Newspaper Page Text
.. BnnKM.?v ww.s- - - - i .. -.;,. - " ii t . A-.-T?r ir-i-w. wev3Er--rwww'. . r.-?. ARIZONA WEEKLY JOURNAL MINER. VOL. XXI No. 47. PRESCOTT. -ARIZONA WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1886. PRICE TEN CENTS. i TAR W. MA IQU6HIURE irr Jrom Opiates, muU mm ro'.con. SAFE. SURE. PROMPT. 25 cj. at Dnrocirrs va malms. GERMnBeMEOt' FOlPJIN: (Cores Kbtur-.lia, Neursloia. I'ltfrc. crAT. - -i..n -i i riLrid. untnm dalitm Clrausrtlirlf mil. Alia) a InliBBH' Slow. HbmIm Hre. B.stare lUr yen in of I aaie. hrar-laseraaa'-ll Aqnlrk Relief, A.l'wttlv CREilT BALM has g-alned in envl able rebutAtlnn, dlaplarinr all othtr prepara tion. A port I' le i. applied Into each nostril copl3:a tib e to use. Price So nU, by mail or at me.'UH S-udferc ma ar. CLT KltOllIKB. N.T TUTTS PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE. Taa Greatest Medical Tricnph ef taeAgs! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Lossefappeiitr. Uowels costive. Pais la the Brad, with n dall eeaaati.a 1b ta. back part, rain ander the ehoaMer Blade, Valines nftereatlar, withasU. tacJlnailoata exertion mt B.drerarlaeV Irritability af temper. Lew ealrlta. with a feellns.f having neclectcd Boaa.datr. WearUrss, Dlzzlaras, Flalterlac at ska Heart. Data before the area. Headache arer the rieht eye. BeMleaaaeaa, arlth tlal dreams. Ulchlr celered Crla,aad CONSTIPATION. mil jralXS are especially adapta4 to aach cases, one dose effecu aucb a cbaneeorfeeUnastoatlonliUtbeEQirerer. They Increase the AppcUtead can tba xxslT to Take on l-'lc.U. itu. uw sraea la by ihelrTonlo Action ea Use UleesUTeOnrasia.nrcnlariitealaaia proanrrd. ITtf Mr. A Mnmr Wt 1.T. TUN'S EXTRICT SUSlPliUA loorates the body, makes healthy Seat), Etfvnethens the weak, rrp&lrs the wastes at uie system with pore blood and ham muscle; tones the nervous system, lnrircrates taa brain, and imparts the visor of msnliixxl I. SoH by drnsscists. vri'ius t .nBrrsysbi .lew lorm. Capital Prize, $150,000. "W'e do hereby certlTy that we supervise the errsnRtmrnts ror ail the Monthly and Quarterly Drawlncs of tbe Lonltiana hiaie I: e' y Company, and In person man ag. and control tbe Dra1nrs themselTei. acd that tli same a-e cot lncied with honer ty.falrnrsi.cnd In rood t 1th toward all par. Lies, and we authorise t" e Comuy to ute thl certificate, vlth fac- Imilei of ontslfna. tnres attached. In itsadvertlsamenU. Cn ta m Laalesi era We the titiderstpied Btnkt ind bsnVeri will pv all Priies ' drawn in Ttxn Louisiana State f.ottfil; which may t"! preented at our count t .1. H.OULEHBT Pres. Louisiana National Bank N tVllXII. KCJkXBUV Pres. State National Bank. A BALtVIW. Pres. New Orleans National Bank LrAdsiana State Lottery CoBpamy locrpurated in (or 25 ar by the Xis u s.tnre ror edncatlonal and Ch&riMbl porpoiNi with Hcapl al ofji AO.COO which a r.srrre ran J nfor rJijO.'A'J since beer addi. By anovi-rwhclDil' rpopulu vote l:s ran. elile wa maole part at the present State Cui.cMtullon adopted December 21. . D. ISTtt. IU fire- d Slncle Num er Wriwlnea will takr place monthly I nevetse leor post. psarn. irfKik attlie ( tilotring UUirlbatiou : 1'. f h .rnnrt Jf nntlily axii Tiii: In the A aitcmjrul Jtulr. Jfow rleaas lands), JIrra 16.11. sjgBSj Vadertne peroi.l vape.ibiou ajd man ge- ineni or GE.V G.T. liEAUIlEGAIJD.f f LVisine, Slid GEN. J 1)3 A L A. KAKLY, rf YjIt gmii. s CP.TU PRIZE $150,000. Not Ire TtrVrta are Tea Ballara only. llatTCH. K5 Finaa& Tenths SI LIST or PKIZCA. I I'APITAl. V.:1K $150 000 I1SUI00 1 ORAX'i 1 t 7.E OK MHO. 50.000 lultiSn I- IEK ID-WC 2t,nn0 2 I. V OK "l!:r.K OF 10,00) IJO0O i iiVtiQE rmzKs of 5,i aooo a PKI7.1.S OK 1 SOO0O so tin ,o... ,, , : 100 do tto SUM) 300 do ?m , 40.000 Wl ds 60.000 1 HO ao So SO .000 .APPitOTIttvnos rKHK-. 10 Approximation lTue or IJU $3 COO 10 do do 100 10.000 1W tido do 73 700 S179 rrlses. arc ;ntiEc to . . $33500 ' JtPP raade ". application tor ruio to ciub shnuld be raadeonlyjo the olH-e or th tot lap.ny In KorrartfcerlnIoriU).tla wr'tf clearly, eir lnrfull address. I'tlHTAI. OTK. Kxprest sioney Orde s. or New Vork Kxcnnxe In ordinary letter. Curre c by Kxpreat (sll inms ot $i and npwerd. at our expecsf ) addressed. ji. A. IAL'I"IX. . Xcw Orleans, La. .rH.A.BACPIIIMMifttiB(, Make P. G. Money Orders maile and address Registered Letters SEW OKI.EAXSSATIOSAI. BA SK SeivOrieBna. La RUPTTJRE rt)as.tlTTjT cnrl 13 W 2r tr r. f n.j one loll) wcrtd gwnHrjc a. i . au JTJ.W He T- MaartH furrmJ. fisrismUflc. Powerful. Dcravtte. Co s: fcrtA hi fd Urrtlr in carlnr Rnptsr fXtd raral 1 n h3. tsmrl Wsmr) far raxintJileX. lUJeUl TRADE Wi MARK. IV.. 4bT- imTK UA8MTIC TSUJS C0..I9 1 WIA(nm..l U. S. MARSHAL MEADE. Stfwis Ourees Preftrrti Aea'wst Him livolviirg licoje tcKy Mi Pirjwy. lisfECtor Rsiwr's Visit Mturt Something Msrt TkaR a Casual -Call. " KICK THE RASCALS OUT." Phentr Herald. It teeta that U. S. 3Iar.hl V. K. Mettle ha gotten tiiinsr If into a very ser ious Uijitinn in liis official butiocs$, partly throasb. Lis teal to kilk the raicalt out," bj bricginfi Jie'ty charges of TiolatiBe of civil n-tvice reform law abaini rcpoblicsn territorial . rLcials '.-y which he spent some $12,000 of t- c j;oemmeqt money at Tu on and every case brought was quashed because, by U. S. Distiic: Attorney admit ting that there was no cac and at any rate the grand jury finding the indictment was itself r illegal body aith no more autlior ity than any other body of private civzeni r will appear later in the statement of charges which hare t en brought again i Meade. In this connection we note also tbat tbe indictments found in this district by tbe United State grand jury aru also void and tome, $9,000 uselessly wasted here. and there bard!) remains a doubt tbat B.-nnett and Collistrr, ll:e two staije rubbers sent to Detroit f om this place, will be brought b'ck on m writ of babets orpui and set at liberty as tb?y cannot be tticd again lor that crime, unier the constitution. To be brief it turns out that the work f the United States Marshal', uffice up t the present time under W. K. Meade, the new incumbent in triisterritory is utterly illfgil ind voi i. as were bi jjrand juries to bepin wiih, and it all arises frero the fact tbat bis deputies r.f that effice without an homy of la a- and merely as private cit:zns, as ac cording to tbe charges made, not one of them has ever qualified or been sworn lu as ac elBctr. On ibis account, and for many other matters that hare a verr joor showing of imptovement upon the dicharge of tbe du ties of tbe office while under tbe late ad ministration, a series of complaints were preferred nnd presented to Attorney Gen- tral Girland, and tbe inspector of United States Marshal fficea sent out to investi gate tbe facti in the case, wtich ha haa done and left on bis return to Washington, with tbe following chsrge, sworn to, in his pocket. As near as tbe Herald has Usen able to get at tbe facts in the matter, tbe charges are substantially s follows: ltjat tbe United States Marshal Meade bas allowed his to enter upon tbe discbarge of tbeir duties without taking tbe oath ot office pres:ribed by law and to summon grand and trial jurors, whose acts are therefore illegal. Tbat private individuals bave been in structcd by tbe Marsha! to dichargc,tbe dutyof deputy marabalf.wlthout taking any oatb of office what ever, and have rendered tbeir accounts at deputy marshals. Tbat the U. S. Marsh. I bas, in violation of law, kept his funds in various banks in the territory in the name of bis so called depu ties and made bis offic al disbursement by checks on tboee private bank1. That tbe marshal and hts appointees have charged for attendance on court, whin no attendance was performed. That accounts current for expenses, etc., have b:cn sworn to as having been paid in tbe amounts set forth, when such payments had not been made. That stationery bas been purchased and used in the marshal's rffice, and charged to tbe afccouDt ot stationery pu.chaaed for the use o! the courts. That mileage for guards has been charg ed when no services by a guard bad been performed. Tbat ao called guards have been induced to sign guard certificates in biank, and have received a small consideration for so doing. That charges have been made for attend ance on examinations before cort commis sioner when no examination was ba3. That writs have b;en partially executed by ii iff tree t and bills have bien render! il thereto,- in tbe name of one party. Tli at, in numerous instances. hare been tubroeied without direction of court or district attorney. That jurors and wltnssea have been paid without an order fro-n tbe court and the marshal his represented that said jurors and aitneiset were paid by order of tbe court. That witnesses and jurors have bsea re quired to sign pay rolls in alank. Tbat arrests bare been made end persons imprisoned without any writ what ever Tbat numerous criminal prosecutions have been instituted by tbe marshal, wben there was no possibility of coaviction for tbe putpose of making fees. Tbat many thousand dollars expense has been incurred by tbe marshal solely for tbe purpsse of making fees. That blank vouchers hire been taken for payment of official expenses. Thst deputy marshals bavs employed private individuals tr. act as deputy mar shal and that the marshal knowing that said prirate'individuals bad performed tbe services of deputy matsbal without antb oritj bas presented bills rendered by them to the autboiitie at Washington for appro. vsl and payment. Tbat tbe appointments and oath of office of deputies have not been kept on fi'eia the office of the clerk of tbe courts, as directed by law. Tbat tbs marshal has avoided swearing to bis official accounts, directing hi appoint ees to swear to them, thus thinking be would avoid any error that might be com nitted in making tbe reqiired affidavits. Tbat the marshal is in genera!, utterly in competent to discbarge the duties of the office he has ascamed. Tbe above long array of charges, we un de?taad, have beta sworn to, as they should be, display a most ertraordiaary state of afaira la an ofloe, which tbe new incambeat bas bald for seven raoatas, and show a Uaaentsble want of. business ability, coupled with reckless determination to reap tbe "spoils of office"1 to tbe last farth ing. Tbe result will be that tb pSfle of the territory will learn that irwaoaaible saea without capacity ana, with eadleas rapacity 'will not do tor public trusts, such as tUt of tbe United fitafes Marshal's office, Tbe time has come ia the history of tha territory when men of integrity matt dis cbaigo our public duties: They have beta discharged by suck men for tha past few years, and tbe new administration has xssde the blunder of imagining that anything would yet do to fill a territorial office. The Washington authorities will learc, by i x penence, that instead of seeking to dis cbarge a personal obligation, o tsoras petty politician, by appointing Lira to as office, it will be necestary to appoint men tr our offices who are ab!e and will discharge those duties for tbe benefit of the people at large. It it not posible tbat Meade will be con firmed by tbe senate with su;h charges staring him in tbe lace, and the charges would not have been swede and sworn to if , they were not iscts. lie bss proved Immeuse failure and will cost tbe govern ment directly many tbouiands of dollars for utterly worse than nothing; be will cost the territory largely indirectly ; he will nearly ruin tbe numerous deputies who will not be r.ble probably to get a cent oat ef him or tbe government for their services. "K'ck tbe rascals out." sBBTATIM. COXMU51CATED. "To observation wbi.m ourselves we make, We grow more partial for tbe observer's stke. ' It is owing to observation tbat our mind is furnished with tbj first, simple and com. pies ideas. It is this tbat Isy the ground work and foundation: of all knowledge, and makes us capable of using any of tbo other methods for improving tbe mind ; for it we did not attain a variety of sensible and In telltctual ideas by tbeenatloo of outwsrd objfct, by tbo coofciojisness of our own appetites and passions, pleasures and pains, and by tbe inward experience of tbe acing cf our own spirits, it would be impossible either for mea or books to tench us any. thing. It is olKervttioo that mutt give us oar fi st ideas of thing', is it includes in it sense and cnnseioune. All our knowl edge derive! from observation, either it be ot amgle ideas or of propoaitioas, is know), edgo gotten at first band . Hereby we sec and know things as they are, or as they appear to us. We take tha Impression of them in our mind from the original object themselves, which give a clearer sn4 strong- ex conception of things. These ideas are taore lively, aad the propositions (at .'cut a many cases) are much taore evident ; whereas what knowledge we derive from lec'.urea, leading aid conversation ia but the copy ot other minds that is, the pic ture of a picture sod is oae remove from the original . Another advantage of ob servation is, that we may ga:n knowledge all tbe day long and every moment of our lives aad existence, always adding to our intellectual treasure, except only while we are asleep ; aad even then the remembrance of our dreamings will teach ui some truths, aad lay a foundation for a better acquaint ance with human nature, both ia tbe pow era and in the frailties of It, ADKCM. A Wlee satiate af ASralra. Under the law of this territory the, tax collector is required to publish tbe 'delin quent tax list" for not leas than twenty. oca days, tbe first publication to be on or before the first Monday ia February. Our county treasurer aad ex -officio tax collec tor published tba list at tba proper time, but through an oversight gave only Bine teen days notice instead of the twentr-one required by law. As the time has sow gone by oa or bef m which the first publi cation U required to be made, it is gener ally conceded tbat tbe error is fstsl tnd cannot be remedied, and that the delinquent taxes, if collected at all, will bave to be col ee ted in some other tbaa tbe uiual way. Oae thing is certain aow, and that is thst those whose names are on tbe de linquent list will not pay tbeir taxes until they are force 3 to, and tbat the anfortu nate, though unintentional, mistake of. Treasurer Smith has given tbem a pretty large loopbele to crawl mt of, of which most ot tnem, ana tne railroad costpany especially, will not be slow to take adran tage of. One unfortunate result of this stste of affairs bas been tbe enforced closing of every school in ths county for want of the necessary funds, aad at present writiag it seems extremely doubtful if they can open again until next year's taxes come in, un less the taxpayers of tbe different districts vote for a special school tax, which is hard' ly likely. Strange as it may seem, it is nevertbe less true that our county treasurer hss never filed any additional bond as tax col lector. The law passed by tbe last Lieisla tore making tbe treasurer ex-omcio tax collector says tbat he shall perform all the duties formerly icouired of the sheriff wben acting in the same cipaclty, and the first and foremost of those dsties wai tbe giving of an additional bond in a asm not less than twenty tboassnd dollars. Tbe boaid of supervisors aad tbe district sttornty ahoald have seen thaf this sdditional bond was given by tbe tree rarer when be entered upon bis duties as Us collector, but, in view of tbe present muddle over tbe delta quent tax list, it is a fortunate thing for Treasurer Smith tbat sack additional bond has not been required of him. Mohave Minir. CwaKaasatlaa Cared. Aa old physician, retired from nractlea having had placed in Ms band by an last India missionary the formula of a simple vet;. Stable remedy forth speedy and permanent cure ot Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical enre for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after Baring tested its wonderful curative powers In thousands ot cases, has fait It his duty to make It kposrn to hi SasTerlng fellows, Ac tested by this motive and a desire to relieve hnrnan auffericg, I will seed free of charge, to all who desire it, -this retlpe, In German French or English, with fall directions for preparing aad using. Beat oy mail by address, lav with stamp, aasaleg tils paper, W. A. KUTXa, It rower Sleek. Bocaeeter, Xsw iara. ftwvjesewiy Wmr Arlaaaa. A bill has been introduced in the lower Bouse of Congress by the Con. C. C. Bean, draws by a well known former resident of this territory, which provides for the attain aaeat of title to grazing lands by stockmen by actual purchase from the govornmea at 95 cents per acre, of auch leads as ma not be fit for or set apart for agricultural timber, mining or other purposes. Tbe bit urther provides tbat such leads can be at. tsiasd by actual purchase only to tbe amount of one t iwnship, six miles square, nor in less quantity than rne fourth of a township, and no claim can ba made to portions of two or more townships nor to fractions of different portions of a towasbtp but mast be one-fourth, one half, three quarters or oae whole township in square blocks, aad all lauds taken in any township under any other law are protected and all highways must be left open. Ths bill is very cartfally drawn, and, in the opinion of the Herald, will bave a ten dency to greatly reduce loose and indefinite claims of lands cow prevailing and to fix the cattle men upon a permanent basis of actual owiersbip to the lands they occupy and more carefully define their position snd tbe character ot the lands they shsll occupy, The kill bss been ordered printed after hav ing been referred to the Committee on Public Lands. Herald. Arlasaa'a AdTaatagea. Arizona has many advantages to offer, When oranges and other citrus fruit are freezing ia Florida, our fruit trees, cotton woods and more ornamental shades are putting foith their buds; while cattle are even freezing in Texas, our ranchers are preparing to cut alfafa and make it into hay, and while snow and sleet and bliz zards are blinding the eyes of the eastern husbandmen, here we bave sunshine, hap piness aad the greatest signs of promise. With irrigation we have no chance of sus taining a loss or a partial loss of crops. No mslarial diseases depress oar people ; no cholera or yellow fever cany off tbe living by scores, no sunstroke or rabid dogs in summer disturb tbe workman or the citi - sen. We are in fact greatly blessed bv providence, aad simply need tbe efforts of mankind, intelligent and not extravagant, to give us place in the plan of our govern- .Dent second to no other subdivision ia tbe Union. Gazette hiss uvea jaucE A surgical operation that will set the doctors to thinking was performed in Greenpoint three weeks ago. A portion cf a man's liver was removed ironi his body, and the present condition of the patient tends to indicate a recovery to at least moderate health. Augustave Carlsen, a Swede, who lives at No. 19 Greenpoint avenue, and Peter Miller were among the e-nployes in JTiscners iron tounary at no. 234 Green street, Greenpoint. They were working near the cupola of the foundry on December u, when by a slip of the hand Miller struck Carlsen on the side with a red-hot iron bar that is used to close the door of the cupola. The bar entered the flesh on the left side to the depth of four inches. It passed under the end of the eleventh rib, and then inward and downward, in an oblique direction, penetrating the peritoneum and the cavity of the abdomen. Carlsen staggered down two flights of stairs and made his way to the street without assistance. The men through whom ha passed were too much awe-stricken to be of any help to the injured one. From the foundry to hit home, adis tance of nearly naif a mile, Carlsen walked alone, suffering the most ex cruciating agony. How he was able to do this is one of the wonders of the case. Dr. Williams gave the unfortunate workman all possible attention. Carlsen underwent racking torments. Every day he had from three to six hemor rhages of more of less severity. This lasted for six days. That he should bave lived even as long as that was considered astonishing. Almost hoping against hope, Dr. Williams decided to make an anomalous operation on his patient On the the sixth day after the accident he removed a considerable quantity of liver tissue. Great delicacy in the use of the knife was necessary; but the work was successfully done. After erysipelas made its appearance and the patient seemed to sink nearer and nearer to death. Heroic treatment had again to be prac ticed, and large doses, of quinine and iron were given. For several days quinine was administered every two hours, twenty grains at a time. Morphine injections were also given to prevent the effects of possible peritonitis. Pus was drained by a syringe, and finally the orifice was temporarily closed by the applications of carbolized horse hair. The antiseptic treatment was continued for several days. The wound was con tinually dressed with thick layers of citton that had been saturated with a watery pne-thausandth solution of cor rosive sublimate. The wound began to heal, and pain iound wings of flight The patient recovered his appetite, and last evening was able to sit up in bed and tell about his sufferings. He was, of course, very pale and emaciated, but is confident that he will pull through all right What effect the accident will Have on his general health remains to be seen. New YorkS tar. Recently, while sinking a well on tbe desert, south ef tbe railroad, Messrs. Bsm- rick faad Moses found, 80 feet below tbe surface of tbe ground, fragments ot Aztec pottery, upon which were figures,, re sembling in design snd outline tbe orna ments on the pottery of the Papsgos snd Pirns of to-day. This would indicate that century af er century must have rolled by since tbe pre-bktoric inbsbltaats of tbat section became extinct or ware driven away. Spitspb . TaUC BTwKY 9W TsU BaVX.tJaT tales. Wben Music, heavenly maid was young, The baUet girl, with silent tongue, Was tripping oa her rigid toes In much abbreviated clothes. Wbn David danced before tbe ark, Tbe ballet girl was in tbe lark ; Ere Noah sailed over the deluged earth Her charming pirouettes bad birth ; Ere Eve wu lost by serpent's guile, Tbe ballet girl's cast-lrea smile Was fixed upon her palette face ; Ere sun or moon was set ia place, Tbe ballet girl in chaos dt-nced Tbe ballet girl who you entranced. Whose charms yom admired through your glaas, Tes, that bewitching, buxm lass, Wbaae praise still lingers aa your toagae, Is yet, comparatively, young. For ev'n tbe world's not old, yoa know- Only six thousand years or so. Boston Transcript. raaa ta a Plasaaar. Swse' man, so cool, so calsa, so bright; Owner of earth and akyl I fear it's going ta freeze to-night It's in your eye. Tbrt glitter tbat enchanting gleasa, Bespesks yoar own sweet trust, And pipes for watsr, gas and steam I know will bust. Great man! Some fourteen days ago My sink pipe sprang a leak; You came and looked aad foaai it so And In a week Ycu sent two saea to look agaia; They cam aad saw aad want, And crime again, and stopped, aad tbaa They stopped the Teat. Your bill therefor, great maa, ia here. By special post it came, And I resign wbata'er was mine. To pty the same. How could tbs world move oa its wsy Of your great crisp bereft f We know, however cold the day, You're never left, American Angler. ill aad 'Frlaaa Beit. "Fiftj, eh I Thst . above my pile. Come, make it twenty, and I'll stand tbe a raise, You won't, eh! Well yoa needn't smile; You bet I'll catch you short some of these dsys." ''You ain't short, put up your dust . He's a coward, boysee! he's lost hu heart." Some of 'em laughed, some cussed, And Bill for lis pocket made a dart. "Look yer, boys; take that back; I've bet my pile I cant go no higher; I know my band will beat the pack. And the man that says 'Coward!' wby, he's a liar!" "Plank the dust for tbe claim yoa sold; You've got that about you, I know, at least." A Big tear down Bill's cheeka strolled. "I've saved that for mother way oat "lie's a tenderfoot," came from every band. Bill's heart was heavy; his large eyes rolled. "I'll see tbat pot; if I don't I'm dastard.'' Aad down on tbe table went tbe nugget of gold. "I'll see thst fifty," said he, and raise r 'itopf said a voice; "I'll take his has 1 ia this little game; ril see your fifty, just for fun, And raise yoa a thousand aad my 'Frists) Claim. "Go ahead ! now' tha time to shout! What, ain't thar a thousand among the ball lot I Wai', I guess then, you're all froze oat, Come, Bill, you and I will sbare this pot." "So, you'd rob smother of ber bread? Well, sueb a gang as yoa should be ia - well. Come, we'll shake 'eat, boy," ska gently said. They art chums aow Bill aa 1 'Frisew Nell. WrixiAit J. Las, in PUladelBak News. Tha following is tbe list of letters remaining at the Post Office in Fnscott, Arizona, for tbe week eadieg Febraary 11, 188. : Brace A Jr Lowthion John B Buchanan Mis LUlie Miacy George W Branch Robert Megraw MiaaJe Boylsad Frank Miller Thomas X Barrett Eunice P . Nickossoa J G Cook Frank Noma Mrs Baseline E5cke Charles Osbora W T Gardner John Rogers Battle Harbiason 8 C 8 trachea David E. Haerger George Steinbrook Laura Isaac Mrs Jane Steward Nortea King Thornton SpenceO Call fog advertised letters. JH AMAaam, Postmaster. Tbe Paul-Shaw case Is oa trial in Tac- POWDER Absolutely Puftv This powder never varies, A marvel et purity, strength aad waoleaomeaess. Mere economical tbaa tbe ordinary kinds aad eaa not tM sold la competition wltk U ssalUtase of low.test short eight alaae or pkasakaic nnwdaiw OnI4'Blw la aaaa Sml BWSrtaa Cbaptcrl Taaasasaaaafa tlv-j- a rillssiasl WWI ! aailtslt ia Hsawsmtato, CaL Both in raise, aad ia tke mimtj of ta fcmtsibBt -w . , thrmsanilri feadples) tt ea 4ig trtnt. awy state, tbewe principles were "One Fiisi aTiaiBlilluai. AUcsetomers treated alike. aad satnaa ffiee to oat of town customers as to satf' Cbapter 11. It will be smto(tood at a glance that each a syvtem, rrdsrryem twrcad protects the interests of all customers, whether young or eel xyawiessced or inexperienced ; whether dealing ia person or ilaalitsg throfjfB the mails. PwOfJe were quick to see its merits. Trade began to grow. Soost It was discovered that this store kept not only thoroughly reliable sj jr. bat Ouit itt pricei cere loiter tkan thote of all other merchant. Then trade grew faster and faster. People from afar heard ef Mb store aad sent hundred of milej that they might benefit by ssa feeds and trices. They knew they would be served as justly aad as well, as if ia Sacramento to buy for themselves. And ikty seers risfti Cbapter 111. Tbat esse store soon gathered about it a large fssBily el , all cotusected by arches and passago MS sawortsseat of goods, till now it i i . j. . . , . aaauisa manure lines ot gooas. feet wide by oae hoadred and twenty syasjawadesaeiofty feet high. roesas are provided for the free use of visitors. The store empatya, from oae hoadred aad fifty to one hundred and sixty clerks, aad bass buyers constsatlyiia the Eastern and Western Markets. It is tJbeLawW- sas usasani atau stabiisument Cbapter IIP. The Mall Order hsiaess of tiiis tuammoa tne coast it is greatly facilitated by lasaas of a large Hlos tnted Catalogue, which, together with any nnslis that may be dsaared, is seat free to any address. The caUlogae is a finely priatoi task, with ever eleven hoadred illustratioas, and fall informatiea taw to order. AbsUa, ,CaL COsKlUxriOlt. IawtowetMsfswstaaamM byefeaaos. fsoMMm Uteres erf aaerit Theiwawssaa. iju,. trade ei this Hosae shows there is a iomething im mm totm,MmeOinf is, its styke, sewstseaf ia as arices, sosastAsae aa sm asaUkods, aot obtsia sbteelaevasxw. m" --f " 1 n'n is fret sat sssjasjiai Is imssiljls th iliM mm, mvto km mm wmmVimnHmUmHgiM MasMsL PRESCOTT HOTEL Fine Rooms 50c and $1 Per Day. THIS HOTEL, WHICH HAS JUST BEEN OPENED, IS N WE and furnished in everv particular with all the convenience it make it a OOMFORT A It ii situated in the center of the city, within fifty yardi of the Postoffice, and is the MOST CONVENIENT HOUSE in Northern Anton. Particular Attention B123. .A.UMXT1LEJR,, Proprietor. : . July 1, 1S8S. KELLY & STEPHENS -.AT GOLDEN RULE STORE, Haas ihs Lamest tad Bloat CararaUv rareaasadMock Of General sa is ana onsasUMlshinsril In irlioni , .art AIM J CMpMi stalk ftf Ht Fmkhs UM MMS MCifrC CMS. flMMi IMtfffwf , aXD AS K5DLK83 VABXETT OF Buckingham Hecht's Boots and Shoes. Magnificent Selection of Ladies' la, MnW ami I aliiiainlinHiiiil atmawsalBtara. OSnWasBa COsWK OF TUX riiisa sT WILLIAMS HOUSE, THE LEADING HOTEL OF PRESCOTT The Only Hotel in Northern Arizona With Hard Fiiiished Rooms. SITTING AND DINING ROOMS ARE THE LARGEST AND BEST APPOINTED IN PRESCOTT BOARD PER H. Ae Kemdmll, Proprietor. PIONEER HOTEL, THE ONLY HOTEL IN TOWN. GK &0ra!S3mmAm2r9 Fxp (Succeeesor to Dan Hatz,) SOUTH MONTEZUMA STREET, PRESCOTT. Board and Lodnng Per Week - - - $10 Board, By till Day - - - $1 LARGE AND AIRY ROOMS. liMsrtafcry Atafci. ch Bra IWiTeesl ta uytavtef Tew STORY? nf nttaw stusea. Bat ia I aad Ka Dsjiiasioa. ways. It also greatly in keeps under oae vast roof : . .. . lya its main gaiewuusa is one , feet deep, and ia partially Cosily furnished Waiting and BaadiBa West of the Kocky store now erteadsta every I Those warn sjasjsa i Blslft 3gQTVfE3 Paid to the Comfort of my (iuests. .THE:- Merchandise! OrifN CiSiMtfi Clitkiif. Ill UnrivaMed Manufact and Children's Shoes, just amve m i a llimala lln inT ITi t r "T endear? . . . WEEK, . $7.00. hmu jauffMi-n her. (KTsLAJS raiSTlSti HBL'SCj Taa Aeizosa JoURjcAL-Misia U past l-i a aviry Uar In the wests cxcix Sunday I UK AJUZOXJL WKKKXT IOUKAU-VlaXSM 53b .hea everr Wednesday at MvMtir.tae ipltal ti the Tarritorr. BT THr. AKlXtsSA. PCBLlatHlSW C Devoted to the commercial and business m. rf:iU of thr Territory. 1 TEHJIrf: DAILY per rear ! SUM Wssxt " one year, A st) - " " sixmoatbs. - 3M Money mav be remitted by registered letssr atoffice order or draft. "The JocKm-Xma-uwiii be delivered by rrltr to subscribers in the city forSJeeats wee lr. Local notices will be Inserted at aiUea Kits a line for the first insertion tad tea cuts per line for each saUcUeut i&sertioc. Correspondence oti all subjects or general ulerest will ba accepted, anuuews from any x-allty Is solicited, especUUylrom the alumsr rap and ajrrlenfural district. AH communications should he addressed ta hb Jormxi.MiSsB. Prtatotr, Arirona. K. C. Uaxs. iUMU No. 6S. Me rchaaU' Kx nnje. San FransUeo. la sole acemfor tha ttrzoxA JotTRHAL-Mucaa la that vtif. Ha s n bortxed to collect nionsya due this uttbllsh itent, take orders ror adrertlslns;, 4 attes'l t iiy oilier bnslness dcvolvtae I'm him 1 1 rpreeniatlve erth. pab ihrr. Taa Da t -Incn.vAi. Mi aad A ekut ocuii.Jlutr wil l round oa Gl at his oQce. Bates et saal -:sr!n"'s Ss I. . 1 mons. District Ct-nrt. tCmmonsJnstlee Court -ttoo -lie 15oe Sea - 3ioe too r ji re'tar. notice.. L nd Office (Notice for Publication). Arpl.'eetloa for Patent a imimaiiators Notice ... ... . T HIS PAPER itav k- roiixri ojc hlk at us. ewEixacew i irsstaaar Act- (191 ujsxt). wsrsKB Ad. KWYMX. f KTSSUfB CWTSUCrS rr be mad. Sac je la Ur.'.l V.uml XtBte Xahl. rretvrsttt. ta aa iesa .Mai' lor southern portion of the Territory b.I Vvziie Cihiat leaves dally at 8:30 a. au, a l.eniiand Miricopa. Arrives at 649 u. Alju lor the .Eastern Statea riaA.tkP. i. lw leaves daily at 0:00 p m. Arrives 't ?JU p. ci. daily, Mail for Brsdsbaw, vis Haadayamas, lucnu, Meesrille and Alexandria, leaves rl.ndays and Fridaya it 7 lb. Arrives ti-sdavs and Saturdays at 6 p. m. Mail for Phenix,via Antelope alley, ta iton, Wickcnburgh and Vulture, earss lotidsys. Wednesdays and Fridays a 3 a. n. Arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays and Set It. ys at6 a. m. Mail for Juniper, via Simmons leaves - s urdaya and Tuesdays at 7 a. m.r arrives . idays and Fridays at G p. ta. J. II . A. Marsh. Postmaster. ITME TABLE tbl. lists BAtrr Te Ash fork at 30 A.M. Arrive at Al L-uerque at 1130 P. Jf. c-re Albuquerque at 3:40 A.M. Arrive at b Fork at 10:00 P.M. Arrive et Mojave at VIP. M. Leave Mojave (Sua Fraaeisca I v) at 8:09 P.M Arrive at "a 7raDciseoar :JA. M. Trains oa tha Atlantic sad Pacific will hare Tier be ran on mountain time. . rain oa tha Southern PaelSe wl use Baa .lessso Uaaa; . I'allaxaa raiaee tsieeislac Oar wlU aa raa tarvaga aetweea at. f laaie. Blaa aaa City aad staa sTraaeJae. T" ThrouKh tickets tu all points for ale at the Prescott office. Kor lnformsllon concerning passenger or reight business, call on W. C. DKNNIiiOW, G. F. and P. A Albniusroue, Ji. M. tt, . Robinson, General Ma&efer or J. T. MEA DOR, Agent. Prescott. SPECIAL NOTICES. jobs a. ucsu. xi). x. wmus KUflHA WELLS, Attorneys and Counselor at Law, ;PrecoU, Arlxoaa. Will attend strictly to all business eetrastev them la the several Courts ot Record of tbe rritory. J.btracu of title to mining claim d realty acjarately prepared. P-napt at i t Iran to collections. STEPHEN O. MARCOU. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Prescott, Arizona. C G. W. FRENCH, Attorney and Counselor at I-aw. SSsVWlII pracUce in all the Court of Arisnne Us nee Onr the Bank, of Arise . Prercotr, Arizona. L. F. EGGERS. , ATTORNEY AT LAW. DISTRICT ATTORNEY OF YAVAPAI COUBTTY, . ARIZONA.' OfEce in Court House Prescott. E. XL SANFORD. ATTORNEY-AT-LAWi ireaoea .... Office oa Cartas Street, a few doers i Tax et JetraA oace. ' -s . DR. JT. JC AIK6WORTH, Phtsiciax AXD BrjBfiXOX. Prescott, Arizona, " OfEcaOetaconal Balldlnr.Garlej treeU- B. . ROBINSOlf4' Physician ab Shrsioi, Office oa MoatecBata street, One door Ncrtb of Ilees? & Go's Dragsla CLARK CMUSCHILL. Attorney General or Arizona. Attornkt axd Conns sum at Law Ornct-Onr the Bank of Arizona. Prescott. Arizona. WX. JL MeQRIW, A"KEY-AT.LAW, C. 8. COMMB Ya.ana?J,?n.n4t ihlt DUtri t"PI wanty. OStee next door to Ka5 A Well. Prescott. A. T. MS? J. C. HERN DON. J J. HAWltlNS Probate Jads HERNDON & HAWK TVS ATTOROEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LA Prescott, Arizona. Special attention to conveyancing and office work of all kinds. HENRY CLAY BURKE. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOK-AT-LAW. "Will practice la all ths courts of Arlaona, and before ths various Departments In Trash- lBftOQ,D. C Office Room No. S, over Bank of Arlaeaa. Prescott, A. T. (mmsn stir basstbbb WTaJt tmz lJ DEN RULE CHAPTER No!l BmS maaUns of this Loose, ta. Brat aad third THTTR.HI1AV f MtiiJitT TS.aTTS.lri?? wws , miau wfft csw aai. T, Aratvavs, taWr 7, IMS, Mmeanarelavlte4toh.msB jsV 1 i '-'ii-'-voiS '-i. -wifc-5a8tadaieiSsr i-' aa aaa. i " ' s mncmmf0pF- H 1 1 ' . . aaaMisasasmamw Taj -