Newspaper Page Text
THE LOCAL NEWS ) .OK TM ...CITY AND COL NT Y From Sat u rday 's Dai y ix. o , ... ... an indefinite vacation by his emigre "V ereain, last and while here sold going into the treasury, instead of en gat ion in Los Angeles. " Mo Homy L.ivin all his inter. -i in riehiug a single individual. He in- Capt. Hatch, who has been iu Toe - 1 ' n ues at Stockton Hill- 'voiced the gag rule to .r. vent the son for several days on business. ie- Mohave V 1;.. i minority report of the committee lie- tarned to Whipple today. Lag read, and his aciions t luoiighout . i , . . ' U'UW III tittlfl Stut. ! Attorney E. M. Doe of Klak'statl'. is ; -A. , ik., u.i..i.. i trail hearing before Judge Sloan to- day. The dog piosouer is at work in I'res- cott. and up to uoou today no !-- than fourteen dead dugs bad been found in different parts of the ciH The Eagle initiated four new mem- ban at its meeting on Thursday night. Having paaaed the 300 mark. they are now soaring towards the dOU mark for their aerie. T I M i . J. ii. .viouueiie, general manage' ol the Federal Investment ami Tru- company, returned today from a rerj successful business trip "in the south ern part of the county. T. G. Xorris was able to return to Prescott this morning from Phenix xi,-. v..;. v,.i i AAko. ...u i ..a.. ... muiruti sun. eiently to return home today bat will very likely come up in a day or two. Geo. Retzer. w in. has been employed in the mercantile establishment of J. I. Gardiner, has accepted a position with tbe street car company in Los Angeles and left for that city today to enter upon bis new duties. Tbe United State.- civil service con mission announces that on March 24. 1903. an examination will be bel : U tbe usual places lor tbe position of iu terpreter in the Turkish. Arabic. He brew. Spanish. French and Italian langogaet. Mrs. Robert Liuvell. aud two little girls, who has been visiting her sister. Mrs. B. V. Weaver, iu Prescott for several days, leaves this evening foi Phenix. where she will visit her pa eiits a few days lefore returning t. home in ac. E. Wagoner is iu town today fron. ?oner. on the raving Hassavami.a. ie is accomianieil by Fred Borders. . brother of Mis. Wagoner win. i- i. cent arrival in this section Iron. ", i us mac, Indiana. Mr. Horde:- maj conclude to remain here. Work on the new shcool botase i progressing nicely. The first o plastering has been almost Baiabe and but for the extremely cold wea ther the past few weeks the plastering for the entire building would have been completed. It has leen neces sary to keep hot fires going all night in the building ever since the work .a plastering was begun. T . J. Xieniau, who has lieeu spend ing a couple of days iu Present! on l'u-iuSan.d chatting with friends. lTJi today for ln prjnaBaavr Hillside. Mr. N. Nation in that sect I -.nth later thau usual owing to- be 3a?vere winter, but ever is rejoiciBg ir?r the fact that then- will be an abundance of water on ac count of the ueavy snow fall in the mountains. Joe (Mayer is erecting a fine new brick "store room at Mayer which which would te a credit to a city ol several thousand inhabitant-. Tin building is across the street and a lit tie south of his present -tore. I, about eighty feet deep and has a large gallery running clear around the -ides and ends which makes it almost eqoal to a two story building. The front will be large plate glass and all the fixtures will be up to date, while the stock of general merchandise will be full and complete. Hon. J. W. Beuham. who i- w. li aown all over Arizona. ted the county of Maricopa in the SUth letil.-lat ie assemli ' . pral years was proprietor ot th I rat Fh.-nix an e stablishnw ' K iu eurios aim r el ics tl An md which became very populai eastern nsitors to thai city, through Pre-cott today on his to New York 'itv at which place is the manager for tbe Hyde Ex ploring Expedition. Mr. Beuham bad been spending a few days iu Phenix on business and pleasure. During l'.CI. the Sauta Fe will lay about :t0 miles of raaiu line track on its line east of Albuquerque with new eighty five pound rails. It i- en p.-i ied that :t00 miles of equal h rails will be spiked down ou its liu iu Arizona. California ami T This will about complete the work b, gun in 1901. whereby the invent) ii pouna ran is io oe rne minimum i weight for Santa Fe system main tracks. Millions of dollars have al ready been expended in ontting d grades, raising fills, puffing m iron bridges and straightening curve.-. A new story by Owen Kildare will ie a leading feature of the ApriP'Suc cess." Mr. Kildare's true story of flts4tfe"My Rise from the Slums ;. Manhood." which wh's published in the February "Success." called fori!' nearly five thousand letter- from all parts of the country. ! lie ie- r is a true one. and is. quel to the first. It in a way. a ,.,.liil..,l ' Mr 1 Good Old Pal." and tells of tie rt. i i tion of a dog whom Mr. Kildnre calls I -hiaheat friend." It timrtes will. I human interest and shows what won derful intelligence some dogs possess. Owen Kildare is the newest stai In the literary firmament, aud his rl is verv true to nature. From Honaav's Daily. March came in like a lamb. J. Fisher is doing s .- -urvey- In the Crowned King country. Ward came in from Mayer on lay afternoon to sieud Sunday ith his family. Ed Kiehl. tbe plumlr. is putting in one of his acetllyue gas lighting plant.- for a Poland firm. The bill for tbe regulation of the practice of medicine in this territory passed tbe council on Saturday. Banker T. E. Pollock, of Flagslafi. returned to his home yesterday after a day spent iu Prescott on letal biisi uess. J. H. Collins is in town from Ault man. where he has tieeu stopping lor some time, for the lieuefit of his health. P. Mohn A Co. -ent a casket lln moruiug to loo. Flammer at McCabe. The name of the deceased was not given. Miss Eth. l lloyee. only langhtti of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Boyce. ..f Will ianis, d:ei in L. Angeles b.-t aged seventeen yflir- week Sheriff Rolierts arrested a Mexlcai ou Turkey Creek yesterday who i suspwted of lieine one of the Ml derers of the late Frs! IJuzzo. The Christian En.leavoi society of the Congregational church are pn iug for an Easter sab-, in take p . during the first Veek in April. Mrs. F. P. Ward and daughi. r will go to Mayer on Friday to r.-s Mrs. Saokett. mother of Mrs Ward, wo is visiting her, will accompany ber. Samuel Saucer. son of the late Charles Spencer of Mohave mtv. died recontly in Kingman of , 1 sumption. Ho was twenty one v it of age. Mr. aud Mrs. Sawyer of Ii: ugor. Maine, are isiting Iheir son. P Sawyer, with whom they .viil two weeks, when they will go to Cali foruia for a visit. Kditor 1). I). McDonald returned ; last uighl from a trip to California. ! He was accompanied homo by his i father. M. McDonald, who will s.ieu.i i. ks wsitiug iu Pros- ' "' K M Saulord. th. brainy Pivs- ..colt atioruev. was in Kingman Mon M , , '"oa ;im.'i i couri. i ue laiiroan wnipnny instituted another suit against him in umiaaoilnii with the " Hag I trail which was heard by .!. i . Sic n . h mberB. The f. U tag am installed a- otli ' " ,he ' : ! PtlloW8 eBr ' - Henry, chief patriarch: Steve N'ash. high priest; Henry Skater . .1 P. Burnett, senior ward, u : ,,. . ... biehard Suniid. warden. The net proceeds oJ the Doll Shop ii. rtainment, together with the pro- coeds received from the sale of candy, io eoaaeetioB aitfc it amounts to uearly WOO. The entire proceed baa iieen donated to the rectory fund of .. tbe 1 'cooal church, , rnm Tuesday's Daily . J. II. Knimcrt went north on this morn i i : ' .- tniin. The heating apralus for the new pablic school l.uilding has arrived at the depot. -I (' Iv.ii'.'iti came in yesterday from Peoria, Arlzon;:. where he ha been for a few days. Charles Ktie. v H ill, with i -rank I.. -h. "-. retaraad taia aaa-aiag from tri. to Wli ib linhanj Attorney (!. neral K. W. Wells spent vest, rday in Present t on tmsiuess. re turning to Pbeuix last night. Mrs. Jessie Stewart, sister of Mrs. Korriei. left this morning with her little giri fur u visit to Eos Anu'. l. s. Wm. Cooper of Skull valley came up on this inoruiim's tniin to attend :be(iraiid Army post meet ittg tonight. T E. Stiiti'.ur. president of the Pre larred Tontine Mercantile conijiauy. i in Iowa making contracts for hi. comiauy. Thirty six car loads of wool have been .-hipped of late from Phenix to aaatara aawknta. The cars contain ttmm Ji'.noo be rto.nnu p.mnd- each. J. W. Sullivan ihe well known cat tle man c:.nie bo yesterday from Pbe nix. He b.-s lieen iu California for -ome time loofciag i.t'er cattle there. Ion Lawler returned ban evening bnaat a five weeks' visit to Kansas City. He says thai unusually cold al hi r bat areaaUad thara4aria the j winter. 1 ,; Burns returned last evening In. .ii a week'.- trip in the mining sec lin.n- east of Pre-cott. hunting for ore for the Val Verde concentrating works. Ih-uggist W. P. fill Hlanri left on this Morning's train for Los Jbnjajnj tor a visit with bis wife and loy. He will be absent for about ten days or t" .'."i ks The L'niied States civil service com-,..i--ioii anno inoea on March -24, DBS, wm examinat i..u will Im held al j in- u.-ii d plaeea Btr the position of Dr. uud Mrs. E. 15. Ketch.-rside i came up on luis ui.roii.u s iitiiu iroin Vuma. Tin ir daughter is reported quite sick al Camp Verde, ami they are en route to her bedside. The regular ntjartatty examination i lv ,h' M"1"" '.V the of teachers for certificates has been in 1 Journal-Miner union of the tem pi -ouress for the past two days under tories wheu all other menus failed, direction oi Bupei intendenf J. Bf! Jolly. There are two applicant- F. I Ruwell, a newvpaper man m '-. u u -r . ttaiue, formerly coiinic.e.1 with; h' ffniauhnri Journal, of that I d hi- itn red in Prescott last evt mug ol laeatiag here bo engage iu - cle.-s of business. A venire was issued yesterday b Judge Sloan for six; MB trand jum,. - ntaraabte Haaah SS, aud fifty trial juror-, returnable March ML There are twenty one prisonen awaiting trial on changes. .t ielony. rfaawi today let 1 he lioaPi ol si!) the stationery contract for the coaling reejf :.. t kVoosier. of Present. ( o account ol the sickness of Geo. . , Sliermali the sessioli was short, tile board Ijoarning thh fternoon. ,. , , ... ( 'A Koppelman, who resigned his position with P. Mohn ft c'o. several days ago. to acc. p; a position with the Scmiton. Pennsylvania. Interna tional correspondence school, return ed this morning irom a visit to !'ht ui.x ou husiues.- connected with the -ch .ol. He expects to remain in pre-cott for m vera! day.-. H. A. GorMn, of the Bniki pharm acy . tin- rec'-ive.l a i I ol a v. ry !li- teresiiug issue of the New Oriaana Picayune, from ! r Otto, w ho recent ly returned t.. i hal or. . It contains u,It it .illy colored i I In-: rat ions ol the floats Bead in th. lardi Oras. and .K-oupies sixteen page- of the paper. It gives one an excelieut idea of tb.' gorgeoasuess of the iarade. Western Star. Itobekah lodge No. !, 1. O. O. F.. will giw- . -oug so-ial at Odd Fellows hull ou Friday night. March ti. Bvwjbody i- invited to a' tend. Gtoad prograanaai and good Uaae assured. Everyone who attend i reiple-Ied to reple-elll some solle I and prizes v. ill tegion to the one' '! ' " 1 re i ntd. fbi entertainment mil be given for the benefit of the Odd; I'. llow.- home. , '","' u " l '"' Ml ' ' W- Tabor, who died yesterday afternoon mi her residence in ad Preaeott will tain ton,,, i,.,w in ..ruing at 10::, i ci oca. irom ue wesi rresoon Mem- odi-t church, South. Friend.- and ac- ineintaneee n inrfted to attend, j I teeaaaad was a meal estiaaahle yonng 1 n (.. loved bj all who knew her. She wa- boi ii twenty two year-ago in iteti.tei son. Missouri, nanra aer pa rents still reside She bas. brother and si.-t.-r residing mi Lamar. olo- r do, and to all bar relative- tin- ahnounoeaieTil ol her death will com. as a severe shook a- they were not ad Final of her sicknem at all. Leslie i asrand Mn rnoline ThoMpeon two of hei fornie. icbooiaaates came up from Phenix this awMtring on being advi-'d ot her death to attend the BanernL lr. Tabor base fatln-i and two tirother-. whom grial over her on y death is M poignant as that of the In icaved biisb. D.I. as they lov-.l le-r as , .laughter and -i - . r. ROTICE TO fXXTKACIOBS. I'rop .-.l- aaated for building Wil on tneatn und bneinen Uoak; Plant au.i sp.-.'iticat ion- at ollne of Whil tlesey and Elliott. MB -0 WILL EXAMINE OFFICE. si it. sinan Howe is doing valiant Mrvice tnr Secietury StHlard. as HuHj,ist working for t bo interests of i the tax ayei-s of the territory, in his efforts to prevent the fees received Imin tiling ai tides of incorporation beaa 111 li.vt oppomOB to the .1 , : .. ..I... i iciin h-i ni to pun i in in. Mr. Howe is a ieinoorat. aud the quest ion of his vio lation of democratic pledges, is a siibj.ct for iiis own conscience, and the party he represents, although the .ill ire territory has a direct interest in the matter. If the 150,000 or more rtnvivod from these fees could be turned into the territorial treasury every vear it would -make a snug Ut ile sum to rellew- tax payers of. legislature docs no! seem in ''lined to be willing to blindly follow Ihe leadership of Mr. Kowe on this whjaol though, as immediately P0 Ins gagging the minority of the eom- mittee from reading its report, th. fo!owuig resolution was adopted: "Resolved. That the -peaker of ihis house appoint a committee, of five niemlft- of this house, "f which t lie speaker .-hall be t he chai rinali. to examine the report of Isaac T. Stod dard, -ecretaiy of the territory, traus tnltted to tlii- house by the (lovernor. relative to the lee- collected by said secretary in connection with the ar i ides of laooi Duration filed in hi.- oitice and to examine and inve-tigaie ,e ,,rlice af said secretary of the ter- J ,.;,,. y in resiH-t to all fees colbvted h him under authority of any act of the territory of Arizona, aud nan in the discharu. oi such luty. the said commiUee is I ereby emmwere.l to and for book.-, papers aud persons, and administer oaths and examine witnesses under oath, ami report the resiili of such examination aud inves- tigai ion tot his house. " Speaker P .we s then ap)iuted the j following committee: )'Connell, St. Charles. Williams and Cowan. It issaid when the committee was aunounced. Secretary Stoddard, who was on the oar of the bouse, made an uncom plimentary remark concerning the committee. The Journal Miner is airaui to the fraud wit ii its old time howl that the Courier simps and snarls at it. when tbe fa. is are that few issues ot the lou' iial-.Miner have leeu devoid of an uncalled for dig at this paper since I lie lab- Clark Chiuchill b.ought the -'--M. man to Prescott for tbe express purpose of wiping the Courier off the earth. Courier. There has uot been a line in the .lo'irnal-.Miner tor weeKs of any refereaee to its snarling con temporary until the latter came out on Saturday with several columns at tack iiiL this paper as an alleged reply to charges against the legislators for uot keeping their promises. Our morbid contemporary speaks about the Journal -M iner crawling into the rear end of the Ives band wagon. hi the territorial consolidation ques lion. Our couteuipoiary has alway. ' n -oaie.vbat crosseyed when look oie at the Tiwnaal Hfliwa'n act Km. As it "roaPtecV this paper longtime before Ive. inXioduned hi- n-olntion for i'- position on that anaation, making false representations iu order j to try to create prejudice against tb paper, it seems as it Ives had crawled into the rear end af the Journal-Miner band wagon. The Ives resolution was At Monday's -e ion of the lower house of Die legislature a resolution ..a- a lopied renon aci ng aud deuouue iug the autiah of thecoiiucil iu fav oring admission under a union of the irizoaa and New Mexico as a single -t ite. The resolution fairly bristled nth sent imeiit and repudiated iu toto M expression ol the council resolu tion. Of course tie -. two coiitlicling resolutions, telegraphed to congress, will only tend to bnaea tfea chances ot statehood uu ier any conditions H btM hour bill as amende,! in the!8 Couiiell.-yille Coke company's council ana alas pa ei by the house and will now go to the governor. An article appeared on Saturday in the Journal-Miner iu reference to the lire department trouble.-, which some h s construed a- a reflection on the old city council, although the lan- nane is not callable of such a con st ruction. Speaking of the aapnrt- i al Mayor ilurmistei' says that the B d ipartaMnl never made a demand .r a raancal on the , itv council which was not granted. Nan Imse was pur- ! chasi.l and all the apnarattta asked for, granted The actions of Stoddard's man Kowe in the boose, in preventing the reading in full ol ihe minority re : 'it, should oien the eyes of the boneet saeoibars.ol the house. Such ' mtieS show the cloven loot, aud are - unple of thl work thai is being done by Stoddard's hirelings day and night to defeat Governor Brodie'a recominelidat ion - Bjflbee Keview. Alioiil tile most conlemnt i ble thine I a man can be guilty of is to po. -on log. MiiIethe .loiirnal Miner editor is not a dog faiiicer. ami il lit. I IU I ticalar lover of the canine race. i. l. ii, .1,11 in., t be -.Hi - ' inal-.and has no -vnpat.iv, or, he brute i,.,,.",, i .,..';. ... Our snarling oontompornry thi.- morning refers ...the Los Angeles end , i... t.,., Mi..-.- arm n htm iW. , ...i.i.i m i.. .,lrlllti. Miner was not NW..,. lllH, it Uiili ..j, .ngelos ,,,. n Tin- editor of the Tucson Citizen is I elated over the prospect of Oh wtnra j of knee breeches again as the stylo tor men. J he afaaaaan editor nngni ! beaten the erenl by adopting the ous-1 torn hinisdt TREATY RATIFIED Wa.-hincloli. March '.I. Secret I ry Hay and Sir Michael Herbert, loday exchanged nil itica! ions of the Ales kna bonndary treaty. Prenarattoae .1 the oases of the two sides will ptoceed rapidly a they must Is- submitted to ai bitiati ii w il Inn sixty days. Wolioy'- lung ointiiient - genuine itid good jii-t r.N'eivsl direct fron. Mr. Wooley bv Ih isley I h ug Co 1-lotf Telegraphic Sparks. Philadelphia. Pa., March "J. Two strikes, involving :iut men was iuaug urated here today. Four branches of tbe I'm tod garmeut makers struck for shorter hours, aud recognition of the union. Due thousand carriage mak ers quit for more wages. Pari.-. March 2. -President D. R. Francis of the St. Louis exposition, arrived early today from London. He immediately set about meeting leading political officials, with a view of encouraging French participation ill the exposition. Washington. March :i. Rear Ad miral Crow niushield. commanding the European station, has applied for retirement. He will be relieved of iiis command by Hear Admiral t'has. Cotton, at present the commandant at the Norfolk navy yard. Dresden. March 2. L. A. O'Krion. an American dentist has been ordered to leave the kiugdom on accouut of his supposed relations with the former Crown Princess Louise. He will leave Dresden on Wednesday ami will sail with bis wife and four children for America on Thursday. Home. March 2. Tbe st niggle to obtain seats for tomorrow's cere monies at the Vatican ou the occasion of the teweuty fifth anniversary of the coronation of the Papa has lieeu uu-pri-oedeuted. It is that more than 30000 persons will lie present. Ticket.- are lieiug held at high prices for the ceremony. Panama, March 2. A dispatch from San Salvador today says that Cenersil Kegaldo. yesterday handed over the presidency to Gen. Pedro Escalon. who was declared elected on r'eliruary 19. This was the tirst peaceful transfer of tbe presidency iu fifty years. It caused great rejoicing thoughout all of Salvador. Dover, Del.. March 2. The Dela- w"' legislature this afternoon ended the deadlock by elect iug State' Sena tor Frank Alios. L'uiou republican to the long term of the senatorsbip, which expires in 1!M7, aud Co- ress mau Louis II. Kail, regular republi can to the short term which expires in 966, The result is regarded here as an Addicks victory. Washington. Iud., March 2. Train wreckers, in an attempt to ditch No. 12. one of the fastest express train M the Baltimore and Ohio South western road wrecked a fast freight, resulting in the death of Fireman llugbey aud Harvery, a friend, who was learning the stations so as to work as a fireman. Oue luakeman was also fatally injured. Washington. March 'A. Attorney leneral Knox, on leaving the cabinet meeting today, aunounced that he hail received from the Panama canal company its acceptance of the propos al which was recently made with re--poot to the extension of the option on the company's priqierty held by ibis government. The option can now be kept alive nut il the ratifies tion of the pending treaty. Toledo, Ohio, March 1 flpiliaali from Northwestern Ohio show the ffond situation very serious. in away iowus the streets are flooded, ieople a. iorced to move out and railway (raffic I badly crippled. At Pindlay, Sjaui .Mottatt was drowned in the street jy i)rpaijiul through the sidewalk. Nelson Jacobs and Henry Thomas, wealthy farmers of Findlay. attempt ed to drive through a mw place in the road. The horses and Ixitb iiieu were drowned iu five feet of water. Loudon. March 2. Terrific seas are running in the English channel. The wave- are sweeping the sea fronts of the south coast towns, doing much damage Several fatalities have r snlt.-d ham the oallante varioj structures. The Dover Calais ma.l boat. Pas de Calais is reported to be .lifting helplessly liefore tbe gale with two hundred passengers ou board. A large liark U'lieved to belong to Hamburg has foundered off Landseiid. The crew iiumhcritii: twenty men is Mnnaeed la be drowned. Latrolie. Pa.. Feb. 28. The Hos situated near here, was the scene "I a nre .lamp explosion late yesior- day. It i- thought that seven men losi their lives. Eight hundred men were employed in the mine. The cause of the explosion is a mystery, ll occurred in what is known as No. 7. which is two miles from the main entry. Most of the works in the vi cinity are wrecked. The explosion was not heard outside of the iniue. and none except those at work there knew of it until the men rushed to " 'aiu entrance, aiming parties are searching for the missing men. Hopes are entertained that they may still be alive. The ro-ciiers have brought out seven of the missing miners in an aa conacioas unadlthan. Two more thought to lie lead are still missing. Washington. March 2. The presi dent today issued the following pr.x--lamatiou : By the president of the Fuited Slate-, a proclamation: Whereas, public interests require thai IHIIglTitl should convene iu ex i rao- liiiaiy seesion, theref. o, 1, The., lore Boosevilt, presidcu. of the United States ot America do hereby procfadaa, and declare that an extra or.iinary occasion requires uie .-euaie . IT..:,. I . . IL. Oil' LIIIU'.I .llilll's III OIUO'III' ni .lie " Washington on the fifth day of March, next at noon. .if which all persons, who shall at that time ie entitled to act as members, of th il body are hereby required to take not Ice. Oirca u nder my baud and the Mai of the United States at Wash iagton, the meond day of March. nineteen hundred three. Signed Theodore Koosevelt. President. John Hay. Secretai v. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders f r Children. Mother Qtajr, foi ears a nurse iu the CMIdrea'a Homo ii Now York, troale.1 cbildren sho os, fully with a rein.tlv. now ptv .laroi) ami placed in tbe "Inif; stor.-s. called Mother Gray's Sweet Ponders :or Children. Thar are harmless as uiilk. pleas. m; to lake unit never fail certain cure for feverishness, con -tipatiou. hea.laolie, teotbiiisf and -toiiinoli disorder and remove worms t all druggists. 25c. Don't accept j my siibatitnte, Sample aenl FREE. Addram tllen S. Dims lead, u B rr, . Y. A Costly Mistake. Blutld.-rs are sono tiines wrv ox- pensive h- asioi life the price of a mistake, but mhi'II eve, Is" wrong it rou take Dr. I Kuio's New Lite pills .' spepsia. 'iziiiess, nennanaa, liver ue i we Ii b!e. Thov at.- gentle yet thor oub. mGi at all druggists. PRESCOTT AT HEAD OF LIST Some Interesting Statistics Gleaned From Report of Postoffice Auditor. It Shows Where the Center of Terri torial Progress and Prosperity Are Located One of the surest methods to deter mine the volume of business trans acted by a city or town or to estimate the position it occupies in the public thought is by the business that is transacted through the ostutiice. In this respect the report of the auditor of the postoltico department at Wash ington. on the amount of busines. transacted by the three largest offices in Arizona, which has just lieen re ceived by Postmaster A. L. Smith, of Prescott, is very gratifying. The figures are as follows: Beginning July. 1, WHO. aud ending July 1. 1MB, the gross receipts for the office at Pbe uix were: ''or 1!K1. BM,63h,87; for l!ri. MtMLSB, or a gain of ! per cent. For Tucson, during the same period tbe receipts were: For 1001, ?1t'i.t7.0l; for 1002. 18.700.1!. or a gain of 12 per cent. At Prescott. the receipts were : For 1001. 12.007. ti-l: for 10O2. H4t8Bwlhj or a gain of 20 er cent. These gains are for the fiscal year, but the gain for Prescott for the calendar year of 1!K2 makes even a far better showing thau that for the fiscal year, owing to the great progress that this section has made during the past eight or teu mouths. The calender year's business by quarters as follows: For the year 1001, first quarter showed receipts amounting to .2078.07: second quarter. $1824.20; third quar ter, IBBffLSa.; fourth quarter. SM2 80. amounting in all to 212. 732. 08. For the calender year 1002 the re ceipts were: Fir-t quarter $1760.88: second quarter. -iSOH.'.Hi; third quar ter. W142.24. lonrtfc quarter. BfaVtSn, making a total of lti.0t4. 14. a gain of .'t0Cil.7ti. or nearly H per cent. Shold this gain keep up two or three years more Prescott will lie second if not first on the list ill Arizona. As it is the figures are very significant, and shows bevoud the question of a doubt that Prescott and the surrounding country is going ahead with greater strides than any other section in the sout Invest. PKESCOTTS' FIRE DEPARTMENT. Mayor liurke has ad.iro.-. ed the fol lowing communication to the chief of the fire department in Prescott. which will explain itself: "Chief of the Prescott Fire )eiirt laent, City. Dear Sir: Will you kindly request the foremen of the hose companies and also the foremen of the hook and ladder eoniny under your juris,! ie tion to furnish Ihro'igh your otllcofor file aud record iu this office a com plele list of tleir present respective equipment. And also a memorandum of the requirements of the resH'otive companies to more fully equip for efficient work in case of necessity. V ery respectively. Dennis A. Burke. Mayor." The tire douirtmont of this city has been sadly neglected for the past two years, it lieiug impossible to get Ihe companies together or to get any thing for tbe men to work with. The matter has reached a point of almost criminal neglect a.- the property in terests of the city cannot Ik- property protected with a demoralized fire de irtmenl which baa bo equipment lor tighliag nm ami the arat thing anj body knows, if something i- not done, tbe insurance companies will be ttk iug the matter up aud an liable to raise the insurance rates. The action of the mayui is along the right line and should be followed up by tig mom action on the wrt ot all who have any authority to help improve lie Eire degmtmant. No iu--titntion in li e city is more deserving if the undivided support aud help ot every citizen ami official than the lire department, and the men who risk their lives to save the property of others should lie given every cousid oration possible. The Journal Miner hojies the mayor aud council will work iu harmony iu this matter and act at once. CLIONIAN SOCIETY. The following programme was ren dered yesterday afternooon by mem bom of the CUoniaa Literary society composed of pupils of the eighth, ninth and tenth grades of the Prescott public schools : Piano solo Clara Logan. Essay The Youth of (ieorge Wash ington. Illiss Travis. Declamation The American I 'lag. , Kd Toml inson. Declamation Lincoln the Man of the People. Mable Toliey. Piano duct Mae Cook aud Maude Marsh. Declamat ion Andre and Ibile, Joe Bbtner. K.-say Patrick Ueury. Kloanor Storm. Declamation The Kvpulsion of the Aca.lialis. Maud Marsh. Declamation The Hoys. Arthur Call.-. Vocal solo Miss Criley. Essay Abraham Lincoln. Walter Maiser. D.s'lainal ion Daniel Webster's Speech. Virginia Mite. Current Events Minnie Davis. Vocal number Misses Smith, Tra vis. Logan and Kieth. A VEK STOMACH cans. a weak body and invites dis- i ease. Kodol Dyspeisia Cure cures; and strengthens the stomach, and ' wards off and overcomes disease. J. Ii. Taylor, a prominent merchant of 1 Chrieaman, Tex., says: "I oonld not oat because of a weak stomach. I Install strength and run dowu ill I weight. All that money could do was done, but all hope of recovery van iahan. Hearing of some wonderful cures effected by use of Kodol. I con cluded to try it. Tbe first bottle liouefltted me. and after taking four Ixittles I am fully restored to un usual strength, weight and health." Brisley Drug Co.. Corbiu Bark. A Frightened Horse. Kuuniag like :nad down the street dumping; the occupants, or a hun drod other accidents, are every day orcurronces. It hoboore eieryuodT to have a reliable salve handy aud there's none as gsxl as BnsgJmM Arnica Salve. Burns, cuts, sores, eczema and piles disappear nnieltli under to aootbing; atfaat 25c, at all druggists. Bate does general viewing- work, tf MINE WARNING NOTICES! NORTHERN BELL AND JIT'ITER. Notice is hereby given that the nndersign . .1 is the owner of the Northern Bell and Jupiter mining claims, located in Walker milling district . Vaviqiui County, Arizona ; the owner of said property nor the property itself will Botha responsible for any debts aoafmnajd tor labor or otherwise during the time said property is being workd under leas.- und bond. C. . BROCHIT. September 4. V.V. MERTON MOOT? Ot MINES. Notiee is hereby given that the under signed is the ow ner of the Morton group of claims, located in Pine Grove Mining dis trict, lwaaml County, Ari&.iia. tiaving bonded the same to the CadilHo Mining Oampnny : the owner of said property nor tbe property itself will not be responsible for any debts e.,i, traded tor labor or other wise during the time of said bond. R. M. Dougherty. June 17. 1!W2. BIG Bl ti SMELTER. Notice is hereby given that the George A. Treiidwell Copper Company has leased the Boggs mines, smelter and pipe line, and that the undersigned will in no way be re siKinsiblo for debts contracted in opcmtfng the snne. COMMERCIAL MINING CO., J. S. Douglas, Agent. October IT. 19!.. HOMESTEAD MINE. Notice is hereby given that the Homestead mine, located in the Walker mining district, is now being worked under a bond, and that the undersigned, owner of said mine, will not bo responsible for any labor, accident or debts of the same which may accrue during the period of said bond. FRED ZOBEL. Prescott. Arizona. Jan. 8, 1900. SILVER BELT. Notice is hereby gio n that the Silver Belt nine, located in the AgM Kria Mining Dis rid, is now ts ing worked under bond and lease, and the owner- of said property nor tl'ie proierty itself, will not be responsible for any debts contracted against said prop erty during the time of said bond. M KS. F. BASH FORD. HI GH McCRI'M. Prescott. Arizona. May 22, 1901. NIGHT HAWK. Et at The uudcrsigncd. owner of the Night Hawk. White Hawk, and Scottish Thief inin tng claims, and Night Hawk mill site, situat ed in Pm Grove district. VamgBl county. Arizona, having bonded the same, will not he responsible for any debts contracted as nst said property during the time of said bond. JAMES MARSHALL, Prescott. Arizona. Feb. 1. 191)0. ONTARIO GKori'OF MINES. Notice is hereby give?i tiiatthe undersigned are the owners of the Ontario group of mines, located in black Hills mining dis trict, and that e am not be responsible for any debts contract.d for labor or otherwise against said minim: claim by parties work ing the said Ontario group. W W. Munds A Co. Prescott Arizona. Anril 1. 1901. No. o!i. APPLICATION FOR A PATENT. Uuited States Land Office, Pres coft. Arizona. January l. lSKO. Notice i- hereby given that J. W. Sullivan, whose postoffice address 1'r.scott. Arizona, has this day Bled his application for a patent for 4112 linear feet of the Robin. White Crow and Combination mine or vein lieariug gold aud silver with surface ground 000 feet -in width. on each claim situ ated iu I (assay am pa Mining dis trict, county of Yavapai aud territory of Arizona, aud designated by the tb-ld notes and official plat on tile in this ottico a- survey No. l.JCi. Said survey No. 1 (!." lieiug as follows: ROBIN LODE. Bainniugg at initial monument th. not s 10 dog 30 min w oil ft to s c e. identical with s c e of location, u-luiri, .M.riibvi V -line - 1IM ins -ei foot in ground alongside a mon of stone- 3x3 ft. stone marked s. c E. R. No. MB& Thanea u T:t deg 90 mill w .'IlKI feel to for No. 1, identical with a w ear of location. Whence L' S L M No 1132 II U brs s 88 dog IB mm W tni ft. Thence u 10 dog .' min e tOi ft to cor No "2 iden tical with u w cor of location. Thence s Td deg : min e :1U ft to n c e iden tical wit b bs-at ion. Same course 300 ft to cor No SL identical with loca tion. Thence s 10 deg : mill w 1412 ft to cor No 1. identical with loca tion. Thence n Td dog :) min w :t00 ft to s c e. the place of liegiuuing. WHITE CROW U)DE. Beginning at cor No 1 the s w cor of location. Whence L'SL M No 1132 II I) brs n 10 dec :! min w 11. 045. ft. Thence n 27 deg 3 I aUa a 1880 ft to cor No 3 identical with looatiou. Thence s 88 dog ' nun o 270 ft to u c e identical with u c e of location. Bame course 300 ft to cor No 8 which ;s also cor No 2 of Combination lode 0 this survey. Thence s 27 deg .'10 min w 1808 ft to cor No 4. which is also cor No 1 ot Combination lode. Thence u 89 .leg 88 min w 300 ft to 8 c e identical with location. Same course 270 ft to cor No 1. the place of beginning, CO.MISINATION LODE. Beginning at cor 'o 1. which is also cor No t of the White Crow lode 01 t his survey identical with the cor of the location whence C S L M No 1132 II D bis N 47 dog 42 min w lOul.4 ft. Thence n 27 deg : min e 1500 ft to cor No - which is also cor No 8j of the White Crow lode. Thence s 02 deg :H min e 300 ft to u c e identical I with location. Same course 300 ft to 'cor Nod. identical with n e cor of location. Thence s 27 dag min w 1500 ft to cor No 4 identical with location. Thence n 02 dog : min w .(no ft to s c e. identical with loca tion. Same course 318 ft to cor No 1. tile place of lieglllllillg. AREA. Robin Lode ' - - . 13.441) acres Whit Crow Lode. 19.831 acres, loss area in conflict with Robin lode 8.893 acres - - 17.013 acres Net area of White Crow Combinat ion lode 20.ti01 acres Total net area of lode - .77.72:1 acres This claim is located on nusiirveyed land approximately iu twp 12 u r 2 w. ti S K M. in llassayauipa Mining district. Yavapai county. Ariz., and is hounded on all sides by govern ment lauds. V KINS. Rohan Vein extends from initial mon ii 18 dog :ki min o 87 ft and s 10 dog :) mill w .".2."i ft White Crow vein extends from discovery tunnel No 1 u 27 dog :m min o 371 ft and s 27 dog 88 min w 1138 ft. Combination vein extends from the discover? shaft B 27 .leg 88 min e TjOO fl and s 27 dog :ti mill w 1.000 ft. Tbe amended location of tbe White Oow claim is recorded iu book 88 of mines, pages rgV-oOT; amended loca tion of the Robin claim is recorded in book .".S of mines, pages .VS-."i0!; notice of location of the Combination claim is recorded in Ixiok ." of mines, pacm 2si 88a, Any and all iersons claiming ad versely any portion of said Robin, White Crow or Combination mine or surface ground are required to tile their adverse claims with the lbgister of the United States Land Ottico at Pieseott. ill tbe territory of Arizona within sixty days from the tirst publication hereof, or they will lie I m r red by the virtue of the pro visions of tbe statute. I'KN. S. IILDKKTH. Register. First publication .Ian. 7. w No. MR MINERAL APPLICATION l". S. Lais) Office. I'resoott. Ariz, i Dae. 30. it2. 1 Notice is hereby civeu that the American '"opper Company. b John J. Hawkins, its attorney in fact, whose anaa8aM address is lrescott. Ariz... mi. has made application for a patent for :S0.HO linear teet of the Iron King. Western Copper. Bonanza. Sure Thiuii, Eastern Cupper. Copper Chief. Lime Kock. Obaaat 1'latter. Cupner Prince No. 1. Cupper Prince No. 2. Copper Prince. Copper Mount. Copper Vim. New R..d. Copper Keade. Copp. r Peach. Copper Princess. Copper Road. Oenym Dke and Cupper Produce, be ring gold, silver and copper with surfac. uround 6li feet in width, situ ate in Big Hug milling district. Yavapai county, ArizuriH. and designated by Ihe Held notes and official plat on file in thia office aa mineral survey No. 1714, sections 15, lfi, 21. 22 and 28. Tp. 13 u. R 1 e G. A S. R. B. M said survey being described as follows with magnetic va rat ion at 14 dog e: WESTERN COPPER LODE. Beginning at cor No. 1, which is also cor No. 2 Copper Chief lod' of this survey, a porphyry stone lOvlOiL ! ius set 1 ft iu ground alongside a pine i ost 2i4x4 ft long in mound of stones; stone marked W C No. 11714 and C C No, 21714 whence U S M M No 1 B B D brs s 2 dog 51 inin w MU ft ; thence n 24 dog e 15UU ft to cor no 2; thence - 6fi deg e 6111 ft to cor No :t : thence s 24 dt w 1.V0 ft to cor No 4. which is also cor No t Bonanza hide, cor No 2 Iron King ioae. ana cor .. i ..pp. r i .oue o, this survey: thence n deg MO feet to cor No 1. place ot beginning survey or ex- tenor boundaries. BONANZA LODE. Beginning at cor No 1. which is also cor No 2 Iron King, cor No :t Copper Chi. f and cor No 4 Western Copper hides of ihi- -ur vey; a porphyry stone SxSxl'4 ins set I ft in ground alongside a mon of stones mi. pin. p.iet ; stone marked W C No 4-1.14 and n No 1-1714 and CC No :t-1714 and I K No 8 1714: whence I'SMM No 1 B B D brs s 70 deg 51 min w :t357.4 ft : thence n SI deg e 1500 ft to cor No 1': thence sWdege .1111 ft to cor No :t: theuce s-4 deg w l.VxJ ft to cor No 4. which is also cor .o 1 Sure Thing, cor No 2 Lime Rock, cor no:t Iron King lodes of this survey : a porphyry stone HxlOxlH ins set 1 ft in nr. mad alongside a pin.- iiost iu mon of stones; stone marked B No 4-1714. S T No 1-1714. L K No 1' 17M and I K No :t-1714: thence N ft to cor No 1. the plaoe of beginning survey of exterior boundaries. SURE THIXli LODK. Beginning at cor No 1. which is also cor No L1 Lime Rock, cor No. :t Iron King and cor No 4 Bonanza lod-s of this survey, am described above: whence I'SM M No 1 brs s 1 1 deg 1 mm w .ialb.1 ft : thence ri 'J4 deg e .9.1 i rt : tnenee .4 doge , 2 Copper Peach hale of this sur 2: theme s bh d.g e .l f . ,r d ..ribdabove : whence U S M 11 j ' " ; I i s I'"' N" 1 bra n :i deg 52 min w 42H2.9 ft : thence o cor No 1 Eastern ( ..pp. r. ... . m lagl ,...r thence s HK 1.VH ft to eof .o to cor no 3 : then. No 4. which is also cor No J Copis r P atter, . or No A Linn Rock lodes of thissuivey. a p,,rpliyrj stone 10x10x20 ins set 1 ft in ground alongside a piue post in mon of stones: stun.' mark d - T No 4-1714. E C No 1-1714. C P No 2-1714. L R No :-1714: thence n .! deg w !) ft to cor No 1. the place of beginning survey of exterior boundaries. EASTERN COPPER LODE. Beginn ng at cor No 1. which is also cor No 2 Copper Platt.r. cor KaS Lime Rook, cor No 4 Sure Thing lodes of this survey, cor described above: .. hence t S M M No 1 brs s SI deg 49 inin w 4:t!. 1 ft; thence n 24 den e 1500 ft to cor No 2 : lli.nee s H0d"tfe HOP ft to cor Xu.t; theue. - 21 dog w 1500 ft to cor No 4 ; thence n fi deg w rtO f t to c. .r No 1. the place of beginning survey of ex terior boundaries COPPER CHIEF I.'DE Beginning at cor No 1. which is also cor No 2 Copper Prince No 1 lode of thissurvey. a porphpry stone Sxl224 ins set 1 ft in ground, alongside a pine post in mon of stones: stone marked C C No 1-1714 aud C P No 1, 2-1714: whence U S M M No 1 brs n 89 deg 17 mil. w 1993 ft ; thence X H deg I 1500 ft to ci r No 2: th.-ice s M dog . M ft to cor No :t: Thence s 24 detf w 15011 ft to cor No 4. whici: is also cor No 1 Iron Kin;;, cor No 2 Copis-r Prince, cor No 3 Copper Prince No 1 lodes of this survey j a aaM stone 5x12x24 ius set 1 ft in ground, along side a pine post iu union of stones: stone marked C C No 4-1714. 1 K No 1-1714. C P No 2-1714. C P No 1. :-1714: thence n ii d. u . 220 ft aud s-24 d. g 12M) ft from thedis w 600 ft to cor No 1. the place of beginning covery shaft. survey of exterior boundaries IRON KIMi LODE Beginning at cor No 1. which is also or No 2 Copper Prince, cor No 3 Copper Prince No 1. and cor No 4 Copier ( hi d lodes of this survey, cor described it.ov . vnenc. ISM M .Vi I brs 11 S4deg 2:i6 It : thenc. n 24deg e 1500 ft to cor No.': theiwe s 66 deg e 6011 ft to c.r No :t : thenee s '4 deg v 1500 ft to cor No 4. which is a' -ocor No I Lime It.ick. cor No 2 Cooper Mount, cor No j 3 Copper Prince lodes of this ana . a slat, i stone 4x12x24 ins sJ 1 ft in fjnmad aloimsi.'n a pine post in nmn of stones mma inark.-d IK No 4-1714. LR No 1-1715. C M No 2 1714. and C P No B-fflf : thence n Wt a. g ') feet u cor No 1. the place of l go. nr.;; surve of exterior boundaries. LIME HOCK Lt IDE. Beginning at . ..r No 1. which is also cor No 2 Copper Mount, cor No 3 Copp. r Prince, cor No 4 Iron Kiiiu lodes of this sui vey. cor deserilx-d above : whence C S M M No 1 brs u 80 dea :i8 mil, w 3151.7ft : thenc. n 24 deg e HM ft to cor No 2: thence s66 ,i. e e 600 ft to cor No 3 : thence s 24 d'.-g w 1500 ft to cor No 4. which is also cor No I Copper Platter, cor No 2 Copiier Van. cor aeSCDf per Mount lodes of this survey . porphpry stone 6x6x24 ins set 1 ft in ground ajoaajaiaa a pin, post iu mon of stones, stone marked L R No 4-1714. C P No 1-1714 (' V No -1714. C M No 3 1711 : thence n 6. ' dee aaTXIft to wir No I. place of b, einnini,' survey of exterior b.Hiiidaries. oorm pi.attkic LopK. BeiiinuiuiC at C4r No 1. which is also c i No 2. Copper Van. cor No 3 Copper Mount, and cor No4 Lime Rock lodesof this surv. ij . cor described above: whence U S M M No 1 brs n 78 deg 18 min w 3732.6 ft : thence n 24 d.g e 1500 ft to cor No 2: thence s 66 d. e , 600ft to cor No 3: thence s 24 dea w I5KI ft tu cor No 4: thence n deu w 6111 ft to cor; I No I place of beginning survey of exterior boundaries. COPl'KH ' !NCF Nol LODE. HW Nol. is also cor No 1 of the Cornier Priam No 2 lata of- this survey : a porphyry at. ft. 4x12x24 ins s. t 1 foot in ground alonesi.le.i pine i'i inun of stones.stone marked C P No 1. 1 IT 1 4 and c ii .... 1-1.1. fr s; m v v . i I,.. . i. del' lOmiu w I'COft : lh. i c. n -leg . 1500 ft to cor No 2 : thence s i; d.-g .unit to cor No 3:theuce s 24d.i! UBOft to ear Not. which is also cor No 1 Ooppar Prince, cor No 1 New R.d and cor No 4 Copper Pi lac No 2 lodes of this survey a slate stone Ix.tix 88 ins set 1 ft in the uround alone. id.' I piue lost in mon of stones: stone mark, d t 1 o 1.4-1714. C l .yo 1-1.14. a tt i-i. 14. y; r No 2-1714: th. nce n 6f. d.-g w IHI ft to cor No 1. the place of beginning survey of ex terior boundaries. COPPKR PR1NCK LOOK Beginning at cor No 1. which is also cor No 1 New Koud. cor No 4 Copper Price. No 2. and cor No 4 Copper Princ No 1. lod. a of this survey j cor described ils'v. : v.henee V S M M No 1 brs n -i'i deg .V min n 2SIU ft : thence n 24 dvu a I.VJ ft to cor No 2: thence s 66 deg e 6tW ft to cor No 3: thenc. s 24 deg w 1.VJ0 ft to cor No 4 : which is also cor No 1 Copper Mount. o No 1 Copper Reade. nnd ir no 4 New Uoad leaha of this survey: a slate stone 4xlH24 ins set 1 ft iu ground alongside a pine sl in mon uf stones, stone marked C P aa 4-1714. C M 'o 1-1714 and C R no 1-1714 Bad 1 B ,.4 1714: thence n 66 deg w 6011 ft to cur no !. place of beginning survey of exterior t outul iries. COPPER MOI'N T LODK Rgiiiiiing at cor so 1. which is elm cur No 1 Copix r R.ade. c.r no 4 w Koad aud cor no 4 Copper Prince hides of this survey. cor above, whence C S M M no 1 I brs n 53 deg w 3120 3 ft thence n 24 deg a 1500 ft to cor No 2; thence s 66 deg e 600 ft j to cor no 3: thence s 24 deg w HQ ft to cor ! 4: which is also cor no 1 Copi- r Van. am i no 1 Copper Peach, and cor mi 4 Copper; Reade hales of this survey, a si e st 6x18x30 ins set 1 ft in the ground alongside a pin.- post in mon of stones: sione marked CM N 4-1714. C V no 1-1714. C P aa 1714. and C R no 4-1714: tl.eaa I mdeg m 0 ft to cor no 1. place of beginning surv. y ot m terior boundaries. COPPER VAN l.ODE. Beginning at cor no I, which is also cur no 1 Copper Peach, cor No 4 Copjs i 1!. ide, and cor no 4 Copp r Mount lodesof tin- siir vey. cor described above, whence f S ,i M no 1 brs n H deg 5 mill w 3716.6 ft : thenc u 24 deg e IBM ft to cor no 2: thaaeeafltdeg e 600 ft to cor n 3 : thence s 24 dea w ISO i ft to cor no 4 : thence n 66 deg w 6 11 ft to cor N 1 the place of bcgiuuiiii; survey of ex terior boundaries. COPPER PRINCE No 2 l.ODE. Beginning at c.r no 1 which is also em no I Copper Princ." no I. lode of tlii- surv. .. cor d.soribed ribove ; whence E S M M no I brs u 45 deg HI min w !!7'. ft: Name s 24 deg a 8MB ft to .'or no 2: which is also cor no 1 Copi r Princess I.kIi of this surv. . I porphyry ataaa 6sx24 ins Ml I ft in gnsmd alongside a piue iiust in mu . ui ston. s stone marked C P no 2. 2 1714 and CP no 1-1714; tjieuce s 61 deg e 6IH ft tu cur nu :: : w hich is Brno nr aa 2 New Koad cor nu 1 Cupj .1 Riuid. and cor no 4 Oammi I'rinc ss lud. s of Ihis survey, a shite stone .".1'4. ' n i ..s st t 1 ft in ground alongside a mon . f ston.s sur. rounding a pine lHist. stone marfced CP no 2:4-1714. N K Nu 2-1714. C It Nol 17'. I i P no 4-1714: tnenee 24 aV a tma ft t i no 4. thence H deg w .in fi at to cor ! Ihe place uf Is ginning survey uf boundaries. NEW ROD LOOK. Beginning at cor no 1. whi.-h is also cor no 1 Cp r I'rinc'. cur N 4 Copiier Prince No I and cur no 4 CupHT Prin.-e nu 2 - )l this survi-y, nr u-Hrilfi Ihvi j hftuv i T- 2J M M .... 1 1 ., ... A ts ...i ' ".In t. J .! .! O 1 IU?' II L' UlU -f llllll . p-, .. ' - tt : thence s L'4 il.r w m fl to cr no thence R Wi den . l ft to cor N:i. which Is IUS. Cor NO 'J ( tipper te . ll . Co! I o ! per Dyke, and cor No 4 Copper Road 1 -t.s of this survey, a slat, ston, )e:' Ulna t I ft in ground alongside a pine xi-r -urn. ed by mon of ston. s. -tune mark- .1 K no .1-1714. C R no J-1714. c D no 1-4714; and C R no 4-1714 : thence ii J4 d.-g 15Ki ft to coi No 4 : thence n iK deg w a) ft tu c T Nu 1 place of beginning survey of exterior b. ,11111' aril's. COPPER R K ADE l.ODE., which is al-u .-or No 4 New Road and enr Nu 4 Copper I'm., and cor Nu 1 Copier Muuut survej 1714. COC described above: whence 1" S M M no 1 brs n Si deg w M Jt.X fl : thence s u'4 d.-u Usu ft to cor no : thence . uS deu' MW ft to rot no S, which is also cor nu J Cupier Pen. ' ani No 1 Copi'r Irlwe. and cor No 4 C 1 per Dyke lodes of thia survey, a slate Haas tattBaQ ius set 1 ft in ground aJonaaaaV pine iost in mon of -tones, stone inartiad C R :-1714. C P no J-1714. C P no 1-171 1 and C D no4-171 4: thenee nl'4 dog. 1500 ft to . 01 Nn4:thenci 11 deg w tt) ft to or no I. place of beginning surrey of evteriur boxind-arlea. COPPER PEACH LODE. Beginning at cor .to I. which is also cor I ( upper It cor so 4 Copper Mount, aud cor no 1 Cooper Van lodes of this sur vey, mon described above : whence I S M M no 1 brs n 55 dog 5 inin w. X'16.6 ft. thence s 24 d.-g w l ft to cor mm 2; thence s M dog e WOO ft to cor so :t: thence n 24 deg 1500 ft to cor no 4 ; thence n 6 deg w 600 ( t to cor No 1, place of beginning survey of exterior boouaHries. COPPER PRINCESS LODE. Beginning at cor No 1, which is also cor - .. , ST . . I I . .LI. No 2 Ifcjpper rnnoe no 3 ioae oi mis sur v.. i V .. . ,' .1 . ... . jTi: .1 f? K..i,u - "'-I . , w lM) f, u Nl ... th,.nct. M dt,K e . .. nnce 24 dea e 1500 ft: tj 0r 4; lhvucv n HK deg 600 ft to cor m, 1. place of beginning survey of exterior , bouudarii-s. j COPTER ROAD LODE. Beitinning at cor no 1, which is also cor Nl, 4 Copper Princess, cor so 3 Copper I prince no 2 and cor no 2 New Road lodes of this survey, ecr described above; whence L" S M M so 1 brs n 24 deg 1 min w :t2!t.7 ft thence s 24 deg w 15U0 ft to cor so 2: tbenee s W deg e Kim ft to cor so 3 ; thence n 24 deg e 1500 ft to cor so 4 : thence n fifi deg w litti ft to cor no 1. place of beginning sarvey of exterior boundaries. COPl'ER DYKE LODE. Beginning at cor so 1. which is also cor so 4 Cepi r Roud. cor No :t New Rosd. and cor so 2 Copper R.ade ludea of this survey, cor described aboe : whence X S M M so 1 brsn 30 deg 0 min w :!7K2.K ft: thence s 24 d- u ' 151 W ft to cor No 2: thence s bK deg e 131) ft to cor No :t: thence n 24 deg e 1500 ft to am No 4 : thence n W deg w 500 feet to cor No 1. place of beginning survey of ex terior boundaries. COPrKR PRODUCE LODE. Beginning at cor No 1. which is also cor No 4 Copper Dyke, cor No 3 Copper Reade. dag am ft to cor No :s: aWnaa n 24 deg e 1 I rii r f 1 1 cor No 4 : thence wi deg w fit) ft to'eor No 1. plac-of beginning survey of ex- j ferior boundaries. VEINS. W esteru Cornier vein extends n 24deae 400 ft.- 24 .leg w 1100 ft from discovery shaft. Bo- i nanza vein extends I 24 deg w 237 ft. n 24 j deg e 1263 ft from discovery shaft. Sure Thing vein extends s 24 deg w 100 ft. B 24 deg e 1400 ft from the discovery shaft. Eastern Copper vein extends s 24 deg w285 i ft, n 24 di . 1215 ft from discovery shaft. Copper I luef vein extends n 24 deg e 425 1 I ft- s 24 deg 1075 tt rrom trie discovery : I shaft Iron Kiiuz vein extends nly 320 ft to n c e j ) and sly 1180 f t to s c e from discovery shaft. I Lime Rock vein exteDde s 24 deg w 570 ft i ! and n 24 deg e ictO ft from the discovery i SIMJ. .. Copp r Platter vein extends n 24 deg e 700 j ft and s 24 deg w 800 feet from discovery Shalt. Copper Prince No 1 vein extenda s 24 deg w 80 ft. n 24 deg e 1420 feet from discovery shaft. Copper Prince vein extends n 24 deg e 120 ft and s 24 deg BM ft from the discovery shaft. CopMT Mount vein extends u 24 deg e 550 j ft and s 24 deg w !50 ft fromdiscovery shaft Copper Van vein extends n 24 deg e50fti and s 24 de 145nft from discoyery shaft. Copper Prince No 2 vein extends n 24 deg ew K.dvein eteiids n 4 ueg e ouo it and s 24 deg w WOO feet from discovery tun nel. t'oimcr Reade vein extends n 24 deg e 360 I ft ana s 24 deg w 1140 ft fromdiscovery shaft. ( 'upper Peach vein extends n 24 deg e 680 ft inil s 21 dec w 820 ft from discovery shaft Copiier Prlaetm vein extends n 24 deg e fl and - J4 (leg w 1200froui the discovery -haft. Conper aoad vein . xteuds n 24 deg e 180ft and s 24 deg w 1320 feet from the discovery shaft. Copper dyke vein extends n 24 deg e ll i ft and s 24 deg i:iO tt troui discovery shaft. Copper lroduce vein extends n 24 deg e 17". ft ind s 24 deg w i:!25 ft from discovery : shaft. AREA. Inn King '.V. st.rii Cupper lode Bonanza lode s-ure thing lode Eastern Copper I )de Copts r Chief lisle Li. at1 i;e, k lode ChmaM Platter lode Cnppm Prince an I lode Copie r Prince so 2 lode Cupper Prince lode Cper Haamfl lde fan faah ',' i ! Iud.' ' ,im r Iide 20.66 acres 20.66 . 20.1 ' 20.66 . 20.66 . 20.66 " . 20.66 " . 20.66 " 211.66 " 20.66 . 20.66 . 20.66 - 20.6H L11.6U " mlm 20.61! " ;'. - vZEpS 'cVi!'.e!.il"!ie.'; .'.'.'.'.'.'.'; . '.mta-r a-sal bale c pi r Dyke lode OapaM r Produce lode ' Total area lode claim I II ittil NDAKlfcS. 20.66 .413.20 hl ,., , ,, .aid : E. (' , . ( . . . . r mm by Copper Car. Copper - claims un- ., ;, ,.,!,. ,,. . SieMI lod snrvej.d: S. by u"ernment land: . by , pool Matte. . ..p r Kim and copper Bur h3 1. .', elaims misiirvey. d. in. !. ti. :: notices arc recorded in the records ol .ivap:ii cum. ly in the uftice uf the county recorder at Prescott. as fol lows: Name of claim. Bool; af Mine- I 'ages 8 4!f7 4! 0J 4!l! Coppci Dy.. E.,..'.. t uisor ' Cupper Plato i Conn r Plod act; W estern Copi-r I Coper Peach to aj 61' . Iron tvin; SB 1'oti.ier Van 611 -lUO ( upper Mount 60 '.L' Co;.per Ream 6ti 881 Bonanza 52 8 Copjier Prill.. No. '. Sure Thmg ) Lime R.vk H aa CupnrRoad tS OoppmCfnaf 88 w Copier Prinw 4 106 Copiier Ham No. 1 56 331 Copper Priuci-ss 60 H aa Road 4t 132 Any and all persons ng adversely any portion of the said claims, or -ny of them, or surface ground thereof are t.rtiie their adverse claims with ihe register of the land office at Prescott. in the coiinly of Yavapai. Arizona, during the mdary period of publication hereof, or they will tie barred by virtue of the provisious of the statute. KKN S HILDRETH. Register. Kir.-t pul.'i.-ation Dit. :. 1W2.-D ALIAS SlIiuflONS. IN THE DISTRICT t'td'RT. OF THE FlU'RTH It'DICnt. DISTHICT. TER HITORV OF AKI.ONA. COI'NTY OF V AVAPAI. N. A. Morford. Plaintiff. The Slate I ek . ining Co.. at ndant. Sumnious No. 3561. Action hruught in tlie District Court tin Fiiurth .ludicial District, in aud for the county of avapai. territory of Arizona. The territory ot Arizona sends greeting to The Slate Cre k Mm iug Co. You are hereh summoned aud requir.H j to appear in au action brought against yon hv the above imiii.n1 iilui.ititf. in the district aa rt ..t the fourth judi. ial district, iu and lm the county uf Yavai. in th- territ ory of I Arizona, and the complaint Hied with the clerk uf tin court at Prescott. iu j said couuty. la cupv of which complaint ac- j companies this summons), wiiiiiu umij days, i exclusive ..f the day of service I. after the son ic upon you of this Sumnious. if sc .vi: bin this comity : in all other ease thiri .::;.. after the service of this Sum n ns apaa you i.-xclusi.e of the day of ser- viec. And paa an hereby notified tnat if you I fin. to apiear aud answer Ihe complaint as Jll'ov the plaintiff will bike judg- in-. I by default against you and judgineut i,.r . ..sts and disbursements in this b'half ex 1- (ii.en under my hand and of said cuurt it I'r. utt. this IHth day of .lanuary. A. D. l!r,t. J. M. WATTS, S, al Clerk. first Publication Jan. -1. 5t-w NOTICE OF FORKEITl RF.. Pre-H-ott. Arizona. 4au. 17, 1!WK. To R. K. St. watt and Mrs. Willie I.Stewart, their H. ir and Assigns: Yon an bcreta ulifled tlaaat I have e mrded daring the .ear 1302 One Ha-dred D , - i 01 ii :ib.r and improvements open tin allneral Hib mining cutimitnat. W alker Miuiug District. Cuunty of Yav,. pn . Territory of Arizona, the nut.' of looa 1 1. w hereof is of r vonl in the office uf the Count R. c.rd. r. iu Bk 57 of Mines, at . Mill, Miuii s H 1 .d io:ij ii Coun ty. Arizona, in order to hold aaid c alm on- der the provisions of Section 2324 of the Re vised Statutes of the United States and the amendments thereto concerning annual labor upon mining claims. H being the mount required to hold said claim for the period ending December 31. 19t)B. And if, within ninety '90) days from the personal service of this notice, or within ninety 9Ui days after the publication her. of. you fail or refaee to contribute yoxu proportion of said expenditure as co o yo r interest in the said mining claim ''Il become the property of the subscriber, your co-owner, who has ade the reqtu! - j -end it nr. by the terms of said Section 2324. JOHN BERRIK First publication -Inn. 28. I'M'., -t Notice For Publication. Land Office at Preaeott. Aria.. Jan. 19. 1903. f Notice is hereby given that the following nam. d settler has tiusl notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said .roof will he made be fore Register and iKwixer at Preaeott. Arizona, on Thursday. February 26. MS, viz: William Simpson, for the w of se . s , sw ;4. and lot " sec S, twp 14. r 2 w. He names the l.-llowing witnessess to prove his continuoi.s residence upon, aud cultivation, said lane, viz: 7.. T. Stone. August Troatz. John Weston. James Croxdal". all of Pre-cott. Arizona. FEN S, HILDKETH. Register. First publication Jan. 2!. iw) H. E. PEOPLES Clothes Cleaned and i Repaired Orders Taken For New Clothing:. Removed to Rear of Brick Building former ly occupied by Mrs. No bles. Fourth Door From treet. j t v S. A. LOGAN ! UNDERTAKER No. 1 23 WFST G ODWIN STRbET At the UU Manii 91 UTH SIDE PLA ELECTRIC PHONE 61 ED. KIEHL . PLUMBING . .NO TIN SHOP Complete stock of PI .lulling Ouudh always u hand OPPER, TIT "d SHEET IRON WORK Looaio.l in Brecht's (:. . .-. -0, p. Brecht's Blacksmith Shop. Fashionable Millinery AT ALL SEASONS OF THE YEAR Si W W vV Silk Waists Skirts EtCaf i-al-Ca SI W St "rs R. R. BLAINE'S KEARNEY'S, Courier Building, I FOR ... rMi friOttST P?. iv, bCRC: ah" Cl6..rtii "Old Crow'r Whiskey AiwayN o Tp. (3ometGrotto This popular resort is a omier NKW MANAUK.MKNT Kx porienced Cxiks and First Qmm Waiters. Unr j-nvat-rooms for ladies HEALS 2?c. s and 5oc. Short onleis djaj ami might. Paironao S. licite.1. KIM FONG, Proprietor. A Skeleton in the Closl This is more truth than myth bathrooms, and where the closed ii itu2 floui i-li. s. Wr. on shell, ring a f of death and disease when our ; umbln J the only healtntul. -ate. reliable kind? J.RMULRtiN Our work on flannels we k.uaiM ' Kverything up to date. Pres. Steam Laundry. 1-1 it , t hV Patronage SaffU ed. if