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WEEKLY JOURNAL-MINER, WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 18, 1911 7 X. X i mi News i X M"k X i ....III Dl ICI I Business Trip. F. C. Whisman left yesterday for Northern Arizona for a few days on business. Visiting Friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Bethune, Jr., and son arrived from Humboldt yes terday to visit with friends for sev eral days. Visiting Friends. E. C. Fuller, agent of the A. & C. railroad at VicksbuTg, arrived in the ciay yesterday for a few days' visit ijith friends. Business Trip. E. E. Hill, of Hill Bros., cement and general contractors, arrived from Jerome yesterday where his firm is busily engaged. Pioneer "Woman Leaves. Mrs. James Guild, an estimable pioneer resident of this city, left yes terday for Los Angeles, where she contemplates residing. Seeks Change. Mrs. William Johnson, who has been spending the summer in this city for the benefit of her health, left yesterday for Tucson for the winter. Mining Visitor. E. L. Gibson, interested in mines in the Martinez district, arrived in the city yesterday from Octave, which he. reports very active at several points in gold mining. Ketnrns From East. Mrs, W. E. Paul, wife of Conductor Paul, of the 5. F. P. & P. railway, returned yesterday from Logansport, Ind.. her former home after several weeks of a visit with relatives and friends. Viscited Old Home. John Barent returned yesterday from Clinton, Iowa, after a two months' visit with his mother and other rela tives, whom he had not seen in many year. He states that this country is far more attractive. Onting on Coast. H. G. Fox. messenger of Y. F. & Co ou the Bradshaw Mountain rail road, returned yesterday from a month's visit with relatives and friends in San Francisco and other eoast cities and will resume his duties tomorrow. Arrives From South. Mother Paul, head of the SisteT of Mercy of Arizona and Xew Mexico arr'ved from the outh yesterday on one of her periodical visits of in spection of the academies and hos pitals of the order. She will remain here a few days. Tourists Eesume Journey. Mr. and Mrs. M. Xewfield, after a brief -sojourn in the city as guests of Mr. and Mrs. X. Levy and Mr. D. Levy, resumed their 'journey yes- leroay to j.oqi, .a... xae.r a.r a six months' trip tbroad. Mr. May- . i . i - . 1 - . 1 . I fjeld is an uncle ot Mrs. D. Levy. Brief Visit. I Governor R. E. Sloan arrived from! Phoenix vestcrdav to welcome to Ari zona Secretary of War Henry L. Stirason and Chief of Staff Leonard Wood, who are due to arrive in Pres cott this morning from Camp Apache. Governor Sloan states that Mrs. Sloan and family will leave today for Phoe nix for their winter residence. Establishes Offices. Scott Mitchell, vice-president and fecretary of the L. J. Smith Construc tion company, having the contract for building the new railroad from Cedar Glade to the Verde valley, left yes terday for Denver on business for a few days. He states his company has established offiees in the Prescott Xational Bank building, while a pri vate office will be maintained at the Hotel St. Michael. Made Long Trip. G. L. Moselle, financial representa tive of the Arizona Life Insurance company, returned yesterday from ' several weeKs or a uusiness trip to . northern Arizona. He will remain in j the city to look after the interests of his company, establishing permanent offices. Several hundred mile were . '"f "eaed with the city, its mod negotiated in his auto, and the long 1 ern hnilding and scenic snrronnd journev was a profitable one for the j c- wIlile t,,e ate, he tales, is Snfor,,! W,l f ih ..n.,n,rv thp K experienced. I 17a icnc r-rt1 Aftm aI 1 min 4 -i C a A a i 'From Saturday's Daily) his return. Business Trip. Another Aspirant Visits. , Judge Ed. Sheivley was an arrival Among the manv aspirants for po!i-!froi Fork yesterday on business tical honors to visit this citv during , 5,0,1 Pre for a few days, the past month, that of B. F. Thum. Ju?B Venison in City. , ! Judge s. K Denison. ot Jerome, of Safford, Arizona, was announced ; republican candidate for state sen yesterday by several friend. He i a I ator. arrived in the city yesterday candidate on the democratic ticket jon busine-s. for state auditor, and will remain in ! Returns From Coast, this section for a few davs on his . Mrs. H. Wm. Stevens, who has been . visiting with relatives and friends in canvass lor the nomination. His op-1 ;.in Francisco, for several weeks, re ponent is J. C. Callahan, of Bisbee. , turned vesterday. This is Mr. Thnm's first vis t o Farming Visitor. Prescott k and he is agreeably siir- I w w- Bosley. farmer of Thompson prised to see such a modern tailt "H' 5in the 7""7 on 1 , i business. He reports good crops and and np to date mountain nty. JtL. vallev pr0snerou. " From the Mint. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. McCullongh, the former the superintendent of the Mint Gold Mining company of Copper Basin district, which has recently resumed, arrived in the city yester day and are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Archambeau for a few days. Mr. McCullough will leave today for Humboldt an business for his company, and states that the .camp is being rapidly adjusted to the new condi tions and that a large amount of miscellaneous work is being per formed. Pioneer Woman Ee turns. After an absence of many years, Mrs. May E. Ross, sister of Sam and Ed. Boblett, returned yesterday from Council Grove, Kansas, and will make her home here. She expressed her self as very much delighted over re turning and expects her husband to join her in a few days. The trip was started overland but on account of inclement weather, the journey was finished on the train and the outfit placed aboard cars in Xew Mexico Mrs. Boss has many friends to xrcl eome her to the old home. '(From Friday's Daily) Visiting Friends. Mr. and Mrs. K. H. See of Cherry Creek, are in the city for a few days visiting with friends. Visited Old Home. V. J. Berry, Lynx Creek miner, after several weeks in Philadelphia, visiting with relatives at his old home, returned yesterday. Business Visit. Mrs. J. Paul, the popular hostess of the Jerome Junction hotel, is in the city on a brief social and business visit and is a guest at the Hotel St. Michael. Development Continues. John Lawler returned yesterday from the Hillside mine in Eureka district, reporting leasers as continu ing work with satisfactory results. An immense tonnage has been taken out, which later will be shipped. Leaves for Home. Mr. Alia Love, after a two months vieit with Deputy Sheriff and Mrs. C. C. Tveeler, the latter' her sister, left yesterday for her home in Xew Orleans, La. She regretted to leave and it is probable she will return to reside. Fopular Traveler. "Jack" Shea, well and popularly known throughout the territory as a commercial traveler, is in the city on business, and stated yesterday that he was desirous of helping the new state along with a vote but his nomadic habits prevent him from ex ercising that privilege. Inspecting Interests. V. H. Cabot, president of the Old Arastra Mining company, operating the Xew York group of mines near Alto, of this city, arrived from Bos ton early in the week. He is an oe--a;ionaJ vi-itor, and will remain in definitely, leaving for his camp yes terday. The first carload of ore was hipped to Humboldt AVednesday. Passes Through. James Douglas son of Dr. James Donglas of Bisbee, passed through the city yesterday from the east en Tonte to the southern part of the territory. He was formerly a resident of this citv and still retains interests Jn min beJn one of the stockhola ere jn ne Commercial Mining com pany. operating succefully in Cop- per Bnnn. After Mine Supplies. Peter P. Mcintosh, mine operator of the Castle Creek section, arrived from hi5 camp yesterday after a Ftoek of supplies for the winter and will return today. He is pleased over the territorial highway passing to within a few miles of his camp, laek of transportation being one of the disagreeable conditions affecting that promising gold belt. Condition TSot "Serious. Letter received yesterday from A. J. Herndon at Los Angeles, are more hopeful for the recovery of his wife who. Monday, was reported to be very ill in that city. Mrs. Herndon 's affliction is a nervous one, and while she is very weak no immediate dan ger is anticipated. Mr. Herndon state that he will remain away until the firt of the month. Pleased Visitor. V. If. Lomax, of Alameda, Cal., arrived in the city yesterday and will remain for a few daj to visit with Mr. and Mrs. "Jack""' Jones, the lat ter hi daughter. Mr. Lomax is en rollte t0 Seiai;a Mo- hIs old honiej to make hi first visit in nearlv forty years, where two sisters still reside at the old homestead. He is Mining Operator Here. Chas. K. Crosby, operating mines on the Santa Maria, near Hillside station, was an arrival from his camp yesterday on business. Returns From Coast. The many friends in the city of Mrs. Arthur W. Robinson will be pleased to learn that she has returned from San Diego, and is very much improved in health. Returns From Coast. Mrs. R. 31. Jack, mother of Mrs. E. H. Meek, returned yesterday from Puenta, Cal., and was accompanied by her grandson, who is ill, and who was brought to this city for a change of climate. Visiting Friends. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller are in the city for a few days from the Santa Maria visiting with relatives and friends. Mr. Miller reports the range in fine condition and a pros perous season assured. Returns Home. Mrs. Ed. Blake, daughter of T. W. Otis, after an extended visit with relatives and friends at her old home, returned to Santa Ana, Cal., yesterday- to join her husband, who is en gaged in business there. Many friends were at the depot to bid her farewell. Brief Business Visit. D. J. Sullivan, president and gen eral manager of the United Gold Mines company, returned to his camp at Congress yesterday after a brief business visit and gives the usual good repoit of mill and mine opera tions. Good Mine Showing. Al Vroom was in the city vester- day from his Tom Kimbo mine on the summit of the Sierra Prietas, near Copper Basin, and reports a good showing from recent develop ment. He has increased the force and is rushing wqrk in the main shaft. Pleased Visitor. Dr. W. R. Byars, 0f San Diego, who has been the guest for the past two weeks of Mr. and- Mrs. V. B. Creekmur and family, returned yes terday to his home. He is agreeably impressed with the city and climate and says he will be a frequent vis itor. Returns to Resort. Mrs. Florence Steadmau, who will again manage the Castle Hot Springs this season, after a summer vacation, left Wednesday to assume charge of this popular resort, which will be opened early next month. Passes Through. II. G. Geisendorfer, superintendent of the Bagdad Copper Mining com pany, passed through the city yester day, en route to his camp on Copper creek. It is reported that resumption has been decided upon and he is here to make arrangements for that purpose. Favors the Resort. Mrs. T. B. Griffith, after a few days visiting at her home in Phoenix with relatives and friends, returned yesterday to Pine Crest, where she has been the guest of Mrs. J. B. Girand during the summer. She is very favorably impressed with this section and particularly with the ideal rcort. Pioneer Visitor. Geo. W. Hutchinson, for many venr n rasirianf nf ihi pastern nnrt oi ine county, was a ousiness visitor to the city yesterday. He is a large raiser of fine blooded horses, and this is the first trip away from his home in over ten years. This sturdy Hassayamper was given a cordial welcome by many acquaintances. Mine Operator Here. Rex Dunlap, who was one of the promoters of the sale of the famous Kay mines in Pinal county, and at present identified with the Yarnell group 'near Stanton, arrived from the latter camp in his automobile yester day, and will return toda3 He was accompanied by Thomas Sparks, Jr., who returns with him. T. J. Sparks, Sr., is at the mines, arriving a few days ago from Phoenix. Senator Clark Coming. LeRoy Anderson left yesterday for Winslow, where he expects to be joined by Former Senator Clark, of Montana, who is coming to Jerome to make his usual examination of the United Verde interests. He will re main for two weeks owing to im portant matters that are to be con sidered in view of the change in the location of the smelter and the build ing of the new railroad from Cedar Glade. Senator , Clark will probably make this city a brief visit before returning east. FORMER RESIDENT ACCIDENTALLY HILLED (From Thursday's Daily) Word was received yesterday from Great Falls, Montana, that S. E. Shaffroth, formerly a resident of this county and a, hoisting and mechanical engineer, was accidentally killed in a concentrating mill at that place, when he was caught in the belting of the eu gine he was running. He stooped to pick up. his knife that fell to , the floor and it is believed when his head was inclined he had a sudden attack of vertigo. His body was frightfully mangled, his neck, both hands and legs being broken. He leaves an aged mother in Minneapolis, where the body will be buried. Mr. Shaf froth was very popular. He was ;so years old. With his brother, hi left this county seven years ago. CHARGES BRIBERY . KAXSAS CITY. Oct. 12. An affi davit signed by Dr. B. Clark Hvde. charging that Deputy County Marshal Harry C. Hoffman told him that for $1500 he could secure disagreement on the first Swope trial, and for $300 could secure an acquital, was filed in the court at the hearing of Hyde's application for elisors. CATTLE HETlPRESIDENT TAFTiMACHINERY FOR IS STEADY TO ! HAS VALUABLE VENEZIA IS II KAXSAS CITY, Oct. 9. Last week was the banner week of the season in cattle receipts here, S3,000 head, including 10,000 calves, but the pres ent week promises to eclipse it. The run today is 31,000 head, including 2000 Show cattle to be exhibited at the Royal. Prices eased off a little last week after the early- session on Wednesday, and good beef steers came in for as much loss as anything, lo to 25 cents. Enough buyers from the country came in to hold stockers and feeders nearly steady, and but cher grades lost only a shade. The general market is steady to weak to day, some sales 10 lower. Bulk of the supply today is from distant ranges. Seventy-five cars of Old Mexico steers are on sale, mostly direct from the republic, some fiom Kansas. They sell at $3.S0 to $4.3.";. Old Mexicos from eastern Colorado sold at $4.1.. Panhandle two-year-olds of good breeding sold at $5.25 today, to feeder buyers. A shipment of Akard feeders ,from Montrose. Colo., sold todav at $0.10 and $4.7.1. ,. .... ,. .. , . Top natives are still el.g.ble in the S figure, but only a few cattle get up to $7.50, bulk of the fed steers stop at $7, top native grassers .$7.10. j 4 bulk $o..0 to $6..0. Quarantine re ceipts are Heavier man a ween or two ago, but a good many will be carried on to feed, and runs from that source are not threatening. ! Steers sell at 4 to $4.,.i, a few up to $5.25, which is the top today. Pau- handle cows bring $3.50 to 4.30, and are coming freelv. Calves are 50 1 , ., ' , cents lower than a week ago, top! veals $7.25, heavv calves around $5. The expected shortage in cattle next spring is apt to bo discounted by an extra number of cattle being carried over this fall, a practice that ii more or less general. , Sheep and lambs were uneven last j week, but in the end were not ehang-1 ed any to mention. The run is 1S.O00 ! todav. market steadv. Top lambs brought $0.15 today, from Utah. Ari - zonas at $5.S5, feeding yearlings sell at $4 to $4.40. Dealers do not ex- pect much change in prices for the next week or two. REFUSES TO SELL SKELETON OF GIANT (IFrom Friday's Daily.) Peter Marx, of Walnut Creek, dis- eoverer of the skeleton of a prchis- torie human giant on his farm several weeks ago. while in the city yester- dav stated that the curiosity is at-,aI1 tracting snch deep interest in scien tific circles that he is almost de luged with letters, and during the past two weeks has been visited by Mr. and Mrs. Shoup, the former an attache of the Smithsonian Institute at Washington, who made the long journey especially for the purpose of viewing the frame of the giant of other days. Mr. Shoup was provided with photographic instruments and took several pictures of the freak. He also desired to take it to Washing ton, but this request was held up by Mr. Marx until later, and after he ascertains whether Arizona desires it for it probable state museum. In that event, it will be donated, Mr. Marx stating that as the snbject was found in the territory, it should be kept here. Mr. Shoup was very much interested in those portions of the human frame that were intact, par ticularly the skull which indicated that the giant was of such abnormal size as to be beyond comprehension as that of a human being. Mr. Marx has uncovered another Aztec burying ground near the point where the skeleton was found, but all skeletons dug up arc normal in size and attract but little attention, only a small number being found. An old irrigat ing ditch has also been partly un covered, and it is Mr. Shoup 's belief that the place was intelligently cul tivated in some past age by an in dustrious people. Mr. Marx has un covered many implements, some of which are unique in construction, and for what purposes they were utilized, is problematical. NOMINATIONS ACCEPTED (From Wednesday's Daily.) At a special meeting of the board of supervisors yesterday, all nomina tion petitions filed for the primary election to be held on October 24th were examined as to form and siyna tures and ordered placed upon their respective party ballots. The date for filing nominations closed n Mon day, according to the primary election law passed at the last session of rhej legislature. If your job ia "shaky" a Journal Miner liner will get you another one I SPOKAXE, Wash., Oct. 13. Presi dent Taft has among the souvenirs of his western trip a cane cut from a stump, which scientists declare was a tree before the glacial period. The wood was found in the valley of the south fork of the Old Man river in the southern part of the province of Alberta by Prof. W. S. Foster, a geo logist and explorer, living in Spo kane. The cane, which is valued at iSMOO, was presented by Edwin T. Coman, president of the chamber of commerce, on behalf of the people of Spokane. "The stump, which stood in a peat bed, was found beneath 00 feet of glacial wash," said Prof. Foster, giv ing a history of the discovery, "and preserved to the present day by one of the wonderful freaks of nature. The peat, from which the stump was faken, is on a sandstone formation and is about three feet in thickness. Seaweeds and flag-stocks found near by also were well preserved. "This peat bed was uncovered by the wearing away of the glacial wash by floods and the flow of the Old Man river. There is not the least question iu my mind that the tree grew before the glacial period, more , than 2.10,000 years ago, but so far I have not be"n a,,,e to ascertain the kind of wood it is. ( Th(, ,liM0n. wag ma(Je not ,onc ac0 ; the Frank district, which is 250 miles north of Spokane and fully -juo miles east ot tne faciiic ocean. The presence of well preserved sea- weed and flag-stock in abundance. ,)nri()( ,jer ,;o fept of ja(ia (le. ; posit, appears to be sufficient proof , of it antiquity, though I have much , "th" evidence of scientific character jrore tIian t!lat j am T,reared to satisfy auy one jKisted ou such things by showing them the stump f rom nhieh th, wooJ also the formation in which the discoverv as latie." , I DEVELOPMENT OF MONTEZUMA TO BE RESUMES (iFrom Thursday' Daily.) ! Arriving yesterday from Colorado I Springs, Colo., after several weeks ! of an absence, perfecting arrange- j ments for the beginning of operations! l on the mines of the Montezuma Min - ! ing ami Milling eompany, near Crown ; King. J. P. Waldron, president of the corporation, stated that the work of . , getting the camp in readiness fcr large development, will be inaugurat ed immediately. During the next few weeks preparatory work will be outlined, and later a definite line of mine development will be prosecuted. , Mr. Waldron returns with more faith j in the outcome of the undertaking than ever, and so enthusiastic is he over the possibilities of the group that 'luring his trip he disposed of IlK there and will make this section his permanent home. He acquired the property less than a year ago, the nucleus of the group being what is known as the old Towers mine. The original locations have been added to, and several hun dred dollars ontlayed on each claim in practical work and prospecting, all terminating in demonstrating attrac tive properties. He will leave today for his camp, accompanied by his brotherinlaw, Phillip, Xohe, of Allianee, Xeb., and Robert Oregon, of Bethel, Ohio. BEGINS SHIPPING ORE (From Thursday's Dally.) The Xew York mines, situated five miles west of this city, and near Alto on the S. F. P. & P. railroad, will begin shipping ore to Humboldt today, one car being ou the side track. W. F. Burns, general man ager, who left for the camp yesterday, stated that work is going on and reg ular shipments will be maintained. He is mneh pleased over the showing. CORBIN & B0RK Druggists SEND YOUR DRUG SUPPLIES BY MAIL OR EXPRESS, PROMPTLY Send Us Your Mail Orders! ?. 0, Box 166 4 (From Saturday's Daily) L. Tomlinson, superintendent of Vcnezia Gold mines in Crook E. the Canyon, while in the city yesterday stated that machinery for the new cyanide plant is en route from Cali fornia and Utah, and will begin to arrive before the first of the month. It will be instalted immediately, the fonndations being laid and a large tonnage of ore ready for treatment. In the past few months a system of thorough exploitation has been con ducted on the group at five different points resulting in a satisfactory pro duction. The main work has been centered on the Mineral Springs elaim, where a tunnel is being run, and which has reached a distance of 420 feet. It is projected for 2700 feet and when that point is reached, it will cut the vein G35 feet deep. In addition it will be the main work ing base for future operations. Mr. Tomlinson states that the immense tonnage extracted and ready for treatment gives an average value of $10 a ton in gold without assorting; and taken as it was mined at differ ent points from the surface to the deepest parts of the group. J. B. Tomlinson, president of tho company, will arrive from the east in a few days to remain indefinitely during the installing and running of the plant. TO GREET PRESIDENT TAFT I From Friday's Dally) Governor R. E. Sloan, F. M. Mur phy and R. X. Fredericks left yester day morning by special train over the F. P. 4: P. for Ash Fork en route to San Francisco to participate in the ceremonies of welcoming President Taft who is due to arrive there this afternoon. These Arizonans have been invited to attend the banquet to the president and to be present at the breaking of ground for tho Panama exposition for 1913. j rJTLVER XEW YORK, Oct. 13. Silver 5Z. Mexicans unchanged, :r: f4EI) Ffc' S 1 A llsl118 J GOOD ADVICE The Results Made This Newburg Lady Glad She Followed Suggestion. Newburg, Ala. "For more than year," writes Myrtle Cothrum, of this place, "I suffered with terrible pains v4 my back and head. I had a sallow complexion, and my face was covered with pimples. Our family doctor onlx gave me temporary relief. . A friend of mine advised me to try Cardui, so I began taking it, at once, and with the best results, for I was cured after taking two bottles. My mother and my aunt have also used. Cardui and were greatly benefited. I shall always praise Cardui to sick and suffering women." Cardui is a purely vegetable, per fectly harmless, tonic remedy for wo men, and will benefit young and old. Its ingredients arc mild herbs, hav ing a gentle, tonic effect, on the wo manly constitution. Cardui has helped a ralllloa women back to hearth and strength. .Have you tried it? If not, pleas do. It may be just what you need. K B. Write to: Ladies' Advisory Dept.. QutU poca Medicine Co.. Chattanooga. Term., for Special inttructiont. and 64-pjEC book. Home TreaUMal m Weoen'.Mnt In plain wrapper, oo request. WAIT FOR US Dearer Cob. Phoenix!, Ark The Swigert Brbs Optical Co UUZ0S18 gTtniqf CPTJOAJ3 trm4 XicMMtr tU rutin uJ Uju&fjtttvrlic tt 'QMm& SEND US YOUR bftORCN LENSES TO aC WCMIRtD CHI DUPLICATED NEXT TRIP OW Prescott, Arir