Newspaper Page Text
ARIZONA WEEKLY JOURNAL-MINER. VOL. XXII No 27. PRESCOTT. ARIZONA WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER G, 1886. PRICE TEN CENTS- DRC FLINTS - ritrttc. a zn ;l m E I T-t- !l ! T? A cru w ;0 prerrts to ac- I1IB ' fl 1 iiti'L iot cf ect torr-i cl fciatact. 1 liUa to nulca SiS In fccsrt CUsue. Uli Uie Dr. Funs Ua:T CixsrT beacltuioolu. iUn D- ruxr'j IIu-t Lranrr wool! Clj hre ricien'ei soar ct cf Apo- rUTT. i-iJ 21 racier us-rae t?n cl tskta trheairst tzj caasal sccav Blessing cf Siaep. Tho Cad hte-e'J cr Lcndl csiV.e Id t'ccp rfl-ii, U ra lrrilciUo xaed'idae, whkh Tul cot csJy proc !" t'cawrr of e- bet -a-31 prcTCSt & cessrC Imlir; ce3 c! the irite. trrr3M.SLia Dcscxqitlre treats trilh eaci tctUtrcraddrwi " HAMBURG FIBS. There U ro remedy irHcli ess rtnl I rr I ir lor the eon cf til "T'"t' iRStiliun. l&dire titn .1 iu-':.lac! Their artico is u prwrf tea cSaeu titir xta- cleaunL 21 ce3. At sll Pru-UU ; cr s&Jrcsj J. J. f.'.ACK & cc 17 A . TUTTS PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE, jy flrtateit Judical Trlarrpa of SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Laaaefappeillr, ilotrcla coeilec. fain la tk. araa. Willi a dull aesaatlan lu Ik. kadt part. I'.ila under tho akoalaer alade, Fallnces nfter catlnr, wltk adlv lacliaatloa to escrtlan cf bodr or KlsJ. Irritability oftcm per. Ixrrapirlta, with fecllnsofbiiTlnc uesleetcd acme aair Wemrineaa, BUxIccee. Flnttcrlne at tfaa Heart, llou before Ike cyca, lleailacha Tar tke rlsbt ere. Ileatleaaarea, with glial drenma, lllzlilr col jred L'rUe, aaa CONSTIPATION. TTJTT'S IULLS arc especially adaptta to sncn rue), one doso effects uca a change olleeliiijas to atlonlili ttie acEerer. They Inereaae tli e A ppetll e.aoJ cui tba bodr to Take ou rieli.tBu u irtiem U bytarirTonte Action OB the liictlven-nn.lInmlrnoIr ymrtoorri fry a.r. itrray nu Jt.T. TUTT S EXTRACT SMSMRILIi keaoras tha I1'. rcalcps famiuy tiesh. atrenftaecs the r,ic. rrs tae vastus of toe cytteni wita pare b'.ool aaJ hard suscje. tones the nerrous tTsiein. iurio rates thf brain, and lmrwma tlii Tor ol mni hood. $1. SoM Lt dnarrlrts. OFFICE 11 Murray St. .Xetvrork. Catarrh CREAM B AIM vben tppli iut Ibt roatrl , will ba ab orbed effect )tlh Clrninc tbe bead Citirabal Ti-us c ur Inr beailby ecre tioni It iilu in fltiumallon, pro ert lbemcnibrne or tb ral p imjjco from add! ion) cul f,c ra plclrly hea" (urn turea ! ten ot of aite and unc I. UAY-FEVER A 1 'fli Krllrr. I'u-itlve C. Apri le 1 Kpj,la 1dU eac om r Itcill iteobeto uf. i'rice hn ecnti, DJ tunll ui t usi t t5-ilfre reu ar. j itnoH"i. limn NilTlCE Taxpayers. To Notice ia hereby your given that TAXES for the current year Are Now Due, and payable at the oJBce of the tax collector of the county; and must be paid on or before the Third Monday of December. following, under a penalty of five per cent, to le added there to, unless paid within the time mentioned. . J. COOK. County Treasurer and Ex-OfB- cio Tax Collector. Prcscott, Ariz. Auj. 25, 1S86. SPECIAL .VOT1UES. ii. K. K0I5IXS0N, Physician asp Surgeon, Oihce or M. ctczuiua sttvet, Out dvr i r i lr i; Co nnis'ti'ri L. F. EGGERS. ATTO R. EV-AT- LAW. DISTRICT ATrrjRSLV OF VAVAPAI COL'VIV. AKIZONA. Office in Court House Trecou. C HERN DON. J J. HAWKINS I'rob'te Jadg HERN'DON & HAWKINS, ATTOROEVS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW Prcsrcit, Arizona. Special attention to. conveyancing and office work of all kinds. CLAKIt CUL'KrillLL. Attorney General of Arizona. iTTORSET a:.-d Couioh at Law 0rici. Over ta snte .f Arlf nea. PnAcutt. Ariioaa. 3 A. Rab, E. W. Well, Sumaer Howarf RUSH, WKt LS A i:oW.Rf. Attorocye a-cl Joutuellon at Law ?ree Tarapai County. Ariiom. WI'l a', lead promt) ly U I! bdilnes eatriuted to tbem la Ibe coartt of record ia tbe territory Hb.N'RV CLAY BURKE. attorney and counselor -at-la w, arwilt pretl. e la all lb- conrla of Arisooa, ana bemre tn? varl..u lkj a.-imenl. in wa-a- OSsa nooia No. J. uver Bnk of Alaooa. Prevctt, A. T. . 4 SCBSCIUBE FOB THE ARIZONA WEEKLY J3l!RHiL-MIMEil REDUCTION WORKS. The good work, inaugurated through the tusgeMion of the Jocenal-Miskr which resulted in a majs meeting boin? helJ, a full report of which appeared in these columns, go:s bravely on. The old postoffice building has been placed at the disposal of the executive committee, bv Hon. Levi Bashford, who is always fouud at the front, in the promotion of any enterprise, looking toward the material advancement of the town. The committee have mechanics lrcady at work preparing bins for the reception of ore, which may be forwarded by miners and it will not be long until they will be prepared to make a good exhibit of sam ples of the treasures of wealth now ocked up iu the bosoms of oar moun tains. The subscription towards defraying thj expenses "have exceeded the expecta tions of the committee and business men have applied to the committee to make a donation to the cause. The inaugu rV.ioa of this enterprise has already given an impetus to mining matters and has had the effect of reviving hope in the bosom of owners of claims who have permitte J them to lie idle for years, but who now express a determination to have them worked. It has also had the effect of already bringing to notice the i existence of claims, but little heard of heretofore. The far as our people or the mineisof this section are concerned, is most flittering, and it is sincerely believed that the enterprise will be car ried to a buccessful culmination and within less time than a year Trescott will realize her fondest hopes the erection of reduction works. One essential for the success of the enterprise is a good quality of lead ore, to be used as flux. The exist ence of such ore in this vicinity has not generally been known, but since the agitation of this enterprise a gentleman, long connected with mining says he has claim which will furnish ten tons Jailycf ore running Gq per cent lead. MethodisiConference. The 21. E. conference closed its labors in I'henix and adjourned on Monday. The following are the appointments for the territory: Iiev. G. H. Adims, Superintendent, postoffice, Tucson; Ben son, to be supplied ; Clifton, to be sup plied; Flagstaff and Holbrook, X. L. Guthrie: Globe, D. W. Calfee; Mineral Park, W. G. Blukley; Xogales, D. Mc Fawn ; Phenix, to be supplied ; I'henix C.rcuit, 0. S. Frambcs; Pinal. J.H.Gill; Prcscott, J. G Eberhart ; Prcscott Cir cuit, supplied ; St. Johns, to be supplied ; Tombstone, G. L. Pearson ; Tonto Basin, to be supplied ; Tucson, F. W. Downs; Verde,Z. L. Kay ; Wilcox, to be supplied ; Yuma, to be supplied. Frank LeaMai7 Popular Monthly Eor Octos r, Opens with a most interesting article, "The Tragic Close of a Strange Keign," the story of Louis II. cf Bavaria well toll and illustrated. "Trout Fishias in Maine Lakes" savors more of our land, indisamore cheery subject; and the picture of a three days' catch will scud many to such prolific waters Thepictti resque career of Human Corts lends itself ittrastive picturing. "A walk ia the Farojs" is a bit o: travel in aa unfre lusnted group. Allwho love pets enjoy 'Parrots I Hivj Mit," as sportsman will appreciate "Hunting the Sandhill." The charming "Walk About London" capiully illustratj J. is as goal as an actual vl-it to thi vicinity cf the great capitol of Ealaal, with "Sam-ner Sauatcrings About L iki George" makes us feel that wa have in our land all that is grand and romantic and interest ing. Altogether, the number is one that, in variety of topics, charm of writing and fineness of illa3triti3a, is uamistalc ably a hit. The p'ate, ia gold and eel ore, is exquisite. "mTnINC " ITEMS. Messrs Bigelow & Park arc preparing to ship a car load of high grade ore. W. C. Dawes is making a success of his mining operations in the Peck district. He recently shipped 2,500 ounces of silver bullion, to San Francisco. C. E. Lambert has forwarded five tons oi Black Hawk ore to Colorado to be worked. Average samples assayed, here gave a result of 50. per ton. The ore w.ll be thoroughly tested at the Colorado reduction works and the nature of the j.laat required fcr working it at the mine will thereby be determined. Mr. Lambert says he expects to have a plant on the grouud ready for working the ore "beore the saow flies." The following should find a place in ext books oa logic: Although Yava pai is, and has been a democratic coun ty, republicans have for many years managed to hive a majority of their men ia the board of supervisors." The logic, that attempts to prove that this is a democratic county, by asserting that it elects a majority of republican officials, is equal to that well known propci-ition which demonstrates that "everv cat has three tails, because every cat has one more tail than no cat, and no cat has two tails." They ought to find a place side by side for tho studente of logic. Each statement should show all of tho merits of the property ; bat all should be careful not to misrepresent. While the movement is contemplated to fhow up our low grade ore, or similar grade of ore to that handled at a profit in other mining States and Territories, it would hardly be fair to the mine carrying more cr less high grade ore to be repre sented as a low grade property; and it is essential that in order to do justice to ou:sslves this class of mines be repre sented as they are. Consequently there will be provided a suitable place for samples o: this character, where the same can be carefull, but conspicuously shown in connection with tho low grade era from the msw property. MINERS ATTENTION. A Cammunieatten of Special Intarrat to All Mining Men. in Northern Arizona. The executive committee appointed at the mass meeting last week has issued the following address: To the Mine Owners of Xorthera Ari zona: Gentlemen As the result of a meet ing of tha citizens of Prcscott and vicin ity held in this city September 7, 18E6 for the purpose of devising a plan by ' which the mining resources of Yavapai county may become better undcrstoood, we, the undersigned, were appointed a committee to take up the executive work and address to each mine ownera letter calculated to outline clearly some of the benefits to result from a united effort to make conspicuous the immense wealth contained in what is known as low grade ore, already demonstrated to exist in inexhaustible quantities in the sec ion of country adjacent 1o Prcscott. t Fetlingt hatit would be presemptuou and all samples contributed will be sub ject to the control of the contributor, pro viding it be understood that samples may be taken from the ore contributed for the purpose cf determining, by assay or otherwise, the feasibility of establish ing reduction works in Prcscott or some where in the vicinity, calculated to accommodate the greatest number and do the most good; a straight account of all samples thus taken to be kept for the satisfaction of those interested. It is not understood, however, that the high grade samples are to be consumed in this manner, and they will be kept at all times subject to the l ontributor' order. We trust you will recognize in this a desirable opportunity to not only adver tise your property, but to assist in the good work of convincing capital that we have mines that will justify the erection of works immediately upon the arrival of our railroad, which would provide a market for the thousands of tons of ore that to-day is worthless, and furnis-h em ployment for hundreds of men and one more make us a prosperous community. The rooms have been engaged and will be arranged so as to be creditable. A small fund has been provided, an J in cases where the mine owner does not feel able to deliver the samples, an eftort will be made to meet this expense, but it would seem that each would be justi fied in meeting the expense attending this most satisfactory way of advertising individual property. The building formerly occupied by the postoffice has been engaged and any samples or communications addressed to H. L. Van Nostrand, Prescott, Ari zona, will receive prompt attention. By order of committee. T. J. Bctleh, JSLE ItOUENBCRG, X. L. GilIFFIN, F. M. McErnr, H.L.VanNosteand. Prescott, A. T. Sept. 23, 18S6. Why does not the author of "the issues" comeout from behind his masked bittery and squarely face "the issues" presented to him, by placipgTliimself on record as against the entire appropria tioa bill of the last session of the leg'3 Ltture, or frankly and truthfully admit that Gov. Tritle was powerless to veto any portion, without imposing a veto on tlie whole bilk He will thereby relieve himself of one of those naughty "epi thets." 4 With the withdrawal of C. J. Clarkf from the democratic legislative ticket it leaves that ticket one of the weakest ever presented to the voters of this coun ty. In looking over the ticket recently a prominent and intelligent democrat remarked that while he was in the habit of usually voting a straight, democratic ticket, there was only one man on it, that he could conscientiously vote for. A strong pressure lias been made on Hon. W. A. Kowe to accept the vacancy caused by the resignation of C.J. Clark, but that gentleman most emphatically declined to be made a sacrifice of. Delegate Bean has been renominated by the republicans of Arizona. His renomiuation was deserved and we hope be will be re-elected. He has made a good, hard working and energetic rep rescntativc in congress and should be sent back to the fiftieth congress to rep resent oursister territory in Washington during the coming two years. Santa Fe New Mexican. A comparative weather summary for September, furnished by E. W French, observer for the Signal service office at Whipple is tohand from which we glean the following : mean temperature C1.3; highest temperature SCO lowest temper ature 43; prevailing direction of wind S. W: total rainfall .40 inches; rainy days 4 ; clear days 26; fair days 4 ; cloudy days 0. "On general principles, we may assert that, as a general thing, Arizona news papers, especially the dailies, are too large for their bank accounts. We have arrived at this conclusion after an ex amination of a great manv dead and buried ads. in several of our dearly beloved brethren's yap." Courier. An examiaation of several mortgages, under which one of our dearly beloved brothers is buried forces us to the same conclu sion. Verbum sap. The raffle for Miss "Birdie" Butler's beautiful worsted wreath will take place at Dr. Lincoln's drug 6torc on Tuesday next, at 3 o clock m the afternoon. A few chances remain yet for sale at $1.00 each, and can be procured at Bautnan's , oaiHtiaairjr ttcra. THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. In the heat and excitement incidental to a pol.tical caranii n, in which can didates for the more lucrative offices in the Lift of the people make a personal canvass of the county the legislative ticket, though one of the mcst impor. tint is frequently overlooked. The pos tion is a thankless one at best and one which does not properly remunerate the legislator when elected, much less one, which justifies him in making a heavy ptrsonal outlay to canvass the county to secure Hi election. As already stated, it is of the greatest im portance that legislators be honest and above all influences of corrup i jn. For councilman from this county, the repub lican party has nominated a man in whom the votrrs, irrespective of party, can vote for with confidence, th:t he will never bttray-the trust, or thiir interest in any nutters of leisla;i m, but one whose voice i-l alarays ba beard and whose vote il always be recorded on t'le side ol economy, honesiy, and retti tude. - f. d. co3K, or point or rocks, can didate FOR COUNCILMAN, Was born near Lafajette, Incitn i, Ma the 7th. iSxx. where he resided uttil death of his father seven years Lter, when hi; mother moved to the northern pirt of the state where he remained fivr yens. At the age of 13. his mother being poor, that independent, sdf-re i 11 1 $ irit, hich has ever iince manifested itself and he "itoick out" fir himself and has ever since made his own way in the world, working during the summers and going to school ii the winters during hi bayhoad diyi. Hi m waged to g-t a good education, even under these ad verse circuimtinces and is in every respect a self-nude nun. He emigrat ed to Cahfornh in 1854 and has ever since that time been a resident of the Pacific coait, having lived in Caliiornia, Oregon, Washington teriitory and Ari zona. He came to this territory ten years ago and has ever since been a resident of tVi county, where he has been en gaged in farming, stack raising and dairy icg. Mr. Cook has always been affiliated itb the republican party although in no sense of the word an ultra, bitter parti san. Although often solicited to become a canciiate for office before coming to tli, teriitory, he always refused tj allow 1 ii name to go before the peop'e except once when he was elected treasurer and tax collet t3r, of Walla Walla county, Wasliagton territory, in 1869. His opponent it that time was Hon. James McAutftT, a very popular and prominent man in the territory, and althonjh the county was very largely democrit ic at the time. Mr Csok beat Mm by a handsome majority. Mr. Coak was elected two years ago, as a member of the board of supervisors of this cour.ty and has made a splendid record for 1 is fidel ty to the people's interest in that capacity. He has guarded the treasury fj.thfully, exercising the mo-t rLiJ economy in public expenditures and to. day, i.h his colleagues on the board, has the satisfaction of set-ing a hwer rate oi taxaihn than has existed here for years, srd the lowest rite of a?v county in the tctritorr. Voters of Yavapai if they will consult t'leir own interests and if tiey have a real, sincere desire to see honeit legislation, will vote for J. D. Cook, of Pcir.t of Rocks far council man. Every irterest ol the county will faithfully looked after by biro. He gt the following endorsement from the Flagstaff Champion, an inde pendent piper: "J. D. COOK, The nominee of the party for Coun cilman, is ono of our present Supervi sors, and the manner in which he has administered that important office for the last two years is a guarantee that in thehallsof legislation his voice will not be silent where the interest of the county arc at 6take, uor when the public funds or credit are menaced or assailed. Having spent most of his life on the Pacific Coast, and many years in Arizonai Mr. Ccok is imbued with the true west- i.t- ern, progressive spini, is tnorougmj acquainted with the people and their wants, and is a strong man on the ticket.'' The Tombstone Eptiph, organ of Cochise county RepubUeans, refuses to advocate the rc-eletton of Delegate Bean. Courier. A greiter ialsehood than the above could not be crowded in to three lines. It would be just as appro priate to call the Courier the organ of Yavapji cour.ty republicans. The Epitaph refuses to support CoL Bean, but it is not only not the oigan of Cochise county republicans but 1; not in any manneirecognized a sa republican paper in Cochise county. It salleged editor, while professing to be a republican has consis ter.tJy fought republicans ever since he came iato control of the piper. He net only refuses to support Bean but is mak ingafuhton the entire republican ticket. The organ of the republicans tn Cochise county and thepapsr recojn zed as such by the repub'ican central committee of that county ii the Daily Tombstone edited by Will A. Nash. It ii making a gallant fight too for the entire republican temtjiiil and county ticktt and through its able effoitJ will succeed in dec ting the entire republican ticket of Cochise cour.ty. The Tucson Star has at last placed the democratic ticket of Pima county at the head of it columns, but in a very forlorn and sickly manner. Hughes sees noth ing but defeat staring tho ticket in the 'fMX We have been kindly referred to a number of democrats throughout differ ent parts of the territory in regard to a statement recently published in these columus, relating to Mark Smith's nom ination. A lKirtion of the references furnished by the bearer of northern Arizona's proxies are very good. But the negative statement from each and every one of them, that they did not know of the swapping, referred to, would go as naught agaiiist the positive affirmative statement of two or three who were cognizant of it. If the state ment as published in the Journal-Miner is npt absolutely correct, instead of re ferring to a long list of men who had no knowledge of the transaction, why doe not Mr. Parish refuto the statement by explaining, why! his vote and proxies were cast for Mr. Smith, when he admits he was instructed to vote for Mr. Baker and when it was cleaily demonstrated -before heconveniion met, as admitted and ijiiblishe'il in the Courier, that "with r. .- . , 1 ins vott nnu proxies, .ur liaKcr liau a: clear Majority of delegates? Why was itthat-J ring instructed to vote for Mr. Uaker, anu having the requisite number 01 votes to nominate him he voted for Smith? These must strike the reader of average intelligence as being perti nent inquiries. If wc have been misin formed in regard to Mr. Smith being the nominee of federal ufllrials.we would like something better than the mere array of reference o disprove it. Now that there may bo no chance for a misconstruction to be placed upon the motives of these made conspicuous by the active interest, their position requires them to take, we desire to say that the room is to bo a public one, and every citizen has a right, one as much as the-other, to free access to the same, io assume that the miners of Yavapai county have not already recognized the mportance of united action in this di rection, having suffered from their inabil ity to realize on this grade of ore, we will proceed to give a brief description of the plan adopted at tho meeting, and trust that it will meet withyour approval and tliat you will, at as early a day as possible, send to tho address herein after furnishing samples of ore, say from one hundred to five hundred pounds, with sfcitcinent relative to your property, showing what amount you could produce per month of ore similar to grade of sample ; al;o the cost of pro duction per ton, so that one making an examination of all of the ore there repre sented woulJ know just how much each man's ore must net to enable him to operate his mine. The Cablnot. The Cabinet saloon was opened wtth great eclat last evening. The proprietors, D. C. Theme and P. Kastner, welcomed the public to their new place. The build ing is quite commodious, with bar and lunch counter in front while the rear is partitioned into club rooms. The place is elegantly fitted up.being papered with beautiful and costly paper, while the fixtures are elaborate and rich, and the furniture, bar, etc., is in keeping with the other appointments of the place. Walter Hale, an old stand-by in the old Cabinet saloon will preside behind the bar, assisted by B. T. Smith, and Miss Robinson will favor patrons of the place each evening with vocal and instru mental music. Endorses ths Republican. Tho Flagstaff Champion, an inde pendent newspaper, endorses the nom ination of Chis. V. Be.ieh, for the assembly in the following terms: "C.W. Beach, also a nominee for the Assembly, is one of the oldest citizensof thecountv. He was the owner and editor of the Ari zona Miner for many a year, and is known throughout the territ ry, and has always been an unswerving republican, and worked hard giving his timo and ability towards the success of the party. Charley will make a hard fight for the ticket." Two Car Loads Of choice, extra family, Fresno flour just received by J. L. Fisher. LETTER LIST. The following ia the list of letters re maining at tho postoffice in Prescott, Arizona, for the week ending September 30th: Brown, J.F. Stevens, A.S. DeLong, Alexander Thompson, Albert Gillett, Walter Taylor, Peter (2) Kingsbury, C. P. Lawrence, F. (2) Spanish. Arscta, Bruno Estrada, Dolores Xuncz, Miguel (2) Moore, J. A. Mrs. Mulleit, J. J. Call for advertised letters. J. II. A. Marsh, P. M. POWDER Absolutely Pure. i mi pawner never Tirie. a nurre.' o pnrl'y, ttrensth acd h Irsomme . More conlral:i tin fio o.-I nary k nd and can not be a jld In ccmpstllion with tne utullitude i (lo.tet ihiri elh', alum or l'Losphate Powder. Sold only in cms. Moral Baking pOYAl w Tboyalkkss J I rawoar wo, iw nw avaa atw lots. llIWMip BULL'SHEAD V MARKET WM. HEISLEil, PHOPRIETOil 0-0 In order to better accommodate tn connection with our California mrj-ket, (at fcouth Alonte zunia street,) the Boll's Head marker, North ATonte zuiua street, next to the P. & O. Restaurant, near the cormr of Gurley Street, where we will keep always on handy Fie best assortment the following reduced prices for cash, is called Bef hnlde .SHcecU ' -it " li:rt by Mncfqnr:er n-c i.-mrequ -ner., II ef nirtiwl liter Irln. -1 " Iter-f nirnp and round.. ,7 " uee r no roaau. ef nlilo bnlllntr . l!f alrlolaand 'ertiousr atoilc JS .3 ow: prim icjerikr, ana rortcr bouse , k Reef juund un.J ctiuck aie k iloli) Mai'oa ov ena.or side- -9 Meats Delivered to all parts of Charge from mmm Miss C. Johnston, Proprietress. Only hotel in Prescott where patrons can obtain meals w ithou leaving the house. All THE DELICACIES OF THE SEASON SERVED. Speoia1 attention Paid to Families Best Table Board, $7 Per Week. Fmett Ron-nt in Presi m miii m GURLEY STREET, OPP, SEW CLUB ROOMS, A., 3F. WlLT-rl A TVTS - - - roX" Unexcelled Wines, Liquors and Cigars WILL ALWAYS BE SERVED TO PATEbSS KELLY & STEPHENS! . AT GOLDEN RULE STORE, liat d LanutDdafostC;efanr a aed Stock Cf General Merchandise Couplet! stock of the Famous Oregon tTassim&rs Clothing. Blanket Lined Goods. Pacific Coast Flannel Underwear, tSB A! kxdli:3 vARiExr or BUCKINHAM HECrS UNRIVALED if AN DFAC TTJRE Boots and Shoes. EVavar aaen id aar oaaaatafatlahaier.t la Arizona NORTHWEST CORNKtl PLAZA. WIL.IiiAMS HOUSE, THE LEADING HOTEL OF PRESCOTT The Only Hotel in Northern Arizona With Hard Finished Rooms. SITTING AND DINING ROOMS ARE THE LARGES AND BEST APPOINTED IN PRESCOTT. Flrst-Class in DExroiry Hespeo BOARD PER WEEK, 700. H. A. Kendall. Proprietor. There are Three Things we are Striving FOB To have you read our "Ad." To visit our store when in town And to go away satisfied that Geo. H. Curry has sold you hon est goods at Lowest Prices. It is alwas a pleasure to wait on 3'ou, and we will show you a large line of American Watches in handsome styles and finest qualities. Our $10 Silver Leader is the best watch iu the market for the money. Eeauiiful novelties in liings, Ladies' Sets, Ladies' and Misses' Neck Charms, Gent's best Chains, Cold and Silver Filigree Goods, Lockets, Lace Pins, Gold Pens and Holders, and mauy other beautiful novelties. An egant line of Solid Silver and Silver Plated ware, suitable for presents and decorating your tables. igsWo pay special ultention to fitting spectacles, and long expe rience with these goods, and the use of our Optometer, enables us to give yt u a lense adapted to your sight. Colt, Winchester, Kennedy and Marlin rifles, double and single barrel Shot-Guns, Pistols, Cutlery, Quartz Glasses, Ammu nition, and a complete line of cartridges at the lowest prices. We arc selling Win Chester caitridges, 44-73 model at Si, 45-CO at 75 cents per box. For pretty glass goods for the table, call and see our American wave, made up in ice cream nappies, mush bou-ls, milk sets, etc. Prompt attention paid to watch work and jewelry repairing. C j try orders solicited and good treatment guaranteed. JULES BAUMANN, Manufacturing Manufacturer of all kinds ol strictly pure Plain and Fancy Candies ICE CREAMS AND WATER ICES. Family Trade Solicited. Cortez Street, East tUa of Plaza, Prcscott, Ariioca REMEMBER, THAT THIS IS Absolutely the only Plaoa in Frescott rliere Fresh. Pure Candies are For Sale.; Praacott, Ariacna, "September Si. our customers, vro have opened and quality of meats, which we will sell at to which the attention cf the public itctlon stonlderand cLack ebop19 Jlnlloti fr-ine p- 15 Mutton '"Z , , ""r '' " ' Limb nbi ua loin -' "p- "J LMiiti kbouidor and A'i l'ork br atdeor , " i'ors tfc, 17 iu i I'ort pick:e 1 Baltca.i ase Head cne-ee -13 Liver puddln?- -14 the City and Fort Whinate Eree o both Markets. m THE :- Confectioner. ARIIOM WEEKLY J00MUL4MCL (MTEAJT PUXMTIXfi SCKKJ . rat Abiioxa JozRi.-lIi!ia la aat .Ua 1 errl- IT In tha week eieHt Hum The aosizoxa Vitus r jouknal.M:xu 1 gab hea every Wetin .ly at r.uKL tkva Capital u tfte Territorr. ' rr-.-otl.iaw BT nut -irtizo.-SA ri KUiHuu cx Devoted, toi thi commercial as4 baafaasM law er-U ct U13 Territory. DAILY W year - - tnea rt'tiiiAT- - one year, a a. " " " siraonth. lm jHvtofSet order or draft. rrir tj subscriber In tha dtj for enti Tva1 narlrv vtTt h iw..u4 tut ttr line for each ubf equent inertin ocalitjlssoaeItel,efpeUHjIroai theatUIai traps and aeri-nl-oral district. . All eomrcaniet-.iocs Kbcnld be addretaw4 te h Jotnts u,tiNis. l'reseott, Arizona. VC PAX,sJ:oo,m -s'- .Merehanu'a--ni. fjea Kranleo. l, sole atant for taa .1 to COl .-I mnnm ,lr-i U 'lttTjent take order for advertlalna. J toad t auy ottr tatlneaa deolrtBa pnn bm I repent.tirft fthepnb h'.r. Int Da t Jotkxai.-Mii.u aH 2.est owtt-Mtinrw ii 1m foaodToa 1! at Ilia ms PAPEB - (paper AdvertUlJlR- KAVmrouNBOai 1 ILK AT UW. VW lioivuxAcee Baweaai liaSfWHaa NEWYOML TIM-O COVIOCT3 ' ' ha taado toe U la OnOln PhllaAslaUa attfie Newipspr Aowee- M. W. AYEK SOU. ocrauUurld , Atlantic & Pacific Railroad TIaIE SCHEDULK K.VHT BtniD EOU iU STATIONS. 1 Warr 95 1 a ro I II a rr ID S a u II Malt 1234 pro ttiprc Lv AIhcqaeiqae.Ar 121SaaW : Mam Mpaa smpm iltaaa 347aa lMyaa 1211 yaw iapm 8am 7ttaaa lSaaw 304a aa lata Iwpw attpaa S iOpaa SMWaa XlaaW t 10paW inutp aa .... -wuoiiegc.. . . mcua .GUlup- . l&nneuu 'avaJo Hi ricgi - jioirtoa. .Wloatow .Canon Diablo .KlagafT Viiliam 1 6t p m S?3p re I I4rr. ' adarr. II' a io l0tni lt, a tr 115pm 314 pin lfpKl 25pn. (5arc llan Aih Kors., Klneaaan . . rae Nredlei-Ken-3r . Lu l. oir Jla(ttt- Haritow Pselrlertmel Binurdlno. NMInnul CUT luaia aa lOt'air Vrn Fr"neln f.v Meal Statlona. -Itiroa;htt keu to all ImportaatelllMaM aud we.l oa iieattie principal alattnaa STAGE CONNECTIONS. VlaL3nna to the Indian vlllaga f Aaw ma, IS milei. Via. Wlacati to Fort Wlnjau, a aulaa; Zml-ti mllir. via Manarllto to Fort Dt fl anew (IT araj Azn -j, 23 nite; Cauon da Cnalla, ai aallaai Kee aC r.on.Si m.les. .'faUoIhrook.trl-weeUxtar. to Fart A ache, tnile: n rrTlfle M atllaaf Karw Low So rull(; TaylorTllle. S6aallaa; alcqal Indian VII age (to regular ataxaa) ail-t. Via arj3.(!allr aUretto St. Jokma. M mllu. i.r.Hn.anrill.1.; mil.. Via Wlnlcw to rieiam City and Via Aab Kork. dally atavaa to F nl U'LIcuie Barrack. M mlleirdallT 'ran PrecotitoPnentzns trl-wackl fori k erue. Via P ch I-'prlnta toth GraadC tne :otorio. u mil s. VlaKlnzuan. a lly alagea to S! mil. 13 inue; jttn u f Park. M aUlaa; Oar kta .4 tniiea. viiYnrr" to 8Un. mtlea. Via TLi2edlM. ateaoitrto Tama, Ca srado rtvar agency, Fort M"lae. Molar Ct Hrdrvlle, Arlzon i.aad El Dorado Caar Verada. Vv". A. EISSZLL. jenerat Pataanger lift D. IL ROBIN OX, QeQtrl il-idier, .Albuquerque, IT. JC Pioneer Hotel, G. Sctannan.Prai. Snoceaaox to Dan Hat. S. Hoata Fjfeacctt. -Board and Lodging ( wIk ) $10 Board by the day II Largs and Airy Rooms. - -. Saloon and Bakery AtUchiii' Fresh Bread Delivered io any part of town. r' Sazerac Saloon ltd Billiard Hail. ' Geo. W. Bin. Pretariata. DRINSS 124 CTS FINE LIQUORS CIGABf CwaafWtmkle Clak KaaaWS At Fine Billiard and Fool Tables, far tk Exclusive use mod entertaiav meat of patrons oi the place. Gurley Street, Prescott. : ' -' A. A. MOORE.: ; - - - City Feed Yard. Prescott, Arizona. ' ' Livery, Feed and Sale Stable FIEST CLASS RIGS The Poor accommodated Frit Come and see us before contract ing. ro CD wHOUSE. - CD GO CHOP