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mi.; WEEKLY JOURNAL-MINER, WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 13, '9'1 PLAN TO ORGANIZE NORTHERN ARIZONA FAIR ASSOCIATION Movement Advocated by Councilman Heap Receives Hearty Indorsement Of Chamber of Commerce (Trout Pruter Dally) Northern Ar.zona is about to have an incentive . toward development which wll! Jar .surpass anything at tempted thus far. Harry Heap .it Inst night's session of the Chamber of Commerce drew attention to the fact that citizens of Prescott ' annu ally waste hundreds of dollars ou Fourth of July autl Labor Day cele brations whereas if this money was wisely used it would result 'in benefit to the entire county. The plan suggested is to lease the race track, put up a set of fair hu. Mings and every Septemlwr to hold a coun ty fair and then take these same ex hibits to Phoenix for the purpose of xhihlting them at the Territorial fair. A committee of the motorcycle club has already written to .lohu Dougherty at Iios Angeles, regarding a ten year on the property. Heap moreover polnteil out the fact that the county fair would stimulate a friendly rivalry among the orchard Ists and farmers in thi ection and that it would be the first county fair to be held in the new state of Arizona. In addition to these ad vantages numerous racing stables would be glad to take advantage of the race track for training purposes during the summer months ami the climate of Prescott is such that many trainers would be glad to have their horse quartered in a cool climate. Hecsc Ling suggested tbat the or ganization be called the Northern Arizona Fair association, and that it not alone take in the people of Yava pai but of all the northern counties. J. M. W. Moore added his approval rind .suggested that the ground be purchased and not leased because this method would insure the stability of the project mid not make U an af fair of but five or ton years dura tion, tyij that if tho land were pur chased there would be no possibility of loss as it would be bound to in Tense In value. The suggestion met with the hearty approval of the entire body and on tne motion of Mr. Timerhoff a com mittee of five, including the presi dent will take the matter up and re ort at the next meeting. Summer Colony There arc over twenty-five appli cations for lotj in the summer colony now Iwjing considered by the commit tee nnd they express their positive opinion that the year 1912 will see not lew than fifty houses on the tract. Some of the applicants have xliown such enthusiasm t lint they liave expressed n desire to pay for nn option on the particular lot which met tholr fancy in order that they may bo sure of owuing it next yenr. New Roads Chairman 'Foster of the commltteo sin roads and boulevurds reported that lie had investigated the road asked ior by Mnus and Stewart ami found that the board of supervisors had also had the matter under considera tion and decided that the cost of construction would bo at least $2000, which was too high for the amount of good u rond would do and had of fered tho petitioners the opportunity of freedom from taxation for two year If they would build tho road themselves. This appeared to be a fair proposition as the road would be of more value to the petitioners than anyone else, however tho petitioners failed to take advantage of the of fer nnd the Chamber of Commerce decided to taho uo further step lu the matter. Tho president Instructed Mr. Foster to take up with the board of super visors tho question of Installing n tswenty-foot promenade around the plaza. It was suggested that the su pervlsors might mako this needed Im provement and tho city would rclm iiurso them for the outlay when there were enough fumln on hand to make this possible. Dry Farming Secretary Frasor exhibited sumo ex cellent specimens of fruit which had linen grown In this county by dry farming and sorrowfully admitted that the preserving fluid which had been used had caused tho color to fndo nnd peaches whlcli were origtu tilly a rosy pink were now as largo its ever ut of a sad anemic hue and looked as if the fluid had proved too Htrong for them, (secretary Fr&ser nlsn udded, "that the amended for- inula as itmcndcd by himself had act ed as an excellent preservative but bad removed the pigment." Costly Water I,'. S. Clark then appealed to the chamber stating that he received a bill for f 10.10 for water used by the recent missionary congress that he was in doubt just what to do with the bill and that he feared to make any suggestion owing to the fact that he bad suggested to Ilev. McKay who presented him with the docu ment originally that it bo handed to the committee on sprinkling and thnt the Itevrrend had become highly of fended, probably due to the fact tbat he considered Clark sacreliginus, in referring to the sacred rites of by water. After a spirited discussion which hail n its basis what could a body of church men do with so much water? the matter was icferred to the committee on cheaper water which woll ask the city to remit the charge. Mr. Armitage repor.ed that the test hole was down It." feet ut 0 o' e'ock tonight and that water was Cowing into the hole. Good Roads and Bankers Kntertainment for the members of the Arizona Good Ifoads association and the Hankers Convention which bodies meet here on the second and third of October, then came in for a long discussion and It was decided that if possible the entertainment of both orders should be the same and that n dnnce be given one night at the club which would be followed the next night by a smoker at the same place. Messrs. Doyle, Chevcrton anil Meany are the committee which has the entertainment of the bankers in hand and Messrs. Doyle, Uussell and Ling arc working as a committee ap pointed by the Chamber of Commerce to see to the comfor and amusement of both. Itobcrt Finney of Beaver Creek re ported that the work on the terri ti rial road was progressing nicely and (hat the road would soon be at ' amp Verde. Frank Whismiiu reported thnt there had been considerable complaint re garding violations of the game laws and that quail wfre being slaughtered contrary to law. The matter will bo taken up with the forest rnugcrs every member of this body being, cx-offieio, n game warden. EMINENT ARMY BUROEON DIES a.VN .IOHK, Cal., Sept. 7.-$cnrcs of telegrams of condolence, received here today by the family of Hrigi- dler General Charles Itavencroft Grcenleaf, IT. S. A., retired, who died late last night from hemorrhage of the lungs, recalled the general's ser vices which made him, perhaps, the most eminent medical authority the army has had. Civil and Indian war comrndo who served with General Ureenleaf on the stnffH of General McCleltan, Low Wallace, Hancock and George H. Thomas, In the peninsular, Antletam and Gettysburg campaigns and in the Sioux nnd Nez Perce Indian wars of 1878-70, were among the sympajh- iters, ns well as men who acted with and under him in his capacity as chief surgeon in the field and chief surgeon of tho division of the Philip pines lu the Spanlsh-Amorlcnn war. Ho was honorary president' of the Association of Military Surgeons and author of Greenleaf's manual of med ical officers and Greenleaf's opltome of the examination of recruits, tho present standard for the army. Major Henry 8. Grecnlcaf, medical corps, U, 8, A., arrived from his poit at Madison barracks, New York, just in tlmo to say good-bye. lie will take the body to Washington for In terment, TO NEW OIL FTKLD8 (From Thursday' Dally.) I'd. Anthony, member of tho board of directors of the Verde Valley Oil company, will leave this morning for his interests near Camp Vordo, and romnlu away indefinitely. He will assist In exploration, to bo statted In a few weeks when drilling will be- gin. die will be accompanied by D. M. Clark nnd Robert Pellott, .both interested in the same locality, who' will mako additional locations. FINDS RELICS OF PREHISTORIC PEOPLE (From Friday's Daily) Peter Marx, of Walnut Creek, who is in the city with a load of fruit, stated yesterday that his discovery of a giant skeleton of probably Aztec days, seems to bo regarded with In credulity by many who have written from all parts of the country, since the account was first given publicity in the Journal -Miner a few weeks ago. Nearly all inquiries appear to view the discovery an worthy of his personal endorsement for veracity and the writers ask for additional informatlou. Mr. Marx states that the frame of the giant is stored away, and a recovered from the ground there is no doubt but what the giant wns a monster of the hu man race. He has but a portion of the frame in hi possession, but enough, however, to give accurate dimension of n man who was of freak physical proportions from head to foot, nnd which can be substan tiated by any who enre to view the temaiiis. He also states that since mnklng the original discovery, many other articles have been unearthed, convincing him that the race was progressive and well ndvnnced as craftmen, many crude Implements be ing found, and lu one tnstnnce writ ing slates, that give nn Intimation of education. He contemplates bringing what is left of the huge skeleton to the city some time in the near future that all may see for themselves nnd form their own conclusions. EARNEST ACTIVITY AT INSANE ASYLUM PHOKNIX, Sept 7, Except for earnest activity of the officinls nnd employes who are working like fro jails to make the patients ns com fortable us possible nil is quiet at tint asylum today. The nsylum authori ties have the situation so well In hand that Company H of the Nation al Guard will be dismissed from fur ther duty this afternoon. Last night passed off as quietly as could be desired. Most of the patients slept inside the buildings that escaped the flames but n few of the ones most nearly cuied were permitted to tnko blankets mid sleep outside on tbc lawns nnd fields. There wore several such groups, but all were under guard. Die boys of Company II watched all night over the sleeping unfortunates. It was found today that it would not be necessary to -amove any of the patients to tho now county tuber culosls hospital on tho Tempo rocd. This hospital wns offered by the cotiuty supervisors and would have lende nn excclhnt temporary asylum, but such success was attained in nr- ni'gii;. to enre fr.r tho fatti-uts w'iit. they are, ;b it it wj decided not to move any of them. In a day or two, temporary shelters will be up anil it will not be long before a new building on the site of the burned structure Is rea'dy for use. The ruins have not been disturbed and will not be until tho insurance adjusters have arrived and Invcstl- gated, ELECTRIC KLOOAN WILL SOON RE IN PLACE (From Friday's Dally) M. V. Watson, general manager of the Prcscott Gas and Klectrie com pany, announced yesterday that Prca Cott's slogan, "The Place to Uve," is being manufactured In Ban Fran cisco, and Inside of two weeks will be In position at the S. F. P. A- I depot, It will be of electric con struction, and one of the most at- tractlce adornments that has ever been displayed In tho country. It will be suspended between tho denot and freight house at an elevation of about twenty feet, and contain a cluster of over 200 lights, each of 10 candle power. The slogan will be twenty feet long by three feet wide. and Is of such artistic construction as to be nn ornament In either the day or night tlmo. The estimated cost is 200, which the company, do nates to the city. In addition tr tho handsome donation, the company will also provide the current to Illuminate the slogan without any cost what- ever. It will be lighted overv nltrht nt duk ad will be In evidenco every morning nt dawn, Prcscott will bo the only city in Arizona posscsalnu such an unique attraction and thnt it will redound to much publicity and bring favorable results Is un. questionable. Journal-MIaer nigh claag Jk work MOTOR TRUCKS ARE TO BE INTRODUCED (From Wednesday's Daily.) One direct result of the building of the territorial highway from Pre ll to phoenix through the Brad shmv mountains, Is eeH in the pur pose nt seseral mining companies t introduce the motor truck as u mean of economical transportation, which method is being discussed at present by at leat three of the companies operating along the route of this thoroughfare. While In Prescott yesterday from the Pacific Copper Mining company works nt Sliver Mountain, C. W. Mitchell, vice- presi dent, stated that the survey of the territorial road passes within a half mile of his ramp, nnd he is pleased thnt the road is an assured fact, for the reason that t tin intention of the company is to introduce the cheaper method nt handling freight to and from that place and will be inaugu rated ns soon as the road i com pleted. He states that from Pres cott to his camp it is less than forty miles, nnd with a truck similar to that of the Lake Superior and Ne vada company now in commission nut of Crown King, the minimum of ex pense instead of the maximum as nt present, will be assured. ITnder ex isting conditions, all freight to his camp must be sent over the railroad to Crown King, and then reloaded on freight teams to traverse heavy mountain grades, which require addi tional extra expense. Mr. Mitchell was nt Crown King a few dnys ago to witness the running of the new motor truck nnd was so favorably im pressed with its utility as an ex pense reducer, thnt one or more will be ordered by his company as soon ns the new road Is opened. Hefore leaving Tor Phoenix Mon day nfternoon, H. M. Lewis, con structing engineer of the territorial highway, stated that Mr. Kverctts, president of the Mount Fnlon Min ing company, n few days ago, in formed him that the motor truck would be introduced at his camp as oon ns the road bad reached the summit of .Senator hill. From this action, it is stated thnt the resump tion of this mining enterprise is soon to take place, and one of the essen tia! matters would be cheaper trans- portntion facilities to and from that camp. The territorial highway passes within n half n mile of the above property, nnd n low percentage grndo can be cheaply constructed to tho main artery. Further down the mountain in Crook Cnnyon Is the Venezla Gold Mining company, which is installing a large cyanide plant, nnd w'hlch also Is considering the desirability of placing n motor truck in use as soon as road facilities are opened to per mit of Its operation. Behind the influence of this im proved method of handling freight to nil mines on the line of the new road, is tho splendid character of road work to bo performed. The motor machines demand this con sideration, and fortunately there is n hnrmony of purpose on the part of the good roads movement now firmly established 'on this project, to mako the undertaking a feasiblo one. The north nnd south line will not only be nn nttrnctivn one for auto mobile tourists, but also will bo a strong supporter for building up the industrial Interests of the county at large. OPPORTUNITIES OF YAVAPAI VERY INVITINO (From Friday 'a Dally.) Judge M. P. Kinkald, of O'Neill, .Neb., after a business visit to this section, left yesterday for home, and expressed himself In n favorable manner of. Ynvapal county. Its vnrled resources nnd especially its advantages in land opportunities. Judge Kinkald has Investigated several sections, and believes the agri cultural resources uro very invitini? and especially so when reclamation projects are installed and which ap pear to be feasible at many points ho has visited. Climatic conditions appeal to him also ns conducive to. ward Industrial development. He is juuge or the superior court of his state, and was for several years a member of congress. This was his first visit to Arizona nnd the south west. f STARTS CANNING FACTORY (From Wednesday'. Dally.) W. G. Wingfleld, who 1, In the city from Camp Verde, states that his canning factory will begin oper ations soon, nnd ho anticipates nine. lug on the market this season as largo n production as in the previous year,, which reached 10,000 cans of the apple, peach and pear. Had not the frost destroyed over half of tho crop early this spring lie would have Increased the capacity of his plant. Mr. Wlngflold states that the oil situation continues to be the Inter esting theme under discussion lu his locality, and that no land Is open to location. PATRICK FORD IS CLAIMEDBY DEATH Comrades in Arms Bear Grand Army Veteran and Hero of Civil War To Grave in Washington, D. C. The following account of the death of Patrick Ford, a former resident of Prescott, taken from a Washing ton, D. (. exchange, will be read with regret by many pioneer res. dents. Patrick rord U.Dead The funeral of Scrgt. Patrick Ford, seventy-nine years old, founder of three posts of the Grand Army of the Kepublic, a guard of President Lincoln during the civil war, and one of the prominent veterans in the Soldiers' Home, who died yesterday at the Soldiers' Home, where he had been gatemnn for twenty years, will be held at the Park road gate lodge tomorrow morning at 10' o'clock. In terment will be in the Home Ceme tery. The services will be under the direction of the llcnry Wilson Post, G. A. It., and the pallbearers will be old comrades. His long service gain ed for him the title of "Old War rior." Sergeant Ford's first enlistment was in 18."2, when he went with the Third Fnited States Infantry across the nnds of the old Santa Fc trail to a post In New Mexico, where num erous battles with the Attache In dians were fought. In one of these conflicts he wns seriously wounded; nn another occasion during u forced march his cummnnd had only rice and a few beans for seven days. Re-enlisted for War. Ite-enlistinir in Washington in an other company at the outbreak of the civil war, he was in command of a sound of eighteen men who patrolled the headquarters of Gen. Wlnfield Scott, his command later being de tailed to maintain the strict guard at the front of the White House, chal lenging all visitors to the ground. He was again transferred, nnd with the Army of the Potomac, under Gen erals McDowell, Mc-Clellnn, Hurnsiilc, Pope, nnd Hooker, saw many hard battles. At Antetam he was wound ed again, later being captured nnd sent to the Helle I Me Confederate prison. In a journal which he kept he tells of what he saw In Hello Isle, nnd In Libby prisons, where he nlsn wns incarcerated. After being ex changed he was made a sergennt, nnd saw service until the close of tho war, at which time he was trans ferred to California. From there ho wns sent to Alaska, in 1807, and was one of the command that took fornv al possession of that territory for tho United States. At the Soldiers' Homo it was said he was the ser geant who lowered the llusslnn flair and raised the United States flag at tno rnrcmonies. His family was with him In Alaska, nnd one of his chil dren, born there In 1807. Is said to have been tho first white child born in Alaska under the Americnn flag. organised Three Posts, lleceiving his discharge, he return. ed to the states, and soon thereafter was admitted to the Home, die or ganized a O. A. It. post In Vancou ver, Wash., nnd organized IJarrett post, in Prescott, Ariz. At the Sol dlers' Home ho organized Henry Wilson post, nnd was its commander ninny tonus. Since 1891 ho has been keeper of the Park road gate to the Homo grounds, nnd his figure was a fnmlliar one about the Home und to thousands of visitors. Sergeant Ford met the woman ho nuerwara married, while she was serving as army nurse for the unni. tary commission, nnd he was lying tuu.iui- m a .cw vork hospital. They weo married soon after the close of the civil war. Ttmi.i i.i. widow, Mrs. Aclcitlne Ford, he is sun i yen uy a daughter, Mrs. Knthcr Ino Perkins, of "Washington, and two ons and a daughter la Arizona, Honor la Praacott Mr. Ford wns well known In this city, closliijr his mllitnrv i and stepping out of tie ranks with a record that won for him dlstlnc Hon that docs not ordinarily follow a soldier of his rank. Ho mado Pres. COtt lilt home fnr mnn.. ., , .. , - J curs, anu in that tiino won consideration being elected to the office of coroner and i.uuiie auministrntor for two terms without opposition. DM ing upon him ho went on duty in Washington, nmi it ,.. n ' " ' mere that he again heard the familiar tans tl..t .. .1.-1! ,L , ! ' u,"e mo end. In his early military ii i.. 1 1 ii ... ' " uc highly regarded by hi superiors nnd to lus credit be It said was repestcd. ly offered commissions, but whiei were rejected just as often as th were tendered. He believed hit po was on the firing line, and with i firm determination of purpose otter wavered from that duty. While os the Rio Grande river in New Mexlw under the late General McCook, u the early '50'a Sergeant Ford wis handsomely commended by this gta. oral officer, for valorous actios among the Indiaus, and refused y other recognition than whnt his ooa commissioned rank bore. While itroaj Individually, he wa endowed wiU a gentle personality, and his Ion will be deeply regretted by tho man; who enjoyed tho pleasure of his ae quaintnnce. CANDIDATES FOR SENATE VERY ACTIVE (From Frldayi Dally) llcnry Ashurst, who has btta stumping the northern counties of the territory in a senatorial frame of mind, returned to the city ycsterdiy to seek medical attention for aff. tions of the throat. At Flngttaff oa Labor Day he was to discuis the issues of the day, but his artlculi tion was so badly affected that the duty devolved upon James Hums U read Mr. Ashurst's peroration frora mnniiscript, hence the was a listener to his own logic Instead of being a principnl. dccse M. Ling, another democratis seeker after the toga, will lenvo today for tho south and statei that his first gun for the senate will be fired nt Tcmpe tomorrow night In an open address to tho people. He will then go to other cities and towni nnd expects to be nway for U) weeks, returning to this section finish the canvass nnd await results. KINOMAN JOTNS IN GOOD ROADS MOVEMENT (From Friday Dally) T. (5. Norris, president of tho Art zona Good Rouds usso'cintlon, who re turned yesterday from n professions! trip to Mobnva county and combined road matters with legal business gives nn interesting report of tho popubr ity or tho great movement In the neighboring county. While nt King, man he organized n branch league of his association, which wns received with much enthusiasm, and a large number of leading business men were enrolled. The general nlans out lined for improving tho roads of the territory were heartily endorsed ind cooperatlou was promised In the movement. Kingman Is desirous of bnvlng u rond to Prcscott. and when it is built there will bo many whi win come to enjoy the climate well ns to view the unsurnaisel scenery nlong the territorial high way in uny direction. QUIET WBDDDXO OF POPULAR COUPLE OFrosn TaurWay'a Dally.) Miss Ollvo Woodmansee and Llorl Hanson were united in marriage Tuesday evening in this city at lb nomo or Mr. nnd Mrs. J. X. Rodei urgi -Ir., by Judcc C. II. MeUne. in tho presence of a few relatives and friends. Tho principals arrive! irom rtossti Creek during tho dy, where- tho bridegroom is an electrical engineer of the Arizona Power com pany, and is regarded a one of Its most competent employes, possessing also a splendid reputation at an up right nnd industrious young mnn. The bride is the daughter of Mr nnd Mrs. L. Y. Woodmansee, former residents of this city, and is a iit f Mrs. liodenburg, Sho Is a youn womau who enjoys the esteem of lt nnd Is of charming personality. They are followed by the good wishes of a host of. friends for n happy anl prosperous future. Thetp hnnnvmoon will be spent on tho coast when tbey win return to Fossil Creek to reside- BENCH SHOW AT RMADIKO READTVn i a.i m .min, . . ,( ocjh, nim - entry list larger than ever before the niiniml 1 ... -MMuui iicncii suow of tho Ilcadin Kennnl fli.i. ... mi. .i.- ujiviicu louay. me "" is also snl.l vuHiin t gi cut vi r cty of breeds than were exhibited la previous shows, The judging beg today anil will n.ts.u. the close of the exblbltUa Saturday.