. From Thursday's Daily.
Mayor Kelly bu received a proof sheet
of tbe Tmpti county raiirosu rono.
They nrn very baadtomely deignd and
..neatly executed.
Sibbt Frederick. grand ton of Mr
ud Mrs. J. M. Mile of this plsce died in
Tdatetone on Snnday, sged thre yesrs
ud seven mottbs.
The Repcdiniors organ stultifies itselt
thu morning by referring to the finance
uf Ariscma being 1 right and in the iw
hmih AetmtteM tho parties vno lmve
Ld control ot tbem as "wrsckers."
I f ties Arnold, of the Ciensgs, is one ol
the mott acceufal csxp miners in tbe
county. He dm a large pond filled with
then and intends thii ipnng to conitruct
another one. A gentleman, who recently
came in from a vitit in that section report
fl h In hia nnnit riohins 15 DOCndf. If
there i a carp raiser in the county who
can beat this he can jot end a sample to
tbi effiee to be weighed.
' The editor cf the Albuquerque Journal
esquire: "Ha any one hear I about those
district army headquarter! If Generl
Crook don'x locate tbem soon, tbe news
papers will be justified in saying that be i
homely ol'd coward." Tte department
headquar ers are probably what the Journal
nan want to know about which are lo
cstcd near Pretcott.
Tbe organ of the repU'lUtor." this
awning Tery frankly adtnit- tlial bt it
tat heretoiore published in relation to tho
-finances of thi territory were tal-bood
and aaval"Arixona is nil right financiallj i
and otherwise." Readers of that moribund
heet will be surprised to rrad this it-m
two weks afte" "Dime and Dollars'' had
g iven tbem uch a glowing account nf the
bankrupt condition rf tbe tmtnry.
AWord Aitkea, to day, leceieed a tel.
gram from Pomona California, announcing
the death, yesterday uoining, l bit broth.
rEsrle. Tbe deceased wai a telegraph
operator and about five week g went
to Pomona from British Columbia hoping
to bent fit his health. Hia brothei John
M. Aitken. of the corner drag store in this
tnittur with hi fsther. was with
r" --
bim in bis last hours.
The "Xcw Moon" magazine, published
at Lowell. Mass.. lor March, i on our table
and as usual is full of choice reading mat
tr. Specimen copies of this handsome
and entertaining little magazine can be
nnwurnil br furwardine ten cents to the
New Moan Publishing Co., Luwell, Mass
Chief Justice Shields oa thu Application
of some of our county official, has issued an
order compelling Ibe B-jard ot tupcmor
of this countr to set aside frox the General
Fund of tbe count v a sufficient amount of
money to pay tbe salaries ol county officials
as required by la-v.A. there is!ai money in
tbe General Tund, and little cr none com
ing in, and taking into ennsi ieratiou tbe
refusal of tbe railroad company to pay its
tries, our Baard of Supervisor will find it
somewhat diffisult to comply with the or
der of tbe court to its lull rXt;nL Mohave
Miner. m
From Friday's Daily.
Joseph May, of tbe firm of Livingston &
Co., left for San Francisco to-day
Joe Perry, of Tucson, want the position
cf Turnkey of the territorial prison.
Stages lease for Asb Fork at 3 o'clock a.
at, during the present muddy ruads.
James Stewart, tbe well known stage
man, came in from tba south las-t evening.
Turn Milligan has saoved hi barber shop
into the shop on tbe east side of the- plsta.
The reported meeting ot General Crook
wit h vxeronimo did not take plaee as tele
graphed. Six applicant fur membership were re
ceived by Btrrett Pot, G. A. B., at its
last meeting.
Frank R'cbardtou, the piano tuner, left
fur Pheniz thu morning. He received con
siderable patronage while In Pit-scott.
The work recently done tn the Black
Ctfim toad, we are informed, stood tbe
recent .tor mi without serious dsmsge.
Tbe Odd Fellows will move their. build
ine, rictnt'y puichssed for lodge putpos,
to tbe front of their lot on Corn s Street,
County Aosetsor J.M More is delayed
with bu work of Mssssing through want of
proper books fur tbe purpose, Inch are to
fee supplied by tbe Board ot Supervisor?.
The tlree ton afe ol the county treas
urer was to-day moved from tbe court
bouie into tbe count? buildine on Cortes
Street, aa-i tbe vault will b immediately
built for it.
J. C. Herndon is visiting Ph-uix. The
Herald refers to him as one of 'he leading
members of llu Pretcott bar, and tbe man
wbo should have been the new U. 8. Dis-
tiict Attorney fur Ar x na.
The low rater resulting from tbe war be.
tween the different railroad cotaf an:e has
aifj an enormous ieexcam in trite? over
tti Atlantic & Paciiis. The parser.ger
trains Bvw coni t of eight or nine car
lion. J J U per vr " rlcct.-J Viet Pres
ident ol th Yraji Live Slock Aoriation
to fi l the vacancy exu-ed bv the death ol
W. Y. Hutchinson at the mee'irg of the
cxecstiee coiuni tre held on Wednesday
Tteicnr Cook beir.g asked to day when
tc exptctid to more into bis new quarter,
remarked, that from tbe present appettarcr
and judgiajj from the progress made dur
isg tbe piit Ino'hs lie would W able
to mare ahoct tbe 1st of July.
Newspaper take nothing from a town,
but always give more than they take. What
ever patronage they srcrnl it immediately
returned to tbe !u:dc men liyatke em
ployes with tbn aoitition o: whatever money
!i drawn from the out id. Tliey are in
dustrial enterprise whicd tmplny a num
ber of bands, bet take nothing from tbe
Th't poet and professor to pmnut:; vis
ited Jessen' social ball a few evening ago,
and surveyed the rJ tut there domiciled.
The prclesser on examination and due delib
eratnn, concluded that tt was the rentable
bat that struck Billv Patterson be says,
however, that lie will gu Into a further
diagnosis of tbe cage asd report.
Economy is the watchword of Governor
Zulick, Secretary Hyird and, in fact, of all
our new cfficials. Courier. Sixteen thou
and dollars for a fingle term of cutt, re
nltir.g in one conviction, is a peciroen ol
the economy, Mln fsct" practiced by on ot
Barbers clsige dtmccrstic applicants for
office in thi territory only halt price id
consideration of the privilege of boning
their razors oa their cheek. Tombstone
applicant areabaved for nothing. Sen
An alarm of fire wa sounded this morn
ing at a few minute past tea o'clock for a
chimney fir in Fred Williams' residence.
Tbe department waa eat promptly, bat
their service were sot needed.
From Saturday's Daily.
Tbe Epitab call bim Governor ''Zoo.'
E. L. Morey is placer mining near Copper
Sber ff Mulveaoa is selling delinquent Ux
Maricopa democrat are already begin
ning to talk convention.
Snvder & McCarroa. carpenters came ia
from Signal a few day aisce.
Deputy Marshal C. T. Duaavan is con-
filled to his room through illness.
The sreritTs sale of property on which
taxes were delinquent wa closed to-dsy.
S. G. Marcou expects to tw able to sup
ply tbe market with strawberrise tery soon.
Sam Lne's ipack train, of fifty burro,
loa led up to-day with freight for tbe Bred-
sbaw and Turkey creek mining districts.
Q. Arthur Allen, all the English Lord,
is celebrating bi twenty eighth birthday
to dsy, and is treating his friends "right
Henry Wahler. a tsamster wbo recently
bad bis loot Injured by an accident here,
hd hi toes amputated at Ash Fork a few
days since.
Albert E. Foot bu resigned the position
of clerk of (he soprem court uf this terri
tory, and Exra B. Dodge ha been appointed
to bis place.
Hon. Chester Thomas yesteiday purchas
ed from L. C. Palmer the hcuse and lot
occupied by the latter a a resiJence in
West Pricott.
Cbaa. Vandever, late of Vandever Bros.,
post trader at Huschuca, but at present
connected with Srout A McCruui, liquor
merchant of Saa Francisco, is in town.
I. T, Stoddard, ot tbe Hartford Cpper
compsnTi who arrived in Prese tt a fei
dav since, aill leave to-morrow tor the
company's mines, accompanied by Mr.
First clsss limited ticket are being told
from Los Acgelee to Kansas City for $4 to
Chicago, $8; New York, $99. Third els
tickets are sold at on or two dollar less
than these figure.
W. H. Bates, of Bates Bros . owner of
ths Marcus mine, arrived in Pfcenix Sa ur-
day, and will remain a day or 'wo. He it
just from New York, and come out with
the intentionjof resuming operations on tbe
Marcus property, all fl ancial difficulties in
regard to which hive been settled. Phenix
Tbe Herald speaks of Hon. P at Desmond
ex sheriff of San Francisco. When we
knew tbe ex-sheriff before and after be be-
caaie sheriff, be wa plain "Tom"1 Desmond.
V e are clad to know, however, that be is
growing rich in tho Salt River V alley.
From Monday's Daily:
Msjor Otey came in from Jerome yester
Tbe Tip Top mine will be started op soon
Telegraph wires are up In all directions I
B. B. Crapo, of Skull Vallsj, is in town
to day.
Kd. Wagoner, of Lynx Creek, was in
town to-day.
Mrt. Gorbam A. dray i expected Lome
within a month,
M. 11. Costa's family will leave for tbs
east to-morrow.
Tbe Oro f ino hydraulic works ttarud ap
a few day liace.
J, U. Herndon came ia from tbs south
Saturday sight. -
P. J. Schofield, a Big Bog batincas man,
wa in town to-dsy purchasing supplies.
Mrt. Roach will provide supper for the
St. Patrick's ball oa Wednesday evening.
Freighting between Prescott aad Asb
Fork Is at a stsndstill owing to tbe muddy
condition of the toads.
lbs advertisement for proposals fur
transportation in this military department,
ppear in thi issue,
Geo. H. Tinker is rusticating at C. B
Bishop's popular summer retort known as
the "Four Mile House."
Rev. C S. Beardslee, of ths Congrega
tional church, preached his farewsll sermon
to a large audience last niglt.
Tli coraer toae of tbe insane aylum
was not laid on Saturday owing to the nou
arrival of Governor Zulick,
Dr. Farnham came in from Lynx Creek
Saturday evening. He repett a large
amount of aaow on the divide yet.
Tbe Tombstone comes to us printed on
manila paper. Nash talks just as saucy
and independent on brown as on whits
A party of eastern gentlemen are. visiting
our town with F. M, Murphy, Amors
Commissioner to tbs New Orleans Ezpoti-
A term of the District Court will be held
.n St. Johns commencing next Monday.
Qaite as exodus of our local attorneys it
expected, to attend it.
J. W. Sullivan left for Chlao Station, on
be line of the Atlantic & Pacific railroad,
yesterjay, after ordering the Joursal
Mix ik sent to him there.
J. N. Rodenburg and Judge Griffin cam
up yesterday from a visit to Weaver. They
report abundance of water for placer min
icg there. While they were there a Mexi
can brought in aa tSO nugget.
Young lUtcliff, wbo as reoestly arretted
o a telegram from Saota Rosa wa thi
morning released from custody on aa order
from tbe sheriff of Sonoma County, Cat.
The charge against Katcliff, it ssesss, hat
been settled by Iris friends there.
Gen. John W. Horn, warden of tbe
Marylrnd Penitentiary, writes that that
new remedial agent Red Star Csugb Cars
hat bees used by the officers of tbe inttitu
tion, and has also b?n given to a number
ot the inmates with remarkably beneficial
J. J. Conway and partnera have their
ditch completed at Weaver and are engaged
in ground sluicing. As yst no clean up
hat beea made, but tbe gravel prospect
The Courier is "eff in educational and
political nut.'1 Governor Zulick bu d.
lared, while h-re thittti e normal school
slxmld be supported ; it a territorial
institution of merit and an able and effect
ive adjutant to our public schools. It
support will not smount to one-half of tba
sum received by the Courier for printing.
At a meeting of tbe school trustee, held
this morning It was decided to open tbe
public schools sgsin on Monday next Mar.
2 2d. Tba teacher employed will be Mis
Mtrtin, Mrs. Columber aad Miss Bsnta.
Attention is called to tbe auction adver
tisement of J. U, Fiaber in this issue. A
peciat opportunity will be aflorded at thi
ale to procute an elegant parlor ard solid
walnut, marble top bed room set.
Robert Scbcfield returned from tbe east
a few daya since and is preparing to start
up his mill on Big Bog as toon as tbe
weather moderate. He has stveral tons of
ore on tbe dump and more ready to be
topsd, with a prospect of having a sum
mer' run of tbe mill.
A good audience tutnud ont on Saturday
eight to hear Col. Egger lecture on the
"American Pioneer." As a prelude to tba
evening's entertainment Professor Ludwig
Thomas plsyed an instrumental piece ca the
pianoand Mr Joseph Dauphin tang "A Ship
on Fire" with fine effect. Col. Eggsrs
bowed a familiarity with his subject, aad
delivered his lecture in one of bu fiaest
and happiest veins of oratory, being loudly
applauded at its close, The Woman'
R;liel Cotpt, for whoso benefit it was given
will realize a snug little sum from tbe pro
ceeds, something over two hundred ticket
having been sold.
Word wss received in town yesterday
that, an exceedingly btg tit ike had been
made in tbe Peck mine, which is now being
worked under lease by W. 0. Dawes. Tba
lodge unearthed l within eight feet ot the
surface and varies from six to eight .nchet
in width. The ore is similar in character to
bat taken out of tbe mino when it wa
discovered and i enormously rich. Work
on tbe tunnel between the Peck anil tbe
Oriental is still progressing, but owing to
the vat amount rf water which continu
ally coming in not mach headway is gain
From Tuesday's Daily:
Deputy Marshal C. T. Dunavau is able to
attend to business again.
Dr. U. W. Scott, a dentitt well koowu
in Pretcott, is "diing" the town of Pinal.,
Oar street have presented a live appear
aace jeslerday and to-day,
Flsgitaff is elated over the prospect of
building tbe Mineral Bilt Railroad.
Mr. W. C. Potts, of West Prescott. he's
filed her stock brand W. W. for record.
Oh! For a good smoke! "Aitkea' Bef,
12 cent cigar and you have it.
Man swearing neck boil,
Happy now St, Jacobs Oil.
Miss Christine Johnson, of the Central
Hotel, advertises" rooms to let in this
Cbas. 1 ate has deeded to Mrt. Linda
H. Lount lots 1 and 3, block 15, city of
Prescott for S 550.
Tbe comer stone of the iasane atylam at
Phenix wa laid or. Saturday last by the
director without any ceremony,
Kentucky sour maah whiskey, double
standard goods, and genuine Tennessee
white rye at tbe Cob Web.
Tbe Flagstaff Champion says tbst P. J.
Brannen & Co., will commence rebuilding
shortly tbeir store burned by tbe recent
A deed from A Moody to D. Wilkios fur
a one sixth interest in tbs Ready Pay mint
bit been filed for recoid. The consideration
named is 9500.
Ths Phenix Herald ha recently donned
an entire new dress aad now presents a very
much improved appearance. We are glad
to aote Bra Morford i prosperity.
Tbe Pheaix Herald says that Phenix will
soon be struck by a cyclone of a band of
holiness wbo will pitch their big tent on
tbe plaza and break the (porting 'raternity.
Mrs. Roach will provide an excellent sup
per, watch will be erved in one of tbe low
er rooms of tbs city hall to-morrow even
ing far th patron ot the St Patrick' s bsl!.
The 'Maverick" sadly aeed "grading
up." Tombstone Democrat. It ought to
be crossed with tbs "Orion Ira" or tbe
"Casa Grande Voice "Salt River Valley
A Chinese bog raiser, living south of
town ha been ia trouble over telling bg
ja which an attachment had been placed.
Judgt Fleury bu been eagsgsd for two
dsys in determining tbe case,
W. E, Lang re be lias purchased tbe barber
tbop of Tom Milligan, adjoining Jen'
saloon, nd it bow prepared to accomo
date all his old customer with a good
shave or hair cut on short notice,
We are in receipt of a copy of tbe
World's Almanac for 1886 accompanied by
tbe compliments of Joseph Pulitser. Ths
Almtnsc in question is valuable for the
statistical information it contains and can
be bad on application by remitting 25 cents
to the New York World.
The Women's Relief Corps desire,'
threugh this paper, to thank Col. L. F.
Eggers, the Bjar.l of Supervisors, Messrs.
aird, Thomas and Dauphin for service in
connection with the recent lecture for tbeir
benefi, and all others who assisted is any
way in contributing to it success.
This morniig the case of Wa. Wilkerson
vs. County of Yavapai came up for hearing
before John Howard, referee, Tbs
morning wss consumed is taking
the testimony of the plaintiff. There seems
to be no dispute about tbe facts as the case
closed with tbe plaintiff's testimony. The
claim is for fees for ittuing juror certifi- j
cstet. The defeaea is that tbe claim is
bound by the statute ot limitations.
Eggers McGrew appear for defendant,
Rush A Wells and E. M. San.ora for plain
tiff. The argument is set for to-mor:ow at
1 o'clock r, m.
Tbs editor of the Salt River VUy News
toeut two hours at the normal school last
Tbursdsy, and found the pupils in attend
ance earnestly at wjrk with a teeming
determination to become profideot in tbe
studies they are pursuing. H says that
Prof. Farmer exhibits more than usual ia
tersst ia the ichool, and being, as be it, a
hard working, competent instructor, the
pupils are advancing rapidly under bit tui
tion, and maty of them will come out
follfledged teachers at tbe ead of the term.
DOW. In Nape, California, March tb,
Mrs. Jam Dow, formerly of Prescott.
KxesBtlM Waste
Tb Executive Cotutaittee of thu Yuvaptt
Stock Grower' A'sociatioa las presented
tbe lollowinif petition to the limtd of
To tbk Uokorsrlr Board or ScruvitoRs
or Yavapai Cocirrr, Abizosa:
Gkxtlcmkx: The Yavapai County Stock
Growers' Association, through it executive
committee, do hereby respectfully represent
to your HoaoraMe Board the evident in
justice sad unfairness of attsmpting to
tuts tbe tpria cslves aad colt.
The county atstssor, on account of tl c
vast i xtent of territory be will be compelled
to compass ia tbe performance of bis offi
cial duties, will have (from tbe nature of
the case) very few calve aad colu pre
sented to aim for listing ia the earlier part
of the season ; whereas near tbe close of tbs
time allowed for asking tbs round of tbe
country, be would find a larger aumber ot
such calves and coltt, but no mors propor
tionately than be would find at that timo in
tbe herd of the man assessed first, thereby
puttiog an injustice and hardship upon the
maa asseseed Itst, as compared with hi
more fortunate aaigbbor a-esed earlier.
Inasmuch, therefore, the whole object ot
listing property yearly for assessment is
fouaded upon the obligation of each man to
pay. taxes exactly ia proportion to his prop
ertyrsad whereas it is impossible for every
wkvan to be assessed oa tbe same day, we,
berefore,your petitioner,do most earnestly
urge upon your Honorable Board the pr
priety of directing tbe said county assessor
to omit listing spring calves sad colts for
assessment aad for Immediate consideration
and action do most earnestly p ay.
Very Respectfully,
Your Obedient Servants,
Tax Yatatai Cooty tuck GaowxaV
ar JNO. G
W. S. Hazkltimk,
A Xatmral Tsteaaowe.
Tba Yua Sentinel says: A train of car
is plainly heard on tbs line o' the Atlantic
ft Pacific railroad at The Need It a for a dis
tanos of seventy-eight miles to a i lace
called Cottonwood Island. The discharge
of tbe sun. rite gun at Fort Xohave can be
plainly beard at Colorado Canon, a distance
of 100 miles. Sounds can be uod rstood io
the narrows of tbe Grand Ctfi n of the
Colorado for a dittance of 18 mi!e, or io
other wore, if a man at one end shouts
"Bob!" ibe man at tba other end can plain
ly hear the echo. The whlstl of s Colorado
steamer can be beard from El Dorado cifim
to Weaverville, tbs head of navigation.
distance of seventy tight miles, and by
tumbling a rock over tbe precipice at Lee's
Ferry, you ca plainly bear tbe echo down
the river at Weaverville, a distance of 88
lai Sate.
A it i now the season for planting trees
and vegetable plants, a few hints about the
modus operandi are not out of order.
Tbe ground, especially if at all clayey,
should aot be wet aad sticky; if tbs tree cr
plant is large and mach of tbe root growth
hat necessarily been cat off, a pmpartionate
quantity of top growth should be eevet.-d to
restore a just balance, tor ctberwite tbe
evajwration of moisture from tbe tops
being greater than can be supplied by tbe
tborteaed and mutilated roots, the plant
matt either linger or die outright, even if
abundantly watered. Iu order to enable
the newly planted roots to draw from tbs
soil the nectasary moisture, the soil imme
diately about tbem should be pressed
firmly against every fibre and should the
soil be dty, it should ven be rammed and
pounded, tbea plentifully watered, snd
when tbe water baa soaked io, tbe top ot
tbe extavatioa should be filled with loose
toil. If any manurt it ated, tbs best way
it to place it on top as a onlch.
Pksscott Gardes,
March 12th, 18M.
Tfca vrsmtper.
It wa lurdette, who said: "oUpij: a
oewepaper man, every time be hear of a
maa who severely criticises bim or hit pa
per in public, should retaliate by holding
ap to public gas the criticiztr. Why tbs
criticizer would think be bad beea terribly
outraged snd would tbirst for the editor's
gore.Tben the poor quill driver would get
shot or shoot somebody. That patient
beast of burden, tbs country journalist,
never doe this except under severe provo
cation. It isn't because be is afraid to da
it, but bee ase be isa't mean enough. He
allow maa to gj arouad trying to destroy
ill basioest, H bears bis paper called a
worthless sheet bceauss the editor ia doieg
his duty aad bat stepped on somebody
A ate awiwea
'Tbe Tombstone Epitsph says that while
tho Rev. G. H. Adams wss giving his
terjopticon entertstnment lait evening,
few blackguards, aatoug wham waa Sol.
Isresl, sought by indecent insiauatioaa and
discreditable remarks to bring discredit oa
Mr. Ada us, wbo is known far aad wide in
Arixoaa, as s gene rout public spirited gen
tleman. There were several others who
imitated Isreal, bat noae so bold aad braseo
as be. A mas wbo has lived aad thrived
upoa the generous patron ag of a deceat
community, ought at least to respect its
churckaaaad. citiaeas. Ths darkness ia
tbs ball gave the vaadalt aa opportunity
to display tbeir blackguardism to great ad
vantage. Prescott has s savant who main tain that
tke Bortb mol can be climbed into hearea.
He is svideatly trying to find a small bole
to crawl oat of, after having related to pay
hi subscription to a aewrpper. Tocson
Citizen. ,
Tbs Praooott JocJtJtAL-Mixzn ha un
earthed a scientist at the capital, who be
lieves that tbe earth and all ths other plea
ett art connected by a sort of nabUkal cord
in the sbaps ot isthmuses ia tba Mm
manner aa North aad South America by the
Isthmus of Panama along which a rail
road may bs built. This wis man of tbe
north also believes that tbe earth ia not a
sphere, but ia tbs snaps of a rolling pin.
Evidently, the territorial university should
hive bean located at Prescott snd this great
unknown installed a teacher ef science.
Wednesday's Edition.
St. Patrick's dsy.
Read proposals in this issue
Mr. Roach will give an clrgsnt supper
at tbe ball to-ulgb .
The grand matcU will comment promgt.
ly at 9 o'clock to-night.
Tbe Prescott rifles bad a good attendance
at their meeting last night.
Tbe Pretcott Grays will give a social bop
at tneir arnfory on Tuesday evening next.
Tbe Lion Store received another large
invoice of new tpriag good o-day.
Ths Gazrtte understand that J. 0.
Herndoa baa arraoged for tho porebae of
property in Pneaix.
The report comes from Bowie thai Garo-
nimo sod his warriors sre on tbeir way to
meet General Crook for the parpose of
It W. C. Uerriogtou a well knon
miner of thu cuuutj ou recently asaiatant
editor ot the Courier hat gone wtat to vii
hU family.
N. A. Moif rd, of the Herald, at stcr
tsry of tha Grsou Lodge of Odd Fellom,
to-day received a bar of sliver from the
Silver King mine, weighing fifty oaacas. It
was , invented tu lbs grand Judge for jew
els, by J. M. Buuey, aad js certainly an
elegant gitt. Gaztttu.
We are in receipt of a box of choice cut
fljner from Sayder & Nye, Air t, I.
Augelet-, LViforuin. Tuey were sent by
ma.l and arrivd at nice and fresh as if ju
cut from tbe atlks. Thla eotfriris':iigir.i,
it prepared to iblp Call lilie for ICas'.r,
packtd in each a iqaauer as to insure rtfs
arrival in good condition tu all parts of ilm
country. 1'heir pric-s for these liijrs are
fifty cent per dozen by express or seven's
five teiits by mail. nostptiJ.
Tbe Tuctou Star probably sp'ak from
expcrienoj wnen u av mat mere u ttio-e
in both tbe democratic and republican par
tie who make politic a protection; they
tre of little use to tbe party or community.
tbey are the one who set themselves up as
tbe cnte ions ot tbe politic 1 ftitb tbty
pretend to represent; they sl lota support
tneir par.y papers, and woeo they aru up
for otnot! tfiey always seek to ulsctte tbe
opposition paper; thi y ssy that their party
psper must support tnem at all hazards,
all they want is office. If they subscribe
to tbeir local paper tbey seldom pay, and if
they are dunned they take it ai a matter of
personal offense. Tbey wdl pay a whiskey
bill without a single objection, but to pay a
newspaper bill is something not in their
creed, Such m n are political bummers
aad should he discarded by the presn and
eras) Tklevee at Wewk.
A few day sin mysterious tignt were
discovered iu the rotd near Cullen ' Statioa
in tbe vicinity of Date Creek by certain
parties, wbo, ou investigation, 'found two
hore tttJced out soar tbe road. A farther
examination in the vicinity led to the dts-
covcrv that siuce tbe recent storms three
bands of horses bad been run through the
country presumably by a band of thieve.
Tbe bone recovered are branded, nae a
fine big brown, branded on left (id with
circle J., snd tbe other with C. in left hip.
Ths lattet'e hind feet are white Tbey arc
now ia pot ession of a man named Betry at
Callen'i Station, oa the Wkkenburg road
Both borat hai good riatas oa when found
and whether tbe parties had beea frighten
ed eway, or intended to return for tbem it
a mvstsry.
Tke XUaerai Belt.
The Sen Frsncisa Bulletin publishes e
telegram from New Voik which says that
President Nutt, of the Atlantic ft
Railroad, announces that arrangements are
being made for tbe coast ruction of ths first
sevuoly-five miles of tbe Arizawa Mineral
Belt Railroad. That company ha entered
into a guarantee of traffic with It, by Ibe
terra of which, while making liberal pro
vision for tbe payment uf iotUt-t upon ).
bends, the Atlantic A PaC'fic arcures j ia:
ownership oi this new road. 'be guaran
tee ha Uran appruved by President Strong,
of the Atchison company, ai.d Piesideai
Wintlow. of the St. Louw ft San Franciteo
Railroad Company.
A raanllr s) senate.
Tbe policy of the last legUlatute iu ertet.
ing a normal school has beea condemned ly
tbe governor at onwise aid premature and
we fail to see how the language ud b.-art
ths lnterpretatien placed apqa it by our
contempoiaries, or th t the governor b
receaed frost tbe position tske-i by lilts io
reference to its cresticn.Every man, woman
and child knows thst was, aor is. not a
pub ic necessity, nor did Gov. Zuiick, Ly
implication r otherwise, affirm it to be to.
Prescott turir
. mtrlek'S mj.
Jules Bauman, at bis confectionery store
s prepared to meet all demand for Ice
cream, lease ice, cakes, candies and fresh
oyster, oranges and lemons. Daring the
night of tbe ball he will keep his estab-
mBt opea for the beet fit of lovers of oys
ters aad ice cream.
Remember that Allcocke are the oely
genuine Poroas Plaster. They net quickly
aad with certainty, and csa be worn for
weeks without causing pain or Inconven
ience, Tbey are Invaluable ia cases of
spinal weakness, kidney end pulmonary
difficulties, malaria, agur, cake, liver com-
pUint, dyspepsi, strain, rheumatism,
sciatica and nersuus d.biiity. Oar plasters
blister end icfUtue the skia so that the
pore are closed and oil to cause seriea in-
ury. Do not nk health and waste time
aad sooty by bujtag inferior article mad
to sell oa tbe reputation of the genuine.
Wbe purchasing pl.r ask fjr and see
that you get Allcock's Puroas PI Mints.
Each genuine plaster bears the regUter ed
trsde msrk s'amp, tf
OUT BOARP. Booms are well veatllatee,
sunny and comfortable.
m Proprietor Central HoUl. Ml.
A voice from tbe put, a loog gone bye!
With it echoes of treasured hope
Of Erin I osber'd with every sigh
Like captive Jiolas afloat.
Wbea shall our vigil, through sights of
Beneath the tprangled canopy above
Behold tbe star of "Tyranny's doom,'1
Tbe beacon, of tba Isle we love!
All through tbe shades of dreamy atght
Where e'er our fancy roams,
Beneath fair Luna's fairy light,
Tia thy spirit 1 O Erin! that moans !
tell us! Is this but n dream
An excursion in fancy's train
Ye voice froci the psst ! shall we redeem
Aad for Time's eternity retain,
Oar emerald carpeted isle of old,
Tbe home o t Malachi, who trod
Her gren award with a heart to bold
Upheld - by a righteous God!
Oppress'd ah ha been, for ages loog,
Hsld down by a bond of might 1
BartsrS for gold, waa freedom's song!
The song of the Red Branch Knight !
May the thunder of freedom rend her
From the rucged rocks of tbe north !
Where (he flaet of the foam surges on
And tend the glad tidings forth
Forth where the morning dew drops
From Loarj lores t to tangled sedge.
Along where the gentle streamlets flow.
To old Erin' southern ledge.
Where rebounding in echo, from coast to
Through tho vale of Avoca so bright
Carried by tbe courrge of brave Parnell
To tbe dawn of an endless light!
Welded by the world' most power! nl
Through the fall of Oppression' hand,
A slavery into Oblivion link
Giving Liberty to Ireland!
Lttrr lUat.
Ths following is the list of letters
remaining at the Pint Office iu Prescott,
for tbe week ending Msreh 12th,
Baraett, William
Clark ft Prescott
Cox WS
Dunn William.
Humphreys Thot
Hews H L Mrt
Jones Frank
Hocafer Henry
McSnrley A
Riesmsid E
ralkntr William
Para as John
Hendnckton H
Call for advertued letters.
J H A Mabsx,
iki ram wmwmn Bur asb
Hrrras anb aur cattlc
Ha ''quarter Lie par, merit ot Arizona,
One or Mia Chief Commlanary ol
Hubalttence. Wtalpple Banaess,
Prsacott. A T., March lc, lt.
SEALED PltOFOJAlJ, In lrIpUe, sub
ject to tbe utaai condition, wilt Iw re
eetveu M mi uBin luu iu uucri oi ts
Aotlnr eofim!rl. or HuMIUnew at tbe
rollowlnt named poU until 12 o'clock, noon,
oaTbnrader, ApriLZtd. 1HM, at which lira
ana place ihey will r opaned In th pr
mm, ot bidders, for nrnlshlns; ant l'lrr
ot ueli quantities of f'RKSH BEEP AND
ntCTlOM an ibe tlo.k, as majr from Usae
taUBstM teqalred at roris Apache, Bowie,
QranU HuaJbnca, Ixwll. UiDowell.lfaJST,
Tnoais and Verde, 8an Cat loa snd XVhlppla
Bareackk. In this Dtpanment, from July I,
j, to jan m. ix,.
,ml1h1 PniDustlcln triplicate will also bm
mhIhJ at this once ojilt. at lbs same hoar
nod dai I or iuruiuinr uu ueiiverr oi aacn
qBantl.lenof KKESHBHKKon th block, a
mar b reqatreu at ibe following cam pa in
Ibis lMiarimsnt. A-h rtprlDf. Bis baa Can
yon, namia uanjon, iwwi, ouuga, wop
Emsaet Crawford. Copper On jon. Camp on
Ulla tuvsr, Ooadalup Canron. MMcal
Hpnais, Stowrr Mine. Mud Mprlngs. 8aa
Bernardino. S.lVtr Citak. A. T.. and L-n
Kaacb.N.M. . ...
Also proposal ror rurniaaiaa ana aeitvary
ts th Actlcg CjmruUiair ! subsistence at
Von Apacue uth qautlUt-tof Bt CalJ on
the hoot. aa mar brrrq'llrrd by the fcubls-
tenc Department fori.ue to Indian priaoa
r and scoui at Camp Emmet Crawford,
A. T. Th probable qiautltr of Bf Cattla
for mi parpove win os aoaai ev naa per
.ooili. Tram Jnly 1, l&S, to June 3U, ISC,
to reject
The O tvaramcnt resvrre the rtiht
it of all DroDoaal.
Blank propoaal. cuarantte and afflJavlla
and full Information aa to the manner of
bldalBZ,eondltlaa lob observed by bidder.
aad iersna of contract and payment, will be
famished on application to this offlee, or to
tbe Coasalasan at the posts.
Kn.eiopea eoDiauamc propoaaia anouidD
iktbMl IPianAls ."or fwr for -Raef and
narked "PioDosalc -or Bef." for "Baef aad
ilaHoa." or for "Beef Catt f." at A. T. . and
addreasad lotke nnderslnnvd, or to the Cata
snlasanr of tbe Post bid lor.
CapUla nJC8.,n,H Army,
Mar 17-41 w Chief C. 8.
At tbe residence of Miss Helen
I?erby, Gra'tite Street,
TlwfSifaf v Mar. 25HI, it 1 1 a. K
Consisting in part of
3 Handsome Bedroom Set,
1 Elegant Parlor Set,
Velvet Carpets and Kugs,
Inlaid Desk and Bookcase.
Easy Chair, Lounges, Chan
deliers, Walnut Tables, Oil
Paintings, Steel Engravings,
Parlor Stoves, Lace Curtains,
Cookstove, Wardrobes, Crock
ery and Classware, etc etc,
One Side Saddle, Also Royal
fct. John Sewing Machine in
good order, a.
J. L FISHER, Auctioneer.
Is directed to the Elegant Par
lor set and Solid Walnut Marble
Top Bedroom Set marlStd
Will it not Pay You
Send for Samples of
and Quality of
Wc in Ofrariig a Special Li if lays Slits. acs 12 tt (7,Trst
at $5.95 . . : X
Large direct cash buyings make close prices possible. Our
Country Order Dapartment has again been enlarged, and new
facilities added to accommodate our increasing trade,
We are, this season, opening a much larger and more varied
assortment than ever before.
Collected here may be found the latest styles and best qualities,
from the leading markets of the world; while we guarantee our
price against any hou?e in the WEST, QUALITY considered.
A careful comparison can but convince you that we mean
just wliat we say.
We feel fully assured that the more you compave our price)
and qualities the more of your trade we will secure.
Any order you may send us will receive prompt attention,
Our various lines are Dry Goods, Pancy Goods, Cloaks, Wrap.; -Boots
and Shoes, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings, Hats, Caps,
Trunks, Valises, etc.
We .AJlow no House on the Coaat to
Undersell TJs-
Send for Samples and our Illustrated Caiatofut
. Free.
829, 831, 833 and 835 K St. and
Successor to Douglass & Stephens,
The Tragic Meat Market.
Gurler Street,JBetwfen Montezuma (and Granite Sts.
Fresh and Salt Meats
ChoiceJCorned Beef
,Caih Paid for at Cattle and Sheep. ff
pelts, etc., bought for cash. Meats delivered to all parts of the city and
Whippie free of charge. J.Q.STEPHENS.
In order to better accommodate
iu counecuon wiia our amornia market, ex ?outn Jlonte
zuma street,) the Bull's Head market, North Monte
zuma street, next to the P. & O. Restaurant, near
the corner of Gurley Street, where we wilt
keep always on hand the best assortment
the following reduced prices tor cash, .to which the attenuon of the public
is called
Baaf LyMe-
br lilndaoartrr.
Beer by toreiaartr.
Bsr eorawl
BtaT leln.
Ktt imoid and roam!.
serr riuroaxL.
Hmmf Dlate Imtilns..
Br trloln aad olerbou tk
Br prluia leaderloin aad ponc
nou) ttfaai
Uct loaod and cbutk ale k to 14
Mutt an br carcass or lile
Mmis Mwti to ail pans U tha
CiatfnfrtiiBitri Markets.
Gh. SC22TTEZBIsL2Srf Prop.,
(Sucoeessor to Dan Hatz,)
Board and Lodging Per Week - - $10
Board. By the Day - - . $1
w tti:.v i nl n
PaascjTr, A,rnai,
UAtxr 7, lani.
to Send Us an Order.
Cassimere. Showing Style
, c
our Clothing.
102G Ninth Street, SacranMsio-
and Pork a Specialty
our customers, we have opened
and quality of meats, which we will sell at .
Mu ton sboaldcrand ebuck
Motion prtmxbop , ,
Mutton ivt
limu br tin '
.1 nb and lolnefiop.
lamb !ioalderanitltY
l",rk tjr ld or quarter
i or iwu..
Por a. aiua(a
r u an
is '
Is '
. iiy,
Bolocsa uuu;f.
Ur l-udaltt
City aid Fart Whinle Erea ta
iMit DelireU tcaurMrtorTtrir
- 3&