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WEEKLY JOURNAL-MINER, WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 18, 1911 Tke Arizona Journal - Miner Oldest Paper in Arizona. Established March 9, 1864 j Published by THE JOURNAL-MINER PUBLISHING COMPANY Member Associated Press. Published Every Morning Except Monday J. W. MILNES. Editor and Manager TERMS: Daily, per year Daily, per month Weekly, per year Weekly, ilx months Weekly, three months Payable in Oadr the requirements jf the new postal law, subscriptions are payable in AlTinee in order that the paper may be permitted to pass through the mails m teeond-elass matter. Accordingly, subscriptions will be stopped at expiration Entered at Postofrice, Prescott, Editorial LOCAL PATRIOTISM It is singular how many people -would yell themselves hoarse rooting for the home ball team, who would not give a dollar to establish a new industry here, nor would they bother to suggest to friends contemplating a removal that this would be a good town to live in. The intense partisanship manifest ed in any athletic sports In behalf of the home players indicates senti ment of home loyalty. It is unsel fish sentiment, excellent so far as it goes. The men on the bleachers do not get a nickle addition to their wages because the home boys win. Of course in some cases the cheer ing men may have money on the game. Yet our observation is that th& bettor is too worried to cheer. . It is the man who wants the home team to win from simple home loyalty that makes the noise. ,- -" "Why is it that this most commend able sentiment is so abounding under such circumstances, and so lacking where there in still more vital need for its expression? w" j The cities that have grown popul ous, powerful, wealtbv, that have become great centers of industrial life and cherished locations for resi dence, have become so because some small group of men loved the soil of these localities, longed to have them true to high ideals, had faith in their future, had the self sacrifice to keep pulling all the time for business and civic advance. And they had no time or breath to spend in mere criticism. The mainspring of this action is a home patriotism differing only from that of the crowd at the ball game, in having a bigger field for its ex pression. We may not' all of us do big things for this city. Xot all of us can be presidents of boards of trade or land new industries. But if every one of us took every possible occasion to say that this is a mighty good place to live and do business in, a wide spreading circle of home patriotism would be let loose the final reach of which would be incalculable. ONE CENT POSTAGE It has lteen about a year since the Postmaster General told us that we should soon be mailing our sealed letters with one cent stamps. Thanks to the picture-card, the deficit of the Postal department has almost disap peared and the promise has been made that when the receipts for the department equal the expenditures, the new reduction may be made. As a matter of history every re duction of the postal rate has been followed' by a big increase in the total receipts. When the cost of mailing a letter was ten cents, very few letters were posted. Even today we wince at the five cent stamp re quired on foreign mail. . When let ters were three cents each, corres pondence was still a serious matter. The reduction to two cents, operated through the subtle power of sugges tion and caused men to write two letters where they had written one before. It was not the actual saving to much as the lessening of restraint which seemed to make' more letters inevitable. The adoption of the one cent rate will see the largest increase in the volume of postal business ever known and with a readjustment of the Tail road carrying problem, may show a profit in the operation of the de partment. We have come a long way since 3844 when a letter was carried thirty $9-oo .75 2.50 i-5 r.00 Advance. Ariz., as second-class mail matter Comment miles for six cents with an increase according to distance to a maximum of twenty-five cents for four hun dred and fifty miles or more. In 1S45 a new rate was established of five cents for three hundred miles and ten cents for greater distances, with a half-ounce limit. During the civil war the three cent rate for all distances was established for the ben efit of California, and in 1SS3 the two cent letter became universal with a one ounce limit. The total postal receipts of the United States in 177G were much less than those of Prescott for the last vear. .ITALY, TRIPOLI AND TURKEY Italy, fighting Turkey over her colonies in Tripoli, is letting off some dangerous fireworks in the powder magazine of European diplomacy. The Hague court of arbitration was established to create machinery ' for settling precisely such disputes. The representatives of Italian power sign ed the treaties establishing this ma chinery. The laws of all civilized jjapds punish severely the mnn who signs an agreement to- pay $0 in cash, and then backs out of it. But dip lomats violate agreements involving the sacrifice of millions of the peo ple's money and thousands of lives, besides threatening the stability of Europe's fragile balance of power. And no police power above them ex ists that can , punish such breach of faith. Nevertheless, it would be a bless ing to poor, seedy and forsaken Tri poli if Italy or some other Christian nation walked in and took possession. It is a paradise gone to seed. It has been called the Cinderella of Africa, sitting in her dust and ashes and menial clothes, waiting for some Prince to eonle along with the golden slipper of modern science and enter prise. In the time of the Roman empire, it was a country of great fertility, with prodigious shipments of olives, grains, etc. And the golden soil is still there. Turkey, with centuries of misrule, has farmed the country for the bene fit of the Sultan, submerging all in dustry under staggering taxes, until even the wild Mohammedan Arabs might not regret the coming of a Christian power. Under a system of grafting and ab sentee Turkish officials, the land has been reduced to the dull apathy of Egypt before the days of English control. Had the game been played with the weapons of diplomacy in stead of gun play, the powers might well have handed over this dismant led wreck of a nation to the teem ing cononists of Sunny Italy. One advantage of the old political primary and convention system was that, when one man won. tlie otners as a rule voted to make it unanimous. The advantage lay in the fact that when the primary or convention was over it was over. The Xew Jersey primaries have not gone altogether to the satisfaction of Governor Woodrow Wilson. Priamr ies are hard things to manage, the difficulty being that it is impossible to attend many of them at a time. A genealogist says John D. Rocke feller has four kings in his ancestry. He hac; long had four aces in his hand. In order to strengthen his military arm the sultan of Turkey ought to trade his camels for a troop of Mis souri mules. A FAITHFUL SERVANT It is gross folly to think of sending men to Washington who are strangers there. Ralph Cameron is well known at the national capital and has shown that he has sufficient influence to carry his point. When statehood seemed to be a dead issue he came to the rescue and thwarted the machin ations of the demagogues by having the Smith-Flood bill passed which gives us the opportunity to come into the Union. It is a well known fact that he has influence with the real men of affairs and is an honest, cap able representative. Since his incum bency no one has written to Washing ton for aid or information who has not received a prompt response and willing service. Tnerc are manv resi dents of the territory of both parties who are glad to testify that Cameron Has served tuem well, and tbis is something of which no previous dele gate can boast. . THE SWING OF THE PENDULUM California is undergoing the return swing of the political pendulum. For many years that state has been dom inated and pirated by- the interests wheh originally developed it. Owing to the youth and wonderful possi bilities of the Golden State, adven-. tu'rers from all over the world have flocked there. For a long time it wast nothing better than the western frontier but the tide has changed and today the best people in that state are taking the matter in hand and bringing about the needed re forms which will make California one of the most law abiding states in the Union. During the recent Bankers' conven tion here in Prescott, one of the representatives from San Francisco remarked, "it is strange that the fire did not cleanse San Francisco, and that when wc did recover from that disaster we resumed the prac tices which have caused us to be ! jiHtly criticised by the whole coun try. But the recent election in San Francisco is an indication of how we really feel and you may be sure that from this time on there will bn no more of the disgrace which Jins mark ed our city government." And nil California feels about the same. The day has come when' the people of that state refuse to be further disgraced and it is only nat ural that in their Inst state election they should adopt every new thing which they believe might possibly allevinte the existing disgraceful sit-1 uation. They have adopted the initiative, the referendum and the recall; they have adopted them in the hope that they may solve the difficulty of the present crisis because they are will ing to admit that they have reached a stage where a move of any sort will help the existiug conditions. Arizona has never had an opportun ity to be governed by her own sons, our officials heretofore have been political appointees, we are not, like California, trying to rid ourselves of a crowd of enfranchised adventurers who have preyed upon us for many years And when we become a state let us use our best judgment and put the men in power whom we know are substantial and true. Men who be- long to Arizona and who by the very nature of things are compelled to stay here. The peripathetic demagogues and the short sighted candidate who can see no good in anyone but him self are dangerous, be their political complexion what it may. Let us put in office the men who have been tried and not found wanting. California has been driven to emu late the drowning man and clutch at a straw, Arizona has never been re duced to this extreme and if we do ourselves justice at the polls we will never have to rise up and drive the pirates of finance from our midst. It is up to you Mr. Voter, support the man who has worked, not the one who has made the biggest noise. Were Abdul Hamid to return to his native land he would probably remark, "I told you so." Chine appears to be awakening from its lethargy of centuries. Revo lution is spreading throughout the empire. If the suffragettes hare really won out in California, that state will be a poor place , for a modest bachelor to take up his residence. Two Black Hand friends have just received life sentences from a Chicago judge. That is the proper way to stamp out this sort of contemptible crime. A female witness struck at a law yer in a San Francisco court. The lawyer wisely and gentlemanly stood his ground and the belligerent fe male, true to the deadly aim of her sex, landed a savage blow on the cheek of an innocent bystander. NOTHING GAINED BY REGISTRATION A citizen of Globe has made a de mand upon the board of superivsors of Gila county for a complete re registration. The board is divided as to its power to order such a regis tration, and the matter 'is to be laid before Judge Lewis. In some of the counties, avapai among - them, the supervisors have been advised that they cannot now order new registra tions. That would seem to be the case, for, otherwise,.- the provision of the enabling act limiting the suffrage to those qualified to vote at the election of 1908 . would be without effect. Also, we do not see what purpose a new registration would serve if this provision is observed, as it must- be. In the case of a new registration it would be difficult if not impos sible for the election officers and challengers to differentiate -between those who were qualified to vote in 190S and those who were not. While it has been decided that one may transfer his registration from one county to another, and while it has been half decided that one may reg'ister' at any time of the year ex cept within n short period immediate ly preceding any election, the date of his registration -would appear in the supplemental registration, so that if he were not a voter in 190S it would readily be seen that he will not be one on December 12, 1911. But a new registration would wipe all the old dates out. leaving no way of dis tinguishing the J90S voters from the others. bo there seems to be no reason why there should be a new registra - tion at this time, and also, it is clear that no one has anything to gain by availing himself of the privilege con ferred by the election laws of the territory of registering at the office of the county recorder at all times of the year except within the short period immediately before an election, . Booth Tarkington is now separated from his wife. The artistic temper- anient seems, everywhere, to be hard to get along with. Ueports from Phoenix tell of a rat tlesnake found nenr there which has 103 rattles mid is as big around as a man s knee. rositlvely womleriul the startling things which can be raised by some kinds of irrigation. PARADE OF PRIZE S Li PHOEXIX. Ariz., Oct. 14. Based on the number of entries already re ceived by the heads of the various live stock departments of the fair this year's parade of prize winners will be over a mile long. It has been the custom of the Fair commis sioners to put the winners of prizes in the cattle, horse and mule depart ments on parade before the grand stand Friday morning of fair week and there will be the usual parade this year. Old timers will remember when reg istered stock was an unusual sight in Arizona and to this class of Arizona citizens the live stock parade of thoroughbreds is of particular interest in showing the remarkable develop ment of the industry of stock raising. Eastern visitors are astonished at the showing which is made. An au thority on such, who witnessed the live stock parade last year, said it excelled similar exhibits he had seen in the agricultural states of the Mis sissippi valley. If he took that view of last year's showing he would be even better impressed with the show and parade planned for this year. BE Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dougherty are en routo from San Diego to Prescott in their automobile, and were due to arrive in Milley Valley last night at the home of Joseph Dougherty. After leaving San Diego their route was through San Bernardino, Barstow, and then along the Santa Fe Pacific to fvingman and Seligman, from there they followed the old wagon road to this city. They left Daggett last Thursday, and the greatest distance covered in one day since they start ed was 250 miles. Mr. Dougherty returns to this section to remain, and will begin operations on the Turn- baugh mines on the Santa Maria im mediately. Mining location notices for sale at the Journal-Miner office. OVER MILE TURNBEAUGH TO FRASER BOOSTING GOOD SHOWINGS IN COLORADO IN JEROME SPRINGS MINES Malcolm A. Fraser,- secretary of the Chamber of Commerce of Prescott, Arizona, arrived in this city this morning with about two tons of ex hibits for the Dry Farming exposi tion and a full supply of determina tion and enthusiasm which he- expects to use in capturing the 1912 meeting of the Dry Farming congress for his city. Mr. Fraser is accompanied by a live delegation of Arizona boosters who immediately proceeded to make known throughout the city the fact that Arizona is on the map. "We want the next congress," said Mr. Ffaser this morning, "and we' have come prepared to fight for it. "Arizona is not generally known as a dry farming district, yet we have in Yavapai county alone more than 400,000 acres of dry farming land, most of which is undeveloped, and for that very reason we feel that Prescott and the state of .Arizona are entitled to consideration. The holding of the next congress in our state will bring the' outside delegates' into touch with on of- the greatest undeveloped dry farming areas yet remaining in the great west, and- will also stir our own people to a realiza tion of the possibilities which lie at their doors. "I have personally visited every dry farming district in the county since September 1. and I have gath ered exhibits for the exposition which show conclusively what Yavapai coun- I ty can do. I shall be much disap , l'o.'"ted if we do not pull down first !(lrv farm!nr laml 5n the county is I practically all valley land, thus not only getting full benefit from the actual rainfall, but profiting largely also by the drainage from the sur- 1 1 -11. nl. T" T rounding urns, uie -ig aim .Lame chinn valleys alone contain nearly 1 250,000 acres, most of which are well j adapted for dry farming, and the I crops raied there this year were al most uniformlv good." Colorado j Springs Herald-Telegraph, m TO (From Sunday's Daily.) W. Edwards who has returned A. I from Castle Hot Springs, states that , among the new attractions at that 1 popular resort will be the golf links, which will afford guests much de sired recreation. The intention is to open the place on Xovember 15th, ! and with the manv improvements made during the past summer one of the most commodious winter resorts in the country is assured. Mr. Ed wards also stated yesterday that he had received advices from Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Lipincott, of Philadelphia, to reserve for them their old quar ters. This is especially interesting to the management for this will be the thirteenth consecutive winter these prominent people have been guests at that place. Mr. Lipincott is a large woolen manufacturer in the east, and as he aptly states had it not been for the beneficial results to his health these springs have effected he would not be the first to arrive and the last to leave. Mr. Lipincott en- joys the wild and rugged country ad-' a . - il. j r . ? I sible that he may decide to remain even during the greater part of the summer. Reservations for the tea son, Mr. Edwards states, are greater than in any former year. E T "For ways that are dark and tricks thtft are vain the wily Chinese are peculiar," was aptly illustrated in this city some time ago when Jim Lee, an unctuous Oriental resident secured an even $400 from the Pres cott Xational Bank in a neat and slevcr manner that was not detected until he had left the country. Know ing that he had no account with the bank, but realizing that another Chink who bore the name of Jim Lee did have, the bogus cheek was cashed and with the money, Lee left imme diately for San Francisco. He was arrested late last week, and in a few days will be brought to this city to have his hearing. Sheriff Smith is en route to Sacramento with repo sition papers on the governor of Cal ifornia, which were issued by Gov ernor Sloan. The accused Chinaman is said to bear an unsavory name in this city among his countrymen and is alleged to be a professional gamb ler, lie is also known as a disturbor, and during many tong agitations figured prominently as the represent ative of one of the belligerent tongs. mm NEARLY READY OPEN N 11 FRANCISCO . (From Tuesdays Dallv) Fliattering reports come from the A. and A. this week, and from the formation encountered it looks as if ore will be exposed at any shift. The -shaft is down 1005 feet and in a for mation of white talc and ledge mat ter which shows every indication of ore near at hand. General Manager Leeper is . alated over, the present showings and it is hoped he will soon realize his great ambition. He has done good work and made great pro gress with this property and merited the success the property may even tually bring him. Prof. Clapp, the expert, was here last wek, but, ow ing to the illness of the editor, it is impossible for us to publish his in terview with this noted expert. We learn, however, that every indication he had looked for not only became a factj but improved as depth was at tained; also, that from the present indications, ore. was near at hand. At the Hull Copper company's, property the work, under Foreman Pender, is being prosecuted vigorous ly and the connection from the Dil lon tunnel to the 18SS will be made in a few days. In reviewing the work of the-past year, President Hull reports that there has been drifting' north on the Eureka lode, 40 feet from the 1500 drift in a heavy for mation carrying iron through the seams: alsi a crosscut in the 1600 foot drift, 40 feet in length, which shows seams of sulphide, coming and going. Over 410 feet has been run on the 188S lode, .which joins the Eu reka adn Wade Hampton claims of the United Verde Copper company, and high grade copper sulphide, car rying Rold, silver and copper has been encountered. The winz is now down 65 feet, showing quartz, and the sulphide encountered at the top of the winze pitches to the south. A raise was also run 63 feet to get air 30S feet south of the 1888 shaft and drift. The 1SSS lode has shown quartb and sulphides for over 400 feet, and the United Verde Copper company is working from their new shaft, which is estimated to be ap- 1 proximately 35 feet from the lSSS" ' lode. Jerome Mining News. I CORN CROP HEAVY I (From Sundays Daily.) Louis McXary, who is in the city , from Walnut Grove, states that more placer miners are at work in that valley and along Oak Creek, than in many years and some locations in the' latter section are giving excellent re sults. He 'also states that the fruit and corn crop thisyear is heavier than in any preceding season, and the country generally is prosperous. PUBLIC RECORDS Instruments Filed as Reported by Thw Prescott Title Co. Oct. 9, 1911'. Chas. R. Walker locates 2 mines-, Verde district. D. J. Sullivan to The United Gold Mines Co. M. deed. Boston and Annex mines, Martinet district. United States to John J. Buckman Patent. of XE, E1 of XWJ4, Sec. 15, 13 y., 6 W. United States to John J. Buckman Patent. SE of SW, SW of S&A, Sec. 10, X of NE, Sec. 15, 13 X., 6 W. Mrs. Ella Tracy (nee Buckman) to Mrs. Sarah Buckman W. deed. NVj of XEi,4, See. 15, SW& of SE, Sec. 10, 13 X., 6 W, Toi,n t Wp1, ells appropriates waters of Agua Fria river. Phil. Dwyer to John J. Dwyer M. deed. Harriman mine, Humbug dist rict. . October 10, 1911 Wm. Grady et al locate 2 oil claims Verde Valley district. Geo. W. Hance and wife to Joseph C. Crane W. deed. Lot at Camp Verde. 1 M. Pachan locates 2 mines, White ' Picacho district. j October 11, 1911. B. G. Pccka'and wife to G. A. Sad- t ler W. deed. X,6 of lot 94 in Idyl- wild Tract, Prescott. G. A. Sadler to Joe Cavanaugh W. deed. Same property. Fred Plumb locates Derelict mine. Humbug district. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at Phoenix, Ariz., October 10, 1911. Xotice is hereby given that Josiah L. Murdock, of Camp Verde, Ariz.r who. on October 8, 1910. made Home stead entry, Xo. 012320, for Lot 3, Sec. 5, T. 13 X. R, 5 E., and on Aug. 2S, 1911', made additional homestead entry 015227 for Lot 7 and WUSEtf, Section 32, Township 14 X., Range' 5 E., G. & S. R. Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final five year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before J. M. W. Moore, U. S. Commsr., at Prescott, Ariz., on the 20th day of Xovember, 1911. Claimant names as witnesses; Joseph Sullivan, James H. Wingfield, John Thomas Logan; George, vt. Hance, all of Camp Verde, Ariz. FRA-NK . .TAKKJiK, Register. (W) First pub. Oct. 18, 1911.