OCR Interpretation

The oasis. [volume] (Arizola, Ariz.) 1893-1920, October 26, 1893, Image 3

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85032933/1893-10-26/ed-1/seq-3/

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TIH K). , i(T( I 1 l: 2U, 1 Nfy.v
A l)i lll;lilfal mid flt-nlrli (.Ivini; !.. nt Inn.
IllilV lie -" i ll Mi jl -i lillliw soil i!ic iif
lln-rno-t :ii tij.'t ive i xliiliit . ':it 1 1 1
, Mi'l-s iiil'T I'iilr: ;ind ;i lii't 1S1 ;tmT
; Ix w.mI ;irc 1 1 j - ."silver I.V. I'. .I n k I " : !
liit. (iii lli w.iiil, -aii'l V kdl
i mihiiiu' ('i-t ri'-N. t hal liiivc ici'Iiii-' (i
! million i.f dollar. ;inl will l.i so
! ;ij.Miu wliciii'N i-r AtiHTiciiu lrgil;tt ion
will (.'ivc American iiiflusl rli's ;i
All t Ih-" i i.t i t i of interest and tlie
aclvantancs of life in 1 1 1 1 -i licall liful.
invitMiat iiitf climate are within tvyeli
of 1 lit 'Hllilic liy the oM'liin of the
Saiiilariniii-Uotcl. tinder the can- of
an experienced physician and cornpe
ti nt caterers, wlio will e,. that, all
want ;ire provided fur, and that. ev
en tiling .o ihle will he done for the
eointort and convenience of pilots.
Address oetor V. T. Harry, Ar;
.ol.i, Arizona.
Arl.ola is one of the latest and new
est addition to the towns of the Tin
ted State: yet. It is already widely
known and all over tin- country in
validsare looking toward t he place us
well suited for a place of residence
lor health seeker. The altitude is
ll.'ill feet above i In- ea level and the
climate is dry and pleasant during
the etit iie year. Unrintf the months
of June, .Inly and August the average
i in) cratiiie is ai nt ' diyin, but
butt heie i o lit) le humidity in the
:i'Ltnosple re t here is lit tie or no ineun-
veniei experienced. The heat, is
not oppressive, and during these
mouths it is much more pleasant t han
In the Atlantic seaboard cit ies.
This pleasing semi-tropical atmos
phere is probably owing to the ur
roundinjr physical conditions. To the
nortli and east hinh ranges of moun
tains protect the ireat Casa (.ramie
valley, of which it is the center, from
the chilling winds of the central re
gion, while across the open country to
the southwest, balmy breees from the
(Julfof California, not far distant,
blow to temper the air and moderate
the heat, giving an equilibrium to the
climate that cannot fail to bene tit the
enervated health seeker.
While three of t he summer niont lis
are warm during t he day. the night
are always cihiI. This is on account
of the rariricd condition of the atmos
phere which becomes inta.i l.ly cool
on the setting of the sun.
Hence it is always comfortable to
sleep underclothing during tin; night
of June .luly and August.
The fall, winter and spring months
vim bo compared with the Italian
clime, little or no fro-t. l'lowers
bloom during the entire- winter, grass.
Is green and much of the shrubbery
retains its foliage.
It. is plain to be seen that such a
climate must tie health restoring.
It is a fact worthy of note that
many hundreds of people who come
liere in t he last stages of uulumnary
troubles recover in a short time so
lhat they are enabled to engage in
business. Many of t lie most ;rogress
ive, pushing and wealthy business
men oi Miutneiu Arizona, fit incir prvs-i J atim i.-'-m,.,
northeast rn homes and came here a j t m;t.th. 8 1 Hi Iflttft V;:,X:i:Li. t
continue! invalids with the lioj.e ..f J - -
t ' 1 i I he Photo srfKKtlrt fv'icli y I no f-urmiinnu f
Ciisilv, XV'V Woljl'l tint Ni i rnrr nwi IhmI oul, nod recoil ize no rUaU in I
die for ten limes what thev an worth. I thaccii,,!!
At the Worlds I'air the other day,
(leorge 1". K'linze of the Mines and
Miiiing building, assisted by I)octor
Hunt ingten of Harvard, polisiii d two
diamonds with the dut f meteoric
iron found at (.'anon liabh, Arizona.
This is the tirst time diamonds were
eM't'cnf, ground or poli-hed except
with diamond du-t. The experiment
attracted great at tent ion, as it was
entirely novel, and prove 1 that
diamonds can lie as finely polished
with the Arizona dust of meteoric Iron
its with diamonds. The lindlng of this
valuable art icle in Canon Diablo will
open up a new industry for that sec
tion, now that the dust discovered
t here hits been proved to be us el'ul for
diamond polithing purpo-e.
i :
' At the expense cf l:ttle
rn:ncy and his spare
t time obtain a fair work
0 ing eJucation.
Through thi
C wr.pt i'.r.g Ukc living correspondence schools ta the world. 0
nii liter -iy wutk Uum Uic tuon- 0
diV.ua up. 0
This :h' h eon Uwteii (ry 9
nc i f tbr a: .rl ii ... h'th ut r.
JUv. Iv'e I l- i- J.rs !,trt (;.-.!:! 1'y J
tli.: ; .t i") . .vi. i it :ti i) ! d
iiv-il tu t c: est rri n 0
As compated with .southern Cali
fornia climate. Ariola ami its nr
riiiindiiigs are tar superior in every re
spect, and such i the verdict of inval
ids who have given both climates an
cijual t rial.
in t be icinity aie many points of
interest that will be visited witii
much pleasure by toiiri-.ts and health
seekers. Some fourteen miles away,
over a good road, are the far-famed
Casa Crande ruin, the remnant of a
great building which was once the
principal struct urc in a city of many
thousand inhabitants, the numerous
hillocks dot! ing the plain around be
ing all the remains: of what were once
substantial building, erected and in
habited bv human beings high in the
r!. I )-. aro
intr!-!-'i, in. I
ale of intelligence and ci iliat ion. j r n'isus iii.ivimnii:
I'mcIiiniaiiiHi hy t!i (iovcnitir.
'I"i:iootoi; v ok Aiu.o.vA. Kxkictivk ina-'T
'Id All to Wlitnii Tliesf l'ri'seiils Slmll Ci.miic,
Wiikkkas, 1 iifm mill inn f ii mi Mill 1 1 1 1 1.
s.uiri'.'s Inc. ln'cii receive.! 1y ntclluil Trunk
VV. Onrj. ii cili.eii of Tiii'son, I'itna count v,
us uini'iii'ivil i.l Ai'lvji.'ii, in I lie mi i.l I ounty,
i on I lie I 'l I. in .scincii: iicr. iv.'i, i.y .sonic poison
About t wclve miles away is tlie reser
voir of the I'lorence canal, a large ar
tilicial lake, abuiinding in !:sh.
wild game and fowl, where theaniricr
and sportsman may enjoy the many
happy hunts, iiout. iifiev.i miles to
the north i, the l ima in.iia-i iigency.
at Sacaton. with its school, farm, etc.,
where ;i visit w ill prove i'ii ere.sl ing
and insl ruci ive. six uiiie. - -m I Ii i
Cn.ijate. a l'ima Indian v ilia;- . win rv
I Now. Dicicfiirc, 1, Churl. 's M. li. ih-c, Vi-lin;.'
! I Ii r. el-dor i if A i i.c .nil . !' vii t ic . if I lie mci
' ii ml :i ill I n i i'l I .,' i:i i:,c vcsicil, do lici chy oll'ci- a
' of I'uc l lio'i -it : i.l l'ol!:i:-- for il.cui-
; r " 1 ii ::(l ci nu ii'l loii of III." pc" en or pel-oils
1 v. )io coiii mil l"d t lie n fi ires:, i 1 m 'i .
VVitms- W oi ::: y I I
I i nu
I'iioiiiiis lliidii'N mwm ('oiiipaiiy,
Tucson, Arizona.
Ajrict i! tutvil Implciiici K,
Plumbing: and Sheet-Iron Work.
1 Jocltex'c jw lfi(f M rtel i inc-M f n ir I WiiUcn
J J -- t W ' i f i I tl l i I Iih i i i I 1 ic; W ' i-Irl.
rr lf.'lil I'reiiii ill to A rl.oln or as.i (o incl".
. c. SMITH.
-: v
- 11 - . i . ' : r" . x - 1 i- '.i ,ii i. . " i
; ; .'v.: ' vvir.
06 tL ,
liL V .V. POWKI.I.
a m
Is tIioi'oUs.'l.ly rU'iin-a Hint lias a 1'ininity of lile l'lMfesrors. The Third Your Heiriiu
S'ptenilier J7, Is;.;j.
Tuition Free to Students of Either Sex.
College of Agriculture,
College of Mines,
College of Natural sciences,
vvri.cforiatristc,' I uollege ot Letters,
win, fun jti.-uh-rs. Preparatory School,
l7;";iy"' i Schools of Art,
S Schools of Business.
VS 'rnitH
l-t- -icl cl
icy Know Wood Tiiiiiiis al W.
That's Wlsv
Ilnsk.'fj'm liny,
llaisflim Tnulc,
lattloiiH'ii Pnrrli-isf,
i e-
. Groceries,
iMw H(iy,Grciiii
Friiilirrowcrs Huv,
Am! You MiniiM (Jo To
i .-c.-i
:i: I he I ci
) I ol.e
I went -III si (!: y
i . ' ii i o he :i ill c i.
1 1 I' ! I'lli '.. I in- .--i Ji't :t ;.
if .S'eii:l.v . i.
. ii .-. m. uiii'i r.
Attest : . Arl in.: l.ovri m
I'. It. In riirrv.
.' -sis i ;wii . (.' re ; .i i y nf , i i'Miii.
Artote's Pioneer Merchant, h f s 5 1 '
Lmi ii ?v ill
s:i .

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