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Saturday, July 25, 1S96. NOOAMiH N(1T1C. Mexican Dullard, '1 ( ').". America's lincst trod net L-ri, Frank lin Count v IM. Massey, I la- wt 11 known mining 111:111 is in Nogales. They arc trying to notion that smuggled carpet transaction. Try that delicious ice cream soda at t-hc fountain of Chcuowcth .V Mix Tuesday Mrs. W. I'. Overton was unite ill. She has since recovered. Captain L. W. Mix returned from a trip to llorni-illo Sunday morning. For Yankee not Ions of all sortssend to F. Von P.orstcl. Guayriias. .Nonoi a. Yo-terrlav Senor Istnaol P.rli'l.i of Santa Ar.a. was a visitor at Nogales. Icecream Sundays and 7'liurwlnys in ti e I tdies'dining room at the Hotel Caabon. Doctor and Mrs. F. M. Cramlle of Tort lliiaclnica, were visitois at No gale yctenl iy. Deputy t S. Marshal Al LV.eki'os was down iron) Tucson the hitter pal t. of hist week. For staple and fancy groceries of t " j- best quality onlcr of F. Von R-rste, Guaymas. - I ..1st week Mr. I. I!. Iltv'"" went over to Loehiel id put np a windmill fi.r Colin Cameron. to to 1'. Von R.irstel, Guaymas, So nora. for hardware and mining imple ments of al! kind-;. Wednesday evening .lohn Renedi.-t rem: neu from Tucson, w here he had been visiting some time. Wednesday morning (!co. AVeilan; came up from Minas Prictas to visit a few days with Ins family. Tuesday Doctor Welles received a let tor from Dr. Cherioweth. lie was in Chicago with his bride. Monday evening Mr. Geo. Chyle r t itr nod from llisbee where, he had hten visit ing a couple of weeks. Last Friday oveningT. 1'. lirodo.rick went to Caiaha-as to al tend a dance th it wa ii 1.1 in that burg. Mr. P. 1'.. D lo. who has U en quite ill, was on I lie street yesterday for the lir-t lime in several weeks. Dm:::: At NV. gales, Arizona, July Linth, is'.Ki, to the wil'e.if .1. .). hushard of I Ierm.iiIlo, Sonora, a sou. I. at Saturday morning Mr, I rank Wright came up from Minus Prictas and will remain here sevoralday. Wednesday morning Mr. (Ico. !',. Dent started for (iuanajuato. to en gi ge mine is for work at F.l l' "A New Karth" will he the subject of Kev. HeaW's sermon at. t lie Congre gational church tomorrow morning. Tuesday morning Miss I'a-toia Jof froy, who has been vNitirg relative-, at, I; res. Sonora, returned to Nogales. Docket Kodaks for sale by C'lieno-weth-V Mix. Will take orders fur larger sizes. Call and -ee samples of work. Monday morning Mr. I'. Decker went to Tomh-d one and Rucker Cafi 011 to visit friends there a week or ten days. Tuesday morning Mrs. Herbert .1. Wood, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Rcddoch, ret iirned home tii Dciison. Tuesday morning Mr. Ceo. K. Dent, manager of the National Mexican Mining & Developing Co., came up from Altar. Monday six men and fourteen bosses were engaged in raising a heavy tele phone pole on Moiley avenue near True ( Jams oilice. America's lincst production, Frank lin Count y Club. Yesterday morning a couple of "pe ados"' engaged in a light on Morley avenue, and were run into the cala boose. Sefior Francisco Lamarquo of the (inn of Dojoniuez & Lamarque, at. Iler inosiilo, was a visitor at Nogales Thur.-day. Thursday morning Senor Dedro (.'(.sea, of Cosca, Garcia & Co. of Guay nias, 1 ussed Nogales en route to Sari Francisco. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Salvadore Mar tini, Messrs Cuilebaldo Klias, F. Sicre and Fduardo Rraun went to Ci- bula on a picnic. I Saturday evening Dr. T. F. Derry, I of the V. S. treasury department, was !an arrival at Nogales, and remained here several days. Sunday there will be a ball game on ! t he Hat near t he lumber yard. Two I picked nines will play, the losers to ! pay for a keg of beer. ! Wednesday morning Master Don J llerrera w r.t 1o the 1 1 miehuca ranch j: n;s i.irner 10 pass ;i oonpio 01 ! moot lis on th" range. I'nl'.'ss voi! are well shod vouarenot ; we; drexscd. Co to !!. Vasquez at the Ucd Hou-o, and h;ry a air of ele ! gant 'A sf shoes. j .:ha;:.h-r!.r.:iV Cough Remedy cures j coins, c-'oirp an 1 . hooping cough, it Ms plea-. int. safe, arid reliable. For ; sale l,y c:..-m,vilr M.x. Mr. V. !!. ID;-:! of San Francisco, I representirrg th? great tea, coffee and I spice hoiw of Sdiiiiing Co., was a visitor at .NVgales Tuestlay. ! M i. (o !.. 11. o'nt came up from E! ! Ploin with Mr. I'.eni. Tuesday niorn- ing. arid will amain at X. gales, until i h.j returns from G lianaj'iat o. Duri: g t he present week Mr. Leon Dotik n'ue, has been very ill with a lever, winch has delayed ins departure i'or his Il.iu- in S'n; Francisco. ley & Calislier, at the Casino, liae this week received a new combi nation po il and billiard table, direct from the factory at. Cincinnati. WcdneSiljy evening Captain Miguel Dorni". manager of Las Vlanchas Min- ' ing Co., arrived from F.l I'aso, and on :the following day went out to the ! mines. I Tuesday morning Mrs. F. Iferrera, Miss Freda llerrera, and 1 lie llerrera baby started for San Francisco. They j will visii in Califor nia two or three III' lilt lis. lust received sample-of shirts made to order from -i I . i o upwards. They all are a No. 1 shirts and fully worth what we ask for them-Fleischer j 1 !r other si. ! Monday evening Mr. A. Crawford of ' Santa Uosa, California, an ived at No j gales, en rout e into Sonora, to look j over the country w ith a view to in j est merit s. J Seuera Mordijo, mother of Senorita j Elena Mi ntijoof 1 lerinosillo, arrived j from t he Sonora capital t his week and i is vtsitifg Nogales, the guest of Se ! nor ilas Ramirez. j M iss Mai Diaz, one of lleimo isill i's most, popular and charming vmiiig lailies vyill be a mendjcr (if the j party that D to arrive from the capl- tal this rimming. Friday evening of last week Mrs. J. : Howard Palmer of Hermosillo, for Imeilyof Negales, returned from a I i lvit in l'mt:lnd Si!w ll'Iil In. en (r.m,. about t hree rimut lis. Ladies shoes, gents' shiics, and children's shoes in great variety, and at prices which beat the lowest, al the lied House 11. Yasqucz. Mr. 11. D. t'ndenvood of Tucson, and Colonel Kobert Williams, (,e well known hotel proprietor at Florence, were at Nogales Tuesday. Tiny re- turned to Tucson Wednesday. Several of the rabid free silver papers in Arizona have commented upon a sample McKinley Ac Hobart shirt bosom sent them, and have as serted that no one in town would wear one. They simply lied. Arizona has many voters who will wear Mc Kinley shirt bosoms, arid wlio will vote for McKinh y. Wednesday TiikOasis received one. Mr. J. T. Driekwnud donned it, arid in a little while he was overrun with inquiries from staunch free silver republican who believe in bi-mctallisiii and know the republican party only can secure it, who wanted a shirt bosom just like it. All in quirers Mr. J;. referred to C. F. Al bright & Co., l'l Wabash Avenue, Chicago, .Illinois, who will send them for ten and fifteen cents each, accord ing to quality. Lovers of good living will patronize F. Ca.abon's hotel, restaurant and short order house, opposite t lie rail road depot. Fresh lisli, oysters and all other delicacies in their season. Fine wines and liquors and t he best Mexican cigars. Private dining rooms, large, light and well ventilated, on upper I'.' or, w lien; families arid private par I ics can be made at home. Well furnished rooms for transient guests or regular hoarders. Open- day and r.ight. Friday evening of last week Mrs. and Mi-s Grace Monroe, wife and daughter of Conductor II. J. Munroe of t he Sorioi a railway, arrived from I'lio-nix, w here t hey have resided for I he past, t ' j ears. Mr. Murine came up from Cat bo to meet. them. They wi',1 resume their residence at Noga l. s, w I, ii.h place they left when the) went to Piaer.ix a couple of years Yesterday morning Dr. Figueroa, act iLg governor of Sonora, arrived at .Nogales with Mrs. Figueroa and the little ones, en route to San Francisco, where the children will be placed in school. Mrs. (J. J. (Jonales wuis with the party. Doctor Figueroa will re main at Negates a day or two. The ladies and children continued their journey yesterday. Messrs England MeCullough are clearing away the old buildings prepa- tory to erecting a large line structure for t he store of L. Ilorvilleur & Co. on the Sonora side of the line. The new buil'iing is to extend through from (.'alio Elias to Railroad avenueand the present "aliiKicen'' of the firm will be included in its dimensions. Last Friday night on the track of the N. M. A. railway, Jas. I!. Mix came across an orphan pit) which be has adopted. There is nothing pre rvisessing about the "animile," hut Jim's tender heart was touched and and now the canine is an adjunct to the .International drug store. The heated term turns attention to negligee shirts. You will l-ind them in great variety of style and quality at the Doston Clothing House. We alsosell theeclebrated ".lack Eabbitt" pants. Twice the wear for the same money that can be got out of any other garment. This week and last the warrants fcr Company G, which were unsalable for about a year past, have been sold to the I'iio'nix agency of a large eastern liuaneial ut ion. and as a conse quence t lie company has paid its debts about (own. Senor .1 nan Y. Euken the prop! ictor of '-La Labor," one of the largest and best kept haciendas in tliestateof So nera, arrived yesterday, accompanied by his wife. They cause to attend lire ball this ev ring. About he hist of September the Nogales Dramatic Associal ion will heciri the work of preparation for the fall and winter season. "Ilio Grande" will be the lirst play presented. Tuesday evening the track of the N. M. it A. railway between Fairbank and Uenson wast under water from an overllow of ihe San Pedro river, and the first bridge north of Fairbank was carried away. The train I oui P.enson due at .( gales at. nine o'clock that evening was until eight o'clock Wed nesday morning getting through, and when it came the Southern Pacific was reported interrupted by washouts west of Tucson. Friday of last week Mounted In spector George Webb captured Juan Ilomero, a smuggler, on the line west of Nogales. He was disposed to resist and drew a revolver. Inspector Webb covered him with a Winchester and he immediately weakened. He was brought into town and Commissioner Taylor held him to appear before the U. S. grand jury. Tuesday afternoon, when thearroyo was running with water from the heavy storm, a drunken man jumped in at a point near Colonel Ft-nochio's, on the Sonora side and was carried by the swift How to the bridge on Inter national street, where he was lassoed and pulled out, nearly drowned. lloadmaster George Montague of the Sonora and X. M. & A. railways, has his hands full now-a-days, with the many washouts. He keeps on the road with tireless energy, both night and day, and is at the scene of any trouble in short order. Among the importations which crossed the line Wednesday were four teen carloads of ore from Sinaloa, en route to Denver and Pueblo, and two carloads of garbanzos, from the Kio Mayo, en route to Dilboa and Santan der, Spain. About the fourth or fiftli of August Miss Jesus Ramirez of Nogales, and Miss Elena Montijo of Hermosillo, who is at present visiting in this city, will leave for Los Angeles, where they will spend a couple of months in re creation. Mr. Fred James, president of the National Mexican Mining & Develop ing Co., was a visitor at Nogales Tues day, coming up from VA Plomo that morning. The following day he started for his home in Chicago. Saturday of last week Nogales was visited by W. C. Wilkins, a mining man operating at San Jose de Gracia, Sinaloa, returning from a visit in the east. He went southward ou the train Sunday morning. Mr. Frank Coman, machinist, has been transferred from the shops of the Sonora railway at Guaymas, to those of the N. M. & A. road at Nogales. lie arrived Saturday of last week. 'We Sell the Rest." Drew, Sclby & Co.'s fine shoes, combining all the lux uries of tit, style and quality, at prices which defy competition. The Red House 11. Vasquez. MISCELLANEOUS. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, PR; MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. CREAM "