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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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Saturday, Jan. 5, 1901, Mesral Milking. The Sahuaripa district of Sooora is noted far and wide for the excellence and quality of the mescal there pro duced, and the manufacture of the beverage Is quite an industry among It people, every stream through the mountains being the site of one or more "vlnateriaa," as the distllerieH are called: and in t he distilling season, which begins in October and lasts about tive months, there are to be en countered everywhere in the moun tains of the district small parties of m"n with burros gathering the bulb ous stocks of the mountain maguey plant, known as "maguey chlquito," in contradistinction of the "maguey grande," which grows so profusely in the vicinity of the City of Mexico, and from which "pulque" and "Te quila are made. There is a third va riety of the maguey called "leehugia," from which there is distilied a villain ous variety of mescal, a drink or two of which would make a man steal and hide bis on socks and handkerchiefs. The quality t the mescal made from the "maguey chlquito" is far superior to that made from "lechuguia " Yet there is something in the "maguey cbiquito" growing wild in the UMun tains of the Satiuaripa district, which makes the product therefrom superior to that grown elsewhere. It is prob ably a peculiar combination of the elements of the constituent elements of the soil and water of the region. thj formations being mostly of lime sti'iie, the roots of the plants feeding thereon, and the waters of the streams partaking of the chemical nature of the rocks over which they flow, im parting thereto an elusive some thing which in the still adds a quality to the mescal made here, that is found nowhere else. The maguey is uprooted from its native spot anj the broad leaves trimmed with a hatched close to the bulbous stock, which grows above the ground, from tbe roots, and packed upon the backs of burros to tbe vina teria. As trimmed be bulb is about twenty inches long and six or eigbt inches in dianuter, the bases of the leaves sticking out !! around remind ing one of an exagerated Jerusalem artichoke. At the vinateria the bulbs are roasted in round bowl pits, tive or six feet in diameter and two or three feet deep, lined with stoHi. When properly roasted the buib are macerated ia other pito of the same Kind, and the pul 0 resulting fro '.1 tht miceration is transferred to rawhide vats. Each vat consists of an entire ox hide, t tie edges lashed to a frame about four feet square, set Upon four upright-, driven icto the ground, and standing up about three feet The hide is hung with the hairy side out, and the back the rent hangs closely to the ground, making a big receptacle which holds about a ton of the pulp, during the process cl fermentation, some fifteen days, a layer of about three inches of earth being put up-in the pulp to prevent evaporation. For a few days before putting on the layer, or until the process of Jfermentation begins the pulp is worked over in the vat. Fer mentation completed the pulp goes to the still, the ordinary closed copper kettle and worm, the kettle set in a rude stone furnace arid the worm in a wooden tank or tub through which is kept constantly running a stream of water, fed from a reservoir, tilled with bucket or a pump from a -veil near at hand Of the finished liquor there are three qualities determined by the number of distillations to which sub- iacted. The product of he first dis tillation is called "vino," and is the cheapest grade of mescal. The "vino" when subjected to a second distill -tkm loses about thirty per cent in weight and is then known as "Baca ooca." This is a niueii finer and more expensive liquor than the "vino " In the third distillation tbe "Bacanora" loses another thirty per cent, by weight, of the "vino," and tbe pro duct, known as "pechuga," is a very fine and costly liquor, within reach of the purses of the wealthy only. It is a soft, smooth liquor, having all the strength of the "vino," contained within forty per cent of its weight, but losing none of its fiery qualities and pungent taste. This product of the maguey, parti cularly in its finer distillations, is an excellent tonic and diuretic, and of great value for medicinal purposes. It is highly recommended bv the med ical piofession. The Bout FlMtcr. A pieoe of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound to the affected parts is superior to any plaster. When troubled with lame back or pains in the side or cbest, give it a trial and your certain bo be more than pleased with tbe prompt relief relief which it affords. Pain Balm also cures rheumatism. One appiici tion gives relief. For sale by L. W. Mix & Co., druggists. SUMMONS. IN THK DISTRICT COURT UK Tit E KLKjjT 1 Judicial District, Territory of AriKuna. in and for 8aU Cru County. K. B. Klcbardson. plaintiff, vs. The Empire Smelting Company : The Columbia tmflut&f Company; William K. Leach, individually and as receiver of tbe property of the Em pire Smelting Company; J. Kimber Terry and Abraham D. Wallace, defendants. Action brought In tbe District Couri of the first Judicial District of the Territory of j Arizona, in and for the County of Santa I Cruz and the complaint Sled in said County of Santa Crui iu the office of the Clerk of said nistrlct Court.. In the name of tbe Territory of Arizona, to The Empire Smelting Company: The Col umblH Smelting Company: William H. Utttcb, individually and an receiver of the projH-rty of the Empire Smelting Company: J. Kimber Terry and Abraham D. Wallace, defendant greeting: You are hereby summoned and required to appear lu an action, brouf bt agalopt you by the above named plaintiff In the District Court of the First Judicial District of tht Territory of Arlsona, In and for Santa Cruz County, and answer tbe Complaint therein tiled with the Clerk of this said Court, at No gales in said County, within ten days after t he service upon you of thin summons If serv ed in this said county, or If served out of this slid County and within this said Judicial District, then within twenty days thereafter, or In ail other cases within thirty days thereafter, the times above mentioned being exclusive of the day of service, or Judgment by default will be taken against you. Given under my hand and tbe seal of the District Court of tbe First JudlciaJ District, Territory of Arizona in and for tbe County of santa Cruz this 7th day of December. A. D. 1900. S. K. NOON, (Seal) Clerk of said District Court. A true copy. Attest: T. ft. BKODKICK. Sheriff. Date of first publication, Dec. stu, 1800. ER1SESTO PELAEl, Attorney, Counsellor at-Uw and Notary Public, Memrjer of the United States Law Association. Translations made to and from English, French and Spanish and consultations given In these languages. English spoken. NOGAl.ES. SONUBA. MEXICO. MEXICAN ORE Co. Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. PRICES LOWER THAN THE LOWEST Wm. G- DUMONT, --DEALER 1Nm- Lumber and Building material, Patagonia, Arizona. KoiikIi and Dressed Lumber, Doors, Blinds, Lath, Kte. g " MACHINIST, g (m general repair work promptly executed Lathe Work" a Speciality ffc Theo. Gebler & Son. PlOiH NOG ALES, ARIZONA my- r HARDWARE HOUSE Powder, Fuse & Caps, Mining Supplies, Lubricating Oils, Paints, Oils, and Brushes. Tin. Glass, and Crockery Ware, HARDWARE Wholesale and Retail w Agents for- VIGORITE I'OWUER CO., HOJSNET-NANCE STOVE CO CANTON STEEL CO, Grand Hotel Cohn Bros., Prop's ItERMOSILLO, MEX.. Th, Oniy Flr,t Cl Amine Motl In th CH. Table supplied wit! tbe best the Mar ket affords. It V c ) u Purcliaier, of ORES and BULLION Branoh of El Paso Smolt intr Worlrs. For Partlcularb Address. GEO. J. WAN LESS, HERMOSILLO SONORA MX E F L 1 i ri Lc of Traveling Ariel Went to oe irr GOOD HUMOF Wuen You Reach Your Destination. Take the line which never fails to Give Satisfaction, vjfi "SANTA KK ROUTE." THE SHORT LINE VIA DEHING OR EL PASO To all Points in the North and East. Elegant meas Served by Harvey Eating Houses west of Kansas City and "Diners" East- Apply to the undersigned tor all information F. H. HOUGHTON, General Agent. W. J. BLACK. G. tfl Paso, Texas. Special! Daily sleeping cars from Otamiiiff to Denver, and Chicago. Leaves Doming .S:o p; m. Arrives Doming a. in. Agent Sante Fe Route, Doming, will make reservations- P. A. Topeka, Kan. Kansas City