Newspaper Page Text
fc in WEEKLY JOURNAL- VOL. XXI No. 45. PRESCOTT. ARIZONA WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1886. PawaaawawB MS! R. JJ - ARIZONA T 5 I nit Red Star TRADE V?MAWK. UGHJFtE "1 JNoUMlf SSaWSWaW'' r'rce trwtm Upiattt, Emxtic SAFE. SURE. 25 PROMPT. at Dsrcoisrs sra nuat TU 1MIS1 WJ J. TMUU millT, btRMANREMI For PAIN Cms SacnMtisJt, I H.r.1 . InlM, a Mb pitfc r. rirr v crrTa, t usitMliri. . tuua mouuai.miinaivin, mLtisoas. aa. Catarrh CREAM BALM (.Irauae thrtf east, Alias IbIw tlB Hralt stare. eat.rc ihr Mra svr r hear lBC.atrll Aqtlrb Rrtlrr. A INxltlve CR?AM BALM bs calul n eml- able refutation, dl.placlnr all other pn-para. lion. A iwrtl'-le 1 .milled Into eac nostril no pala; a;reeabe to use. Price So cents, by mall or ut rult Sud ferclrru ar. KLT HK8THKH. lru.-rll. Owrrn. V. T TUTT'S PILLS ,2S VEAMIN DIE. MtdlealTri SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. lateeaf appetite, Basvala eaatl ve, Fala la the head, with a stall maulii la lha hack Bare Fala wader th. aaaalAsr Made. Fallaaaa altar atlas;, with atfla. lacliaatteataasertlaa.r hadr .ratlad. Irritability aftespr. Law aalrlta, wtth a far Una ofhavlaa aealected aaas datr. Woariaeea, Plaalaaea, Vlauarlaa at th. ' linn. Data hafarash. .yea. Heaastah. aver tha right era. Baatlaaaaaaa, with sHtal drMssa, Illsalr c.wSrad Cvtas aaa CONSTIPATION. TTJTT'" FIIXS are especially fliplaa So eh eases, one tlosa effaeu aoeh a MaaaoffocllngaiteastonliliUiaaagarar. Tbrr IsmtH tha AptMtts.and eaass the txxlr to Taha ow I'lMkfUiiit tlx m M aaa. ana cy unir ran aw em 0mMi.Rrnlar StaaU ara rs-ndawi. inc. aaV. sawsray a..l.T. TiTTS EXTRACT SARSAPAMLU Henoratns Ilia tfly, makni hJU:f Sean, etreoiruVns Itm rrUra tba wastea cc the eynu-m with i Hire blood and hard maacss; tooas tlie iwtou srstera. Invigorates tba brain, and Imparts tha vVjor of marJuxd. I . Soil lir dWirlsts. IfFll'Kll Murray St.. NiwTsrk. CAPITAL PRIZE $75,000. Tlrkriaaaly ax. naarra la praaarilaa LoHisiaM SUte Lottery Cipaiy -We do hrbT etrtity that we snptrrls thearranctrocnu for all tbe Monthly and Quartrtlj- Drawloga of the Louisiana Slate Lottery Company, and In person man age and control th Uraalnas themselves. .1 thai the aame are co i -Jneted with lionre Iv. ralrucs. and In rood t Itb toward all par. tie, aua we authorise t' e Com puny to o IhUcertlOcate, with rac-lmlles of oat signa tures attached. In Its adTertlsemenU." t'-sn astaalraera. We 11. r ui .1. iriiriifd llinV and banVrrs Bill v all I'm d'avrti In The LouUlana State J.ottorl'H sli'di mv h pre i-utcd St oar count rr. J. H.O lil.I.stBV 1'rcs. l-ouisiam National Hank Htm a h. k:kiv I'rcs. State National Bank. . sujimv Pres. Nc Orleans National Hank Incorporate.! In lt. for 35 ; vr by tts r l.iature Tor .ii.rrttloital ao Ohriiable .urp-i-wltU araplul uff UU.Uil which artserva rnud utov ri'ti'J hA lnce t-eer add-d. By anoverwhslinl e popular Tote lis frso rhltcmu made a pan at Ibe present SUU ujiitlluikm .dopu-d Decern NrlJ, A. U. lgi Tbeonlv lot'ery ever Toted on and endors. 1 by the "people of ray state IT KVK!t SCAI.I'.S OR POSTPONES. ftaCirsaa- wiasle Xaaater Prawlaca take place- saouihly. ihe Kxlraar aiaar)' llrnwlnca rexaiariy ercry three Muslim Inoie-il i esnl-.aaaalljr aa aeretrre. b clnnlc March. lMfMV v l-l.t.lll UrfUKrVSHV TO WV a -tTrX". KillST OKAS8 Drawiti.- i It, in llicAcademy of Music. rwrleu.'l ufay. r'rltraary th J MS h Mointiy lrwjnc. Capital Prize, $15,000. lao.eoo VlrUc: ai Five Dallara Kara. r"nriiii. in fifth la Prapartlaa. I i.lror tt:iZRn. I fM'lTal. fttl.K 1 .4 do .. i... -1 do do t TS.0C0 TS.OOU - I0.UUU - uooo ? rnizr. ok 8-o . 6 do do 2ooo. 10.080 - tojoeo mom 5 StOUO 10 Ut lu Ha) bO 0UO Iooo .1 do d do Oil loO :.oou AiTiiodinriini putii1. t Approximation Prise of f""J 6; y do do .rM 4.' V Zila do IiO z: 1'.C; Prizes, utii'ianttng to.. in. t3VM0 Application for rates to club sbculd be tuaueni3 w lur oiurc ui tun .viuy.u .w r'""": . .... r or luiiuer iij.oiiuanui tjt Int full nddren. PWITAL eTiC, Expreil MoDy Orders, or New York Kxchanca In ordlnirv .ettcr. Currency by Express (all so tot of ts and uniranis at oar Bddres-ed. Jl Mm DSKrnia, New Orleans. 1. ar m. a. BArrms. - sVaahlastaa, B C Make P. 0. Money Orders uvalft and address Registerei Letters 10 W HLCASX X ATIOXJttj BASK Jrw llrleaaa. Iji AH Sorts of a. bttrts and many sorts of ails of Siaa and beast need a cooling lotion. Mustang Liniment. '-Skavtac aka im." A (all, tlia raaa with a caw boy hat and olherwiee having lac aaaaaraace of belaag in j to tk hardy racaeVaitiMaa vrat aroand town yalteray, en gaged ia tba tUegal patt iaa -of tryiag to iliaanat at aiot ot bogna fire dollars gold piecee. Ha laccaadad ia getting rid of a number of them, bat Chief of Police DocUoa got oa to hi gamr, and it it rappoaed that fearing arrest ha left towa. Two deputka of tbe United States Marshal left is pwauit ot bin this mom iog. He evidently has the nec entry outfit for lbs Banufactar of tha bogus coin, as H is Blade aut of soft metal and then plated with gold. A maa aaawsriaf; tbs tassc deseriptioB vktied a Bambar of drsr ttorrs oa BatBTwav la search of chloride of gold and cyaatae of potash which are both used is gold plating. Deputy Marshal Boyle rataraed at aooai Irxlay having in charge tha she indivi dual. Ilia came is Jamas ruber sad he has bees living as Geo. H. Curry's rssch sear Qranit Moantaia. Ms worked for Mr. Curry a short time last fan sad aiaca that time has been engaged la cboafiag wood; with a mas named Go. Tba latter was arretted also sad brought into town, bat there being bo svidescs against him ha was allowed to return to the ranch. A search of tbs premises was mads in the bops ot find ing tha eatfil seed ia the maaufacturs of tne.bogaa staff, bat without eaecata. Fisher is a young maa about or it year of age, tin Brelimiaarv examination was set for three o'clocV this afternoon before Judge W. II McGrrw, United States Court Com miasioaer. The bogus coin was s vsry isii imitation ot tbe genuine, and ia now held by Deputy Marshal C T. Daaavan. Ike verlaaa MaMkl. Tha February iaiue of tbe OrerUoil Moo this will I published Jtuuarj 2ltb. It ill contain a continuation of the Ocnt' loo on Cbiaeee Libar, locludinf , probable, nsprr from on of tbe leader of Ibt Tacama Jnti Ctineat Mereaient, and cer- tainlj a p)r from John S. Hitiell. A consideration of tbe German tipatria- tioa Treaty Q-ieatioo, bj A. A. Hargeanl, late Minister to Berlin, U promised for Jaroary and poiticly for Febtusry. Tbe fiction of tbe nomber will be a coa tinOLtioc of Htaa Uelea lAka's aerial, California nore), "For Moaey." and an after Cbrittatat etory, entitled, "Min Roai'e Adsentura." Mrs. Helen Csmpbcll w II contribute a most attracting uittorcil sketch, entitled, "Two Old Fashioned Live Matcbva." Several Terr important bitturical aid dccriptire California articles are announc ed. A very competent critical eetim ite of Mr E Igar S Kelly's ' Xoiic of Macbeth," ia also tn r-e in tbe number, beside, tbe periodic revi w of New Novels and Verse. Charle Warren Studdaid it to e emnrg the poets of the oum'e', and tbe Editorial D partmcnu, inclading Commente and Review, will ba unuuaily lull and var our, c mp'.-tmu a vi-ry notable iiuober. The Bb-earhe SJaw. BT BIIX a VS. Winn I was young and used to roam around over the country, gathering water melons ia the dark of tbe moon, I used to think I rould milk anybody's cow. tut I do not think an now. I do sot niilk a cow now unless tbe sign Is right, and it hasn't been right now for a good many years. The last cow I tried to milk was a com mon cow, bora m oriscurtiy; kiiki oi a sen made crw. I remember her brow was low, bat be wore her tail high, and tbe was haughty, ob, so haughty. I made a common place remsrk to her. one tbst is used iu tbe very best of society, one that need not have given offente any where. I said "So" sud sliu "so d." Then I told her to "histe" and she bitted. But I thought she overdid iL She put too' much esp'exmoa in iv. Jnt torn I heard something crash through the window of the barn, and fall with a dull, sickening thu 1 on the outside. The neighbors came to aae what it was tbst caused the noise. They lound that I bad done it in getting throijh the win dow. I afked Ihe neighbors if the barn was still standing. They said it was. Thea I asked Jif tbe cow was injured much. Ibty said stie seut.-ed quite robust. Tbtn I re qarttlrd theirrttf jta-rrxarrd calm tbe cow a little, and see if they could get ay plug bat off her horns. I am buying all my miik now of a milk in in. I select a gentle mi I a tut a who will not kick, and I teel as though I could trust him. Tbtn if be feels as though be could tru me. it is all right. Ike Csww.atfaliera. The man Got, who was arrested in con nection with Fisher, ia tbe counterfeiting case, hat who was rslsased from custody. pot "or' 'aa'atr'Of irjured innocence, and thought the cfrbers ought to furnish him a horse to rstinw tome. lie did not tarry ia tnwa long, however, waiting for a horse but cut tbe dust far the cabin as rapidly as be could. Fiiher now chsrgas, and we doubt not, truthfully, that Go was tbe real counterfeiter. That he made the gilded coin, and used Fuller aa a pliant tool to procure tbe materia! and to place them in circulation. Acting on this information Deputy Mar shal Danavsn, this morning awors to a complaint against Goat and Deputy Marshals Boyle and James' Teckett ent out to arrest Qoss. Tha latter, no doubt, however, haa destroyed the appara tni, and left tor a more congenial rlime. Us is n stranger in this vicinity, having been here'oaly three months, and ia a tolerably well ewacated maa. He is also wall armed, and tasy resist arrest. There 1xit little doubt that Gass be Ioca to s ,rag of counterfeiters, who have operated ia dLffrent parta of the territory, and who aVaaw headquarters near Flagstaff last eammstvHe is said to have come orig- Inaiy from Utah.- At tbe hour of going to press' tbe o&cers had not returned, although they had baa absent twenty tour hours. A nine year old dasg'iter of Thomas L Rice, who hat a ranch near Haschucs, met with an accidental death recently. She was in a stars rsom where a number of sacks of potatoes wera stored . Whsn diacovared ah was dead, with a sack W potatoes ovsr bar, Prescott livery stable koeperr, srf, with out deabt, tbe tsagbsst set of people knowa ii tbs territory speaking frasa a physical standpoint. A fatality, which, however, does not prove fatal ia their esses, aaoatsl oos ss this eipressioa Bay sppsar, teems to attend them oflate. The first victim was J, T. Basil, of the Gray Eagle, who a abort time aince was thrown from n broncho horse, landing squarely on tbe top of bis bead on the rocky and froseo street, casting a fractnr of tbs skill, concussion of tbs brain, pan- lysis of tbe spijtl cord, and other Isss ira pertaat iajuries. aay one of which would bev Wiled anybody, bit s stable keeper. On Wsdassdsy, XsfSM larnett, of tbe Plana. Stablas, was thrown from a bigb spring seat of a six borss wagon, bead firat into the rocks sad melted snow of Granite Creek, receiving a wound which laid bis scalp open for several inches and caused aa indeaUtioa or tbs iskoll. A Isss fortes ale maa would have besa both drown sd and killed by tha fall; bat Bsrastt was srstud ysstardsy with his head tied up, "feeling pretty well." Palmar A Moore, of the City Feed Yard and Stable, yesterday, visited Csrtmsll Hughes' mill oa tbe Ilasaayamps, and Mr. Moore, being thirsty, wsnt down into tbe engine room for a drink of water Seeing a bucket tall of a clear I quid there, he proceeded to quench bis thirst from it. Seeing him drink tbe dtadly stuff, Mr. Cartmall threw up both bands. exclaiming "My God Jman, you're poisoned; you can live but twenty minutes." Instead of water, tba liquid proved to be cyanide of potassium, which usually does a maa up in tbe tune indicated by Mr. Cartmell. Not so, bswaver, wltb Mr. Moore. He went to tbe boarding house and after exhauating the supply of condensed milk on band, got oo bis horse and rode to tsws, sod in reply o aa inquiry this morning said be never felt better. H also said that be bad paid a bit a drink for a worse deletion than cyanide of potassium. E J. Austin, of the Gray Eigle, and L. C Palmer, of tbe City Stables, are the only livery men in town that have net mt with some kind oi an accident recently, sua they are both wondering what their fate wilt be. rark aVattsr. Ash Fob, Jan. 37, 1880. Though thu burg baa had such adestruc- tire firs it is again quits a busy place aa is evidenced by such eneigetic citixous as W. U. Cook and W. I. Latch ford already com mencing to rebuild. Mine boat at present is Billy Latchfotd, aa be is familiarlf cill e l, who baa turned his private residence into a hotel, for tbe accommodation of tbe traveling public, sad bis generosity ia treat ing bia guests is only excelled by his good lovk. W. H. Cook, who owned tbe Cot tage t-otel, which was recently burned, has already started in to rebuild and Lis new hotel and billiard parlors will be close to railroad track, which will be of great con venience to travelers. There ia quite a lare mercbantile business here, which is done by the firm of A. G. Oliver at Co., aid A. C. Trask. Dr. Abbott is th resident physi cian and also Das a wen lurataueu cirug store. Wm. Fitbers' harness and saddle estab lishment would do credit tn a larcer tawn. M. Woods' blacksmith shoo ia kept buy repairing outfits of the numerous freighter;. Ctarley Beach, tbe well known journalist, but who is now one of the cattle kinga o Northern Arisoas, ia bare, anxiously await ing lb arrival of ifteca bead of blooded horse, which he rscantly purchased ia the east, and which are stow bound semewberc in Kansas. He has been here now about three weeks swaiting their arrival, sod asys lie profoss to slay bare till tpnrg- if nec essary. Governor J. J. uoaptr passea through here, en route to Denver, where be goes ss a delegate to Ibe cattle convention to bs held there en tbs 38 ih. Hs says the exact schedule tims from Prescott to Ash Fork st praasat it 24 hours, and from bis wetry look when be arrived, I do notdcubt his w rd. It ia rumored that this place ia tu be headquarters for the P A. O. R. Co., when work ia commenced ia the spring oa the branch road, onnecting tbe A. & P., with Prescott, and in that event it will be the liveliest town along tbe line of tbe Atlantic & Pacific railroad. Fbkk L!tCE. Tka Blla Bxeeatlea. Oas week from to day, Friday, February Stb, U tha day appointed for tbe execution of D. W. Dilds, tbs murderer of Deputy Sheriff J. M. Murphy. Tbe execution will take place ia tbe plaza. The scaffold will be erected near the at utb wall of tbe brick enclosure, oathe east side of tbe court bouse. Soms objections have barn raised against a public execution, but Sheriff Mulvenoa bu no choice in tbe matter, cx cept to have th execution public, or go to the expense of building an enclosure, and this the supervisors will scares! y agree to. Th wall surrounding tbe jail yard is only IS feet in bight, while ths scaffold itself is 18 feet. The obisstiea waisly to a public ex ecu tioa, Is tbst ladies tad children might be compelled to witness it. As tbe time will bs announced, probably IS o'clock, there need be no necessity of any ore's witnessing the execution, who does not de sire to. rsrents oi enuaren esa compel them to remain borao at that hour, while ladies whose sensibilities would bs shocked, will, of coarse not be on the streets. No less publicity would be given the affair, if tbe scaffold were erected in tbe tail yard, as even then, unless ths supervisors would go to tbe expense of incrsasiBg the bight of lbs wall, tbe ustramaat of death would extend for six feet above tbe top of tbe wall. Terrl tarsal raaaa Territorial Treasurer T. J. Butler bss received full reports from sll tbs county trsssnrers ia th territory, as follows Apache county reports, (5,815 15, bat owing to tbe robbery of tbe county safs remits... .$ Cochise 3.000 00 14,99 M Ysvapai.. Pirns,.,.. Maricopa. Gils.... Yuma.... Mohave... Graham.. Pinal.... IjW 3 1,84 17 ,937 85 1.1M 83 4,663 13 1,55 43 3,831 49 8,365 31 Tsial.. a itti ....$77X38 0t A Trlhate ta isseal rascra. Every year, says tbe noa. David Davis, ia a letter to an eastern literry paper, amy paper gives from 100 to 85,000 in free lines for the sole benefit of the vicini ty ia which it k located. No o'ber rgeocy can or will do this. The Iscal editor, in proportion to his means does more for his town than any other tea men, and in all fairness, man with man, be ought to be aupnorted, not because you may happen to like him or admire his writing, but because a local'papcr iathe best investment a com munity can make. It may net be brilliant or crowded with great thoughts, but finan cially it is more ot a beaefit to s communi ty thaa the preacher or teacher. Understand me bow, I do not mean morsily or intellect ually bu - financially and yet on this mora question you will find the majority of the local papers are on tbe riht side of tbe question. To-day, the editors of local papers do tbe most work for the least mon ey of any men on sartb. Subscribe for and advertise in your local paper, not at a char ity, but as an investment Fwtriassl Fa real a. Tbe petrified forests of this territory are attracting unusual attention at the present time. A scientific writer in tbe San Jose, (Cal.) Mercury recently says. The silicified forest of Tritons, known ss Cbalc -dony Park, ia undoubtedly one of the greatest of American wonders, remarks Mr. Geo. F. Kunz, This marvelous deposit eight miles south of Corrirs. covers a thoutand acres, sndcrnsistsof fallen trees which hive become buried and silicified into probably a million tona ot agats and j uiwr. Some of the trunks are 130 feet long and ten feet in diameter, and othera are broken into every conceivable abape. Silicified wood is obtained from many parts of tbe world, bu no where else is it so beautifully colored as here, every imaginable abape of red, brown and green being presented. The most re markable feature of the park, and a phe nomenon unparalleled, is tbe natural bridge of agatixid wood spanning acanai h ty tire feet wide. Tbe tree is irom three to four feet in diameter, and more than a hundred feet of its length are in sight, loth sides being imbedded in th sand stone at tbe aides ot tbe cafi n. A Mattel fleas ae rat. Governor Hill made a speech at the DelraoQico Andrew Jackson dinner last evening. But those wno are in tne secret assert this speech in question was not the speech he had originally prepared for delivery on this high party occasion. The first draft of his remarks is understood to have read as f.jllows: Mr. President and Gentlemen: I am a democrat; tthou, Tilden, art a democrat; he, Sterling, is a democrat; we on our side of the table, are democrats; they, Tatnmanyites, are democrats. Let our aims, brother democrats, be to see to it that government of democrats and for democrats may not perish from the earth from the earth which we want- Great and loag continued applause, the whale company rising and bursting into sympathetic tears. You will pardon me fellow-democrats, if I indulge in a little bit of autobiography. I am a democrat from Bitter Creek. The democrats from Bitter Creek are radical democrats, the higher you go up the more radical they are, and I am from the head waters. Laughter and cheering. Ask me where I stand on the tariff, I answer, I am a democrat Seek to discover my views on the silver qnsstion, I exclaim, I am a democat Interview me touching my judgment in regard to any of the politi cal issues that are now at the fore, I but reiterate, I am a democrat I know not what course others may take, (here Hill glanced toward Wasnington), but as for me, I am a democrat from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, a dem ocrat first, last and all the time; a demo crat withaut variablness or shadow of turning. (Distinct sensation.) This morning, in a lull of business, in the executive chamber I dashed of! a few careless rhymes, which so accurately reflect my sentiments on the inspiring subject under consideration that with your kind permission, I will read them before resuming ray seat. Cries of "Good," "Capital," "Go on,' "Let's hear them." About Old Hickory, be his tribe a host Woke Friday night perhaps it was his ghost. And saw within the moonlight round his head Making It bright as some Delmonlc spread, The bosses writing in the book of gold. Exceeding ent had made Old Hickory bold. And to the bosses la h's psth hi said, "What writest then V Each bo s upraised lilt. hesd, And said with looks that well prefigured fate, "The Bourbon candida'cs lor elghty-eight.'- "And is Hill oner' said Andrew, "Nav. not so." Replied the beast Andrew pke mre loir. But chcetiy still, and said, his fi-w lip curling, "Write 1IU1 the statesman tint appointed Sterling." the bosses wrote and Tanlshed, but a hand Appeared next night with mnsic bj the band. And snowea tneir names, ly Bourbot. favor blest And lo, Hill's monogram led all the rest! New York Tribune. taaw rare Far Mlaaeata. James Stewart, Sapcrintendent ef tie Stage lines from Pbenix to Prescott, and Maricopa, taking that interest in the gen eral education of our people, to markel with all the fouudera of our institutions and with bia usual well known liberality, has reduced tbe rates of fare fur students travel ing to, and from the Ariiona Normal School, making tbe faro from Prescott to Pbenix, ten dollais, to said ttuJeuts and no doubt all other transportation lines in the territory will be equslly liberal. raasaaaptlea Sparest An old physician, retire! from practice. old physician, retire! having had placed la his hands by an East luuia asuaiuaarj mo lonauia OI a Simple veg. e'able remedy for the aptedy and permanent care of Couaasjptlon, Bronchitis, Catarrh, amiw .it u.iu.1 auu Jung anections. alaj a positive and radical enre?or Vmt Dablll'.y and all Nervous Complaint, after having tested Its wonderful curative powers tn thousands of cases, has felt It his duty to make It known to hla suffering fellows, Ac toated by tbia motive and a desire to relieve human tusTorior, I will tend free of charge, to all who daslralt, this re.ipe, in German Trench or English, with full directions for preparing ana using, sent by mall by address lac with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. 5lK. 1 rowsr's Block. Iloebatter.Xew aora. aorxow ly Ta a Maatssi Balla. Thy lips are pale as roses, White roses after tba rain, Save when the East unclcee Iu pent up wind, as faia To nip them blue sgaiu. Across those lips haa sever Passed the first alaegy word; To culture constant ever, No mortal ear has heard Their calm by laughter stined. The children of unreason, Of base barbarian mirth, May love the gay in aeatxn, May fill tbe weary earth Witb trivial, childish mirth- For thee this life it asrioca, With dignity opprctt. And an, with brow imperious, Thou frownest oo the jest Of the uncultured West. Men, seeing thee wraped in gloom or Frowning on pleasure light. May ssy thy sense of humor Is undeveloped quite It m: y be they are right. But I will still adore thee, And for thy hand will press, And low myself before thee, Because, I rather guess, Thou'rt cboap to dreas. Peck's Annual. The Hiawatha ladlaa roller Givtt the Indian to the army, Givu the red man to tbe soldier, Tnen abut off bia fire water; Tell him that tbe bar room's nowhere, Tell bim that be must hoe potatoes, Put ia wheat, and be aawiae herd, Teach hia maidens butter making, aPie construction, roller ikatiag; ilow to wear a new fall bonnet; How to don tbe gorgeous sealskin; Tell him that if he'd a dude oa, He must have, a cane, and mow some; Tell him that tbe daily papers He must read, tbst be may kniwmort; More about hia wife' dar mother, More about politics, and so forth. Thus the Indisn, thus ths red msa Shall become a noble pale face. Louisville CouriersJoBrnal Bteatllas. (COMMUNICATED.) As by the tense of bearing, we listen to oral, so by tout of sight we learn what ia comtr-unicated by written language. Con versation, though of tbe moat pleasing and kriifnble kind, cannot be commanded on all occasions, nor all subjects. Bat reading is always a source of delight, in any lank or situation of life, whether in pro.perity or adversity, it is the greatest pleasure afflu ence can pricurr, and, in aiivcraity, tne greatest consolation. It affords so vist a field of amusement, ilia', it is hardiy possible oot to tee pleas ure in persuisg so interesting s story. There is ro satiety, no lassitude in it. In this glorious and precious promenade, yoa may chooe bi company yoa like, yoa my j 'in tbctn when you please, and leave tlitru wiiii r.s little ceremony. They will chime in with all your desires sad inclias tides, liaiug an tffi-jity from mind to mind that will permeate tbe entire being in ecsttsies of true delights, and wbea you choose to retire, and your bsck 'ia turned, there are no censorious and slandering tongues to msko any inde remarks eitbtr, upon your dress or persou. r.eiding is not confined to th neb, tor o can greatly improve our minds in hst- ever sitattion we may be placed, cantering and training our thoughts or inward rea soning to a giant mjsty pleating to be hold. It may be com parol to a telescope, which opens and expands to our view, new ohjec's and wonders of thd creation, which could n.r be discerns 1 with tbe naked eye. rhere fore, choo-e for your constant com panions, works uy standard author, ana tl.ey will stay witb jou through life. ADREM. 'In th United States Court on Monday, si.j- the Citizen, "a nolle prosequi was en tered in the case of the United Stats scain-t Jsmos A. Z -.briskie, under indict ment for contributing to a politics! cai uiiL'ii fund, while holding tbe potilioo of U. S. District Attorney tietier Idea. The following is tbe list of letters remaining a. the Post Office in Prescott, Ariions, for tbe weekending January 38, 18SC: Arr.o'd Henry B;al A M B.-ycc Jas Charlton Jane Mra Cong:r C Fisley M L Fairfax J A G lod S T Griffin N Uutchtnson Jno 2 Middleton Hugh . Newton Jas H Sanders Alex Scbeaaler RJ Tiernea Joseph V-n Sack! H WsgnerH WaUn M P Waldorf M P Howard Jos C-dl for advertised letter. jua: Postaaastsr. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies, A marvel ot punty. strength and wholesome. Mara economical tban fie ordinary kind aad eaa not be sold In competition with tha maltitaae ot low-test short eight alum or phosphate wders. Sold only la cans, loyal Baklsc iwusr Ox, 108 Wall Street, Hswjork, POWDER a VITAL The object of this an nouncement is to make you better acquainted with our stores. And how is that to be done ? By asking that you send for our large Illustrated Cat alogue. It is a finely-printed book, full of facts, figures, descriptions and pictures re lating to the business. More over, it is interesting, valua ble and free. A postal card request for a copy will bring it to you speedily. You may live many hun dred miles from the Capital City of California, and still avail yourself of the advan tages in trade presented by our stores. Thousands do. Their orders pour in by ev ery mail with a profusion and regularity which shows that there is a something in our goods, styles, prices or meth ods not obtainable elsewhere. If, then, the business has the faculty of interesting others so largely, why may it not interest you ? WEISTOCK & LUBIN, Wearing Apparel & Iloasahold Supplies, SAGHAMEuTO, CAL a & : f- PRESCOTT HOTEL Fine Booms 50c COMFORT AND ELEGANCE THIS HOTEL, WHICH HAS-J maa lurmsnea m every particular with all the convenience make it a it It ia situated in the center of the T a aV 3 mAT aTharww -i t-a -m-nari- x-oBiomce, ana is me ur uua Ariiona. Particular Attention SKB. AUMULLER, Proprietor, rsseott, July 1, 1886. KELLY & STEPHENS -.AT GOLDEN RULE STORE, llsvs tbs LamestiDd atost CsrtfuUT Purtfesssd Stock Of General Merchandise! salaaasonsestabUshBiSDtui Iriira.. jS Alsi a CMpMi stick if tin Fmohs lmm .Mis, Pacific Ciast Flaml Uirirwiar, A 1H) AX ESDLE33 VARIETY OF uckingham Hecht's Unrivalled Manufact Soot and Shoes. Magnificent Selection of Ladies' avsral for taa IRpU-oaf basts wed a aawan oi ia. naw - .more. troOKXHWfcs. CORlfEB OF THE PLAZAt WILLIAMS HOUSE, THE LEADING HOTEL OF PRESCOTT The Only Hotel in Northern Arizona With Hard Finished Buoms.' SITTING AND DINING ROOMS ARE THE LARGEST AND BEST APPOINTED IN PRESCOTT. rat'Claaa In Every Reapeot BOARD PER WEEK, 97.00. H. A. Kendall, Proprietor. PIONEER HOTEL. THE ONLY HOTEL IN TOWN. (Succeessor to Dan Hatz,) SOUTH MONTEZUMA STREET, PRESCOTT. Board and Lodnng Per Week -Board, By the Day - LARGE AND gwwssiake7 k ta i. Praia iiru 111 Muni, batjiirt if rr tab 7, mi. POINTS. 4 and $1 Per Day. OStTjEEH" OPENED. IS SEW city, within fifty yardi of the ! . 2T . V fcMfcAT J1UUSE in .Northern Paid to the Comfort of mv Guests. THE: Origii CassiMfi Crit.ii . Bia and Children's Shoes, just arrive Qaw, ii i. npoD thsmln tbe past, they wQ sarasstly eadssvor - $10 - $1 AIRY ROOMS ARIZONA JOORHt-IHWL ( ratixTixci Thk Astiosx JonuiL-Xnm' h mk llsnid everr day In tea weak ezeaSaasaaar ' Taa AmioxA waaaav JocaxjttlSiaaali Eub ished every AVedneaiay at l'ia ! ika apltal ur ll.e Trntory. Ut THE .4.K1SKIXA rt'atUSSaflBMs cs - Diro'etl to the coaiserclal and haaaaaa m. tcrc-sts ot ths Territory. TEKMS: OAltT psryeax - - tttm WiiW " one year. ts) " " siZEBoatha. " gaf Jlocer may be reraitted by rertsterei lattar ostoSee order or draft The Jocas ii-Muexwiu be dellTar4 Vr rrier to suhscribers in the city for at eaa la. week. , tocsl coUcss will be Inserted at tftsaa nts a line for the first Insertion asd taa mU per Use for each sabteoueat lnserUosu Corrcspondesce on all suhWt of rsaaral interest will be accepted, anu sews from aay locality U toUelted. esrxjciaSLr trosa taa saladaar ramps and ajrrlcnl'artl district. .u communlcsuoDa should be addrassad ta Ihb JoeaxiL-MiXKn, PrcscoU. Arlseaa. K. C. IIsex. ftoom No. tn w- - Jhaaje. aa ran:laro. la sola aat far th. A.K1ZOXA JotntXAL-Jlijrxa la that eUy. Ha a aa hor!rd ta colln-t satabllshmeat, laie orjors lor advartlsiaa. wo awaauia any oiner buslnss devolvta pon hi in as tl- represenutlvs ar tha pab- ner. Tut Dait JonjAL-iMts aa titr JocBAi.-MiSEr will bo rauad sa SI at hla oCIce. Kate at ci AilTertlataa. jj-.erlrr'a Sate 4oe - IS oat Uot - Soa Xoa Soa initiion. UUtrlet Cuirt. umruons Jctlee Court t jirraure rtntlee. L ndOfflce iXotlco ror Pnblleatlnni. Application for . iviminia;raurs THIS PIPER J smm m mm w)l Mm, SWELL A. .itiTissptr jaavinmaa aims (is PrSUT), WHKKJE JV vxarnauo co.Tnucr JB7biBdefcr4t in NWYNK. all staao Tias Table to aa nssa rreacats. Mai' for tsontheru portion of the Tenitory ind Pacific tXat leaves daily at 6:30 a. sa, ria llienix and Maricopa. Arnres at 6. -Of p.m. MsU tor the Eastern State ria A. A P. It. R. leaves dally at 3)0 p ta. Arrive u p. m. aaur, ilail for Bradahaw. ria. IlLmtaia Bucno, SIccsville and Alexandria, leave nunaays soa r nuayt at 7 a. m. Arrive luesuays anu satarUays at 0 p. ea. Mail for Phcnix,via Antelope Valley, iiintoc. Wickenbnr?!i ami Vnltnr 1 llondavs. Wednesdavs and riiava a: a a. u. Arrives Tnesdaya, Thursdays' sad Sat idaysalG a. m. Mail for Juniixr, via Simmons leaves .x uidays and Tnesdaya at 7 a. ra.; 1 jusjs ana .rrioays at 0 p. in. J 51 . A. . ilarsh. Poslraaatar. TIME TAm,TC TRAISSt KAaVT SiTe Ash Fork at is A.M. Arrive at Al --,nerque at 1130 P. JI. TatAXXM warjt-r uCkVe Albnqnerque a: &40 A. M. Arrive at v'hFork at io.-OO P.M Arrive t. Mojave at X) P. M. Leave Mojave (Sen Francisco Uvt) at6:00PJt Arrive it San Frsnclscoa Trains on the Atlantic and Pacific will bera fler be run on mountain time. rains on the Soutbern PaeiOe wl r:icucoUma. iaa Palisasua ralaee MieeaSaa; crm will a raa throauik feetweva '- t aav City sua hvasi rrmmrtrnf. T Through Uekets to all pointa for ude at tbe Prescott office. For Information concerning passenger or 'rclght Dullness, call on ,. . t. . IVoblnon, Oeaeral M Uia-r- or J. F. M EA 1K1R. Acep t Hrsaeott. SPECIAL NOTICES. IUUU X. HC33. KBw A. SSUS BUSH A KXLL8, Attorneys and Cossselors at law, prescott Arlseaa. Will attsad"strIctly"to all basis ess eatraste them Ia the several Courts ot Uncord of the rritory. AbstracU ut title to miaing claim d realty accurately prepared. P-oaipt at tii jr Iven to collections. STEPHEN O. MAKCOU. ATTORNEY AXD COUXSELLOR-AT-LAW. Prescott, Arizona. C G. W. FRENCH, Attorney a.xd Cocsselob, at Law T4srWIU practice lall theCoarttoT Arftwia Oincx Over the Bank; of Arise Prescott, Arixoaa. L- F. EGGERS. ATTORXEY-AT-tAW. DISTRICT ATTORNEV OF YAVAPAI COUBTT, . ARIZONA. Office in Court House j- - Prescott. E. M. SANFORD. ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Preacoti .... Offica ob Cortac Stxast, a sw oVsasa asMaa Thk of Jocbsvat. oflSoc. DR. l K. AIN8W0RTH, Pktsiciax txs Baaaxex. Prescott, Arkoaa. OSce Oetonal Baneios.Curlay 1 . B. iL BOBIN80N, Physician axd Svegko. Office 03 2tcatesnma street, One door Iiorth of Rcetr & Cbs Dragstora CLAIsK C1ILKCMILL. Attorney General of Arizona. iTtonasr axd Oocsssixix at Law Ornca Over Use Bank, oi Arlaoaa. Prescott. Arizona. WM.H. rccmzw. ATT k:;ky-at-la-w. tj. b. cokhbi v KIONKR and for Third Instrtet tSSt, A. Wshlfai lMiartnSs a W sa aa. KSVVMt,!. A . S-2 J. C I1ERNDON. J J. HAWKINS frobata Jodc HERNDON & HAWKINS, attoroeys and counselors at law Prescott, Arizona. Special attention to conTeyanciBg asd office work of ill kinds. HENRV CLAY BURKE. ATTORNEY AND COUNSCLOR-AT-LAW. mW-V11 M.f n. ... ... . . and before the varices DtpartiueuU la Waah- lnrlnn.ll r Oace-Eooia No. J, over Bank ofjwlzoaa. Prescott, A. T. OHBCK OV KAMTKSXS MTAK Sj)a UEK RUL1CCUA11ER.VO. L lteictar ?w.-H?f L lhJ- tode, tba first and taird' TUURSDAYof eaeb month, at Tu o'claca MaibersrelnTlte.llob prarn' rzrx to r a. v. r.- raoj OU hsjaj la-wrw. V Tvimi2k astasrw at aW4 'iasiga U. X- AsaarsC ta sccaauat. Ak Urr aatssiswsl Caiaywsi taf atsssaii VsjasU stsas rasa wrtU ktstteaa raa. -" 'bit i. tss I,, aa. UUilils. aTt (U, iWranaj- 14 ii i JftaiwjsrwTaaa 3sVS .