBiacsriEs Of all st jles, linds and qualities, including fine Silk, Linen and Cotton goods, especially ad ante for this market. The Hoosier department embraces all goods known to the trade, such as Cotton, British, Merino, Lisle Thread, Baldriggan and Worsted. In the - GLOVE STOCK, CAN BE FOUND CASTOR, KID, DOGSKIN, PLYMOUTH. BUCK, CALF, SHEEP, LISLE THREAD, ETC. My Department of C3-E35TTJ3E3'S , TTXJEiaWTE A,jB ,'J a'T surpassed in this or anv other city, it includes Medicated Red ilannel, super all wool scotch and Merino golds in assorted colors, both lull and half-fashiond. Also, the finest Iambs wool and cheaper aneties. I also carry a full line of GUESTS' CTEWEIiEY. Mufflers, Cardigan JacLcts. etc , in endless variety. All I ask Is a call to convince you that it is your interest to buy ofthe "GoIdenEagle" House, No. 23 Main street, opposite the Post Office, Wichita, Kansas. e. s. q:R.a ddooe:, PROPRIETOR. ,j " I '1,4 , 4 f , i; r;..-i -Jfto- J 1 1 r r 0-KEA.O? - ' t,.- - a i l . i J- ' ' .". . 1 . J,tt I '! si j Castors and Bottles, l'latcd Ware, Spoons and Cutlery. Knives and ForWi, l'ockct Knives, Lamps and Llumnies. KEFLLUTOKS AND GLOBES. STOXEWAKE.ISTOXEWAKE, COAL OIL, ETC. 39 MAIN STREET. WHAT TIIE CLOTHING HOUSE .10 .25 .50 .25 .35 .50 .75 .50 Men's Full suits, ii i $10.00 worth $15.00 12.00 20.00 15.00 5.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 15.00 25.00 10.00 13.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 Overcoats, elegant goods embraced in our FURNITURE. , J. T. McMILLEN, i Dealer In all Uruls ot IE7 XT &j 1ST X T XT IR IE! Carpels, Window Shades, Mattrasses, etc., NO. 34 MAIN STREET: WICHITA, KANSAS. - JE31. BOLTB Manufacturer of and dealer In all kinds of Parlor, Chamber, Dwelling and Kitchen h FURNITURE. A Full Line of Undertaker's Goods. Undertaking done on short notico and in the moat approved style. MATTKES3E3, CARPETS, CURTAINS, Etc. 64 lVLA.X3r STBBET, WICHITA, KANSAS. ap26-ly MISCELLANEOUS. Wagon and Blacksmith Shop. THE OLD RELIABLE M. R. M0SER. Proprietor. Wagons, Carriages and Sullys built on shor notice and Work guaranteed. Special attention paid to- WOEK Repairing Plows, Harrows and all kind of Agricultural Implements, Shoeing, &c. Remember the Flncc Sign of the Hi? Wheel, Main Street, Souih of Douglas Avenue, Wictlnta. 3Mf ALBERT IIESi. fETXB GETrO. ED3SS & GETTO, STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES 93 Main Street, Wichita, Kansas. l-ly WICHITA SAVINGS BANK! CAPITAL STOCK, $100,000.00. President, - - SOL. H. KOHN Vice President, - SAM. LEVY Cashier, - - - - A. A. HYDE, Organized under the Law of the State. Do General Banking, Collecting and Brokerage Business. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: A. M. CLARK, M. E. CLARK, A. A. HYDE, C. SCIIATTNER, J. M. STEELE, M. KOHN. Sol. H. KOHN, 31. W. LEVY, War. GRIFFENSTEIN. Eastern and Foreign Exchange Bought and Sold. 16-tr LUMBER. JOHN ZD.A.'VTIDSCaNr, The Pioneer Lumber Man! Op Skdcwick Coctrr. ESTABLISHED IN 1S70. A Complete Stock of Pino Lumber! SHINGLES, LATH, DOORS, ,v jSASII.&c, always ou hand U3 Office ami Xard onMartcl lrect,hticeen Douglas Avenue and Firtt Strut. 49 tf SHELLABARGER & OLIVER Wholesale and Itetail Dealers in LUMBB IR, DOORS AND SASH! B" Office and yard, South side Doug las avenue, near Depot. 16-tr MILLIS & STEM, CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS! Wholesale and Retail Dealers in BUILDING MATERIAL WICHITA, KANSAS. 18- tf Oshkosh Lumber Yrd, SKINNER & PHILLIPS. Have now on hand a Large Stock of S Seasoned Lumber, Glazed Windows; Doors, Shingles, Lath, Etc., Etc. From the Celebrated OSHKOSH, WISCONSIN JIAHKET. We do not claim to sell Cheeper than any other Jirm in the State, or lo furnish better Lumber, but ice do claim that we can sell as Good L'tmber at as low rates as any other firm m Wichita, and solicit a fair share oj public patronage. Wolf River Best White Pine. SOMETHING NEW! All Scantling and .Joists sized, making a great saving of labor in Lathing. Yif Office and Yard south side Douglas Ace. near the corner of Douglas and Empori. Loan Agency. HAJ3KIS & HARRIS, Corbin Banking Company zstzew tors:. MONEY TO LOAN On Fi79 Years Time at TEH" PER OBISTT. INTEREST. COMMISSION REASONABLE. Parties having mortgages on Im droved Land3 no-w due, and those wishing to mortgage are request ed to call on U3 before closing up with any one else AVe neither use Circulars nor travel from honse to honse, ner charge for executing papers nor for looking at Lands nor for making abstracts. -BnnOEK3 CAS- PAY OFF AT ANY TIME HARRIS & HARRIS, Wichita, - Kansas. In same building Vrlth IT. S. Land OQce. 0-t NXE KATII KOOMS, Uooms which are sup plied with Hot anil Cold Water. All things pertain? to the battling department are new and tasty ami flrst-eH in every respect. Open Sat urday nights until Uo'clocKp. m.t and on Sun day until li o'clock m. , otherdays lrom 7 a. m. to 10 p. m Shop on Douglas Ave No. 111. U3-tf DIETER & KATSEU. The Kansas City Surgical" and Medical Institute and woman's Hospital f. CootKT, M. D., Snrjeon in charge of Surgical Department. J. . FoTit, 11 D .Sur geon in char?': Of Medical De partment Treat successfully all ti&ds of deformities sueli as Curvature of the Spine, Club Feet, Hip Joint Di'-ea.te, Wry J.cct, stiff Joints, Crooked Limbs AH otirappintus is madeiindcr our own super vision and nptdicd by us I'lastic operations as the restoration of the lip .ind nose 'tumor of alt kinds romoved. Cancerous Growths of every de scription, including that of the breast, treated ncccsfully. Also catarrh, diseases of thecye. cataract removed and the blind speedily restoren to sight. I'lles and fistula radically cured. All dUeaoes of the urinary organs, Including stone in the bladder amlotricturc. successfully treited. special apartments provided Tor ladies. Tbcsur gical diseases of women a specialty larse, thirty-two cell battery ready for use in all eases requiring electricity. We have in connection with the Institute a flrst-class hotel where we board our own patients. Street cara run direct from the depot to the Institute. lira. Cooler or Foster will visit anv portion of the country in consultation, or to perform any surgical operation. Address Has. COOLF- & rOSTEIt, Cor. 12th St. and Grand Ave .Kansas City.llo X.U. Send stamp for our Journal. lj-tf Canada Southern Railway Lines THE ONlVSr AMBBIOAN ROUTE THItOUGII CAXADA. SHORT AND QUICK LINE TO THE EAST, Via Buffalo or Niagara Falls. NO GRADES, AIR LINE. NO CURVES, STEEL. RAILS. Direct connections made at DETROIT and TO LEDO with all Iilnay Lines from the est. And at Kuirnlo and Sunpcnsion Itridgo With Newl ork Central ami Erie It'ys. The Passenger Enuipraent ofthe Canada South ern is unsurpassed u the Country. ror Centennial Excursion Ilmlncsv. The Canidi Southern is gcogrnphlcallysitnated so as to be able to oflVra larger list or routes to select from than any of its computers, and being the last ol the Ureat Th-ough Lined constructed, combine all the modern appliances Vr the safety ane comfort ofits patrons. Tickets on sale atall ofliceaof connect Jig Unci For any information address, W. K. MctE, ruAXKB Stow, Gen'l Manager, Gen'I Pass. JfcTiek Agt 7- DETROIT J-033UST TFTXTQIET, Dealer In TjT JSLJSP, -BJJTUJDJJSTG- STOlfTB PLASTER PARIS. CEMENT AND HAIR and Osage Shaft and Fort Scott Red CO AL Stone am Lime To Coxtiuctors asd Buildeks. Having completed tho purcliaso ot what is now the larger portion of tbe cele brated Florence Qtnrrles, I am able to sell at lower rates than heretofore. The lime will be burned from carefully se lected rock, and sold at the lime houc. ;Or ders for stone will be filled at from four to five dollars per car according to size and thick nessoffctonc, parties paying their own frclsht. Orders sent to AV. II. Sanner, Florence, or to the office near tli depot, on Douglas Ave nae, will bo promptly filled. J. EXTQN, DXAX.K3 Cf :h:ajr,:d"W".ajr,:e7 STOVES, TIJTWARE, TUE CELEBRATED GAKDE-N CITY 1'LOWS AND CULTIVATORS. BROW'S CORX I'LAXTEIK. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, ETC. Rooffing, Guttering, and all iinds of Job iort Done to Order. NO. 25 MAIN STREET, WICHITA, KANSAS, l-ly TRICKEY BROS. & CO. Dealers in Fresh FAMILY GROCERIES PROVISIONS, FRUITS, FLOUR and FEED. TflCHITA, KANSAS 53-Corncr of Jfaln St. and Douglas Av.-3 HEL. "W". SZEITIDLE, -Dealer in- Weed Sewing Machines I Please call and examine THE FAMILY FAVORITE" ITS XA.WE 1SD1CATES ITS QUALITIES 1 because it is adapted to all the wanUof fami ly sewin? 2 Because It can be readily comprehended by any one wishing to sew. J Because it runs so easily 4 Because It is always ready and never takes on "tits." 5 Because it will do any kind of sewing with lesi changes and iewer extra attachments than any other mark Ine b. Becaudeittself-adjusting 7 Because it 19 made of the very best materials, and In the most thorough manner It Is a two-thread machine, making an elastic Lock-etitch It has a straight short Needle It has a Shuttle with a 1'atent Spring Tension. Its upper Tension requires no manipulating to admit the passage ot kinky or uneven thread, whether linen, cotton or silk. Its oiling is done upon the underside by turn ing it up on its hinges, and soiling goods is im possible. Its stand is solid and Arm. Its table is long and roomy Kvcry part works positively, and it is not sub ject to tho yielding or uncertain operating of springs. No machine costs so little for new parts and re pairs. More than SOO.onn machines of its manufacture arc now in ue and attest to all Is claimed for them viz: that they are superior to all others in point ot Capacity, Adaptability, bimplicity and Dura bility. Attachments, Parts, Needles, Oil, Etc., Kepi on hand. Also Needles and Purls furnish ed for all other Machines. OSce on Donglas Ave., Wichita, Kansas -tr 5 P "j l : V,