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Thanksgiving and Christmas ONE THIS MONTH—THE OTHER NEXT These two days, through our appetites, call for TURKEY and the love of MUSIC in us calls for a PIANO. The BALDWIN, KNABE, PACKARD, ELLINGTON, HAMILTON, HOWARD or VALLEY GEM, the best and most satisfactory Pianos on the market today for the prices at which we sell them. Investigate this statement thoroughly before you buy a Piano. We also have some bargains in second-hand pianos, one at a good rock bottom price which has been used only eighteen months, another used longer, but cheaper. If you are looking for a bargain don’t fail to see us. S. E. Anderson Log Cabin Democrat DAILY EDITION THE CONWAY PRINTING CO. PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS FRANK E. ROBINS, Editor and Manager Entered as second-class matter September 14, 1<H*. at the postoffice at Conway, Ark., under the act of March 31, 187R. Subscription Price, fJ per year by mail; 10c per week by carrier LOCAL NOTES. Call phone 78 for your Groceries. H. H. Beekman of Gleason is here today. Pop corn poppers at Piercey & Sons’. W. F. Maddox of Rose Bud was here yesterday. Pop corn on the cob at Piercey & Sons’. The educated goats at the carni val are wonderful. Jas. L. Dunn of Vilonia was in the city yesterday. Capt. J. M. Jenkins of Quitman was here yesterday. Get a package of Honey Bunch from Piercey & Sons. Let Piercey & Sons send you just one sack of good Flour. Mrs. C. H. Sumption is spend ing the day in Little Rock. The shows at the carnival are all k igh class in every respect. J. B. Chapman and wife of Vilo nia were here yesterday trading. Coal for sale. Phone 162. 51-tf W. L. Robins. Prof. O. D. Longstreth went to Morrilton this morning on busi ness. Order your Xmas photos now at Lennon’s Studio. Good work guaranteed. Miss Rosy Isgrig came up from Roland last night to visit her par ents for a few days. Mrs. J. V. Hicks left this morn ing for a visit with relatives and friends in Little Rock. J. H. Stubbs, proprietor of the Commercial Hotel, has purchased the bus formerly owned by the King Livery Stable. Enjoy the cold weather by eat ing pop corn by the fireside, flet a popper and some pop corn trom 1’iercey & Son. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Isgrigarrived this morning trom Little Rock and will spend a few days with relatives and friends in this city. Reduced rates will be given to Little Rock November 26 for those desiring to attend the iootball game between U. oi A. and IT. of L. The rate for round trip will be 95c. NORMAL BOYS INVENT YELLS. The State Normal is trying on their first set of college yells at the foot ball game this afternoon. The “official” yells are as follows: Whoa, Whoa, Whoa! Can’t you never stop—stop—stop? No, N*, No, Normal’s at the top. The Normal’s at the top, top, top' Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! 1 „w A S N S /&low Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! 1 p . A S N S Jral Rah! Rah! Rah’ Rah! 1 „ . A S N S fraSle Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! j Hjgh Speed --is all puff. They are at the game of bluff. Now they’re up against the stuff— Watch them get enough, ENOUGH! Boom alack! Boom alack A' Bow wow wow! We play football. We know bow ' Rio kio Who ark wk? We’re from the Normal Te-he-lie. SONGS. Just watch the ball go round the end. Good-bye old-, good-bye. Its carried along by Normal men. Good-bye old-, good-bye. Bye, -bye, O! Bye,-bye, O! Good-bye old-, good-bye. Rah! Rah! Rah! Normal. Boola, Boola. We'll raise the the Arkansas Normal song With a boola, boola, boola, boo. The very thing we're going to do Is to beat that- team. Let us sing it loud and long For that’s the Normal’s rules There may be a touch down There may be more With a Boola, Boola, Boola, boo Boola, Boola, Boola, Boola. Boola, Boola, Boola, Boola, And it’s rah, rah, the Normal On to Victory, Boola, boo. School Days. The Normal, The Normal Dear old alma mater We are here to see you win -can’t play or even begin. Courage—true hearts shall bear us on Let us help the-along. We’ll dry the tears that they will shed When we tell the-farewell. Goodbye-Goodbye Goodbye-we're going To beat you now— Merrily we win the game, win the game Win the game, Merrily we win the game On the Hendrix field. Telephone any news to us, Phone 21, we will be glad to pub lish it. Remember When you need anything in furnishing your home we have SUITES, BEDS, DRESSERS, WASH STANDS, IRON BEDS, CHAIRS, BED SPRINGS, “MATTRESSES, COTTON PADS, COMFORTS AND BLANKETS, CHAIRS ANI) ROCKERS, LINOLEUMS AND MATTINGS,. S. G. Smith NATURE KEEPS SCALES EVEN Provides Parasites Seemingly for the Purpose of Destroying Other Parasites. The department of agriculture cultivates inseels that destroy any and all crop parasites. The polygno tus hiemalis can whip any Hessian flv ever born: the tysyphlebus trieiti is death on the green hug. The green bug eats the other, which promptly lays its eggs inside its de vourer. The young eat their way to the open air. thus killing the green bug. To one lone lady hug is due the destruction of the San .Tose scale which did millions of dollars’ dam age to the fruit trees of California. When the pest had become a positive menace the department heard of a species of bug in North China which was fatal to the scale. A large number of the bugs were pro cured. but all were dead except onr when they reached this country. This one insect was taken to Washington and became a ward of the govern ment. She rewarded her keepers by laying about 5,000 eggs. In an in credibly short space of time she had a flourishing family of several bil lions and the reign of the scale was over.—Van Nordun’s Magazine. USE FOR EMPTY JAILS. According to a floating news item there are several nice rooms in the county jail at Appomattox. Va., and, owing to the scarcity of houses in the town, a family has moved into and will occupy them as a residence. Here is a suggestion for other coun ties where crime is falling off to such an extent that there are at all times a few vacant cells. By making a few alterations they could be turned into comfortable living rooms, and un doubtedly some one could be found who would be glad to secure them at a reasonable rental. If the world is really growing better, and crime is to be abolished, we may as well pre pare to see our jails and |>eniten tiaries turned into comfortable apart ment houses with all modern im provements and excellent janitor service. SPENDING IT IN NEW YORK. Upton Sinclair, the noted young novelist, said the other day of a spendthrift poet: “He is a very witty fellow. Re cently he became quite destitute. In his garret in New York he lived for some weeks on bread and olive oil. His friends talked of taking up a collection to send him to Canada, where he had influential friends who would give him work. “I reported this project to the young Bohemian, but he scoffed at it. “ ‘Who would emigrate to Cana da,’ he said, ‘if he had the money to emigrate with?’ ” TO KEEP RAZORS IN SHAPE. For the purpose of preventing rusting of small instruments the Lancet recommends a mixture of equal parts of carbolic acid and olive oil, smeared over the surface of (he instruments. This is much used by medical officers in the navy, and is found to preserve the polish and brightness of the steel, however moist and warm the climate may be. For large instruments and tools, boiled linseed may be recommended. Wipe the metal with a cloth dipped in the oil, and let it dry. WANTS LESS WORK. “How's vour husband doing?” said the pale woman. “'Bout the same,” answered the thin woman. “Hasn't he got any regular work yet ?” “Yes. He said he felt the need of some steady occupation. So he thought he’d make it his business to wind the clock.' “Did lie stick to it ?” “For a while. But now he's kick ing for an eight-day clock.” HEAD AND FOOT. “Miss (lidday is a splendid dancer ; so light on her feel." remarked Mr. Waix •'*"* “Think so?" replied Miss Chellus. “Oh, ves. light in the extreme.” “You mean light in the extremes, don’t you ?” AT THE CONCERT. Ven Amateur Musical [•Enthusiast -Magnificent! l’erftft! Ilis time is superb. Don’t you know what it is, Brown ? Brown—’l m! Sounds like some thing from Bradshaw. OMR BIG SPECIAL OFFER For ten days only, Saturday, Nov. 14, to Tuesday, Nov. 24, inclusive, THE VOTES WILL BE DOUBLED! IN ORDER to stimulate early and active voting in our Grand $750 Piano Voting Contest, we make an offer of a special bonus for votes cast during the ten days beginning Saturday, November 14, and ending Tuesday, November 24. During this time just twice the number of votes regularly issued on subscription payments will be granted, provided the votes are cast when issued. This means that for every vote a contestant receives which is issued during that time, we will cast an extra vote for the same contestant, and each contestant will receive two votes for each cent paid on subscription, if cast when they are issued. Special Inducements for Workers. During this time we will also offer another special bonus as follows: To the contestant in each district who receives the highest number of votes dur ing the time mentioned above, Nov. 14 to 24 inclusive, we will give a bonus of One Thousand Votes. To the contestant in each district making the second highest gain, we will give a bonus of P'ive Hundred Votes. To the contestant in each district making the third highest gain, we will give Two Hundred and Fifty Votes. This Offer Will Positively Not be Repeated. FN’ery contestant and her friends wdio expect to make an effort for these splendid prizes should make a special effort during these ten days, as this offer positively will not be repeated. ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO The Log Cabin Democrat Gontest Dept. Gonway, Ark. | FROM THE | CAPITAL CITY $ Chicago business men, who are touring the Southwest in a special train, reached Little Rock this morning and have taken the city by storm, for the bars were found down by the visitors when they reached the city at an early hour, and they will be permitted to carry the bars away with them. There are about 50 of the most prominent business men of Cnicago in the party and to each one of the visit ors, a Little Rock merchant was assigned, with instructions to see the guest was well entertained. A greater portion of the morning was spent in going through the business district and at a reception at the Hoard of Trade. This afternoon the visitors are being taken over the city in special street cars, after which they will be guests of the directors of the fLwer sh w for an hour The Chicagoans will leave tonight lor other points in the state, and then into Oklahoma for a tour of the new state. WOULD SLAY BED BUGS 0 Arlsburg Man Tries Gasoline as a Remedy and is Now in Hospital. Clinton, Nov. 13. — News has just reached here from Arlsburg, on the new railroad, of a serious accident early in the week. One of the laborers who lived in a board ing car, undertook to rid his bunk of bed bugs by soaking it in gaso line. There was a fire in the stove and the flames commingled with the fume'-'. of the evaporating gaso line with the usual result. The explosion blew out , of the car a man who was sitting in the door and he was followed the next sec ond by the other man, whose clothes were blazing. He was se verely burned and was sent to a Eureka Springs hospital The re port says that the car was totally destroyed by the fire, but does not state whether any of the bugs escaped. | Subscribe for the daily. Good for ONE VOTE iu the Log Cabin Democrat’s $750 POPULARITY VOTING Contest For Dist. No. 1\ O. DARING GOWN STIRS SOCIETY Little Rock, Nov. 14.—Little Rock has been considerably stirred the past few days over the publica tion of an article in which the gown of a young society lady of the city was minutely described. The young lady is stated to have appeared at one of the leading so cial functions of the week, attmd in a dress of crepe d: ehene, under which she wore but the usual cor > sage and pink tights. The cling i ing effects of the dress was won jderful, and gave it an ultra fash ionable effect which sidetracked the sheath skirt. Those who at tended the fashionable affair in question discussed the dress freely the next day, as it had been the chief attraction of the entertain ment. There will be another fash ionable affair Monday night, given by the same set, but it is doubtful if the gown will again appear in public, though its wearer is su_eto be found among the dancers. . MRS. SIDNEY THORNTON FASHIONABLE I > DRESSMAKER A'P A 1 PRICE PRESSING PARLOR I Opposite Commercial Hotel 1 Phone 221 Livery Business Sold. Esli L. King has sold his livery business on Oak street to Wool fort & Reinmann of Little Rock. The business will be managed by Walter Terry, and it is stated that the new firm will add some fine stock and handsome rigs to the t stable. 0. C. KIRTCH REPAIR SHOP O. C. Kirtch is still in Con way, Mending, Darning, Altering, Washing, Replac ing Buttons, Changing Col ors and doing first-class Pressing. Kirtch is relia- a ble and much respected by the white citizens of Con way. He is here to stay and would thank you very much for your patronage. I buy and sell second-hand clothing. PHONE NO. 116 LUMBER See HAYDON Near the Union warehouse be fore you start in to build any thing with Lumber.