.IKIMUVEQIT J. C. Maktin, Edito. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1886 Territorial lHaauBllean Ticket. For Delegate to Congrew. C. C. BEAN. Yavapai County. For Superintendent Public Instruction, T1IOS. CORDIS, l'ima County. For Joint Councilman Northern District W. H. HARDY. Mohave County. tyUUCAW COUNTY TICKET. FOR TEElilTOEIAL COCXCIL. J. D. COOK. Toint of Bock. FOX LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. O. A. ENSIGN. Tip Top. GEO. W. SINES. Prefcott, T. J. EAMANS. Verde Valley. J. B. McCctchm. Skull Valley. C W. BEACH. KirlOand Valley. For Sheriff. JOS. M. MYER8. Chino Valley. For Treasurer. W.C. BASUFOBD. Prescott. For Recorder. DAN. L. B0BINS05. Camp Verde., For District Attorney. L. F.iEGGEB8.j . Prescott. For Probate Judge. W. O. O'NEIL. Prescott. For Assessor. Jj. P.' NASH. Strawberry Valley. ; For Supervisors. ' F. G. BKECHT. Prescott. AL.DOYLE. Flagfctaff. For ccroncr and public adnuniitrator, A. G. RANDAL. Prescott. VtKY, VERY SICK. It makes them very sick to be "called down" on all of their misrepreset.titions. They howl about the territorial debt, which they have falsely placed at $700,- 00a When Got. ZuUck ttited the debt to amount to that sum, it actually amourted to '$597,000 and when the camprgn document, Dimes and Dollars was bsued ft had been reduced by the payment of warrants to $565,000,' the author of the aforesaid document put the amount it $7oo,coo. Wc see no necess.tyfor lying even to the tune of $130,003 or $135,000; the dctt is large enough without exagjerating, for cam paign purposes but then, they art built thit way." And they never gwe any credit for public improvemcr.ti. such as territorial piison, roads, bridges, etc They content themselves by assuming t'.iat the entire deltwas created by extravagant and reckless waste of money. And they always forget to stat; ihit at every legis ature with one or two exzro'ions the democrats have had control of one or bcth branches, and thit the notorious 13th stood even as to politic;. They must believe that the people neither read nor t' ink, Then their cftjit. to place 1he respon sibility for all bad legislation upon Gor. Tnte' shoulders is exceedingly funny. It makes them very hot t discover that they cannot get away with their attempts to mislead and deceive t.ie public. OUR REXT SHERIFF. If there CTer has existed any doubts in the minds of our c i hens, that the back-bone ci the old couit house ring wl.i:h has run the affairs of this county for several years i broken and that the people ni l iiauguarate a new deal in couLty sfflirs at the coming election such doubt is bang rapidly dissipated. The general feeling i; Uut a change is needed all around, and the independent voters are raiding to the support of the repub i:an county ti.ktt, which was nom inated through a free expression of the voice of the representatives of the pec- pie. The convention was noted for its free dom from bonistn of all kinds and the delegates cams to i. t 0 a man unpledged, their only desire btn, t3 nomhiti such mn sc sbmiiIiI crvi nnni tinnlu for the lecislaturr, is probably better I - .. . .w..,i an(1 h , A known in Yavapai court than any otner I amauai the respect and C3afi Jence of OUR CANDIDATE FOR TREASURER. The republican party never made a wiser selection of a candidate for any office, than it did when it nominated Wit. C. Bash fori), for tkeas URKR. Mr. Bashford is a natire of Wisconsin and i: ytt a young man, being only 33 years old. He is a son of Coles Bish ford, former eoveinor of Wisconsin The latter came to this teniury. " Secr.tiry of it, h 1S63, bung one of the very eir.ist se:t!ers and pioneers of this section. In addition to holding t'n post. ion as Secretary of the territory, he represented Arizona in the balls of our national congress, also, as delegitc: and ri;name i revered all over the tsrritory for his devotion tothe public interests of A-ironn. Pait iking of the spiiit of patiiot Urn and energy, possessed by M father, Wm. C Buhford came to the tersirory h 1874, having just arrived tt hit major ity and immeciitily connected htmsclf with a leading inercintil;; establishment of the territory of which he has been a member ever since and of which he is now the senior member. Being poi- sessed of superior energy and ability, and being recognised as a man of the high est probity and integrity the republican patty honored him with the nomination for county treasurer in 1880, and out of . a vote 01 over 4,000, was aeieaiea oy only 37 vctes. IniS8z, he was again nominated tor the position, but being unable to make a personal canvass was again defeated. Having been placed on the tfcktt for the third time, by his puty, he is deserting of the vote of the pa:t,as well as that of the independent voters in the coanty. He has occupied the position of torcman of Hose com pany No 1, of the Prescott fire depir- mect, and u very popular with the fire "boys". Being possessed of every requisite qualification for the office, he A COOD CANDIDATE. The republican party, in making its nominations for members, of the legis lative assembly, did wisely in nominat ing, by the highest vote of any candidate before the convention, CEO. W. SINES, OF PRESCOTT. Mr. Sines 11 one of Prescott's most active and enterprising citizens. He was born in 1848, in Montgomery coun ty, Pennsylvania, and to be a Pennsyl- vanian is a recommendation of itself, (w.th no disrespect t natives ot other states the writer is a Pennsylvanian.) With the fire and ardor of pattiutsm burning i.i hii young heart, Mr. Sines, in February, 1S65, at the age of 17, enlist.'d in the army to put down the rebellion wLhh threatened to disrupt the uthn. Although subsequent ever ts proved thit the rebellion was theo on its last legs it was net generally known throughout the noith, and the young soldier who then enlisted under the ban ner of his country, looked forward to all the dangers, incident to a protracted war. Geo. W. Sines, our candidate, no for the legislative assembly oi Ari zona, a somewhat more peaceful though uct more honorable calling than that ot risking one's life for the honor and per petuation of one's country, was assigned, through the regiment he enlisted in to the army of the Potamac in the 8th Union League regiment in Hancock's last corps. He served during the bal ance of the civil war, participating in a number of engagement; just prior to its close, and was honorably mustered out oftheservheia March, i8Sf. The briif period of thirteen months' service for bis country, with its excitements and dan gers had an irresistible fascination for his ytt youthful heart and in April, 1867, he re-enlisted in the first United Stites Cavalry of the regular army. This EvitifialiiiKsctlliRttiis hws. iMthttfwr nam Is an tha register of tha county. Yu aannat vata at tha NwvwmlMr alaetlan uni It has assn slaes thsrs this arts' 20 Says ksfsrs tha sseurs. should, as we firmly andsincerely believe tin8 h" regiment was assigned to duty A LEGISLATIVE CANDIDATE. C. W. Beach, itepuoncan nominee log man upon the ii:kiL His Grandfather was one of tne seven .....1 - ...uiImi! tt sens tnat sui'.eu vuuuuiui as 1760, and terved ia the Revolutionary war. C W., at aa earlyage, entered a print office it Vateitown, N. Y. and served an apprenticeship of five yearaHe then emignud to Wisconsin and a occe took a position as foreman on toe Milwaukee Democrat, published by Sherman M. Boctb who was the nero in the great Glover fugitive slave case, Here Mr. Beach formed the acquaint of Governor Ross iff New Mexico and lived in his house for nearly two years. From Milwaukee Mr. B. went to Kansas during the border troubles and wcnttal mea,J Joul$,"beine one of the work on the Kansas Ci y Journal, then I , B;0neers of theitite. He came tD published byAbeel Van Horn. A'terl Arijona in 8?s and j, j Jit:y er.t'tled to 1 uu:i ibuuivi. - 1 we nonor 01 ocinz a 1 unecr 01 mis ulitct of our sketch, to gratify a long I terrjtorv. He waselertedand servedtwo deiire for romance and to see all there was I tcrmJa$ nvaKt oj lhe of nthefarwett hiredocttoUpHagestolsaperfiso and 3 more fhful, con- drive an ox team to Satt Fc The jour. I ..:,.. n.,blic 0ffi:i il. than he Droved k - - - a the people sufficier.tly to iisure thtir eleition. In casting about thetafora candidate for sheriff, o it of a number of names preset ti, they chose th t of JOS. H. M VERS, OF CHINO VALLEY, As being the most av;i!ble, moit de serving and capable. That their choice was a wise one, sub sequent events have clearly deuiomtra ed, and that be will be elected by an overwhelming vets is now absolutely certain. Mr. Myers is a native of Ohio, though the state of hi: adopibn and wbere he resided for eighteen years i; Kanras. He came to tiat state it a time when '-. it ney was performed in 60 days and was, attended with an Indian fiht on the Aikansas river where Mr. B. was wound- ed in the leg. After arriving at SantaFr, which was early in the lummer of 1855 be concluded to remain in New Mexico. to be n that cipic'tv, the county has never hac. He has on one or two oc casions before been talked of for the poutira he has now been nominated for but being unwilling to announce him self cr purr-it the use of l.ii name as a Ilewcntimmeoiattiy xrom aanucc 10 1 candidate was not nominated. He was Albuquetque where be met a cousin, I In no jenJe of the word a cindiilte bc Robert Conley now of Maricopa county. I fore.he can.ention which nomimtid Remaining only a few days on the R'-1 him havinz made no effoit? whatever to Grand he took aepanureiorr on 5iani3nisecurelhe nomination. The delegates accepting a position as clttHBtDeaui-ireco,nyne u: abiijt and mtearitv. tier store which was owned by a son of the I re-ocn;,;n, t-nlt he was well Qualified m - - . laie,Gen. Jobn Oarlano, men comanc. erery respect forthe po.:.jWt frecly and ing that departmett. Mere Mr. xseacn 1 TOiuntaiiiy selected him for the pa sition catered epon a business li e, wungandhe is tc-davthe nomiieeof the oaitv . .... ekrk. Sue-Indian Agent running a urge 1 wihout m OQ his fana, being tnenm una cuiuvaica mi By occupati n Mr. Mvcrs is a rancher what is bow knows as Lincoln coantr. I and sock rixT tnd j, popular ith all He soon acquired a Bice lonuac wu-n a, Honest as the day i; long, true was swept away ftcm him at the Dreat-1 u tl .1 to every trust comm'ttid to bins, icg cut cf the rttellicn. Jt was at I the people of Yavapai county, will never n tiire Mr. B. tccame acquainted I have occasion to regnt the elcttion of irlth M. Fctd the democratic nominee I Honeit Toe Myers as their sheriff. ferCorortr atid i'uMic Acminutraior. 1 Reierrin-toisnomTnitio,, ,he Flac m m m - v e Iicm i-ct itanton iir. o. niw mm- st,ffCha ; i,AeruttlAt,nt nlDer zanr, wzcre Ee crgagea in mouu.i.r, tailliisg and fre'ghiirg pursuits. At MsLzans he ta'ucd a ccmpasy ef spies 'sndruides cf ico men in ten trnutes, Irtiag prcbably the quickest thit any company was tnurotraied during the re bel licr. He served with his company under the lamer ud General Canby. and lit advice was generally sought by offi cers of Canby's commind. At the close of the campaign made by Texans in New Mexico, he took twelve of 1 it men and went on an Indian scoutagiinsttheMes-l Joe Myer," has become a common ex- caleto S psxhcc. He met thirty-one war-1 pression throughout Yavapai County. liais it t .c fpnng on the Gallina moun-1 He is above reproach in all his dealings tain, making an aack resu.tmg in the I with his fellow men. He is a gentleman killing of 15 tut ot the number, among I possessed of ability and integrity and is, says: "JOS. M. MYERS, The candidate for Sheriff, is to well and favorably known throughout the county, as to hardly need a word of eulogy at our hands. He has for many years been engaged in ranching and stock raising, and has been a member of the Board of Supervisors of the county for two terms', and retired with out one word of censure from any per- ons, irrespective of politics. "Honest hom was Manufito the bravest Indian Chief thit ever ruled a tribe in the West. After this he accompanied Kit Carson on several campions adiug as guide for the nct;d Kif. In 1S64 Mr. I Beach left New Mexico for Arizona, J bringing the first through citicen tram to Presco:t from the East. Since that timehehas!ived in tHi county and assisted ia every material way to devel ' ODtha resources t'jsresf. His home is in Prescott, not:handin; his prop erty interests are st Ki ikland Valley For S years he was ed tor and propri etor of the oldAiuona Miner and as I . . . . . 1 such rendered valuable services in advertising her mints, grazing, agri culture and timber lands and ether vari ed inviting resources. He has awe at stake than any man upon the ticket and if elected will watch well the interests Ci tax payers. in fact, ads-olutely incorruptible. His friends of both parties arc legion, and when the sun seta on November 2nd, the people will have shown by their ballots that they have full confidence in Mr. Myers being ablo to faithfully fill the office of Sheriff of this county for the next two years." he will, bs elected by the largest vote of anv man on the the ticktt The funds of the people will be absolutely safe in hit htnis. While identified ith the repuViiuo. pirt he is liberal in his iiwi, and is no:of that ultra paitisand class who am not ni.lmg to accord to all ethers the ii;ht of an individual belief, in the great noithwest, where the Indians were making war against the extension of civi'izition in that quaiter. He served through the Oregon Indian cam paigns against the Snakes, Piutes, and Utes under the greatest Indian fighter of the present generation in this country General George Crook. He came even though they d.ffcr from him. The I to this territory, with his regiment, with Flagstaff Chamibn, an) independent I General Crook, in January, 187a and paper, laves our canaia:ii me iouow-i after his term of enlistment bad expired, i ig heirt an 1 strong endorsement: I etsrmtned to make Arizona his home, "William C Bashford, I which he has ever since done and has of the firm of W. C Bwhfjrd Be Co., been inder.tified with the interests of the of Prescott, the largest conmerciil house I territory. He engaged In business in in tne cour.iy, ss me unanimous cooice prescott tn 187-. where he now resides of the republican party for treasurer. Having for years kej t the accounts and superi;d the busiiess of the immense concern of L;i Bishford & Co., in , h:ch he was a success, his in i.nt: acqu. i-t nce w'th fimnvitl affurs and business methods most admirably fit him for the nspontiole offi:eof county treai- uier, where honesty, capability and rectitude are so essensul Mr. Bashford is a lite long rep jbhcaa, and loves the r:tv for i;s inherent prnciples. All his and has a family growing up. During his residence here he has held various positions of trust and honor, in none of which has he ever failed in his duty as in honest man and conscientious pub ic official Ufa quret and retiring disposition he makes friends of all ith whom he be comes acquainted. He is the soul of honor and his name is a synonym for honesty and integrity. As a business man, as well as in his private life, he is rated A. 1., and as a legislator for Art. interests are c;atired ht;rs in Yavapai countyand its prosperity means his own. I rona will do U tie to and vet: for. In the whole ranae of our acquaintance there U net a man better fi.tcd for the responsible position of treasurer of our county. BOSH. Some arimited taffy-pot of Gov. Zjlickin assuming discuss"the issues" exposes his ignorance or his malice in this mornina's Courier as follows: "Do they propose to endorse the action of Gov. Tritle m approvins bills which at two sessions of the Legislature took from their treasury $45,534 for clerks; $a8. 95.73 for printing; $1.34 1.38 for postage j of membcr$;Q.i64.5o for papers supplied the members etc" The wiit;r of the foregoing must be tithera fool or a knave. If he does net knonr thit none of the above appropria'.i ns cime before the Governor as speciiic Lills presenting the onno tur.itvof vxtiheis a fool; if be does knows it and wi:fully seeks to mis- eau the people he is a knave. Any man The Tomktone Epitaph is owned by Judge Berry a democut, and edited by J. O. Dumbar an alleged republican. It is not recognized as a republican paper by the party in Cxhisecounty. It is at present a po'i.ical bushwhacker. While professing republicanism it opposes all the republican candidates acd runs no ticket in its columns. Itis entirely ignor ed by the republican county ccLtral committee and in return it villifies its members and the republican candidates of Cochise county. With this truthful statement of the status ot that paper we leave the public to iude as to who has itited falsehoods. "Court y Treasurer E. J. Cook has always mven a good and responsible bond and will do so again. Were another man to be elected, county funds might be used by some bank or store and not of average intelligence knows that those I paid out, as now, whenever a sufficicn extravagent suras only came before the I sum is on hand to pay warrants." Governor incorporated in the general I Courier. The above base insinuation appropriation cm ana tnat separate items aeajnsl ,hc republican candidate for upon said bill could not be vctsed.and that I coucty treasurer will have the effect of the Governor had eitner to veto or ap- hnskini? votes for him. Mr. Baihfon The statemeet in our contemporary this morning, in reference to Mr. Far ish's proxies, is widely at variance with the'on; which appeared there previously. While there may possibly have been some inaccuracy as to details of the notrt.ia.nn ci .Mart axi.h, through Mr. Faii;h and his proi:s, the article :n the Jourxal-Mixer. is absolutely correct. Mr. Sm.th is the nominee of the admir.i Urai ion, compulsory though it be, ia order to get resolutions, of "taffy passed endorsing it prove the bill in its entirety. If the aforesaid nondescript will come out squarely and say tnat tne entire appropriation bill should have been t ied, our railroad project killed, the Phenix and Maricopa road prevented and ether impo;tmt measures defeated; that the territory should have been com clled to conduct Its affiirs two years ithout a revenue tie tenronal wir rants ruinously depretutea etc., here will bs some consi.tency to bis saddle, otherwise his attempt to fix the responsibility upon Gov. Tr.tle for printing and o.hr stills of corrupt leg islatures mu-t be characterized as elthre foolish or malicious. No one denies the fact that the 13th legisht ire was corrupt and extiavaar.t and every one knowing any thinabo.t admits thit republican as well as de:n- znvc members were false to their tru t Bat it is very bid taste for dem ocrat; to accuse republicans of doin all the mischief and harm. especially so far a democratic piper which received the biggest slice of the printing pie carved by a democratic member from Pinal count for a metalic considerit'on. The intelligent taxpiyers will not be caught by such specially prepared chaff They will elect good, square men to the legislature this fall, principally republicans, who will prctict their inter ests by honest and wise legisht ion. has too long a record here as an hon orable and honest man to be lightly charged with misappropriation of public fund? if placed in a position wbereitis possible. Ceneral M I tea Report. A Washington telegram of the 10th instant says; General Miles report is still in hands of the president It was the subject of a brief conference to-day be tween him and Secretary Endicctt They failed to decide what action should betaken regirdingthe portion relating to the surrender. The text ii inaccessible to publication, but it is known regarding the matter that Miles did not expain himself to the satisfaction of the author- t ef. The granting of conditions which now appear more liberal than was at first supposed, is cmbarasringand perplexing. Without saying so openly Miles, in round about expressions, suggests that arrange ments be made to spare the lives of he Indians and remove them from Atizona immediately. The situation is such that it is impossiblcto punish them except by keeping them permanently prisoners cf war, even should the civil authorities in Arizona present postive proof of murder and demand them for trial The republican candidates are grow ing jn popularity every day. Maricopa democrats are making love to the Mormons to secure their vctes. -The statement, thst, "if any ether man besides E. J. Cook ware to be elected as cour.ty treasurer the funds would be used in ptivsta butanes or by banks" is a sad commentary oathe integ rity of the citizens of this county. Republicans as well as independent voters all over the territory should see to it that the republicans have a working majority in the next legislature, if they wish to see an economical administration of their legisktive affairs. The Seriotures tell ofanaan who swar- ped off his birth right for a mess ot p-i tige. It remained for a sub-temtorial official and politician of more saordern days however to trade the friend of Li master off for a mess of "taffy'' , Th-s. F. Weedtn, has the following in regard to Delegate Bean; The Enter prise has no word of reproach for Mr. Bean as a man' It believes he is a cor scientious, upright ckizen, 'guided ia all, his transactions by honest motives and the most lincere conviction. That there is a deep laid and well organized plan, to carry the election next month for the democratic candidates, through fraud, is becoming more and more apparent every day. Information has already been received to this effect and the proper means will be resorted to, to check it Among the ralaxy of prominent demo cratic references recently published won der why the name of United States Mar shal William Kidder Meade was omitted. "Kid" could tell mote about that dele gate trade than all the other names men tioned. We learn from reliable authority that the Hon. A C Bakor has withdrawn from the Zultck "persecution" case oi asylum directors. He evidently does net like the way his interests were be trayea by tne administration agent in the Tucson democratic convention. The office of county treasarer, until wi:hinthe past year when it was made a salaried office, was worth in fees all the way from $4,000 to $6,000 per year. The present incumbent, who now seeks a re-election has held the position for twelve years, during which time the tax payers have pi id him certainly not less than $6o,cea m 1 SPECIAL I J flAVMH MOST PERFECT MADE FiimhJ with trict rtpml to Ferity. Strength, sal HaaUalBlBCM- Ur.frica'aUaUuglwiierroaUiaa aoAaaoai. Line or Alum. Dr. ftta' Extract, Veaua, Least. Orange etc brer delicioiulr. MaiuwmrtaMtCitaiMew&iaA Pruzrsm CAPITAL Vtckaiaealyas: i.UlM. Wharf la preporCoa. WN ED Twenty or Thirty MEN To Cut Ties. In the Woods AROUND PRESCOTT Apply to WM. N. KELLY, Secretary P.fc A.C.E.K. At store of Kelly & Stephens. takM Silt li'.ry tap?, -W do liervbT certify tbst we anpcrvlM IhaamaftBicaU for ail: the Mont blT-and Qaartatlj Drawings of lh LouUlana State Lottery Company, and la person msn SC" and control the Draainrt themelvte aod tnattae same are con lncied with honet ty.falrncaa. and In Kood faltb toward all par. Uea, and we anthorlie tbs Company to ne Ikls certlHeate, with rao-imlle of onrelgna-' toreeattaebed.ln ltaadyrtlemnts." First Pnb'lcation Oct.,lb8C. ApBllcatlanNo. 1 0O far atant ta th -Excursion Mlninat Claim. Halted Sttrs Land Oflce, t recolt. Arizoua. Odd. IMS. r Notice U hereby alvea tbst Ucrtwrt H.-Lo- fJB. whose pcstotBce addiess U PkoMlx. Msiicops county. Anions terriMrr, has tbls day Bled tls spollcslion lor a patent for fourteen hundrrd and twenty linear feet of the Excursion Bine or vein bearinc gold and s Ivrr, wlta tar race craatf s z nan ireu .w) ieet in widu suaaled la the Qrren Vllrj m vlng dlst, county of TsTspal sod Territory of Arixon and deslcsaUd by Uie It-Id notes and otari'l plat on tie la tbU otnee as lot No. 37. lot No 37 bcles; dee- btg nnloKstagTan.tapoatSCxiaxS lnrhee tr 1 uj, luoi ia tue crouna sod tasrked tla with a monu.-neat or stunts built a'onra'dtf. thtltCxSx 30 feet d t. rsrs N7I der ID niu 11 MnKiu.u ul-xi3 laei aeep. Dears N 71 drjc mju W 1 1 Met t; luenca a 7i d 20 a. nr. v.r MdrgS mm a, fTO feet lo a frkolie pot 20lti1 Inrbts set oni foot la me irroaio, biiiw r. .ia 1, wt'na ok.bu- ment hi tone Mititalouj- d". U.S. Min eral mi nuniiut No 1 Urrn Valiej district 'ears t4 Seg 10 n.ln E Ii'CI Iret; thence N 17drKuio F, Tr 14 d gtUsaln K. DdO fee' lo crjnIt:pt.23tI2iSlu hr et one foot lu the tfro-jtid, tn trkrd E o 3. wiih a moa of flours t-nll ki.-iiijc aid-; th-ne NTideiria min U'.vr Ud:r C3 rain F, 141) fwt to ao c ata-tone loot Ik the Krond tad ratrktdENoS with m .nnraenl of ttons built alonir'td. ; lbnce d 17 del 3 min W. Tar 14 dr 03 tutu y, 33) feet U a ffratt e poll .4xl0xn Inches set one lojt la the ;roaa-J, uiaikedKN4 with iDinDnnt of stonea tullt alooi;s!de: tbeoce oI7Jrs4)ala W rar 14 d ir tel min . S00 Irtt to a gteaite pttl lOxIOxti neb s set one root In arroaod, milked E No 5, with a mn of stooes tulli lonirkI .;ihciirr372d jf 30 min F, Tar 14 d-e o3 utln E, 141 feei to a sTranite pott 19. l'-Ii'O-'nrh t, retone foot In tbe jcroood aod marked E No 6. with man of aoaee ballt U'ti 'sid-; tbrn-e N 17des40 min E, far It leir 13 min K. 3 J fe:t to pott an J ninntam E.Nb I, befura ctb iihed. Area f clat.T, l9S3acres. The acj ilain? claim a c.l'el lh AIbToo ar.d u c aimed Uf ibe CoaoIUted fizcarilon Miliar Compiny The local! ja ot this mine t recorded to the tecurder'a oftl -e of VrpaI Co tntr and Ter- tory o Arts ma, at th-cltrof P.escott la B.k II d of mlnif. at pajreTVi . ny and all personclaImlas;rdTerseIyaBy portion of said txcnralon mine or taifaee ;rouoJ are reqairrd to tie their adrerne eUlas with the K-frtiter of the United State nncui.ee at rrescoir, in the ferrltjryof Arizoa durlnir the "sixty days period of pub- , jculon bs'eat or-they will be barred by Ttrtas ui uue proTuioas oi SLaiaie. j, l tiiir, Ketruter. rim nBiiestio Ojum. sjewstr aaallfiiiu. -V' satat. AMI eattoa An. lao m, . IT n 1 LmA Djm r . " PrwU, Arlso-a, Jrt.aTS' 1 Xotlew la bareby rtTaa that Hai-J tan. whose pottos addiess M Bin appllcaiioa "for a pitaSsfoJ, Carlos: told and a,w Jr !iT.T.?1Se U haniraj () f a ti wtiuTSj Or?n Valley lflalu, r" ::j:' v ' s.tae2 "" wa mm a bjj aau fmXiA Ln W. tajeTlbd aa foliowt, taXn:i, ona to lis the aroa .marM B 7! X2 derSI amr.SI,rt ;? ,t aaV . bears .V a f,rt . i - .." t". ?' Po.t r lirt iaZ:,.' " anwaa. and saaksa'aa leet-okk .m : "if J sua I Ellin. . . .-- - k li .1 . -.w-.- iaar ida aw; as. lmvT.9 ai 1 r-M-ial n rs-rS rtDl-3 Af K..." 7.'" m m !a-3i M vim. " " Kerr-.ofllofYXlL?.'a'' Tnlf. .s .. . ;-Y 'rr. a na-- its, uu,r. i . m mti I round ruumi l.knJ r eaUoi h,roriby will b5i!2f w M'profuioaaaxtbeatata-'. . ' o.tM. J5.y. Urat PablltraUoa iVa? Ratiaa af Aavticstlan raram-a. lata.af Harlairru ... ffai - .... m 1 1 revwai Ox Bow Mlntftw ctaism. Oaltfl taw LaaJ ija. , fwi. whose pestoB e adarK af Mwleopa,eoaay. AisiiaMfrtorV. kZ& aT aie i nu aoBiiRKXiai or Tela bearing go; are rial I lo n ... l-. .TTa - "Ithtaa Hi.trtr rh rr i.Tai tactbsfeetin widib.sltaaretiaOeaTSl mmlncdl trict. eujDiTnrY... .iVT. .T tory of AriMias.aB 1 d.ini - 7J.T?r lot 2io. tl. oa nnsarreyed laadai.-aMte 2 1 btlngdaarrlb.dBs tolioii tiwl? JSnatnatB graalu poatj xidti ( We the onderlrne(J Banks and bankers preiented at wilt pay all Prizes drawn in The Louisiana aisle Lotteries which mar be oar Cobb ten. J.H.eLEMBW Pres. Louisiana National Bank. J. W. KILBUKTH. Pres. Sute National Bank. A. BALUWln. Pres. New Orleans National Bank Incorporated In lSdS for 25 yer by th Lecisiamre for educational ana Charitable Dorposea with aeaplul nirf)00.000 u, which areawrre fund or over &ojm ba sines beer 4ddd, ; By aaoverwhetmlns; popular vote lis frsn. 3blaeWBe mtd m ur of Iho nrntKtt Oouatltutlon adopted Uecembtrad, A. I). IsTS. The only lottery eTerroted on and endors ed by the people of any state. IT NRVEK SCALER OR POSTPONE. tirnum Mlaslr Xn saber Urawlap take aiace Baoihiir. ma tm,- lsiatTlrBwlBBlariy erery three "!? "Btcaa r HeaBl-AaBBally a J5 WTCK. KIVHTH UltANU " u" aa. in ineAiaumir or Mimtr . . . First publicalion, Oct. 6th, 1886. Mln-ng Application No. IS4. far Patent he to Cowan Mining Claim. United SUtea Land Office, i rrescott, Arizona, Oct, (5th, 1886. Notice is hereby civen that Herbert H, Logan, whose jxwt office address ia Fhe- nLx. Milriconii Co.. Arizona, has thfa itav filed his annliLition for A ratent for 1500 I t?I Yni.L,"'roan' attttiiT " : r i ! wna 'D.BatAriiA9aa h tilt ail linear feet of tho Gowan mine or vein, J ?u raidi,, xiS giuunu vw ik in wium, euuan-u in urcen Valley mining diatrict, county oi Yava pai, and territory of Arizona, and desig nated by the field notes and official plat on tile in this office as lot No. 40 on un suneyed land. Said lot Xo. 40 being described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a granite post, 24x12x10 m. tell ft in the ground, marked GJo. 1, with a monument of stones built alongside U.S.mineral monument, No.4, "1 ml fret distant, a tltabrl .hart aw uw 5. ier si aiu K. tf.au xa im tnDC H 19 dra II .inE.nrU'U't 1ml to aaraalte yoi Itxl xi la bai -too fast moanmantufat-ioes h-illtao s d7.aa-Z. feet. ioad froas I X ndl00( iiu'oei it'iiitaio 1 4i. ia- iia E Tr it t-g u asia K. Ms na Global. Q-e u Vatl-rraaa feet to atraalM pnei aacuus mmi An. InAl I - ".w .www . w mmw UV BS m SSI J S N iS. with a irn'tamenttistunea oaju mmZ aide; tbeare I St dec 11 sbib W. T.r Umm bIb ,3Nfeeltjacraaitep UiIxisbV moaaiooi lit iia cr.ianii ud zranl sad IU.T.U I Sat wim a minaenlof at joes bautasi side: thence N H ue n .la W (saveesss Urcen Valley diatrict. bears S28 deir 03 ZZUVZ.Z '"LV: II l'1. lo. . mm W, 494 ft. The S W corner of a quartz mill 4oxS0 ft, bears X CO deg W 21 ft. A drift Gx8x90 ft lone bears N 34 deg OOW 175 ft. A shaft 6x12x80 ft deep, uears pi iu ueg -l mm V IS.J it. A ehalt OxHxliO It deep bears N 34 deg, 00 min W. 215 ft. Thence X 56 dee 00 min E Slew Orleans, lueaday. Orlaaer Iw7.a Monthly Drawlnr. Capital Prize, $75,000. laa.aaa rirketaMi rrr UellaraEsea. VrMtsataa. ta rir.ha la rrwaartlaa. MSTor t-Kiica. 1 CAPITAL PKIZK f a do do . do da ... 2 parse S do 2 Ha) 13 do looo. . 3 oo at.o ! oo 2cv- 10 do Jou. w ao tiMB do 73X00 n.oe 1st On. llVt 1IU nVa! r.lOiMit.i.i IMStZtXt X7 laftne .! n tool I'm ih.u . aa i atiawuBao wlta a maaaaMaia stoats built a'oac aide. CS.a.aaral bbb a'Disomr en r t rt sasiii Is dxl nla E. 2 fen dl,taat tbac llu ataUnW.aritiif;Ji ml E. lSie Sasttaa round and mrard OB.Xil, wtU asssw. mem orato-wa ojutaiojc side: tfctaas 1 a U min E. rar II dl rain E-Ssa Saalki variation 14 decrees 4 minntea axt. I .t...7T"..T?i??.r,attl"a- nftn . W IMM'MHIU II 1 .5W it to a granite post 26x12x10 ins set I Tue!o.-Uouot ibi.aUneurstroedlatat i tt in the ground marked G No. 2. with I .TTT.." f7J i i"!.ra mon of stones built aloncside. Thence N i-di' " 34 deg 00 min W. a 14 detr 04 min E. I J a?iD." m "B. ?? w it bottom ot culcli bears X & S 1500 ftto :t granite post 24x9x8 ins set 1 ft in spo!.iXViw SiX eSLt the ground marked G. No. 3 with a mon-l area ad are nmrhi u ai. tiui. USTl of stones built aloneide. Tlience S 56 1 5ii,?.lw.1.tb..,h" 1teroiMC4'siMBjsj deg 00 min W. va 14 deg 04 min E 300 Tt,Vt,VAn "iTmlS mon of stones built alonzide. Thence I J. tca,-j. R-eier. i.orx J S 56 '(leg 00 min W(same course) va 14 2V. arraoxxaATio riux.tr. t Approximation Prises if fTju. v tiv tilt to Jo a3j iVUu - 3.oor iS to. . : i,oa $T7J iS -.a First publication Oct 6, 1881 deg 04 min E 300 ft to a granite pest 21x 1 Mining Application 1.N7 Prtaes, amonnttnc t" Application fur rttea to clubs ahcald be Ha. IB7 af naraarr n. Laaan far Patau as Caldan Wraath Mining; Class. United States Land Office. 1 Prescott, Yavapai county, ATiifiaa, I uciooer otn. isae. l Notice is hereby civen thatHerwat H. Lozan. Whose Post" ofSe addrm ia 10x7 inj set 1 ft in the cround marked vr..o.o,vnta -a mon of stones built along side. Then c S 34 dee- 00 min E v. IA deg 04 hiin E 1500 ft to a granite bould- ; . . l , a a -e r . . in piace laxioxis it marKed Go.6. tlience N 56 deg 00 min E. va. 14 deg 04 min E 303 ft to mon and rwwt fi Vn 1 or!1 n ,"18 offlc OI ttie Coa,Pny lo J an(1 1 lace of beginning, containing 20.66 ( Phenix, Maricopa county, Ariaosa ttnr yor farther information wrHe eleariT 1t. acres" inere u no adjoining cUim. The I - ' " lul3 n't .U1S appilCatM oa full addreaa. vumTii. mitv. i. 1 ' I np.int M:i?m ! 'l.o o.i 1 j I fori mtcnt for tUfi 1 ;..... (u. .l. ISSiLS?-'?,-.? k 25eaaJA' by Herbert H.Loiran. Ivim? nhnnt nn-1 Golden Wreath mine or vein tri (uourexrereoadtirei.cj. v " half mile northeast. I gold and silver with surface eiotmitm mm i r, r v n.i .. .. .... . I i i , " New urieais Ii I. 1 " location ot tins mine is recorded I "unureaanu runety-one and two-teaaa Acraiw. Wuklaitaa, Be, mmm aiaic.. nBgisitieu LCliarS nstASsSAnas.tt. ha sk Sew vrirsna. I.a tn ttie recorder's office of Yavapai coun-1 Ie?1 ln dth situated ia Green VasV ty, Arizona territory in book Iflpt mines, I mining district, county of Yavapai, r pages 478 and 479 and in book 14 of I ritorT of Arizona, and deai'matea bv til mines, page 46. I held notes and official Dlat on file fait Any and nil persons claiminc adverslev I omce M Iot No. 45 on unsurvevem laa. any portion of said Gowan mine or-sur- I Said lot o. 42 being described atsV iace grounaare required to file their ad- I low" to-wit: verie claims with the register of the U.S. I fwta?lnK t Branlte pit sixtart at. Land office at Prencott. in th nt 2' ? 'I. ?0"0 a'no-l and arted B Yavapai territory of ArizonadarinVtir; Tir' Vtt"" - sixty days period of publication hereof. I '7'iUe.7dutrIc"l04r J1" "leifW'mlo t nail.... ! a . . . I fs-a t stlsl t n . a. . . a . . - ' . aa W1, "e Darrea b-v "rtu" of odVeamin e 7zr u " rss'ss VKMua oi me statute. I 3i feetdeeo. trnr. M...V vV"L J.L.CAM p, Begistcr. I df thence .M S9 de 13 tala W. rar 1 1 del( mil. j-, ulijj i ue i ix bow claim 5 leel taa jrrau te post i'4xt0xi ins set oo loot la Ue rroaad. mark.d ,i ur v.. i mritt. mi ririll-aon-atlon net ft icit "I won O HIL lanr .Id-- rK..H M 1ad,rZl Notice of Application for Patent mn Tar 13 dee 5 aln E. 7S6. feet ta First publication Oct. 6. 1886. Mining Application No. 188, of Herbert H. Logan, for U. S. Patent for the Liberty Mining Claim. Pint Publication October 6. 1S86. United States land Oflfc. Prescott. T,raml Ca. JHimu. im l mam Xotlce is herebT riven that Herbert H Ion. mtumm paato(Bceaddreaala Phoenix. Jiaricona Csuntr. T.rrl. torrof Arizona, baa IhiadaT filed his application for a patent for fifteen hundred linear ten of the LibertT mine or rein bearing gold and silver, with surtaee rroond tlx hundred ieet in width situated ia Green Valler Mining IHrtnct, CountT of Yavapai, Te ritorr of Arixona. and aesignaiea dt tne ncid notea and omcial plat on file in this office aa lot no 39 unsnrrered lands anid lot no 3d being described aa folVnra, to wit: Beginning at a rranite neat SSxlOxS hv.. set i ft in ths Krouou swim l. u i. wim s monument or stonea OOut alongside Thence n l4sll'eTals0a a 3noft to a granite post 2xl!x3 Ins. set 1 ft ln the ground, narked L no . sith a moamnent of stonea built alonTsid Aocncc N-wt i& is -use tauurt to granrte post zlx 10x7 in set I ft ln the ground marked Loo 2, jsita moo nmsnt ef stones built alongside. Thence iUcH'w vs It 3 04 e 300 ft to a granite post 18x12x3 ins, set Ittln the ground marked L no 4. with a moaament ot stones built alongside. Tbenca s 14 11V (same course) ra'14 -Ot'sSOOtttoa granitSMst trxltxSin. set I ft in the STOund marked Lno5. with a monument of stones hnilt' aiongtiae. inence n J54J w va I4B04a 1500 ft to a granite post rotllxa Ins, set 1 K In the ground, marked L no S. with a monument of atones built slonnkif.-. Thence nil0 lie ral4 04'e 300 ft to a monument sr4 post L no 1, and place cf beginning, containing 8-e3 Tne location of this mine ia recorded in the Ee- jcr-nite poetS4stix7 int. st ons fs t la tae sTroaoaasrKtdu.WsoS, with saaeefstaesi baiUaIoa-sid; then-e - t9 dtt tt wSm I Tjrll dec 5i rain IC 200 fret t. snfts aea SOxmxS ins. set une loot la the arroaad sad marked (iff So 4, with a ra-nnnen. T stones bailtsloni; aid-; tbeoce S rflderJ rain E. Tar 13 dez-Sf min T.. f.m. i.n,i,ial " uraiiiie poi -,xnxv in-. jr one 10 1 83, of Herbert M. Lagan, far tna American Mlna. t. ....V11!1 d 8t' Land Offlee. I Pr tcoU,Anona, Octobers. Ism.I -iuuQti ucnurnven mtt ir,hM r . ".-'-' ' . " UUIQ . I '.t r . . 1 . Hmn Im Mrlcopacoaaty. Arttou hutbU d filed . ' " mrmmm, ks aVil CIGIBII IlUn area -nu tiiirtr-thrfa linaar fas I tn th. w r if a- - ... TVrneSr S5srS V.H.. I "" "i Tr ia cesr I BIB a. 7 feet 19 aMUK UUSL IDI. SeLfMlf. frWl1n 'M Tunad. ratrsed G W So a srith . nnnn.ai. ui iiuocp ua it aiooc side; Ihen-e 51 t8 jo min .ta- i3dic5: min E, a'ocrtbe iaK yimtv ui Beginning. o ntalnloc I oil acre. 101 location of this min fa 4 I. Viic MCOnnrjOBCeOI XT 11 rnnntr In. rina territoiT. in biak 1. Onr min.. ..mmm , -. - B The adjoining claim on the north : 1 " wiatn. siinsie n ii,Mn x-.11.. di.tri,, ..n. -v-.m.zT zona. nddesUnaled be-field n.i.'..T?. cat plat on Ale In this oB:e as lot So tt said u ur.u UCKIIDfUU lOIIOSI, lOWltt Beginning Utrulte nut ititt ir.k.. et uue foot in the gtound and ut.rad A Vo 1. wi li n taoand f stone ballt ilnn M. . shaft 1x6x13 fact deep, beara .V 1 deg 13 min c oi',rpit mrwoiii urns 0x1x11 eet lona;. oenn . .ie umin w. 7ii(. th fan. Wi a Urltt3x;x25fetlnnr,b:riXlldcnaln I E. 93 feel menecSSTdez 43 min E. n. u k s m 11 r. imij ivrfc if, a. erauits nutt Trt.i iuuivikiu e iuui iu 1 uv (lOBau ina laaiKM See that your name is on tlie great register of the court ty. You cannot vote at the November election unless it See that 71 our name is on the , An i m. great register of the county You cannot vote at the No vember election unless it has been placed there this year, and 20 days before the elec tion occurs- year and 20 days before the election occurs SUBSCRIBE FOE THE ARIZONA JQURNAl-IINEIL carder's omee of Yavanai CountT. Arizona Tevritorr. in Book 1 9. of Ulncs. pages 7S and Km. There are no adjoining claims. The nearest claim is we wetland; aituated S00 feet wester! r, claimed br Herbert II. Logan. Traverse nn rrom post L H o 1 to U. S min mon vo Green Vaarr diat. Uomuencing at post L so I thence so ueg us mm w, rar ia ueg 04 nun e, 410 reel East erae 10. n anu a sit. sta a. rrom here L. so 1 baara n tO deg 04 nun e; thesce 41 dcr 0 min w. tar 14d. r o4 min e, TOO feet, road boars n and a 1530 feet- rosd bean a 10 deg 0 min w MSS feet, corner post itowan mining claim so 3, sta a bears n 41 deg e: thm?i a 34 This Space is reserved for advertisement of J. W. Wil son & Co., clothiers arid men's famishing goods, removed into the fiasliiord Block. m...I-.c, $Aa2 ,? ,n,2 b" aionc I caued tho Ox-Bow and is claimed by slde:tnno N 2 drs: 13 min Et- it.immZ1 t , ... . . . " - miuE lirifeetto ag-ulie rost isurxs in I ""Den u. jugaa ana AL bieber. dege, var 14 deg M min e, ) feet, bottom of gulch. 190) feet cornerO so i. corner G so 3 bears n 34 dee w. thence a 34 deg 33 min w, vr 14 deg 04 mine, tiSfeet to V. S. min so 4 G. V. district Anv and all persons tUimingadreraelf anT portion cf asii LibertT mina or surface ground are required to me u.ir aavcrsr claims witn ue lugisier .4 ue uni ted States Land Ofiln at Prantt Yavapai Co. Ariiosa Territorr during the alxtT dan nalod of Djbllcation jhcreof, or thtr wdl bj barrel br virturt of the prorli- tnwucnuiu. JJ-JCAJTP, Esristsr. $15 REWARD. The undersigned will r7 the tbove reward for the recovery of a bis i saddle horse .boat fteea hands high one walte hind foot: bread dtreh: tan, or Uee Ts connected aad vweted: white star ai forehead and swdaUt, Vftrka aaWk. address 3. KMLK ft., Iitxat ailaeS'' act one foot n the groun 1 and marked a jao , ,1111 n uiwayi aea uuiil -mlon Side th'ne-?f,S7aeslS min V. va-H domain e! 13) feet ta a granite po-t :il7i7incheaaeio7e foot la tni ground and marcedAXos. with - rnnandnr fn bal t 1 og aide; triene. o-urtiuim , Tr 11 iirt AI B11U E lSj fret t. a gr.nl e post 23xSt7 Incb-a aec one footln t'ir arroand rnd iu,lr-.i a v(. amnunlotat q built alouc aide: thence s IdmllalnW.vii 11 deg 4 m.n E. iin"dl Jo as none p-t2lbj-l) b. 11 mehn- act one root in 1 h icr nma u marked a Sot, with a . . uuii.i.tia; si".; tuance s STdmJmlDE rll rtiglminE, lWfeetlo i-..uiiiuwuuiu4LtA.iii aaj p.sxs of be I'MU'l'li. Ae ofelilm, ?.6)acre. TQeiea enoadtulnlnreialma Th... 'i ia Is theuawj. claimed br H.ibtrt n lii4vere line frcmcoar A VoiAfima mini-; cUItu to U. M. mineral mrn.n va- , van uiiuinz ui.irirL. Yvsnul MIL rr 1 a- Irlmne f " The laa fraiiciMO Weakly Alts. ha tent to afiw.diraa. thirtaaa. -ta-. aa trial fer otaU. falaaaidprc ara amtH m jmrtj Watanaar. SO WIUXT ALTA. F 01.1 post A No 4 merl-an'lalm K3J Suilt E.ur Ildeil min E IS07 feet station ui3iiii 1 Djtia .o 4 Lrs :9d-g3 ml j W: ll II A S ltrlr 3 min K. ta 11 t i IK.I3iii.t UBMiAthiar 8 lldego tnln r SK.'f tiom u ana post L. So 4 (Ubert i." ' 'i.r tt 4J leg inlnE.i'i n e XTtdeg 11 rnti w. THrlldeg4 Mi.Ii o feet 10 (mou .nl rost L Jo I f L.1 eri in nipgciH m) U 1): L,Cb:tn r. 7 J M.b ijiu c: lu, nc niicirim n va. , d ImnE I ofeetEt-t Ver neer. ber. .-uiij Mll.'e K.-laDueisS 4 dec 41 ! ml.- E 71 ftct such. tea-. J," d 10) feet oad. be. I H 1) uC? u min W. trml 'mnm ... pt G SuS . ; )wa mini) i'uK, aiaE iieari J i.f;umlnE; tlience 3 34 d r raiu , tsr t J ( im a E. ting line f O .wn el alra uoi uiu oigoioa. nears . ai9 13x eei tinou and polU Noaitta a.sts F Ii.ih il lifo rain w; 'hence h 34 dec X nia w xjltiy-if" "': aisObeeraS d'er I M'ulE Jnft. tomMu: iiiu.'Q K. I of bigioning, coauinin nii' v.i 0c. '2? of thi? mln 'COided In the this mioau rswrisJ ta t mVdlx' 0 t o miner, ai pages Anv and all persons claiming advendty any pviruua 01 Raid vromen- v reatn nunc or vein or surfsxe eround are reauired ta file their adveree claims with the register "of the U.S.Land ottice at Prcsrotf. in the county of Yavapai, territory of Aruona. during the sixty days period of publica tion hereof, or they will be barred Yj virtue of the provi.-tons of the statute. J.L.Cajip, Register. First publication Oet.6. 1886. at l" las: - naiic ti . . 14 mc Wtw b.-ra H. Losiaa. lar Vaucat far the aaaalt aliiasr mala. Hrvt 1-uhUratlon OA. S. WM United states Land QIs, Praaxt, Tavapal Co.. Aruona. OA. XUM. Notice is nsrD-giren nut uerbrrt H. Logaa. post eei .-e aurrs, is nix-ux. jaanconx coiasr. ierr erritorr. bat tins die flled bis aTDikstioa for for nuu nuadXAl tine r fast cf the 4irnm!miaaor, bjannr gold and silver, with aurfxtt man 1 six haadrad lax ta width sitatVsl in Grea Vallr Kinin; fXstrjI. Yavapvi Cjaat . Tirriiorr of Arijom. and "'-rjiitrl br th: fle'd notei and oStaxl p'lt on 2 c tn thla Q&m as Lot So. It on unarreTd li . - vn ss hw leg dszribsl as I jllowj, to wit: Beginning at a graaits port 2 IxWxl inv sjt 1 ft. la Cis Vround mxreJ S A a. 1. nil . atrnmatBi stor. hs skmgsidt Theni.4l 4l E Va. H urE.9ai ft. ta Cnit4poattailx3lna. set 1 ft.latJisgnunl,BanaB. 9 -no. 2, With a noaununt of stones built tTuwat S. S. mhunl montssait 'o. 5, Green Va3er Xa tri.-t. biars i Ii41' E. SCI ft. A Umbcrad aaaa. sctrisj ft. dxp, with drifts i. bears S. Si's w ti R. disc. Alhaftrlrllft h.H. 3f..ul a diat Tte3S3lsiwvnurE4fttoagrsaas postSJtisi Ins, s.t 1 ft la thj grouoJ marxed a S S. with a moaammt of stonss ixit alo3giii. Zssaa 3 ti'41'wTx. l0ars.WfLt3a ifriaju pn: XatUaa Ina l.-t 1 1: la the s nxad mirxei a Xi a jritn a m ioa- nal of tea b-j.it aagnle. Tan.' ."rjl ir H. 1 iom3asa:aa3pMt3 a. l.lUpax coaulning li i Iu ta a'ixi at onl:i ia tna Rrordr's oil ri y.rssl Couatr. Anrai Tsmurr, ia But 1 of h'di ai pj .r . ,, . . I 1 ths Uacrtr miaia j naim. abt tax aiit) til An and all n r mi eladminr lu.n.i. I .v. ,i.i. k uJi 7 ' ra ffi rf'1nlL'1.J?l!na or "' lopona Aar sad all pirtjcr, elximiajxi .-mar ear partln ot rftr?.iu r dioniethe'r aoveiae kIoi wl h I txid suaiaut nas or rarti.-e zrojaJ ars niiTriitifis land odes at I taeir alrersr claims wita tas Rr".sLr of ths tlaitsl land terrl- S.ut: Laai OJce at Pra.MU, la th j Owatrof Yavaaal. nar nerlnrl ITerriLlrTof Arlr-m .n..--.. . . ll.i.... . l"lil-I I1D1S Ka Inn txmrmn n.lli.t ..lit .- .. . . , mhV.Hl , . . "... . 7 . r ""oT"W BaK. ax.'Sifh1"1. V "tiriJroM;ronrorthe.taWl.. J irmT " w T d . aVass kaVaVT. alMsta! IrwaCa TV. fU3 1 l m- S-l m I laniefl .rrr..i7.s : i.r "c-uaiiy iu"i-KisieroiineualUdHtle birrsl br Tirtsaef 7 - 1 a w w aa VaaassMa 4