ROOM VNIVFRSITY RFP'N ROOM , Stay Cowboy! Let 'er Buck, Prescott Frontier Days, July 2-5, 1921 4" it PIQNEERKAPER OF ARIZONA PRESCOTT JOURNAL-MINER, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 22, 1921 FIFTY-EIGHTH YEAR 9 41 Cottonwood-Sedona Contract First Under M eio LOCI H IS Nil on ERDE SIET1 The first road contract to be let under the first road bond issue Yavapai county has ever passed, was let at a session ot tne nignway com- mission yesterday afternoon to the Prescott Construction Engineering company, a local firm. The contract covers the 20-mile road project between Cottonwood and Sedona. At the same time, all bids for the Ash Fork-Del Rio road, called for simultaneously with those for the Cottonwood-Sedona work, were re jected by the commission. Letting of the contract to the Prescott Construction ' Engineering company war. due, it was understood, j to the fact the bid of this concern ! was not only low, but the only com nlete one for the work, and was re- garded as an answer to the recent . i speculation as to the possibility ot;t )C expedited as-emergency legisla te work being let to outside con-jt;on there was much speculation as tractors as a result of the employ- to wnether the Volstead or Willis ment of a Los Angeles firm as con- 'measure could be put through first. suiting engineers, it wasunuersiooa that the first project does not come under the purview of the consultants at this time, as the call for bids and their submission antedated the en gagement of the advisors by the highway commission. Work on the Cottonwood-Sedona project will start within 10 days after the signing of the contract, ac cording to Chris Totten, one of the four local men in the Prescott Con struction Engineering company. "We have every hope of being able to complete our job in three months," Totten told the Journal-Miner last evening. The project covers about 20 miles. The road will start a mile outside the town limits of Cottonwood and go to the county line, about a mile this 'side of Sedona. The work in volves excavating for the grade, sur facing and installation of corrugated iron culverts of the type used by the Santa Fe railroad. There will probably be two concrete aprons to carry the road through smaller washes. Owing to the completeness of the bid, it is understood, there will be very little of the work on the pro ject to be done by force account. "We know of none," Totten said anent this feature. Thirty or 40 men and 40 to SO teams will be employed on the road, Totten said. Men, teams and equip ment have already been prepared to go right to work. The bid of the P. C. E. company specified a time limit of eight months for the com pletion of ihe work, but it is ex pected the road can be completed in much less time. The company is composed o A. B. Peach, Chris Tot ten, O. M. Wold and Paul Lodge. No total price could be made pub lic on the work, it was stated by the engineer, H. L. Fishel, as the bids are called for on the basis of unit quantities. He thought the entire job might amount to about $90,000. It was indicated in other quarters about the commission that the con tract would be worth between $75,000 and $80,000 to the contractors for the excavation, grading and surfacing. WEATHER (Associated Press Night Wire) DENVER, June 20. Tuesday and Wednesday Fair; not much change in temperature. COTTON MARKET (Associated Press Night Wire) NEW YORK, June 20. Cotton closed steady at a net decline of SO to 58 points. 8 HOUSES MCE ONE ANOTHER TO PASS OUSE ONE MINDED (Associated Press Night Wire) WASHINGTON, D. C. June 20. The senate started a race with the house today to outlaw medical beer. Just after the house rule commit tee had ended a long hearing on a proposal to give the Volstead anti beer and general prohibition tighten ing up measure right of way, Sena tor Willis, republican, of Ohio, in troduced a special beer bill contain ing the beer and other uncontrovert- ed sections of the Vdlstead bill with the hope of having it passed before the prohibition commissioner pro mulgates the new medical beer rec ommendation. In view of statements By prohibition leaders before the house committee that they were un willing to redraft ' the Volstead sun- piemental bill and their request that No fr;ends have appeared in the house for beer as a medicine and Chairman Campbell of the rules com mittee expressed what was regarded as the general view by declaring a hill to prevent its sale on a doctor's prescription probably would be passed unanimously. The committee will decide later whether the Vol stead bill or any part of it shall he given top place on the house calen dir. ORDERED FOR 400 (Associated Press Night Wire) WASHINGTON, June 20. Approval of seven hospital pro jects involving an expenditure of $3,010,000 as recommended by the board of consultants on hospitalization for the treatment 'j of former soldiers was- an nounced today by Secretary Mellon of the treasury depart ment. The recommendations include previsions for the expenditure of $850,000 at the . United States Public Health Service hospital No. 55, Fort Bayard, N. M., for the construction of a permanent hospital unit of 250 beds and the improvement of existing facilities. At Whipple Barracks, Pres cott, Ariz., expenditure, of $600, 000 was approved for enlarging the present hospital by 400 beds for tuberculosis patients. ,IS (Associated Press Night Wire) WAUKEGAN, 111., June 20 H. C. Remier, a pedestrian, was arrested and fined $7.40 today because he started to -cross the street and bump ed into an automobile. He was ar raigned in police court after his in jured head was bandaged. The charge was "bumping into an auto mobile." METAL MARKET NEW YORK, June 20 Bar silver: Foreign, 59jc; domestic, 9c. Cop per:- Quiet. Si To the Editor of the Journal Miner. Sir: We have observed with regret some criticism on account of the appointment', of' Olmsted & Gillelen by the Yavapai coun ty highway commission as con culting engineers, the undersign ed members concurring. In view of the policy of 3-our good paper as being in favor of good roads, while wc do not in tend to enter into any contro versy or argument,- we believe the taxpayers who may have been misinformed are entitled to the facts in the case. As members of the highway commission we are entrusted with the expenditure of $ljS00, 000" of public funds for the con struction of roads in accordance with the bond issue. We Con sider that we have a solemn duty to perform in securing the best possible results for the money expended. In view of thij pol icy we decided Jhat the Yavapai county roads " would be, con structed on an efficient business basis with no consideration "for political patronage or favoritism of any nature whatsoever. WANT EFFICIENCY AND HAVE FOUND IT It is our contention that the members of the highway com mission have neither the exper ience nor the time to give to the work the attention 'that efficient results demand. We further con tend that no other man in Yava pai county has the engineering, executive or business training to give the county the results to which it is entitled unless he has had many years of practical ex perience in this particular line of work. We believe that the road work requires the combination of an engineer and a business executive and after investigating the standing of the firm of Olmsted & Gillelen we believe that we have secured the serv ices of such a combination. We believe that we have en gineers who are most efficient and well qualified to direct their duties, but if they were employ ed by a railroad company, pow er company, reclamation com pany or any other corporation, the3r would be under the direc- -f- (Associated Press Night Wire) NEW YORK, June 20. When the Olympic on which Rear Ad miral William S. Sims is return ing by order of Secretary Denby, docks Wednesday it will be at a bare pier. Officials of the line decided today after a conference with port officials to exclude the ENBY MAKES NOP OFF LINER; III (Associated Press Night Wire) WASHINGTON, D. C, June 20. Secretary Denby today said Rear Admiral Sims on reaching New York Wednesday would land when the liner docked and that the navy had no intention of sending a vessel to take him off at quarantine or at sea. Referring to reports from New tion of a trained executive with engineering experience. This poliqy, which, is essential in cor porations, is unfortunately not customary in public work and is no doubt responsible in many cases for the gross' inefficiency and extravagance of public ex penditures. The services of a consulting engineer on road work might be likened to the employment of an" architect on a building structure or to a specialist on any other job and this policy is customary with up-to-date and 'successful corporations and individuals. We were satisfied after inves tigating the standing of the firm of Olmsted & Gillelen that they were able to handle the work and carry it to completion with the greatest possible results, as they come to us highly recom mended by large business con cerns in California and Arizona as upright and honorable men and as high-class engineers and business executives. SPECIFIED FEE IS NOT, AN 'EXCESSIVE' ONE -After thorough consideration of the fee of 4 per cent, or $60, 000, wc were satisfied that if the commission employed people to do the work which will be taken carc of - it! the office of Olmsted & Gillelen and purchase supplies which will bej- furnished by them, that it would cost the commission approximately the amount of this fee and we be lieve that their experience in this particular line of work will be of infinitely .greater worth than an organization built up of people who have only a meager knowledge of this work.. We have given this subject much thought and have secured the favorable opinions and ap proval of the largest taxpayers in the county to our plans. Possibly we have taken our task too seriously. It would have required less courage to have permitted matters to drift along as is usual in such work, and get less efficiency. LACK OF EFFICIENCY CRIPPLES NATION In our opinion the nation, the state and our county are in bad (Continued on page four) public "in order to avoid dis crimination." There have been reports that proponents and opponents of the admiral's London speech in which he dealt with Irish Amer ican's were planning demonstra tions. The pier will be heavily policed. ML WAY' York that sympathizers were planning a demonstration for the naval officer the secretary said he hoped no situation would de velop to make it impossible for the admiral to land in the ord inary way. Admiral Sims is expected to proceed here immediately to re port to Secretary Denby. ROVIS ON TAKE ADMIRAL T LAND IN THE US OIL TAX MEXICAN DODGE TO DEPRIVE AMERICANS, STATE SECRETARY IS TOLD (Associated "Press Night Wire) , WASHINGTON, D. C, June 20. A group of oil operators who called at the state department today to pro test against the increase in export taxes on petroleum in Mexico was assured by Secretary Hughes that he would give the subject careful con sideration. The right of Mexico to collect the new taxes, an increase of 25 per cent was challenged by the representa tives of practically every American company operating in Mexico. . They placed before' the secretary a- memorandum setting forth the his tory of oil taxation by the Mexican administrations since the . overthrow of Porfino Diaz, expressed their opinion that in the latest levy tin fairness and injustice had been dis played and asserted 'their conviction that not only was the tax an indi cation of an intention to confiscate their properties but that it was il legally imposed. Secretary Hughes asked them to. submit their assertions and -argu mcnts in the form of a brief. He was said to have told them that if the department should consider it necessary, action would be taken. The delegation included more than a dozen representatives of the var ious oil companies mobilized by the association of producers of petroleum in Mexico. At its head was E. L. Doheny president of the "Mexican Petroleum company and the Pan American company. CHAMPION STUNG BY CRITICS GIVES HIS (Associated Press Night Wire) ATLANTIC CITY, June 20. Jack Dempsey increased his boxing to eight three-minute rounds today, tak ing on four heavy snarring partners for two sessions' each. Dempsey evidently had read what the boxing experts had written concerning his workout Sunday which was regarded as slow because today he set a warm pace, upsetting the rugged Larry Williams for the first time. Eddie O'Hare, who gave the champion con siderable bother yesterday, repeated ly feinted for openings hut Dempsey did not give him an opportunity to get set. O'Hare failed with his one two punch with which he nailed Dempsey yesterday. In rapid succession Dempsey boxed O'Hare, Battling Ghee, Wil liams and Jack Renault. Ghee al ways was on the defensive and took three steps backwards for every one forward. Once the champion crowd ed the Memphis negro into a corner and all but knocked him flat. Dempsey was in a fighting mood after he had chased Ghee around for two rounds and when Williams en tered the ring, the champion tried to upset him. Williams ran into a tornado of hooks and was sent sprawling into the ropes from a right to the chin in the second round. Dempsey staggered him with a "left then crashed over a right that drop ped him to a sitting position. BRING NON-SUPPORT MAN Jake Ferrin, wanted in this county on a charge ot non-support, was brought to Prescott from Safford Sunday by the sheriff's office. Highway dU! will not go about ELECIIONEERING, HE SAYS (Associated Press Night Wire) DENVER, June 20. Support ers of Samuel Gompers and John Lewis, president of the United Mine Workers of America, to night were marshalling their forces for the contest which will decide whether the veteran labor leader shall be returned to the presidency of the American Fed eration of Labor. Both sides weret canvassing the situation and declared they had mustered sufficient votes to win. The Gompers administration forces went into action immediately fol lowing the announcement by, Lewis that he would he a candidate for the presidency with a declaration that the veteran labor chief would be a candidate and had no intention of Withdrawing from- the race, Mr.. Gompers stated, however, "that I consider the position as president of the American Federation of Labor so exalted and dignified I would not stoop to politics to attain it. No man in this convention nor out of it can truthfully say, and I -do not be lieve he would untruthfully make such a statement, that I discussed the presidency with him or asked him for his vote." Except for his brief announcement that he was a candidate, Mr. Lewis, who heads the largest union in the United States, declined to make any statement. ,His supporters, however, were active and claimed that they had pledged more than 20,000 of the 38,294 votes in the convention. Although electioneering on behalf of Lewis had been in progress here for the last week, his announcement came as a surprise to many of the I delegates. Many had believed that the miners' chiefs would formally withdraw from the- race instead of being -a candidate. Labor leaders pointed out tonight that the candidacy of Lewis would change the whole complexion of the convention. It was said there prob ably would be candidates put into the field in opposition to those of the administration forces now on the executive council. Up to to night, however, there had been no!cd respecting establishment of re- indication of such a move. ip m (Associated Press Night Wire) LANGLEY FIELD, Va., June 20. The greatest armada of air fight ers ever gathered by the armj' dur ing peace is ready to hop from the field tomorrow for a tactical demon stration of air service claims that the day of capital battleships is past. Across Hampton Roads at the naval base several score of Uncle Sam's air boats are prepared to take first action in the bombing of the ex-German submarine U-117 which is to take place tomorrow off the Virginia capes. The vanguard of at tacking planes will reach the target anchored SO miles off Cape Charles at 9 a. m., none" but navy machines participating in the opening attack. Immediately behind will fly nine planes of the S-5-L type, each carry ing four bombs. A torpedo ..plane division of five Martin bombers will follow with six bombs each. Four ! HN LEWIS St at Program tzj . IDLE RIOT, BREAK UP BERLIN LABOR MEETING; GIVE US (Associated Press Night Wire) BERLIN, June 20. Thousands of unemployed workmen today entered the labor union "assembly and de manded that all employed workmen give up their -jobs togive work fo the idle. The president of the as sembly was ba'dly beaten with black jacks and left bleeding. on "the floor. . The fight spread until 5.000 per sons were embroiled, using fists, chairs, and sticks. Repeated alarms brought several hundred police who clearedthe building after the uproar had continued two hours. The president was taken to a res taurant, the doors of which " were locked. The demonstrators attacked this building, broke-in the doors and windows and demolished the furni ture. The president was taken out by the back way. A rumor that the president had died was officially, de nied. . The trouble began while the labor union council was in session. The unemployed were holding a demon stration outside and sent delegates into the hall to lay their - demands before the council. Immediately the council broke up and fighting began. RELIGION BAR LAW AS U. S. AMENDMENT WASHINGTON, D. C, June 20. A constitutional amendment under, which states and municipalities would be prohibited from appro priating funds to any religious de nomination, organization or institu tion was introduced in the house to day. The amendment dlso would provide that no law should be pass- ligion and its free exercise. TO HDP IFF TODftY machines of the N-C type, similar to those used in the first trans Atlantic flight, will come next with four bombs each and the column will be closed by a marine corps division of six De Haviland bombers carrying two bombs each. Flyers at Langley field do not ' ex pect to have a chance at, the U-117. Expert opinion, unofficially express ed, does not expect even that the last navy planes will find it neces sary to release their bombs. PRISONER SENT SOUTH John Roberts, a Yuma ' county deputy sheriff, Sunday escorted C. M. Thompson back to Parker, where he 'is wanted on a warrant charging obtaining money under false pre tenses. Thompson was arrested last week at Jerome in compliance with a request from Yuma county authorities.' J