Newspaper Page Text
4sBBfer : - -n - MlZMIUEEKlTJIHIRIIIl-mMB. J. C Martin. Editor, WEDNESDAY. APRIU7, t8 NEWARK WANTS TO "FULL UP THE CUR TAINS" ON StNAToK M'PHERSON'S NOMINEE. Ever since President ClereUnd ap pointed CoL C Meyer Zulick., ot Newark, govenor t Arizona territory, his politi cal enemies in the democratic patty have made determined efforts to defeat his conSrination by the United States sen ate. As was recently stated in the Herald a mil was brought againit him as the president of the New Jers y and Sonora Reduction company by some of the ktockbuldera of the concern. In the bill of comulaint filed in the Nct Jersey rourt f chancery it is alleged that he wilfully misrepresented the affair of the company and induced people many of whom were his intimate frimds, t in Test nuney in the company, and suuse qucntly the lunds were ucd for the de- By a recent order issued from army headquarters General Crook has been assigned to the department of the Platte, headquarters at Omaha and Nelson A. Miles has been assigned to the depart ment of Ariaona. While we regret to lose General Crook from Arizona, the change from an active life of hardships and privations, to an easy berth is one which he has merited. While others in tne army have had what are called soft berths General Crook's entire array life has been spent on the frontier ightinft and subduing hostile Indiana, wane k u admitted that during the pact year he has not achieved the success he had hoped for and which the people of Ari zona earneatly hoped for tt k generally believed by fair minded citixens that had a less experienced saaa thaa General Crook been in command, isJetead of from thirty to fifty hostiles being oa the war path a general outbreak would have occurred. General Miles who succeeds him has won a reputation as an Indian fighter and it is sincerely hoped that he may achieve success ta hk sew field of operation. The announcement has been briefly jade of the death of Tuthill King, a vil ipinent ot a silver mine in Sonora, J Chicago millionaire, who died recen ly Mcxco. A Ml history ot the case wa ,fora ded to Washington. SERIOUS CHARGES. Djring the las: few days anothet sc-mM was created by the prodi-ctiun ... ,.. (ii-ii n.a.l.- hv A del nun Geo on his wedding trip. The Chicago Man has unearthd a chapter in his his tory that reads like" romance. He had reached the mature age ol 8a, and had family of married daughters. The oie gentleman was fond of traveling, but hi rJnldren observed wnh cam that as hi? - rniiuicii uueit wi... - - S Smith, of Newark, in which he makes m nBmbef he dereIopwl at. very v n..ui chafes againx Cl. Z -nj()r0Ui pr,)p.nj;tv. What if on one ot in connection with n nom"la"u' 1 his trips he should fall in with one ol surrogate t,f bex county ano me dcsgnng who Uy ;n walt ehich loiiea. an actuum The latest story connected with that celebrated $iS,ooo peach-blow vase of the Morgan collection is that it never belonged to a Chinese prince, but that it was originally bought in China for $2oo by an American who was regarded by the artful natives as a green old sucker for buying an off-color article at so great a price. The statement made by the auctioneer at the recent Morgan sale that there is not enough ingenuity in the world to produce its equal, is scouted as equally fallacious with the rest of the rigamarole related as the his tory of this queer specimen of bric-a- brac The Times critic declares that it could be duplicated over and over again for a comparatively trfling sum. Wheth erthis story be true or not, the fact remains that the peachblow vase has fooled somebody pretty badly. Having achieved greatness in killing a New York sawdust counterfeit money sharp, Jim Holland, the Texas man, is havine greatness thrust upon htm. Im mediately upon his acquittal of the charge of murder the enterprising man ager of a dime museum offered him $500 a week to go on exhibition as the man who shot Davis. Hh declined the honor and started at once for Abilene, Texas, where his enthusiastic townsmen are men .rine to receive Mb wiih a brass band and a grand dispby of fireworks. Such is greatness in this the nineteenth century. tion to eobble ropectable and wealthy old Alderman SimiU terrible death from Kenterol.n ai Mrs. Bardell" tried to cnaibon nuhgtie was published in the eMrap .Mr. Pickwick?" The thought Herald two months ago. He had been was harrowing to their filial mind, bo a close pcr-oual friend cf Colonel Zulu I ,hey hunted up an exceptionable widow, for mn.r ytar.Ou j ji prior to his death luJl(je a bargain with her for an hundred a coolness as bc: ten them. The iffi l.v.t riinadc several month before lis death and probaLly oul renum the ixciuie i-ropciiy oi thi senate it hecrc aim.- to-dy. THE AFriOAVir. It is now 111 ixHsession of Senator . Hairbon, of Indiana, chairman cf the tne committee on territories, but a copy ot it is urcserved in Newailc It drtail thousand dollars, and had their father marry het. This was n t a bjd specula ron all around. The widow nursed him faithfully for three months, and is an nundred thousand dollars ahead. Rufus G bhon Wells, an erratic bal- oonattc or aeronaut, whom we anew in California and who erstwhile wanted to take a bllon voyage to the north pie is now in Indianapolis trying to organize balloon company for transportation of natural gw from the gas fields to the great cities in huge balloon holding a million or more feet. This gas would ell for at leas' filty cents a thousand,- and costing nothing, so that each bal loon would earn $jco a trip A com pany on ng a S ore of balloons con stantly employed, wd, he say, do a paing business. The Tucson Citizen which has neer been in harmony with General Crooks policy and which has never missed an ! opportunity to criticise him has the lol various pracuces, which, it al.eges. gov- owng ,n regard to the my uer- v ., ,. 1 .j . ..,. ij. onimo: -uenerai ,roo w- - Johnson's' administration, when Zulick held lor a brief period the position of U S. Assessor lor the Newark district, and refers to the manner in which the offices at his disposal were disposed of. The affiJavii further states that at the last general election (1884) whm Zulick was a candidate for Surr gate and was de feated, he apprMched Alderman Smith, tnen chairman of the patlic buildings coramii'ce, and proposed a plan by wnich, when a recount of the ballot boxc. was called for, it would show that Zulu It was elected and not defeated, as with Erief and sorrow over the unexpect ed turn of affairs with the hostile chief Geronimo and iis followers, although he was utterly powerless to prevent it He had hoped we all had hoped that the end of the Indian troubles was at hand. and that henceforth the red cloud would east no mote shadows of blood across our fair valleys nor change the white drapnies of joj into palls of mourning and emblems of woe. No reasonable man can find any cause for rejoicing in this deen calaaairr oa accent of his desire to see the military forces huaailiat ' I l mtvw An- for tlvf renewal of the was prcr.ously announced. In the am- ' . . . . rf fnr fK- -t 1 . - , . , . j;,. I reaper, with the final triumph ef our actuated in making tt solely by a desire I "r" . " , , .... nn, nn arms, we sincerely regret ujc peon ,0 hold the fin of gov ernor of blasun ol our fondest awl trust r I .1... ,k tmtmm mn Mt mw hrillllDt TIC' a... .., imrlr thr demo I ' ' I . C. ...t AmJU crattc administration. THE PRESIDENT AND SENATOR M PHER .SN; Mrs. James Brown Potter whe shocked Washington society with her recitation of Speaking of the affiJavit a well-known "Ostler Joe," lnteade going on the stage. New Utscv poliucian said to a Hcra j She has played "Juliet" once or twice, - I - - - wa reporter ycstcrda: "President CUv I until her husband, J. r. aforesaid, oe- land was ny angry whin he heard 01 1 came jealous of the realistic way the affidavit, and immediately sent foi I which she hugged "Romeo and put a Senator Mcrli'rson. who rccutnmcodet Zuii k's apti -n.tmtnt. The uticr sen lor .veral Newark democrats and a-k- ti have the matter tnvestt ated. Allti man Sintih j ven a wcik Into c de-tli. He 11 ui J his charges an promise): to 'c- ihem in dealt. I b luve tic a wi-rkinx U;on a lull stat incut hcn he died. Tne whule matei lus Uen ittcirrd to a sub-coranntter consiMiiif: cf Senat rs George, of Mis issippi atid Cutliii, .l Iiluiois, who wcrt tnvt-sit atmg it'octhtr with the Sonora mine mat er." It is understood ihat there are othr charges aisnist G vcr tor Zjluk in irie iise- (mi .f ili- tnat- ruiiiniit-r, at d tii s. t h nd tr i ?ci:ig fur lulled . 1 1 , t 11 ti:i; P .ifj '.tl;iht 1 dcitiorr t. -. r u t ..; 'i.r on hi h Z i t 1. 1. N- .ik Herald, Mirikara Wreck A. A dispatch dated Kansas City, March 31, says: A vain oi iwewj filled with miscellaneous freight depart ed over the Missouri Pacific this after noon carrying a strong body ot police with it who were detailed asaguaro. Wnen the tram was near the Alton elevator two strikers rushed out from a lumber yard and turned the switch The result of this move was twelve of the cars and their contents are a total wreck, and all the train men are more or less injured. Detectives among the guard o the train at once arrested Martin Scow one of the men who caused the accident and James Noonan, the other mw while dodging around under the bridge was shot in the small of the back by one of the policemen. The strikers loudly condemn th police, who now make it a point to arrest any persons who are heard using language likely to incetue the strikers to violence. tmrjr Awlcame The war department has announced the following assignment of omcers: Major General J. M. Schofield to the of the Atlantic; Major Gen eral A. H. Terry to the Division ot the Missouri; M'jor General Howard to the Division of the Pacific Coast; Brigadier General Crook was Jo dav releved from the command of the Department of AriZwa and assigned to the Dipinmint of the PUtte, tormer ly commanded by Gineral Howard. B'teadier General N A. Miles, now in command of the Dipartment of the I. L FISHER'S 10CM.S. Overcoats from S3 00 aad apwsrd it J. L Kubei'a. BlaaketsaDd QaiHa a yowr owa price at J. L. Futk.lV Boy and Mess Button aborMl 0 per pair at J. L. F.tacr'a. Flower Pot Brackets at i. L. Fitt er'.. Baled -Alfalfa hay and. beat ley. cheap at J. L. Fiui. Carpet an' Oil Ciotb, M cent per yard aad epwardr, ai J. L. Fibn'. Freeh Batter end Kcgt tnm the raccb joat received at J, L FiaherV Freeh Sesnked Bod aa Herrieg at J. L. FubetV Robb-r Bnt and arcties ia great variety at J. L. Fitbei'a. BaaxiBg lamp aad chandeliers beet ad cbeapeet at J. L. F'lher'e. BUSIUmw' LOCALS. Six mom boat to let. Atp'j to Hon. L. Ba-bforJ. We will faroUh tbo Wearxt Jocrxal- Capital Pria, $75,000. lysm. Skwrea la preferaeei. Lulr"-" HUte Lottery Company Wa do hraUT certify, thai wa iht.rniecDi-ila f.r a-i wm tjaaiaily Drawloga or J" '-'"V;-. Mimia Iatl'y Company, an In peraon ' "a tuat the aame m coi iucimi wim " r, raWi. aid In roodT 1th towail par. i hi coruscate, wltn rac- imiiwo. iia au tore. Omma We the ordr!rnI Baaks end banker will par all Prises drawn in The Louisiana State Utlerie which mj t pre.enUdat oarcouaur.. Smm.9mmmUT Pres. Louisiana National Bank mr aiai.aiaiaewai. ' Pres. State National Bank. & aiaa.ikta'I. Pres. New Orleans National Bank T...t in ikM fur 36 r. by the La la.atnre for educailunal aa CberUaele purpoaaa-wtin acaphal ..r'a-." wblch raerT4and oroT tt&JOjm h lue oar aid ,2. nnrtll&rle I' fflitl nan of in. nteieut 8't l uii.iiuitloa adoDted DaoemkMrSd, A. D. IK!. Thaonlr lofery er Toted on aua enoora. ad ay the pnupl a I r ay atat Stejre Silwele JSwma-r lemlat" bkr Bioe.aealy. " ae mnw nam and the Weekly 8a. Fr.aeiKO CM rumg 'SSXAXZMVZ ST atn"k .ntir aath wtutkev. doob'lwr i re.1IIX FTJ tUI OKKD K ato;ky our msb wtutkey. etacdard good, aod grtuiue TeoBtre white rye at tbo Cob Writ. Local lTiUJeEca-ritth Oytet wt rrceivel a new lot at Baoman'e Oa- mandof the Dtpirtment of ArJUoav ditorialii-MiscfiHa ecislnns. Dr. Hayw-rd a resident. f WjvI nd Mass., died the other day alter havn g lived a long and useful life. During hi hole career he never cast a vote. Among his papers liter death was found ih following emtauh. which will be in- o i rrihrl uoon his tomhstone: ''Here liei the body of John McLean Hayward, who never voted. Of such is the king dom of heaven." Grimly humoresqu though this epitaph be, who shall say thai a certain percentage of cold, hard truth is not incorporated therein? M.souri has been assigned to the com- eettooer y store C-rtti etreet. -Oar Chieftain," ooly 4 cebt, and e pod ae any 10 cent cigar la tbe lowo, Altkea'a Cial citure. tf Oawoy bee Kro to Tobio Buinfor a I dav. Bt leave Ml. Geo. H. Unr a fwrcraar W4ichu-aker ia charge dunag abseace. ' la one weik ' Crram B.lm opened is mm Doirii. innioab wmcb I i -.oi brcatlra-l in three year. .ul.Jued ai -itcia'Min 10 in hel an thrua , tt. -ni.l Ol rlu Colouel t. M NellllJ, Lewi, 8. Y. (See. adv.) For ten or twelte yeara I have beer merely iMict'sJ with Catarrh. Mei jvlma loua- tacti drcldrd relief Irou. ii,T Cream llnt. I cnller mjaelf cure-l J. W. Bcymioioa, M.ciiapcviiie; x. 1 (frioe a eoi.i to it She is a Mew ur leans giri, or as before she was married, i he won lcrful advertising she has received late!) ii ihe newspapers has given her such a om that there is no doubt that sh k -u.J mjke a ureal finance! hit. Tni crtainly mjy overcome her husbanO nupie-, urtiierc is a great ocai oi uu- icrcnce Octecu being the husband of an amateur actress and seeing one's wife t-ike a ret cgmted position as a sur. so we may expect to see the lovely btu .ette i n xt ieason in a play written especially fjrher, with a rectution of "O.tler Joe" bnuiht in as an attract on. Ex. The chairman of the executive com mittee of the knights of labor at St-Louis issued the following order to thestnkers, ADril ist. and work was expected to re sume to-day: You are ordered by the general executive board io go to work Honor demands that you see that those who came out to support the strike go to work first. We will-tulegraph you hour and day. A champion hog was killed in Rhine- beck, N. York., the other day in the arrwiiM ot .ooo neiscns. which for weeks before his death had to be f with a spoon. He was so f4t that he could nt feed hiins-lf, so a small boy and a big iron spoon were employed, The boy hd no sinecure, for the hog ate half a barrel of swill duly, but the boy learned to love the fat ho, and wept bitterly when he was slaughtered. We understand tbnt thsre u a move ment on ton. among leading democrat ri ih terrirorv. o have United States D Utrici Attorney Rouse removed, on ih around of incompetency. It i rumored s ..iLI thf removal be ma le. whica -nns.rtrr-d verv PMbinle, Mirk Smith would bepjt forward, as a candid ate for the "Cant p3ioon. EPITAPH Rev. J hn Rai.kin, who is just dead at Iruiiiun, O., at the advance l age f 6 js "nc uf ine pi'meer almlitiuntsis of .he country. Hi inenas cutm mat nc jrganired the first abol tiun aoticty in Kentucky m igit, and that he wts Ire- rHL'Woa) r cat Kt tier. I quently despoile l with decayed cs, is What will tvtMtd b the good demo-J he was preaching his then unp-puhr crats and muijtupi ho h.ive been sentiments in Pennsylvaria. He claimed declannir hat less than a thousand that he first told the incidents that loira office-holder have been removed bv tic some of the most intertiting and eicitin president, when they read that the post I portions of "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Nota mister general rus informed the senate j ble among these was the flight of Ehxa that in the year ending March 3, 8,635 1 nd her child. He claims to have con fourih-cla.'s postmasters have been re- I cealed these in his house until nightfall tusvec? I and then taken them a considerable dis- In Pennsylvania alone 93S pcetcfHces J unce on their journey. Mrs. Humph have changed their holder from Repub I reys, his daughter, sap she got breakiast l:cansto democrats. New York, Ohio j for the original E'.ita aad her child on ard I.hnois have lo-t from 633 to i.ooa 1 this occasion. Ex. each, and the ret of the state have tindcrunr changes in propcttion, except thit in Massachusetts thcie have been fcir chantfcs in proportion than in any other republican state. Democrats doubtless vwiil rejoice to learn that o many of their friends are in. Republicans will shrug their shruHers and say "fortune of war.'- Bu- what will tne niugrump sa? Accord ing to th- ir theories these petty offices are just iheones which t.uht t- remain The people of Leavenworth, Kan., have received a warning from the spirit world that there will be a great destruc tion of life and property during the com ing summer by cyclones and floods, and that Leavenworth is doomed unless it can be averted by prayer. This informa tion is conveyed by a fifteen-year-old colored girl whose soul makes nightly trips to the spirit land, leaving Leaven- I ... a - unchanged with a change of admintstra- worth about 7 o clock ana returning t. We fexr that neither ihi nor 3nv about daybreak. Her information is other administration will eve' accept the sntiwtnij vi w of the p5 ofS.'es. Ex The Central Executive committee cf th- kn-ghts of liDjr, have fully invest igated the difference between the At lanta Constitution ii the Typograph ical L -non on which the bovc tt of he Constitution ws based, has dcchr.d he bojco:t t very meage respecting days and dates but it has created an intense excitement in that locality and has perceptibly in creased the consumption of medicinal whisVy for which that particular section f Kansas 1$ noted. An ingenious Ciegiaa has discovered that good whiskey for family use can be puulled ia an ordinary coffeepot Jay Gould is wouh $too,ooe,coa. The kid ulc ve covers a multitude of prize fights. The Boston Atheneum is to be open on St'nday. is thought will shortly res gn. Six hundred shtrp ere recently lost in a quigmire near El Rito, N. M. To-day is the dato announced for Gladstone to reveal his Iriih policy. The New Orleans expo-.itionx has closed. It was a financial taiiurc. Oie hundred thousand ,bushels of peai.uts are stored at Norfolk, Va. A fire broke out in Key West, Florida recently and destroyed the entire town. The annual spring floods are getting their work in on eastern towns just bow. Grand Mister Powderly of the Knights of Labor is talked of for governor of Pennsylvania. One of Vassar's sweetest and brightest students has been expelled for pilfciing from the other young lady students. The Missouri Pacific has commenced to receive freight again, having employed men to take the placesof the strikers. The St. Louis strike has not yet ended and the prospects are not as favorable as a few days since. President Cleveland is said to have engaged a summer residence at Litch field, Connecticut Mr. Cleveland wrote 150 veto mes sages during his two cars as Governor of New yoik. Mr. Charles Asbury, the postmaster at Lula. Louisiana, has four daughters imA P.-ml. Diamond. Ruby and Garnet. Joseph Toroo, the man who composd the "Aikin-aw Traveler," is still living at the age of 85 years, in Cincinnati, San Franciscans compUin that the Flagstaff rebel committee has failed to aclcnoleCi!e the receipt of the formir citj's donation. Democrats have bei n Hying to make our tetnti-nal prison self turning for some time. It i veiy nearly full ol ihcin. Drawlnc Cia . in theA kdrniy .f Jfiilc ft In-Miar. II Jtouiuiy urawtac. n'PT.L PRIZE 175.000. leeeee) Tieknwwt nvr i.nataek. r.t .! rir.fc- rr.arU.a. 17 V 0 ifiAte 1U.IA. IU.I tuoui 1'I.OW :0iu- taiw .Auuu . .1 In r.llklL AppromroaUoo l"r.ea oT t-M. t743 a do do w a do do SO 72w uer prt.aBnoniin-1",, .. I ei Apullcaiion n.r rat" " " mod u lyo Ibe oOce or mr wop "7 For IBtlDrr IDiirmHn wr-ir 1 a log full o rea. ra f"' rton-T urae .. or tw 1 11 r "a For Sale A, THE PLAZA STABL E. 30hed of Horsea and males of all kinds from $50 to $200 each. 3 Blackboards. 4 ranch wagons. 2 lreight wagons. 6 single and pole baggies. 5 hacks and spring wagons. 12 lobies' and gents' saddles. 15 sets of harness, single and double, for buggies or ranch. The above will be sold on from four to six months' time. Apply to EUGENE BARNETT. Plaza Stable, Prescott, A. T. TOM AND J. T. &ESTAURANT. o-o MONTEZUMA STREET, Next Door to J. W. Wilson's. Sazsrac , Saloon! U4 KM Hall. Qae. W. aUaaavPraBriatar, X'aiNKS12 CTS FINE UQU0BS k CIGABS l-ctafurtaU Clak ai. Attaehew. Fine Billiard and Pool Tables, for the Exclusive use aad entertain ment of patrons ot the place. Gurley Street, Precott. ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo.P.Rowell&Co, Hwwspapar A4 art-'eina Burwu. tO ejilTII - SC. Now York. Sand lOoae. lor lOO-Pagw PamphleC Assay Office. . bTAHL. tlsTur emara. 1 CAPITAL rnltK I uu o . 1 do no S PHIZES OF S oo t a e 10 do Stl da 6 i no ii- aui d'i 6. lues o a. Will Open on the 20ih Inst SS,"H Will Keep the Tables Well Sup, ORE AND BULLION plied with ALL THE DELICACIES The Market Affords. GAME IN SEASON. Analyses ol Minerals, Surnacc Products, Etc CHARGES FOR ASSAYING ORES. For Silver, Alone St 50 Sllre' and Uold... " Lrad. " Copprr Iron.............. 10 ...I 0 ...i cu Boar', per cck.. . ttiigto iltal .$7.00 . 50 urn ddi Onen Day and Night. FID Palace Salooll Varteu OeV-tetwi Mem (:m aie ailuwcit a free tru) of tliirij day irx uee ot 1):. Dje'a tleorate-i Tottaii 'ieU ejna Xiectiic 8upeuatiry A.pliaite. or Ike Speed j lellit and peraaaaest cut bond aad a. . abdrrd t rouble, Alao I itaay otber oiaeeaek, Uoeipleie reeioratim u- neelu, vicar aaa eiaDtia iiuihik" So rik irjcarrrd. I tB't rated paBpaie no tail iatmsaauoD, ieia, ate otaiir bj addnueiDit Voltaic Belt CxaspaBj araball, Mich. A Vmr all wbu e aafenoj fmea tbe error. aa ttenoia of voatn, servoae weakaew. ni Iv dtcav. luaa ul Banaoud, r'c. 1 wi pH reerpe tl at will care you Tf -I Of liAROK. Tlda ereat rrasedv waa dis nred bv a aUeioaary in Soau Aawrica. a eelfeddreeed envelope to the Bav 'omrn T. Iaaua, Statioa D, Kew Trk Meateaaav U, ucst to Boob A Botnce r .,. rn niirv aahlle that I haT enpned tb'a i opolar plre and will keap tht at lUMtoifwui , . .alln- DiVota is possessed of all the elements and qu.lifications ntcessaiy lor stale hood. She ha the population, the nat ur'. resources v( a permanent hairtt and a a simple act ol juticr, ice lf (S yMel ,hjl ;t vai alj owlg xo from-iliolt.calrordua.ii.ns dl" q hcarnii; thn Zjlick was on mand f..r arinvi..n h.,ul I l IttfQ j hlJ WJ. lo j,,,,, ihat tie klpped E i etn siK-iely sho. k'd by the iui.truiiw of a n o'v Prmcesa Hclcnc YUnti. She and her Ute i,,ihii,ri i-ui cv.r in ten A duil wj luuihi on tbe titiJ j Wvrrloo recently, the o'e'J-1 Mine. VaUirf, j nauvw i F.anre nn.I American fein le do. lor. The wcM.r.s werr swords. M wounded on one jinn France wji thus dccli Uincd. lshl aad ihe .lor) ol red duly nuiti- Thefiirnejs and impmiality of the southern democratic press, in speaking of the Mississippi massacre of colored men is somcthinR very commendable and in striking contras- with their dem ocratic contempotaries of the north. The southern pre universally condemn it and calls on the authorities of Mississ ippi to mete out justice to the perpetra tors. The Leavenwoith, Kansas Times announces that it has added to its staff a meteorological editor, whose weather prognostications have been the mos temaikable prophesies of the 19th cen tury. All eyes will now be turned to Leavenworth for information concerning cyclones, blizzards, and such little irregularities. "Rucus" ia a new cord lately added to the Texas language, and signifies a lively ttmeofthe Doniiybroofc-fair variety. In Vermont fifty years a word of a sinrhr meaning and pronounced as if spilled "ruck-us" was in occasional use. Mr. Pulitzer, of the democratic New York World, endorses the republican senators in their demands on the president. y-ars. Tie cost of criminal jjs icir in Louis iana li equal to one half the entire revenui of the state, and ft tfnot first class q iality of juiicc cither. , No spot in Mexico is sacred from smokers. In churches, on the railway cars, on ihe street, in the theatres everywhere, are to been seen men and women of the elite: smoking. It in whispered around that C Meyer Zulick is hying his wires to obtain the nomination as delegate to congress, in which event. Thos. Farrish aspires to the gubernatorial chair. A passing train was ditched recently near Parsons, Kansas by some scounr drels. No lives wer lost Dut ihe'mail agent was seriously injured. A. N. Kellog?, the orifinator of the "patent outside scheme for country newspapers, died recently at Thornsville. Fla., whither hS had gone in search of relief from a combination of liver and lung troubles. One lively democratic United States marshal put 10 a bill a few days ago for miles of mileage for a one day. This come about by the marshal making a journey of a hundred miles and having twenty-two warrants to serve. He charged milage on them all at three cents per mile Tnis reached the handsome sum of $66. , Baa atter'a tt imittaunia Street. Prescott. All tbe deli- . ciea of (he Uomr, ban Fiaoeircn an. Vae City markets Gnmpriting: Fn-al th,Oyaierr, l.b.ler, CbUkeo-, Pip ree itpe, Spiced Lral, Twgat Salad, etc. f., Dinner irr.m 4 to 7 P. at. Elegaot 'ritite Kortai Attacbel, Hopper -urate Dinner a uedaliy. Prleee to ton tt time. 0(fo day aod bight, riraaaaih Bk ataww For le bv J . D. O-ok. Pretcutt, Ana. : l 80 per e"inr. TUee gg aie Iroai rii.tol i ek. fnira iheCeleliai l William le raocl', "f L Ang-l, Cal. tt riaamaa4 etrataaw (be fieri t tuu nd beat Bike, aoitaJ 10 clittiate, (or sale cbeap at Qku. U. Ccaar'a ti Jewelry tttorm. Meaaw'so Afct. 11 u-e ol eteo rmuii to ler. Central) .ait 11. Aoj.l ai L aWilord A Co.. it A JBW.O A'aatrd t the Pre. to it O.rdeD, north eod M tNrmik - rrfi .lUif ,e laaaaeetaJa'y. ti.t- it, .leaily wh.i e c- k-, reivaat Rirl tii . w.rb'rwi.ui'i., ( le Ihe pieco '1 11 f re lellit ) on u- . .o Ik "! ("lC - AppiJ ei liei pcrtonally or Ujr leiirt lo the uu?Ciiu r. wi.-. w II g va lull intormo'i b. U:h-r p p.i , Ie..c c ..y. Mar.y. 80tu, lisfl blEfB li UftC TJ. tf PirC'll, Ana, BJI White L mm r lie !' ha cIom 10 the cneV onriL rnl ol Moii'Si" S'rtct, i-jot ih ujlii plc lu atari a lute lain'lrt ; go-o well i fl w'er; tij iiiai.t cN'M'ta; rea -iap; fence Will b- rrpore. Apply ai It. ol SS and uuwaxda al our .Xpl I A. AV i. New Orleaoa. I. M-.aklulaa), C Make P.O. Moiey Ord rs aabie ail aiinss negisierei itucii r-ir nr.'!.!. I Pioneer Shops. 3RECHT & THRONE At tie OMStai.. .any a full Stock of all Kinds of Blacksmith and Wagon Material, and are pre pared to do all kinds of Blacksmith and Wagonwork Om Short Notice. Agents toi' theOsrjorne Boots and Shoes on the Pacific Iron JlOWer. Coast Buy no other. No Chinese Employed. TESTS MASS (QULITT1VS OR O.U.VS- For Zinc, Tin, Arsenic, Antimony, Nickel, Cobalt, Quicksilver Or any other saetal. at rates as LOW as consisiatewt with careful work. L. C. Palmer. City Feed Yard. Prescott, Arisoaa. Wines. Liquors & Cigars LiTery, fi and sai subi T? MTTSTC and plaza STABLES. aV aV -wawieiw ' ' EVERY EVENING. J. J. Gcss, Prop TTOST CLiSS BIGS. Cahn.Nickelsbiirg&Oo. TN i FrN, ISt 131 BAIS0JR IT&ZXT. SAN FRANCISCO. take the best and most durable ... AM Adams' Self Regulating Wind Mills. WHITE LAUNDRY. MSI wXsa Montezuma Saloon AND Come and sea us before contract ing. EXHAN6E . SALOON AndJLodging, Cornetj Gurley and Granite street aa end -of bridge leading to West Prescott. MARTIN MAIER, PROPRIETOR " st P ett Hardens to ilie u Apl tr raertaabe ra ruij. BE ro.U VR1ER3 DEP-lTJlIXT OT AH Z 0 A, nwr c cHiar nn ii or rHTca. t.irrkAaiCSa.l'aaCvXr. T Marva IS. law. a X. Faorae X, 1 itlpllra-, aulj ct o th u-aal oui.uibo. . will ta received at tbla 1 Me, aod at t e oSl a of Ibe acUrf Baartaa vt tiabaUteoee mt tbe iol.owl.n aaaad Bata In .naoa Ta-'ltnr'. BBilt It o-.- . niB TacaeoAT. AVaiS, 15. I SS. at wnleU ua. u. p.aoca l-'7 wm M oantd iBtbepmeoeeofbld o- laral-ataf Ua ollowBaoatiueaof 4r,ta: W r 9mca luo.ib. fn B--.ooolha Vuil O aau S.ouol e; Via hacm li eu 1 J -oil' Is 1.. .0,101 ma; fat He How l' ib: F. t Mojava. Uoon la.; Fur. T..O-ns SS,oju Ib: 8o Cari,no. Ite; Vurt Vard... rJ.uoolta; Wvtppi.B jt-cu. nproiKMae lor raraiabla Soar nade la r utTa, aad rroas Mjioaa wuaat only will be eua racrad ax tbla on- an at tbe "Be. a F tae AeU&x O-BaUewlea of lha porta. Ae p-opoaali for rore'ula la above asiiBi(45il vioonu)u lar. 4ailvetea in ooub.eaacaal otoo B'mI guaari on car ax Lot ABsJe, U - or WS-r rrrtf at Rait riaseUoo. til, wljl be r. mItoj -at opeard at im um time br b ParUalo and Dapot Cmml-aarr 0 ga aiaiaoca, ax lu f7Bf!cu vaTi CaTiopa oontalnlns p-op-eala for dellT. air m StnTras'laao r La- Ar galea aboa d b- proarlr uarkaU, an 1 au.ira.aa4 to tbe rorebaauc aad Unt C aali arr at Sta FraarUco. C . and tnoa ...r artJ"naSWr tu tba anar.lcad ur to tbe Acilnx C aua aarxanrtb . oia b u lor. Tba Ouvrameot jeiree tae rt6l to rtjact ar.y or I prupueala. B aua p.up ap.a anaranWceasd foil lntor luauoo aa ta tb aaanncr oT blddlBf, CunUI diUoa 10 M ooa rtau by bi Ida . and ttnu or e-nlractand rariaeet.jrll b rarnleiiM on ppHcott a' o ItU OB ". o tne oBee nf Ibe Fa ciuiiiil and Drtt CoajBl-ewy ! Slab :u o at S.n F aoelaeo, CaL. or to tba J r.WESTOX Unn.a..Bjr, ft??, The undersigned has opened a LODGING HOUSE. wmie taunury on vrraaiie Street, nrar tne corner Montezuma Street wiuis. files, liters aid Cigars of Mi list Qiality ALWAYS ON HAND. PRICE81 Unstarched clothes, per doz $-5 Starched " " " 2.0- The patronage of the public is respectfully sol cited and if suffi- This Lodging House has large, fine, nice and clean rooms and beds for rent by day wek or month, HATZ k TOTJRNOT cient if given to tva rant it, will QqJ VYbI) fff-1) shortly start a steam laundry. r.tiy - tL. ran- ' t. (farthlr aal'. Uaad .BU Stnirere respe tftillv !. Mrs. James Roach has bought out the RECEPTION Restaurant and wilt keep Ibe SaWee eappiied wlik ALL THE DELICACIES that dse a-rket affords. PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL all Kills f 6mi It Smsm. 8 a-J par weak V tail" jC"1 - 1 ., - 1 v Wov. a K. r. bowxx. MONTKZUMIV FACIMU THE I' LAX xaaea a Pataltr of aalllat ano nnan tba aide. $200,0801 Bank Of Prescott, wn,ES aud liquors ouvtJoun iu First National Bank, CAPITAL 150.000. Segars. Imported P. 1L FISHER. Proprietor. it praaantasl'tn away ianw aa nrr c 1'"" art-, and or ' : rill t rrea a packaae ol oJo- Urawe ae.tbai. win irinraa la ur I aft. Fl 1 a nam jus j . -' ft libvuctnaa aarUJaa la- In Am-n:. All bujiUi-taseailapraarau . ".u1 , Atentawan n Tr7WaeTa of lthera.X-of .uVi t"T "11 ttie HBe-r p!CUmu r lf oai it.air o T J v t a 1 ot4 aa-tu:ly .nro. dont dfiar. I. H lleU Co. fortiauu. litl". T. J. Butter, F. W. Blakk. President, j Cashier, A (general banking business done PIANO FOR SHE. A First class sqaare piano will be sold eery cheap. Apply to LUDWIG THOMAS, tf Teacher of Maiic PacificBrewery, jpifM. tUllF, Proiritnr. B 8 8 fit By ha hogshead, barrel, keg csV or bottle. At the old stand on Montezuma street. AND SEE ME. -4 JOHN EAIELE. AFTER THE FIRE? The Cottage Hotel at Ash Fork. . REOPENED. The undersigned respectfully inform the citizens of Arinaa and, the public generally that they hare re-opened near tbe Kadroad Depot' at Ash Fork, ' 3JT E3l O'TLL, Where ean be found the best accommodavions. In connection. with the hotel are Sample & Club Eooms.dsoFmeBilliardTable, The house iaa alio a fine corral and stable attached with plenty of Hay and Grain. Evirylnty liiflts- aii Rbm fir ail. t.l?&: ak&iuj. WaLTia Cook. I