The Pioneer P. per cc Arizona.
Thirty-Ninth Year.
The Recount F r City Assessor
Took PI tcs Before Judge
Slom Today.
Frank Williams Given the Decision
Wins by a Majority of
T... .otes.
The recount of votes cast for city
assessor aud tax collector at the city
election held on January 0. last, took
will be put on the L". V. and P. rail-1 Good shipping ore is being taken out
road to carry the coke to Jerome. As , now.
soon as a sufficient supply has been There is MWe flne ore on exhinltiou
delivered to insure a steady run the iu the willdow of R H Hurmister Jc
United Verde smelter aud mine will comply fronl the Bannie which
start up with a big force of men and ..looks xood." Mr. Wilsey reports
things indicate that inside of three that the company has a large amount
mouths close to 2000 men will be on of the of ore in the mine
the iy roll again, when Jerome will , xhe miU at the Cash mine hati beeu
le a letter town than she has ever clo8ed temporarily. It is desired to
been. The business men aud resi- siuk the ghaft 100 feet deepen which
dents of the big copper camp have will make a total depth of TOO feet aud
had a pretty tough time of it for the during the progress of this work it
past few mouths, but the most of will be impossible to raise enoiurh ore
them have never lost faith in the
greatest mine on earth, the United
Verde, nor the city of Jerome, aud
now they will lie rewarded for their
patience aud good faith.
to keep the mill iu operation. The
work will be pushed as rapidly as pos
sible. G. X. McCollough. of Pasadena,
California, who has been iu Prescott
A Wharf Rodert Which Steals Pa
per Money From Some Un
known Place.
Nine Dollars in Currency Found in an
Old Drawer a; a Levee
A rat in the saloon of McBride A
Kenna. at the Levee and Locust
street . has made some easy niouey for
Report comes from Jerome, that for the past two weeks on mining
place today be fori Judge Sloan, who OL . Hull has discovered rich ore , business, has succeeded in organizing j the place.
convened an extra -ession of the court in the tunnel which was started by the Prescott-Arizoua Gold Mining! In two days it has produced $J in
to heat this en-.- There had beeu a j the late J. P. Dillon. The discovery 1 company, which company has secured two installments, and if it continues
grave doubt iu ibe minds of many ' as reported was accidental. A shot twenty-three claims in the Eureka at the same rate as a money maker,
here since the e was counted on 1 was placed in the tunnel to straighten ! district, which are both placer ami will soou rival the lest "get-rich
the uight ol the election, that there . it up at a certain point, aud when it ; quartz propositions and the indica- ! quick M scheme ever invented. The
had been an en or ' lie tally, and it exploded it exposed a lot of rich ore. tions are that they will be heavy pro j matter has become the subject of po
was decided to i -me of the mat- If there is any ore in the claims, Mr. dueers, as the placer ground is very I lice invest igatiou.
ter. which w - na as above stated. ! Hull will surely tlnd it as he is a very rich, a number of tine large nuggets ! James McVev. having occasion to go
Mr. Averyt. a no was leclared to have successful miner. , having been recently taken out, and
been elei :cd b;, a .uajority of ti votes, C. C. Stukey. superintendent of ! every pan of gravel washed out gives
was represented to . ay by E. S. Clark, the Bodie mine was in Prescott today Rood results. It is proposed to work
while Mr. WHUum was represented ; and informed the Journal-Miner that ' tne ground ou a large scale just as
by Attoi Mf s iiti Pattee. he expects to complete the work of soon as machinery and apparatus can
The count took j lace in the court transporting the new machinery to the b secured and put in place. He has
room, all person- but the interested above mine in a few days. The storm associated with him J. T. Peudegast
parties lieiug exclt, led. i has compelled him to suspend the ' Co., of this city, and several promi-
Clerk of the Oonrt J. M. Watts handling for a short time. He is feel- i uent eastern people, and Mr. McCol
counted the vote,, while Court Repor- ; ing well satisfied with the outlook for i lough left for the east today to make
terNorreil aul Btiiliff Charles Hoi born ! the Bodie and bo-es to develop it into 1 arrangement to begin the work of de-
acted as tellers, a big proiierty. The mine was j velopmeut.
The result
announced, after
Averyt had been given four out of
five disputed I "ots. was: Averyt
4i:t. William? 4t. Judge Sloan after
inspecting the t;
that a certictiate of election be issued
to Frank Williams, who wa:
elected bv a majority of len votes
worked by the old method of "hen 1 Geo. Beach, superintendent of the
scratching" years ago. about 1000 feet j Rapid Transit Mining company, cam.
of surface work having beeu done, in from the Bradshaw mountains last
but for some years uo extensive work eveuintr. Mr. lieach shvs the mmn
. - 11-- 3 1
caieiuiij orueieu , hj in j,. ,,ni Mr Kmlr-r
to a drawer in an unfrequented part
of the saloon Sunday morning was
startled by a rat that jumped out
wheu he opeued it. Alter satisfying
himself that tin- tat was real and not
an optical illusion, he examined the
drawer and found three one dollar
The drawer had beeu used as re
pository for odds ami ends aud not as
a cash till, so McVey's vision was not
generally believed until an investiga
tion had been made. After an exam
ination of the drawer, it was discov
ered that the rat had made its home
there and was carry ing money from
road in advance of the railroad is now some uukuown quarter to its lair.
took hold last summer. He nut nine . within three miles f rYnwneH k'in
declared raen , Work and after a good wagon Mr. Beacb has !eeu packing ore
road had leen made from the mine to I across the mountaius for some time
connect with the I'alace Station road,
MINING INTELLIGENCE. a distance of nearly three miles, sys-
tenia tie work was begun on the mine
Charles J George, of Los Angeles. aud keP UP r since. A
one of the ml prominent mining dePtn of 20" feet has been reached and
men and brokers on the Pacific coast. OTer 300 feet of drifting completed,
came in last night ami went out to showing good bodies of gold and lead
Poland today to look after his exten
sive mining interests in that part of
the country. Mr George also has ex
tensive mining interests in the Brad
shaw mountains aud near Jerome.
He is one of the most progressive min
ing men in the west and Yavapai
county is fortunate iu having such a
broad minded ami liberal mining man
ore. Mr. Stukey is a thorough niiu-
to the end of the railroad and ship
ping from there to the Val Verde
smelter. The Rapid Transit is show
ing up in tine shape and hen the
railroad is completed so transporta
tion facilities will lie good and t a
reasonable rate, this proerty. which
is one of the oldest in that section.
ing man and will make a good mine j will undoubtedly develop into a heavy
out of it if any body can, and he j dividend payer. There has been sev-
hojies to to tie able to push the work
much faster as soou as the new ma
chinery is set aud in oierat;ou.
J. H. Hise. who left for Cincinnati
aud other eastern points a few weeks
ago lia
interested iu our
almost unlimited
ready for in vest me'
dat ion.
H. E. Arniitagt has just returned
from a trip to Cochise county, where
he went to exam the Old Terrible
mine for eastern parties. He says he
found the Terrible a good prorty
eral nudred feet of development
work done 1 several hundred tons
of ore are now on the dump which
will give handsome returns for smelt
ing. The Bradshaw mountains are
made arrangements for a iiartv 1 full of good prospects which have
veil ire. as he has of eastern capitalists to visit this sec
capital which is tiou the latter part of this mouth to
at his recommeu- look over the Prescott group of mines
in the Placentas district. The party
will be iu charge of C. C. Bragg.
This section always welcomes men of
means to our midst for whe'i they
have looked over the great pos.-;tnli-ties
for profitable investment iu our
and a well equipi.. one Mr. Armi- mining industry tbey are the more
tage also states that tli Hercules com- willing to invest their money in such liams is running regularly. The prop
only been wailing for the railroad to
make them valuable properties, and
now the long looked for road is forc
ing its way into this treasure vault of
: mineral and the future looks very
bright for that entire section.
J. A. Green, superintendent of the
Azurite Copper company's mine in
Coconino county has beeu in town for
several days on business. He says
the aliove property is looking well
and the company's smelter at Wil
pauy.of whichhe is t htt ueral manager
will shortly make ; I . (u epilation ot
$30,000 for the further development
of that property. The shaft will lie
sunk to a much greater itepth. and
other developments made.
quantities as are needed to carry ou
these enterprise- to a succe sful issue.
The man in the east who has never
seen this country cau have uo idea of
it nor the amount of cash it really
takes to put a mining property iu a
Active work is in progress at the i Position to earn aivioenos. ana ol
Postmaster mine on Big Bug. The 1 course he often thinks more money is
shaft is being sunk deeper aud the i being eluded tban is necessary and
mill is kent in operation dav and ; is timid abo,,t putting his niouey into
To the uninitiated or uuinformed
the mention of mining stock is at
once associate! with speculation or
gambling. While the element of
erty is located thirty five miles north
of Williams and within a mile of the
railroad. The stock is owned princi
pally by Cocouino county citizens
Henry F. Ashurst, Dr. Tyroler and
others being interested. The ore is
treated by what is known as the
George process of smelting.
chance is not eliminated from min
ing, neither is it eliminated from any
act of venture in life, from birth to
the grave. "Nothing ventured, noth
ing gained.'' is a tri'eaud true saying
that applies from a child's first step
to the founding of the largest iudus- j
trial undertaking. In mining so !
great has l-en the progress, that to-!
day there is lees left to chance than '
any other pursuit or industry under
the sou. if honestly conducted. With
scarcely an exception the leading bus
iness men and financial men of the
country are today interested in min- i
iug in various forms aud success-
fully, too. Wheu a tinning compauy
deelares a good, fat dividend many
investors heave a sigh aud wonder why
tbey did no: have seti-o enough to get
iu when the stock wa- being offered
at almosl any price. Such tieople,
need not wonder, because after it
General Manager L. W. Felt, of the
McCabe mine, left yesterday for Den
ver to purchase machinery for the
s;ieh enterprises. The facts are that above mine. The company proposes
I it takes many thousands of dollars to siuk the shaft 100 feet deeper at
and often a double distilled pat ience once. It Is now down 700 and they
to develop even the best mines to a purpose goiug to the 900 foot level
1 point where returns may l- realized, i and open it up at that depth. The
, but when the harvest time comes it capacity of the mill will also lie iu
i usually is abundant. creased and other needed machinery
A gentleman whose name we with- ' Tu ' the proosed
hold tn sxve his inlL sttel lst even- improvements which will be added
Au inventory of the cash on hand iu
the establishment was made. The
cash register had not beeu tanqiered
with, and the combination lock on
the safe was still intact. The couclu
siou was then reached that the rat
purloined the money from some other
Yesterday morning another examiu
at ion was made of the drawer, and it
was round that Mr. Rat had been at
work again. Not ouly was there
mouey iu the drawer, but the rodent
had raised the first deposit and had
managed to come home with one 85
bill and one ?1 bill.
The productiveness of the drawer
alarmed the proprietors of the saloon
aud yesterday the matter was reported
to the police. The t is held for re
demption by any one who cau "prove
property. "
Where the rat obtained the money
is uot known, although it is suggested
that, being a river rat, it might have
managed to find the buried treasure
of some Mississippi river pirate. St.
Louis (iloe-Democrat.
blk 1, Bashford addition to Prescott,
Carlota Merritt and husband to J H
Hall, deed to lot 1 blk L Bashford
i addition to Prescott, i2U0.
J H Hall and wife to M L Shackel
ford, deed to lot '2. blk 1, Bashford
addition to Prescott, WOO.
Chas A French and wife to W C
Brandon, mortgage ou lots 11 and 12,
blk 4, Moeller addition, MOO.
Estate of E I Roberts, deceased, to
C A French and wife, release of mort
gage, $200.
Six mining location notices.
February 13. United States to
Havid G Dillon, patent ou 150.74
acres iu sec 17 n, and sec 6, 16 n, 3 w.
E DeWitt Walsh and wife and A S
Btirlingame to C J George, deed to
Rookery, Hibernia, StLouis et al
mines, Bigbug district, 925,000.
C J George to Poland Ext G M and
M Co, deed to Rookery, Hibernia, St.
Louis et al mines, Bigbug district,
Mrs B M Beck, by sheriff, to T W
Johnston, deed to lot C, blk 1. Pres
cott, 8121.22.
R D French and wife to Johnston
Myers, mortgage on half of laud in
sees 3 and 10, 13 n, 2 w, and lot 6,
blk 4, East Prescott, 8320.
ri C Davis to H L Heck, mortgage
ou piano. 8100.
Ten niiiung location uotices.
February 14. Geo. W. Sara no to
the Ideal Co, deed to Cannaris and
Adolph mines, in the Thumb Butte
district, 8300.
M P Tighe to H Voge, mortgage on
saloon at Walker. 850 J.
J W Smith and L Harvey to Geo
Tisdale, deed to Monarch mine.
Quartz Hill district, 8500.
J C H and F A Tritle Jr. to Daisy F
Tisdale, lots 10, 17. block 4, Moeller
add, 8400.
Wm Clift to W B Clift. bill of sale
to blacksmith tools, Camp Verde,
J A Jackson to Caius C Bragg, deed
to King of the West and Nos 2 and 3,
and M S mines Walnut Grove dis
trict, 81.
Two mining location notices.
Given By Purity Lodge, Degree
of Honor, a Grand
The Odd Fellows Hall a Scene
Gaieiy and Good Cheer The
Prize Winners.
The ladies of the Degree of Honor
have established au enviable reputa
tion in Prescott of lieiug about the
best entertainers in the city, and
whenever they start in to give an en
tertainment of any kind they all get
in and work like beavers aud leave
nothing undone to please those who
patronize them and the result always
has been a grand success, both from a
social aud financial standpoint.
The Valeutiue masquerade I .ail
given by them at L O. O. F. hall last
uight was among the U-t they have
ever giveu. The hall wa.- acked with
dancers and spectator.- ami all had an
immediately is 125.0O0. Mr. Felt is
a thorough mining man aud is work
ing the McCabe on thorough system
atic business principles. When the
mine is thoroughly exploited at the
jmt m a t 1 : . 1 1 i . . :
the management of ""' e. win ne couuu-
ued iinotner niu leel ami cotitinueil
until 1000 feet is reached. Mr. Felt
iug that white labor seems to lie prac
. tically a thing of the past iu La Cau
anea. It begns to look as though
! Greene. Scott White. George Mitchell
: and Jim Kirk are no longer predomi
, nating factors it
the company. These gentlemen are
right ui) in the front rank of nature's
noblemen, and while they have a soft thoroughly believes in deep mining,
place in their heart- for every Ameri C. C. Stukey has the satisfaction
cau miner, they liltliwllj do uot now of seeing the machinery on the
look suffleieutlv close alter the divi- ground at the Bodie mine, after con-
of the
dend item to suit the power.
the turn over in the affairs
company. El Paso Herald.
All the building material for the
Merchants' Mining company has leeu
delivered at the mine and the niacbiu-
1 ery is exjiected any day now. On ac
tDH count of the recent storms the roads
lieen soundly demonstrated that
proposi.ion is a very profitable one are iu anything but a favorable coudi
prices go u;. out of reach, and to a tiou at present to haul the machiuery
point that can onlv be touched bv the from the dP"1 should it arrive.
investor with a big wallet
A tel-'grarn from Colorado Springs
says: During i'tojthe Portland mine,
according to official figures, produced
.0i4.27:' net tons of ore of 9MM
average value par ton. The total pro
duction h:i i vlaue of 82,334.- ;
Oil. 70. Dividends 72 aud 73. 270.000. j
were paid Curtail rient of produc
tion was made to await completion of
the Port la:, d mill. For this reason
the usual dividend i.f ?1H".i quar
terly was discontinued. The mill was
started June L The mill treated a
large tonnage. realizing i!.t10. 10
net profit. The profit from the mine
was s.71. lit. 70 The treasury cash
balance J tmiary 1. 1!(0. was 8201 -:i73
H. The gn at mine has large
liodie- of ore ill sight sufficient to,
maintaiti pre. ent production for sev
eral years The Empire State aud the
Isabella compaataa whose pioperties
intrinsically ovei lap each other w ill
probably form tM next important
merger. Nelson I!. Williams, who.
while president ol the Isaliella. tmught
control of the Empire State, is the
leader in the consolidation.
The Journal -M i m Lyn creek
correson lent, wri'es 'hat orders have
lieeu received :o push the development
work ou the Bmfcor Hill mines im
mediately. A tunnel is to In- driven
in on the mine at the north end
where the depth gained in 1000 feet
will le about M feet. Sinking on
the main shaft will also lie continued
at the same time. Mr. Parmenter,
repereseir iug a Kansas company, left
ou the 11th install' for the bedside of
his father who is dangerously ill. j
Parties are also on the way out here
to look af er 'he interest of the com
pany and they will commence work
again iu .. f. w weeks.
The Journal -Mi tier is reliably in
formed tli it coke has at last tieguu to
arrive at Jerome Junction iu large
quautilii - for tie- I'tuteii Verde Cop
per Co. al Jerome, and another train
siderable delay caused by the storms.
Freighter Henderson delivered the
machinery a few days since.
The strike at Cauauea has lieeu set
tled aud railroad, mines an t smelter
are running agaiu ou full lime.
A. J Pickerel 1. who ha.- had a bond
ou the Homestake mine, located four
miles south of Kingman, arrived in
Kingman yesterday morning on the
from the depot should it arrive, delayed train. We understand that a
National There is quite an active sale of stock ; payment is to lie made on the pur
at the present time aud at the present i chase price ot the mine today aud
; ' ' - .. - 1, j m I . m .
(uices. oiucn is nun seiimg lor w mat nereaiter a large torce ot men
cents, but it will lie advanced to 81 will be put to work. The mine will
February 20. Intending purchasers probably be taken over by au eastern
are taking advantage of the situation company aud t he erect inu of a large
by buying before the raise takes milling plant is one of the first things
effect. on the program. The mine has
L. E. Hesla. the jeweler, who has 1 "P1"1 up bv tunnel and shaft to a
been connected with the jewelry firm considerable depth, the main shaft ou
of Geo. H. Cook Co.. has purchased : it being at a depth of seventy feet,
a half interest in the Home Cabin ; while the tunnels are in the vein
group of mines owned by John Bry- nearly one hundred feet. Ore carry
ant, the well known prospector. These ing big values in gold has been en
miues are located in the Coper Basin countered in the tunnels. Mohave
district, and show up splendidly for .Miner.
what development ha.- lieeu
During the past week the Consoli
dated Mines company has received an
other large pump of the same charac
ter as the oue now at work ou the 000
foot level, which has lieen at work for
the p.i-! mouth or two aud is now
throwing from 100,000 to 1.000,000 gal
lons of water to the surface every
twenty-four hours.
The company now has three pumps
of the same character, one to go on
the 800 aud the last one received to
lie placed on the 1000 foot level wheu
that point is reached. The puuis are
all of the Prescott make and are du
plex i ri pie expansion condensing type.
i!!i two cylinders 15. Zi. aud :CI iuch
iiid 13 inch plungers with 24 iuch
sirokeami two with the same sized
steam cylinders and stroke, but 9 1-4
iuch pluugcis. The siuking pumps,
of which i he company has five, are
simple riirec; acting duplex
with steam cylinders 14 by 12 inches
aud S iuch plungers. It is expected
that the pump to lie installed on the
1000 foot level will throw the water
from there to the surface, while the
one ou the 800 foot will throw the
water to the sta'iou pump now on the
000 foot level, while the sinking
pumps will lie in constant use.
So far the company has found it
ncce-sary to Use only two of the four
200 horse power boilers in furnishing
power enough at present to run the
pumps aud hoisting engines. The
txiilers are made for 125 pounds as the
workiug pri-s.-ure. The oil burners to
be placed under the boilers have now
all lieen received and the machinists
will liegiu work shortly iu putting
them in place under the boilers not
iu u.-e so that when the railroad ar
rives and fuel oil is obtained, no
time will lie lost by lieiug obliged to
close down to replace the same.
The work in the shaft is progressing
rapidly and the three eight-hour shifts
been I re making good headway, the shaft
now lieiug down within a few feet of
the 700-foot level. Prostiector.
About thirty-five of Prescott's mo.-t
talented little folks are to take part j cher.
iu the "Doll Shop" to be given at I jt
tne opera house .Monday eveniug,
uext. February 23. in the nature of
dolls, fairies, specialties, etc.
This is an entirely novel produc
tion for Prescott. as nothing approach
iug it has ever been put on the stage
here liefore. It will be a most unique
good time. The costumes
had been furnished by Shumate a
Raible aud were of every imaginable
design and character, many of them
being very handsome aud the task of
selecting the winner- was a pretty
hard one on this account. Many of
them were extremely comic and
caused any amount of amusement.
Mrs. Joseph Calles. Miss Pearl
Weaver, W. W. Ross and Joseph Wil
son were selected as the committee to
award prizes and the following were
declared to lie the winners:
Best dressed lady Miss Klsne' , whi
was dressed in a beautiful black cos
tame trimmed in silver.
Best dressed gentleman Peter
Eckberg. who wore a handsome
ted satin costume trimmed with gold
Best sustained character, lady Miss
Percy Murphy, dressed as au old lady
with a liasket of spuds on her arm.
Best sustained character, geDtleman
Wm. Barkley. au employe of the O.
K. Market, who was dressed as a but-
sustained couple J. B. Jollv
and Mis.- Hoff. dressed as Indian buck
and squaw.
Best sustained group M. Trigalles
and Kd Hallerau. as the Quaker doc
tors and their group of entertainers.
The ladies also served a splendid
supper to the hungry daucers and
' tn 1 I
" o'iuiuiri oj i lie ko'i iji.i. rni n
to be represented ou the territorial '
board. The salary of the members
shall lie 85 a day but the compensa
tion shall not exceed 850 for each
A bill to amend the laws with refer
ence to the care of the indigent sick.
A bill to repeal the law for the pay
ment of bounties for the destruction
of wild animals.
A bill to amend paragraph 3942 of
the revised statutes: this relates to
the power of the supervisors to sell
property for delinquent taxes.
A bill to amend Chapter VII, Title
LXII, en it tied the "Collection of de
linquent taxes." The amendment
consists in the introduction of what
is known as the "Missouri system."
It makes a tax deed worth the paper
on which it is written, and it is cal
culated to destroy the business of
buying in delinquent property with
the expectation that it will be re
deemed. A bill granting power to boards of
supervisors of couutiee of the first
class to employ additional assistance
for county assessors, recorders, treas
urers and clerks of boards of super
visors. A bill authorizing boards of super
visors to divide their counties into
supervisor districts.
A bill to repeal paragraph 3784 of
the laws relating to public printing.
The part of the naragraph aimed at is
that which requires that a newspaper
shall lie established for three months
before it shall be eligible to bid on
public printing contracts.
Two Trains Running Daily and Five
One-Hundred Ton Jackets
in Operation.
Gas Still Being ..... Into the
But the Fire Is Practically
All Out
Ben Delanty, who has been in
charge of rebuilding the telegpbone
line for the Prescott Electric com
pany in Jerome, came over from the
big copper camp Saturday uight for a , sanitary officers was defeated
an average of a little over eight per
day during the entire session includ-
ing Sundays. As about half the time
of the session has been devoted to re
cesses during which members were ab
sent, in order to exhaust this appro
pria ion it has probably been neces
sary for members to work double
shifts writing letters during the time
they were not absent from the capital
which may account for the paucity of
At the opening session of the week,
on Monday, the same apathy was ap
parent, that has characterized the two
bodies during the first half of the ses
sion. Iu the council Kibbey's bill
extending the power of mayors and
commou councils of incorporated
cities and towns was passed. The bill
of Morehead for the compensation of
and interesting entertainment, and j realized a snug -urn for their hard
as near a spectacular production as ' work.
cau be giveu with the very limited
resources of the present opera house at
A number of pretty features will lie ;
i.. a - . a . I ...... l 1 .. i 1
..... i:-.- I. .t , lofflcials of
oreii ugiu ciiih'is. aim in i ne musical
In order to further the plan to de
l i l : . i . i . .
I vejoij ami coioui.e i ue souinwesi, me
the I'ri.-co system have
tiii-rti...l tin i i . ... 1 1 iv.,1 i . . i i m hf it. l-iii.l
accompaniment of the Prescott orcbes-; .. . .,, .
land immigration agents which will he
kuowu as the "Frisco System and Im
migration association. " Mr. S. A.
implies, ueoei.ii i in 1 1 1 i i ,11 i on rfem Ol
the Frisco system, is president, and
The services of the orchestra are do- j
nated for this entertaimennt as being
in the nature of a benefit to assist iu
pay iug the debt ou the Advent Missiou
The entire proceeds of the enter
tainment are to be donated by Mrs.
Katitz and daughters, uuder whose
direction aud management the affair
is to be presented, to the reetory by the Pullmau ""I ,be l
f..,,,. tweeu Lhicago
Already tickets are ou sale at both
Woosters' stationary store aud the
I compartment cars (to not pay. mere
are ouly 10 aud, in many cases, eight
Tickets are 75
tickets calling
Basket Social at Walnut Grove Net.
Over Hundred Dollars.
J. N. Piper is engaged in teaching
the school at Walnut Grove and Mrs.
Piper is teaching the one at Craig,
both in the Wlanut Grove section of
country. On Saturday night the two
districts united in a basket social for
the benefit of the cemetery in Walnut
Grove, the proceeds to lie uted in
fencing it.
The affair was interspersed with a
musical aud literary prgramme, which
was quite interesting. Of course
every oue knows what a basket social
means. A young lady puts up a lunch
for two iu a basket and then the bas
ket is put up at auction and sold to
the highest bidder the purchaser hav
ing the privilege of sharing the lunch
short visit with his family. He re
ports the work of putting iu a com
pleie aud up to date metalic circuit
system for that city as about com
pleted. He also reports things looking much
brighter for Jerome, as the smelter
has begun to hum again in good old
fashion, and coke has lieen coming iu
in suciffient quantities to warrant the
addition of another train on the U. V.
and P. railroad, nhich was pur on to
day, making two trams running daily,
a thing that has uot beeu done for
many months past.
The smelter is also doing business at
the old stand, 'hree 100-ton jackets
having beeu started up within the
past few days and two more were to
start today, making five 100-ton jack
ets i nning full blast day and night.
This gives the people of Jerome a
great deal of encouragement and
there is no doubt that a few more
weeks will see the mine and smelter
running with bigger forces than ever
before. There are several thousand
tons of ore on the roasts which has
been burned out and are ready for the
smelter, while some ore is being taken
from the mine and roasted.
The large new hoist has also just
been started up p-id is working in a
very satisafctory n .oner. The Journal-Miner
congrat lates Jerome that
Two new bills were also introduced.
One was by Corbett providing for this
appointment by the district attorney
of any county in the territory, with
the consent of the board of supervis
ors, of a county detective having all
the powers of a general police officer.
He shall have authority to arrest per
sons without warrrant. His salary
shall not exceed $1500 a year. The
other bill was by Kibbey amending
the divorce laws. It changes the
period of abandonment before a suit
for divorce may be hruoght from two
years to one. It also makes other
than physical cruelty a canse for di
vorce. A memorial against ceding a strip
from northern Arizona to Utah was
adopted in the house.
Bernard's stock bill and the bill
amending the law so as to make the
office of county assessor elective in
first second third class counties were
A bill providing for the reduction
of salaries of county treasurers and
district attorneys in fourth, fifth and
sixth class counties to $1000 per year
and making county recorders of such
counties ex-offlcio clerk of the board
of supervisors at the same salary, was
indefinitely postponed by a vote of 18
to 0.
lngalis' bill providing that in conn-
her season of wa iug seems to be ties of the first class having an as
about over aud wishes for her a long ! valuation of $3,500,000, district
and prosperous era. attornevs with the mnnt nf rh an.
General Passenger Agent H P. Ane
walt. of the S. F. P. and P. railroad,
has received a letter from John Was-
wifh the fair one who prepared it and I s00- one of the I'ioneers of Arizona.
of partakine of it with her ()f , but at present oue of the editors of
Mr. Robert S. Lemou of St. Louis,
secretary of the association. The
headquarters are located iu the Ful
lertou buildiug, St. Louis.
In accordance with au order issued
tweeu Chicago and St. Louis have
discontinued tne use of compartment
cars. It has been found that the
urn j . i . ' i . nun i iiv
Brisley Drug Co.. aud a great uutu
of reserved seats spoken for.
cents and $1. both compartment, ana when tne lower
for reserved seats j berth lu OIle is tH'M1l"el nobody will
a. i n
which can lie secured at any time at j ,aKe lne lnt' l!- """J1
Brisley's. small, at oest. and the cars weigh a
a..K o kku. n,i.. k ' third again as much as a standard
pumps , f trua,.r ;,, Ih ..hnmh 1 sleeper aud cost a great deal more to
should 'surelv he well patronized bv 1 maintain.
all iiood neonln ind eu.mnr fuil.l The scarcity of
prove a satisfactiou to all who attend
the presentation of the "Doll Shop"
aud "The Way to Win Him."
Don't forget the date, Monday even
iug. l'eln uary 2'i. next.
done. It -"Mlii-on lii, ... .,,i iti, r.;.i
is the intention to sink to water level I)ru r the KtUe folk
at once and then drift and crosscut, we'll help them trade well and safely.
Absolutelv Pure
February 10. H M Meriwether tiles
a of a work ou SS et al mines, Black
Canyon dist.
Albert Heller to Q F Tinsler. lea-e
ou building ou lot 2!. blk C, Prescott.
Jeff Davis tiles bond as treasurer of
Walker Miners' Fuiou No. I'm.
Bunker Hill Gold Mfg Co files a of
a work on Bunker Hill et al mines in
Walker dist.
Hudson Gold Mg Co files a of a
work ou Alice. Lincoln et al mines.
Walker dist.
J J Hawkins. R H Burmister and
Julian Millard incorporate Gold Tun
nel MiuiugCo: capital stock KL 000,
000. Two mining location notices and
one uotice of water appropriation.
Februaryl I. GUM States to Wm
Miiiids and L M Olden, pateut on
Gulch mine. Cherry Creek dist.
United States to Mrs. M A Carrier,
J M Campbell ami L M Olden, patent
on Crosscut mine. Cherry Creek dist.
L. M Olden to Mis. M A Carrier,
deed to a third ot (iulch ami (MMal
mines. Cherry Creek district, RL
S F Powell with Dick Wick 'lall.
agree- to grant option to purchase
Iowa. Texas et al mines. Black Rock
district. K00S.
I E C Bartlett to Mrs. Mary A Mur
phy, deed to lots 11 aud 1:1. blk :I2.
Present I. and improvement-. 4UO.
Three milling location uotices.
February 12. J W Peeked. Jr. et
i al incorporate Monroe OoMol MgCo;
Capital stock. $2,000,000.
I! Tilton to .1 II Hall, deed to lot 2.
cars with which to
handle California and coast freight iu
general has caused President E. P.
Ripley of the Sauta Fe to order the
immediate const ruct ion of 2700 freight
cars. Mr. llarrimau. for the Union
Pacific has ordered 400 freight cars.
While Mr. llarrimau continues to lay
a iot of new heavy rails ou the main
lines of the Southern Pacific, it is the
I intention of Mr. Ripley this year to
have put down 050 miles of eighty
Casimiro Rodello Arrested in Yuma five-pound rail on the Santa iv main
lines in California, Arizona, New
course, uo one is supposed to know
the owner of any of the baskets, so
that each oue is taking chances in
buying it. ot getting the lady of his
choice, as his partner for refreshments.
At the Saturday uight social it be
came noised around that
kets belonged to certain popular
young ladies, and the bidding for
them was quite spirited and so:uc
of the prices paid for lunches
would throw a Waldorf -Astoria
meal iu the shade, two or three of
the baskets lieiug run up close to
$10 each. The evening's entertain
ment netted $100.75. showing that the
Walnut (irove boys are nervy, and
liberal in the way of contributing for
public improvements.
the Pomona Times, of Pomoua. Cali
fornia, stating that be aud bis wife
would visit this section in a few
weeks, to look over the old land
marks and reuew old acquaintances
ud friendships of a third of a cen
tury aco. Mr. Wassou resided in
certain ruts- l ""'olT irom ts.o to m.-j. rrom wbicb
place inoy removed tn lucson, passing
through Phenix when there was just
one cabin where the capital city is
now located, that lieint the cabin of
Jack Swilliug. In 187:1 he started a
newspaper in Tucson which he edited
until 1877. During this time aud until
1882 he was United States sarveyor of
Arizona. He represented Arizona on
the centennial committee at Pbiladel-
phia from 1872 to 1879. During all '
Today By Deputy Sheriff
A. P. Behan.
Confers That He Is the Man Wanted.
Sheriff Roberts Will Bring Him
to Prescott.
A telegram was received at the
sheriff's office today that Under
Sheriff Albeit P. . Bebnu of Yuma
county, who is well kuowu in Pres
cott. had arrested Casimiro Rodello.
the Mexican who shot a fellow coun
tryman through the Uvly, iu a most
cold blooded manner, in a Mexican
saloon on Granite street, this city, a
few weeks ago. The telegram was
very brief but stated that the prisoner I passed from Brit
Mexico aud Texas.
What is regarded as one of the most
remarkable feats iu the history of
American railroading was accom
plished Tuesday by the New York
Central liues. when they moved 52,981
freight cars. The officials of
the road say this breaks all previous
records when it is considered that
during the day every important pas
senger traiu ou the system was run on
time. The work was done iu the midst
of the severe storm which prevailed
the first of the week. The cars moved
would make, if placed eud to end, a
train 184 miles long.
A large amount of Ameiieati capital
has been invested in ihe railroads of
Mexico within the mst two years, the
Mexican National railroad having
h to American cou-
had confessed that he wast he shooter.
Sheriff Roberts, who is iu Nogales.
was notified by wire aud will leave
trol and the Mexican Central, always
American, having acquired some short
liues which were uot owned by Ameri-
today for Yuma
to bring Rodello to , n capital. Since the construction
I of the Mexican Central by Americans.
jiiniu !....... ...... I. C( .1..
--in. inruil finis . I 1IOIO OlitlCS
capital has always lieen the strongest
I factor in Mexican railroads and at
present it constiutes aliotit 80 per
cent of the total capital invested in
railroads iu that country. Iu this.
I more than anything else, American
capital ha- contribute,! to thedevel
I opment of Mexico. It can be truth
j fully said that Meixco owes most of
j her recent material progress to the
J. J. Fisher, who returned a few
days ago from an important surveying
trip, near Needles. California, in
speaking of the enterprise with which
he was connected, said he lielieved it
would prove a bouauza to those inter
ested. The proposition is to irrigate
a tract of land embracing between
RXO00 and 40.000 acres lying just
south of port Mohave, by
ditches, flumes, etc.. the water to In
taken from the Colorado river. The
people who are back of the enterprise
are wealthy Michigan ieople who have
plenty of means, and if the survey
just completed develois the fact that
the water can be placed on the
ground, work will lie commenced at
once. Mr. Fisher says the soil is as
tine as ever lay out of doors aud every
inch of it will be worth $100 ier acre
if it can lie irrigated, and he believes
it can. This will furnish homes for
quite a MMfed of families aud it is
to he hoped it will prove a success.
A shipment of Maillard's famous
caudles just received at Shumate
Raible's. l-19tf
-li : i . ., . . .
means of uunuiug oi ranrouis through her ter
ritory. American capital ha- followed
the steel rail, ami so has other for
eigu capital and native capital as
well. Nothing makes for the develop
ment of a country aa much as rail
roads. Mexico and the I'nited States
are bound together figuratively and
literally by bands of -ti-el.
By the Convention of Siiervisors of
Eight Co'tntiw.
The convention oi supervisors iu
session recently in Pheuiy recoin
meuded the following lc islutiou :
To create a territorial advisory
hoard to supervisory. This lioarii is
The popularity of the Saturday
uigbt social dances, at I. O. O. F.
ball, were demonstrated again last
Saturday uight when between fifty
and sixty couple were present, not
withstanding the fact that a grand
masquerade ball had been given in
the same hall only the night before,
aud at which ball it seemed like every
dancer in the city was present. On
that account the managers of the Sat
urday uight social hardly expected
that many dancers would put in an
appearauce. but those who have been
attending these socials have enjoyed
them so much that they felt they
could uot miss even this one, so, as
above stated, they turned out in
good numbers and had a fine time.
There was no special feature for
this occasion, except the music which
was furnished by the club's regular
orchestra, Mrs. B. H. Smith and Er
nest Emanuel, and which is always
enjoyed by Prescott dancers.
Next Saturday night the social will
take the form of a Washington's birth
day party, the date being February 21.
the day before the anniversary of that
notable event, and an appropriate sou
veuir of the occasion will be given to
each person in attendance.
Messrs. G. F. Tinsler, Henry Suder
and Frank Lowe, the committee hav
ing charge of these socials, have made
a grand success of the venture aud
the socials will undoubtedly continue
to lie a regular weekly feature of the
soieal life of Prescott.
The sheriff's office in Prescott re
ceived a telegram yesterday afternoon
from Nogales that two Mexicaus had
lieen arresteu in that city who were
thought to lie the two murderers of
Goddard and Cox. Today a full de
scription of the two suspects was tele
graphed to Coder Sheriff Piatt who
-ay.- the description does not tally
with that of the murderers in some
important details, and be is of the be
lief that they are not the parties
wanted. Sheriff Rolierts. who is in
that part of the territory somewhere
will proceed to Nogales to take a look
at the prisoners as soon as he can be
found and notified.
It may lie said now that the officers
are without any reliable clue or with
out any clue which it may be hoped
might tie reliable unless the men at
Nogales are the ones wanted
seems to le very unlikely. Rumors
of all kin, I- come to them. Some of
I hem are plainly ridiculous and the
others when run down disappear en
'irely. The authorities have done
everything that could lie done but the
murderers had a start of twenty-four
hours, ami whatever trails might have
lieen left were washed out by the rains
which the couutry was drenched almut
that time, if the murderers weut to
ward the northern mountains their
trails would have beeu covered by
the snows. It was forty height hours
liefore au accurate description of the
men could lie secured for the descrip
tion furnished by the susvivors of the
massacre would have lieen misleading
and worse than none at all.
pervisors may employ an assistant at
a salary of $1200, was unfavorably re
ported. On the motion of its author
the measure was indefinitely post
poned. Collins fish and game bill was
passed. It gives the fish and game
commissioners authority to poet no
tices on private property at the re
qu I of the owner forbidding persons
froig entering for the purpose of hunt
ing or fishing. A violation of the no
tice i a disdemeanor punishable by a
flne to be turned into a fund for car
rying out the purposes of the com
mission. The owner of the property
himself may post the notice which
shall have the same effect as if posted
by the commissioners, and he is au
thorized to make arrests for its violation.
these years he was oue of the most ac
tive men in Arizona politics. About j He Attempts to Put a Mexican
1883 he retired from active politics H0D0 Off the Train and
and deovted most of his time to the
cattle business, owning a large ranch
in Pima county. He continued in
this business till he left Arizona for I
California about 1890. Only a Flesh Wound in the Arm Shoot-
In his letter he spoke of his associ
ation and friendship with such men
as ex-Governor Tritle, Judge E. W.
Wells and many other well knowu and
prominent persons iu Arizona's early
Mr. aud Mrs. Wassou will lie wel- I
corned back to the seeues of their
pioneer struggles to plant the good
seed of American civilization, by a ;
number of the "old timers" who still ,
reside here. Those who are now en- I
joying the fruits of the seeds then j
plauted will also lie glad to see them, j
Gets Shot.
er Arrested and in Jail at
When this morning's north bound
passeuger train started to pull out
after taking water at the Agua Fria
tank, about twenty miles this side of
Phenix. Brakeman Pete Clark discov
ered a Mexican on the platform be
tween the smoking car and the day
coach, attempting to beat his way
over the road, and asked him to get
off. He made no reply nor offer to
obey and the brakeman started to put
him off. As the Mexican landed on
the ground he turned suddenly and
' pulled a 45-six shooter from his
pocket and fired at Clark but miaondi
Over Half of the Session Gone and him. the bail striking the front of
the day coach. Clark drew his pistol
and fired at the Mexican also missing
' his mark.
At the sound of the first shot a
deputy constable under Pete Boseba,
of Congress, who was in the smoker.
It Has Passed Only
Two Bills.
Council is Said to Lock
Favor on the Woman Suf
frage Bill
The legislative sessiou has run now
rushed out and told both men that
they were under arreet. By this time
all three men were on the ground be
side the car. The constaLle took
Clark's gun from him but the Mexi
can still kept his and after Clark's
gun had lieen taken the hobo deliber-
more thau half of its limit. During atey nred second snot at Llark, the
this period it has passed two laws and ,ia Passing through his arm and em
sent them to the governor for his sig
uacure. Members of the legislature
iu both instances have lieeu the beue
ficiaries of the laws passed. Oue of
them appropriated $700 to pay the ex
penses of a number of the members
ou a junketing trip uuder the guise
of investigating public institutions.
The member- of course traveled ou
free passes and in most places were
entertained by the people of the places
visited so that the $7oo could lie ap
plied for iucideutals. Some of the
members even weut to Lis Angeles to
look up institutions there to examiue.
Their search was uo doubt rewarded
bedding itself deep into the side of
the car. The would-be murderer was
then overpowered, disarmed and taken
charge of by the constable while
Clark's arm was bandaged and be was
put to bed in the Pullman and
brought on to Wickenburg where he
was taken off and h is wound attended
The prisoner was taken off at Con
gress Junction and from there to Con
gress where he will have bis prelim
inary bearing.
The shooting was the work of a vil
lianous coward with murder in his
heart and he should be taught a les-
too although no reports have yet lieeu 'U an'l at the same time be pnt where
submitted. n wl11 have no opportunity to exer-
The other bill appropriated $:H for eige murderous proclivities
postage of members lieiug an allow
ance of $10 for each one. If this was
which all devoted iu paying postage for cor
respondence with constituents it
would pay for carrying ."n letters or
Clark's wouud being only a flesh
wound is not considered very serious,
but bis esonpe from death was by a
terrible close margin.
Faculty of New Mexico Normal School
Quit Their Jobs.
Fast Las Vegas, N. M., Feb. 17
Because of the resignation of Presi
dent Frank Springer, of the board of
Has become famous during the past regents of the normal university at
fifty years because it is a family medi
cine that can awlays be relied on for
any deraiikfemeut ot the stomach,
liver, kidney and Uiwels. It is there
fore especially adapted to those who
suffer from indigestion, dyspepsia,
constipation, nervousm ss or liver and
I. i,le.- ! i 'II , Mil, I ul.., u-'jiil
well again. Commence taking the acckf1 the resignation of Springer
biiters today. Good health is sure to and to "appoint a board of regeuts
follow. Avoid substitute. who are friendly to the school."
this place and the rumors of other
changes in the faculty. President
Hewitt, of the university and sixteen
of the teachers have gone on a strike.
Members of the faculty have written
to Governor Otero asking him not to