Newspaper Page Text
ARIZONA WE EKLY RNALMINER v. .x. JOU ,va ToDBNAL-MufEU fc&Sj. '. .. i.-oc $1 V I HI siit9r. cret Societies. T?nE COMMAKDEKY No. S. F1 VN iif each month. Pilrinm '-iv UlPGE. A A Sfsaath. Sojeorniw; brethren aro Jarf,attgBttUllIT,W.M. J.i - r-rfHlTKlt It. A. M. No. iA,?w wHBJdathia 7 o'clock raaF-AlUiONA LODUUNo-1. 4gS SiUaR n-' coniiaiJj iuviti-j r USD6HKBC KoW GruhI. Sis oFrvraus leMt 4 h1:rSSr.mi atidd Fi.iiov.s- 5? tiuarXxKhtKiugtxKt btowl- TOLLS. Wo: :kr Matron. jssional Cards. J.LAPPKUS, M. D.. l'kyi- .- jhrMin. lTitwott. Anion. ISe i JlHcLeilV tool estate office. j,Oesa ftns Store- rinttii Slatw Armr. OtHeo . boiler tm. opposite WillwaiR tKiit itoer Dreg btoro. Irstt, Igrj DAY, M. H. SUSOKON ASM Si. ol Plisv ntort. door to Wells, 532)1 SOSKISON, ATTOKXEl'S AT ta,ftwouK.Ana. liBEiCH, ATTORSEY. .VND CO.USB- tIft5tlT.11weott, Ansona. uiuro-in UrtP tixivt. .Ebsicj. J. J. IUWK1JW. CsaUla,L'st.Ara(oii4. 03?-Ot xixt Hank of Arizona. ! 5L IKS. ATTORXEY AT LAW. Ql- 1 WL-0sefia, Curtts Street, Vmxvtt, E.iA00as.CKlLES61KEK. AND DK,- Cj Jliairfiiiisnn. WiH contract li.rull j w ssTTtjtat i?mp'-; sarv oi miumff ' si f. aixm-CTaoaEiPiitiii aa law ivfcr. UswcwSiatttf Anioita.t LtV frua cSrtJoa a .v'tr. Ouj..,4vs roAMik- Kops.FADfnpJpat ilaxgki: and .Ma. VSyou-ii r iu3ti cuurtoof iVrisoaa !entftet ol the UuiilStW?. Hsjxv si4bicivn to land, tiarlrr itnd i ASw-ui L nittil ijUtWSi-jjreniB t2 kcis&uvf tf Hon. M W. titewart. ill BURLING A3IS d Chemical Laborafcrj 1 ta CoWlo, 1C0. Samples nil rcoNTe jmiwjA axwl carol h I S Iilbfl or patriH RJ31 U5S Lwiia.' . Dekvxb. Col bples Store Mr,IaTapMCo.. Ariz'oua. ifiSaKsJQfataal Merchant and if? . . aiaj bee n.t. 0 gCU3PKo;YITZ. I'roiiT. A.JbJ.S. GREEN. EANCB AGEXCi'. hAcddent and Life. l&EBt and Oldest Oompaaies wtbo World. "w-, OTIS BUILDING, -ggOTT. ARIZONA. 60PPER O.. &InorUaarso? ffittOtes and Mattes LlStl,!. pweesety ! Ofabizona ogriculturo,Schoolof tTT .tParatory Coureo. fuU-v aquippod in labo aPPar3. Tuition n dormitory for limited toruiatiou nr-owauarea V, TtCSOX, AK1Z, tu illWlNKOOP CO., stoB.H. DollovCo.. Fresh Boiler, fa, Fit, Caady, Kfs and Notions fountain . .ToavoIw t b-wsr JSC lSADrrvr .. una c-t ih fc1;;VoV.7e,RBla W. 1m Oouclna MioexlVEX Pholir be,t vW -fcr "i,J & ",h. 5,h "T he mil rutv. " - uuumuua NQSPnSTlTL 2. Jt3 W. L. DOUCLA', S3 SHOE cenSen een!iI,no pwl ior, ttn rf8 not Kn.fina ..!S?5SiS!!i.555 n. oitt. worrcTw,! L frow st to T cwim m.vlo stoo cctiu Mit5-nod UutAbio tuc tct olJ mStotti 70,1 3 rncdrtioaicxjeuni 152 a. JF,no.t'?!r' S''S od Work. P i t nteacu'n tbo- vrtll ctve mure rvar rv th kmtA uBSX alMhow ktnsini J.r.JrSL-fr,,..c m ll.r the iwrJi gnm B best Don col . nr flna 1 . . SlTlixh.rrmr.irttl. .n.i ...' t!ioo pqnalC3om tnadeihOMcontUjr mun suo to ssukU taie who n,s trr;-i.T..'. hf Iriootwrar aro nodtnc thl cut. in i Km ou. v. . I- Dowlas" uamo nad tho Mice Is etestped on Uie bottom of cat h rtwot itar ! VH ptir tiaM Tor tlnu Such e Jlutltntioni TrS to WMj.yundw.taW i.rett noeiT r 1 J ' lit, iiULGixA, IJrocittoa, iUaca. SoldM i KO. . PORTER EAST SIDF 01' THE PLAZA. Tho Most IiitorostingContiwt Ever Offered b;r the Cauadiau xgnoulturist. Ono Thimwnd Dollars in Cash, a Pair or Hand- thom? Accaniinir to tlia nsnal rtViAftn f.. . 3Wrs rcu4 tko imhiisht'r or Tim AcricnltHrist now nltii. f Iim. Civtli 1 r 1 . .. 1 r . . Uon. Tito srsml couipetion will, no doubt, be tbomtvt (npan-icand mocefnl one onr pro rantoi to 0h iwiile of tho United StatM and Canada. One thousand 4.vllars in casli will lw iaSd to tho jurrMJu irauin in uio iarROi list or iiiKli.'b wonl.H con."tructPl rrtnutlio letters in tho wonl Tjm fnnadiaii AKriculturist." Fivo HondrW Pollsro in cadi Mill I piroa to the wvoad larsPft list. A JiaauWwe Pair or HhetUn J Ponii. Ciniaco and UaruftH will ho siwa fof Uio Uilrd laret list. (Jor ono tlHKirand addltiottal print awarded in orderor merit: 0a Grari Piano, SJOU otwin, ?B3 Pwtuo, Dinners LmIh' Gokl Watchw, bilk Dram Pattern, l'onitr.tM'urtdin.H, Silr "T'aSrTlce,Tnijon,iiI,oemibomKi in clotli, Dickooo' ill ISvoltttues boo&d in cloth, etc. iVk there are nturc Utinlfto twiit, any one who take the troulde to urejsut) an ordinary Kod list will aot rail to rccirwa vahtaWo prize, lldn is tho biggest thinu in Uie competition lino tba v hare over nlaoiil IxJore th imblic, and all who do not take (tart will mt au opportunity or ' a life time. ltUi.Ks.--l A letter cnmmt lie ol ortener than it iHiarv in tUo wri '" I ho CanadUn At rioolUmut . For intRUo. the wird Vfr" could Mot be el thnre i Imt oue. "k" in tho three rnlf. i. Wordharinstnom than one nifa ns but totalled Uio wine onn 1 nied bat once. 3. Kuniw or plae and parvoas lorred. 1. Er rors will not invalidate siht- the wronR word.n will MtHilyunt Ik coantod. iCaoh 1m ract contain ono dollar to pay for six ttiontfes MtlMcrittion to Tl Apriraltnrit. It two o more ti tl- larwft lht which ban tle mrlitttL pestiBArk will take tho fitt jiriie, and thethrs will receive priseti in onier or merit United riate mniwiy ami .stain p taken at 'Phe object inofteriBK theM masmlticent prixes it to introdnce tKir ixHudir tuaocaaiue iu new homoH. in every lart ot uw American continent. Xvryeoareutor enclosing SO cenu in t.tamti ira, will receive free, by mail, postpaid, ono or TIm) AsrtcultiritSi Litigant tkuvenir bHKmi of Pet awarded to ir3Kmreidini; in the United Stat will K ;4.hvjvdIrtnxor New York office rmtduty. Al! moBey oixhrs ebon Id be reg- tVa roHMEU Ooxv-ETrnox. We havp given j.waj fStWio prise; dnrincUio lat two yean asd tekie dHMtxaiHU or letter from prize winner In every state in the un'rtR and every iart or Can aila and New FotinillMid. Lord Kurotirfie: A . 1. C. oheGoterirtieralirf('uaUwritee "1 4iall reoiHitineBd rnv frirU to otiter your com jvUimw M M. IlraBit a, Vancouver, Ih C : 'receivwl$WOtinBoW,.aTti we-bold his receipt for tame. A few of tlx is inner?: Min J. IlobioKoti. Toronto. SXSw; J . J Hramhm. Fen h KalROnt , SlS Drid llarrion. rJyraJUM. N. Y.. $905; II. llmvM,8t Louie. Mo.. $a,Ja Btm. Ve4 Dnlalh. Minn.. $30ih Ueoreln Kol ertMMu Oak tree. IhooUyn, J10.W; Frwi. 11 IlilK XS ifaa -Uvrt, IWdepot I'onn., and tbottuukb or oth. .... Adcrt li ououiMUiicationa to THK AG 111 CZUClilST. Pf4 .-lroKh.titU. "READ THE BIBLE7 And at tht Snmo Timo Earn One Hundred Dollars in Gold. Th first letter containing- tle correct answers te the f qUuviiur question received at the otiico of The Canadian Aotiicrn,TCRiST mch wi-ek rroni iiowsntil th-rt ot Dwmbor IS) will ro CBiwIngold;thswond will Ret $Mh thlnl, SH; foarth, haalorae nOvrr Hrvicoto the next rtftyctrcctawerwwwill(wnd prises ranging row 4a uowb to S2 . CsyEvery an?er. whether a prize winner or miUwfflroa'ivoaepecMl prlie. 0ciiKno8 to an A"nwciio. 1. How many book does tho Bible contain? 2. How many chapters? 5. How any wJ UOLdiS. 1. Wo commence to oixm letre on Monday morninsof each wk. l aore than one letter irecolviby the jmtso mail with corroet an swers the first oiued will Count, the coad will take nest place, awl o on- 2. fiach t-tter coatainuu? an-jwwn mnsi i ao o.niWUiled by 1 to tX for iz. twU nbfmp tioa to Tli" AKricwlwriM one of the ery Lost lllastratixl Home Journal in tuda. S. People livin in lw Unite.! bt&tca have pre eiy the fame privileges in connection with this contpetii ion iw thoe rw-wtine m Can-vi. Theyan eftsUyiU their lettoro each week w to reaeh u in Uib Ixwanunr of h k wh,a they wiil be almost wire to KSta Rood prlre. What the People Sat of Us. Keoeive.1 $1003 priza all rihtM. M. Ura-lon. T14wUVromtnand my friend to enior yonr oompotition-Lord Kileoiirwo. A. D. t . to tho Gmriior General. "a,HW?:.rvi(.v Kl isp'.endhl jichw nKivd-t. I- A!oConnlc, bt. JaasJroeifi-D. Harris. Syracuse, N. Y. HnBdMiBe priae received 11 iw lt'-t Kent. 0Or5UareceJpt from prize winners in former compeUliwi- on rile in onr oUice. Livr ewntaininc money should In all csmstt P? rKffi(eml Address Tirs AoEicrLTCnisr PpnLuiNa Co., Peteisbaronitij, Canada. any r riABKYlNO U. S. Mail and WelK Farto A Co j KsftUMH t ita.d fnin all trams. WlUi TILANSPHH frcilife, Baggage, Etc Etc. Of uVll Jvind r . - mm vxnif flm il.niot or any lvrt of the 1. ity or country at iwwonaolo raws. E. N. Fredericks, HEAL ESTATE, ton, Gellediofi, toision and Insurance Agency lVkM Ch of PropeTtyTeillier for de or rent. X1SGOTIATKS LOANS 4 ND DoeeGoral tbOnee Uoytl PRESCOTT, ARIZONA . 6th Half YBariy OompctifioD Prescott Comp iransic Gold Mines to Lease. i will will the ore ami dy th OMOKS l'UOM THK FAXK. S;.1!; ' hror. of the. rre. cott rir IepnrtiHent V,y IU . Peet to,t!,e AllMnuerqueToan,. v.VA,7---EaitorOoPn " a wiquorquo's sprint rr:"n uLlHsml from at last. nniK i ino Uitttonof that city of ui n woru naa boon MlU 111 Mil r in 1w f , d.K . VJ ... 1 uuertor nvo t ... T :u-';s;Vl "martin- under is i T "P" y lepers pttb S.thuh?"t 3fw Mexieoand w Aurniurr, tuoy unalty labored, and brought forth- what? On tho question of entrance, lot us onco wore explain. Tho desire oi the Proscott team to fortify themsolres behind this question of ontrunce was duo ontirolv to the unfair record of tho Board of Control oft ho Now (Mexico Fair Associa tion and thotiicky methods used bv the Albuquerque runnitii teams tho past threo years. Allow us to say that Presoott did not uirccr oven oecxxt treatment at Albuquerque this summer, nor did we evou expect fair play. Not having either, we were therefore but littfnriivn 6U. A o worn dotormiimil i ourselves, however, agaiust such methods as were used njsuust us in 1H91, and wo therefore detenninetl to enter legally, wlm'.lt ni uer nuio 2, which roads: 'All en "trios must bo made by 8 o'clooh a. si. "of tho Tournament "day with the "Secretary of the Territorial Asso ciation." Also, Rule 15. wuieh reads furthor: "Companies taking part in the Tournament will furnish tho Secretary of the Association with a list of their respective teams AT THE TIME OF TIlMIt ENTBT, UCCOm- panied by a certificate from tho team captain and company secre tary, showing a continued residonco in the couuty of 30 days previous to tho tournament, and each porsou to bo a bona fide member, said certifi cate to be countersigned by tho Chief of the Department to which the team belongs." Mr. Brooks, the president of tho Association, Mr. Smith tho secre iary, aud Mr. Borchord, the assist ant secretary, will vouch for us that , -..v., .i- our entry. was maue m accordance with tho above, and boforo S o'clock of the day of the tournament, and that xo otueh teams were entered at all before that hour. So, there it is, and what do you suppose ihov are going to do about it? Wo hopo thev will lot us know soon, for wo are goins to have a "way up J ournament right hero in Proscott next summer, aud wo want this matter settled before that time, so that wo can put up this very samo bolt. a3 it now has to bo won from US THREE CONSECUTIVE TUIES. It has now engraved upon it: "Won bv Las Vegas Hose Team, 1SS0." "Won by Prescott Hose Team, 1890." "Won by Proscott Hose Toam, 1S91." "Won by Pres cott Hose Toam, 112." o are going to have a great big time hero noxt Summer. Sauta Fo is coming; so is Las Vegas. Silver City will be here, aud EltPaso those fellows that wero bamboozled in Albuquerquo last year iu the Straightaway raeo. Koifor promises thov shall bo hero also, wo warn Albuquerquo to comeScott Knight aud'ail,- lor wo want to snow mom how to hokl a Firemen's tournament. Wo will havo foot races also. Mor- ritoiil lis to ba suro and say' that he will be hero and not to forget to mention that Ktnnolds will bo with him, and will bring his sack. Wo want all of tho Albuquerque fast meu. Quirk must surely come. Wo intend to havo only fast foot races world record beaters. Wo won't let friend Youdorf tfot up auy extra matches. We won't oven allow Black for astarter nor Scott Knight, that fellow that trains the Run ning team for Albuquerquo each year; we won't have him for ono of our judges, for ho might do as ho did in Albuquerque in that "honest" hundred yard race, and thou mako himself scat eo. We hope they will come and bring their money with them. , . But, I have boon waudonug from my subject, Mr. Editor. 1 get so vnthurHf whf n 1 think of how we did do Albuquerquo up, notwithstanding her jobs, that you must excuse mo for writing as 1 do. Thov mako a "funny statement 'J in that lettor in tho Citizeiij tn re gard to that watch. You will no tice that they do not answer in re gard to the "funuy busiuess" that they attempted. o wonder if they would back up their statomenU We have ot money since wo return ed from tho races; some that tho tho people of that town "gave" us our man Aiorns run. of the Albuqtiorquo "coterie ut .,MnrB',-tliat. President Brooks a ' .. , . r will say that tuat watch . held broneof tho time-keepers m tho iudsos' stand was found when com pared br Morris and "that fellow Bashford." (not bashful) with tho two other timers held by tho other timekeepers, way out of the way about 18J seconds in one minute. This watch belonged to Billy Cn dor, oue of tho "imports" of tho Al buquerque team, and wo are inform ed that Cridorpaid a French watch maker $lb to fix the watch to run slow for just such purposes as it was used there in tho staud on tho day of the race. Mr. Editor, I uid become person ally responsible for tho return of that Champion bolt, "should the samo bo lost to us to-day. Aud you can just bank on it that I would havo mado those Prescott follows hand it over iu great shape, if they had run behind. Thov wore too fast for mo, however, and. cancelled my contract with the Fair Associa tion in 2T 3-5 seconds. Isu t it fuu , . n.-i T,e..rtf . tnnm t'.nn ovor- nv now mat Ai"r"vv, 7 i !... lastingly run. way, uiose urnu in Albuquerque say that the first time the l'rescott toam went thoro "thov know no nioro about nose racing than a hog knows about holy water!" But how thoy did learn. Whv, aftor going there three times, they not onI out-run them but got away with tho race, hogs, holy water aud all. . t . Thoy are awful mad. just awful, because we did not take that belt to Albuquerquo with us. Auoy sa "?hat man Bashford must bo either a knave or fool," because he did not havo it with him. Now. Mr. Editor, 1 don" like to bo called7 names, but GusBodenburgstomojus bo- about rrt wn started: "wu scud tho to SEE will put up some of it, any .amount, say $1,000 down to a dollar, any Vimt tn soil the depleted lwckets PBESCOTT, ARIZONA, WEDNESDAY, OOTOBER 12, 1892 b ill to them if wo loso i, can t wot" Now, express charges are high in this country, and Rodonburg proven himself a good fiuaucior in this mat ter, totill alt of that "little cotorio oi gammers" nsTti got it iu for me yi nut unnging u, and l suppose l mcst staud it. But how thoy do "boof at us ovor tho money wo all wou ou tho foot races. Want to know if 1 made a report of tho amount r wou, Didn't r though. Didn't t oylo ami Hilton, Bidwoll, Stewart (that loan, long, lak fallow that acted as our assistant hoso puller, and who scared the hfo out of thorn all, when w told them ho was our spiko,) and Nelson, and in fact all tho boys, get together aud mako a report. Didn't wo got togethor and mako an accounting, aud "whack up" with' Moms givhig him half our win-j mugs. "Rendor an account of it?" You cau "just bet" wo rondom I an account of it. And wasn't Morrin pleased at tho way wo all treated him? Didn't ho fool good when that man lioynolds "rendered an account" with him, aud gavo him seventeen hundred dollars as his half of his winnings? Wasn't Morris a luckv man, anyhow? And, my! can't ho run? Wonder if Quirk, Gibson, Flvnn. Graniror. also those other ducks-Black. Scott KuichL and Youdorff don't thuik Morris canruu? Joo Uampson knows ho cau run, but it cost him thirty-four hundred dol lars to find it out. Say, Mr. Etlitor. wo all think Morris wm run. Wo havo got lots of money, that wo brought back Avith us from Albuquorquo, that "saysv' Morris can run, and somo more that says Quirk ain't in it. 1 wish wo could catch those "suckers" in anothor foot-raco. One, 1 mean, that didn't have Black for "shoot or," nor Scott Kuitrht for'Mudcro." o would overlastiutflr i.i i . yi ? i i .J do them up, and they would never montiou foot-racing again only in a whitqwr. You will remember that in our for mer Cv.nmunicatiou wo said that after tho Aiouquerquo imported sprinters had ruu, that they wero so slow that they immediately fell iuto a row among thomsolvos and ao cused each ethor of throwine tho race. This thoy deny in ono para graph iu their answer, aud in auot ti er they want t know who it was that offered Charlie Gibson two hundred dollars to throw tho race. Such inconsistency! What, buy that toam I It wasu t nocesary to buy them. Auswer this: Who" was it from the Albuquerquo team that went to Ed. Stephens of tho Pres cott contingent and offered to sell out? How much did ho want? Aud what did wo tell him through this samo Ed. Stephous? "That wo wero not in that busi ness, that wo could beat them any way." Wo would novor believe that thoy would ovor again refer to that sot of couplings, which they say "some inombor of your team took, stolo and carried away two years ago." No, Mr. Editor, I was not thero two years ago, aud know noth ing about it- -roam I don't. A year ago, nowovor, more was a lellow in that town that loaned Proscott ouo of the sots of snide couplings, exact ly liko tho ono tkoy used yes, wo say used, though wo arc. ashamed for thorn in tho tost of that year. It was ono of those fellows, with a great big, loug guido in it, and with only threo courso threads, and with lugs or oars on it liko a Mexicau mule. Ono just liko tho ono their "Scotty" used, so that they would bo sure not to mako a bobble. It was ouo that went with tho snido nozzlo, that had a guido in it also built ou purpose so that "sure-thing gam blers" could not possiblymako amis take and bo beaten by our Nelson and Wohlor in their unoxcelled coupling and brualdng. What did we do with it? I will toll you. Wo had it hero on exhibition for weeks. Had a great big sign ovor it, in one of our show windows, whioh read: "Tins is a CocrnNQ." Used by tho Albuquerquo running team by per mission of tho Board of Control of tho Now Moxico Fair Association, who decided that it is not an undsdal appliance." What did wo do with it? Why, El Paso made a demand for it and sho had it on oxhibition in that city, coupling, mules' oars, sign and all. Thoy say Las Vegas had a circus with it and tho last heard of it Santa Fo and tho other towus throughout Now Moxico wore anx iously awaiting tho arrival of tho freak, for show purposos also. Albuquorqo gives tho Proscott team credit lor ono thiug how good iu them that iu ono thing tho Pres cott team was well trained, and that was how to kick. Kick? Well, to bo honest, now, wasn't thoro kicks com ing? Did Santa Fo kick in 1889? Whv did Las Vegas kick? Why did Las" Vegas, after wimiing tho raco in 1SS9. kick, aud then, knowing sho would havo no show in 18iK), give up tho belt without a contest? In 1891 sho did reconsider her action in sur rendering tho emblems of cham pionship and tried again. But,whon sho was thoro iu 1891, did sho kick? Then thoro was El Paso also at Al buquorquo in 1891. Did sho kick? What did sho say when you askod hor to come again in 1892? Did sho wrif o vou that sho had found "that vour prizes had strings tied to them and tnat suo uiu nut wuu iiujvuiujj more to do with you?" Wasn't that a kick? Horinosa was also thero in 1891, and our recolloction was that sho usod hor podal oxtromities a lit tlo also. Do thoy romombor how four of the judges in tho raco that year kicked against tho usoot the snido coupling and pipo abovo re ferred to, aud how the Board of Control nobly stood in against theso four mon and iu favor of tho ouo solitary judge from Albuquorquo, and ovorruled thoso four men and allowed Albuquorquo to uso tho samo? Kick? Didn't all of tho visitiug teams thero kick? How El Paso kicked whon tho timo-keopors foist ed up tho wrong timo by a whole ocoud iu favor of tho Albuquerquo toam, aud stole, yos stole, tho straightaway raco from thorn in 1891. How wo all holped her kick, Kick? Who is there that over took part in a hoso raco at Albuquorquo and didn't havo cause to kick? Kick? Wh it looks now as though Pres cott got away with her kick aud Al buquorquo GOT KICKED. Como to U1V oih'co somo day, Mr. Editor, and I will show you a lot of congratula tory telegrams received from nearly all of tho teani3 that ovor partici pated in a hoso raco in that town. It will do you good to read thorn, Th Times says that uuless we do give up that lielt, "thoy will bo ft r c er barred from participating iu thoir Autumnal sports." Yos, in deed, forever. Do ihoy think that wo will go thero againwo don't havo to. W havo wo that bolt now threo times iu succaion, and it is ours now jmhuyer. Do you hon estly believe, Mr. Editor that they over again expect to see Las Vecras. Santa Ke, El Paso, Hermosa, Silvor city navoatiothortuam at thoir fait? If thoy do, what oall! Thoy are all coming here next summer and wo are going to treat them just as uico as wo know how. No ono will ovor hoar of their kickiug after they leave here. Ami now, Mr. Etlitor, as I havo monopolized enough of your valua ble space I will close. I iutdndod giiug after Go.j. Schuorruan and Tom Scholey to sign this auswer with mo, so thoy could boar part of tho blunt, but as tho communica tion in tho Citizen says the "other tw patties were ouly hgnro heads." 1 won't go, but will sitm it aiono. Yes sir, Mr. Editor, nut it down as ! though tho whole answer is from me. I will stand it' if it is tho last act of my life aud I got whipped for it. So good night, Mr. Editor. When you publish this bo sure aud give my love to Jbo Albuquerque running to mi, Scotty and all. ' Most kindly, W. O. Bashfokd. (not bashful.) Itepunili'Kii I'latfuriu. The l?oimnlican party of the Ter ritory of Arizona, in Territorial eon - .f V ---- iMttl inn tiiLiiiMKiAfl IK,. .. ..r ProscoU, present to their fellow ui.wvit uMuumimi m uiu ui citizens the following statement of tho tenets of their political faith, aud ask from tho voters of Arizona a careful consideration of tho same Wooudorso tho platform adopted by the Republican National eonve tion of 18U2, af Minneapolis, as tl eonveu ho highest expression ot thoso prtd ciples of government, that through tho ruio of tho Republican party havo mado the Unuod States the greatest and most prosperous Nation on earth. Wo endorse tho present National administration aud urge its con tmuanco in power, lor tho reason that in its success is tho oulv as surauco of tho maintenance of that policy that has made the United States tho loading Nation of tho earth. Wo endorse tho present tof ritorial aumiuistrauou as pure, !conomicai aud progressive, aud call tho at ten tiou of the citizens of Arizona to tho benefits which wdi accrue to tho territory by the success attending tho refunding of our territorial m debtednebs uudor the wise provi sions of tho Woltloy Fuudiiic act. Wo favor tho free and unlimited coinage of silver a3 being demanded by tho best interests of our Nation Wo point with prido to tho general closo observance of all laws, both federal and territorial, and challenge a comparison with nu state in the union, and wo earnestly u go tho admission of Arizona into full Statehood. Wo eharge tho leaders of tho Democratic party of Arizona with ddkising tho honest labor of tho territory by arraying against it tho competition of convicted criminals a competition that placed the coll of tho felon against tho home of wife and dhitdroa, tho whip of tho taskmaster against the dignity of meu laboring for lovo of homo aud hearthstone by passing during the last legislature in winch body out of a toi.'ti of thirty-six members tho Domoci.itic parly had twenty-seven a law authorizing tho leasing of the convict labor of the territorial prison, and wo ask from every laboring man a comparison between this action of tho Douioi-ratio legislature ami tho action of tho liopublicau governor in vetoing tho measure. Jlecoguiziug that no factor in tho future development of tho west can bo so potent- as hotter aud cheaper railroad transportation, aud realiz ing from tho history of the past the growing danger to tho public wel fare of tho enormous power of railway and telegraph lines, wo believe aud urge as a pub lic necessity that tho owner ship of all railroad and telegraph lines, bo vested in tho general gov ernment and pledge ourselves as Republicans to labor to tho ac complishment of that eud. Largo bodios of land in this ter ritory are hold by various corpora tions, uudor congressional land grants on which no taxes are paid owing to thoir not being surveyed and patented. Wo pledgo our re presentative to urgo upon congress immodiato acliou to havo thoir grants and thoir unsurvoyed land surveyed, and thus iucreaso the tax ablo proporty by man thousands of dollors. Wo urgo upon congress tho coding to tho different states aud territories of all arid lands uow hold by tho fodoral govornmont. Jarksoiilnn 1'rotectlon. Democrats mado a platform upon which Gonoral Jackson was elected, and in that platform was this solid protection plank: Resolved, That an adoquato pro tection to American,! udustry is indis ponsiblo to the prosperity of tho country; and that an abaudonmoiit of the policy at this period would bo attended with cousequoucos ruinous to tho best iutorosts of tho nation. Tho democracy of Clovoland is not tho democracy of Jofforson. It is not the democracy of Madison. It is not, tho democracy of Jackson for thoso heroes of the party's earlier and hotter yoars wore all protec tionist. Tho domocracy of Cleve land with its blatant "declaration that protection is unconstitutional aud fraudulent has nothing iu com mon with this glorious ora in demo cratic history. It bolougs to auothor and difforant ora to tho ora of nul lification aud secession. It draws its inspiration from McDufiio, who dotiouucod tho "extravagant wages" of Now Eugland industry, and from Hammond, who called tho working mon of the north "mud sills." riiototfraphla DUplny. Mrs. T. J. Butler, Lady Manager World's Columbian Exposition, de sires that Proscott, as well as hor sistor cities, shall bo woll represent ed in tho Photographic display that tho Lady Managers are collecting, and to that ond asks that when Mr. Irwin Baer, tho photographor, comos 'round takiug viows, each will assist him in makiug his or hor place as attractive as possible HOW IT WAS PLAYED ON DAD. lie Thought He u Gettlnc the Ilettor of tho Tin Vcddlcr, but lie Didn't. You know how a pig is on tho farm unletsH cou fined to a pen always wnnting to get somewhoro elso. Ono day ono of our pigs got into tho stahlo and waa kicked by a horso; ono cyo was put out and his 3aw broken, and ' uiougu uo got wen nw law was turned to tho right and Ids snout mashed Hat It would sot ono laugh ing just to look at him. Ho had onlr fairly recovered from this adventure when ho got caught in a rail fenco and twisted his spine until ho was bent almcwt double. Whon ho got out of bed again ho was tho oddest looking pig in ibur statea. when ho walked ho had to go broadfcdtlo on, and ho novor know wmai pair oi legs was m iront or which behind. Ono day a tin ped dler happened to como along and no ticed tho animal and quietly asked tho "old man" how much ho'd tako for that pig. "Wall," replied father, winking at Torn and I, "hogs is up, you know." "Yen, I know that pork has ad vanced.1' "Guess that- pig' ought to bring threo dollars." 'Til give you two." "Ho'h worth a dollar more, but bem it's you Pll tako it," said father. For the noxt two weeks wo crack od a good many jokes at that tin peddler's exponso, as father would havo given tho pig to anybody for tho nslnupr. About a mouth after 1 ti,u..i.i KViM-ti. r - Mtvixwy ivuiuiUAUUlt ViVAliU 444.UU-UII I - . w nm rn n wont ti tmrn civ rtf no Among tho attractions was a sido show, and its chief sign was a paint ing of a curious sort of animal, and underneath tho information: : the only hodao : : erer oxhlhlted In America. Pronounced : : by naturulifcU to be tho greatest wonder : : on the faco or tho earth. Tho only one : : known to be In existence, : : DONT iUSS THK HODAO! : : If jrou do you will refrrct it m long ha : : you live, lie U to be tsent to England : : next week. : . Father put on his spectacles and read that sign twice over, and thon turned to mother and said: "Guess we'd better go in. Pvo seen skunks and lions and possums and hyenas by tho cartloal,. but I never saw a hodag." "There's six of us, and that's $1.50," replied mother. "Oh. wall, it won't bust us. If our nay burs sco tho consarmd thing and wo don't, they'll bo crowin about it fur a year, I guess we'll tako in the hodag. ItH bo sumthin fur the chil dren to ponder over." Father yielded up $1.50 and in wo went Thocago was at tho opposite ond of the tent, and as wo went in n lecturer was saying: "Ladies and gentlemen, wo havo tho assurance of no less than five well known naturalists that this is tho only living specimen of tho ho dag now iu existence. Ho was cap tured in a hyena trap in South Af rica and was brought over hero at a cost of $3,000. Como and gaze on this wonder of tho Nineteenth century." Wo crowded up to gazo. Next minuto tho four children of us were laughing fit to split, while mother was so overcome she had to sit down. "What in creation has struck you folks?" demanded father, as he wiped off his glasses. We laughed all tho harder, and ho ail justed his glasses in a solemn man ner, and turned to inspect tho great est living' curiosity. Ono look was enough. His jaw fell, the color fled trom his face, aud ho made for the door with tho fivo of us following. Not a word was said until wo wero clear of tho tonfc. Then father stopped and looked at each ono of our grinning faces in rotation aud oxclaimod "Dod rot my shoes if that ain't tho crippled hog wo sold to the tin ped dler, but I want to tuy to you right hero and uow that if my ono of you ever says 'hodag' in tnyhearin Til turn you outdoors with out a second shirt to your back I" Now York Herald. A Cowhoj- Story. Said ono of Buffalo Bill's cowbovs: "1 bought a pony in a hurry, and jumped on his Kick, and ho turned out to bo a bucker. Why, ho kept on bucking for threo whole days and nights." "But how then did you get your meals?" inquired tho listener. "Oh. said tho cowboy, "that was easy enough. Tho boys kept shying biscuits at me, and I cauglit them on tho fly." "Yes, but how did you get any thing to drink, my lad?" "vell, replied tho cowboy, "tho fact was wo had tho good luck to bo closo to a littlo breok, and every time tho horso bucked I scooped up a lit tlo water in my hand and drank it that way. Seel" Loudon Tit-Bits. On Art. Fond Mother And so you think tho Elgin marbles tho best, Mr. Brush! Our Artist Oh, yes; decidedly so. Fond Mother I should bo so much obliged to you if you would got a few for my Johnny noxt tnno you'ro in town, Mr. Brush, if they're not too expensive The dear child s al ways losing his. Fun. She Will 1 o MI Med. A west end lady is said to bo seri ously ill from over practice on tho piano. Just what may bo tho condi tion of tho neighbors is loft to tho imagination. Boston Posi Threo years asro Elwood, lnd was a country village with a popu lation of GOO. Tho McKiiiloy Tariff was onactod, industrial do volopmont took a new start, and great plate glass and tin plate lac torios wore orectod in Elwood. To day it is a busy manufacturing town, with a population of 12,01)0, No in tolligont person can diny that this progress is duo to the McKiuloy law. Theso are in Harrisou's State. Do you think those men are going to voto lor lirovor uiovolauclT JNot by a largo majority. . A telegram from Coffo3ville, Kan- sas says tnat tno jjaitoii gaug at tempted to rob two banks iu that place, resulting in a fight between them and tho bauk officials, in which eight iheu wore killudfottt mortally wounded aud two sonoiudy wouud ed. Threo Daltoixs and two others of tho gang wore among tho killed, ouo of them escapiug. ISISUOr VINCENT. by judge m'grew.J Tho peoplo of Proscott havo had a rare treat of an intellectual and religious character, during tho week ending on Sunday, tho 2d iust. The ri.r.i:i i..t i i i. once lor this xorritory, begau on Thursday and ended its conference labors on Saturday. Tho conference l. T- I "TT- u.i prusiuLHi over uy uisuop riu cent. As to tho bishop's qualified tions as a presiding officer, the writ er, being au outsider, does not know aud therefore gires no opinion; but us a lecturer aud pulpit orator ho is of tho first order, and tho peoplo of Proscott, will. I fear, wait a lone timo before they will again hoar him, or ouo of equal eminence. His first appoaranco in public was his lecture, entitled "That Boy." Tho singular title of tho lecture was unique, and truly a drawing card. The bishop was greoted with a full house, not only of Jrrescott's religious people, but quite a number of intelligent citizens, who are not addicted to darkening church doors very of ton. U the titlo of tho lec ture was unique, tho manner of its deliver and tho mattor of it, was equally so. It w as both profound and facetious at oue time bringing tears to tho eyes of many of tho auditors, by his pathos, aud then, in a moment, by a. burst of pure and powerful oratory, carryiug his audienco to tho heights of Pornassus, aud thero reveling in tho boauties placed boforo them by this niaslor mind Tho lecturer was profound, Whon giving advice to parents, how to train their children for usefulness when grown into man hood and mirthful when describing tho general charactor of boyhood. His word painting was truly mar- yelous, his gestures appropriate, his voice mellow, but piercing, so much so that ho seemed to have magnet ized his largo audience, and molded it to his will. His lecture of "That Bov's Sister," was equally felicitious, and was prreatly appreciated, if tho closo attention and frequont ap plause was evidence. His picture of young motherhood was truly grand aud beautiful. It will not soon be forgotten by thoso who were so for- fortunate as to hear it. His sermon on tho babbatu was a masterpiece of forensic eloquence. I heard ono gentleman, who is not a memberof auy church, aud not of ton at church, meetings, say it was tho grandest sermon ho had over hoard, and he added : "I have heard Henry Ward JJeechorand other renowned preach ers, but nono superior, or even equal to mat, oi uisnop v incest," Good SiiffcetloB8 on tho Water Qaen tioa. The following lettor from a for- mor resident of Prescott, and one who is still a property ownor here, while written as a personal commu nication to the editor of this paper, contains so much of creneral inter est that we tako tho liberty of pub lishing it: Los Anqeles, Oct. 4. Dear Sirr I see by your paper that Prescott is having trouble for water there this summer. I am sorry to learn this. It is very unfortunate. I also sco several suggestions as to tho remedies for this situation of affairs. It seems, and to me always has seemed, a very simple one. While 1 am porhaps not tha oldest "Has hayamper" Prescott has, I have the interests of tho placo at neart. as much as ever, and while living among 3011 T always kept my eyes open to the situation of everything of importance to tho town of l'res cott. I hopo thoro will bo nothing dono that will be regretted, and, be vory carefid about oxperimeuts. I believe tho dryest year wb had previous to this was in 1878. I am vory familiar Avith tho condition of the country in that year, as I was at that timo very active, and traveling ovor the country in every direction, aud particularly in the vicinity of Prescott. There is one point that I have al ways noticed, whore it is practical to got good water and plenty of it to supply all tho city needs for ton montlis in tho year by gravitation without building largo reservoirs. I think that it is also vory safo to count on au abundant supply withiu 3(H)-feet of tho end of tho pipo line at Granite creek on north Monte zuma street. There is a point on Banning creek about threo quartorsof a milo above the Hoovor placo whore tho bod xojk on each sido of tho gulch comes to tho surface. Iu tho year that I spoak of, there was always water at that point. By simply putting in a bed-rock dam at that point and raising it just sufficiently high to be oven with tho general surface of tho gulch and connect the pipo lino near tho lowest point of the bed rock the wator will flow into tho resorvoir by gravitation and will supply perfectly pure water to tho reservoir, (udl having it supplied from a stagnant pool of wator) there boiug no basin above. The floods will simplv wash ovor tho dam ana keep ovorythiug cleau. A continuous stream ot water flowing into the reservoir from that fomt need not bo an extremely argo ouo, land for nine or ten j mouths in tho year it would supply au abundant flow of water for all j Surposes. To holp out this for tho j ry months of tho yoar, a pumping plant, at, or noar mo pome uestgna ted on north Moutezma street would give us all tho wator wo could possibly uso with but very j littlo oxpeuso. Rosorvoirs, unless tho3 are vebt large, are unsafe affairs. I think our oxporienco at the former pump ing sight ought to teach us that much. All that woidd bo required at tho point mentioned on fBanninfr crook would be a filter abovo the dam right on tho bed rock to koep tho head of tho pipo from choking and tho whole thing covered up so that drift wood and rubbish of all kinds would Uow down tho stream and not lodge. This may appear to 3ou a pro- sumption ou U13' part, but I feel that all ny iutorosts are tho samo in Prescott as ovor, and I am von anx ious that this water question should bo set tied successfully. lours, vor, truly, Ji. r. Ulark. Tho republican candidates ro turned last evening from a tour through tho country, whore tho re publican ticket is looked upon as "tho whiuiug ticket." PRICE, TEN CENTS That Democratic IUlly. Six-by-nine posters, frooly distrib uted on the streets yesterday, an nounced to tho public that there wo'dd be a democratic rally in tho roar, house last night, and invited t dhful of the party to attend i . During the afternoon all the U ok alleys in town wero scoured and all the refuse boxes in sight ap propriated for a bonfire, boxes be ing choaper than wood. Those boxes wero at first piled upon Mon tezuma street in dangorous proximi ty to a number of fbuildings.'Bettor judgment prevailed and before ap plying the torch they were removed inside of the plaza fenco. At half past seven o'clock tho Prescott band appeared in front of Hotel Burke and played a couple of lively patri otic airs, to attract tho democracy to Mark Smith's headquarters. Whoa all was in readiness tho procession moved. Our contemporary de scribes it as "a long torchlight pro cession." By actual count there were just eleven torches in the pro cession, and noithor were the lights themselvos nor the bearers of the torehes very long. The procession moved southward, towards h?- . .torical banner in front of Bob Con- neira gin shop, bearing the legend. "Mark Smith, Statehood and Sor ghum Seod Tor Arizona." As thoy passed in front of this great empo rium of brains and poor whisky, a gust of wind struck the procession and tho flames from the torches bowed to tho banner and bob. When the "lonsr procession" reach ed the -seoutheait corner of the plaza it was re-enforood by two more torches, swollintr the number to thirteen, but when it had reached the court house the number had been decreased to nine. Notwith standing the fact that the proces sion proved a failure, tho court house was well filled with ladies and gentlemen anxious to hear Mr. Smith explain what he had done in Congress, that should entitle him to be elected for a fourth term as dele gate. He talked about an hour, in which he drew on his imagination largely, for things he had done for Arizona. Colonel Wilson rehearsed United States history for an hour, to prove that the democratic ticket should bo elected this year, after which W. A. Iiowe, of Slate creek, regaled the audience with flights-of oratory, and eruption of democratic wisdom. During, one of his lefty nights of eloquence, in which his voice was itched to its very highest key, die ramatically asked.: "Shall we give tho position to a man who has yet to learn tho alphabet of lesrislation," or shall we elect Mark Smith for a fourth term? This conundrum wiU be answered November 8th. The democrats. seem happy oyer the rally and pronounce it a success and far be it from tho Journal Mines to say aught that would xaar any degreo of happiness they might obtain from it. . Beard ef SaperTltors. Tcbsdat, Oct. 4. 1S92. AFTERNOON SESSION. Boaad met at o o'clock p. m. The following claims were audited and allowed on tho expense fund. J E Palmer, acct J B Steinr melz, bounty $ 25 00 A CBurmistor, insurance... J 100' 00 E K Otoy, justice fees . . 34 00 J R Lowry, sheriff. . . . r 2164 00 Alex Duff, bounties 50 00 Fred Dugas, bounty 25 J H Alexander, bounty. . . . ' 25 00 00 00 Willie Pierce, bounty 4 C L Ferguson, bounty ..... 4 W A Deering, bounty 4 00 00 00 00 J H Hudson, bounty 4 A XT Sf rahan. hnimt.v 9 R B Boss, bounty. . 00 00 00 00 00- 00 00 00 00. Alatiiam&r, bounty Geo A Denny, bounty C Butledgo, bounty. J L Smith, bountv Wm Pierce, bountv 4 Drs. Day and McCandlfess, msano examinatioa 25 G H Prescott, care of small pox patient 175 Geo Dimmick, care of small pox patient 105 xiA Hussey, care of small pox patient .3 50; 22100 3 00 12 00 21 60 James Howoy, board S M patient and nurses....... Ab Mefford, hauling A JXnoblock, outdoor relief E J F Home, juror cert. . . . " t riostasre 11 95 PA Williams; hospital... . 1022 50 J Weymuth, bounties 5 0U G W Hutchinsombounties. 104 00 J N McCandless", outdoor relief and jail contract... 95 00 8 75 20 00 1 00 4 00 2 00 Harry Brisloy, outdoor toU. F L Merritt, outdoor relief. J M Aitken, acct G Sands. . J ii Fisher, uror cert W A Cline, luror cert D Lew & Co iuror cert. . . . 10 40 T W Otis, juror cert 42 00 Dan Dwyer, juror Cert T- TT r JL 11 20 j vr omiin,jurcrcerti Bashford-B Co. juror cert.. 2 00 68 00 25 00 J Schuler, cleaning well .... Proscott Lumber Co 28 17 4 24 50 00 50 80 Aitkon & Goldwater, rent.. Brochfc & Throne, iron pris. J G Campbell, mdse J W Wilson, & Co, mdse. . . J I Gardner, mdse M Goldwater & Bro. mdse. 4 75 12 30 64 27 Sam Hill, mdse..... 15 eO Martin Maier, outdoor roliof 15 52 Wm Dulin, outdoor reliof.. 00 WWVigus, repairs 104 H W Floury, justices foes. . 3 00 A T Folger, justice fees. ... 26 25 J S Smith, constable fees. . . 2 30 J J Fisher, county surveyor 68 00 ttogers &Dillou, printing., ioo w A G Randal & Co., burials. 43 00 Cook & Lee, care of clocks. 46 00 Burko & Hickoy, meals pris. 175 44 Kelly & Stephens, statn'ry. oy 1 AG Oliver, postage 15 00 : Tho following claims wero aud itod aria allowed on tho road fund: Overseer district No. 23,5131.05; dis trict 10, $93; district 22, $3U5; dis trict 11, $77.50; district 6, $100; dis trict 14, $175; tools, etc., for district 14, $18.71; for district 26, $13.25; lum her for district 5, $7.50. Board adjourned until October 5 at 10 o'clock. Goo. W. Ford, agent of tho Mu tual Reserve Fund Lifo Association of Now York, wrote $20,500 worth of policies for his Company during tho month of September. Tho premi ums in this company are only about ono half of that charged by the old lino companios. California rains havo commenced iv V n your businossj wo cau ve-ssvc--