Newspaper Page Text
s ARIZONA WEEKLY JOURNAL-MINER iftf APRIL 7, WEDXE3D 18M I OCAL NOTES- From Thursday's Daily. All Fo3J day Board of Saperriaort will iwl sezt Moad .j. Sticet and pillow cite party tomorrow evening. J. C. fierodon baa returned (torn Aptcbe Conatj. II. d. T. J. Ballet and wife and Miaa Wcit are back fiom tbe Verdr. JmcIi Corno, ol Big Bug, i repotted to have left tbe country. Golden Rale Chapter, order of Eastern Srar, mccli this evenir g, Di-pu'y JUr.bul C. T. Dunavao came to frooi the Yet tie ial eveniug. TJit m.u with tbe bill book u a uoinrr oat iu1ivjtutl on the Mfrrt today. Those Ktrkirg fr uvftmneul contract wjuld d. wcl! to look ocr war military ad venuenicDt. The Lynx Creek trail ) now open for travel alro th: road teitlinj; f'um Howell to th; U;!le once. Arrange-iica are ' lelng undo to bold the auti-Cliio:s mecior in the cuurt lnuse on Sitardiy aiglit, April 31. E. Jiisbce Teyja ha jam ret uturd from an eitt nuTQ tour among thu m nit.i; cimpi curiouadiug P.twcotf. TLc ciiy couucil Im chtii-l iu mill's uf nueticg to the tiri Mim-Uy in Arril, inHraJ t the firl Tut-ii ty A San Fiamiteo jiatr h"ti thjt tlieic are mou liivurred and uauiatiicd c np'es on tbe rcfli Slope 'bu in all the ret ! tbe ctuairv. B. B. Crtpo u anil t- hue iru k nr: sian water recently u L:. t?kull Vitfj ranch only a thort diitancr- Mi..- itit ut face of the grouad. Who frowed thst mud at dr cn:erprii- ifiL. lisrtmoikioir citn-n. who mind bis own lusinrs and tzp'cded a furtuce In mining m hi territory I" II. B. Crouch ba suited a roil atlt on in Skul. 7l(rr lie tu gi accomm-ida- tioat :ir Mock and iMeltr and pantea Stopping fiere wilt fare well. A three ymr oM coll In in O.ivernur, be- lonaini; to Joiwpb O k, of W ill amaon Val ley was weisried yratirdiy on L. Btsliford & Co.' c't t Dd ivbtd 1060 pound. It. J. Atkins d, if Iron 5prirf, i mak !i g ix.uivs jnjpri.venii-rits on bi IC". He i ei lurking rod o:heroo irapr.'ting i he build-ni: and w:M hreftlt be b e to tCC' Ciiiiodi-'e trv!"i. A miuiii location was made Ihr uther day in ihi tiivn, cslltd ibe What i- it," or ti e "Fti'Itr than E r," mining-la-ra. Soni fifteen f our prominent ci irm are iatereted in l Mohve Hi our. d t uof Skull W'ley ."k d prt-tioa io f -r ffioi in be sublimed there. There thuuld Ixi oo difBcaUy expeilsnced in the matter if they make the more tithe nrcerfiii-s of the case are too apparent. J. W. Spffird. lae of the Flagataff Champi'-D, will g to Kosi about tbe flrntot th month, where he thinks of en gaging in railroad construction conttact in?. Pitiei desiring an lniitatioc 'othe sbeet and pilluw ce p ty should apply to the invitation omtntttee or to any member of tbe club The invitttinn committee is cimp-1 of V. J. CJrry, A. Aitkn acd C. A. Dake. Jutt ifur ih-c!h;' "truck the L tor of midnight last uihc itn alarm uf fire wtt tunc acc'mpi.!ed by a fuilado cf pistol iba's, uicti brought the department promptly ti the tctne a lot if burning br:l ou uppjr O'tni'e cruk Ihey had bvra piltd upnd fl cl a an April iool rch'tue. Dn Icnacin Ctrapboll ha wale t dia coTcry of au immease bei ot dyko of tlum. The fi d U situated about half t mile worth of tbe Lonsfe'low incline, on tbe Comnado railruad. Nj tests cf punty bar been m do, hat tho alum i of suffi:ient Talae to rxixii-m-nr u.ion, and it said ta rxist in nnrzh ut.bie qTintiiie. Messrs, Campbell Van lino and Egis ate rbe owners of th property. Sext werk we will be able to giT3 our reader the full ptrlicu'ars of tbe 11 id. Our ilum expert wi I visit tbe acenf, and our rejdrri e premised tbe bereflt of hit anient &: ob.i rvation CLUoi Clarioi. Ateleijrajj lion T:ib4tor.i says that FrauK L".iie ai Tool Oreen, inou'Xe'i Uaited Siuic runni inpectnr?, while aearching for smusrglers near La Moria on tbe b'Undtry line, tentyfle mile south west of this city, were attacked by Mexican inspector. They prorap-ly recr ascd tbe lice and when rn the Auericao ni! npe-td fl e on the Mx'cr.s, an. I. it is believed waide I ooe. Th Mexicans retired. From Friday's Daily. .'.trend tbe iua ailing to-mirmw Diih , t.Vitt )i!icw ca-i are in demand to-day. J .! B.utinn has ntvivcd a lot of fancy eatcr lo 'ii. lb- fi euiea did cot appreciate th mid Sigh fir jokr. Tae tree surrounding ih: plaza have been i eatly trimmed. A "aius.'' church social i on the tr,!a tut tie ei futa-e. A c..-pmn was killed recmtly io tbe par. lor uf a Tucson residence. The !.X:rac Saloon still conriauee to bars quite a run on bet tea. Mrs. B. B. Crapo, of Skull Vrlley, ie fishing frieaJs in Preco:t. Piofctsor Firmer wdl deliver bis lecture on tte Two Tragedies tonight su Phenix Fritz Jf sfen received the first invoice of raila-ior his cltvstd lailrovi this morning, A cnitom smelter has bceu erected in Tombstone", and will be blown in this Wfek. jl bar of gold assaying 1,100 wu brorg'ut in to-daf fft0 li,! Jnx -'reek placer mince Jm? Tt . n. Carter and wife ce-re In " Jrorn their ranch laat night and wjll attend the party to-night. Tern Brnnec ba come back from Camp Ye de, having resigned hi- position there a engineer. The place is vacant, E. etsbt report the ataeylng businem good, which in a good indication of activity (n mining operations in tbe vicinity A meeting of stock men was held at tbe McCrum ranch, at Point of Recks on last Thursday, to arrange for the spring rodeo in thst district. Dr. F. K. Ainsworth end wife relumed last night. The latter has been absent for MTertl weeks on a visit to friends in Cli- fornis. Jtffrrys Lewis, a first class actress, will probably play in Albuquerque shortly, tad that self conceited town ie putting oa airs, correspondingly. The Southern Pacific Railroad Company have ad receded in running to earth tte fiend who fired tbe Yuma bridge last sora- aer. He ha been taken te Sin Diego, Jules Bsuman'a confectionery establih meat will ba kept open during the party tbia evening. Oysters, tee cream and tweet oranges will b among the many refresh meats. E. J. Austin, of tbe Gray Sig'e Stables, is In possession of a fiae colt, about month old, which he thinks will make bis mirk in the world. Two ciiirumf ilie tnwa, lutiy iriibiraj with tht requirement and importance of April fool'j day, visited WhippU yesterday for wet goods supplie and pruaented tbe ppearance to-day i.f having shipped A Kansas cyclone, vo thrir trip. Ooe ot them on being interviewed to-day said 'it til came about by my I anting for a hat is tbe drk" and that the doctor told him he was suffering from ''inform-uiou' on he brain (I. T. Stoddard, of tbe Hartford Copper Company, sirce his arrival in Stoddard has let conirscta for several hundred tcet of work. Tha are tunnelling the Anjie, and drifting in the Hartford, They are in cop per oie in tbe Argio and are solid ledge of gold ore, feventeea feet in width in the Hertford. Along the foot wall in the latter is several inches of native copper. Mr. Charles Whitlow died at his ranch. 22 miles northeast of Florence, on March 23d, of Blight's disease of the kidntys, aged CO years. He came to Arixonr in 1865, and has been a resident ot the territory ever since that time, He leaves three daughters, Mrs. Ben Davis, residing in San Bernardino, Cal., Mrs. W, L. Bailey and Mrs. George A Stone, residing in Florence. Citizen. We are in receipt oi a copy of the Arixona Outlook from tbe publisher, Hon. Patrick Hamilton, commissioner of immigration. It it an eight page paper made up entirely of the advantages ficred by the territory tor immigration and a map of tbe territory also accompanies it. 31r. Hamilton writes us '.hat he has an edition cf several thousand copies printed tor free distribution, and parties desiring tbem sent to friends in tbe east can do so by tending tbeir name and address t.i him at Phenix. Ike Clsnton and fames Reynold, promi nent stock growers of Phenix, fie in town. The latter is negotiating for the sale of a lot of Pbenix bacon to Preset i merchant. Tbe Pretcott Social Club desires us to thank tbe officers at Wbipp!e,for tbem, for the use of flies with which ti decorate their hall on the occasion of tha sbeet a ad pillow ae party. From Saturday's Daily. City Council will meet Monday evea- inir. Royal Arch Chapter of Masons meets to nigbt. AntiCbne meeting to-nigbl at the conM house. Railroad "hopes deferred maketb tbe heartsick." Religious services will be hell .n all tbe churches tomorr.w. Neuralgic headache leaves at once after an application of St. Jacobs Oil. Tho belts for tbe uniforms of the members of the Grand Army post arrived last night. Gcronimo complains of tbe tieatment re ceived by him from the newspaptra of tbe country. The total receipt of tees taken ia by the benff during tbe quarter ending March 31, was iC9.3t. As yet our Delegate in Congress haa not been asked to give the people of Skull val ley a post(fii. Dr. S. B Fartibaru cme in trom Lynx Creek lat iiig'it. He expects to start bit mil' up on ilondiy. About $4,009 will be paid oat ia salerie to county officers next week for the first quirter of the yetr. Religions service at the M. E. Church, South, Snaday evening at 7:30 p. m. San- Uy scboil tt 2:30 p. m. Services at tbe Btptisl Church to-mor- mw as follow: Preaching by the pastor at 10:30 a. za. in J 70 p, m. The '-mum" social will be givtn in tbe ?outh Methodist Church, West PrcKott, nrxt Wednesday evening, April 7ih. A Tombstone photographer succeeded in uking a pi lure of Geronimo. This may assist in identifying him in the fotore. cronimo preferred facing tbe combined armies of the United Ststes and Mexico, ra ber than rccc: the Governor of Arixona. Prescolt Chapt r, No. 2, H. A. M will meet this Saturday evening, April 3i, at 8 o'clock for work in tbe mark master degree. M. Wolienbvr bu rece'utd a lot of new potatoes the a u of (he season. They were raised by M Ltngley, ot Kitkland V!ley. Salaiits of county cfSeers for the first l latter of 1886, are now due, and will be toditcd by the B"rd ot Supervisors tt tbeir meeting next Mondty. Tbe salaries ire payable in cash. A game of base bell is talked of between i picked nine of tbe Prescott Grays, and a picked nine of Prescott players, for to-mor ii w. As both nines wi I contain good players, tbe gime promises to be quite in erestiog. Lawrence Wentling, a Lynx creek miner waa stricken with paralysis on Tbcrsday, morning while building a fire and has bern mabte to speak ever since. A carriage was sent afur him yesterdty to bring him to tbe hospital fir treatment. Our old friend Jake Hcnkle, ex-sheriff of Yavapai County, and a man as true at steel trnved in Pbnix trom the south to-day accompanied by his wife. They will spend a few days with friends in Phenix and in be enjoyment cf oar climate. Gsiette. A Tucson telegram of the 30th inst. says that "a party consisting of Gov. ZulickU.S Marshal Meade, Gen. Ned McCook, Judge and Mrs. Btrnes, Mrs. Judgi Shields and re presentatives of the prefs, left the ciiy this aorniog for Fort Biwie, in response to an invitation from Gen. Crook to inspect Geroaimo and the captive renegade1 Ger onimo bsd an invitation to attend tbe re oaloa, bat respectfully declined. Peter Kitcbe!., be of historic! "Pets" Kitchen fttae, ay in tbe Toaibitoae Epi taph that tbe organixuion cf the 'Zalick .Booaera" is delayed by the tardy or.tader of Geroaimo, as they weie to have In arms and uniforms. That tae Governor it waated in New Jeraev. and monev is wanted in Soaora. Several Chinamen left Cbico recently for Arixona. They will not make it there. The telegiapb ttyt that an ti-Chinese Leagaet axe forming at Prescott, Tombstone Tuc- toa and elsewhere in the territory. New Eogland it tbe only place tor tbem. Butt County Record. Trouble it brewiag between tbetbeep raisers of Ap che county and Axtee Ctttle company. Tbe compauy recently made ar racgsiurnta with the Atlantic ft Pacile railroad company for the occapation of 260,000 acre of railroad land, and tbe com pary thereupon drove Ibe abeep ot the land. - Albuqusrqun Journal. II P. Bown has tttrted a white laaidiy on lower Granite Creek tad is bow prepar ed to do all kinds cf wubiag and ironing. If he rercivea sulfide nt eacooragemeat from ibe i-itix-nt uf Pretcott he contem plates starting a ttetm laaadry. From Monday's Daily: Dudes meet tcvnigbt. Patronixe white laber. City council meeta to-night. Real the advertisement ia this issa of tbe new white laandry. Hon, A. W. Cllen left to-day for tbe Oro Finocsmp, at Walnut Gr rva. Tbe scintillations of the Taason Star still fail to illumine our sanctum. Two pack train, lades with Blue D'-ck orearnved in Prercott yesterday. Dr. Cox, of Washington, D. C. aayt Red Star Cough Cure is a boon to mother. Chat, P. Hick ha gone to Flagstaff to prospect tbe place for a business opeatag. W. H. Throne is in Tombstone attending a scstiosi of tbe Grand Lodge of Odd TuU low. The boy are getting ap a nine to play a gnme with tbe Whipple beys, next Saaday, in Eat Piescott. J, B. Rickettr, of tbe Verde Valleys formcr'y proprietor of tbe Plats Livery Stable, it in toxn. Now ia a good time to show yoar oppot tion to the Chinete by giving ynr wathiag to the sew white laundry. Quite a number of reach met and mlaer were in town to-dty and toe atreeta pre sented a lively appearance. E. B. Dodge will leave ia a day or two oa a (hree week leave of abei ce, whm he will go east to bring hi family to Anxosa. Tbe old blue lend of tbe Valium mine, which contain the blgbeit grade of gold orebaa again been struck ia tbe mlae. L. C. Pdmer shipped by Li freight teama to-day tweaty tea of B.ue Dick ore ec roate to the Paeblo reduetioa works. I. C. Bublett, a piomioeat stock maa of Lynx Cieek, and ope ef tbe toltd saen of the county, was jq twa today and visited tbe JouaXAi.MniKR office. Jiek McDonald, foieman of tbs Blue Dick mine, is in town to-day. Heeaystbe mine continue to look well, and that he ba tevertl car load of ore ready for ship ment. The citiien of Phenix have extended aa invitation to Chief Jnttice Howard to deliver bis lecture on tbe "Mountain Mea dow Massacre" befora Uking hi tnp -o the east. Ex.Sberiff Heokle and wile returned .ia Saturday ci;ht from a trip through teeth ern Arixona and New Mexico. They re ceived a hearty welcome from their numer ous friends here. R. Pendgut, late manager of tbe Consol idated Virginia and California miaea, of Nevada, hat been appointed as auperintea- dent and general manager of tbe Val tare m'ne. B. T. Riggt ctme In from tbe Lynx creek placer mine to-day. He report abnadaace ot water at present there and y toe prospect ia good for a tix weekt ran of the worktyet. R, R. Williams it patting the flnuhing touches oa the county otloe it. tbe build ing formerly occupied by the Joc5al Mix kb A quutngu'tr game of bate ball, co posed of member of the Pretcott Gray and R'fi-e of tbe militiamen, and Dudee and Tough of tbe flreaeo, wtt pltyed la Eat Prescott yesterdty, retailing In scoro of S3 to 18. A Washington telegram tay: The boot committee oa territoriet decided to report favorably upon Delegate $etn't bill to in crease tbe jurisdiction of the probate swart in Arix jo, tad to repeal all ac't of the ter- ri'orial auembly crratiag cooaty court ia aid territory. Tbe Anti-Cbiaete Lesgae, oa Saturday, elected tbe following permtaeat cfleert: President, Joha H Manoo; Vice Presidents, J H A Marsh, I P Ingwereoa and Micbeal Hickey: Secretary, Ed H Cook; Aaaiatant Secretaxiet, Memrt Cbarlee O'Mally tad Eugene Paneenberg; Treatartr, J NR dea- bur; Sergeant at Arm, Wal er Halligan, Ex-Chief Justice C G. If. French will take bis departure ia a day or two for Washington, where he will rsmaia for tome time tt least if aot permanently, Io o mon with tbe citixtot of Preecot', aa well a tbt entire territory, we regret tee tbe Judge letve a. He bu been a resident of the territory now for over a half teore of year, the most of which time be occupied tbe potition of Cbitf Justico of ibe territory to tbe entire tttisftctioa of tbe people and with credit and honor to himself. Ia lotiaf him at a citizen, wt have tbe poor coatela- tion thtt what it Arixona' lota will be Washington' gain. Btt while he will be alitent from tae territory be will aot forget it or tt interest, ant bopea to be able to render tome valuable attUtance to oar dele gate in securing meaaurat for tbe benefit of the territory. Tbe JocjULMuriR wtthaa bim bon voyage. From Tuesday's Daily: Toughs meet to-night. Beef tea at tbe Cob Web Hall. Luiwig Tbomt, teacher of muth . tf Regis'.rstion of voter it now in order. The Hook x Ladder Company meet fo eight. Yerde carp are telling In tbe market for 5 cents tr pound. Th JocMAhOforsx- acknowledge th receipt of a lot of important mUiedoe meau from Detegtta C, C. Beta. Oil For a gjl snvkei '-.Vitken' Ba f 18J cent cigar end y. i hair it. J . J. F. Oseuburg left lor i'benix touaoia ing . , ... J. M. Mryr, of Cnino Valiey. is in town parchating auppliea. Billy Davis, a lo-taer foreman ot tbe Valiure mine, it in Kingston, New Mexico. A. C. Barmister It qaite ser oasly ill, being confined to bit room. Jacob Henkle went out to hi Lynx Creek ranch to-day. W. W. Vanderbilt went to Cherry Creek to examine eome mining property to-day. W. H. Williams is ap from the Humbug district tad says tbe St. Louis-Yavapai and Tip Top camps are booming. An epplicatioa or St. Jacobs Oil givet ixetantaneoua relief from neuralgia. Geo. Young, a prominent rancber cf Stall Valley, is ia town, purchasing sup plies to-day. 91,287 23 mortgage from blsnk to blaak, bearing date of Nov. 1885, haa beta lied for record. Geo. W. Sinee and Tho. Urquhart shot two genuine live ducks this morning on the Miller creek dam. Tombstone has a pro-Chinese and an anti Caiotee club. Each it engaged boycotting ber of the other. A wagon load of carp from Judge John Goodwin' pond, ia tbe Verde Valley, wa told oo tbe street yetterday. .The Pioneer Hotel employs nothing bat bite help. Wra. Wslker, better known s "Billy" 1 tbe chef de canine. The Board of Sapervinr meet at 9 a. m aad IM p. m, at present. Tb&rboaf were formerly 10 a, a. tad 2 p. m. 3. W. Robert, tbe gunsmith, is doing a ood batiaett. All kinda of arm and ammunition can be obtained from him. The Mayor was unable to attend the meeting of tbe city council tan nigbt, and it waa accordingly pjttponed until this evening. r Saiaifrvteera. April Stb. The Board of Supervisors met this mora leg at 10 o'clock, ia regular quarterly tea tioa. AM tbe member and Clerk D. F Mitchell were present The talari e of tbe members of tbe Board a aadited by tbe Probate J edge were al lowed at follows: J W Dougherty $110 50 J D Cook 201 00 WGWingfisld 108 50 Tte aalary of D, F. Mitchell'CUrk of the Bord wtt tadited tor 9125. A bill of D. F. Mitchell for $180.88 freight oa iron doorr wis also allowed. The torn of $(,382'fil wt ordered traae f erred from gf serai fund to salary fond and tbe ttlariea of the county rfficer allowed as follows for tbe qutrter. Sberit $2,000 Treasurer 750 District Attorney 750 County Recorder, 750 Probate Ju J ,e 500 Clerk Court 825 The following rcporta of fees received daring the quarter eading March 31st were filed with tbe Botrd: Probtte Jndgn f 137 83 Clerk Court 203 50 County Recorder 823 SO Sheriff 488 84 A widow's exemption of $37.41 was al lowed, Mr Wm, GiUsn, tbe mr, being tbe amoaat of her taxes and th amount waa ordered refunded . AFTKSXOi i SE1MO. J. W. Smith, constable of Lower Verde precinct, appeared in answer to citation and ade a ttemeot as to fee allowed bim. Tbe B-rd took the matter under advise meat. Mr. Rutlcdgr, nversetr of R"ad District No, 28, and Mr. George Lounf, appeared before the Board relative to tbe change ia tbe Peck road. The lloird agreed to go aad examire tbe change of roid at f a. bu, to morrow. A petition asking thst Milo Djwd, over seer of Road district No. -3, be removed and iking complaint agin?t him ts overseer. was read and laid over until May 31, 1888. The Clerk is directed to notify Mr. Dowd te appear on th t day and answer tbe said complaiat. Bill ot Wm. J. Mulveoou tor mileage and dituremeDt was allowed for 1822.90. April 6 b. m -Bsnto Simon. The Board examined the propnae I change a the Starling mine road, ard o:i tbeir re- tarn adopted and order making fie change aa asked for, The claim of Mrs. E. Deasmore of $800 for rual damage w duallowed. The Cte k of tbe Board was instructed to parchase a standard United States flsg, 8x 15 feet, for ue oa the court hosse at an expeate of $15. I. W. Sullivaa appeared and made a ttatemeat reutive X tbe taxes of D. D. Ambrose for 1883, from which it appeared that tbe asaeMment was a duplicate of property oa which be had paid taxes, aad the assessment was thereupon ordered trickea from tbe the roll . Tho following bill were aadited end allowed: G H SchoermtB, board of prisoaen $503.29 J C Martin, printing. 43.50 J H Marios, 69.50 Kelly Stephens, ttatioaery 174.03 AiTXKXOir tzanox. The Board proceeded to mke a tettle eat with tbe county treisurer for tbe quarter eading March 31st, 1838 Tbe following i a summary of the county treasurer report: To cash on band, Jan. 6, 1886 To eath ree'd during quarter. ,$49,612 87 . 48,599.24 $93,214.11 Cr By paid Ter Treat . .$11,234.63 " u gen'l fand warrant. .... 23,827.00 contingent fund warrant 3,531.11 achool fond warrant.... 12,502.07 road food warrant 4,361.01 Yavspai Co., road food, coupons.... Lynx Creek road, fsnd, coupons, Black Hill road fond coupons Flsgttiff and Verde road coupon, - Black Caftan road fand coupons.. I Ton to Batin road fond coupons 240.C0 Cash to balaace 3573.98 988,914 11 9,280.00 200.00 850.00 106.80 85 80 Wednesday's Edition. Goterour Zalick is texpected li.)u,e this witk. O. S. Morse reiuroed trom O.k Creek yesterday. Pud M. Mairav cams io from Jciome last evening. S. Aamuller write that hi health l im proving in Prescott. Ex-Cbief Justice C. G. W. Freaeb leftfor the this murnitig. A Chictgo oogtre will thortly appear at the Preacett House. Measra. Uagadoru Jt CaJlea xtct to tan their atatup mill up witnta a wte. E 1 Casad left, this moraiug for I ten ix to wurk iu Sm HtU'a tin shop there. Tbe territorial treasurer haa received over 111,000 from three c uutie uf the territory for ttie tint quarter of 18SS. D. Pvntlaud will not start on hi expected trip t.r nb ui leu dy yet; aad ihuae who deoiic h rvicta will pie call early. The children of the Grammar. Grade aad High Schi 1 rvoms will give a free ester tainuient bcxt Friia evening at 7.0. ParenU and friend o. tbe pupil ale in vited to attend, - The Tough held an euthasiastic meet ing Itst uiht tnd elected officer for the i lT";"T Zll'M - r'-'T y the .ua Secretary, W. H. Ryaa; Foremsc, W. O. Bieh oid; 1st Assutant, Kcbert Brow; 2d AMistaur, T. IT. Schoioj. J a e arU4tS . Mry!aud lrgitlalor have, in common ith health official of Biooltcd. Phil- delphi, Btltiiaore, and other cine, ca dored the new discovery, Rl Star Ctagh Cure, bcaue it costaiu no m irphia or opium, and always cure. Hie price i oaly 25 cent HERZUG In Preecotr, April tb, te the wiie 111 a. i. neiaus;, a wangHicr. Shoitbandia taught entirely uy mail, with better reeults in any given time, than by oral method. Send ten ae cent ttamp for "Declaiatioa if Iaaeueadac'n and terms. , iUm B. Cuosk, 4837 Gtrmsntown Ave., Pliiltdetphi, Pa. Mention paper. Remember that AUcxk are the oely genuii-e Porous Plaster. They act qoickly nd with cettainly, and Can be won for wetki withoat cauiing paia or iacoavea- ience. They tre invalublt ia caaea of pinal weakne, kidney aad palmoaary difficultiet, malaiia, agae, take, liver e, dytpepaia, atraia, rheamatitm, tcittica tad aervoat dbility. Our plaater blUter aad inflame the skin tt that tbe pore are doted tad often caote Krioua i jury, uo aot nK Deal in ana wiste time and money bv baying inferior article made te tell oa tbe re pa tailed of tbe geaaiae. Wbea porchattof platttrt ask fjr tod tea thtt yoa get Ailcock't Poroat Plattem, Each as Bin plaater bean tbe regittertd trade mark afamp, tf Live ateek Mwkef, Late intelligence from the Kaasae City Live Stock Market report receipt of ail kind of tock light, the railroad ttrixe having terioualy effected ahi omenta. The following were current prices: CATTLX. Pnm tbipping 1450 to 1300. .. .5 25Q5 40 Smortb to choice shipping 1350 to 1400 .4 80 5 00 Fair to medium steere, 1130 to 1300 , .4 25Q458 Rourh half fat 1100 te 1800 ....4 0044O .. .3 5038 ....4 005 58 ... 2 503 26 ....34849t C uimob, 950 to 1,050.,.. Corn fed Text ttesrt Stockera, 650 to 850 lb J Feeder, 900 to 1050 B i . . . . Boat, Good to choice heavy 4 40450 Good to choice packing grade. .4 2504 3S Hough to fair packing grade.. 4 W04 at SHCKP. Fancy wet ber. ... :'. ... 5 5005 75 Choice bees 5 000523 Good theep 1 4 8804 20 Prime wether aad tat yearuags mixed.,, .. ..--.,,.....6 M Take Caiw wt tke CUMtwa. For children Snadreth'e Pille are impiy invaluable. One or two PKi takam every nigbt for 'tea day will ew tbjm of caf let fsver, diptberia, wheop iag eoagh, colds, ditrrbat or local pain. Braodreth'a Pill are perely vegetable' contain do mercury, miaecal or daegvrew drag They require nO'care ia diet or ex posure, and are perleetly aaft for old or young, male or female. One or two at night, for a week, takes oa aa empty stom ach, will cure tbe wortt oeae.of yipepia, liver complaint or rbenmatiam. Tky Will tasureir aru Vets. They are lookiag for yoa everywhere. Drafts of air ia atexpeeted place, goiac rom hot room to, cool oaee, eareltseoee ia changing clothiag Ia abort aaythiag wbitb ends in a "core moo ealdt ia tbe head." Unlets arrested this kiad ol cold become tatted in tbe mucous membraae of the head. Then it is catarrh. Ia any aad all it tttget thi dittaae alway yields to Ely's Cream Balm. Applied to thi aoitril with the' finger. Safe, agreeable, certaia. Price fifty cent. Te Uwmr a Ja Awwettta It oat thing, to invigorate aad regalate the digettive organ U another. .Aad yet mere ppet;x-.r are constantly mistakes for aad are evea termed tonic. Hottelter't Stom ach Bitter- ia on a tar higher plaae ia the category of medical preparatiae, thea the o called tonic which Impart a relish for tbe food. These have their ate, tnd are estimable, prov:d d they ai pure. Bat the scope of tbe tx raniil operation of tbe Bit ter it far wider. It reform entirely aa enfeebled corditi- n of the stomach, aad parifie it juice, if viatiatcd, at well at promote tbetr Mcretit ia healthful aboa- dtnee. The stom-cb bavin?, in conjunction with the liver and the towel, beta regulat ed, and their natural toae restored throagh it agency, appetite rtorn aa a master ol course. Fever aad Sgse, poverty of tbe blood, tnd contcqaent debility, rheamttic ailments, and a tendency tn kidatyaad bladder trouble, are also remedied by it. Ap8 ttt CONNECTICUT FIRE IRS. CO., Of Hartford. BREMIUMS collected in Arixoaa ia 1885, I $1,559 83. Wat. M ACDONALD. MeaatfW ffobasribed aad awata te before Laat-D Cbaib, Com r. of Deed far Ariaaaa, , Caln Mar. SOtb, 8. rattaCSJBDIKtil f thn Br4f Meeting Held as Me.. CrntaN aattk. Peint r at. La. Aynl tat. IMM. Too meetug -vaa cilicd to order, and Robert B.'tir appointed chairman of the eteetteg aad Jame McCrum waa appointed Secretary. Stockmen present: Rhrrt Blair, Burnt Ktacb; Jame B.krr. CLir.o; Tho. ;:, Verde; H. H. Carter, Black ihtl, Ttoma Saaden, Black Hill; Dl Thorne, Lynx C.-eek;Mr. Murry, Lyrx Creek; Mr. Bob lett aad Son, Ly ix Creek; Frank Krell, Graaite Creek; Jansea Wing, Point of KxVt; Jamea McCram, Point ot Bockt. and Mr. Cor, Art Crtek. A motion by Del Thorne to bare a snes wigna nd cook 'and nigbt herder for the outfit agreed to. Motion by Carter that t committie of three be appointed to pnrchaetuppliei tor the oatllf, to consist of Mr. Bobtett, Dei Thorae aad Jaa. McCrum. Agreed. A mocion by Mr BoWett to bailot foi Capttia of Rodeo, for District No. 5 greed to and Del Thorne duly elected tc A asttioa by Del Thorne to commeace rodeotngat tbe Poland ranch oa the 13tt of May, agreed to. A motion ty Carter that he committee uf three be appoiated to employ cook acd night herder fur pu fi', that said expends f aapplle tod cork and night lierdi is, iWtget be paid pnipirlionallr by time A motion hy Dfl Thorne to meet at bis piece tlm 14 h uf May to proceed fr(.m there to commenco -. at Poland ltantli, the 15th, 'aareerl to. ' Motion by Mr. B.iblctt tn publahtbe proeeedtogs of tbia meeting in the Prescs tt papers, sjjrtd to. All thaw intendiug tu join this rodeo, will pleea: send their ntrut to Mr. Jame MeCram, secretary Prescott, A.T., by the 18th oT May. Jamb McCbcm, Secretary. TVe Baeaer aa1 fela Wan. Aa exciange penelratr the following nt the exneaee ot butcher: If ne? would look Bpoa a picture ot Serena coutelitmeot, go yea to the batchcrV, buy a Icj; ot mutton. and gsxa Upoa ibe placid countenance tf the maa of Jmt while tie trim vour mevu DowBcomeM the clvrr, rd down goes a two pound bit ot your tea pound purchase; a pound rfl bete and a half pound eff there. i tbea ti' keen bladed knife, which cuts aad earvee, and cat and come again. Then year Ira pun t leg, which is lett of it, it wrapped in a bit of straw paper; and you pet it mirebenicelly io your vest poekel, after paying oat yoar two dodar yoa wend yoar footatrpi brmeward, wondericg hot bather contrive to ly up anything frosu tbeir basis et. AwM-Caiaf e Heetlwx. m . see coon room, on ejaturdsy eveningi waa filled with cititent of Prcott in res ponse to t Call for a mar mating to di i tbe Cbinee question, white many who were is sympathy with the oimeuicnt were usable lo attend. Tae meeting was presided over by ex Mayor I. P. Ingwcnnn, tempjrary pnai deal of the league, witb Ed. H. Cook, is secretary. 'The (peakert of tbe evening were Judge J. J. Hawkins, Hob. A. tV. Oallea, Boa -J. J. Gosper and E l. II, Cook, Esq. Tbe lenttment of the speaker wst UBaiiimouelj' in favor of giving preference to white labw over Chine?, while at the tame time peaceful menu res were only counseled. Tbe speakers were loudly ppltnded during ihs com-- of their re marks, allowing that the audiencs was in (all sympathy. Alter tbs election of per. taaaent tfifcert, the aame of which. tppmr eiK-wbere, tbe meetintr ij mrne,). ttxtaaaiTe flaeer atae. Tbe indomitable pluck and perseverance of Hoa. A. W. Calico ia fully demonstrated ia the hydraulic eaterprises r.f which he is the general manager. The companies were organix;d only a few mouths g-, and at present cae of tbem i under fu'l headway, tad tbe ether twaita only a rainfall sum- meat to.ttart it up. Tae Ceelovaho ciairca are located cea the Plaeerila creek, and an extensive dim tad reeervoir have been built, with ground alaicee all teady for wathicg when the heavy tammer ratal set in. This company he several acre of good ground. The Oro Ffao it located oa tbe Httttysmpt eighteen ilee from Pretcott, tsd ex ensive flaming aad ditch ha .been built witb iron pirxa tad hose and tall rbe tarrbarr.lia fcr bydrwilic mlaiag' ha bn put is, and tbe works are wader fnU headway witb a good tapply of wattr. It it the inteation of Mr. Oallea torma three eight boor abifi as lecg water Istts, tnd h? will, no denbt, tdd coatidertbly to tbe output of the precious metal earwig the next fw month. latere tew WHk tBeweiwi Crk. Editor Brown, of tbe Jitiiec, visited Fort Bowie latt week, antictpatlrg mtetlcg tbe tarreadered bostllei at -bat place. bile there ne interviewed Gen. Crook, bo ho tay ''was full of hit proverbial geniality aad hutpitality and treated bis visitors with distinguished consideration. Be felt aorrowfal over tbe tew of Gero nimo't broken prrmioe, but cotverstd freely upon tbe subject and gladly gave all tbe detail regxd(ng the tffiir, without the (lightest reserve Re told of the ter. loot obtttclc is tbe pursuit of tbeso terri ble fisad and of tbe disadvantages under which bis forces labored, even wbilo neo- natlOBS for the surrender were ;ndiag Ko oae who h:rd hi calra ocrescrved and earneat eoavcraatiun could fir a sic c mo meat doubt hi siu.-ere honesty ar.d dev- tioa to the heavy ta-k imposed upon turn a thackle t task whoc Ubjr and beid-bip are practically unknown and cttcrly unatt- precisted by anyone ouUide of th u- wbwe experience end retponiibillty have burned it indelibly to to the memory. Wlieu ll was told, oae couldn't rrii the impule to grasp bit baM and thankJiim with a sin cerity the heart attest for tbe work hethad so unselfishly performed, eves though tbe ratk was loo great for the allottei time.,In the wisdom of hu tupcror in rank be mar be judged mo.e harshly, but ihtre U na; one among tba e to whoa tfce talc was told, who will believe that env other in-bis place could hare done mrc ttn be tc poeefien of ihj renegdes at the tlm of tair treteaded eurrr&der. Tbe iaarv".ew w'.ih the pleasist teterai lajxl aairiy two hoar,1. Our Dry Goods Department Presents Some Telling Attractions. Send Your Orders at Once. All wool cashmere 40 inches wide in eleven new Bhades, the best at; 5o cents a yard. Our 19-inch black and colored gros grain silk his no equal on the coast at $1 aj'ard. lace buntings 22 inches iu width.all the new shades at eight cents ,a yard. Wool buntinjrs 22 1-2 inches wide, all shades at 15 pnfs a vsiwv 2Tun's veiling, all wool -10 inches wide at 50 cents a yard. Our Oress Goods Dayartmeiit never it- favor of Cash Buying than at this date Figur. d lawn, new patterns, w hite or tinted ground, at 4, 10 and 12 1-2 cents a yard. Best check gingham at seven cents a yard. dress " iu plaids and stripes at 8 1-3 to l2c a yard. Seersucker gingham in stripes at 10 and 12A cents a yard. Figured iudigo blue talico will not fade, only GrV cents a yard. Try our special value in table linen at 50 cents'a vard. Send for our white honey comb bed spread at 90 cents, it beats them all. Ladies' pin striped cotton hose, finished seams, at 15 cts a pair. Our Line of Hosiery Contains the Best Values Evir Shown in Ball's health preserving corsets. Ladies' 5 button, scalloned ton kid . ' 1 pair. New walking jackets. Bouch or Jersey cloth, 34.75, $5.00, $6.00 to $10.00. Complete lino of ladies' muslin underwear. a New Handkerchiefs, New Parasols, New Gloves and Mits, New Laces ana .Embroideries, New Fans In fact new goods in every department of our house. Doi't fail to Orfer trim its, we will our prices agaiist say, ei to Samplesand Catalogue HALE BROS, & CO., Importers, of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Trunks and VaHe, ; ' Furnishing Goods, 829, 831, 833 and 835 K St. and California. - PRESCOTT HOTEL Fine Rooms 50oand $1 Per Day. THIS HOTEL, WmuHTLiSTfUSTBEN OPENED, IS X WE and furnished in every particular with allthe convenience it make it a t is situated in the center of the Postoffice, and is the MOST CONVENIENT HOUSE in Northern iruona. Particular Attention 1B. AUMULLER, Proprietor. cteott,July 1, 5 m 6t GURLEY STREET, OPl Unexcelled Wines, .WILL ALWAYS BE WI ".ii"lAJlS " IS THE LEADiNS HOTEL The Only Hotel in Hard Finished Rooms. SITTING AND DINING ROOMS AHE THE LARGEST AND BEST APPOINTED IN PRESCOTT. Flrat'Class Ixl Svery Respect BOARD PER WEEK. 57.00. H. A. SeiadaaeUU Proprietor. PIONEER HOTEL, THE ONLY HOTEL JN TOWN . GK SCH'UBRlAN,t Prop., (Succeeasor to Dan Hatz,) SOUTH MONTEZUMA STREET. PRESCOTT. Boafd and Lodging Per Week - - $10 Board. By the Day - - . - - - $1 LARGE ANDIAIRY ROOMS, . IcoHitvcv iij 3.- al DrliTeivd tcaaylpartof Tow l'aaTr, Xnati, tnr HiJ. the West. 5 hookj.onlv 81.25. flovs in onlnrs nffi; rants m O 1 vw treat yon rig., mi tomwm Ciast, Quality C9Kt.iri.. Free, Send for them. Boots, Shoes; -Etc. 1026 Ninth Street, Sacramento iwca city, within fifty vardi of tkc Paid to the Comfort of mv Guest. . HIViL NEW CLUB ROOMS, Liquors and Cigars SfT&VED TO F ATEOKS HOUSE, OF PRESCOTT Northern Arizona With 1