Newspaper Page Text
si v. ,:kft . -mm t-. -rjf i- "if -MINER. VLL. XXI No. 55 ST r. PRESCOTT. ARIZONA" WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14, 1886: PRICE TEN GENia ARIZONA MEKLY JOURNAL Red Star SAFE. SURE. 25 PROMPT. VSU iimii nwnn coanrt. .iiTCaaaa. a. at narcmsrs in bERMANREM For PAIN Cm RhcTctis. arm i'". in li i. BrrW. -.. a r tutcc. P oca li D I W iwnnn uncap, dalm when applied Into the wostrrs, win be ab sorbed tffectuallT cieaaslss; the bead o catin mi rims 2t Idc healthy seere tlon. It allays Id aammatton, pro'eet. tbe meat brine or the riul passages from addl lonI pletely heal sores i ei I Orel the senses of or taste and smell. A an Irk MellrT. APMitrneM AprtlI I. applied Into erne cmzril And Is auree.b'elo ne. rru So cents, tijr mail or mi mKciiia Hno tor elrcn r. r.i.T asMOTMr.KM. DrairEt'f.Ovrco. V.T TUTT'S YEARS HI t MUSjaX Triawisl af tbeAgel SYMPTOMS or A TORPID LIVER. I raayetltet BawaM eaatlre, Faia la ehat hraa. wtik dull siaiailia la tka aacat awn. rata water lb akawUrr M4 Faltsww miter aasUc. wUksik- arrsria4. a ssjtsiaa, wlali imiaMHiTasTs. wSMtacaatev , rtauariac st aha ta. rtehc m. araaasa. uicair tsimiia t;naa m CONSTIPATION. x-uujua ara especauir aaaeaaw llfatoyttohMieaujii.r. o4j so Take tka antoa Ss ssamaSstM4Ual brt'rTawiB Asilaai aa SMswWrMMi Wia.l.rSK.slJjir. jiiTi extuct ummm Kenovatea (te body, makea hcaaay ana, .atraagttees tbs weak, repain tte waatas of sue ajstea won pars Mood aaa asm ansa; soaaa tba aerrooa arstesa. lailaisasia Ska .brain, aad imparls aba near of lasahnnl f 1. SaUbrdraelSBL sTVXCK 44 Xamjrsc. Haw Tack. SPECIAL NOTICES. J A. Roih X. TV. Well', umaer Howard KU8H, WEI.LS k HOWARD. Attoreeja atd Joantellors at Law Frese tt. TaTspal Conaty, Arixona. Will at. tend promp ly to all busrneat entnuted to theui la the courts ot record In tbe territory, STEPHEN O. MABCOU. ATTORNEY AND COUNSEI-LO-AT-LAW. Prcscott, Arizona. . AL SANFORD. ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW Oatea aa Cortaa Street, a frw Aoara arth Tli f Jouaxax. office. OH. t K. AINSWORTH, farsiciAW isb Mumaxoi. I'rcscott, Arize. tiCir Octaeonal iJuIldlce.Qarley strsaU R. K. ROBINSON, Physician and Svrckov, Office on Montezuma street, One door North of Keesr & Co' Drugstore CLABK CHURCHILL. Attorney General or Af zona. ATTOELSKT AM) COUKSXLOR AT LAW OrrtCB Orar the Bask of Arisoaa, Preacott. Arixoaa. WM.E. XoG&EW, A TT KSET-AT-LAW, V. 8. COMXB iV SIONER aa for Tntrd Olatrlet Ooart, Yarapat county. Offloe naxt door to Raah Welti. Jrco. A. T. S-a) J C. HCRNDON. J J. HAWKINS Probate Jad(r HERNDON & HAWKINS, AmOKOEYS ND COUNSELORS AT LA Prescott, Arizona. Special attention to conYeyanaug and office work of all kinds. HENRY CLAY BURKE. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. WVW1II praetlea in all the courts or Arisoos, and berore tns TSricss DtpartmenU In Wub Inrtoa.D C OSes Boom 2(o. S. orer Bnk of Arisoaa. Prescott, A. T. The an Francisco Weekly Alia wilt be aest to any address thirteen weeks on trit for 25 cents. Splendid premiums are offered ta yearly subscribers THE WEEKLY ALTA, tf an Frscdscc. CM. BANE. OF ARIZONA PBESCOTT, A. T. Established, 1177. Tb Cldsat Bank In tbi TsrrltorT. ML LKWia W.K. HAXKLT1XBL. .Freatden Can ale DIRECTORS : SotLxwia. K. Wilu. HoooRfCKAXei' R. N. BcaaioTKB. W. E, RaSxltivx. CORKE8POJfDEITTfl: aasi af Callfarnla ,. ,-staa rtmaetaei. taldlaw A. Ca. Xi w VarL A CXNXRAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Srafta aad TalegTapble Ezebanta oa all the rtaelpaj elUas or tbe United Slates boncbl aad sold aa a KeL'tlaeeelTee Prasaat Attaatl aaWaWAT- w FILLS USE. Crtaalatnl Cnwkl Shtr.ff Malrcnea lodged a uo in a frw drjt since, who m somewhat peculiar io hit waj. It tbe ttnry told by turn U tra, the shetit? will earn a seat little fee, by tbe catch. The prisoner gave his naase a Jame Hearvy and claim to bail fro a Greenville, Hoot Coatitr, Texan, where he aj a reward of $5,000 is steading 'or his rresc. According to bit storj. be coaamitletl rape on little ,itt at hat place en th 4th of Ju e laat, the girl aftf rwarda bariaar died. He lft tie coaotr; ud baa s'acs beea roamio Treai place t place haviajr, been at Albaqnerqar, tbe astion. aad at different point along tne road, He has been in taij nc'iou about iwj Months, aad a few tlaj told his fltj to aa old man on Blind Indian creek, ho, oj a little strstojjj in dcceti him to g.i to Whip pie, where Sheriff Moltenou made tbe arrest. When taken be ws armed with a big gun. Sheriff Mulrenon hi coaiuiaaH cated with tie ctr ot Grrentillr, in regard to h'm, but while lie tells astraight forward norj, he lias more the apiaraaee of u crnk than of a Tessf detn'rvto. aar4 mt Karrtara. The Biard of SuperrUont c'oaed their ltbors fr the qo'ncr nn SsiuidT erenug and adjourned. Daring tbe sftereooa ses iou ther spportioned tbe fends of tbe d f erent road districts as follows: To district No 2, 250. D:atrict No. 3 k I extended to inc'ade the Bell C.ftia road. J and this smouot it for tie enlirejoad. No 3, 50; No 5, 8150; Nu 10, 100; No 11, .!fA. . i JU. .A e. .A AIM Na 21, 20; No 24, 8150; No S7, 850. The repnt of 1 liatlidgp, rrerserr el road distiict No 38 was read aad accepted; and bill of 140.75 allowed. The following bills were sadited aad allowed : J H Msnoo, printing $ 17.08 Wash French, e wing carpet .... 23.50 lr Basliford Jb Co, mrrchandtse. .. 304.95 Joba Creliin, ret. air 21.90 Tbe district attorney wa r quested to aikitbe opinion o: iSm: attoroey general as to the liability of tbe sheriff fur negligence in tbe collection cf licenses and aa to tbe collector's fees for tbe collection of tbe de- linqaeot taxes for 1885 Thi cbairtasn made a report of rflc'al bunds spproTtd by bim darirg the psat i 'latter. Care af riewriay. 90 SIain Etrket, Glocchestor, Maw, April 16, 1889. Allock's Porous PUcers bate bees aaed in oar family for tbe lst three or foar years with very bentf aslrtIt. Prerioas to that I bid been satject to attack of a severe pain in mj left aide. Hot cloths aad linioicnts afforded temporary relief, bat after a while the pain always returned, I was adtised by a friead to tty AUceckt Porous Piuters on my aiaV, wbiab greatly bentfitted me. Afiarthat I trisa) aareral kinds of plasters to -ae wbiab. was best, and finally decided that AlkSeck1 aaitad my case tbe beat. I have warn stantly ca my tide ever, siaee, never beea troa'ulcd with tbe aaia,. wb-a I lelt Ibem off far a rew daya. fTe always keep a supply ia the bevee, aad whenever a pain seises aay af aa,:ia aay part of tbe body, we jast apply aa AHeeek'a Plsiter, and can at t heartly recommead tbra. Jamrs PxTTMarw. City Cawaelt. At tbe last meeting of tbe city eeaaeil, the following bill were audited aad al lowed: A Ait ken, treasurer fee. J X Dodaon, chief police, salary. . I Helm, city engineer A B Boyle, night watchman W C Foster, auditor, city recorder, R N Fredericks, collections Brecht & Tbione, merchsndise. L Btsbford & Co., merchsn'lise... 1 1939 190.09 100.00 85.99 40.00 13.05 4.00 3i21 J C Frederick', express 350 John H Msrion, priatiag L Bsshtord, rent exit boose Mrs A L Moeller. teat engine hoae J C Martin, printing Mr C M Oilsun, taxes remitted.... Total..- $509,02 A aVrac Mtara arsHaiy. Dr. Robtston'a drug store and cf&cr, ad joining it, were burglarised lat night, the burglars effecting an entrance from tbe rear by prying opea tbe doors, leading to each. From 1 he drug store tbe change left ia tbe till over night was appropriated, while aa merou other artiilea were misplaced, aad tbe doctor think some perfumery waa taken. Hi cSce fared worse a a case containing a valuable set of surgeon1 too! was pried opea, and two or three dissectiag knirr and caws taken fro n it, ruining tbe usefulness of the entire set. His diploma' wss also tsken on of tbe frame hangiag orer tbe door. Tbe latter circumstances wotld tndicite that malice rather than gain prompted tbe burglary, as neither the diploma or surgeon's tools could be of any uie to lLa party taking them. Waea wet la rawltlve Anwar Tbe rbematic face seldom tres from a cer tain soreness and stiffness in tbe joint and muscles, which serves as a constant remind er that tbe virus ncly wait an unfavorable change of weather, or tbe aid of a cold, to emphasize its preseece with excruciating twiogea. To prevent tbe recurrence aad mitigate the pain, there is uo finer or safer source of relief than Hostcttct'j Stomtcb Bitters, a medicine erety way preferable to tbe poisoar, repeatei icfioiteaimal dote of which are taken, to the prejudice of health and tbe jeopardy rf life, aad without a per maaeatly remedial effect. Sleep bsaished by rheumatic and cturalgic pain at sight, is restored by this beneficent soother of tbe nervous system, and tbe dumber which it luperinduces is far more refreshing aad beneficial than the stupor iatu which tbe brain is thrown by a narcotic. Appetite and.digetion, as well a sleep, are improv ed by it, and it is an admirable regulator and tonic for tbe bowe's snd kidaeys. Uas it for rheumatism before retiring. The Citizen announces that work will be commenced on the narrow gnage road connecting Tucson and Globe this week. Tbe two towns are correspondingly jubil ant over the crent. Caleb W. Weft, of Kentucky hat beea appointed governor af Utah. 19.93 43.00 99.00 10.00 7.19 OM fiaWwtaJgaigttjaaiasiai swn tba ism ol AtieMlatVaa tifal bloade yiW Idyt' wa'fatjrit' re aided here, aad wb1nawMie quite a "oalt widwtf i tlsa steaaas lMMe, Thomas B.'jtba tbe cMsasHtmlmotty problem of tne widows asd t beiri of the aabob. mmltiiiit (hBlytbe itky.ado wptair wy wbkli tba pJ- " . a'? . .- ... . lie iasrfttia ia awry iwarVasT-ter Kxamiaer, ofiwaawt aVT the r-aUsi (aioirialk,--at ' which deocna a)afap hi aassttsi r)wg aawajl tbeaa tba altMlioaof. the... police .was attracted to tbe fi ar story.mis;oef wbara aba reside, by a shower at spitiooos, saas' ware, ailvarwAre, eatlery, Dsdclolhea, wear iag appary,ate ,mat)stiog ffomubaf earth' atory to the side walx. Tbe oScers reaolved to storm tbe place aad wbWaseeadiag the last i'gbt of stair wetaaMt by a parlor tove oa its downward iia-fct. I caromed from tbe left ear of owe of the caVsera te tbe loot he ow wbea they eaatlaaed ta ae vaacr. exaeetiaw- to meei tke reaf at tba atxtawp. 'When tbe top step was gaiaaij says' the ExtmiBer; "a grca gtren door barricaded the way, bebiad which a yoaag aad btwaauma bteaoV, c'ad .rBalexaaV, loairg fcarateat, laughed del tatty at aad with a lunge triad to pear a glaa champagne down her boaom. Tbe door burst aad tba fairy captured. Inrcsligstioa revnlrd tbe fact that tbe cattle so bravely stormed wss the resideaae of she dseaiirri miUioa4 re, Thomas Kyiha dariag bu life time, and thatnhe fairy al laded td iwa aae osbar thairAiiaeJtMtk Diekaaea, alias Bly the, tba putative widow of the deceased, wad that she Waa ia be m"dat of moat hilariaa champagae "raekct." Tbe same paper gives the details of .aux merowi, ether aacapadea the fair Alic has bad, troat which eae would iafer tbat she a a real lively girl, heat oa bating a goad time ao saatter what it costs. Caplaia A. T. Break eaate ta freat Tar- key creek last abjat with a bar ot gold valued a4bataft 1,090 to 91,909 tie rasaU at a partial clean ap of afoar day run of the Meraiac OJary mW. ;H say the mill is raaaiag aight aad ihy, aad they have road at aspect to continue it all aammar if Ta aaiae, aa Jar a It ia opaaai aW leoaa wall, aad the aasra it ia developed, the lar ger the veia of gold haanag raak is foaad, Ha ha a huga-aaseaat of ore already out, aad plea'y mare ia eight. The working ot tbe mill ha provca a complete sac cm. About twenty mea Mmpkjdt praseat The Morairg Glory, it will benaMmbared, hwaed by J. O. 8. A. Heaexy; the let. teofwhtNa U'afckMiv Phll4Iabivva& unable to ratura ta.the tarritory.aa ezpect- Captain Br aaa alae informs a that other atiaea are beiag worked oa Turkey creek; with good results, aad theomtlaok than U very flattering. Dosgla Qray hu had a aajceasifal ran af the mill erected by Prof. Church aad him self last summer, Malvaaoa A Roach are at work oa their miao aad ar taking oat good ore. Read A Wateoa, who opened up aad told fome'goH prapertir ea the ereek' iateed to isbortly tartJatark aerelepiag aaathat claim owned by them there aad which they-.aeafideatlf believe will prove to: be oae at the hast mine ia the district. Tbeee men are both pneseeotd of peraever acr, pleek aad energy, aad with a thor ough kaowledge-j ot fmiaiag uaaever aaia- era if i Kr he foaad at atlaa their claim. Oae of the raJaa of rts William Hoase Regmlar is to tba (feet that SBy member being lata or aheeat withoat aay reasonable est a, aad the oaly excase which i al mkted- aa, reawabir,-ia a atohaa rhib or death, i. laeTwTbetthi of 'beeri.t hs aeai appearaace. Josa Bmitb, a member oftha.9fatsrjiltai aa fattargof .bramlf. jbo, tetday, a to violate; thi ralej and1 to-day waa the recipieat of a Bote from each bmbv bar, astifyiog him of hi derelictioo J)l dutv, and oae irom tne "jaoge" advocate (ao personal allasiea msaat) aad hoc baer guszler of the ofgaaisitioa eoataiaiag aa otsciai aottce ot aeanaca, A a eaaatqaeTee the Regular will "bear ap" at their five o'clock repast this, erasing. Beat Batata Tbe fbllowiag transfers of rati est) have beta Hell for record: -K . C." P. -Hicks to H. B. Skiaaer, Tucker mining claim for 9300. Sundry placer mines ditches aad part ia teres ts ia tbe same as lallosn: A. W. Callea to CM. Bagadara; taaeidaratioa t99,900.; A W Callea Sa saase, $1000. 'V S B D,lplj u 3,000. W Callea " 3,900. A W Callea u 9,00a Jams More 90. C M. Hagadora, to Mr. Alios Howe, matte Caret. Aa old pbrMelan. retired from practlee. havlag aad placed ia his hands by an East India missionary she formula ol a almpl vag atabl remedy for the speedy and permanent ear of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma aad alt throat aad lung afeetloas. also a pealtlrs aad radical enre for Heroe Debility aad all Nervous Complaints, after having tested Its wonderful euratlr power la thousands or eases, has feint al duty to make tt kaowa t hi raarlng fellow, Ac tutted by this motive and a'dssire to relieve hnmaa sufarlag, I will send (re of charge, to all who Aeelr K Oerma Trench or EagUsh, with foil directions for preparing and using. Seat ny mall by sddrsss lag with stamp, aamlag tais paper, W. A. HOTB9. reweif aUaafc. KoehaaUr, xw Terk. mmr m sew ly Nms. Mitts ni CiwMits. 4 There are new on the rolls of the Pension Bureau the names of women, widows of the soldiers cf the war of 1812. Whea it cones to working for the financial growth and prosperity of the town al! political or personal prejudices should be laid aside and united and harmonious action taken. Ex Senator Bradbury, of Maine, who served in the United senate with Daniel Webster, though 8a years old, has a firm tf) aad bears few marks ol great age. He. was a college mate of Haw throne and Loagfallow at Bowdoin. America is the. only country which spends saore upon education than on war or preparation for war. ureat Britain does not spend one-third as much, and France not one-ninth, or Russia one twenty-ninth as much education as on the army. ' oa Hi A gentleman, who. arrived, from Her- aaoeillo yesterday, reports that a few days age General Otero moved from Baeca Vista and had a battle with Cajeme, who, alter a hard-fought atijmsisrnT compelled Otero to beat a hasty retreat Epitaph. The unparalklled increase in the valae of land in the southern counties of California has opened the eyes of those who are ctcurous of seeking new oomcs aad they are now on. the lookout for other localities having the same induce eaeats of climate and soil, and nowhere can a new country be found offerwg so nearly the sasae inducements as the Salt and Gila river valleys. Herald. There was an interesting relic on ex- tubkion at the Grand Army of the Re- pabJic fair at Perry, Iowa, last' week, in tbe shape of a Testament and another saaaJl book, the two being pinned to gether by a mianie ball. The'relic was sent by John Bisb, of Rippey, who, was in Company H of the Tenth Iowa Vol- aateers. The ball was received while on dtttY in line of battle, at Champion HiU, Atay 16, iS6. Hiraa Craine is a wealthy farmer living near Bushville, Pa. He recently eaterlained a book agent who, in depart- iagin the morning, paid twenty-five ceats fer his lodging and took, a receipt for it The receipt now turns out to be a note for 1,500, ia tbe hands of a third party, and Mr. Craine will bare it to pay. The next bible agent who shall call upon Mr&aine jrill have the dog setaahiav A teacher refoested a pupil to parse the following sentence: 'She played on the piano."- The pupil began thusly: "Sheep ia a common noun; third person; plural number" "Hold onl" cried the teacher. "Who said anything about sheep? She played on the piano' was the sutaace." "Oh, I thought It was 'Sheep hud on the piano,' and I wondered what the muttonheads wanted to lay sbeep-cn iherefor, It is said that pne umonltjiasbecome epidemic around AfcKeesport, Pa, am tbe physicians attribute it to natural gas. "X have ao doubt," says one of them, "that natural gas is responsible not only far pneemosua, but also for many other diseases ef the respiratory organs. It is areat convenience, but as it is burned now the grates are almost closed up and no provision made for ventilation. The result is, the atmosphere .of the entire house becomes very dry, but is vitiated A Michigan woman had. a remarkably vigorous dream recently in which she saw her husband's mules on a rampage in the barn. In her dream she went out to see what was the matter with them. She found them kickiug high and hard and methougbt began J doing the. same. Her kicking was the only realis tic part of the affair, for,she did kick so haid that she broke one of her husband's ribs, broke several bones in one of his feet, and inflicted other, injuries upon him. He is on a fair way to recovery now but says be will sleep with the mules hereafter. The fruits of alien landlordism in America will be harvested by the next generation, bat-people now living may see about how the arrangement is to work by observing some of the symptons. A recent dispatch from London mention ed a general that city of the Powder River. Ranch Company, of Wyoming, and the appointment of a committee to visit the United States and investigate tbe business of the corporation. Whea English companies meet In London ta declare dividends out of moneys received from American tenant farmers, which will be the next step, we will have a land question -as well as the other people. Ex. A professor of Yale college who i a very bashful man fell in love recentlys with a young lady and being afraid to ask the parents of the girl oi his choke for her hand, was persuaded by friends to elope with her. The old folks were made Acquainted with the scheme and assisted it as far as possible. Tbe pro fessor was provided with a Udder, dark lantern and the .usual paraphernalia and though he went at it bungh'ngry, makiag as much noise as a brass band, no one save the girl was awakened, in fact she had sat up waiting for him, and the elopement was conducted to a successful istve withoat a auhap. When the pro fessor called upon his parents-in-law next day they gave the strategetically wadded couple their blessing without reserve, aad the old man ia his exuber ant joy act up the rum unconditionally rstiaiA btacib. ADREM. All athwart the frt rint cedars And the streamlet' deep dark p!eador All atbart the waving hemlock, Tbe gleaming sunlight lies; As k walk a favorite pathway Wbea the lenvn breath wbisperirg tender. And we care not for Ibe latearva While lovy'a light b:ami in our ever. Up the taisr slope we ram til-, There ihe sul light falls on I. ku, Till wo rrtch tbe frhu tuimuit And tbe town seia farav. ; Many glances f nd we batteiM Though but tew few wo.-i'.s wcte puken A we dim !xd tbe bill wbic . titrt Bade farewell to parting day. ' But at last brave heajtl wli p r' ; "See yon strnmi that met t mI n.n nilcgt, From two sources tlrsnge and ilhtant Tbey begin their const sat fi I will b like one, if thou will So our iivca may be a single -Stream of love snd true deration, Blight with joys' encliangieg glow." O'er tbe bilk, by that same streamlet Ooe week tatter now we wander, Several days have llve'd aad pe.-iah'd Tct tho-e sbicing stream still meet; And our heart are one aad faithful, While in silent thought wa poader Memories nf tie days departed - When we leaned, that life i sweet. AtiBNi TBUaroau ri.Bstiw'. My lava is like a lovely rose As sweet to sense as rosea are; Btstitwa ber beauty near aad fir, Aad ever acme fresb f si mem show. My lova i like a yellow rose A rich and ripe in wealth of tint; Disclosing nature's chaste print, And calm, and cold as morning saoaa. My love is like a bright red rose, .A) fiuthM as fibwerlabeat oi day, Aad glow with love as rose may, Whea k'as'd, aad cannot kiaa oppose. My love k like a pile white rote, A faint aad trail to human head; la whose aad eyes the tear drop at snd Like dash of dew at evening' cloa. " My love is like a lovely lose, A thug of bloom .ad blush aad blight Abt those may sever wroag from right Who know not why the red rose grow. Tk Cklaete Cjaeattaa (OOKMCXICATKD.) The work of orgaaisiag tbe ati-L'hitc League goes bravely oa; already seme al Yavapai's best mea have aacwered the appeal of those who most inter from the Chiaese evil, aad have pledged themselves to tbe support ofjbe canee. , . Very few ta elligent citiaeaa take aa'aad sgaiust it, aad these oaly far fear that the rash elemaat of our pepalatioa may geJat coatral of the more meat. Word af sym pathy for tbe good cause are daily apokea in pablie aad private conversation, show iag that success is not far off. The greatest earnestness aad moderatioa were tbe charasteris tic features of the aati- Chen eae maa meetirg lately held at the court bouse, showing that thy moat timid of our fellow citiaeas seed take aa alarm list tbe safe guards of law and order should be overtaa in tbs march of progress, aad ting that aoae bat lawful measaras are contemplated IjjSt-bS- l?JS;.f lit ii promotioa of their orject, which is aotaiag more or leu thaa the proteCioa ef white labor aad iedastiy agaiast Chiaeae eat patitioa ia Tavapai. - STantaa O. Mabcoc. aVatscr Tba following i the lwt of letter remaiaiag at the Post Omca ia rVeacott, Arisoaa, for the week eadiag April 9th, 1889: Arthur W O Lingel George Atkiacoa O B Lowdcadaeh Cha Beckmsa Wa Msrs Joseph Mrs Baraett H MorrM.KicBard Colby Delia Mis Reid i'Ji (9) Clark J A Beeves Charley Bilk Ed Saell H N Earner! J M Tobler H 8 FraleyJM Tighe Jam I Falkoer W F Welsh Aaak Mia Hoop Clara Miss Wright KtU W JoaccWC Williams Saoeh Eellaer Jcceph Webb J A Call for advertised letters. J H A MABSH, Poatm aster. The eatertaiameat gives by tbe pspUsaf tbe grammar depanmcat of the public school last evening was largely attended by friends of tbe school. Tba seat were all tskea and standing room ia the corridor was evea at a premium. The pupil ac quitted themselves '"n every meriroroa manner in the virions perform aece. The prcgrsmme was well selected sxd the eater tainmeat throughout n fleeted credit ea both tbe teacher, Mill Martin, aad her pupil. Absolutely Pure- This powder never varies, A msrvel cf pnnty. strasglh aad whelasomraess. Mere eeeeealeal than tbe eralBary kins aad cia aot be sold la competlUoa with the mal Utadc af low. test short eight, alam or pkaspbst Kwoer. asoa . aaiy ia eaaa. cyai aaa lag i wder Co, 1(9 Wall S treat, Tw Terk. J PX4, POWDER MOST PERFECT SMlJEi .c. Si twit's right! Now! ;nd Kttrt pkiris in bargained Kafd Times m EX PIONEER HOTEL, i-. - .. . THE ONLY HOTEL IN TOWN. Cr-. SCHTJEElfiiiT, Prop., (Succeessoij to Dan Hatz,) SOUTH MONTEZUArA STREET. PRESCOTT. Board and Lodging Per Board, By the Day - his a TvrriT raJXAaCVIAJ 111"I - ICCMaeVt.y VUil. F -. i t PaiT, Ans-av lobcr"?, 13S5. ! FRESCOTT HOTEL Fine Booms 50c THIS HOTEL, WHIUH HAS JUSTBEEN OPENED, IS S WE and furmished in everv uarticular with alltl c- ct i. cnience it aOAkeit A ItifMtawtedin the center of the city, within fifty yardi of the Pottofice, and is the MOST CONVENIENT HOUSE in Northern Aziaona, Farticular Attention Paid to the Comfort of my Guesta. ,tt,Jaly 1, i. !H ctiifi GURLKY STKEET, OPP, Unexcelled Wines, WILL ALWAYS BS SERVED TO PATRONS THE LEADING HOTEL The Only Hotel in Northern Arizona With Hard Finished EDoms. SITTING AND DINING BOOMS AHE THE LARGEST AND BEST APPOINTED IN PRESCOTT. t'Class In 3S5"T7-l?3r JEL&i BOARD ? ,SL Aa Home Hade Candies Manufactured Fresh Every Day Fraits and Nuts Of All Kinds. Oysters in 32 very Style. an, Confsctiuaar, Coitez Stroat, Prasaott, Ariaona Fresh ilea Bam ...i CREAM po WD MADE Aziaoaia, Lima or Alton. LITTLE! one dozen of these tm!" for at $2,50 per fozei, You Know! Photographer. VVeek irovf MS - $10 1 1' tl Delifeed tc anj.'part f Tw and $1 Per Day. LXJ3I1JJL.IER,, Eroprietor. mu. NEW CLUB ROOMS, Liquors and Cigars HOtJSE OF PRESCOTT WEEK, $7.00. Kendall, Proprietor. IZONA JOUSML-PUlEi- . rsuxTinsi stacasTo Tbs Jouhsaz. JiLsra I paa tn t er ry .lay la the week ict niacar fBK IVmTLT IOCtJjIlMlSSall i!il nt-i -cf "VYedarsdar at lTwti.tba U'pital " .w lWrltvry. or riiK AKIZO.VA l'iriiLtalHIXt) c nio!eit ti the cotncierelal t-.d batiasas la. ertjjts of thj Territory. CTCKUR: DAILY per year - ' ITS a.x- on i year, 4 at " " sixmonthj. " aa Moist rasr be remitted be rerUlrmS luur poitoScc order or draft. The JttS.uvvlintt wiu bs delivered by a rier t taMcriber In ths city fcr aeeeal Local notices wilt be Inserted, at aTteaa cent a line for the first !nrUea aad tea enls per lies for ech ubjetiLeet tawrtkia. CorretpiraiEce ou n subiieU of general ateTestTlIltc accept asu news tram aar oeallty U solicited, especUllr Iroa the Jnlslai amps e2 ajrrlei'l'jral disulcta. All cocmsnirt joas .bould be addressed ta xr Jr.tmxxL-Mixaa. Preseott. Arltona. E. C. Dakx. (loom So. CMerclianU'Ex anje. Sua Fran;lro. 1. k1 inlfor the . iwxa JiURXni.-.Mi.xjia (hjt c'.iy. n 4 . s--'r- tt, r -l-ri momji dr. thl t. ih r 01, uii.9 or-Ur for adr.rtUlBs;. X '-nili oy othtr bntlnctUrTolTlnc Ml t ? I rlr.n, ilTe tli. pah tier. .r.K I' A T JuVMXAb-MlEa and kt. attti. Jli.ier w loand oa til athl ifH tL SSa1 or J-'n! Adrertlainc . riff' sle , laroi-.s. IHurlct cirt .win it Juitlce Court . SSSoa . MOO . Use . So . 36 aa . too na- tne ..Notice for PnbucatloDl. v-plleitioa for Ia!enl.. 'ronust afors otice- B.jiTorxno3t il: at utus. r. Hoirixi. . m tpaywr Aimtllinr mareaia (IS I dU( NEWYOHL nensuta cottsucts ftb made for jMa ! sail T'aie Xabte ta nmt rroaa rraaeatt- Mai' tor Southern portion of the Territory nd Pacific Owt leaves ditly it G :a0 a. m, .a Pl.enir and Alulcopa. Arrives at tJ:00 ai. Ms'J t'l tbe listsra Slates fia A. Jk P. vcj daily at p ta. Arrive 't . m. daily, Moil for Rndiaaw, tii llasjaysatpa, loear Meeirille and Alexandria, leaves blear' ys aad Friday at 7 a. m. Arrive Tuesdays and Saturdays at C p. o. Mail for Phenix,"Tia Antelopo allev, 1tsatea, Wickcnbargh and Valtura, ie arras loadavs. Wednesdays and Friday at 3 a. n. Amvea Tuesdays. Thurrdiys and fial 1ayat a.m. Mail for Joaiper, via Simmons laavca : vardsya and -Tuesdays at 7 a. m.; arrives, it. jdays and Fridays at 6 p. m. J. II. A. Xarh. Poatmaatcr. Atlantic & Pacific RaHroai TIME SCHEDULE. " WEST bound STATIONS. aorotp lUOUM.lullmr) Iv-Albeqnqae.A - 'CootlUee. 13KS1 951 a n 1 Hi a re 11 10 arc i:34 pns 331 p ni I4jpn 1M ptn C2t pel SSOp ta fc.Vtpn ISIatD !S a m ani 7 SO am S41sa 1251 pm Sfppm SjSp an Slip is (S3pn IIStD lOu 11 Up am SSSpaa SaSaas saaan, Stwpaa usspm lassaaa Sieaaa 73Sam smaaa a io am tetaaa usspm Stsana 7lisa 41 pan 2paa lm sssaa sasaaa lestpm niniraie !xni.lTffi nn Navi Spring! 'Hulbmoi Win stow Canon Diablo Kla mi .Y' . Williams- -Ash Korfc. 8pnn Haekberry. . 'Ite Teili.. Vr. n.r laratt Rsnrlnir. raelleTlrael .8a Bnnardlnot uiiimi Dlttft. National rtrr. a m p id A tKIM. as io 10 Jam USsaaa tain ArSin FnueIcnI.T. Meal Stations. rhnVt.1l tt Vat fl. . 1 f .1. 1 and west oa mI at the prloelpal atatiesa. -STAGE CONNECTIONS. Via Ia; ana to th. Indian village or Aae- . ltt UlilWBw.. ,A t.. -Wfa... - n Via. WInSrWr "-. -uiaa; lln1.A mll. Vlann.IItr. Aejrry) 25 miles; Canon da caelle Km aiC.nnn.9i ml! .'laUolbrook.ui-weeklTcUKea. ta Fast A ache. So mile.: Sprtnservllle as aalkia: aow tow. 5a alls; Tarlorrlll. Ball? Ao-inl laclan VII ate (no nSSij nfe miles. Via Navajo, dally '.tacts to Ht. Johaa. al mll: Sprtncerville 8S raile. Via WInslcwto Brtg ham 6lty and Ssnast Via Asb ork, dailr Him to PMaaasa aad WLlcpie Barradcs, Si alT: daliv ilsssa rroaa rrecott to Pnenlz and trl-weeklv mmm, Co fort Verde. wweanj aaaa; Via. P.acU k prints to tbe Gran Case at the Colorado. 13 mliea. - Via, King-man. dallr Hut, if, arm law Hm-jtomlies; Mineral Park. UmllM;Craat Vl Tbccti to 8Itn1.4o rallM. la TL Xeedlea. staamsiSto Tama.Cal ?J??Jl7" aoey.Fort Mojare. MoJaVa City Hardyrlila, Arisoaa, aad Ki Dorado Caaaa. Nevada. W. A. BISELU D. B. BOBUVr1 WAava. General M.nacer. a Iboqaarqaa, ar. M. Sazerac Saloon! Awl IMui ML a aYnTwwjaja crtrwVV CTS FINE LIQUORS k CorarSaale Clab Btaaaia Attaekrd Fine SiUiarel aad Pool Tables, for the EaclBsrve use and estertaia mectof patrons ol tbe place. Gcriey Street, Prescott. GREY EAGLE STIBLtS. Granite Strt,ftccat.t Run stages from Prescott ta Alocaseki ana return, once a week, carryio passengers and frelghL Will LeaTe Presoott Every Monday Morriinr at 7 o'clock, retunnng every Tuesdar Lit, IWud Sab dt? SHULiyAUSTlN. HEADQUARTERS S A L O O i . Gurley Street.nixt toJpostoSce, formerly t"u,h -Drevray Saloon. FRITZ JESSON. proprietor. The Best, Liqcora and Oan in PeckStageLine; me marvel alway. on hand. Beer on Drasght or by tin Burtfc - hi A ! a eil ; 4 " s" t" 1 -1-