Newspaper Page Text
ARIZONA "WEEKLY JOURNAL-MINER. r i UN VOL. XXII No 28. PRESCOTT. ARI 1NA WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1886. PRICE TEX CENTS. ? Mr mi'-fuuiuu THE GREATEST STUDY OF Mankind is Man. a k Ve hii vondrooa frame doth ad dsriat la cc-e a ill. whether by dsTies, fruit or r"'. u eixil MteVw H he; ana we bafts, the iareatar r a Cailurlc of delRiom Last, to d hist honor Who remembers BOt hov the dl trrsssd notber. htr ciikT. ertnatkt tries to smother. Uat she inawt not tkt horrid doss be taken, the maem braacc ecu row d s naisca awaLra, aiid food Ulber, to Le witness of hit cUJ'j torture, would raThcr far hifa price, if nxoey reuld purchase Cufcsrtic tuce. We hat it now ! Aad crest Dl IXtrt's case, ap scan upen the mtoQ of Karnltpin tune, for after Icrf suaij what mml I suit, hz hit npon V&i fruit to cure our Ola. Away at once with draujbu aodpiili: for wh ther it be indccsUon. lirer coo p'aict of coeftiparion, or any dis ate to hich flesh U neir. he here with pride doe. boldly declare, and no the assertion wiS wafer bit, that it can be cured by a HAMBURG FIG. Scini'kit. iticcMm J. J. MACK &. CO., Propr's. t lad. li rror.t St.. San Francisco. CaL n mctMD Ti mC ATA R Kt H bnuR stlM; kn applied lat rostrl a, will be at a.irt-d rffectisU rcir? the baC i-i elaraha i'u c n Inr hra.tby secra I ions It UT ii AistUslioD, pro eri Ihq m uf ta aaa p . ? lagers it'Di sddl lonl cut auts- p.etely Deal, sores iemrea re artists el tktc and smell. lei bps Id A sietrk BellrT. A aw.Ue Care. A p r a 11. av A lam cat; u. rii snu I. rfbeui as. Prcoe & rants, mail vr .MOTl.t. U .1.1 f . - r.... . . uru Pioneer Shops. BREGHT & THRONE At Ihe OK Sua! Jarry a full Stock of all Kind of Blacksmith and Wagon Material, and are pre pared to do all kinds of Blacksmith and Waganwork On Short Notice. Agents foi theUsborne Iron Mower. ... Adams' Self Regulating Wind Mills- TRADERS' BANK. KANSAS CITY, MO. Ooesa SeaeaHri k ig Bisiness. J as. T. Thorstun - Ptejident Seth Mabrv - Vice-rrefiden W. W. - C-sfcer M. R. ThuRNTOW - Assistant Cashcr J .C.Tuoexk. r.KaSTXKE. The "Cabinet." mm i THORPE, Muatezuma St. PrcccoU. CHwU UQUOESandCiaAES A.LWAYS ON H.ND. Lunch Counter and Club Rooms MtiCRsI: Cabinet Chop House OPES Sunday, October 3d. Everything New and First-class. Gojd Cook?, Polite Attendance. Table Supplied With all lh2 Dfclcachs of the Ssaso3 Baa d by the Cay Week or Meal W. tl. Hettnn. Pre con. A. C Irak Ash Fork Trask&Hatcher ASH FOIIK, A T. Forwarding and Com miasion Mer chants. A .lr" o' ff'rtiUn' suopUc tl wyi oa kis.4. Cti. irnnirtil- .."'ciiel. AS rrr.tpca Frcsptl; Atlalii Mark goods urc oi T.& if . Ash Fork. tf. Wanted'Af m w. nd r a ntltIy new prrri rab'i-r und" "srment t-r a Ml il-f.'. rU.olMiat boor. M TJIW B.LItlLE, W4 tn auiao,ui. BaWaWaWTataaaWaa t HsV-fvEa Editor of the ZovtauHxm: In order to call public atteatioa to a meritorious scheme I address the busi ness men of Prcscott in the columns of your paper. For rears past the feasibility of open ing a more direct road to Walnut Grove has been a question of discussion, and it uow comes up again. The operation of the Piedmont Water Storage Company, are giving employment to a good many men, and causing more travel and freighting to that place, and those living there or having business there, hare been looking up the road matter serioiuly. The case stands thus : The present wagon road to Walnut Grove by Iron Springs, Skull Valley and Morris' ranch, to where the company are building their dam at Wade's .ranch, covers a distance of at least 45 miles, while by either of the trails, the old Board camp trail, the Cul- lumber trail, or tne Montgomery trail. the distance In not more than 26 or 27 mile. Along the line of thcte trails, for 20 years, examinations have been induf- trioutly made without succc., in trying to find a practical route for a wagon road on that line. At last it is admitted that there is a route over which a road can be con- structed. that will not be more than 28 , miles in length from Prescott to Abner Wade's ranch and the water works. This route for 16 miles passes over the Pres cott and Bradshaw wagon road, a road ' . . .a . m I fiat was ouiu oy uie county oi xavapai about ten years ago in order to bring to Prcscott the trade of the Peck and Brad- chaw mining districts, and the desired result was attained. The road lias cost the county every year tince it was built something for re pairs but it has preserved the connection between Prescott, aa a base of supplies, and those mining camps, which has re sulted in the expending in Prescott of thousands of dollars produced from the mines, which had the road not been built would hare gone to Phenix. Now there is a new scene of activity at tlie lower end of Walnut Grove. What this community hare been pray ing for since '63 that is outside capital has come to Walnut Giove and that section. The Piedmont Co., bare bought out Wade's ranch for 110,000, the Barney Martin ranch for $3,50J, the Frink or Martinez ranch for about 30,009, apd hare paid the cash, and in the prosecu tion of their mining and irrigating and stock transactions will spend still larger amounts. All of their trade might juit as well come to Prescott as to go to Phenix, If we had roads connecting us with their camps. I lie I'nenix mercnanta are alive to their own interests. Consider the sums of money they have spent to open roads to the Cave Creek mining district, to secure the Tip Top and Hum bug district trade. Consider the fact that they have a good road from Phenix up to the Castle Creek smelter, and con trol nearly all the trade of the St. Louis and Yavapai Company, of the Tiger, Bradehaw and Peck mining districts, and are now proposing to continue the Castle Creek road ten or twelve miks over the divide into Walnut Grove. Yavapai county can start at Spence'a palace station, on the Prescott and Brad f haw road, and follow down the east fork of the Hassayampa creek on the road built by the Bodie mining com pany about two miles and then follow neatly on the line of the Charley Wash burn trail to the point where the east fork and Slate Creek unite, from which point wagon roads already exist to every Ioint in Walnut Grove, which roads only require polishing up a little to make them eminently respectable. The distance where a new road has to be built will not exceed, between the points above mentioned more than six miles. The objection has previously been made '.o this route that in winter the Prescott and Uradthaw road is troubled with tnow. That is all bosh. There is uo difficulty in keeping the road open if there is any bu$inets over the road, and the snow in Maple Gulch and Crook Canyon is no more an obstacle to travel, than the nialpais mud that enforces an annual blockade in wet weather between Skull valley and Walnut- Grove on the road now traveled. After the examination of the East Fork route, as proposed, bv Geo. Opdykc, H. W. Clark, CoL II. A. Bigelow andChas. Wilson, all of whom have had much experience in roadbuilding, I make this proposition. I will contract to buiU a good wagon road from the Palace Station oa the P. 4 B. road, to connect with present roads in Wal nut Grove for the sum of $1,50), and am prepared to give bonds for the proper f ullilmcnt of ruch contract This is a matter which the residents of Walnut Grove take a lively interest in, and if the business men of Prescott and the board of supervif ors of Yavapai county will move in this matter and get the road built, it will save to Prcscott a trade which naturally belongs to the city, but which for years past feat been slowly but surely drifting to other places. C. Dans. Fishst-'a Now Storo. J. L. Fisher is engaged moving into his new store having had the same fitted up in splendid style. The building is 100 feet deep by 50 feet frontage. New counters and (helving of excellent finish have been placed in it while the chande liers aro something a little extra. The wood work, on the building was done by Snyder & McCarrom, while the excellent painting is the work of K. R. Wil liams. Mr. Fisher has recently ben importing goods in, car load lots and will open his now place with a large stock which he lias put away down in price. For Sal. A good bargain. Five spans of mules; four new and one second hand freight wagecs. EJi.SavroBD, 07i at4vifaw Taisi Sieillssisial s esse BsssnFwssss. T. 8. Bullock, of tacT. A. C. K. B. accompanied by bis brother-in-law, S. J. Payne i Wabash Indian left for the railroad camp to-day, the latter being en route to California. Before leaving, a scribe from this paper had a talk with Mr. Bullock in which he stated that he was perfectly confident of his ability to complete the road to Prescott within the time stipulated in the bilL All the rails except 20 miles were on the way, and the last 20 miles will be shipped on the 25th. This will allow sixty-five days for them to reach here and be laid. The longest delay yet experienced in receiv ing iron has been ferty five days. This has caused the greatest delay thus far in the construction of the road. Thirty miles will be completed to-morrow evening, The graders camp will be into Little Chino before the end of this month. Mr. Bullock also stated that he expected to put surveyors to work ehortly on this end of the line. Ties for ten miles of the road will be cut near rret eott, arjjsan opportunity for work is offered in this line to all "parties apply ing to W. N. Kelly. LlkM Our: CenttlCate. The Flagstaff Champion edited by an old soldier gives a comrade the follow ing hmrtv endorsement: ufz v sin nn of the nominees WWa awe..S - - for memlwr of the assembly, is an old time resident of Yarapai county .and has been engaged in active business at Fret- cott for over eight years. A gentleman who is well and favorably knowu throughout thelength andbreadth of the county. A m in who, during the dark days of the rebellion, helped to battle for the preservation of the Union, aud after it was over came to Arizona and lias since made it his home. Mr. Sines has held offices of public trust and responsi bility on several occasions, and the faith ful fulfillment of them in the past, has given him the confidence of the people, which will be attested by his election on the 2nd day of next November." ThaTwoTlekots. By a comparison of the two county tickets it will be seen that the democrats hare nominated Prescott men to the lucrative offices, such as Sheriff, Treas urer, District Attorniy, Reorder anl Probate Judge, thus entirely ignoring the claims of anyone outside of that pretentious burg. Prescott, being the county seat, largest town and business centra of the county, naturally has a right to be considered, but when she demands everything from a party and it is willingly conceded, it looks as if some thing more substantial than fitness was the persuasive power. The republicans, on the contrary gave but three nominations to Prescott, one of which is a renomination, and the incumbent necessarily resides there. From this showing it will b? easily seen wnich party is free an 1 untrammsled and has consideration for every section of thewhole countyatnd which one bows the knee to its bosses and is considerate only of a clique of chronic offtee-holders. This is only oas view of ths subject, upon which the voters of Yavapii county should concentrate their gaze at present. Champion. "One of Tucson's business men was complaining yesterday that ' the Tucson papers did not take enough pains iu writing up the resources of the country and showing up its wonderful resources.' That may be all true enough, but the fact is that the rery man making the complaint is not advertising in a single paper in Tucson" Star. Mr. Hughes has been long enough in the business to have discovered loug ere this that the parties who pay least towards the sup port of newspapers are the ones who are the most profuse in their suggestions as to what they should contain. In every community there are always found a number of people who contribute little or nothing towards their local papers but who are forever finding fault with them. Their idea of the newspaper bus iness is well put by the Phenix Herald, which says that they look upon it "as a sort of eleemosynary establishment that has the ability to live on promises to pay and distribute the richest benefits to all around it and pay its emi loyees WOO or 505 per month, forever. There are plenty of such men in the world." Travel is already on the increase to Prescott. Our d'Np.tthes bring the glad tidings thst Zu iJi, our own dew Zto, isjul.i lant, albe t he make a slibt alluon to his discarded Wi iche:ter bii le. He ii particularly gratified tht the iki authotit es have cooperated wi h the military with such magnificent success, and it is pcrhafs as veil to say that bet for tlit co-aperatian the bet effjit of General Miles would hare been ii vain. The civil authoihirs, (wli:h expression when it t-'rpreted into English mean "me and Zulick") rendertd effective aid and nobly cooperated by taking a Pullman for New Jersey. It was a heroic co op eration, and we point to it with p:i le a bi; as a red apple. There is as deep philosophy in Zx as there is in a potato. -Citizse. LETTER LIST. The following is the list of letters re maining at the postofficc in Prescott, Arizona, for the week ending October 7th. Buckley, W. M. O'Dougherty, An- Crockett, Dauid drew. Dunkle S. L. Robertron T. B. Horst David. Rebergcr C. W. Liston J. R. Simpson Ida. Leavau Nettie. Stewart Angus. Leven Peter (2) Taylor Peter. Layton N. G. Youria Soseph Mrs. Mayer M. M. Woo-) C. L. Nelson Cora. Wood John. Nesbet Eva Mrs. Whetmiyer I L. Call for advertised letters. J. II. A-JLuuu, f. M. 41. .an ccn-did-tcs The dclegns ti ths repu vention ii thiir selection of, to submit to the voters of t aimed to net only dut but; as f.i'Iy as could be done t j it portions of the county, but to have every industry rcpres fact their soleaim and object w? ixstion of a good rcpreserU county, 'offices iffjreit aimed :d. In lie notu e ticket, one which would command) .he confi dence and suppoit of all classes of citi 2;n. Tbit tbty were successful in these aims it evidenced by the eiithis'asti; rccejtion with which the repubiian canri lates are m-.t all over the The lei.lative ticket, bun; an epec idly important one, great care ' "r cisedii the selection of candid nd excej ti Jnally good noai!re:st ie among the number, bi i ig Eaman, of the Verde vailey. Mr. Eumn i a native of Michigan t inj-jne jcms old and is a jiun mhn I ..f excellent n. tarsi abut, and go 30 cdui a i m. Htf h.v been a residei t ol irii.coui.t for several )ears having been cngigt-d in successful mining 0er.tiins in the siutriem put of the court, if. hich cap., t y he ius extnded t iou anU l d !.' in devcijping ourri- 11. ai c.-'. W' he sidl iciains thee : mining hteresti he has lately t ngaijcd in j t jck raising in the Verde valley and is tie represent! tive as well as being intei- ested fiimseif, in ons of the mo t exur ivc ctle in this count). While being a'xral minded and broad enough in his views to do ju ti e 1 1 all i , injthe nutters of iegisl. t:on, he mining and sunk ii t;re;ti would by no means be oveiko'ted by him in the halls of legist, t on. The Flataff Cnampion, an indepenc et t paptr h politics, btt hich more particularly represents tie stciion in wt i h Mr. Eatnan lives, endorses, him as follows: "TH.CS. J EAMA.V, Of the Verde Valley, is another can didate for the lower house on the repub lican ticket. He is a graduate of Ann Arlor University, and since reaching manhood has devoted himself to raining of the Pacific Coast, until about a year ago, when he went into the cattle busi ness. He came to Arizona about five years ago as superintendent of the Black Warrior Mining Company, the affairs of which he conducted to the entire satis faction of all concerned. Mr. Eaman is a thorough business man, has made a success of life, b a republican from con viction, and when he takes his seat in the legislature next January there will be more hard, common sense under that roof than it ever covered before." OUR NEXT ASSESSOR. For the ii re in the hht jry ol this county, voters tl i.year will be called upon 1 3 clett a cour.ty assessor as a cii i iciive and separate cfiirer. Until the present year the work of assessing the propery of the county has devolved up on the sheiitT. The Ust legislature how ever, very vi ely crsit-d the ifS-xol county assessor, the law g iig iu j effect fanuay tt, 1SS6, and the office bii ig filled lor this year by appi i itmei t by Givernor Triile, of Jar. M. More. A-nong the men selc t d, as depu i.s, to assist I in in his arduous task, Mr. More icKcled L. P. Nash, ol Sirawbei ry valley to ases the eastern ind south ca?ttrn part of t ie cour.ty. Sa well and laithiully did he perform the serti -e, and exl i i ii);; such a maikd and superior - i i y t .r the po iti n that tl.c r-publ.-un cor vcouun by universal and unani mous acclaim, ro ninated Mr. Nash for the position cf county assessor. Mr. Xish is a n.tie of Ohio and erved ith distimtiin and bravery through the war of the rebellion, being twice woundtd in eogigeme'iis. He came to tli-terrtiry ii i366andis engaged i i the :t xk business in this couity. He is familial with every po tion uf the county and in r oil sequence will be the rigl t man in the i igl t ;Ur. as county asessor. He wis one cl ihe reprcsei tstives from this county in tht last legisLt are and as such made a re:oid of which he need nolfet) ashamed The Flagstaff Chami.isnendotses him as follows: ' L. P. NASH, Who received the nomination for county Assessor, is a resident of Straw berry Valley, in Tonto Basin, aud is largely engaged in the cattle business. As the first call, though a mere boy, he went to the front to preserve the Union and served with such distinction that he was selected at the close of the war as one of the few young men to be educat ed at the nation's expense at WeetPoint. But disdaii. a : this tempting otler as in compatible wit . his restless spirit, he struck out fur the wild west and settled in Arizona in '66. Since that time he has been prominently identified with the eadinj events of our history, and held various public offices, besides being a member of the legislature. He is a man of marked ability and strong individual ity and his thorough knowledge of the vallies throughout the county will make bis services as assessor iudispcnsable and invaluable. CHESTNUT BELLS. A recent issue of the Courier den t;s its columns almott exclus vely to ringing chestnut bells, of wtuh the following ii a sample: CHUkCHILI.l CHURCHILL!! CHURCHILL, CHURCHILL, CHURCHILL, C, h u r r h i 1 I, Churchill The Courier is now generally known IU lift Churchill aUsYcttiser, A DUAL REPRESENT. E LECTION PROCLAMATION. Territory of Arizona, tscculive Department oQice of the Governor. To all persons whom it may concern, Greeting: Whereas, Under an act of the Legisla tive Assembly of the Territory of Ari zona, entitled '-An Act to provide for general and f iecial elections," it is pro vided: That there shall be held throughout the Territory of Arizona, cn the Tuesday after the first Monday in November, A. 1). 1S72, and every two years thereafter, an election for members ci tlie Legislative Assembly and-such other officers as may bercquir cd by law to be chosen at such election; Aud whereas, It is further provided in such Act, that it eh:ill be the duty of the Governor, at least thirty davs before any general election, to iU2 his proclamation designating the oilkes. to be filled at such election; Now, therefore, I, James A. Bayard, Acting Governor of the Territory of Arizona, in pursuance of ths duty en joined ujHiu me, do hereby order a gen eral eVction to be held on the Tuesday after the first Monday, being the second day of November, A. D. 1SSG, and designate the officii to be filltJ at such election as follows, town. County of Apache, one member of the Council and two members of U12 Heuse of Representative. Cochise county, ons msmber of the Council and five ruembsra of thj House of Representatives. Gilacounty,"on2 member of the Coun cil aud one member of tho House cf Representatives. Graham county, one member of the Couucil aud one member of the House of Representative?. Maricopa county, oas member of the Council and two msmbirs of th.- House of Representatives. Mohave county, one member cf the Council and one member of the House of Reprcsentativesr Pirna county, one member ai the Council and five members of the House of Representatives Pinal county, one member cf the Council and one member of ths House of Representatives. Yavapai county, one member of the Council and rive members of the House of Representative. I Yuma county, one member of the Council and one member of the House of Representatives. j Uieccunty cf Yavapai shall elect one member of the council jointly with the counties of Yuma, Mohave, Apache aud Maricopa; and the county of Cochife shall tlect one member cf the Council jointly with tho counties of Graham, Gila, Pima and Final. Also there shall bs elected in each county of the Territory two members of the Board of Supervisors, except in the county of Pima, three, on account of vacancy in the otlice of the long term member. Abo in csch county one Sheriff, one District Attorney, one County Recorder, one Treasurer, one Surveyor, one Coroner and one Tublic Administra tor. In each of the counties of Cochise Pima, Mohave aud Apache there will be elected a County Judge; and in each of the remaining counties of the Territory a Frobate Judge. There shall bj tlected in each of the counties of Ccchite, Mchavc, Pima, Apache, Yavapai aud Graham, one Caunty Assessor. Also in each election psKcicncl in each county, one aud not more than two con stables. Also in each Township, two Justices of the Peace; and where more than S0J persons reside in a township, such fact is to be ascertained by the Board of Supervisors one additional Justice of the Peace ma, be elected. In witness whereof I h.iva hereunto set my hand and caused the seal great seal of ihe Territory of Arizona to bs affiled hereto. Done at the city of Prcscott this 5:7th day of September. A. I). 15SG. J. A BAYARD, Acting Govcrnoc. td Sheriff's Office, Yavap i Coavi - A.T. Oct 5. 1SS6, Notice is hereby given, thft in pur suance of Sec ion 5, Chapter XXIV Comri'cd laws of Aizon, the general election will bs held in Yavapai county on Tuesday, the 2d day of Natcmber, 1 386, for theeledin of such officers as are designated in the foregoing proclama tion of the Governor of Arizona. W. J. Mulvcnon, Yavspri County, A. T. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thl mw'Ur nprer mr'. A mirr' o parify. J ttrrncih and mh ilraorafte t. More n nlmlcat tha heordutrr it t-l iiirtn PjtbesDld lnct mpcMlt!on with tne uinltitutfe Pi'low.tei; sb-rv elh'. alum or Poosphste Fiwders. Bold ml r to cn. Knral BakiaC fsv4sr Co. IU Wall sums, sv &k. CAUFOlAffiPMET BULL'S HEM i MARKET Wil. HEISLEK, PKOPiUETOfi. o-o In order to better accommodate our customers, we have opened in connection with our California mrrket, (at South Monte zuma street,) the Bull's Head marker, North Monte zuma street, next to tho P. fc O. Restaurant, near the cornrr of Gurley Street, where we will m keep always on hamiyhe best assortment and quality of meats, which we will sell at the following reduced prices for cash, to which the attention of the public is called Bef hrsliie Bref by lilDCqtiarier. 'ler tty f.ircia trier B ffmrn.l lrlu rte-r rump aud ruuad. '3. 0f rial tolling 3f sirloin ana oir Iiijj -unt 11 Btf; prima ternltrlnt'i anil lorter linnllnH rt " dwi inunu aim ranrs a. a..- i to iu Mot'D br or ildri 9 Meats Delivered ;o all pans oi CbarPB from Miss C. Johnston. Proprietress. Onl v hotel in Prescott where patrons can obtain meals w ithou leaving the house. Alt THE OELICAC.ES OF THE SEASON SERVED. Special attention Paid to Families- . Rtr Tt.if itoH. $7 P-r IVV. c i-i' R. n-rii t- Pr III GUItLEY STREET, OP, SEW CLUB 1100MS. 3P. WILLIAMS - - - Unexcelled Wines, WILL ALWAYS BE KELLY & STEPHENS! .AT GOLDEN ETJLE STORE, la lrttMnd afest fartraU m ssdStoct Of General m Cfliplete stock of thsFectous Oregon Cassimere Ciotblng. Blanket Lined Ocdq's. Pacific Coast Flannel Underwear, 'SO A ESDIE-M VAtlBTT OF BUCKINHAil HECT'S UNIilVALtD MANDFACTUEE Eoots:- and Shoes. U sisr asm to anr eosMtabllsltmsct In jff NOKTIHVFST CORNER. PLAZA. WIIXIAMS THE LEADING HOTEL 'he Only Hotel in Northern Arizona With L Hard Finished Edohis. SITTING AND DINING ROOMS ARE THE LARGE S AND BEST APPOINTED IN PRESCOTT. BOABB PR H. A. JULES BAUMANN, Manufacturing Confectioner. Manufacturer of all kiruls of strictly pure Plain and Fancy Candies ICE CREAMS AM) WATER ICES. Family Trade Solicited. Cortez Street, E.nt sile of FLiu, Prescott, Ariion EEME3IBEK, THAT THIS 13 Absolutely tlie only Piacaia Fresoott where Fresh. .Pure Candies sra For Sale. TrasMtt. Ariseaa. SsJttSabar 30. There are three Things we are Striving FOR To have you read our "Ad." To visit our stora vrhen ia towne Ami to go nway satisfied that Geo IL. Currv his sold jou hott est goods at Lou-eft Prices. It is always a pleasure to wait on you, and we will show you adure line of American Wtches in handsome sty 'es and finest qualities. Cur StO Silver Leader is the best watch iu the market for the money. Jicauii ul novelties in Kin;?, Ladies' Sets, Ladies' and Misses' Neck Charms, Gent's best Clnin?, Cold and Silver .Filigree Goads, Lockets, Lace Pins, Gold Pens and Holders, and m.iuy other beautiful novelties. An egant line of Solid Silver and Silver Plated ware, suitabl for presents and decorating your tables. 52k, We pay special a' tent ion to .fitting spectacles, and long expe rience with these goods, and the use of our Optometer, enables us to give yi u a lense adapted to your sight Colt, Winchester, Kennedy and ilarlin rifles, double aud single barrel Shot-Gun?, Pistols, Cutlery, Quartz Glasses. Ammu nition, aud a complete line of cartridges, at the lowest prices. We arc selling Wiuchestu caitiidges, 44-73 model at $1, 45-GO at 75 cents per box. For pretty glass goo js for the table, call and see our American ware, made up in ice c.-eam nappies, mush bowls, milk sets, etc. Prompt atten'io i paid to watch work and jewelry repairing VQUCtry orders solicited and goud Motion aIonldr and ebocK chops 10 Mollon prime ebops.. 15 .'4 -IS tit eUnu. lam.fc end lc fmH b,Meor quarter Iurc sangace - .17 lo 2 U s 1- -n picc'e- li.)l, Kll saas lfr .18 iie.arDrrif.. I.i--r oaldlnr tha City and fort WJiisoie Ere 3 both Markets. mmi t) Liquors and Cigar; SERVED TO PATRbNS TIIE : Merchandise HOUSE, OF PRESCOTT WEEK. S700. Kendall. Proprietor treatment guaranteed. mtiY j tin d ttt Jar 1 1 wrk xc. un - rilAalMSi W. . . . I .'al istioa arrcrr Wrla t y rr...l. b Jifllml Jf trta Tarn r. tUJUUMIA l'li:i.lMII!lik fO. L4TOt4 tn tk conawsrr lal aod tui- ib. ruts ol IBS Tcrrttorr TKKM8: r I LT varrssw - ti-r tu.r one Tc-ir. " wraoBlla. 5 Voaey aab reu tied tr r plttsalleur po-lo ordsr or art. airlar t i satwcrltwr. te Air far 13 ua)! Local aotices w j b ,cerrA at L'trea cents a Has for lie &t !aurtic tn Um eats pr Uae for ect k r-c Hual is-w-rtinm. Correspoodeacs oi. e'l ,? eeceral 0rrt will r aeptm. a-s. rrsrs frotn an r ocalitj i solicited, trt. t lr in Ua twIelBs; sra pa ul acrical j-al diu-.eU. all eotBBBiciaon v,oa, is BB JoTaVTaVXlHSK. Trctrn-L Arizona. - C OaKB. Koom N . k -.terchnnia" r.r- vnca. Has rranel'-.s 1 s. axsot fur lha tsoxA. Joor..Al.-Mi.--a lU,t r ty. Ha . horiss.l to colli'. Qfinrn lrr tbl stv '!4bnnl, tas n-r.r fir udrrrtUInc 4 t.nd t any nt -l,js ssdiolstnS poa m as tl rp -i. a - -'thrrnb lir. Tbi Dat . r-tu JItM AsUCLt on-jfaL-MixKr i rail mo -a a is orrifla. .. AT .Ct. S. st-ipBPH it! II Using Carraii (li r "npjtt faasaaMrif.:r'ui!sjrihu araTav WmWM S?mvi-r jtur.r JsTMBOLaWm3Jtcnirr ir Xnrs. amsWsssBlasaWlsUttrai :V.rtr,ida6Bla. Atlantic & Fa3 f c Railroad TIME SCHEDULE. " EM i' Rnn ii STATIONS. I n itnd ISSaac i:uaxB 7dup at illlB 11 PBS. 53 pas s II am S CpaB I lopam Wllpsa tJS, pat tl IB 71 a sa 4 I', a aa 3M . sa I Mass m paa mcra ii pa 3 0PBB SAjpat tan am 9 :naa IDsspBt Hit. . n . SSI BBS lillaa. WSsaaT UWasr KMpm iansar SsSpsr M rrr I3 pin Hviptj tHp r lU.g Slit ti flat: 7 . a &" UO an IISPB W sUSpa. SMpar wn i6asn lit' m.ats. .Gtliap. -HmrtJ'f rl Holi'iv " ! vr .Caucn j o r t .W ut- A-a t' a r uk 11 k r 1 - K -.kni .r. lrrtt . tae1Bs Tnuri tVli' n N IK "Up in 3i ll. lt' n. rHi y I Wait MS xxi psa J4V1 taUnn. lbroo(Stt kctati 1! Important cl'is ai and weal oa sleiU tbs vtlacl ai statoaa. STAGE CONNECTIONS. VlaLasaaatoUie ladUu Tillat o Aaa ma,lBtllaa. saiiaa. la tr" lo Frt WfcrVr. s aulaw; via wiai Z a it allrr. VlakMaasMltto to Pn WO nt I.V.rils ?) BBlia: auuodc CaeUe.sautUsai; Ka aaO aoauta mlei. laHolaawaft.trl y.wnt, to Tmwl aehss S Balls: v ' rrlllr Bi mi'as; ii.w LOW. Ss) Btlli , TajiorTllIe. 35 miles; Uoqat tSitlaa Til ae (so leuw auu) Sw nil's. VlaaT.!aily.lairrto 8U J-aaa it -ul!':BprlasarTllieSi -. I Via Wtaalew to U' ru C ij and east Via A an Kork. 4Uir l. IT- so.' I md Wklppia Ba-rsa.SI n IVs 'Ul Tttusa rorn riaaaafl afania aavlrt-eIH aLaa ,D FortVarwa Via P aensprinrstoiUe Grand CaaamsaT am Cuiorad. li rail a. ViaKlaaBsaa. a Ut s s-s n 9 iktoay.. dill, la ullaa; Mia 1 Pai,.Muliaa;.scaa 4 in i lea. VI a Taee ts8Un-ti.tni!le. Vim rLalTatdln. u-n r,Ui Ysra. Os jraiio river afn?yp-rrtil'ljre MtJiraCl rtardfTiila. Ailaas t K. Ijra4u C'anr Vevada. M. A. niv.SEIX. aencral 1 -i.ctfcr Ax-nt. D. B. BOBt OS. Qn.r I M 'H on. V tt. SPECIAL .MJTICr.. IA. Ja. H.jL.t.OyJ., Phtsiciasi 1.SI' SusGtea, Ossm JB M amuzaai street, ne door Korta of ffat & Os Dratjiwiw L. F. EGGERS. ATTOifEV-AT-U. OISTX1CT ATTOaSET OF VAVAPA1 CSTJaTXT, ARIZONA Office in Court Uuu&e Prescott. c. bhvdo. j j. HAWKUtS rioo.t jiida HERNDON & IIAAVKINS, ATTOatOBW AMD COUNSELORS AT LA Prescott, Arizona. Special attention to conveyancing asti office work of ali iucds. CLAKJi Cii LliC HILL. ATTOatstr General, or Az'zoma. VTToBan airo Coc-:ok at Law lb Bjnk of Ailaoaa. arVtsKOtt. Arizona. Ik. B, . WeU, Sumner Uawtttt BUSS, WEt L3 ,t roWiRT. Atlorrxri aid anl!or at Law Preae tf,TatpaiCour..'T. Arizona. Wl'I at. lend pro rap 1; Vi all (mHoc. cntraiteS tw 'beat la the cvaru of rreoril la the territory 1IENKY CLAV JiURKE. aPrjilT AST 3 CJ-J:.3 -AT-LAW. saWIIl arBBalti in all the wrt of a r! anna, rtcai D ;iiucuu (n WaaA- gtes,D. C OSaa stasaaa 9o. S. o Bak ol I ilaasii Prcsccif, A. T. r IbC To Taxpayers. Notice fcerebv givca that your TAXES for the current year Are Now Due, and payable at tbc f-Sce of the tax collector ct the county; and must be paid oa cr Lefore the Third Monday of December. following, under a penalty of five per cent to be ad Je 1 there to, unless paid within the tim mentioned. E.J.COOK. County Treasurer and Ex-CfE- cio Tas Colieeior. Pmcott, Ariz. Au- 25, 13SC V