Newspaper Page Text
JsBBsMMMs '- JfcSj ''jffftS" --'iiiiiTiiiiaili'lHrfi'rfu i i J - Mil i ii i . , u. - .)' r if ma i i Miii(yiiH-jj) Wrr ARIZONA WEEKLY JOURNAL-MINER. WEDNESDAY.. ..FEBKUARY, 10, tSC I OCAJL NOXS From Thursday's Daily. The Denver Cattle Convention lm ad journed. E. Suhl, the aisayar, reports lively bas Btas in bis lije. W.C Duvet i poshing work oa the Psck mine. Freighters report business very dult in their line at preseot. Supervisor W. G. Wingfisld left for Lome this afternoon. Mr. Fisher, a special agent of the depart mer.t of jastiw, is Jn town. Phenix investors in the Louisiana Lottery drew out 500 last month. A number of commercial travelers arc, at present, in Pre-cott, doicg the town. A number of local eparrers ptopotc to put the glov-s on to-morrow evening at the boxing uilca. Lieuttnant Dris, bo recently resigneo bis commission in lis- army, nana the Corialitoe live titxkeoraptny. Tl.e ix.citl election, held yestcrdbv, re- suited iu n oteof 71 against me trcin tax li-vv for jo-Ji purposes to 33 to of it. The Lire Suck l'tcutd, t Kaniis City, Teorl the receipts cl the tic' jard in hat city, for January, :o Ik 1",$15 cattle; 157,0flG bo,;s and 13,111 sheep. Tee marring-: of oua of Prescott' racit I Sabriu'a wooj c,rop rour mj)e6 r,m qj. r ol f.w.r Froii Saturday's Daily. tf. P. Ch:cJs, a patriHc6 Motctf, left Prefcutt Mi unrrjing, alter a visit of tev- erai days 1 -jkinc into mMl rnatteis here. J. Si. VinJoburg ins retutnal to Pn-s sou talistied to take chances here in prefer ence to any place seen during bis ab'ence Rev. C. S. Bsardt k-c and wife will short ly leave for a two months' for the btntfit ol the Uttcr's health Kev. JJr. Smith, who ws for s, short time pastor of the Congregational Church at this plac. is Ijing seriously ill at his residence in Eiit Prescott. Chief Justice Shields and family are ex pected to crrivn from tec cast to-morrow. Kooma h:v been ccgtge-J for thtm at 3lrs. Curtis, in West Prescott. V U Danes is in town from tbo Peck. II rays that the work of drifting to make connection nitb the Occidents! mine is beting vigjrcjuJy prosecutcd. Mrr. Home, mother of Miss Kciily Home and Ed Uoruc, his br.-n quite seemly ill dayp, bating bad a tumur reroov ed fieui her &liic. 6he is uut' iu a f-iir way for .-ccovery. we uie Uippy to say. Heivij' k at the .Marina Street Courch to morrow us follow: Preaching at 10 30 a. m by Hev. C. S. BeardIee, Pastor of tho Con gregational church Si jhath School at 2.30 r. m. Prsichiag m tbe evening l 7 o'clock by X L. Guthrie, Putor. Tii3 Lynx Creek pl..cer mincn have now jsc ruiaiu 1j: tifj in Osy- with a ;oo supply of water, which i-, at fresco:, be ginnicg to diminish. Tbe leu t will con tinue to run witliont cVm u n loot; ih water lastf, Fraccifco Kirillo wa killed i.t Antonio iviuiilir oacir turn to oae Ol ctr iiutsi i " . ..ii mi mi riiiinia' -. .unif ladiea is an iounced to plce it ear.y djy. Snow ie still rcoortc twjat !itt teet deep on the Ilasya:!ii oiv.oc the Ptck and Turket Urceic rc-im got by way cf the bead of Big Hag. The Fnscott Grsy, iu cddnu a : -t:r cymnasium, rtcentl citabiitt'eJ.wt tik'ug Ixinn. t ii nnnriuf. tlieli! lalU" t"i.r '! IiTe exoertt in tbe terpticlKirean air b ..t .g to ibe compscf. rti Hoard of Sbd:itiso! uwsrJed tie printing contract for tne i urmit year to dav to W.O. O'XeiL Lej reouted the ial. rv of tbe Flags laffDt -put y sl trrT25, for takirg care of tbo tuanch )i: there and mdjournd to meet at tbe csli of Lc cbiir- mua Phenix is being veriun with Cbinauien. The Gazette sys that ttcry t pemnt ar- rivts bia lriai olc to two Chinamen cn board. It looks very much is n the cru ade against tbem iu Cuforct is Onviog them to Arizona. The territory already has aorc than enough of thtm without becom inc the harbor lor more. Toe editor of the JounsAL-Mtstn hss baen tlie recipient of an e egant diemoad Crf pin, trom a good old lady of Brook lyn, New York, a a testimonial of her .pprecistiou ot kind words spoken by this paper oa tLo death of terioa. A tue tn .bute psi-I ta her son on his untimsly death 9raiaai uple act ot justice ant nritten trom puie!y disinterested motive this testimonial i highly priiei by its recipient The Mexican Government has just issued - decree that bereatter, along the border of the United Statea, tingle letter posuge to anv iart ol Mexico thai I be five cents s (Mexican money,) and postage on priule .matter one cent on to and a half ouncts instead of ten cent for letter and proper tionally high rates for printed matter as heretofore. Frontier, Any reproentativrt tud nit em at cs, orany comrades ot Bsrre:t Post, o C2, G. A. It or meabers of Barrett Ketiet Oorp?,Uo. 18 -deairiDg to attend the Department Eacimp tcnt of the Grand Aimy of the K?put ic, which convenes al Sscrament on rho IStb instM can obtain cert:ti:U?, whir.h will te cure then first class tickets to the above mentioned piece and return, at two third tbe regalar rate by applying to Geo. H. Tinker, Commander, or Geo. V. Sines, Joartermater of Btrrett Post. Com. W. Bsacb has attached a car at Ash Fork, belonging to the grand trunk line. It was tbe one in which his lirrtes aere. He had a writ! n contract with the grand trunk for the delivery at Ash Fork ot the horses for a f pccified sum of money. They were received with an addition Jreight b:li added of $300. Mr. Btach paid the above amount and at oncf got oat an attachment against tbe car to recover the amount. Uader the law which went into effect Januarf 1st, all fee for recordinn all kind of documents n pipers goes into the county treasury and the ree;der is paid a sala'y. In cse an instrument is rccoided that offi cial is responsible to tbe county for the fee. which brings the business down to a cash bii. Parties sreding instruments from the country to be weirded will do well to tnftkr a note cf it and Fend the coin al cg, s it i not optional as heretofore, fc:r the re corder to rccir.l any instruin-nt end take chsncM on p'tyrant From Fkidvy's Daily. Sammrr wcatuer. The to-n wts fud of visitor? o.-l ;j tnanyof them b-irg sttrrctcd I.cra o wit ccs the ixrutii'U of D. W. D:!da. The txecution of hs been the principal top:c of ccnvtr.-sa'ion to-day, and is the principal item of news also. Charles VV. Beach arrived in Kirklsnd Valley yesterday with his Umec: rrctntly brougb-. out from the east, tweivetn ber, twoof vrliicb are fins stollionf. T1ip, were snn- ItocnJ lor nineteen days in Kf but arrived in good condition. A Chinese rah hoase on Upper Grjiaite Street, near the Creel, has qJite a curioity in the slupe of a Cbincc Untern. It con aists of a panoraras of quaint figures. Tbe Isntern was msd by nn ingcauous Chines', named Chirlrv G-c. The plsce i visited each cvsnin? hj lirge number of vi;tor. Tnscityd i l" Pa-a t hr McVl-l tii slicg shot nu-siee t"'t!5 t!u !xy of tht town wih a view of fuppre-sing it. It would bo an set ff wisdom ot) the rart or tte council of Fresco: t to do the f ilinp Lore as they ate dangerous plaything. The first curater cf the Silt Kivcr Ya'!oy Xr-f, or rather cne half of ir, ii on our table. It is published at Te rope, nr.d when coomnnicitina i ovocl up for r?cilpt of taVrrial, delayed by vusboutf, will appear a five column qutrtn paper. U is pub Ulud jyj. 5: Pitch. T. 15 II astir, and II B Hirri. v.i'li the fj'tt nme3 r. editor. tc initial rumKr i-a vry i-9t'y printed and r.ey sbttf, and leii2 j uUii-bed in s .ipeirta rown, wi'.u fc, rai conC'iuous Tillgtt s.-.l ettjf niontf in a !fc condition ill, no d ubt, bi a tuccasful venture. ton, Sunday alurr.oot; list, lie Km takin lessons in pi-tol practice from his friend Santiago Juarez, who was twirling a revol veron his finger, '"a la cowboy," when i was accidentally di-cbcrged, uh a lata) result. The Coroner wi at vic uotirird and proce'iJed to the ciiup an I i jok chsri; the iKKiy. At iu.- i. jue u 1 1 Monday a ns.'iuo.r ol vitnssea o:c 'Xnninf '. tho til tcrtified sub-tantialiy Ihtt the killing wa purely accidental, and the jury exon eraticg tbe primmer, ho was drcbarged TLi makes the second death occorrirg in the tame caup nitbin to ueik.-, and in precisely the same rasuntr, both tbe victim discijvrirg too late that rhc pistol was loaded . Clarion. From Monday's Daily. Jiiiurt DtTcsport left for his home in the Verdt VjIIcv yesterd ay. Under Sheriff M. Liwler went out to tin1 Verde on c llicial besioes yet rday. Chief Justice Shields and wile have re turned from the east. Ssm Hill h cone to Peer ix on busi uess. Hon. MT. A. Itowu and family will mov: into Prescott this week. Mr. lUwe will bnild himelf a residence ih Eist Peicotti in which they reside. Governor Zalick and Marshi! Meido tave gene smth. Court wil'open next ilonday :iin. Tbe indications arc good for another s'orm. P!eaant scd sure cure Red Star Cough Cu-c. Hev. G. II. Adams i trying to build a church at Wilcox. J. . Piper is giving instruction' to a cu.nber of pupils at his re icecce. .Mr. Drownelt, of the Elcio batter factory of I iinoi. talks of s'articg a creamery in Phenix. Location notices of mining claim are being filed at a lively rate with the county recorder. Miss Martin and Mrs, Collumber opened privi'c fcbcoU in tbe public school build ing to-dav. Jailor Hickcy has a numbsr of prisoners at work unking improvements around the court house. Rev. X. L. Gctbrio and Rev. C. S. Beards lea exchanged pulpits yesterday, and each preached tn large cargregdtions. The Phenix Gszettc urges the employ ment of Aiizona convicts, in building dams and reservoirs for irrisratinir imi noses in the territorv. Arthur Ribinon's young iriendj gave him a surprise party on S'.turrfar niijlif, at vthicti tho young folks present esjiyed themselves. A temj sny has L(n ngftiiid fo the purpose cf building tbe Phenix and "Maricopa railroad, and Phenix ia ooco more u!I of hope of gelling her rod. The Whipple jubilee sirgers, who were to have a portion of the rcrtipts of Friday night's uerformaccr, out fnilod to lecrive any, will shortly givp cr.ot!icr concert in order to trv and cet even. Al'ftuugh a urge edition of extra copies ot the JontNAi.-UNXP, contauun.; an account of the Dilda txreution ws printed it uas tsbari'.ie't b-fre on Sturday. Extra cipie f tiew kly vrill lie printed. wiii-ii can b" prrftjr. rl, ?r itc tor uniijoj:, t tin coats p?r cop . WwIvHIa Yfiliiitns came up froai t!ie Huabng mining district few dtyi 'tnce. ad ropons grent activity in irining hnre. Fhe St. Lsais-YavspM mill runnir? on custom re arni tniners are busy developing ihi-4r properties. II" -ys nejotiations are pndiag for the talc of tbe Tip Top piopc tv oli'J. MrK.Jjcob lletiklc, wife of cx-Sberiff Heokte, of Vtvapii Ouunty, arrived in thi iy eveninz irom Prescott oa a visit to ner sister Mrs. J. F. M. Yonjc. Tuis i ibe ftcnad lijio this lady ha vrfitfd this ei'r, and trc hopetbit her stay here wdl be leMiJit and she wilt return home 'gidn i'J qiiIIy w gwd opinion of Tombitone his time a tbe fnd npoa her la,t visit. The Touibitas. From Tuesday's Daily. . Thn Sterlio? milt is running oa a lot of 200 Son" of go-jd oie. L. Bn'nfiird fc Co yeteidsy, received a largo cisEigcmcat nt gcac's. The Prescott foci d club will give their ' j'd pirly on Fridny ctcaing next. Oh! rVr a gjrd smoke I "Aitkcn' Bat" lSt cent cigar and yon have it, A nther severe and very uccomfortablo north wind ba jsea l!owing all day. The prop;ct is go-i for the tarly settle raent of tasc by the Atlantic & l'.icinc railroad. The JonuNAi.-MnsEB is under obligations to Delegate C. C. I5w for imparlaat pub lic documents Mjar W. F. Drum. Acting Icfjiecttir Genersl .t tbe Oepartmeui, has got e south ia public busine??. . G. Stewart is practicing law kt Flagstaff and adiicent :owu, and is said to bo acquiring a lucrative practice The south west corner of the cold wave, which has been quite eivera in tbe emt ptrack this section to day. J. S. Ras has sold bis one-fourth inter est in the Jlorgm Kid, and two ether mining claims on Turkey Creek, to F. M Sbcit. A solid walnut wardrobe, fine parlor set, heating stove, etc-, must be all sold within a few days at tbe residence of II, J. Wurz bag. . Joseph Cook, of Williamson valley, who was recently run over by a wagon and se verely icjared, his so far recovered as to be able to visit Prescott. Under Sheriff Latrler to-day compiled a list of buioess houses in Prescott that are subject to a county license, from which we learn that there are sixty-five. Sheriff Mulvcno" to-day riceis el a $10 government note of the issue of 1862. These notes were long -inca called ia for redemption, but this one lias escaped. Chas. Bishop, of tbe Four Mite House, cn the Black Cauun road, has become n bonaa' zi kmc, luvir recently purcnasca tee Ballwlncker mine, locited near his plice Coles A. Bijhtord ami J J. Fisher have returned from their trip east, whither they went with a shipment of cattle. They were snow bound n the road t r nineteen days The fire "laddie" were out in lores last nicht with tbeir machine. Attir tbe 1st ter were stored awaj, tbe biyg had a cele bration over the election of the Chief and Assistant. The widow of Rev. Geo. L. Smith, dc- cev'td, applied to Probste Judge- Uiw kins t -auy for tbe admisioa of the will of the decetsed to probitc. The cntiro estate i lett to the widow. D. F. Mitcbel', clerk of the board of supervisur, received word to-day that tbe doors for the county vaults to he trcctcd in the Cortez street Irdlding were shipped from Chicago on Friday last,Febnnry 5th, Ths impres-ion ha5 gone abroid from seme source tlut tbe Phenix schools are about to close. We arc pleased to be able to say tbat they will probibly run till April, the exict timo of closing not yet having been determined. Herald. Judge W. C. Uizeh'inr, bolici'or of the A. & P. railroad, has taken up his tempo rary residence in Prescott, and "dl proba bly remain her ths present month. The Judge likts tbe climate and citiz-cs of Prescott, but it is business tbat keeps him here. MXI0K MPBKTM. A CMI r Vtttmmt UUlmg Yaatks ! she Ttwa A short time a couple cf inorcent nd mihl lo-klng youths arrived in Pres cott and announced themselves as profes iona!a of tbe -'manly art" of slugging, and were desirous of giving an exhibition hero They gave thsir names as Jack Ryan and Bob McPherson. Ryan's real nsme being Henry Taylor. By tbeir innocent looks they worked themselves into the confidence of the sport ing fraternity here, some of wbom advaneed them money. A mitch wa arranged be tween Ryan and a soldier named Gavin, at Whipple, which s to be a fi jht to tbe finish. The performance was announced fjr last (Friday) night, at Howey's Hall, with m con-ert by; tb-i jubilee singers as a pre lude. Tue latter were to leceirc f 25, as their share of tbe receipts. The concert camo off according to programme, but when tbe time arrived for tbo "slugging" to com mence, Ryan announced that his antagonist was in the gusrd boue at Whipple, and could not attend. Walter Hulligan, who was formerly a feather weight chmpion of New York, put on 'he gli.v--s for a three round friendly set to. Hall gan knocked him around tbe slag.- as if he were a rubber man, the opinion of be auJieiice generally being that Ryan ws amply playing bimt and tbat he iu realty what he represented himself, and allowed Halligan to knock him around for the purpose of getting up a match with some ambitious alueger. Sub sequent developments point to tbe fact tbat Ryan l an impostor and a fraud, as he nd his companion arose early this mnroiog and Wednesday's Edition. The Paul-Shaw case is . Tucson, am in court in Placer miners are over an abun dant supply of water. Cloving ol UrUool. J t urxat.- MJxkb "Yours A Plainer' t '. li On Saturday ctcaiag it o'clock ttrv. Geo. L, Smith, died ot cons u m ptiaain Prescott, and was buried this afternoon at. - oclocf, a large OnccurstJJf Ex Governor Sifftrd will visit this Ter ritory shortly. Tbebard of -upervino s will hold an other session to merrow. The Mohave connty-delioquet.t tax amounts to 152,000. list 31iss Martin and Mrs. Collumtwr iave each a Urge numbr of puoils. It coats Tombstone S57 per month to run her pu lie schools. Copies ot tbe Wkk ki.y Joubxal-Uisku in wuppers ready fcr mailing, can bs had at this office. Three columns in ihe lat ivuo tithe Yuma Sentinel ia icvoted to the subjsct of banana culture. A. P. Minear, a prominent mining man of Sn Fmi-cUco, is paying n visi: to Pres cott. ha OCURXAT.-MJSKI5 "Yours Truly" uaving jot returneil from itnes3iig the closiDgctercUesofihaSkun Valley school ending a five montl s term. Under the sb!e .management of J?ls Jif Hiads, recently irem Catifornin, KeU Hist. :u considcra'ion of hU own ss well as the usiversally ex pressed satisfaction of those present on ths sound tbe prai-o rf both teacher an.l n, J " . " "al", ol "a- pils bejond tbe boundaries of 'Skull . Wtl"e.h? IeTt8 erl, iicia iu uioura ait loss, ne also leaica a rtrzens attending to pay tbe last sad rites to a retf inuiuwmg joung man, wno fiu oeca take away ia the prime of life, and m the very- morning ot his usefulness. Dccea-d wis The Prescott Riflis have chiuged the -f tbeir meetiog from twice i month to every Tuesday evening Tbe A. A P. tax question is being amies lily settled by tbe attorneys, and Jud Usieldiiie will sbortiy pay tbe traa for have not been seen since, tbe generil sup- tl,c company. position being tbat they have skipped the town, r.s there are numerous creditors, who have been looking for tbem all day. They left unpaid bills amounting to $125. Captalai Cittwrard'at Death Tbe following general field order has been issued by ordergf General Crook re lative to tbe death of Captain Crawford i Fort Bowie, A. T., January 30, 1SSC. Harry Woods, formerly editor of tbe n ilcox Stockman, is setting typo on the two llepublicj, a nawspsper publishej in the Cuy of Mexico. Tbe Chinese population of FIore co has trebled in numbers witbin a month. They are boiog driven Irom California and are crrwdicg into Arizona towns, General Field Ordeks i No. 2. i Commctcial travelers, sometimes called drummers, continue to calt on County Treasurer Cook ard leave with him the amount of licenses imposed on them by territorial statute, the sams as they did be fore ihj recent decision by tbo United Mates court, That dee;sioa does not f ftct our territorial statute. Complaints arc frequently made of copies of the JounsAL-MiSEU biicg stolen from subscribers, but a young man,.too mean to buy a copy, and too cowardly to steal, h't on an original plan to obtain a copy from tbe carrier, containing the account of ths Dilda execution, whereby a regalar sibicriber was deprived of the one due him. Mr. Bullwiokle, manager of the Arizona Cittle company at Flagstaff, has recently imported fir the company a magnificent Perclieron Notman stallion from Norman- With feelings of the deepest Kirrow, tbe Brigadier General Commanding announces tbed ath of Captain Emmet Crawford, 3 J Cavalry, which occurred near Nacori, Sonora, Mexico, of wounds received January 11th, 1886 Captain Crawford, with the z.'il and gal lantry which bad always distinguished him, volunteered for tbe arduous and thankless task rt pursuing Ihe renegade Chiricahua Apaches to their s roogbold in tbe Sierra Madre, Mexico, and was ass'geed to tbe command of one of the most imp r tast of tbe expeditioas organized for this purpose. In tbe face of most discouraging obsta cles, be had bravely and patiently f 'Mowed in the track of tbe renrgidcs, being con stantly in tbe field from ibe date of the outbreak in May last to the day of his death. After a march of eighteen hours without halt in the roughest conceivable country, be bad succeeded in diicovering and sur prising their raucberia in tbe lolly ranges near tbn Jarras River, Sonor. Every thing belonging to the enemy tel. in our hind, and the Chiricahuas during 'be fhlit sent in a f qonw to beg for peace. All arrangements hsd barn anil a for a conference early mxt moruing. Uufortu nately, a body of Mexiciu irrgu.r troops attacked Captain Crawford's camp at day break and it w while enrienvriag to save All ot the United States Marshal tor Arixona tor twenty years have not been re publican. We can call to mird one at least who was a democrat, ff. W. Stsndi ter, and whose sccounts balance 1 on the wrong side of the ledger, too. dy, France. The Champion says he is a I tbe lives of others tins: Crawford fell. splendid specimen of tbo Norman breed, coal black in co'or, and wcighirg 2,200. Thomas Maoahan, No. 33 Montgomery trect, uuason, is . i., two yaars ago was given up by his physicians. He was tflicted with dyspepsia snd obstinate con stipation ; bad lwt forty pounds in weigh ml WL5 a bedridden invalid. lie com menced taking Brandreth's Pills in deses of five, four, tjro and on?. Then he took two every night for a montb, gained eight pounds ia weight, and was able to attend to buiiness. He took two pills every night tor tbe following six weeks, and was tn tirely cured. Tho Tucoa Star says that on the second Lieutenant Mans arrived at Guadclupt canyon, accompanied by Chief Nana and &e buck and squaw and son of Qciqnicco. All of tho hpstilcs have agreed to come up to the line at the full of tbo moon, which will be in about two weeks. Tnat the Apache trouble is at an end there is little room for dcubt. As scon ia Guron'mo and is band of murderous thieves surrender tbeir punlsbmcut wdl be next in ordei. Wung Lee, a Chinaman that has been in this territory for tho last fifteen year, was naturaliztd yesterday in the U. S. district court, iue attention ol tbe cf.urt was called to the fact tbat a Chinaman bad born refused citizenship by Judge Filz cr- eld, but Judge Barnes luled that as there was a donbt about the right of Chinsmin to citizenship in this country under ihe new t-city he proposed to give the gentle man the bs:ufitof tbat doulr. Star. The !ird of delegites of tbe fire depart race held their annual meeting !st nisL', and eUcted Clus. Spescer, Cliitf rt il, ?p.anciiijt; Gjo. W. Sines, Assistant Chief and J. H. A. Marsh, Secretary of the jard. The election of C.iief and 'Assls tat Ins to ba submitted to tint city coun cil for ratification L. Bashford & C, got in a wsgon load bams and choice brcakfist bacon from the east yesterd y. Parties de-iring to read ths Jcccxal- HiSKit, and who arc ?oo poor to py for it, will ba supplied gratis n application to t His loss is irrep'iMbif. It is necessary to explain Ihe itrueitUtit vi ure pf the ser vices rrf im d by die distinguished sol dier. Hie i iuc- tiet ijt-ee prominently identifl -i witliuioi ot l-e strerest c m- paigus aud with mnj f the severest en gagements with hoiti.e Indians since tbe close ot tLe war ot tLe rlcl.hii iu which also, ss a mere youtli, he bj;o a galfant part lie bos been personal!) Known to tbe Gen eral Commanding the Dpartptt-nt tinea 1871, and has been at vniii us times select ed for the i-xecutio-i t' the most delicate and most responsible trust-, ali of which duties have been perfoim -u o .be cmiilete satisfaction of bis supcrio s, wLcibtr in the field against hostile Sioux, Cm-yrnuus, Uiet the republican pap;r In this tonn has never insinuated in a mean or in anv other way that Marshal Meade was a little be hind in his accounts. It simply made i Iain straightforward statement, according to lutormatioa it bad received, and iusic uaieti uo-.uinc. it is not tbe insinuating Kind or a paper. If it baa anything to say it speaks right out so it can bs under stood. The fact that a part of Umrabal Meade's accounts have been suspended, if such is tbe case, was not intendel nor could it have been understood as a reflec tion on him. Happy is tbe tffieial, Uoited t- . . . . i r t. . i . i . oiaiea jimrsuai or oinerwise, who can i.ave his vouchers passed without h vii-g any of them suspended. The expenditures were exceptionally large, and the result to show for them were exceptionally small. This is a fact which Marsral Meade himself, we ptesume, will aesreely attempt to deny. The Citizen has been giving tlw Tucon merchants a little talking to in regaid to their habit ot sending away for their print ing, while they set up a big howl when ur of ihcir customers order goods from the outside. Tho following very truthful re marks art applicable to other pities be sides Tucson ; "They expect psper to suppress legitimate items of sews - to abme some one they ba'e ; to lie lor them when they have rams axj to griud, and. to hs a gcner.l catspiw to rake their chest-' cut out of the ire, but they wijl beat him dona on tbe already low price of advert ing and get competitive bids -all ever the country for a job on which there is a m'u- g.n of one dollar profit. SulH merch-uits have no right to expect a good word from the press, and if exact jastico was accordea Jiera they would soon close un hudnel-s. Tbej are an injury to the phce tbey sre b'eeding to death." Ejitaph. The PaKlllt,fj Henry Clack, alias Henry Tiylor, a'iis Jack Ryan, tbe alleged pegdia', but who is a In ng libel on tbe mtnly ft', and his or Apaches, in Nebras!;, Dakota, Mou'ais, I partner, Bob McPherson, wf(o tried to hkip Utah, Colorado, Aria iin or Mexico, or, in I the town on Saturday, without tin fonmlitv thc more perplexing oud mere ennying I of leave taking of their numerous creditors, position ot the ofUi-.-r in etinrgu of theintcr I were overhauled at Chino Valley, Sunday ests of the Ap-cu- Si'ioo, tvh'cb place he I morning by Sheriff dulvenon apd Deputy held iri-h honor and filehtv tor ncarlv I Sheriff Hickey. The latter polled a shot w I three years. I gun down on them and ordered tbem to Brave es a i-1 ; nio Vt, ten-'cr and gen- I throw up their hand', wh!ch they did with tie as a wromr i kiwsj avei-e to alluding I alacnty.ltyao TayIor,Clack temarkingwhen tobiiown sci!creni(iit; temperate, noble I ordered to do so, "Yo sir, yes sir, don't and whe, Iij wbi, ciurng 'if , nn h i:or to I shoot." They were brought io ton, his professi-o and ia death 1 an mm pie. to his comrades. By C mmasd of Bhioadikb Gunkral Gr . Cbook: C. S. ROBERTS, O-rta'n 7 !i Infsntry. Okticml: a. A, D. O. lreeott tljut. James Ste-rar', pimmi"ii fr rli- ex penditure i-J Mi- npnrop- ; o nud.; for the improveiii"i-t of the ft uck Ci-fl-in roid rc tu'nd ibis iDoimcg 'n-m a vi-it to the camp, which i now located hot ween Gillett and New River. He informs us that the recent storm damaged the grades on the Blaclf Cafim and Arr.istra creek hills very slightly, ana thn the forco csn make all necessary rcpitrs in two days. An entire new roil has been made over the Chalk hill this side rf Gillett, turning to the right this side ot the rocky grnunl and running by the old stone hnue The stage came and dividad up the gde receipts between Justice Pannenberg and Sheriff Mnlvenon In the way of costs and were allowed to take up thi.r tramp again towards the railroad. P. escott business men are liberal to the unfortunate, but this pair found out, in their sorrow, that th y cannot do the town and get away with the busines in an underhanded mincer as they attempted to. Sixirm Opics Of t e Weekly JocraloMiskb enntainirg a ftd' ;cj uit of the execution of I). W. Ditda, can bo procured at thi ofBc a r.nd altri Wednesday, February lO.h. Piifo 10 cen's. Ben Batter's :hp Hesiae. outczumt Sircct, Prescott. All tbe deli- . cics or the Home, ban Fcaocitco and K.oas City market", Cvimp'istng: Fresh Fish, Oys-ers, Ibters, Cbickcc, Pigs Fee', ripe, Rpietil ramb, To-gaes, Sslad, etc., i'C , Jlm.ier Irom 4 to 7 r M. Elecaut Prirste thorns Attache'', Suppers and Pricus to suit his e.ffi:e Wc niaite this off-r io tbe hopes ofer th3 r-e roa'J jesterday which is bitter F; irate D.i nci a spicaliy. Pi hat theso "who do pay fur it msy not be ao'' sbnrter ilnn the old route. Ten men ,le t',nw- 0i,,n tUS ar'li "'Sht that robled of it as has been done of late. J. L. B ik-ir, of Albioa, Nebraska, wants to know tbe whereabouts of bis brother, U. Biker. He formerly kept a station on oe roid irom rrcscou io Jerome. Any ne knowing of him will p'.eiso cummuoi- cate with Sheriff Mulvenoo. sre now cmpbrcd ot tin work which will be extended to ths old D:.crt S aton, and wnn op?ratlnes are completed wilt iv t- the public one of the best mountain toids ia the territory.- Gtzc fe. PJROT3ATE COURT. KewapiH-r rrrarj-lDtlenii. An exchange says: Pi-ople cannot be too chary about newspaper pretcripiions. Een when startrd out right the icm ranco or ticglect of compo-iters will alter tbm so tbey make fatal doses. Once last summer I'i-olinp Cntlle. Pitaa County, Ariztne, has the most pro lific cattle in tho world. We hV6 about 00,000 head of cattle in this county and ship an exchange publiihed ai a cholera preven about 90,000 bead per annum without di- live a formula which nould havo caused minisb.og our stoct it would appear by I death ia one dose, and recently another Ins this that cveiy cow, lull and steer and calf done the tame in a prescription nnMi.kM sre a calf each year. This is not actually the cts;, however, and still our first propo- itiunis substantially correct. It is not the breeding, bul's, steers and calve, but tho smugglers acros tbe Snaora line west of Nngales, that keep up tbe regular supply for shipment. Frontier. for nytiropnobia. in boih instances tbe blame is attached to tmnsnmiti, n nf .nm portion of the formula by a compositor. Bat that would not help back into tbe world a poor fool whose fear of contagion had led bisa to bavo the prescription pre pared for use. In the Probste Court of Y-tvapal County. Ari zona, crriti-rr: In the matt-r ot ihe rsttte of Gzoacc L. CMITU, l)cc-fert. Tbe Territorv of Ariz-jna seeds Orcetlnir: Pursuant to an oricr of the ebove entitle'! Court, ruade on Ihe 10th day of February 195, notice is b r br c:v.-n tbat TUESDAY, T E DAT OF FEBKUART, 1SS3, at 10 o'clock a. n of raid day, at the eourtrnom ot said court, at the court house, In the City of Prescott, In tbe County o: Yava pai, Ariaona Territory, has bc-n appointed as the pl-ace and time for proviogthe will ol said George L. Smith, deceased, and for hearing tie application of Mary X. Smith for the Issu ance to ber of letters testamentary, woen and where any persoa lntero ted may appear and contest tbe same. Attest: J. J. HAWKINS, Clerk, PaEscoTT, Arizosa, February 10th, 1S80, Feb 10 lOt Subscribe for JoUKNAL-MlSU . tlie Arizona ' 't Gulch," and to that end respectfully asks the assistance ol your valuable paper. Thei-peaing exercise of tho entertain ment wss vocal music "Gay and Happy,"' readercVi by the school. Then followed recitations emfresdingj by each student, with occasionally a s-ag. The eidtr pupils acquitted themselves iu a praiseworthy manner 4,in point t( de liyery. -ivbg such fjree to their utter ances as many older and more cxperiencei persons fill 'o do, thus reflecting deserved credit upon their teacher, and it ii only justice to tbe trii'ilier ones for me to ftato that tbey were, considering the sg?, Mr- respandicgly successful in their efforts. fho audience, which cccapiod ail availa ble space of ths room,, was favored with tea son?s and twentv-Eve reeitaiions, onlv a few ot which, however. I h va time to specially nnhc; taii cvenirg, for I must at'end the dance to-night. Mrs. Caudles Lecture.'' br Div.d t rspn, red c ed credit upoa the spjakcr, who manifested oti.iistakible' evidence of possessing ontorical r.owers. thednvelopment of which should not bo neglected. 'The Old Man ft School," by Miss Ollie Dicksoir, was given with an eloquence not oltea displayed by a dmrct school stu dent, and ltich, perb.ap?. wou'.d" uot often be trcclltd in tbo higher schools. Tho recitation was of an old man ot three score i.nd perhsps ten, who had not caterd a echoot-room siaea hi.i boyhood, and therefore did uot notice or realiz-j the great modern improvements jn the f&cili ties for educiticn, until one day ha visited a village school, and oa reluming to his hctao was expressing his surprise and wotf wife, and oue child, two years old ia Pres. cott to mourn the loss of a loviog father sea a devoted husband, who have the warmest sympathies of our people in thefr great bereavement. - '? Mr. Smith graduated with high honors a: Amr-erst college ana afterwards took a course ol theology, and graduated front Andover Collegu. A gentleman who re cently visited Prescott who was acquainted wiui mm uunng his college life, said he was Q2c of tha mrut promifeiag young mea of his class. After graduating JTroa Ando ver college, be was for some "time stationed st Rock Springs, Wyomisg, as pastor of tho Congregational Church at that place. His health beginning to ail he removed ta Riverside, California, but failed to secure th- relief , expected ascTTabdaflea' 'the miniitty anl came to Prcjwtffor the ben efit c.f bu health, and engaged in tbo stock bu'nes3 with T. W. Otis rn the Lower Agui Fria. lie had, hewever, postponed' mis ensnge tco long, and the fell disease had obtained such c hold on his system that ocr healthful end life giving c.ima$ faileil to overcome its insidious inroads on his system, although there is no doubt his" life was prolonged by it He preached for the Congregational sexiety here for jthree moatb3 to fill he vacancy cauaul by the resignation cf Rev. T. C. Hunt, peadidtbe arrival of Uo7. C. Sv Btfardslce ana was recogaizid donna that time as one of the Fire! Fire! Fire! AT THE CITY TTAT.T. Wasliington'sBirthday February 221, Ills. GRAND BALL To the Prescott Volunteer Fire Q apari ment Everybody Turn-Out TICKETS S1.00. A. Gr RANDAL ablest ministers that has ever be;a ia ircscott, and a. a man wtsuaiversaliy loved by all who knew him. Like al! others suffering from this disease ho' ws sanguine to the Jsst of bis recorery; , A Brllliaut Stroke of Esiterprte. I - - J .J . V. . IIIBBIIUIIC. that Hilda stood as erect and firm as -tfe editor of the Tombslono would to brac3;tui,- agajcst a bir to takaa bottle of popj ). L FISHER'S LOCALS. . .0 Overcoats from $5.00 at J. L. Eisner's. Blankets and Qailts a .pace at J..,L,Ejshu's e , j Jloys' and Mens' Bu"l toe .Shoes,! 1.00 per pdral J, L your awn Fisher's. der to his wifV, and comparing mode'n ap p3iaj snu sttteiy tcuoot bUiMings of to- "takis thts cikcT' for enterprise. If 8ul lay with the old log school house ( devoid Jisbcd a half column articla nnrnonin In of furniture) tha? he was e dwated in. be a special toleeram of tbe Dilfa cxrea. Tbe old gentkman was vory favorably im J tioa, in which scsrcely a lioeof truth api prcssrd with the cha'.ga that had taken I pears. It hung him at 1.15. tbree-ojuar- p'ace, and the story, v r. cited by the old ter of an hour after Dildi wasia his grave, man, wou'd farni-h materia! f..r tlccp i for tie murder of under sheriff L-'er. thoqght in try ons iuttrcsted in the- cduca- who was present and assiaied at tho execu tion of children, aiid wouUV I believe, tion. XotwitbstandiDff. the scaffold" , was prompt almost any man to vote Yes at a I btlf a mile from town' thisleBterilrisms meeting where the question subniitted rc- sheet hunir hia on the tilaza wiTh a Cithn quired tue ballot "Tax Ye-," or "T-x JS'o," lie prisat at the bead of jtbetprocestloa, tor tue mainteoauce oi a tchooj fcr a proper I while no preacher or nriest was 'near. In- hnqth li timo. stead of Ihe rmltti l crhwti tnrmJS-J Next. ,JTbe Bililo of WaUrloo," bv I tIls scsflbld, Kash stretchaei roposlwriSjaa'i? .Miss Stella Bower., wa rite 1 ia a very 10 keP tn crowd bick.- -He alslisiet the pathetic msnccr, adding Irish laurels to I sheriff hold him up on the scaffold, so weak her already bnllimt cuefr a oupil of I an(l frtgblcned was he, whilo tbe 'isctl is" this schojl. "Sam's L?tter c read by Master Bin. Blackburn, provoked many ".wrtitw audi ble." B?n. explained tbat Sam'a reason for always addressing him as "brothci" was that h'6 mother aad Stm's mother was tbe ssrue wo.Ttac. Tne Ic'ttr waa written with a stuttering psp, and was 4d tiiututter- tngjUj. "Nelf and Her Bird." by AnabeJ Stapps: "L5il:e Thing," by Eitt Miller; 'Kisjcs'' by joe liuiiy, ir.U many other pieces by many otber litld ones added t- ths p!ras ures of tCjafteriO-in. Nor must it be for gotten that three tittle one, too youngs to attehd scb jo), coatribut.d their mite to tlje amussmrtit ot the audience. But how litt o Joe Rudy tecame so experienced, ia the, art of kissing i3 what anchors me." Hero am I, nearly a baadrod aad thirtv- wo years o'd, ;i "hsint arTc kissed nobody ye', ami nooooy haiut never kist me none, since Iw-is: i a bw-boo !" After the juv. nifc exercise w-jrc con cluded the ti ach-r mai-j a few very mpro pnaie remsrus to the pitrons o! tbo scltco', otpressins thanks for xmdncss shown, and maKing suggestions well worthy of con- ideraiion. Then with feeliacs of- ccneral satiifactioo with the manner in which the chool acquitted itself, and a unanimous feeling of ri-tjret at Miss ntnds' intended departure, tbe company dispersed to- re assemble later ia the evening o enjoy a social danceyand iris now time-fdrjcto d'ueard this pea-ij favor cf my desire: to attend tbe party. 8 ts-tS;, uu?jj njora"- Later 'n.e.daoe last 'evening wss vstll attsndedj aad all preent sestced to enfov .1 ..t.r . - -- - ' J uvwueiuioeir utmost capacity for'so doing. Those proving themselves most ao- jireciative rif cn opportunity for hRvinrj a jolly time might be mentioned a? "Calatn- ity Janet" "TK-3 the Cike Johnny," "P-v sey EJ," " rghum Joe," "Slippery E lrp," Ir.John DlcJcsoa, RoU Miller and others, . . niruii jj uiu icnsoi luriusr aevs myit and-tho tescher coatinccd sacee I am s;eepily yours, J. B. M UjVDERTaKEJR. lure nsw a nrrHv,"hleI ta b tsislabad oa AfP'isJioa CASKETSand COF FINS la Urgt uortairat . Embalminy Done In tie LaUtt ' Stifle the Art. SOUTH 3IDE PLAZA. E3SCOTT Assay Office. . STAHL. Assayer and Melellargical Cktutst AsssyiDRof ererrkindof ORE AND BULLION jVnalyses of Minerals, Furnace Products, Etc For Silver, Alone , ....$160 - Oliver ana uoia 3 ce U T . .1 ....... ' iiUm ..................... .-..I LV .IM .4 09 - F,'oer Pot Brackets afvfL. Fishi 1 Baled Alfalfa hay. scd heat Lay, I cheap at J. L. Fisbct's. Carpets an3 Oil Ciotli, f.O cents per. ys-rd and upwards, at J. L. Fisher's. " " ' Fresh Batter and Eg; frtm tbe. EaDch just received "at J, L; FiIier's.ji. Fresh Smoked Shad and Herring at J. L. Fisher's. - f V. s . A:: -Rubber Bcot md arctics si 'great 4 variety at J. Ifc"Fisher's. " 1 I Hanging lamps sn'd'chandeliers best nd cheapest at J. L. Fisber. s . jusisias LOCALS. t M i We will furnish' tLe Weekly jlunsAi 'iner ucdlhe Weekly Sao ?ranci'co Call ir$5.00 jear Instrumil acd vocal sheer music, also nsic biuk Tot !e by Miis Adoa Moore, t-rtezStrct-t. ' . tC Omway Iks gnne to Tonfo Bwiafora .lays, but leavi- Mi Geo. H. Huben a x-urCTOir w tchn;skcr in charge dnnpg abieoce. f - "Our Coieftair,,' only 5 -cents,- aad "as any 10 ct.eigsjiatb.'town,Vt Aitken's Cigar Store., . tfc Just received, at Hntchinson &. Co Jorner Dru-j Store, anoth"inToice of Wizard Oil, Ely's Cream Balm and otr opuNr remidies.- l' "sod"1 For ten or twelve years I have been "erely afflict d with catarrh. Never .sdore four tath decided relief aifrom Ely's Cream balm. I coasiier mysctf cared, I J.,W.BCFrnc.3TO,riMbiwfUcjlK- Rheumatism, Gout end Neuralgia arc iei erally caosd by urea ia the blocd, aid H is one of the fipedal'i properties of Dr. 'tt' bmond'a Ssm&n'aa Neivitje to eradicate 11 these disorders.' For sale at "0. S?IIufci ascn & Co.' corner dreg store. tf la one week SlyVi Cream Bilm opeacds passage in one couril. through which? f had not breathed in thrce years, s'uuJueSmr? ilhmaiatioa in . raj headaudtttroit, tie . eclt of catarrh. Colonel O. M. Neillia )swrgo,N.T'. (SiSadr:) - - t - CHA.ROES FOR ASSAYING ORES. . Copper " Iron TE3TS MADE (QUALITATIVE OR QTJAJf JlirATIVE. For Zinc, Tin, Arsenic, Antimony, Nickel, Cobalt, Quicksilver, Or any other metal, at rates as LOW as is consistent with careful work, TWTTT ,T vTCS-lIV ' i M cents 25 " Tonsorial Palace. Gurley Street, next to Arizona Brewery. JJiths.Hotand Odd..... shaving .shampooinc Ui jHalr CstUn 5, Three Fi RST-CissARTisTsEjtrLo yed. THE BEST OF TREAT3IENT. Waldo House. Centrally located on Montezuma street j A fewdoora north of the Kaza. First-class rooms good, clean bed and best of accommodations for the traveling public. Rooms by Day, Wert or Hub OLIVER CO. Ash Fork, A. I, Forwarding andCtommissii Merchants At DUUO TH AFTER THE FIRE?' i T" - I The Cottage Hotel at Ash k. a.'.. .... .$ The undeisiKned respectfully inform the citizens of Arizona ana thtpublic . generally that tfaej- have re-opened near the Ritlroad Depot f " , ; at Ash Fork, - L- A'NB" HOT EX ! Where can be found the best accommodavinns. ; with the hotel are In connection Sample & Club Booms, aJsoFinlB'Billiaxable; The house" has also a fine corral and stable attachedtwithfplenty -V' ' of Hay and Grain. -ssx ' Everybody Inyitsd and Room for ail. r Mk. & Mrs. Walter Cook. Ati l-'or's. Aria, Jan.2J-.Ii, PALMER & MOORE. City Peed Yard, Prescott, Arizona. Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. Fast Freight. And Passenger Line." : Between ASH FORK & PRESCOTT. HBST CLASS RIGS The Poor Accommodated Fnt, Come and see us before contract- PLA Z A i-lVERY, FEED ANDSALE STABLE -'tie Only First-Class Livery in Town. viest of Drivinp; and Saddle Stock, Fine Buggies and Carriages. Which can be called for day or night Careful and exper ienced Drivers. Ladies and Gent's Saddle Horses a' Specialty. . Passengers earned by private convey- ance to Ash Fork and all points in 1 points In Yavapai- county st moderate charges. EUGENE HARNETT.