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»NHt? BREAD, ROLLS, PIES, CAKES, etc. from the oven to your house. Also carry a nice and fresh line of Fruits and Candies. No u^e to worry for your meal. PHONK 25 and we’ll bring it to your home. I e sure and get your order in by 11 <. in and 2:30 J>. in. f«'r your dinner and suppct delivery. Yours to serve, CASP \R, at City Bakery Don’t be Blind To the defects of your title. Somebody will opeu your eyes by bring ing suit to recover the property if you are not protected. Get an Ab stract today. BAHNER & CO. The Log Cabin Democrat DAILY EDIT ION_ THK CONWAY PRINTING CO. ' PRINTKRS AND PUBI.ISHKKS FRANK K. ROBINS, Editor anil Manager SUBSCRIPTION PRICK - H a year By the week by carrier _-'•*' Application made for entry ;l- seeond-cln-> matter at the Conway, Ark., postnffice. | Local-Personal j Celery, cranberries and weiners at Heiligers. Go to Freeman’s for magazines and post cards. 3*tf J. Clarence Dawson went to Lit tle Pock today. M. L. Grisham and son are here from Heber today. Col. A. V. Swaty of I.ittle Rock is in the city today. L. B. Atkieson is in Little Rock today on business. Bruce T. Bullion went to Little Rock this morning. J. D. Stiensick was in the city from Liuder yesterday. A. P. Dollahite and daughter are in Little Rock today. Col. J. T. Harper of Kuola is in the city today on business. For Rknt.—A nice residence. 6d iw Mrs. K. P. Jamks. Postmaster Owen has been slightly sick for the past few daj s. Have your dimes ready tomor row as that is the day for collection. C. H. Sumption returned from a trip to Kansas City this morning. Mrs. J. M. I.igon left this morn ing for Little Rock to v isit friends. Capt. Robinson, an itinerant Arkansas politician, was in Con way today. George A. Freeman has rented the residence used for the Central cottage home last year. Percy IVminter came up from Little Rock yesterday evening for a visit to Conway friends. I). Stewart orders the Daily sent to his brother. Sam, at Clarks ville, Tex., this morning. Dr. J. R. Auten of Columbus, Ark., is visiting Dr. \V. S. Dan ner and family here today. Rev. W. T. Martin has returned tojhis home at Leslie after attend ing the opening of Hendrix. Fok Rknt.—Three large fur nished room. 5tf Mks. Maiuk Austin. Mrs. W. Kdgar Holman of Lit tle Rock is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L- C. Holman here this week. Dr. W. T. Watkins of LaCrosse, Aik., is in the city today and will probably move his family here in a few weeks. Miss Nellie Marshall of Lexing ton, Mo., second assistant piano teacher in Central College arrived yesterday evening. The carrier boys will collect to morrow (Saturday ). Be sure and have your dimes ready so that it will not cause any delay7. Truest Douglass, who has been working for the International Har vester Co., at St. Louis, has re turned to his home in this city. After Saturday, Sept. 19, no ice will be delivered to residences ex cept in the afternoon. McCulloch & Ali.kndkr. All sizes of hard and soft coal always on hand and promptly de livered at lowest prices. Phone 167. tf Jok Joniis. vS. Boyd left for his home at Les lie this morning after making ar rangements to enter his son, Mait land, in Hendrix for the coming session. Mrs. Brack well, daughter and granddaughter, of Arlington, Tenu., are visiting at W. A. Gib bons'. The baby is Mr. and Mrs. Gibbons' grand daughter. Mrs. L. L. Smith will make her home with her son-in-law, J. I) Collier, and care for his little children who recently lost their mother. In giving the Central College faculty the other day the name of Mrs. Alida Harnwell, teacher of voice, was inadvertently omitted. Mrs. Harnwell has been a mem ber of the faculty for several years. Our local in yesterday’s paper was erroneous. What we intend ed to say is that after Saturday no too pound deliveries of ice will be made to residences except in the afternoon. Smaller quantities will be delivered to residences as usual any time in the day. MeCri.i.ocn & AlLinder. Laying Concrete Sidewalks. Mrs. M. h'. Underhill is having an S-foot concrete sidewalk laid in front of her buildings on Oak street. A 5-foot concrete sidewalk has just been completed in front of the residence of W. G. Gragson on Donaghey avenue. 1 will sell a $400 SCHILLER PIANO next Tuesday morning between 9 and 10 o’clock. Watch Monday’s Daily for the price :::::: JOHN A. ERWIN With Favre Herbert & Erwin HATS! We have our new line of STETSON AND SWANN HATS ON DISPLAY All the new styles in soft and stiff Hats and all of the new colors . . . B. T. DEAL . . . Ip" : FROM THE ± : CAPITAL CITY $ T T ▼♦♦♦♦444444444444 44444444* HOODOO ACCIDENT POLICY Little Rock Man Has Hard Lock and Wants to Collect Insurance. Little Rock. Ark . Sept. 18.— Janies Davis thinks he is a prince of hard hick, and wants $650 from the Continental Casualty Co., as a salve for the sting of the hoodoo which has constantly followed in his footsteps. Davis yesterday afternoon filed in the circuit court a suit against the Casualty Com pany for the amount stated. He claims that on Feb. 7, while em ployed in the Iron Mountain shops, he took out an accident policy with the defendant company, and on Feb. 24, a sliver from a nut which was being chiseled off, struck him in the eye causing the loss of sight, the company obligat ing itself in its policy to pay $250 for the total loss of sight in an eye. Unable to do anything for four weeks, Davis asks ?io a week, ns agreed in the policy. Davis says he then went to work as a servant in the'home of C. 15. Huck, and while employed about the kitchen on May 6, accidentally spilled a skillet of hot grease on his right arm, burning the forearm and hand to the hone. Forty weeks has; Davis been without work on ac count of this accident, and he asks for payment from the Casualty Company for this at the rate of S10 per week. COTTON PICKING GOING ON State Farm Crop Will Not Exceed 800 Bales, Says Superintendent. Little Rock, Sept. 18 —Cotton picking is now going ahead with a rush on the state (aim, and 2.40 convicts are gathering in at least 100 pounds a day to the convict. The gin at the (arm has not been started to going yet, as sufficient cotton has not been picked to keep it going. The gin turns out about 30 bales per day when running, and Su'pt. McCook want to get all the sheds full before beginning the ginning. Supt. Pitcock, who has just returned from the farm, says the crop will not exceed 800 bales this year, on account of the sipe water and rains of the spring. The penitentiary board will this year sell the cotton as it is brought in without waiting for higher prices, actuated by political motives. MAKE PERFUNCTORY FIGHT Little Effort to Resist Kansas City South ern Injunction Case. Little Rock, Sept. iS.—Much less is the fight being made by the state against the application for injunction against the two cent rate and the freight tariff made by the Kansas City Southern than by the other railroads The hearing is on in St. Louis today, and tl e state is represented only by Attor ney-General W. F. Kirby and Guy M. Swaim, rate clerk of the Ar kansas Railroad Commission. To Daily Subscribers. Many of our Daily subscribers will not want to continue to sub scribe for the weekly edition, as the 'matter published in both of them is of course the same. Those desiring to discontinue the weekly will please notify this office. Sub scribers paid in advance on the weekly edition will be given credit on the daily for the amount due them, and those in arrears should pay what is due on the weekly be fore discontinuing it. tf bermon bubjects tor bunday. Rev. J. J. Hurt will preach at both services Sunday at the Bap tist church. At the morning hour his subject will be “Knthusiasm as a Christian Asset. ” At night the subject will be “Farming for Sa tan. ’' Suit in Chancery Filed. Carl Meier this morning filed suit in chancery court against Elizabeth R. Bruce for the fore closure of a lien of $300 upon a piece of property located in Hark rider’s addition to this city. Mairiage Licenses. County Clerk J. H. Hailje this morning issued a marriage license to William I.oux, 19, Vilonia, and Jesse Abbott, 19, Cabot. Boarders Wanted! The Erwin House opens up to (lav under, new management at $2.50 per week. Faie the best the market affords Rooms the best in town. See me at once. House will be full by Tuesday. I mean bus iness. No middle men in this deal. See me at Favre, Her bert & Erwin’s furniture store. JOHN A. ERWIN PAINT is the cheapest thing in the world for its Real Value. It costs less than one-tenth as much to paint a house as it does to build one and will make it last ten times as long. GetTrue-Tagg Paint irum Nelson Drug Co. It won't come off BUS TO ANY PART OF THE CITY Meets all trains. 25c to any part of the city. PHONE 119 E. L. KING REPUBLICAN SHERIFF WINS But Perry County Goes Dry, Contrary to First Reports Sent Out. Little Rock, Stpt. 18—The com plete official returns from Perry county, filed with the secretary of state late yesterday afternoon, show that Nott C. Harris the Dem ocratic nominee for sheriff, was de feated by his Republican opponent J. K. Olivet, by five votes. The official vote was Harris 679 and Oliver 684. Contrary to first reports, the comity went dr\ by a sale majority The official vote being: For license 446; against 061. Depositions in Spring Park Case. Sam Frauenthal returned last night from Heber, where he has been taking depositions in the case of the town of Sugar Loaf Springs against Max Frauenthal and others. The property in liti gation is the park containing the various springs which have given Ileber snub a reputation as a health resort. The town claims the park as public property while this claim is resisted by the de fendants. Engine Cylinder Bursted. The steam cylinder was cracked and the cylinder head blown off the small engine in an accident at the electric light plant Wednes day night. The damage is probably about 5400. Buys Restauraut. J. A. Boydston has bought the Ramos restaurant and will continue the same at the old stand. He will open for business tomorrow. WEATHER FORECAST. New Orleans, Sept. 18. — Fore cast to s p. m tomorrow: Tonight and Sattitday partly cloudy weath er. Miss Be?s e Cla k, who has been attending a business college at Lit tle Rock, is here to assist her fath er in taking some depositions. I)r. and Mrs. R. A. Jones of Houston are here today to enter their daughter, Miss Klsie Spore, in Contral College. See Mrs. K. J. Vaughn for ladies’ and children’s plain and fancy sewing. Phone po6. Look into this Real Estate Offer The entite property of Jot Nixon s i t it a > * ed 011 the in «in business street directly across the street from the Fanners Union warehouse. These lots measure 340 feet on Front street, one good 6 room house, good outbuildings, two good wells, first class barn, all improvements in first class condition all of which can he bought for COMK SKK US. Durham & Holman Here's a Rare Bargain FOR SALK—So-acre farm, ten miles north east of Conway, and one mile from Under. Thirty five acres in cultivation, rest in timber. Large substantial dwel ling, barn and two wells of \ya ter. About fifteen acres of tim ber land well adapted for or chard. In reach of Cadron bot tom, for range, making a desira ble place for one to go into stock business. Land in cultivation is a loose sandy loam, excellent for melons and truck farming as well as corn and cotton. I have thirty head of hogs, blacksmith shop, cultivator and other plow tools, that I will sell with land. This fat m is cheap at #10 pet acre, but will take #8 per acre and might make easy terms on half of it. If you want a desira ble place in a desirable location, apply at once to J. D. Sleinsiek, Linder. Ark. SILVER SHIRTS The Silver Brand Shirt is the best made and best fitting Shirt on the market. The workmanship and material is the best, and the measurements are absolutely'correct, no skimp ing in length or width. The price is in reach ol all—$i oo. The Silver Brand Collar is the only “Two lor a Quarter” collar in Conway. That is four ply and all Linen. Try the Silver Brand next time. Wilson Bros. & Livingston One-Price Cash House Conway, Arkansas Conway Cotton Oil Co. We have started our Mill for the season and now have fresh MEAL AND HULLS made from new seed. Pure Meal containing the highest fat and milk producing qualities and not adulterated with hulls. Su perior to any other kind of feed. Per Sack of 100 pounds ------ $1.25 New hulls, 100 pounds ------ .30 Cotton batting a pound ------ .06 New Restaurant I have bought the Ramos restaurant and have made everything clean anil up-to date and will open for bus iness tomorrow SATURDAY, SEPT. 19 1 invite all my friends to call and see me when wanting something good to eat. Kv erything will be served in first class style and accommo dations the best. Give me a trial. Short orders a special ty. Regular meals, 25 cents. Boydston, Sr. Kamos’ Old Stand At the Hotels. Hines—G. K. Williams, I.ittle Rock; W. Kichenberger, St. Louis; J. T. Burlingame, Little Rock; J. M. Watkins, l.aCrosse; Jack Har ris, Little Rock; J. \I. Lofton, Chicago; J. 'I'. Maddor, Little Rock; L. K. Jeter, Chicago: Lee Kahan, St. Louis; C. IL Davidson, Little Rock. Commercial—CL S. Hoover, Little Rock; G. B. Howden, Van Buren; A. V. Svvaty, Little Rock; M. L. Grisham, Heber; L. Gordon, Morrilton; J. S. Bishop, Little Rock; Miss Mabel Harris, Heber. Miss Mabel Harrell of Heber ar rived this morning and will enter Central for the coming session. FIRE FIRE The- next alarm may sound at your house. 1 represent The Georgia Home, The Western of Toronto, The Commonwealth of Dallas, The Ohio German of Toledo. These are all good old-line companies. J. D. Dunaway Fire, Life, Accident Insurance and Loans dw Pay Gash for Meat and Save Money! < On October i we will begin selling on a strictly cash basis. Nothing will be charged to any body. Those who do not wish to pay for each purchase may. buy coupon books good for or^ $5 in meat, and a discount of [ten percent will be made, mak ing the books cost #2.70 and # | .50. Unused portions of these books will be redeemed in cash. The credit system has proved a failure and is just as bad for the consumer as for the dealer, By selling strictly for cash we expect to be able to furnish bet ter goods and to save money for our customers. We hope this action will meet the approval of our customers and we assure them that everybody will be treated exactly alike, no excep- ,4| tions being made to this rule, dtky® Boydston & Adams Restful Sleep Insures Good Health and Long Life A Pure White Clean All Cotton Mattress means a sound, sweet sleep $12.50 all white cotton MATTRESSES for Only $/.90. Rolled edges and finest tick. Don’t fail to get one. Frauenthal & Schwarz