Newspaper Page Text
w raw: -i -w.- .:.. - - s i ft" ARIZONA JOURNAL-MINER. VOL. XXH No 26. PRESCOTT. ARIZONA. ..WEDNESDAY, a SEPTEMBER 29, 1886. PRICE TEX CENTS. WEEK Li i 1 L 1 lit C HE AST. TtVe it In TiTi?. eousttm-ta It t- , .t t1 la ri. et to r?e i p of c lj, chose cl lainti t. ii w cut Oa U ta Iroet bean baorc it il too t- linnr'an' D iintr Com to i rt'P V" t jcrrtcUJ assy e ee ef Ape- r-.7. v jen is auuT 7exe cl tin bert. Ii nla c hen Lit as; to Cnrl lvn diecaa. 7 ' Bissiflgo?S!sep.E?7Jl . ruxTs I T Ka. ho fad K:sU or LuveU raMt tj a!ecj j ta. U rsbrra! i t i xaukr tt?. h n set eyproc'a tio L ir; ot alee-, bet . -21 pretest & rt3 bn-.V coirs c! ths ijrti. At IrcTi-:fj.r. lticr!jc;rt IrettiM witi etc!) bottle: eri Jra HAMBURG FIGS. Tbtt Is sa h.tkJt TrMch eaa rtrsl I'vuburj I ; !r ttit ear of liiKtuil rvocitufi. iodicr. ' tiin s 1 fisk-i.ruijrlML Tie if j. r.:ACK & cc, 9 ti It rrtzt r'-. Csi Itartuea. CJ. TUTTS PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE. &t Greatest 2?difal T'Saaph of tie Aft! SYMPTOMS OF A TCRPSD LIVER. the brad, triib a i!ctt coalaa I'. Cli kack ptrt. l'nla ncdrr llio ahsalJrr klaalcl'ullDrti nfitr roiln:. nilbadlo IncllDallosto exertion cf bodr rir'nrf, Irrttmliillt rof temper, Iir plril. irlih afvsltBsof bavin: DCsleetrJ rsasdatr CTcarisra. Dizzier, TUttcrlsr at lh Ueart. Data berarctbe errs, lie dacb vr Ibo ri:bt ere, IXrttlrsuen, wllh JIiIbI i5rrnm. Hi;Llr ctljrnl C rice, and CONSTIPATION. ICTTS PlU-Saroefyrrtallr adapted to cceli cttt, oaa iso effects sucii a cbanj(rnfrrc!insatoastnnIi!ttiio(a2crer. Tbry Inrrnue the Appetlte,ail ojm tL boar to Tke an Kltli.tou tb mirm u tioi tthl tint it3rTonlc Actlnnoa lac litiirtiieOmni.lCrciilxr stool t t'-rvtoe?. -ae. 4ytarTyu.T. TUTT'S EXTRACT SiRSAPMiLU liKxntic tlx bolf. rnLri traltbr eh. Uie f rta wttii pun: hbxxl onJ herd rauicio, tons IL nerroia trsMra, InTbrorite tLe brain, aod lsports the tor c zsssiiOCX I. Sold br drustsisti. &rVtCtl4t nrriTM..SpwTiir!' CREAM BALM brn applil lot the tuwtrl i, ifll be b orbed ttTrlt.k!l 'enioe: 'hx brad ! ciUrahtl vvk. rut lue bea-tbr Mrc- twsi Ii i.ur lu iu.mato , ri e"t lh m U.)tilr . i Ibr p ares (rimi ddl I'J- C , Di pl.! iy h . nrc e icu 'A . t ..u, nd ? - I. Catarrh KAY-FEVER A quirk Krllrr. .1 raMllve Care. A . r . i H .iPi':Ih! lotn re - nr r.j no J I a. iv .oiu ut. rrc so mall ot a ';: t ti -tjfi forr rca nr. rl I ! tl .!. In-rnic REGISTER! For the parties de accommodation of to register and unable to do so during fie dav the undcr-iirned conntv iccorder, will keep his ofrire open cacl cveninir until 7.?0 o'clock, unti- the cl ise of registration. Wii. Whkehsox. Sstray Notice. Takm up l thf- uml jutoeJ ail.hthir no'Kf. n'l nil w onni. annai ji lawno bin.l-J C 'on "til onije- down II t ri hi -r In ti kur- nf Irani leir v ' te h I Tcrt n , tttaric imtaeatifi iH.I .nl ! 5s i-Js Xr-'ra ko- i'iwn. T' i t'.r c r. !iht-tb niii rir irovluf prupcr 4, u i.r.' "br"' '"C " CiliUl; itsEXHUKGEtl a Li rtlu. V-iilcj-. "NEW BAKERY AM)- VoKTCzrvi T, near Gculct. !! IfN CENTS upward. Bread deltTcxed to xsj part of the city. J. T. TdOKBEKE, -Proprietor. sil'KClAL AOTICEis. IV. litbcc -jr lilMt.r-0. ASP SURCEOW, V. Jtiterusni street, i-f llcct & Co' Urnstoxi ' ! F. EGGERS. ATTORN LV- AT L W. D1STKIC1 ATroRVEV OF VAV.irAI C0CS1V, ARIZONA. OSce in Court House Prescott. . C HERNDO.V. J J. HAWKINS Piobte J edit HERXDON i HAWKINS, ATTORoEYS ND COUNSELORS AT LAU Prescott, Arirona. Special attention ut conveyancing and office f.rU uf all kmds. CLAirik curnruiLL. Attorney General of Arizona. OmCK Ovrrlhr Krak or Ar:ioa. 3'rcoiitt. AriMHn. J A. Raiii. E. tV. Well?, Sninner ilo-ar" Rl'SH, '.VEI.LS A nowARn. Attorcers at d Joanellora at Law Vrfc U YaTapai Cous'T. Aritoox. a trad prnj,. Iv . l' buior eotraod t theai ia :t coa' of record In tae trrrUorj HENRY CLY BURKE. ATTORNEY ND C JL'NSELOR-AT-IJl W. wwilt pr.l?e in all tbe morta of Arlaona n-i Uff'ire t vr.i.u I. partmenM la Wiub lactoa.D . OMoe Roatc "o. S. over Kck of Arlaooa. Prescc::, A. T. Ths republican party of the Territory of Ariioa t, Li convention assemblel, re affirm iu devotioa to those grand prin cipks of gorernnun: which have elevat- e I our nation to iu prjjeat exalted pos ition. Ve renew our fealty to that party which preserved us as a nation, estab lished equality before the law, built up all the great industries which have add ed uvuhh to our exchequer and honor to the American name, and maintained the national supremacy on land and sea. Ve point with pride to the record of ths republican party, a party which rxized the reins of government when the nation waa in the throes of political dissolution, which restored the national authority anJ rebuilt with herculean easrgy t.'u nation ii resources anJ re stored the national credit. We point with pride to the fact that the republi can party upon its accession to power received the government of the nation , in a distracted condition, torn by dissen- factions, that at the end of 25 yean it turned over the government to its dem ocratic successors with the "old flag still taere, not a star dimmed nor a stripe crated, with the Union restored and financial credit unimpaired, an overflo ing treasury and tha public credit higher thau that of any other on earth, With confidence in our ability fully re stored, the national escutcheon untar nished and die American name the syn onyni of patriotic virtue, We coa-Uruu the administration of Grover Cleveland as being false to its pledge.', and hypocritical iu its dealiu I; has failed to Ujepils sacred pledge of civd service ref.rm,aul upon which the president secured his electtO'i; it has beeu false to its friend, its enemies, and false to Useh; it disgraced the name by the character of its appointees iu the diplomatic service, nail has disturbed the frieudlv relations heretofore existing between the United states and several foreign governments, notably with Mexico, our sister republic. it has appointed men to office fur politi cal 8abscrriency and removed worthy otSeula whose rrcords have shed lustre jpon the government they bj faithfully served. It insulted the patriot ic feeling of the people by iu action on Jie pension laws and by its systematic efforts to belittle thi patriotic sei vices of our soldiers and seamen; it has shown an utter disregard for the wants of the people and by its vacillating and cow' ardly policy has failed to provide those laws which the universal voice of the people demands. That while the democratic platform of 1554 lauded the soldiers and sailors of the late war, and while said democratic party protesseu to appreciate taose pa triotic services, the democratic presi dent.elected upon said platform, true to democratic duplicity, has persistently labored to nullify in practice the patriot ic theories advanced in said platform. we also record our earnest protest igainst the removal of Union soldiers, eputable republicans.from office simply o make room for partisan civilians and x-confedcrates. Resolved, That all citizens of the United States are political equals and -jually entitled to the protection of its aws;thitwj are unalterably opposed to the immigration of all persons not in -ympathy with our institutions and in imical to our political system. Resolved, that the action of the pres ent administration upon the silver ques tion is destructive of one of the greates- tndustries of the land; and the attitude f the President in his grovelling subser- .iency to the dictates of Wall street is a iisgraceful commentary upon demo cratic independence and executive dig- ary. Resolved, That wa also condemn in inmeasurcd terms the action of the democratic congress in refusing to admit Dakota as a State; that such action is in plain violation of the spirit and letter jf the constitution, an outrage upon onstitutional nvedoni and subversive of .he pef.j.le. Retched, tliat we are in favor of en ions to all soldier, who have fought in he armies of our country, whether in .he Mexican war or for the Union. Resolved, That we are in favor of in reasing the associate justices of the ter- ntory. Resolved, That the sweeping removal the judges of the territory by Presi knt Cleveland was an abuse of power, a .ioUtion of law, and a disgraceful exer cise of politil power. Resolved, That General Miles is en titled io our warmest cratitude and re- I Resolved. Tmi I Arizona unreservedly c5ad emn the course pursued by Governor Zulick in attacking the good nime and credit of the t err. t Dry by cor.t.nuedand studied misrepresentations for pj.tsan purpose. We charge him with having slandered the citizens of Arizona in offi id procla mations and ith falsity in claiming credit for results accomplished without his help or instrumental ty. We charge him with an arb. trary and partisan abuse of power, n his efforts to remove wi.hi.i: cause or authority of law able pub1! . servants ho are faithful to the trust imposed upon them and hj couvnind the respect and confidence of the p;o;.eof this territory. We charge the adrciitsratton of Got ei nor Zui:k being lurro and partisan in us cliorts and purposes, lending tj prost.tite public officials to party schemes in the organizttion of partisan grand juri; under the nildencc of party raanipulatots at great expense and without beneficial results. Resolved, That the repub'iians of Arizona comntnd the- acii m f the . ri tenuem' Republican Territorial Platform. ! and "bcral stand taken by it upon all 1 he following is the platform adopted ! raer P"!t'C laterest. An informal reception was by the republican convention in Tucson:; Kesolved, mat tnc republicans of j to General Miles this afternoon at thm o'clock in the court house by our citizens. The General's stav at Whipple will l pect for his sterling efforts to subdue he Apaches, and the magnificent suc- ess of his arduous campaign is but the result of that calm judgm nt and mili tary skill which are characteristic of the true soldier;that CaptainLawton, Lieut. Gjiecood and their gallant command. hrou-h whose untiring iffritt the Vjntl.e war wa-. brought to a successful .Train .tor, hivs displayed a heroism zt.6 ie-t!ess zeal wbirb stamps them as model soldios of determination and devotion to duty, and entitles them to our tt-trnal grit tude. Resolrcd, That we are in favor of appointment of federal officers from residents of the territoii-s; and that we earneitly urge the passag. of a law by congress which shall permit dele gates to vote and have equal power nh other members of connress from tites, and that the territorial officers shall b; elected by the people. Resolved, That this convention icclires an uaq'iahfied approval of the -te republican admtnistratioa in Arl- tuna, us prosressire and beneficial nileence upon the advancement of the terr.tory, its freedom from narrow and partisan abuse of power aod the broaxd very brief, as he leaves for the cast tlirs evening. At the request of Mayor Kell tlie business nouses were all closed trora three to four o'clock and our citizens generally availed themselves of the opportunity of meeting the General. Promptly nt 3 o'clock Gen. Miles and staff arrived from Whipple while a salute of 33 guns were fired from Capitol hill. The local militia companies were formed in line at the entrance to the court house to receive them. The court house was filled to over-J flowing with citizens, all desirous of do; ing honor to the great chieftnin. Ex- chief Justice Sumner Howard delivered the address of welcome, eulogizing tli General and his brave command for their servires to the territory. General Miles responded in a few happy and well chosen remarks thanking the citizens for himself, and on behalf of the army for their expressions of appreciation of their services. An opportunity Mas then given to all to shake hands with him and staff. A prominent feature of the reception was the pupils of the public scl ool who appointee of the ute rej rihrau a i.i.n- J marched in line with their teichere to The Crim Monarch. There is a guest that I detest, Forever at my side; He clings, to ms more fondly Thau a bridegroom to his bride. I hate him and berate him, But when I cross his will He glares at me sardonically And clasps me closer still. He's a beggar and a ranger, He was at present nottistrauger- At the birth of the Messiah In the old Jude:ia matiger. He strolls along the path Of the tempest in its wrath; He's found among the ruins Of t nc moulder's aftermath. He's a price of empty jockets, Out at elbow and at knee; He's the king of countless millions. And his name is Poverty James Connor Roach. In Philadelphia News. CA Nl ILWD Wil. HEISLER, PROPRIETOR o-o In order to better accommodate our customers, we have opened tu connection wun our (jamorma msxket, (at South Monte zuma street,) ;he Bull's Head market, North Monte zuma street, next to the P. & 0. Restaurant near the cor-nrT of Gurlev street, where we will -seep aiwas on nanctfne best assortment and quality of meats, which we will sell at wie louowing reduced prices for cash, to which the attention of the public is called r.r ryiie -WII titration n munumng thur rights to remain in oSee until fie leg il expiri tion of their terms and approve thti :eadfat fealty to the r-publican pary and their rciistance to the arbitrary and dlegal assumption of power by Governor Zultek. Cremation Among the Indians. Two days ago the writer and a party of friends, went across the Colorado river, to view the the cremation ceremo nies of Francisco, the murdered Indian Just as the glorious sunset reflected back a thousand bright tints to the darkening sky, the "raachoria" was reached. On a pyre of musquite and ironwood reposed the lifeless body of the "good" Indian. About 20 squaws and bucks were making the welkin ring with cries of lamentation and mourning. In a little while, a tall, "dried up" looking warrior raised his right hand, and nil observed the strickest silence. The old chief delivered a long harangue and at a signal from him the deceased Indian's horse was killed, and after a few choice "cuU" were taken from the quivonng body, the carcass was thrown beside the pile that was soon to consume all that had once been a human being. Anoth er signal from the master of ceremonies, and the fire was started. Immediately a "walk around" ensued, and time was kept to one of those lengthy monoto nous and unmusical Indian songs. The night was dark, and as the flames hun grily licked the dry wood mounting higher and higher, the singing became louder and louder, filially ending in frenzied shrieks. As the funeral pile succumbed and became a mass of crumb ling coals, a feast of corn, melons and horse meat was set out and the worthy sons of the forest fell to and enjoyed the the repast with the gusto of an epicure eating some extra tid-bit. As we return ed home, the bright moon-light illumi nated the foliage of the mesquitc with a silvery lustre, and gave a wierd ap pearance to the surrounding low-lands ; a fitting "drop curtain" to the play just ended. the court house and as they tiled out shook hands with the General Republican Territorial Central Com' mittee. The following is the list of members of the republican terrritorial central committee: Chairman, Wm. Christy; Secretary, X. A. Morford; treasurer, Lincoln Fowler, all of Maricopa county The other members of the committee elected were : Apache E.SJstover and Rosalio Col onto. Cochise J.E.Montaudon, W. F. Nich ols, T.A. Atkinson and CD. Jones. Graham J. E.Ohl, F.A.Cutter. Marioopa Wm.Christy, L.Fowler, It. A. Davis, N.A. Morford. Mohave W.H.Taggart, E.L.Burdick. Pinal A. P. Walbridge, W. U. Ben ton. Pima L. Wolfley, J. A. Zabriskie, D. McFawn. R. D. Ferguson. Yavapai W.S. Head, L. Wollenburg, FM. tfurphy, Geo. E. Brown, Geo. H. Tinker. Yuma A. G. Hubbard, Charles H. Brinsley. At large Claik Churchill, Websttr Street. Briggs Goodrich, Gov. Zulick's candi date for the territorial council from Mar icopa county, was more than C. L Mcsher .editor of the Gazette could stand. The latter iu retiring from the editorial management of that paper says: "I trust that my Democracy, as displayed in the past may not be questioned, and I only object to voting for a man on the ticket who stands as good a show of going to the penitentiary as he docs of being elected to the legiclativc council." The Mesdames, Rowe, Herndon and Parker arc more than meeting the expectation of their friends, in their ad ministration of the affairs of our public schools, as trustees, and dem onstrating the wisdom of the choice of our citizens in their election. They each take a personal interest in every detail connected with the comfort and conveniences of the pupils as well in their progress. Needed repairs hav. been made to the buildings and grounds, wells have been cleaned and ith the present corps of teachers cm- ployed, in the various departments, the schools never gave better satisfaction than at present. The first month of the term closed last Saturday. Chas. L. Masher has retired from the editorial management of the Phenix Gazette and has besa succeeded bv Haxry BfrmanL Should be Written in Cld. The Phenix Herald thinks that Gen Miles answer to Gen. shenuan as to his reasons for tho removal of the Apaches ought to be written with gold en letters on the book of history of this Territory: our growing generatimought to commit them to memory, they are superior to any of the lofty end hi, mined quotations which have become so commonplace, wherever a patriot o: statesman is mentioned, liicy arc as follows : "You ask me why I desire the removal of the Apaches from the Territory, and I will tell you in as few words tis i ossi ble ; I ask it in the name of the Terri tory whose prospects have been blasted and retarded by the fiendith cruelties of these Indians ; I ask it iu the name and behalf of the widows fatherless children whose lives have been wrecked and fu ture darkened by the murdering raids of these fiends ; I ask it in the name of thousands of lives which have been offer ed up as a sacrifice to the reservation system. Finally, I ask it in the name of civilizations. which can be never made to advance in this Territory so long as thejc Indians are allowed to periodically tci rorize the country." Important Real Estate Sale. The adminstratrix'a (of the Moeller estate) sale of real estate advertised in this paper and which occurs next Thurs- dav will be one of the most important sales of real estate ever had in Prescott. By reference to the advertisement it will be seen that a large amount of real estate is offered for sale, some of which is improved and some unimproved. To parties desiring to invest in Prescott property now is the time to do so and this sale comes at an opportune tim With the jKteitive assurance now of the completion of the railroad, real estate is sure to advance iu price and this sale offers an opportunity of a life time for investment. Hon. Levi Bashford has never wav ered in his confidence of the ultimate prosperity of Prescott. During its dul lest season he has gone on making int' provements jn the way of building up the town. Realizing that the building of our railroad is destined to increase our population, and that with such in crease, a well equipped place of amuse ment will be a necessity, he is arranging to remodel Howey Hall for such pur pose. A stage will be built and already a letter of inquiry has been forwarded with a view of securing opera chairs for it. Professor Thomas and Joseph Dau phin, will on the completion of the im provements arrange fora series of enter tainments to be given during the winter. A Washington telegram says that Secretary Lunar is absent in England, traveling in company with Mrs. Holt, of Macon, Georgia, to whom he will shortly wedded, although the happy day is not yet fixed. Mrs. Holt is the widow of a prominent merchant of Macon, and is said to have inherited quite a fortune in her own right from her husband';' es tate. She is of mature years, but joi tesses fine presence tnd captivating manners, and is well fitted to adorn so ciety as the wife of a cabiuet officer. It been known some time that Secreta ry Lamar was matrimonially inclined, and specially attentive to the lady in question, but his prospective "marriage with Mrs. Holt is no longer a secret. Referring to the repububliean nomi nee for superintendent of public instruc tion, the Courier says; "Mr. Cordis has lived off offices for years, and should now be left to study the Mexican lan guage. Iliree prominent candidates on the democratic county ticket of this county have enjoyed the emoluments of public office "for years" also and accor ding to the same reasoning should "Le left to study" "furrin" languages also. The following ticket has been nomin ated by the Democratic county conven tion of Cochise: Council, L. W. Blinn; assembly, F.W.Heyne of Bisbee; Scott White of San Simon, Jos. Pascholv of Tombstone, J. M. Bracewell of Wilcox, Mike Gray of Fort Rucker; sheriff, John Slaughter; assessor, J. B. Hcnncssy; treasurer, H.A.Tweed ; recorder, W. D. Monmonier; district attorney, Ben Goodrich; county judge, E. R. Monk; clerk of county court, W. D. Ganzhorn : supervisors, J.E.Durkee. and TJ. White; county surveyor, J.ILHoadley; coroner, J.sUCoska. Reduction Works. All persons interested in establishing reduction works in Prescott are request ed to be present at a meeting to be held in the court house on Monday evening, September 27th at 8 o'clock for tho pur pose of discussing the proposition, and if possible the adoption of a plan calciv ated to induce capital to take hold of the enterprise. A special invitation is e.v tended to miners and mine owners and they arc urgently requested to be pres. i-nt if possible and give their views, W. X. Kelly. Mayor city of Prescott. The Courier has had of late a great deal to say about tho "Colonels" on the republican ticket. Theonly individual on the republican ticket cf this county en joyiug that distinguished and honorable title and who honors the title as well as our candidate for district attorney. Be fore the campaign is over we propose to show, too, that by his judicious manage ment of that office, ia the past two years, as compared with his democratic prede cessor, he is entitled to the rank of a Mayor General. Hsrf br tilnitqaarter. Href by foreqinno' It f 4nrni 1W 1-1 n -SVJccau n - M niton abonlder and ctock ebor-l Md.l.m f.nnl fhnp. JJ MiilL.t. la l.m t.yiil. . . , a i.munn ana loin chop . ,i:j4 -5 IS wt'l nil bolrleir perf nrloln Hivt 'itertouKitrit l!oe" .r:m. I .o-r;ol.. and i ortrr boue stk. , y Rcf iur.i3 ami k ale kg lo 10 a nr cir.'iir o Lamb aboudrand Tea-- n'w or ameor quAiter- Pork tlmki . Pork utu( P-.rk pick;- lktl-gua im Heaa eaee4 Uvfr taddlns 1 IS IS Meats Delivered to all prrs of the Cny and Fert Whinaie Eree o Coarse from boili Ma.kets. The Arizona conference of the M. E. church which meets bi-annually, con vened to-day, at 9 A. M.,in tho Washing ton street Methodist church, Bishop Warren, presiding. Tho sacrament of the Lord's supper was administered, and then the business proceeded by the re-election of Rev.David MeFawn as sec retary. The reports of all the Drcaclu'rs was very encouraging, showing an ad vancc all along the liue. Gazette. JOHNSTON mm WEEKLY JMrlUUHQ. A-1 fatl.NTlXt. M9CMKJ Tskabizova Jeckxat Visas ta aea d 4T-'T dajr in to WMk T....f u-V imamioi Ws.r loreKiiiuuiai ery wmn - r . sr.. t ,a. uTTHtrr. - m k 4ir..A I'rs-tMitiXe, ce -.ctud l- comercu; j J husisaa la r- ta of Ji TvrrtU,r:. 2TIiMSt tMILY per Jr . ate a VtaaLT" OVtltr, 4 ag " " aixn-ootia. - 1 aa .o:tf raaTte reaittec br r Cet'ied lettar prtto'Xc9 order or drsft. Ths Jocasi.-lJixkxrii 1 dolirer b arrie- t sotcrtbtr in tie r'ltr fcr IBeeato LucaJ aoae- ullk laterlcd at atlMe ceats a lice for te flrat Jnaertioo aad tea ' a tr Kae isr each as V wjirent laaerUom. Corwpoadence cw el' act ecu of i-eaaral utMst wU: b accept ani new frSaTaa, ocalltr is soUt5UC,eye--il Irota the aaiaiaar rap nJ arrfcr'- raj .".i'-leta. AU coraranaiea joaaino.-dt)(3 addreued la -r ; vona. a. V. Vkkx Koom jf- c Vercbanta-Kx-'.'rf 'n' "l' 1r rent for tba 1 . f e!V-i moor-, dee thl lt aat. -kc or. rn t ,r kdaerttalas. I tela t e othr- t, rt.T0jvio5 '' - t r-rr ti.uw- ! the pott .b-n Tub da t H-A.-Mtxaa 1 J."?t: '"ii-Mi-xr w a b foaad:oa tyji.QiP i laarUi NEWYNIL 111.". AT UEt. a. l'" s -.ipapr .uiTcruauta; xiureaaa (II I rjp nnl ir jr ia THIS PAPEK St. W.AVK&OI U ct Cl PhllaeV laUa at tile Xewiap c A4vr iiianilc I Pac fic Railroad TIME SCHEDULE. JBCiss C. JoluiStozi, Proprietress. Only hotel in Prescott where patrons can obtain meals withou leaving the house. fill THE DELICACIES OF THE SEASON SERVED. Special attention Paid to Families pesr lapie Hosrri. $7 Per Week. Fne Rnni in Pres flit MIS HOllSf. OUULEY STKEET, OPI SEW CLUB ROOMS, Jf, XXTII, Tal TVr53 - - - TP-TOT- Unexcelled Wines, Liquors and Cigars WILL ALWAYS BE SERVED TO PATEbNS A., KELLY fe STEPHENS! .AT THE: At a meeting of the Stock men for Williamson Valley, September 11th it was arrange.! to commence the Rodeo at Xeal's.on Walnut Creek, October Sth, and at John Dickson'?, Skull Valley October oth. Both parties to meet at the .Lakes, October .lutii. iicnry ciav was elected Captain of the west side, of the Williamson Valley party and Robert Blair of the East side. td The Herald thinks that one or two Democrats of Maricopa county, ly skillful trading in the opportunity so freely offer ed by the oulaught against individual members of the ticket, may accidently be elected, but it is apparent that the control of the affairs of that county will pass into the hands of the republicans on the first day of next Januarv. Unnecessary Misery. Probably as much misery comes from habitual coustipation as from anv de rangement of the functions of the IkkIv, and it is difficult to cure, for the reason that no ouc likes to take the medicines Usually prescribed. Hamburg Figs were prepared to obviate this difficulty, and will be found pleasant to the taste of women or children. Trice 23 cents. At ail druggists. J. J. prietois', S. F. Mack Si Co., pro- Regular Meeting Barrett Post Xo. G2, G.A.R., will be hsld Tuesday evening, September 23th, at 7:30 o'clock. By order of A.G.Randal. Acting Post Com. GOLDEN RULE STORE, t .n u u Ivtttf-itrjd at cat CaTtfnllj a eat Stock Of General Merchandise Ciipli.1 stock of the Faaous Oregon Cassinen Clothing. Blanket Lined Eaods- Pacific Coast Flannel Underwear, SD AX ENDLESS VABIKTT Or BUCKIN U AM HECT'S UNRIVAL D MAN DFAC TURE Boots: and Shoes. Mferar eeanaar oaeeatabliabawfitla Anzoa NORTHWEST CORNER PLAZA. -tr. ir THE LEADING HOTEL HOU81- OF PRESCOTT The Only Hotel in Northern Arizona With Hard Finished Rooms. SITTING AND DINING ROOMS ARE THE LARGES AND BEST APPOINTED IN PUESCOTT. F lorst-Olasts zx S-voory Hcspeo BOARD PB WJSEKe 55700. H. Ae Kendall, Proprietor. PRESCOTT HOTEL BOIWD KOa rr. ji a u- Iu 11 an. 20 it II Hair If 31 p u. J 15 pi,. i tl t ru 613 pa Ipn llSau. 3Ua a It an lUain n 1 15 pn 3IUn ttOps. etopn SaSarx STATIONS. IJtoUk al . litu-i .vAlhiqaqu..A .Gtlicrx. .Maaoclitn -NataJ i tS prise Hatbiook 'Wlaaiow .Caooo liab.o. y-'iir 'Wiiiuai - Ab Forar. -. Ii kbrrr7- . Kiatmu - Tte Nrcdlea .. . Ktanr I'Mfz-rit. Baritn I'acldcTlme) p.a llraarelaa .Uoluin- im Dlro .M J.r. . rM. Fn.. -JEXST-B CXD UUaai ToOaaa jSB-a Kaaa iBs eltaaa ti;B llF llllpai lasipaa Siaaa 7aam a lSaaa XMaaa IMaaa Xuaaa SMb aa Uiiai Siaa aOJyaa ataaa saaa WeS a as ana a Meat H!y.u. Ibrou.hii State b alt IrarHirtaatetileai inilniii oa be prlncl-al '-t- STAGE CONNECTIONS. Via Lai ana to tae iDdlaa Tlila.eoT Vl WiocaU to Fort VtlazHc. a aallea: Zanl-Siinli.r. ManDellto to Fort Df 11 nice (Xavalo A. I -J' mle:CauoadeCteUe,aaiUMi Ke uC r.on.Si rolfi. ia Uol brook ,trl -weekly ugtm, to Fart S aebe. IM uiim: a jerrllle 86 aallaat v. lAtw 6o.?JI; Taylorrllle.asaBilaa: llcqnl India ii age (so re.nlar ataataal .oii-a. Via .Narj5. dally aUjrato St. Jokaa. M ulieMI'rtOKerrlueSS inlle. Via WtDtlrvto Rrtzam I tl j ainlnaaaal Via AaU fork. elljr lo rreaaott qu iiLitpie irracx. at milri:dlira Too Prcotttaranlxi3 trt-aekl i Via I chKprtnralolte Oraad Caaaaaf 'be i jlo.l mlf-a. yiaKlnsman. a. Uy taea to 8 uektaa UJIL ljillea;tla lPaik. 16lIaa;Ch .4 mt lea. VI Yaee- to hl-.a X.t mllce. V li H.Nw:Iei. itnrJo Tibi, Cm j raao il-er tten-y, F.rt ajm.ll cjav Cl JIararvIile.Ar'aoa ,baa El Iarado Caar V.'. A. BI58ELU D. B. HOBI., -85? i--"-"". General Utsiftr. . lbuqaenjue.X. X. Pioneer Hotel, 6. Sshusrman.Prtp. ftaoeeea to Dan TJati, B. Sfoataraaaa sM. Paecott, Board and Lodging ( $10 Board by the daj - f 1 Large and Airy Rooms. Saloon and Bakerv Attach-! Fresh Bread Delivered to any part of twn. lAtlrr bitl. The following is the list of letters remaining at the postofficc in Prescott Arizona, for the week ending Sept m ber, lGth. ISsG. Bunch J.J. Mrs. Harris Thco. II. Brown I.odi Melntyre Geo. A. Brown Jennie, Mrs.Marsou S. Ceuinbcrs W. D. O'Brien Wm Eicke Chas. Ripgc B. T. Felioit O. C. Sessions Clark Gunn A.E. 2 Taj lor Peter Hicks II. Jno. LammonW. L. Call for advertised letters. J. II. A.Mj.nsu. mm POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thta never varie!. V raarv'J, o purity, itrcneth and wh Itsom- ne a. More coaiinlC4l tj4 :ha ori nirf k.nda and can r.ol be ajld in comp-tltlon with Ice uiultltuJe of low teat bi rk elRh , alum or PLospha'.e Foaders. dold nnlr ia cms. Koral Battue lraw-ir Ca. ICS Wall street, Xaw Utt. Fine Rooms 50c and $1 Per Day. THIS H OTEL, Will IL llAiTUSTBEEN OPENED, 12 SEW and furnished in every particular with allthe coaenienceB to make it a O OMFOR.TABI COSX3 It is situated iu the center of the city, within fifty yards of the Postoffice, aid ia the ;,I0.ST C01SVEMKNT HOUSE in xVorthern Arizona. Particular Attention Taid to the Comfort of my Guests Seb. Aiuauller. Prop. There are Three Things we are Striving FOK To have you read our "Ad." To visit our store when in town And to go uway satisfied that Geo, II Curry has so!d you hon est goods at Lowest Prices. It is alwajs a pleasure to" wait on you, and we will show you a large line of American Watches iu handsome sty es and finest qualities. Our 610 Silver Leader is the best watch iu the market for the money. Beauiiful novelties in Kings, Ladies' Sets, Ladies' and Mis3es Neck Charms, Gent's best Chains, Cold and Silver Filigree Goods, Lockets, Lace Pins, Gold Peus and Holders, and many other beautiful novelties. An egant line of Solid Silver and Silver Plated ware, suitable for presents and decorating your tables. JSS&.We pay special attention to fitting spectacles, arid loag espe rience with these goods, and the use of our Optometer, enables us to give yi u a lense adapted to your sight. Colt, Winchester, Kennedy and Marlin rifles, double and single barrel Shot-Gun3, Pistols, Cutlery, Quartz Glasses, Ammu nition, and a complete line of cartridges, at the lowest prices. We are selling Win chestei cartridges, 44-73 model at 1, 45-60 at 75 cents per box. For pretty glass goo Js for the table, call and see our American wave, made up in ice cream nappies, mush bowls, milk sets5, etc. Prompt attention paid to watch work and jewelry repairing. C ) try orders solicited and good treatment cruaranteed. Sazerac Saloon 111) Billiard Hill. Qeo. W. -UttJLFKi DRraKS12i CT8 FINE LIQUOBS ft GIGUI CefrtBjla Clafc Fine Billiard and Pool Tabl;, for Exclusive use and cntert is meet of patrcru ol the place. Gurlcj Street, Prescott. Mail, Passenger & Fast Freight. To aad Frca Prescott and Phenix via Vultara an j Wicksibirg. neartqnarlers in Piitair ai rMto-fj HTPrearott, at Wi Lama Horn . TIME, THIRTY HOURS. Grdsrs Promt!, mtiH tn Chapel at Smith, OHOP w CD CHOUSE cET .