Newspaper Page Text
llkpt aglt. WICHITA. THURSDAY, DEC. 21, 187C. d i Y ANDCOUNTY NEWS. Tills Is the shortest day of tne whole; year. Seo specials ol J. P. Babbitt, photographist. Improvements btill continue to be uado in private property. Col. 31. 11. ttaldwin, of Elgin, Illinois, has been spending several days in our town. Our worthy young friend, Kos H arris, lelt for Iowa the other day. Girl?, we fear the w orst. Sotice. A few boarders wanted at the northwest corner of Emporia Aenuo and Kirst Street. 'The roads ara in splendid condition and wheat is received here from a distance of sev-ty-tive to eighty wiles. If "an honest man is the noblest work of Goa," then the Supreme Author hasn't hau a job In the lavt lorty years. A pair oi spectacles in a tin cac were picked up on Douglas Avenue, which the owner can ha c by calling at this office. United State" Marshal for the Stato ol Kan sas Charles Miller, was In town yesterday on business connected with his ollicc. All who had the pleasure of attending the entertainment Monday night, at the Occident al parlors, were perfectly delighted. Aire. J. J. Cadian has kiudly consented to assist the old folks in their concert. 3Irs. Cadian has a superior talent lor tinging. Hal masque New Years night, by the Tur ners is one ol the holiday amusements talked of a great deal by the folks around town. Judge Campbell, Senator Kelly and Repre sentatives Ilajdw in and Uos received their commie -Ions from the Secretary ot Stato es terday. A constable from Winllfld arretted a man in thts place night before Iat, charged with stealing a pair of mules in October in Conic county. Mrs. Harding Jlorrill, wife of one of our mo't enterprising ard thrifty fanners, spent a portion of this week in the city, 'visiting rela tives and Irn'nds. Another polar wave struck this country lastSunday. The Usual sunshine prevailed, but the wind sat on its hind legs and howled for twentj-four hours. Geo W. Dawson, proprietor of the Douglas Avenue Marble Yard, who is a 'hort-hand reporter, has been taking down evidence lor the district court this week. Groceries, with the exception ot sugar and kerosene, arc slightly on the decline. Kero sene reached sixty cents on Monday, but loll back to hlty on Tuesday. 31r. Trcd. Somers, the jeweler, who ha been up to Iowa and Chicago, returned thi week accompanied by his daughter. lie says times at the north are very hard. Jake Stot'er, ol Kmporii, an J rtent Jlur dock, ol Eldorado, excuse us. Senator Murdoch and Hon. Jacob blotter, were both over pongingofl the Eagms this week. 3Ir. CopUand's address last Wednesday night, before the Wichita Library Association at the 31. 1. Church, w as crj fine, and it w a thoroughly appreciated and enjoyed by intel ligent audience. lion. John J. Ingalls has Introduced a scries fit resolutions into the Senate providing for a constitutional convention to be held at Colum bus, Ohio, vVhich we print on the second page of our raper this w cek. Each daj dev elopes anew crisis, political or otherwise, but night before last a cry-sis oc curred at Captain S. M. Tucker's bouse, oi the domestic order. It's a nice gill and kicks thcbeim at a round figure. The trial of m. Crerk, charged with the killing of Tbos. Williamson, has been set for ncitTueidaj, December 27th, and the subpe nus in the case were issued yesterday. The trial will prove quite absorbing. Hornaman, tie mau Irom Little Dutch, who sbet and seriously wounded W. E. Divyer, ten days ago, and whoso arrest wo noticed last week, will bo up for trial to-day,beforc Judge Campbell, in the District Court, Hemember the masquerade ball at Eagle Ilall, 31onday evening, January 1st, to which we called attention lat week Suits can be had at the Douglas Avenue IIouc Tickets two dollar?. The party is given by the Tur ners. Scene at a post oflice : Lady "Is there a letter for me J" Clerk "So'm-" Lady "Why?" Language lads the clerk, and the lady goe off growling about "sasny clerks,' and howling for a change in the administra tion. There will be a meeting of the District Grange December 20th, at 12 o'clock m., at the rooms of the agency. 3Iemher ari re quested to be present at the hour. There will be an election of officers for the en ming 3 car. lJy order of Trustees. Councilman Zlmmerly informs us that the railroad has at last agreed to grade up and Macadamize between the several tracks and switchc in the vicinity of the elevators and depot. The road master will put a forco up on the work as soon ae possible. Dr. ANVn White, one ot the original dis coverer of the State ol IJutier. and wlio is largely interested in Eldorado.was over (.shew ing our tobacco and reading our cichnogcs this week. IIis shadow grows no less and now easily covers a ten acre field. Mr. George Kiev c, Clerk of the District" Couit, informs us that up to yesterday sixty civil and fourteen ciimiual suits had been dis poned ofthlstcrin. Judge Campbell informs us that this week will hardly clear up the docket and if the Creeks case Is on it will take a fall week longor. Joe Gifford, of Gypsum township, becoming disgusted with the respective chancrs of Haves and Tlldcn, had the pleasure of wel coming a tine hoy to his home la-t Sunday night, and he now propoes to run Peter Cooper In twenty-one jcars from now, "when Gypsum will return an increased vote. The first term, of three months, ot tha pub lic schools will close on Friday, the 22d inst. Oral examinations on the work of the term will be conducted in all, or nearly all of the rooms. The patrons and all others Interested are respectfully invited to attend and be present during the entire day. 0. F. 3IcKi.ii, Principal. Now betimes the winds sweep up and down through this valley with terrible lorce, penetrating every crevice, and stoves are made to roar by added fuel. Look out for fires these t!me. An imperfect flue or a pipe in too close proximity to a wooden partition or paper ceiling, and property may be con sumed or family rendered homeless In an hour's time. A roan of family was complaining thi other day, that whenover he secured the services ot an extra god girl to take charge of his house hold, some of ids neighbors invariably tried to poison her tnind, or render her dissatisfied by offering her higher wages. We eyiupa thlzc J with our friend. It ii a most contempt ible proceeding, but one which many are not above doing, in this town. WiLhita keeps pace with the rest of the world In enterprise and business. Among other things in the business line will be found the music rooms of Pomeroy & Co. They have purchased a stock ot sheet tnuiio vocal and instrumental the latest published, and if tLey have not the piece you want, leave your orJer and they will nil it promptly. A man calling himself John Itenncr present ed himself at the counter of the Fanners and Merchants' Bank, last Friday, with a note for sixty dollars, endorsed by Geo. 31atthtws and Hess 4 Getto, two well-known, substantial llrm3. After negotiating the same, and re ceiving the money, Col. Lewis immediately dl-cov cred something suspicious about thrjen dorsing signature, whereupon he jumped ov er the counter, collared his man and de manded a return or the money. The dcraaud was most readily acceded to, so promptly in tact, that Col. L. Insisted that he should walk down the street and clear the matter up. In an hour the speculator was in the hands;of the officers by whem bo was bound over In the sum of $1,000 for his appearance. Next Monday Will be Christmu. Christmas is coming. Scxt Monday will be 'Merry Christmas." Another anniversary of that bright day when the advent of the Christ child in n lowly manger was announced by a blazing star in the heavens. Santa Claut, bless his dear old heart, is coming this way, and will rattle the sut down many chimneys in Wichita and Sedgwick county. How many little hearts will bubble over in glee. Wc are a happy and prosperous people upon the whole, but wc must not forget the poor in our midst not forret the child of the widow, the motherless ones and the unfortunate. There will be little hearts in Wichita that will ache, perchance. Shall theso be forgot ten by you who live in comfortable homes, where want has ncv cr touched your dear ones ? Bead this touching picture and resolve that at least some little heart shall be made happy . Little one with tattered dress. Shoeless feet anil untrained tress, llugzlng close the tender form, liicli tbe thin arms cannot warm! How the brow n eyes bnra and barn, As at every step and turn, Merry, merry Christmas tojs, Made for happy girls and boys, Gnct the wee one's n ond'ring sight, 'Till the little heart islight, And the dart and dingy room, v liosc gaunt guests are ghosts of gloom, With a slow and silent tread. Ami the children's cry for bread, Melt uwaj from dizzy brain. Leaving scarce a thought of paint How the sharp v Ind sighs and sings! How it blows and bites and stings! Still tbe wee one shiv crs there, Where the Chrismas tilings most fair Oierllow the windows wide. Sparkling right on cv'ry side! Kichly robed the buyers come. Filled with thoughts of those at home; Many costly, worthless things, Pulling at iheir purses' strings, hewajipeals tolovc and pride, W'liile the little one outside, Closely pressing windowpane, llrown c) es filled with shining rain, Keels once more, tho' faint and far, 1 hat this holy Christmas Star Yields forhirno warmth or light. Kindles not her life's long night; Ami agiln the changeless gloom. ti me nuie cnecness room, W here no Santa Clous may come, Calls her back, and now at last. She has fluttered fair things past, V ith a backward look or two. At the dainty doll in blue. And with cold arms empty quite, Save of rags she hugs so tight, She has passed on nut of sight! Mother, in the costly dress. Maiden, with the shining tress, l'ause a moment at the door Through which Christmas glories pour! Let your sweet smiles rut upun That poor, sad-faced little one. Sec hernot go thus uwny. With no jo in Christmas day! Christ the living, still commands, Through his angels, "t'eedmj Lanbt!" The Younger Boys in Wichita. "There is many a lip betwccH the cup and lip,' and a fair tally ol the number would probably show as many lucky slips as disas trous ones. What the character of tne slip that saved Wichita from, or defrauded her cl, the notoriety of Norlhfleld, 3Hnnesota, we must leave our readers to settle. That Wichita was chosen by the Younger and James Brothers as the theatre for tbe bold robbery committed, and terrible tragedy afterward enacted at Northheld, Minnesota, w chive the most satis factory evidence To the failure of tbe First National Bank are wo indebted, alone, for an escape Irom robbery, if not bloodshed. We believ e it is not know n to our City Marshal or police, to this day, that Cole Younger and a portion of the Y'oungerand James gangs, con sisting of tne three afterwards bung, and the two now iu the penitentiary, were in Wichita at the time of the failure of the Tirst National Bank, fetr the sole purpose of going through that institution. The factof tho large amount of money necessary to move the Texas cattle and the vast amount of grain that found a market here, n doubt convinced them that Wichita was the most favorable point for the nefarious job. They were in our place be tween two and three weeks. One ol the par ty was v ery genteelly dressed, and acted and talked like an intelligent business man, and he thoroughly posted himself as to the ins and outs of all our banks. Another of the party was genteel-shabby a man at least forty-five years old, whom one would judge to have seen better days. The latter wanted land but was not averse to taking a drink with the boys. The others wo know nothing about, and don't that we ever saw them. They were at no time together. Their arracgements,so far as known, were to have gono through tho Na tional Bank in da) light, upon the same pro gramme carried out m Norlhfiold, where, it w'll be remembered, a pertiou of the gang rode up and down the street, jelling like de mons and shooting off their pistols, plajing drunk, while others, during the street excite ment, entered the bank and robbed its vault and killed the cashier. Wc v cnture the as sertion that it was a good thing for them that the bank bunted, whllo it might have been a good thing for the bank's stockholders and of ficers had they succeeded. Upon the one band, our officers and people would not have been panic stricken or stood, for a moment, any such nonsense as shooting revolvers on tho open street, while upon the other hand, the bank, just before closing, was v ery short of money, and had the robbers went through it, nobody but themselves and the officers would ever have known how much they got. We arc not permitted at this time to give the source ot our information, but wc assure our readers that is perfectly reliable. In truth, the whole matter was known to a few, imme diately after tho failure ot the First National Bank. Lines for the Eagle. Sad and lonely I am thinking, When with footsteps light, I startea on Life's pathway, Then so smooth and bright. But the way grew dark and rugged As I traveled on; And the friends who journeyed with ma. One by one hare gone. Thus I'm lelt alone to struggle, 'Til the bittsr end. With no cheering voice to sooths me, Without the solace of a friend. Age has left its mark upon me, Slow and heavy is my tread ; Soon this form, once gay and active, Will be numbered with the dean. W. C. Jr. Tho Evangelical Alliance has issued the fol lowing programmo for the "Week of Prayer," January 7 to 14, 1S77 : Sunday, January 7 Sermons: Christian fellowship, I John, i, 7. 31onday, January 8 Thanksgiving and con fession, in ills review of the past year. Tuesday, January 9 Prayer : For the Holy Spirit on the Univ ersal Church.Joel ii, 2S : for Its deliverance fiom error and corruption, and for Christian charity. Wednesday, January 10 Prayer for fami lies; for the unconverted; for sons and daugh ters at school and coIlege,and for those abroad; lor any in sickness, trouble or temptation and for those who have recently been added to the church. Thursday, Januiry 11 Prayer for nations ; for rukrs, magistrates, and statesmen; (or philanthropic and benevolent institutions; for a pure literature, the spread of sound educa tion among the people, and the maintenance oi peace. Friday, January 12 Prayer for Christian missions to the Jews and Gentiles. Luke xxiv 47 ; for Sunday schools ; and for the conv ersien of the world to Christ. Saturday, January 13 Prayer for the ob servance of the Christian Sabbath; for the pro motion of temperance; and for the safety of those "who go down to tho sei in ships, that do business in great waters." Sunday, January 14 Sermons : One Lord. one laith, one baptism, one God and Father of all. Ephcs. iv,B, 7. At the Tuesday night's meeting of the Lee's Summit Mutual Improvement Society, the fol lowing resolutions of respect to the memory of 3Irs. Lewis, mother of W. B. Williams, wero passed and the society adjourned. Whereas, Death has this cv ening v isltcd our neighborhood and removed from our midst 3Iother Lewis ; Jleiolted, That in regard lor this occurrence and respect for the surviving members of the lamily thus visited, the programme prepared for this evening's entertainment be deferred unti! Wednesday eveulng, December 27th. Jitiolied, That this resolution be spread up on the records ot the society. C. Scott, President. 3!iss Polly Wuitwoutii, Secretary. From a sense of duty to the public we have ollen, from tho day it was first built, warned people against the dangorous character of that combined, double lock stich, back action bridge that tries to cross two rivers and fails to cross cither. Mr. Delos Crosby lost a val uable animal, which went over or through it last week. Besides being s mile out of the" road It's dangerous, and tha proper authori ties ou ht to irivc due iirtltcc ti thnt flV.f and thus roliev e th i puUc luw j or rest-on- .,.i,tv r '! " - Col. W. S. our specials, announces that he ii prepared to loan money In any amount dcslrcd.upon the moat reasonable and approved terms. The well-known accurate business habits of Col. Jenkins renders bim a most desirable man with whom to deal. James L. Dyer was confirmed as receiver of public monies of the Wichita Land Oflice by tho United States Senate last Thursday. Im mediately upon the receipt of Ids notification be will execute his bond and qualify so as to take charge of the office by the 1st or January or soon after. Thomas, Wheeler & Co., or the Wichita Water Mills, are getting up a big reputation for their "Blue Ribbon" flour. It Is a most excellent brand, as we can testify from a sick that found Its way to our kitchen. They are receiving orders for it from remote points, while many families in tho city pjefer it to any family flour ever offered in this market. The Water 31111s are running day and night to their fullest capacity and are In every par ticular a grand success, so Sir. Thomas in forms us. W. U. Cox is agent, in Wichita, for the sale or the Winheld Water Mills' flour, which he is prepared to iurnish in any quantity from fifty pounds to the car load. The XXXXof these mills, which he makes a spacialty, is not surpassed by any for white, light, sweet bread. Theso mills are among the oldest and best established in this part of the State, and their flour has stood high in this market for years. We are uuder obligations to 3Ir. Cox for an hundred pound sack of the above brand. The Wichita Lodge, A. F. & A. M., No. 99, met on last 31onday evening and elected tho following named gentleman to fill the offices for the coming j car : T. N. Trickey, W. 31.; W. P. 31cClure, S. W.; C. A. Walker, J. W.; Sol II. Kolin, Treasure; Frank Todd, Sec. The above comprise the elected officers. Tbe W. M. then appointed the following named gentlemen to act in the different capacities : George E. Harris, Sen. D.; W. A. Kichey, Jun. D.; John Forey, Sin. S.; Ira Trickey, Jun. S ; I. G. Khodc, Tyler. Tho Commonwealth suggests that the Eagle's position in the matter ot the remov al of the Sioux Indians is a mite selfish. 31a) be; but are not the grounds ol objection by the balance of the State' jut as selfish ? Kansas cares nothing for the Sioux Indians, her anxiety being the chances of making something out of the Territory, while Wichi ta believes ia tbe policy of reserving the Ter ritory to the Indians as a sacred treaty right becauso because it is to bcr interest that it be so held. The 31 E. Church, of Wichita, has deter mined to meet the demands of tha times by enlarging their place of worship. The en largement consists of two additions, or exten sions, or vestibule wings, or something of that sort. In otoer words the present edifice will not hold their usual congregation they havo gravely concluded to run the main building out eves with the bell tower, which projects some six or ten feet in front. This new addition will scat a dozen or so persons, cost some money, spoil the looks of not an overly imposing structure, and effectually cut off a loafing place for a lot of ill-mannered boys. Upon the w hole the partially complet ed improvement is not worth the name and we advise the trustees to abandon it as a bad job and if they are not yet ready to build add thirty feet to the back end. The body of Charley Tinker, who set tvpe several mouths in the Eagle office, was picked up on tbe prairie near Dcs 31oines, Iowa, tho other day. lie had frozen to death. Poor "rink" was an incorrigible trirap, but a Bplcndid printer, and the possessor of a gener ous heart, still the slave of an appetite. The Iasttime he was in Wichita he had walked from Little Kock up the Arkansas river, with no company and only crackers and dried beef for subsistence. So for years, to our knowleJge, he has been traversing the entire west. He was about forty-five jears of age, without a home or a friend, destitute of ail am bition, caring nothing for l'fe farther than such phacs of it as offered an interest lor a cvnical moment, he thus drifted about until death, upon the wings of the wiuter's mid night storm, on that bleak prairie, overtook the wanderer in bis lonely tramp, enfolded him in its icy arms and bade him rest. Nearly two years ago the Heavenly Father stnt to brother and sister Arment a token of his love, a gift of his own choosing, a flower ol rare fragrauce and beauty in the person ol little Nora. During all these months her pres ence ha" shed sunshine and joy in tho house hold and in their heirts, but on Sunday even ing last she was called away from her home on cjrth to the heavenly mansions. The flower faded upon earth to open in brighter beauty in glory. But tho memory of the lit tle one remains to shed a rich fragrance upon the hearts of the stricken parents, and they realize that while it is very blessed to receive it is also blessed to give, and they yield with humble and w ilhng confidence to the will of God. Their treasure is in heaven in tho keeping of a loving Saviour. Her funeral was attended on Monday following her death and was attended by a large number of the rela tives and friends of the parents. The services took place at tbe Baptist church. Sermon by Elder File. Wiohita Markets. The following were the ruling prices of arti cles named, in the Wichita markets, j ester day : Wheat from 85c to $1.00. Corn 25c per bu.hcl. Wood, green, SO 00 per cord. Stove-wood, $3.00 per wagon load. Coal Osage SO 00 per ton. Ft. Scott 89 00. Kerosene, 50c per gallon. Turkey, dressed, 8c per pound. Chickens, dressed, 10 per pound. Beef steak choice, 12Jc per pound. Beef steak ordinary, 8c per pound. Wild turkeys. 50c each. Trainc chicken?, two for 25c. Butter, 25c per pound. Eggs, 35c per dozen. Flour, $3.00 per 100, xxxx. Green apples, $1.75 per bushel. Beans, Gc per pound, by the bushel. Buckwheat, 7e per pound. Hay, per ton, 4. Fresh pork, 0c to 12c per pound, retail. Iri-h potatoes. COc to 1-00 per bushel. Sweet potatoes, $1.25 per bushel. Cabbage, per head, 10c to 20c each. Sugar cured hams, 17c per pound. For the Eagle. Doings at Valley Center. A. T. & S. F. DErOT, Dec. 1G, 1870. Epitor Eagle: Valley Cedicr and sur rounding country continues to improve and settle up rapidly with enterprising and indus trious citizens. Our farmers are getting well through with their corn husking. The crop is very fair, but not as good as last year's crop. Sir. O. G. Jacobs has erected a beau tiful and commodious re-idence en his farm, besides many others something less in size and cost, which have been built in this vicin ity within tho pa-t few months. Our new school house, built by Messrs. Iteess & Saw yer, is the largest and finest building of the kind in flie county, outside of Wichita. Our public school has an attendance of over forty scholars, all of whom arc advancing finely under the direction of Rev. 3Ir. Tingley as teacher. We have a largely attended and well conducted Sabbath school, H. C. Boyle Superintendent. Ail needful! arrangements have been mado to have a Christmas tree and literary entertainment at the school hou-e on ChristEoi night. 31rs. Pcrin and 31rs Ting- ley will be prjsent to asionlh the oars and gladden tho hearts of tho audience with rp propriatc cud charming organ music. Sai 1 1 Claus has promised to be on hand to look f ter the wants of the little folks. Respectfully, David Barns The News Without Poison. Tho New York OUtrxer claims to publish the best family newspaper, and repudiates all unsound or objectionable teaching. Even its advertising columns are free from all qnack ery and danscrous advertisements; and the whole paper, both in its religious and its sec ular department, is filled with pure and enter taining reading. While wc commend the po sition of the Olnrcer in this matter, we also heartily endorse it as one ot the most desir able periodicals for any household. The price, 53.15 a year post paid, can hardly bo made to return as much good, spent iu any other way. S. I. Prims & Co., 37 Park Kow, New York. DIED. ,-?? i! ?tT' on S,"n,iH eTSnin$ De?b" .litb, IneLenora, daughter of A.U. and M. L. awuen, agcu i year, lumonttisana 17 aays, There will be a meeting of -tbe Sedgwick County District Grange in the city ot Wichita on Friday, January 5, 1877, at 12 o'clock m". A full attendance is very desirable as business cf importance will be presented for cons der ation at that time. A. M. DurtAND, Master. LIST OP LETTERS ItEMAINIXG IX THK 'WICHITA TOST OFFICE Uncalled for December 21. Anderson 3Irs N Allen Mrs Brannan Miss A Baker Mrs O Beltz Miss S Chiton Miss V Couchin 31 rs N CookE Clark Mrs A E Daymen Mrs V Dudley Mrs T Dav is 3IissN Disau Mrs 11 Gordon Mrs G Hansen Mrs K Henderson 31iss E UowcrMiss U lUvo Mrs C Jones Mrs 1 Latta M E 31cElrain Miss V McDonald Miss L JlcClure Mrs L Martin Mrs K Ogdsn 31 rs 31 Person Mrs S Preston Miss J T Uace Miss U Snann Mrs II Swann Mrs A Smith Mrs K Stewart 4Irs N Thomas Mrs S Wescott Miss 31 Waters 31iss M Wiliard Miss W YyoungMiss O Y'aple Miss B Zink Mrs M 2 Jonts 31 rs It Johnson Mrs M Johnson Miss 31 A GENTS' LIST. Jno or Jos Lamb Luckey J U Lane J 11 Lane J Loyd 31 2 Lofsnys H Linzy J Myers F 2 Jlahon N McGee T J 31cGrcw A F Jloorinau J 2 Muinmey F ilurdock J L Matthews J McDonald J U 31owrey J 11 31ahn J N McKibbcntG Moffett G D Miller G W Marts G Mason E G ManniniiT Arnold W Andrew 8 J II Adams O L Austin US Ajdelolte D Brown C Bixbey C It Bussert C Boochell C Baker M Blake J Bussell J C Bird A Bliss U Brown G L Beach J C Black L Brow n L B Barnes T Btevins W Burns W ii Burns W Chancy W Calester W Clamnit T SlcKibben K Crow P or E A Woosly31cGehu T Crawford B McElyaAT Clark LM Owens P - Custer J T Parish W A Cocper J Pctlijohn J II Cape C B Pain W Cross C L Kkhard T Crawford CW Bussell P II S Castle C F Uankln O Child C Kicks J Dreii V Kogcrs J Dowcil W Bice U 31 Douglass T J Bight GW Dudley J B0weyGT Dunnell G Biley D Dcaton G W Kankin C II Duncan EW Bcddish A J Des.terD Storey W Denis E Smith T Durall E B Slsson S S 3 ErvvluC ShelberL Fisher A C Smith L E Fastmau B Spider II T Garwood J Sargent G Gilchrist P Stew out F GtnovvajbCL Strother A P Gamy V Sample J B Uammon W O Smiij, J O Uadley W St0neraan J W Hutchinson M B Sanders U Uigginbotliam N U Saylor J Uo-s J U smith J Uerndon j Strauscr J B Hayward j T Thompson W Hopkins G 1 T3ylorTA Uerlicher I N Toorea E A Hubi,sCL Wells CC Uobson C Williams C 2 Jones M B Webb C E Jacobson O U Weldron E A Jayues 31 Woods D Jocely n J C Woodw ard T J Jacquish U Wanchop J II 2 Jessepb H E Waldo W C Koen J 2 Weeden J D KeranJS Umphurs 31 Kennedy J It Upp J Lee U T Please ask for "advertised" letters. M. M. 3IORDOCK, Postmaster. SPECIAL NOTICES. Don't Forget It. That you get a twenty-five cent chromo at Doe Holmes, Avenue Book Store, lor every dollar's worth ot goods that you buy of him and don't lose this rare opportunity to get holiday presents. " 33-2t Go to Smith A Keatmg's Agricultural House, corner of Lawrence and Douglas ave nue, ir you want good wagons, sulky plows, harrows, corn shelters or any thing in the im plement line. 34-tf Goods are not misrepresented at the new Mammoth Implement Store ol Smith Jfc Keat ing. 34-tf Bain, Schuttlcr and Buckeye wagons, hand and power corn shelters, he best sulky and gang plows and plow sulkies at Smith & Keat mg's Wichita. 34-tf You will hnd tbe largest stock of imple ments and the best and latest improved ma chines at Smith & Kcitmg's mammoth store. 34-tf Garrison keeps eight men at work on har nesses and thinks of putting on mere hands to supply tho demand. 17-tf Remember. That Doc Holmes, at the Av enue Book Storo gives a twenty-five cent chromo with every dollar's worth of goods that you buy. Call and examine his selections. 3S-2t Falrbank scale books at G, '. O. Book 6tore. H. Hcrrington'.s 22-tf Pure and unadulterated sweet cider at II. A. Wheeler's. 35-tf Howe's scale books lor salo book store, Douglas Avenue. at Kcimers' 33-tf C. M. Garrison keeps eight harness makers at work manufacturing harnesses. 17-tf Notice. Money to loai" on three or five years' time, on good improved farms. Inter est low. Apply to W. S. Jenkins, Wichita, Kansas. 38-4t Christmas Tree. You can find an Infinite variety of everj thing beautiful, to decorate your Christmas tree, at Geo. Innes & Co., next to the post office. 38-lt Modoc. By Mambrino Patcben (full brother to Lady Thome, and the sire or Lady Stout, that Sir. Bonner paid $1.000 tor at two years oULKatc Pachen, now owned by James 3IeFerran, of Louisville, Kentucky and vaiued at $15,000, Rotbchilds 3Iambnno Bertie, Gill E. Queen, and a host of others, that have as much speed, and more endurance than the produce of any other horse,) by 3Iambrino chief ; dam by Ga no, he by American Eclipse, out of Betsy, by Sir Archie ; hrst dam Capitola (the dam ot Woodpecker Gold Dust) by Bob Jordon. he by imported Jordon, 2nd dam Wino by Woodpecker (the sire of GrayEajrle.) 31odoc Is a bcautilul blood bay with black points, 1C hands' high, weighs about 1,100 pounds and in form and symmetry will com pare favorably with any horse in the country lie was foaled April Clh, 1S71 ; being bred for the stud more particularly ; consequently ha been handled but little, but has splendid ac tion, and shows great promise of speed. He is a splendid breeder. I hav e two of his colts yearlings, at my stables, that I will take great pleasure in showing, one of which we have been driving a little that wc think vvil rank favorably with any horse in the United States. He will be exhibited in harness at the Wichita fair next week. Anybody conversant with the stud book will see at a glance his fam ily on one side arc thoroughbreds, and on the other side trotters equal to any. Modoc will make the fall season at the Wichita Stud Stable, com mencing Sept 1st at the very low price of 25 the season, with the privilege ot return ing mare in the spring it she fails to breed or another in her place ; whkh makes it equal to an insurance. The spring season will com mence -March 1st 1S77 at same place at iV) the season. I will give two premuiums, in gold, for the two best colts, to be cxhitbited at tbe Stable November loth, 1877 best ?15, 2nd best 810. Wsr Tahlton. 28-lt Wkhita, Sept. U7tb, 1876, Ask your grocer for the lard put up by Harvey, Stewart Jfc Co. It is pure and sweet and by calling at their picking house you can see how it Is made. Not so with shipped lard, you must run your chances on that. 37-lf Don't forget! You can save 50 per cent, on jour meat bill patronising the packing house of Harvey, Stewart & Co., first door west of Douglas Avenue House. 37-ti Fresh Malayo Grapes, Catawba and Cali fornia Muscat Wine for family use; Califor nia canned gooJs, jams and jellies; Michigan apples; fresh figs, pickled pics feet, sauer kraut; a full lias of teas, glass and queens ware at bottom figures at Hess & Getto's. 38-lt Everybody should use .Brown's liver 'pills, prepared for diseases of this climate. Cures headache, biliousness and liver complaint Seid at J. P. Allan's drag store. 35-tf This is to notify my friends in particular, and the public In general, that I have returned from an extended family visit and business trip, and am now prepared to offer my splend id stock of watches, clocks and jewelry for cost during holiday season. 1 hare also a carefully selected stock of the celebrated Laz arus & Morris "Perfected Spectacles." Hav ing selected this city as my and my family's future home, I taec tbe liberty to ask a liber al share ot your patronage, and by strict hon esty and integrity I shall try to earn tbe same. 1 would further say that I have se cured efficient help in the watch and jewelry repairing line, and every thing entrusted to me will receive prompt attention. Good, true and square work guaranteed. No. 21 Main street. (3S-2t) Fred Sommers. 3ierry Christmas." embroidered linen sets. Ladles' plain and Silk and hem-stitch handkerchiefs, cheap at George Innes & Co.'s next door to post office. 3S-K Black Mohairs, Alpacas and Cashmeres, beautiful lustres, be value in Wichita, at George Innes & Co.'s next door to post office. 38-lt Felt skirts, half their value, to post office. An elegant stock selling at George Innes & Co. next 38-lt To dress well is an art and there is nothing that will finish n rich toilet like elegant neck wear, which can be procured in endless va riety at George Innes & Co.'s, next door to post office. 3S-lt A chance to buy cheap groceries is now of fered to the citizens ot Wichita and vicinity. I proposo to sell out my entire stock ol gro ceries at cost for the purpose of going into tbe flour, feed, grain and seed business I will open a seed store in a short time and keep a full line of garden, flower and field seeds. But remember that I am selling my groceries at cost. Now is your chance. 3S-tf The only way to keep warm is to buy some of those blankets, colored and white, or com forts, cheap from George Innes & Co.'s next to post office. 38-lt John, go right dow n and get me a Fascinator. A what? A Fascinator. A hug-ine-tight, one ot those that go round me, you know. Not much, Mary Ann ! I can attend to that part of tbe business myself. Why John, you grea t stupid, I mean ore of those zspbjr scarfs. You can get them at George Innes & Co.'s ne.-t the post ofbee. Oil est ha I ha! certainly. Only joking. Anything else? Bye-bye dear. (Smack) (ex it John.) 38-lt Choir or concert singing parties wishing to engage a soprano for concerts or a choir can do so upon reasonable terms by addressing 3Iiss May Wiliard, Wichita, Kansas. 38-tf W. U. Cox, Wichiti,Kanjas,igent for Wic fleld City -Mills flour, manufactured by O. A. Bli-s & Co. 384t J. P. Babbitt, the well known photographer has opened rooms on Main street, first door south of Woodman's dry goods store. Pic tures taken at about one-half price for next thirty days. 33-tf Parties knowing themselves Indebted to us will please call and settle up promptly, to avoid further trouble. 3S-it Hess & Getto. The Singer Sewing Machine. Over one million and a half in use. The most durable and lightest running machine in the world. As an evidence, the Singer, Hem iugton and Wheeler & Wilson were invented about the same time and put into market, and at the present dav the Singer has over one million and a half in use, the Wheeler & Wil son has about five hundred thousand and tbe Bcmington has the small, insignificant num ber of five thousand nine hundred and hfty three, which can be seen on the upper end or the needle burr, which makes the Remington the last choice ot the people, and they would not have sold one quarter that number hal they not sold them under a fictitious name. For many years the Bcmington machine com pany have attempted to force their machines on the market as tho Remington, but failed, which reminds me of several occurrences. Fifteen years ago the third day ol July, I was in Bloomington Illinois, stopping with a friend by the name ofD. H. Horner. There were two agents at the place, the Wheeler Jb Wilson and the Remington. The Wheeler & Wil-on agent had confidence enough in bis machine to sell it on its own reputation, but the Bcmington agent's confidence failed him, and he attempted to sell it as the improved Weed. Some five vears ago, while I was sell ing the Howe, I happened to meet an agent that was selling the Remington. He bad as little confidence in bis machine as tbe first one I met, and he attempted to sell it as tbe improved Howe, and I havo been creditably informed that the Remington agents arc sell ing tncir macnines nere as me improveu singer, which is false. There is no improved Singer except the original one, which cannot be sold in the Southwest except by or through me. Those who wish to buy the Remington aro welcome to, but I deem it my duty to inform tbe good people of the South west, through the columns of your piper, 60 they will not be imposed upon iu buying ma chines. A machine that cannot be sold on its own reputation should not be sold on the merits of a machine that has been long tried and proved, without doubt, tho best in the world. The impositious offered are of the deepest dye. W. 3Iason, General Agent for the Southwest. Wichita. June 27, 187(1. 14-Cm "Don't forget it." Smith & Pittenger are selling tho best Osage coal in this city. Trj us and see. 33-tf Don't forget It. Smith & Pittenger will not be undersold by any coal dealer in the city. "Don't forget it." Smith & Pittenger sell their coal over the best street scalo in this city. 33-tf. "Don't forget it." Smith & Pittenger screen all their coal, and would ask a share or jonr patronage, guarantcning always satis raction. 33-tf. "Don't forget it," Smith A, Pittengcr's office is the first coal office on south side of Dsuglas avenue, near depot. 31-tf Toys for boys, and girls too, at Fcrrell's. 37-tr Grange, Odd Fellows and Masonic manuals at the post office book store. 42-tr Brackets, wall packets and such at tho Dol lar Store. 37-tf Something less than a car load of pictures and frames at tho Dollar Store. 37-tf Visit Ferrell's store at once, it will pay you for the trouble. 37-tf Never saw as complete assortment ot all kinds of pure candies as FerreK has if you don't believe it come C. 37-tf Wc would like to call special attention to our Dollar Store. Wo keep honest goods and arc a permanent fixture in our town. Any one will be well paid to visit this place at least. No 2(5 3Iain street. 37-tf Home Is made happy by a Christmas pres ent from George Innes & Co.'s, next the post office. No family should be without some thing from this elegaot new store. 37-lt Notice. iliss Mary Eldridge will give lessons on tbe plauo, organ and melodeon to all desiring in struction. Terms : ten dollars ($10) per term of twenty lessons, one-half payable in advance. Pupils w ill please apply soon at corner ot Firs street and Emporia avenue. 26-tf Competition Is the Life of Trade, Smith & Pittenger are on the warpath. We having been dealers in coal fpr the past lour j ears, would call your actention to tho fact, that we are now carrying the largest dock of coal In tbe city, and can sell you the best Osage;$baft coal ever shipped into thi- market, at as low price as any dealer in the city. Hav ing the most accurate street scales now in use in Wichita, you may rely upon full weight" and a square deal, and assured satisfaction in every transaction. All orders In the city will receive prompt attention. A lair trial is all wc ask. Thanking you for past patronage and aiVing you for its future continuance. We re main respettmlly youn Smith &. PrrTESGKit. Wichita, Sov.lCtb, 1876. 34-tT Private board and pleasant room.. Inquire ot Mrs. J. C. Fraker. SO-tf "Don't forgot it" IhtrDbllar Store. 37-lf Honey In the honey comb, at H. A. er's Wheel-35-tf Spare ribs, sausage, bacs: bones, heads, tender loin, pigs feet and leaf lard for sale at starvation prices, first door west of Douglas Avenue Hoiue. 37-tf Have just received, 25 barrels of choice Michigan Apples, 5 barrels choice Michigan Cider. A fine large assortment of Christmas candies, California pears, lemens and oranges, fresh figs, dates, etc. Keep constantly on hand ail kinds of the best fresh bread, French rolls, a variety of cakes and a full assortment or the best fresh crackers. All or this I shall sell at the lowest figures. Give me a call at 21 3Iain street opposite the post office. 37-3t Ered Markwort. W. S. Jenkins, late Register U. S. Land Of fice, Wichita, Kansas, Attorney at Law and Solicitor of Claims. Office second door north of Post Office, Wichita, Kansas. Having re turned home after an absence of several months in Washington, D. C, in the practice belore tho General Land Oflice and other de partments there, I am prepared to prosecute all claims to lands arising under the pre-emption, homestead, town-site, limber-culture and mining laws. Parties having claims in con test befere the Local Land Office or tho De partment at Washington, will find it to their advantage to consult me, as I give special at tention to that class of business. Collections made in this and adjoining coun ties and monies promptly remitted. lG-tf Patents on all lands entered priorto April 1st, 1874, are now ready at the land office. It would be well ror the parties tp whom tho patents belong to get them and hav e them duly recorded, which may save a long and tedious litigation at some Tuture time. 44-tr The undersigned announces to the public that he has purchased the well known "Bald win Art Gallery," on Doughs Avenue, and hopes by strict attention to business to merit a liberal share or tho public patronage. First class facilities for all kinds ot work. Give me a call. T. H. Stevens. 41-ti Mrs. A, anybody Watson is selling bats Reaper than lryou don't believe it coE antl St? if Canary Birds. A cage of several fine canary birds for sale, by pairs or by lot, in quire at this office. 31-tf You will never make a complete success in biking biscuits until you use the White Lily Baking Powder you can get it at Wheeler's. 33-tf Stages leave and arrive daily to and from all points In the south at the Kichey Douse. 47-tf Buckwheat cakes and maple them at Wheeler's. syrup. Buy 35-tf Save jour money by patronizing home en terprise. We are agents for the sale of coarse wrapping paper from the Humboldt Paper Mills, and keep a supply on hand. Geo. Y. Smith, 24-tf Eagle Block. Beautify your complexion. The Parisian lily balm will remove tan. pimples etc. making the skin soft and fair. Go to Allen's drugt store for it, only 50 cents per bottle. 35-tf Pigs vor Sale. I have now a few pair or full blooded Poland China pigs for sa!u out of stock imported from the well known pens of Shephard S. Alexander, Charleston, Illinois. Price 312 a piece, or 520 per pair, dei.vered at Wichita. AJdress William Jones, Wichi ta or Union township, Sedgwick county, Kansas. 30-tf Wanted Everybody to know that Luken sells Osage shaft coal, southeast corner of Douglas avenue and railroad. Try bim. 25-6m To the Public. I would respectfully announce to the people of Wichita and v icmity, that I hav c secured rooms with Chas. W. Hill, druggist, and that I am prepared to do any and all work in the watch and jewelry line. Long experience in the business enables me to feci warranted in asserting that I can give satisfaction. Solicit ing a share or tho patronage or the public, 1 am, v cry rcspcctlully, Alex Fhiim vnn. Late or Warsaw. Illinois. 7-tr Ohio Stoneware, by the car load, at Allen & Tucker's. 5-tr Agents wanted to sell the Singer Sewing 3Iachine. For rurther information inquire of W. Mason, general agent lor the west. 3-tf C. 31. Garrison makes all harnesses out of Indiana Oak Tanned Leather, direct from the tannery. 17-tf "Iron Trail" A spicy sketch descriptive of a trip over the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad, the beauties, scenery and pleasure resorts of the Rocky 31ountains by "Nym Crinkle," the mu-ical and dra vatic critic or the New York World' sent free on application, together with the San Jaun Guide, maps and time tables ol this new and popular route from Kansas City and Atchison to Pueblo, DenveranJ all points in Colorado, New 31cxico, Arizona and the San Juan Mines. The finest line of Pullman Sleepers on the continent bctw een the 3Iissouri River and tbe Rocky Mountains without change. Special round trip tourists' tickets Irom the 3Iissouri River to Denver at ?50, good to stop off at all points. Address, T. J. Anderson, Gen. Pass. Agt., 2G-tf 'lopeka, Kans. 31iss II. Picrpoint has opened a dress and -loak making establishment in rooms over Woodman's store, w here she is prepared to do all kinds of dres and cloak makiug, on short notice and in the listest styles, she also is prepared to cut patterns for ladies ; making cutting one or her specialities. Will guaran tee satisfaction In cvety particular. Having hid a thorough practical experience in the art, she is confident or pleasing. The ladies arc invited to call .in J sec what she can do. 23 tr Pure cider vinegar at Block. Dunscomb'j, Eagle 35-tf Car of Cue Michigan apples just in at Allen & Tucker's. 35-tf A continual racket of horns, bones, ruuic boxes, Chinese babies squalling, whistles blowing, roosters crowing, dogs barktng, steam engines running, elephants nodding, jacks jumping and pigs grunting at the Tost Othco Bookstore. 35-tf Take your hides to C. Jl. Garrison, the old- t hide buyer in Wichita. 27-tf Garrison has been in business in this city sK years this mouth and bis hartleys has h good reputation, notwithstanding the low, would-becalumnies circulated by groveling competitors. lT-tf There is nothing iu the grocery line that you want but what jou can buy at Wheeler's grocery. 35-tf Try the Old Government Java, already ground and ready Tor Use. Warranted to be strictly pure. You can get it at Wheeler's. 35-tr Go and see the elephant at Herrington's. 100 boys overcoats at 50 per cent Ie than New York cost at Ed. IJiginbotham, N. W. corner Main street and Douglas avenue 35-tr Music hath charms to sootb tbe savage. Get Johnny a drum at Herrington's. 35-tf Gents' orders taken for custom made suit 25 cents on the dollar saved by giving us a call, A perfect fit guaranted at Ed. Higin botham, S. W. corner or Main and Douglas avenue. 35-tr Notice to Ladies, Mrs. L. 31. Henderson wilt sell all goods in her line ior the next thirty days at cost. Stock consists of all kinds or fall and winter bats and bonnets, trimed and untrimmed, feathers.nb bons and flounces of every discretion. Next door to post office, Wichita, Kansas. 23-tr Santa Klaus passed through Wichita the other night and called at Herrington's-, and said that his Holliday selection was the best he Lad seen west ol St. Louis. 35-tf The only strictly country storo in is Dunscomb's. Wichita 35-tf Go to Alien' clrng store for a bottle orod online for cleaning and preserving the teeth. 35-t; Go to the Main street photograph gallery for good pictures at cceap rates. 33-tf I, the undersigned, hold the agency of the book entitled "The Lord's Land," writen by Rev. U-B. Ridge way, travels In the boly land, describing places that are mentioned in tbe bible, completed this Centennial year. Every family should have it, those who are not Christians as well as those who are. No other agent holds or is allowed to sell this book 'n this county and city. Will deliver in sixty or ninety days alter subscribing. I will canvass the county and any one wanting the book before I get to them can do so by calling at my house in Wichita. 36-tr Nelson Ciiajfee. 500 suits of boy's clothing at fifty cents less than New Tork cost, at Ed. Higinbotham, northwest corner of Mam street and Douglas avenne. . 35-tf The largest stock of toys and fancy goods at wholesale and retail ever brought to Wich ita, at tho Post Office Book Store. 35-tf Who will allow their friends to pass over the bollidays and not get them something nice at Herrington's. 3.Vtf Turn over a new leaf an go to G. rington's and get a new ledger. II. Iler-42-tr Have you rheumatism, pain in lh back or side? Arnica Liniment will euro jeu. You will And it at Allen's store, Wichita. S5-tf Howe's Scale Book", school books, School books. Howe's scale books. School books, School books. At Reimcrs' books store, Douglas avenue, Ccntenniil Block. 32-tf "Don't forget it." Smith A Pittenger aro selling coal Tor cash, strictly. 53-tf If you try Wheelers spices and don't find them pure and a first-class article he will re fund your money. Wf The house formerly run by Bob Short will, in future, be conducted by Short & Jewell, but shall be known as Bob Short's pool-room, at which place is to be found all kind ofdrinks in the latest stv les. Also Seltzer in jugs, Blue Lick in bottles, Vichy water, ginger ale and fine imported India pale ale. No. 101 Douglas avenue. Free lunch twice a d ij' 10 a. m. anil at 10 p. m. 15-tr Luxuries! Buckwheat flour, maple syrup, sweet cider, mince meat, apple butter.honey, Calarorniajani, Allen & Tucker's. 35-tf A few dres goods aa eoit close out. at Dunscomb's, 35-tf -our hoarseness and sore throat by cum , Using tar troc s Allen's drug store, Only 25 cents per box at 35-tr Fresh candies at Dunseor'k'- 35-tf Arnica salve the grcit healing remeo'7 for old sores, wounds and frost bites. jouuhl, sores, ' like it for healing, store. Sold at Allen' urue 3.Vtr Hav ana cigars at Dunscomb's. 35-tf An old-time stock of boon and shoes, glov es and caps for the hollidays at Dunscomb's. Sold cheap for cah. 35-tf JAMES Jj. IriJ, -A-TTOKaSTZEir -A.T Ij.A-'W, WICHITA, KANSAS. M-tf FEED MARKWORT JLUZttTZZr, CONFEOTIONE R Y, AND LUNCH-ROOM, T m Hi-niftrpil to furnish alt Limls of CiVe. or namented and plain, on short notice, toi'cstivnl, Halls ana oilier parties. MA1X STREET. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. Hav ; constantly on hand the best fresh bread, eake3 and pics. and everything in the MLery line. Hot coffees' all hours. 3G-tf Notice. TnEAScar Depautmext, J OrriCE or Comptroller or the Cumien ct, WasuiNOTov, October 2J, IsTC. ) Notice is hereby jrivcn to all persons who may hare claims igainst "The First National ltanl. of Wichita, Kansas," that the same must he pre sented ! II. Ii. Cullnm. Keceiver, with the ksat proof thcrcor, within three months from this date, or they will be dia illowcd. JMm Comptroller of tkc Currency. Notice. United States Land Office, Wichlt, Kansis, Xor 13,1576 j The Commissioner of the Gener-tl Land Oflice nnilf r date or April 21 -t, 13TC, approves cash en try So. C&57, by Ii3c M. ltolcrisn for northeast quarter, section 15, towhship2T. range 3, west, subject to appeal b Jonathan Hurst bixty days are now allowed for appeal in said case. H- L. TALOU, 3-9t Eejlltcr. Petition for Bridge. To the Honorable Hoard of County Commissionert of Sedgwick Count;, Kantat: We, the undersigned, citizens of Scdwiek county, would respectfully ask that your appro priation to build a bridge across Chisholm creek, on township line bet een townliip27ami 2J, lie applied to build a bridge over ChihoIm,onemile south, on section line between sections 3 and 10, in township 23, south, and that an ontcrto open the section line between said sections, 3 anil 10,in township 23. be made. W waney TJ Slartevant W II Harding 1 1 Baldwin Levi ItMnsoa T J Uarfc John 1 Jisk Thos K li cston J Cortin S blopcr J Green E Sioptr Jno A Udwarda S 15 Gibson W It Alghin J Bus-ton I B B Greenlee John Hihn J B Gilford HezeMih Boone J It Shockcy G M Freelan Z Matron! Jno Irelingson J It Mx (lord II J Stevens 3I5-3S G VV Ioerger Jlichal locrger J It Bush jonn uni HTSilknitter John Dolm J VVMcCluer Michael Langan It J laple II A Baker J II Preston T S Car.ton Jcrnr VV ilson Morgan Mallord il ciajnam luisuuom Sheriff s Sale. District Court, 23th Jcdicial District, Sedgwick county Kansas. J. C rater, "V vs. H.J Hills, II. T Krimer, Wilhclminii Hills, II. C. Day. J. F. ComstocL and James Blackburn, partners .is J F. Coin stock .1 Co. .Thomas K Tootle, Thomas It Tootle and William IVak, partners asToa tle, Hannah A Co , VV in. fcott, James Dunn, John Hollowell anil John Service, partners as Charles ."jcott .t Co, S. It. Kra mer, Samuel C.Davis, Andrew Sproulind John Dwis. nartners as S. C.Davn ft Co. andtlieWichitaSavings Bank. defendants. I By virtue or an order of sale issued out of the District court ofthe 11th Juiltcul District, sittinj in anil for Sedgwick county Kansas, TV herein J. (J. Fraker is plaintiff, ind II. J. Hills, II. T. Kra mer, Wllhelmina Hills, II. C. Day, i. F. Com- stock ana James ClacLbnrn, partners as J. K. Comstock ft Co., Thomas E. Tootle, Thomis U. lootle and William l'eak, partners as Tootle, Hannah ft Co., Wm. Scott, James Dunn, John Hollowell and John Service, partners as Charles Scott ft Co., S. It. Kramer, sarnuel U. Divis, Andrew Sproul and John Davis, partners as S. U. Davis ft Co., and the W Ichita Savinjs Bank, delendant3, 1 will on Saturday the iZd day oj December, A. D. 1376, between the hours of 1 and i o'clock p.m., at the court house door, being at the front of the building known as Eigle Block, on Douglas Av enue, in the city of VV ichita, Kansas, offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all Ihe right, title anil interest of the defendants II . J. Hills, II. T. Kramer, Wil helnuna Hills, II. C. Day, J.F Comstock and James Blackburn, partners as J B". Comstock ft Co. , Thomas E. 1 ootle, Thomis IJ lootle and William l'euk, partners as 'lootle, Hannah ft Co. , Wm. scott, James Dunn, John Hollowell and John Service, partners as Charles Scott ft Co., S. K. Kramer, fcamucl C Davis, Andrew Sprout and John Davis, partners as S G.Davis ft Co , and the VV ichita Savings Bank, in and to the fol lowing decribel real property, situated in the county of&edgw ick, State or Kansas, to wit. I.ot.ho. nmety-sii, on Main street, in the city of Wichita, in the county of iedgwick, and State of Kansas, and appraisement of said proj ertj being waived. said n al propertr is levied upon as the prop erty of defendants II J Hills, II T Kramer, Wil heiimnt Hills, II C Div, J F Comstock and James Blabkbnrn, partners as J F Comstock ft Co, Thomas E Tootle, T homas It Tootle and Wil liam l'eak, partners as Tootle, Hannah ft Co,Wm Scott, James Dunn, John Hollowell and John Service, partners as Charles Scott ft Co, S It Kramer, Samuel C Davis, Andrew Sproul and John Davis, partners aibCI) tvis ft Co, and the VV lchiu Savings Bank, and will be sold to satis fy said order ot sale sheritToOtticc, V ichita, Sedgwick county, Kau nas, !iovenibr JOtb, A D., 1376. JI.W.DUNSIXG, Sheriff of Sedgwick County, Kansas Stanley ft Ilitlon, rialatiff's Attorneys. U-ii Notice of Final Settlement. Tun State or Kaas, ., fcedzwick County. S la the Probate Court, m and ror said County. In the matter or the estate of James lit Cullocb, deceased Creditors and all other persons Intere ted in the aforcs lid estate, are henby, tbitatthe next regular term of the l'robate Conrt, In and ror said county, to be begun and held at the Court lioom in Wichita, county orsedgwl. k and state aforesaid, on the llrst jlonday In the month of January. A. D. 1877, I shall apply to gild Court for a lull and llnal settlement or said estate. II W. LEVY, .Mninistrator of the cstitoAf James HcCulioch, deceased. Wichita, Nov. 29tb, A. D.U78. K-iw STEELE & LEVY, Real Estate and Insurance Agents South Side Douglas Avenue, East of Eagle Block WIOHITA, SEDG-WIOK COUNTY, KAN, TILE OLDEST REAL ESTATE AGENCY IN THE SOUTHWEST! Agent3 for the RED STAR and AMERICAN Lino of Steamships. Tickets sold at lowest rates to and from all points in EUROPE to and from all points in KANSAS. COK,EES03ST3DE2TO-B SOLICITIEID. (TA faithful adherence to duty in tho interest of our patrons involves continual oflice work and precludes our "camping at the gate" of evcrr new building to solicit. If you want insurance that will not tail you in the""trv inghour" favor us with a call. Wc represent the following companies : jEtna, Hartford Connecticut, Assctts PiiceisMX ot iiiooKiyn, Xohth British &31ercaiitilc, G.B. " -Home, New York, " Amekicav Central, St. Louis, Mo. '' -Piicexix, Hartford Conn,, " GEUJf.AK-AMEniCAX, New York, " -Insurance Co. of North Arncr'a " Fiheman's Fund, San Francisco " - COMMEKCIAT.,of St.Lou'lS, - '' Wc aro Agents 3took Farms, Improved Farms, TJulmprovod Farms, Osage Trust Lands, Railroad Lands, Homestead Lands, In connection with the following list we have for sale several tracts of land, ranging from 1 to 20 acres, adjacent to the city, suitable for suburban resi dences, and choice residence lots in all parts of the citv. "We also have the ex clusive agency of several of the hest business lots in the business center of 'he city. Call at our office for infor- matron as to price and location. SO. 314 1C0 acres, " miles northeast of town ; 12 acres in cultivation, and hedge rows broke. Price 550. NO. 310 160 acres good laud, 5 miles north- vv est of Wichita ; some improv cments. Price 5000. SO. 324 ICO acres. nrthcast quarter of fec- tion'J, township T, range 1 west, 20 acres in cuitiv ation, 12x14 framehou-e, live miles northwest of town. Price &S00. IjgrStcelc & Levy arc the exclusive agents or ov er SO.00O acres or railroad lands, coinpris- .. , ,. , -i ,1... 'I V . V railroad, in tvv p No. 25 ft 20, ranges S os. 1 and i pist ami i.a auuo wc-si. iuc-sc- an.- u ia limit in Tiif rk.iiisaH auev. ln-rven.'nt to the city of Wichita, the largest frS moJi erterprWng city vve,t or Topeka. atli itt and most erI'P " 7:,,,u n.lm. , "" og thoe ot mo rauroau com fhe lands adjoi. ..,, Town-bins and Pa"y . a.Je" '?' . Nnlzed. school houses n...n in."rov SCnooiuismcis i; nb- a in nmrlv ill ol k;u nml s..hno!s snnnortL ln nearly an oi them. ,. Do you want good Und adjointnj town; trV M!5J SO. 304-240 acres; the northeast quartc ra the north hair or the southeast quark ' or section 4, township 20, range 1 east; has 25 acres broke, and hedge rows biokc ; 8 miles north or Wichita. Price 1500. SO. 305102 04-100 acres ; northeast quarter of section 1, township 27, ronge 2 east; 10 miles east or Wichita. Price SCO. NO. 380 1C0 acres, the southeast quarter of section 2, township 23, range 2 west; uuimprov ed. Price 700. NO. 410103 acres, in section 33, townLip 23, range 1 cast; 30 acres timber, 50 in cultivation; 10x24 pine bouse; water ed by the Arkansas river; 3 nules south of town. Price 3200. apg-irvou cannot hnd anything in these col umns that suits you call at our office, corner or Main street and Douglas avenue. NO 520 C33 acres, in Butlcrcounty Kansas, being secfi, townJ, BangeSeast. Agoodstock farm r ice j per acre We have a large number of pieces oriands in tracts orrrom one to twenty acres, adjoin ing the city of Wichita, suitable for suburban residences. SO. 460 South half of southeast quarter of section 35, township 20, range 1 east, and the north half or the northeast quarter or section 2, township 27, range leat; containing 100 acres, and wa tered by a stream of living water; 4J miles northeast or Wichita. Price 1200. NO. 461 South hair of the northeast quartei or section 34, township 27 range 1 cast, containing SO acres; 2 miles southeast or Wichita, bottom land. Price 1500. SO. 463 Northeast quarter or section 2, town ship 23, range 1 east, 100 acres ; water ed by Gyp-um creek, 15 acres or tim ber. 4 miles southeast ot Wiehita. Pncc 2000. NO. 404 East halt orsouthctst quarter ot sec tion 5, township 27, range least; SO acres, one hairmile north of Wichita. A splendid location. Price 1500.; NO. 492 Southwest quarter ot section 20, tow nship 27, range 1 east ; second bot tom; commands good view or town ana valley ; 2 miles southeast of town; claim improv ements. Price 1800. NO MO 240 acres, being the northeast quarterand north halfof southeast quarter of seo 11, townT, rantre 2 east; nine miles east ol VV ichita; bos CO acres in cultivation, frame house 10x2(J H story, two rooms plastered with a good cellar, watered b i'our Mile creek, good well and good tirm-. ln-trniTice within 1, mile of farm. Fricc.!,50U. $l,500cashandbd.ontime. ISO. 501 Northwest quarter or section 18, township 27, range 2 cast ; 4J miles northeast of Wichita. Price S1200. NO. 510 1C0 acres; the southwest quarter of section 33, town-hip 20, range 1 eat, 3 miles north of Wichita; has 70 acre in cultivation, all good bottom land, good house and well of water. Price t2I00. 20 530 Northwest ,' ofsec 13, town 2G, range 3 erst. Considerable improvements. Price 1,200 ita. ?rice 1300 NO 532100 acres: nw ofsec 2G, town 26, range 2 cast; 10 miles ne or Wichita. Price 500 NO 531 ICO acres, being the north J,'of sw ii of sec 32 and cast , orse .' ot sec 31, town 23. range least, has 05 acres in cultiva tion, lix2S lrame houe, good will ith lb ftorwater, 11 miles se ol Wichita; 2mdci nonhorLll'aso. l'rice 1500, two-thirds cosh and balance on one year's time NO 5SJNorthwcst i sec 2S, town 26, range 2w 20 acres under cultivation; tenmiles north east or Wichita, l'rice .50 NO 502 Sec 16 town 29, range 3 east, containing 6t0 acres, h is 'JO acres ln cultivaton, Ou acres in w heat, 8 acres rye ; 5 room frame bouse untlnished 1, story, good basement goodwtllot water, 500 peach and apple trees in good condition, or Wichita, tourmdes from Douglass 2', miles of timber. Price $d per acre, can be had for part cash and bal. on tune. N0 5C3 Southeaitquartersec20, town 27, range 3 east; a good piece of land, has living water. l'rice 810 per acre. NO 564 Northwest quarter sec 21, town 28, 1 est 40 acres in cultivation. Pine house Hia living water, six miles soulhw est ot VV ich ita. l'rice 91,300 SO 507 Sorthwest quarter section 21, town 29, range lweaf, has 25 acre under cuitiv ation ; &g hou-cs, 14x10. each ; good well of vv'cr; 2 miles or Ohio Center. A bargain. l'rice, 050 SO 571 Sorthwest quar or sec 20, town 27, range 1 west.; watered by Cow skin Creek; some improvements. Price, 1,000 SO 573 Southeast qunr of sec 23, towu 27, range 2 east; has 40 acres under cul tivation; 1 mile of hedge planted; rood orchard; 01 miles of Wichita. Price, 1.100 ; part cash and part on time SO 574 Soriheast quar or sec 9, town 30; range 1 west; IS miles south of Wich ita; 2 miles ot Bow ling Green; hasC) acres or hardwood timber; 50 acre under cultivation; lo;; houe; good stable; watered by the Ninnescah river. Piicc.lOperacre SO 577 East hairof sec IS, town 25, range 3 east, In Putler co., containing 30) acres; watered by Wild Cat creek 3 miles from Clarion P. O. ; 17 miles northeast ot Wichita. l'rice. 4.25 per acre The counties of Sedgwick, Sumner, Cowley and Butler comprise an area 01 the best agricultural laud west of the Mississippi valley. The Arkansas rivr er runs diagonally through the counties named, forming of itself an extensive valley ranging irom seven to twelve miles in width. Other streams of les? magnitude, such as the Little Arkansas, Ninnescah, Walnut and "Whitewater rivers, oiaic, uiuu, opring, uypsum, umsiioim ana Uowskin creeks, dh emlv the country with fertile valleys. The soil ofthe valley and uplands is a rk-h sandy loam, several feet in depth. Vecctation ol all kinds is tin.r.rnf.;..! flttaint, (nnini)intn nt,ii1,t. n.wl IiaaIII.w T1. ... .... 1 . . uiuim niuiivmii., vutiiv, nun iiiuimj. J.11UUSU11US oi acics 01 land are open to settlement under the pre-emption laws for the sale ofthe Os9c Indi an lands, which arc unsurpassed in fertility in any section of the State" and in no other part can cheap homes be purchased with all the advanta"es of good soil, climate and water. Our people are enterprising, and made up of the go- aucau aim ucst ciubscs irom tne cast, aim in point 01 culture and society aro equal to any ofthe older communities of other States. The younjr and irrow- itirr niti' nl 11 inlittn tivit nrilli a v, a..Ta 4: P 1 w in ! t.j . called the Queen City of the West, presents almost unequalcd' inducements for money invostments to all business enterprises, and more especially to manufactories. - "SG,187,250 l',500,CCO 10,000,000 G.COO.OCO - -- - - 1,37.-.000 1.C78.C1T 2,000,OCO 5,000,000 800,000 500,000 for tho Sale ot Potwin Lands, Business Lots, Residence Lots. NO STO-Spc 17, town 21, range 4 eat In Hut Icr co. I'rtce, 3.30, cash, per acre NO 580 See 3, town 25, ranee i eat in Butler co. 1'nce, S.M per acre. ah SO 681 Sec 22, town 23, range 3 east m Hut- and cheap at 3.50 per acre, cash. SO 582-South half of sec 18. town 2tf,ran'-e 1 west; 320 aires; 10 aero timberl watered by Dry creek ; J mile soutf -west of town. irc0j IiS00 SO 5S0 East halfof i-outhcaitt of sic 33. and west half or southwest or sec 34, ana northwest or southeast and northcat of ioutbvvest or cc Si, town 23, range 2 cast, containing 2 W acres, i muia east orI I'a-o, and all good land, l'ricc-,:. per acre SO. 595 Northwest , section 19, township -., range 3 east, on liiulcr county line. 10 miles cast of Wichita, l'rice SO. 5 593 East halfof southeast ouartrr ... tion 14, townships, range 1 wc-l 80 acres. Price 5100. 599 Sorthcast quarter of section 0 town so. range 1 west; 25 acres in cultivation. Price S11C0. WI V'ct halt ot section 20. township $, range I cast: 5 miles south ot . ,, fcome imProv ements and a splendid piece or land. 320 acre for fclooo, part cash and balance on time. 591-80 acres. West half or thn Vnrti.. SO. NO. SO. west quarter of section 22, tovvusuio 26. range 1 east; 0 miles north ol Wichita and a splendid piece or sec ond bottom land. Price 8525. SO. 592120 acres in sections 4 and 5, town ship 29, range 2 east ; ha? 5 acre3 ot timber. 05 acres under cultivation; 14x23 log house with 3 rooms, good cellar, well or water and watered by Spring Creek, llcpge In good condi tion around entire piece; also, aline orchard of cherry, plum and pear trees in good growing condition. 2 miles of El Paso. Price 12000. NO. 594 1SS acres, being .Northeast qu irtex or section 11 township 29, range 1 cast. 10 acres timber,50 acres in cul tivation, a good well, 35 acres under rail rence.U) apple trees. Three sides of farm under Hedge, and watered by the Arkansas river, situated 12 miles south of Wichita and one mile east of El Paso. i'riCe $1500. SO. COS SortLcast quarter of section 27, township 20, range2vvet; 12 miles northwest ot Wichita. II..s50 acres under cultivation and watered by the Cowskin. 1'nce 700. SO. KM Southwest quarter of section 23 township 27, range 2 cast ; eight milo eat of Wichita, 23 acres uuder culti vation, frame house 14x20 IJ stories living stream and good well or water, 200 apple, 10O peacb and a large num ber of solt maple, pear aud cherry trees all, in good condition. l'rice, if sold soon, 81100. SO. COC Sorth hair ot .Northwest quarter ot section 12, and south hair ortne south west quarter or see 1, township 35, range J west, adjoining the town ot Caldwell, in humncr county. atcr cd by Fall creek, and a good bargain l'rice 750 SO. COS Southwest quar. or section 4, town ship 20, range 1'cast; 10 miles ean, o Wichita. All under cultivation, IlxJ 10 frame house with shed kitchen, 2 acres ot timber; Price 1500. NO. 010240 acres in section S3, township 302 range 2 east, 00 acres in cultivation, 2 lrame houses with good cellars. living living stock water, 4 acres of forest teee, 500 peach, 50 apple trees, SU) diflercut varieties ot small fruit. IJ miles of a school ,houe. Price S1SCO. SO 015 Northeast i sec. 20, tow n 20, range 2 usi. ii tuupi norineastot Wicbiu. Price 750. NO 617 Northeast 1 sec 4, town 20, range 3 west, containing 222 acre, 00 acres under cultivation, 25 In wheat, frame dwelling 10x22, good corral, wind mill, stable, granery and other improvement-, 14 miles Irom S-dgwIck City,24iui!esfrom V.'ichits. Will take a team in trade. Price IbOO SO CIS Southwest i sec 4, town 20, range 3 west, 21 acres in cultivation. Price 500 SO 019 Sorthwest! sec 4 town 27, range 1 eat. 2J miles north or Wichita, smal house and 25 acres in cultivation. Price 3.0C0. SO;024 SO acre, north :halr of nwitcc33, town 20, range 1 east, good house lBx 21, IJ story, hiirh p!astered,good stable 10x20, 25 acres lu cultivation, 15 111 w heat, 3 miles north ot town. Prite 1,500. SO C25 Sorthwest 1 sec 2, town 30. range 2 west, improved. Price 000. SO 02G Southwest J sec 9, town 29, range 9 west, splendid piece or land. I'm e 020. Also the seisee II, town 21. range 1 west, 10 acres broke. Price 05 SO C7 Southwest I sec 2, tow n 25, range 2 east, has 35 acres in cultivation, L'ood dwellingllxlS with cliUxI2p!3.iertl cellar lull size or house, good well of water, 23 peach trees 111 good con dition. Price 1,200. NO C23 Northe&s. J sec 27, town 27, range I cait, unimproved, seven miles eat tt Wichita. Price 750. NO 030 Lots 5, C and 7, in secG, and lot 1 Iu see 7, town 29, range 3 east. Pncc 35 J. SO C32 A bargain- Southeast J sec 2, tow 11 23, range 1 east, 4 miles southcx-t of town. Price 850 SO 633320 acres, east J sec S3, to wn 23, ran' t 2 east. Price 1,400. SO 034 North west sec 2, towu 29, range 1 west. Price COO. SO 035 Southwct i see 35, town 18, ranire I west. Price 000. SO C30 East i swj sec 35, town 27, ran-cl west. 80 acres. Pncc 350. SO 037 Sorth west I sec 2, town 23, ranze2 west. Price COO. NO 538 Southeast 1 sec 21. town 29, ranco 2 east, l'rice 550. b NO 639 Southeast 4, seo 8, town 20, ranco 3 west. PnceSOO. NO 640 Southeast 1 sec 8, town 23, lance 1 east. PrlculOOO. SO 611 South J ne i sec 11, town 23. Iri c xt ' tinsiirnfi; STEELE & JLTETTr, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, WICHITA, SEDGWICK COUNTY, KANSAS- 1 Jl &XS! &,