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DAILY EDITION The Log Cabin Democrat. VOL,, i NO. 5 CONWAY, ARKANSAS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER iS, 190,S TEN CENTS PER WEEK DONAGHEY’S BIG MAJORTIY EARLY ESTIMATES CONFIRMED Majority for Donaghey Will Be about 75,000. Democratic Victory Eclipses all Previous Records Socialists Also Make Gains. The complete returns front Mon day's election which have been re ceived up to the present time con firm an early prediction that the total vote cast in Monday’s elec tion was larger than that cast two years ago, and that the Democrat ic majority would be at least as large as that received by Governor Little, says today’s Gazette. Complete returns from sixteen counties, official and unofficial, give Donaghey 25,713 and Worth ington 10,144, a plurality of 15,569 for Donaghey. These same eoun ties in 1906 gave Little 22.779 and Wortuington 9.4l«*. a plurality oi 13,31 r for Little. If the remainder of the returns show the same gains, the total vote cast in Monday's election will be found to be 175,000, as com pared with 151,84s in 1906, and IJonaghey’s plurality over Worth ington will be nearly 75,000 Complete returns may decrease these figures, but the indications are that both the total vote cast and the Democratic majority will break all previous records. Gain in Socialist Vote. The full returns which have been received show a marked in crease in the vote for the Socialist candidate for governor over that of two years ago. If the present gain is maintained in the counties which have not yet reported, the indications are that the Socialist vote will be increased from 5,185, the number of votes cast for Dan Hogan for governor in 1906, to more than 10,000. Pounding the Preacher. Rev. and Mrs. J. J. Hurt moved into their new home on College Avenue yesterday. Last night about forty members of the Bap tist Church and other friends sur prised them by walking into the house unheralded. Kach visitor brought an armful of things from the grocer, and deposited them in the dining room and kitchen. Mr. Hurt says that he was so much surprised that he believes he forgot to say “Thank you.” He wish es the Log Cabin to convey to the friends the heartfelt appreciation of himself and Mrs. Hurt for the many gifts and for the kindness of heart which prompted them. LUDWIG LEADS IN PULASKI Former Conway Mao Gets iii More Votes than Donaghey in that County. Little Rock, Sept. 18 —The of ficial canvass of the Pulaski coun ty returns, completed here today, show that O. C. Ludwig leads the ticket, receiving iii more votes than Donaghey. This is possibly due to the fact that there was no j Socialist candidate for secretary of state, as was the case in the gov ernor's race. The count shows that George | W. Donaghey received 5,375 votes, John I. Worthington 2,018, J. Sam Jones 231. O. C. Ludwig, secre tary of state, received 5,486, and T. O. Fitzpatrick 3,296. Treasur er, Yates 5,700, Burrow 2,191. Auditor, Jobe 5,603, Keeler 2,202. The vote was 4,515 for license and 3,492 against. Poll Tax Amendment No. 9 re ceived 7,108 votes, and 1,829 votes against, giving a majority of 5,279 for. Bond Amendment No. 10 was defeated by 982 votes, the vote be ing 3,647 for and 4,029 against. TO START MORNING PAPER ‘‘Buck” Woods oi Beebe will Begin Pub lishing Daily at Argenta. T M. "Buck” Woods, at present editor of the Beebe News, will shortly begin the publication of a morning newspaper at Argenta, according to a statement made at Little Rock yesterday. The office wiU be equipped with a linotype and new press and folding ma chine. Mr. Woods formerly lived here and was at one time editor of the Log Cabin. daily cotton report. Conway merchants have bought cotton up till noon today, as fol lows: Frauenthal & Schwarz. aoo S. G. Smith. 164 W. M. Harrell & Co. 31 J. F. Weinmann. 74 Martin & Harton. 31 J. S. Moore & Son. 17 Total. 517 Cotton is selling at 9 i-8c today. Price of seed, $11.00 per ton. Up to noon today 345 bales have been shipped from Conway. Number received since yesterday noon, 95. New Fixtures at Grummer’s. An unique and attractive method of displaying their wares in the shelves has been adopted by the Grummer Hardware Co. Each shelf is enclosed by a hangihg door covered with green baize and surrounded by a brass moulding. On the outside of this door is at tached a sample of the article con tained in the shelf. TO-NIGHT FRIDAY, SEPT. 18, 1908 AT THE ELECTRIC THEATRE •THE VILLAGE WITCH” “Cross Country Music and Poetry” “Misadventures of a Sheriff” SONG—“When” Ready Money Makes a man confident and gives him chances to make more The best way to possess ready money is to SAVE AS YOU EARN. The best way to save is to put it in some good strong bank. The best bank is the FAULKNER COUNTY BANK, which invites you to become a depos itor. You will be in mighty good company :::::: FAULKNER COUNTY BANK MOSQUITOES IN CANAL ZONE How They Are Exterminated by Scientific Methods. Great Disseminators of Disease Are Ef fectively Kept Down By Scientific Methods. Editor Log Cabin Democrat: For the past four years the Unit ed States Government at Panama ! has waged a war on those little pestiferous 'skeeters. There are \ more than fifty known species of mosquitoes ou the Zone. Only two, I however, are known tube danger - ous, the Stegotnyia,which when in oculated carry the yellow fever germ, and the Anopheles, which carry the malarial germ. The Sanitary Department have | a corps of well trained sanitary in spectors who are making a study j of the habits of these different spe cies of mosquitoes. It has been found out by study and watching their habits, that they all have dif fereut ways of breeding and live i and feed in different places and | under different conditions. Al though only two or three species are dangerous, the Sanitary De partment has exterminated all spe cies, for safety, by filling swamps, cisterns, wells, and pulling down j ami destroying all places where any water might stand. Where places could not be filled they were drained, and when they could not be drained they were covered with oil. In the past four years thous ands of barrels of crude oil have j been used. The oil is put on the water ior uie purpose oi Killing uie “wigglers,” as we call them here. They breed by the the thousands in rain barrels or water troughs. The theory of Panama is as fol lows: All wigglers must come to the surface of the water for air at least once in two minutes, some species ofteper, so if the surface of the water is covered with oil when the wiggler comes to the surface for air, its “lungs” fill with A\ and kill it. On the Zone where there are io feet of tain a year the work of keeping places drained is ! stupendous, but it has been done. At first there was great opposition to the “mosquito theory” and greater when the sanitary depart ment came in and filled up cisterns and took down water gutteis from the houses Of course a splendid system of water works had been installed, but the people wanted their cisterns as a reserve. In Panama—a place where yel low fever for centuries had had its way—there is a smaller death rate than in Memphis or Charleston, all due to the excellent work of Col. Gorgas and his department and the financial backing of the United States Government. The cleaning of the Isthmus has cost millions, but it has qtade an Isthmian Can al possible. In Conway there are many mos quitoes. They breed in the ditch J along the railroad, and in rain | barrels. No dangerous species | has yet been noticed—except those I which cause us to lose our temper. The presence of these are unneces sary—if oi;r citizens would keep their water retainers empty, there by destroying the breeding places Yours respectfully, M- li. Mitchki.]. Don’t Hesitate to Kick, We hope that every subscriber of the Daily Edition will make a complaint direct to this office, phone No. 21, when he fails to ! receive his paper. On account of | the work being new to our carriers some mistakes have naturally been | made, but we want to know of | them so that they can be avoided j in the future. tf ME N T Y & DOLLAH1TE For Everything Good for Breakfast, Dinner and Supper I ; ! ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦* | j EDITORIAL ! ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ADVERTISING CONWAY. As a means of advertising Con way the State Normal School will be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. As it is a state institution, newspapers throughout Arkansas freely devote much of their space to articles concerning the Normal and its advantageous location in this city. Another factor in advertising Conway, we believe, is our Daily Edition. A town enterprising enough to support a daily paper and to give it the prosperous ap pearance that our paper has pre sented during its first week, is bound to attract attention. An example of the value of both the Normal and the Daily as ad vertising factors is seen in the fol lowing editorial taken from this week's Russellville Courier-Demo crat: “ 1 uesday morning we received Vol. i. No. i, of the Daily Log! Cabin Democrat of Conway. It will be remembered that Comvay was the successful bidder for the location ol the State Normal .School, lor which Russellville made a noble effort. Conway has been on a genuine boom since securing the school and we doubt if there is a contributor there who has not already been convinced that his donation was a good in vestment. The Normal School is now almost ready for occupancy, dozens of residences have been built in close proximity to it, sev eral miles of concrete sidewalk have been laid in the new addition to the town, eight new business houses are either under course of constructions or have been con SCHOOL BOOKS To avoid embarassment either of our friends or ourselves we desire to notify our customers that SCHOOL BOOKS can not be charged at the prices for which they arc sold. We appreciate out friends and customers and are always giad to accommodate them, but notwithstanding the high prices of books, the profits are too small, hence Must be sold for Cash Thanking you for all patron age and pro mi.-dug you con tinued fair treatment I am Sincerely yours, S.E, ANDERSON CONWAY is going to grow and real estate is going to advance with it. Nothing increases more rapidlv than choice building lots. The is the ideal place for a home, l.ots sold on easy payments. . BAHNER & CO. Miss Willie R. Stylish Millinery MY HATS PLEASE In with Wilson Bros. & Livingston Boulevard Addition T COLLEGE SEAL Jewelry I ha\e just opened up a complete line of Seal Jewelry with Hendrix and Central official seals. I have it in Fobs from 65 cents to $2.25, Fins from 50 cents to $1.50, Hat Fins 65 cents to $1.50. I5e the first to wear your College Seal. J. J. LIVINGSTON JEWELER WHERE THE QUALITY IS ALWAYS RIGHT tr acted for,and a new public school building is being erected at a :ost of $35,ooo.oo. They got the Normal by going down in their pockets and paying for it, and all hese other improvements, together with a number of substantial (ami des, came as a natural consequense Fudging from the first number of the I„og Cabin Democrat, we pre dict that it will not only prove financially successful will help to keep up the ismj that lias attracted all eyes to this thriving little city the past twelve months.” I,. Gordon of Morrilton is in the I city today. I ► ► ► ► ► ► £ ♦ ♦ ♦ ft ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ >4 The Bank of Conway A PROGRESSIVE INSTITUTION One of the Strongest Bank* in Central Arkan*a*. Points that Interest You WE provide an absolutely safe place to deposit your money. \\ E are not an experiment, but a grown, really existing reality. WE return your money (all of it) upon your demand. WTE are prosperous as well as progressive and M HR IT WINS. WE give you the best of service as the result of long experience. WE do not mimic, or meet, but create, originate and raise. \\ E have matters of inteftjst we would be glad to talk over to anyone having idle money. j MARKS O F \ CAPABILITY In tendering our services as a thoroughly equipped, modern, up-to-date, as well as a strong, well tried bank, we desire to emphasize—not only r our strength and experience—but also our CAl’AHlIylTV and direct your attention to the fact that only those who possess an intimate knowlege of the best banking practices, and who are foremost in the profession, are employed in directing the course of affairs of “The Old Reliable” I)o not confound capability with importance, nor experience with rashness, but intrust your busi ness to an institution whose officers have devoted years to the service and the study of sound, profitable banking. For the Convenience of our Customers For the convenience of our customers we have a place in the bank for private conversations, letter writing or other business matters. This room is at your service. Our Modern Safe Deposit boxes in our fire-proof vaults, rent for $1.50 and no a vearw A safe place for your valuable papers. ♦♦44444♦♦♦♦ The Bank of Conway We have Money to Loan when Others are “ Broke