WEEKLY JOURNAL-MINER, WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 28, 1921 PAGE FIVE UTENSIL FIRM . SPPESLS USE AGAINST CITY Motion for New Trial by Plain tiff Denied; Sheriff's Case vs. County on Briefs; Wages Col lection Suit Dismissed Notice of appeal was entered in division two of the superior court yesterday by David L. Bishopp, at torney for the Aluminum Cooking Utensils company, following denial by Superior Judge Richard Lamson of a motion for a new . trial of the plaintiff company's suit against the . city of Prcscott involving alleged interference by the city with sales agents of the plaintiff in Prescott. Motion for a new trial was entered by Bishopp without argument, and was dismissed by the court, where upon notice of appeal was entered. The plaintiff was given 60 days in which to perfect its appeal. The de fendant city of Prcscott was repre sented by Alfred H. Gale, city at torney, of the firm of Anderson, Gale & Nilsson. Suit Against County Action brought by Warren G. Davis, in his capacity of sheriff on Yavapai county, against the county, to collect salaries of two deputy sheriffs, was ordered submitted on briefs, without argument. The plain tiff was represented by Attorney Neil C Clark, of Clark & Clark; the de fendant by Attorney Emmett T. Morrison, of Morrison & Morrison. The case. arose from a conflict be tween the 'sheriff and the board of supervisors over the payment of sal ary to two deputy sheriffs. The board had ordered the force of depu ty sheriffs reduced, and the commis sion of two certain deputies canceled. This the sheriff refused to do, and after refusal by the board to issue warrants for the payment of the deputies' salaries, brought suit to force payment. The plaintiff yesterday was given until January 3, 1922, to submit its brief, and the defendant until January 10 to submit its answer. Suit Dismissed Action brought by John Brooks against the Money Metals Mining company, for collection of $500 al leged in the complaint to be owed Brooks by the company for work performed, was ordered dismissed without prejudice on motion of R. B. Westcrvelt, attorney for Brooks. S LEGISLATO (Journal-JIincr Capital Bureau) PHOENIX, Dec. 20. Republicans from the seventh legislative district of Cochise county, who were here for the industrial conference, have ex pressed the opinion that Johnny Gung'l, of Willcox, will be named by the board of supervisors of Co chise county to fill the legislative vacancy created by the recent rcisg nation of Dana T. Milner. Milner, who presented his .resignation De cember IS, gave as his reason press of personal business which would prevent his being in attendance at the special session expected to be called for a date early in the new year. As a consequence of this law, ir respective of any further resigna tions that may take place between now and the date of the special ses1 sion, the political lineup at the forth coming session will be the same as at the regular session, 10 republi cans and 9 democrats in the senate, and 20 democrats and 19 republicans in the house. The Cochise county board of su pervisors is expected to take action on the filling of Milncr's place at its regular meeting this week. LOCAL COUPLE WED in rap COURT Miss Mary E. Taylor yesterday became the bride of Otto H. Lind, at a marriage performed by Justice of the Peace Charles H. McLanc. The young couple, both of whom live in this city, procured a license from Clerk of tiic Superior Court J. C. Woods, and were then married by Justice McLane. They will make their home in Prescott. Journal-Miner Liners set results JDH1I GIG'L I? BE M1ED Ilf! HUNDRED HIES NEED HELP III GITT (From Wednesday's Dally) "Prcscott little realizes the number of those who require help. I am sure if the citizens of this community could but bring home to themselves the fact that there arc 110 families in this city requiring help at this' time, there would be no question but what immediate attention would be given." This in a few words sum med up the situation as expressed by Mrs. J. T. Richards, chairman of the associated municipal Christmas tree and its charity work. "It is a difficult thing to place the wants before the public. Wc want co-operation, financially. The merchants of Prcscott have come forward splendidly, but the bulk of this should not rest upon their shoul ders. Individuals should donate to this cause." Thai concerted action must be taken, irrespective of the Christmas work was clearly shown after the survey of the work had been made by volunteers. The ministers of Pres cott and all directly interested in charity work have lent their efforts to this cause. Those having clothes, suitable for children and grwn-ups should notify Mrs. J. W. Osburn, telephone No. 121. Those willing to. contribute to the Christmas boxes should send their donations to the chamber of com merce office, where headquarters have been established. "That the work should be carried on aside from the Christmas time, is my candid opinion," stated the chairman yester day. "This will help, but other ac tion must be forthcoming." Subscription lists are to be had, aside from the chamber of commerce office, at Robinson's, May's, the Pal ace, the Owl, Scholey's, Antler's and the Elks' club. I PROGRAM BY CITY'S SCHOOLS AT THEATE A dramatization of the Nativity will be given at the Elks theater by the Prescott schools, Friday, Decem ber 23, at 2:15 p. m. Vocal and in strumental solos will have a large share on the program. The school children will be heard in chorus singing. This program represents the city schools' part in holiday observances, and promises to be specially interest ing. The public is cordially invited to attend and see. the work of the schools. No admission will be charged. The following numbers will be given: Birthday of a King, solo Mr. S. H. Martin. Oh! Little Town of Bethlehem. Gcsu Bambino, solo Miss Mar jorie Nelson. The Manager Thorne. Christmas Eve. It Came Upon a Midnight Clear. The First Noel. Wc Three Kings of Orient Arc. Silent Night. Joy to the World Audience stand and sing. Violin solo Mrs. Kceney. Mrs. S. H. Martin will act as accompanist. The program is in charge of Miss Marjorie Nelson, head of the music department. The Nativity Story Act I The Annunciation. Act II The Nativity. Act III The Watching Shepherds. Act IV, scene 1 The Adoration of the Shepherd; scene 2 -The Adora tion of the Kings. Cast of characters: Angel Edna Sims. Mary Ester Devin. Joseph Norman Fain. Three kings Arthur Davis, Dan Sherman, Robert Martin. DIVORCE Gil! TO JEROME WOMAN A divorce decree was granted by Judge Richard Lamson in division two of the superior court yesterday to Mrs. Susan Elizabeth McHcnry from John McHcnry, former catcher for the Jerome city baseball team. The prayer of the plaintiff that she be permitted to resume her maiden name. Susan Elizabeth Scott, was granted in' the decree. The decree was granted on grounds of desertion, the plaintiff testifying that shortly after their marriage her husband had apparently tired of her, and left her. Mrs. Ollic L. Scott, mother of the plaintiff, also testified. The defendant failed to appear in court to answer summons duly serv ed. Costs and attorney's fees were granted the plaintiff, who was reprc sented by Norman F. Wykoff, of Jerome. IOTESNDTTD BE TAKEN FOR GRAZING FEES Information That Promissory Pa per Would Be Accepted by Government Cancelled in Tel egram From Washington (From Wednesday's Daily) Promissory notes will not be ac- ccptcd by the federal government from permittees on national forests who have been unable to meet pay mcnts of grazing fees, postponed last fall by congressional legislation to December 1 of this year, the local forest service office was advised yes terday by telegraph irom Washing ton. Only cash, the wire advised, will be accepted. Letters of inquiry have been re ceived from stockmen grazing their cattle on the Prescott National for est, under the impression that prom issory notes would be accepted, H. Basil Wales, supervisor, said yester day. He' has replied that, according to the instructions received by him from Washington, notes will not be taken. The information that notes would be acceptable is contained in a com munication from the Arizona Cattle Growers' association, which com munication says: . "In telegraphic information just re ceived from Senator Ashurst, it is stated that Senator Ashurst, Reprc. sentative Hayden, Governor Thomas E. Campbell and Mr. Dwight B. Heard had an extended interview with the secretary of agriculture on this matter, pointing out that many honest, industrious cattlemen in Ari zona, through no fault of their own, were not in position to pay these fees at this time and unless the fees were extended, these men would be ruined. "Rather than enacting further leg islation in this matter the secretary of agriculture has kindly issued in structions to the various forest su pervisors, directing them to accept promissory notes from those permit tecs on the forests who have been unable to pay the grazing fees, m all cases where the good faith of the permittee was evident. "The Arizona Cattle Growers' as sociation requests interested cattle men to make tender of their notes to the forest supervisors, and failing to secure proper recognition, to take the matter up witli the association's of ficcs at Phoenix." . This information, Supervisor Wales said yesterday, is cancelled by' the telegraphic instructions he has re ceived from Washington. If. S. RECLAMATION BILL LOOKED FOR BY GOV. CiPBELL (Journal-Miner Capital Bureau) ' PHOENIX, Dec. 20. Returning from the governors' conference at Charleston, S. C, and the national capital, where he appeared before congress to urge the adoption of a comprehensive national reclamation policy and held conferences with various members of the tariff com mittee looking to the securing of an adequate protective tariff on long staple cotton and other Arizona pro ducts, Governor Thomas E. Camp bell arrived in Phoenix this morning. As a result of representations made by the governors, following the Charleston conference, it is be lieved by Governor Campbell that a national reclamation bill will prob ably be enacted at the present ses sion of congress. Governor Campbell is also of the opinion that a federal commission will be appointed to handle the Colo rado river basin project. HIGHWAY: CAR Contract to provide the county highway commission with one Dodge commercial screen car yesterday was awarded by the commission to L. C. Dicus of Jerome. This car . will re place an Olds touring car, which wilL be advertised for sale by the com mission in the near future. Complaints of high prices in Pres cott have no basis in schedules of holiday commodities here, it is shown in a comparison made yesterday by Henry Hartin with current prices be ing asked in southern California. Es pecially is this true of rates asked for birds for the Christmas table. Los Angeles dealers, in published advertisements, are asking 65 cents a pound for turkeys, while .the price asked by the Prescott meat markets is only 45 cents. This relativity is maintained bv local Einsteins in other commodities. EFfKWTMK (From "Wednesday's Daily) Christmas trees, pine boughs and snow effects last night gave a merry holiday atmosphere to uie Veterans of Foreign Wars Christmas dance at the Frolic, attended by a large crowd. In charge of William J. Baker, the dance was a huge and gay success. The proceeds will be used for Christ mas work among disabled ex-service men in Prescott. N. A. Urenn was assistant manager of the affair, A. C. Schneider floor-manager, and W. D. Hooper, commander of Buckey O'Neill post, had charge of the fountain. Scidel's orchestra furnished the music. (From Thursday's Daily) Work preliminary to resumption of operations at the famous Crown King gold mine, which for several years has been inoperative, due to litigation, was begun at Crown King this week. D. M. Locey, one of the best known mining men of this county, where he formerly was en gaged in mining, yesterday was at Crown King supervising the prelimi naries. With him is ,a Chinese cook and an office man. A crew made up mostly of men formerly in his cm ploy has been organized, and work of rcparing bunk hous.es and other buildings at the mine is under way. Announcement of intended resump tion of operations at the Crown King, and at the Wildflower and Old Tiger mines, was made this week in an exclusive Journal-Miner story to the effect that Locey had taken over these three mines, known as the Murphy group. Until resumption of mining at the properties, roads and buildings will be put into shape. Re-opening of the mines is considered among the most hopeful indications of a general resumption of mining activity. In dications are that several mines in the Walker district will sooner or later be operating on a productive scale. Among these arc the Sheldon and the Big Dome, the latter now being cxploied. KAIGROI KING TB START ORDER BY MAIL FROM PRESCOTT In view of the fact that those in the country find it oftentimes difficult to come to Prescott, personally, to do their shop ping, thj following live wire merchants and businessmen have arranged to take care of MAIL ORDERS for goods or services in their H ies. They have pledged that they will give these mail orders the same prompt attention that they would receive if you were present and they will be delivered to you by mail with the same guarantee that a personal call would obtain. Try ordering by irail when you can't come to town and when you can come in call on those registered here and ask them' more about ordering your needs by mail. - You can depend on getting absolutely Pure Drugs from W. H. TIMERHOFF, Druggist Phone or Mail Orders receive same careful attention as any others. Phone 188 Prescott, Ariz. - $1.00 DOES IT! SEND US YOUR SAVINGS YAVAPAI COUNTY SAVINGS BANK - - -BANKING BY MAIL Open That Account Today! Those who cannot conveniently transact their business in person may obtain the same services by mail. Small accounts invited. PRESCOTT STATE BANK - BLACK DEED TO HIM COURT Man Alleged to Have Issued Worthless Checks Appears for Preliminary Hearing; Bond Is Set at One Thousand Dollars (Fiom "Wednesoay's Dally) Setting of bond at $1,000 -and is suance of an order that the prisoner be held to await action of the su perior court, were steps yesterday taken after preliminary hearing of R. E. Black, colored, in a hearing be fore Justice of the Peace Charles H. McLane in the justice court. Black at the last account was unable to make bond. Black is charged with uttering a bogus check for $7.50, in a complaint sworn to by O. A. Hesla. He was recently brought back liere from Maricopa county, to answer the charge. It is said by county authori ties that he has passed several other worthless checks in Prescott. AMEND COMPLAINT I SUIT VS. SUIT (From Wednesday's Daily) Judge John J. Sweeney yesterday allowed counsel for the Prescott Lumber company to file an amended complaint in the case of the com pany against J. B. Johnson, which, as will be recalled from a rccent jpx clusive Journal-Miner story, presents the strange phenomenon of a law- suit to stop a law-suit. Johnson, through his counsel, Rus sell & Stack, is suing to recover value of houses removed from the Kline sanitarium, while the Prescott Lumber company, through Attorney Howard Cornick, is suing to prevent Johnson from maintaining the action. NILSSON NAMED ON 0 George Nilsson, recently named a member of the national rehabilitation committee of the American Legion, has just receiver word of his ap pointment as a member of the legis lative committee of the state depart ment of the legion in Arizona. The notice was received from Department Commander Duane Bird, of Nogales. Others named on the committee are cSora Stoddard, Leoli Jacobs and D. A. Little, of Phoenix; S. H. Bow ycr, of Tucson; Arthur Curlce, of Douglas; and A. E. Schleimer, ,of Nogales. Celora Stoddard is a member of the Arizona senate, Arthur Curlce and A. E. Schleimer are members of the Arizona house of representa tives, and D. A. Little is -department adjutant. The others appointed have been more or less prominent in leg'al work, as well as in state legion af fairs. George Nilsson, junior member of - - Keep your Eastern friends posted about Arizona by sending them the Weekly Journal-Miner Only 2.50 per year - - - Dealers In Everything The BASHFORD-BURMISTER CO Mail Orders Solicited Prescott :-: :-: Arizona - - ' Special Savings Service ' For Out of 'Town Patrons Mail your Savings to us and we will open an account for you and forward you the pass book. Send money order, check or draft with your name and address. 4 Compound Interest Com'l Trust & Savings Bank - - the firm of Anderson, Gale & Nils- son, was post commander of the local legion post in 1920, and was an al ternate delegate from the state de partment to the national convention of the legion in Kansas City in Oc tober. As a member of the state leg islative committee, he will be enabled to keep in touch with recommenda tions for passage of legislation bene ficial to ex-service men, as well as to serve the ex-soldiers through his work as national rehabilitation com mitteeman. CHILDREN TO HAVE XMAS TREE DEC. 24 Prcscott children Saturday after noon will enjoy a Christmas tree at the Blue Triangle center. Santa Claus will be there to greet them, and to distribute toys, candy and nuts, said Mrs. Corinne Irving, gen eral secretary of the Y, last night. The entertainment, which will be given by the Y. W. C. A. in con junction with the Christmas work of Mrs. J.W. Osburn, superintendent of public charities, and Mrs. Robert Birch, will include a real Punch-and-Judy show and the playing of games. It will take place at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. "If any other school in the state can beat this, let us know," were the words with which W. Curtis Miller, superintendent of county School at tendance, yesterday commented ori the remarkable record made by Camp Verde in the percentage of high school pupils to the total school's at tendance of the district. A visit to the Camp Verde county school district by Superintendent Miller revealed the iact that out of an enrollment of 1 38, pupils, '38' were doing regular high school work. This, he pointed out yesterday, is almost 30 per cent. Of all the records available for a school or district employing more than one teacher, none can be re called that can beat this, Superin tendent Miller- said, adding that if anyone knows of such a record, the school authorities will b epleascd to have it reported at the office of Mrs. Ward Wheeler, county superintend- FOR FORTY-TWO YEARS! we have watched Yavapai County grow. We Are The OLDEST BANK IN ARIZONA We have always been the bank of the farmers, the cattle ranchers and the miners. OLD FRIENDS are GOOp FRIENDS We will give your business our personal care and attention. mm of mima Organized in 1877 PRESCOTT, ARI70NA - - - PHONOGRAPHS & KODAKS RECORDS & SUPPLIES O. A. HESLA CO. Jewiers Mail Orders receive careful attention. Write for list of Latest Records. - - - SPECIAL ATTENTION To Out-of-Town Orders for JOB PRINTING JOURNAL-MINER JOB DEPT. Prescott Arizona - -- - 'The Earth's Best Investment"' We sell City property, alfalfa lands (irrrigated) orchards, farms and cattle ranches, ' If y.ou want to bliy of sell Write: THOS. E. HINES. ' 110 S. Montezuma St. Prescott - cnt of schools. There is an enrollment of approxi mately 1,200 pupils in the Prescott city schools, with a high school en rollment of 185 and an average daily attendance of over 160, Prof. S. H. Martin, superintendent of city schools, said yesterday. (From Thursday's Daily) Southern California forest service officials want 100,000 goats to graze on the ranges of the Angeles forest. A communication to this effect was received here yesterday by H. Basil Wales, Prcscott forest supervisor, from Supervisor Charleton of Los Angeles, in charge of the Angeles forest. Enlightened self-interest actuates Supervisor Charleton, he confesses. Cropping by goats of the abundant browse and brush on the Angeles ranges wiil, in addition to fattening the goats, considerably reduce the fire hazard on those ranges. This is consummation devoutly to be wish ed, for the Angeles forest has estab lished a history of annual forest fires, especially in the Santa Monica Canyon; where every year the Los Angeles newspapers find dramatic stories of fire-fighting to headline. The proposition is looked on fav orably tjy Supervisor Wales, who states 'that range conditions for goats on the Angeles forest are exception ally good. "Conditions on the California - for est arc different than on the Prcs cott ranges," he said yesterday. M,'Af ready the Prescott forest is well utilized by cattle. ,Qji account of watershed conditions, it would be much better that we have no goats oil our forest. Only one band now is on the" forest, but I have received a number of applications for permits to graze more goat herds. It would be better for all were the herders to take their animals to the California forest." ' - SELL TRACT LAND W. F. Wingfield andvMinnie Wing field, his wife, have sold a tract of of land in the Camp Verde district to' D. Bell Monroe, the deal involv ing $1,000. Both parties to the tran saction live at Camp Verde. COTTON MARKET NEW YORK, Dec 20. The cot- ton market closed easy net 17 points lower to 2 points higher at $18.80. Buy them by Mail Kelley-Springfield Tires Auto Accessories FLOYD WILLIAMS SERVICE STATION Fall line Pneumatic and solid Truck Tires Order by Mail. Complete line Auto Accessories Odd Fellows Bldg., Prescott. Your Neighbor Buys TRIBBY'S Good Shoes By Mail You can do the same