Grand Rapids Market. Corrected Weekly by Mosher £’ Foster. Tuesday, July 6, 1858. Flour, per sack, by load, $2 00 Oats, per bushel, 20 Potatoes, per bushel, 25@30 Mess Pork, per bbl., 20 00 Fresh Pork, in hog, per lb., 07 | Fresh Beef, per lb., 05 Butter, per lh., *2 Cheese, per lb., 12 Lard, per lb., 12 j Eggs, per dozen, 10 Corn Meal, clean, per cwt., 1 25 Cob Meal, per cwt., 100 | White Beans, per bushel, 1 20 Mutton, per lb., 05 i Salt, per bbl., ® 00 Corn, per bush, ears, 50 Hay, per ton, 5 00 Sourkrout, per bbl., 8 00 Onions, per bushel, 1 00 Arrival and Departure of Hails. j Eastern Mail, by way of Plover and Stevens Point, is due at Grand Rapids on Tuesday, i Thursday and Saturday of each week, at 3 ! o’clock P. M. Returning, leaves Grand Rapids j every Sunday, Wednesday and Friday, at 9 j o’clock A. M. Eastern and Southern Mail, by way of Por- j tagv Citv, tri-weekly also, arriving at Grand j Rapids on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of j each week, at 9 o’clock P. M. Departing, leaves j Grand Rapids at 4 o’clock A. M., on Sunday, j Wednesday and Friday of each week. Newport Mail, via Kilbourn City, arrives at i Grand Rapids on Wednesdays at 6 o’clock P. ; it. Leaves on Thursdays at 2 o’clock A. M. Montcllo Mail arrives at Grand Rapids every j Thursday, at 6 o’clock P. M. Leaves Friday at 7 o’clock A. M. E. LAVINE, Postmaster. ](eto ft(sbcHiseii)ei]fs.{ LAST or LETTERS T> EMAINING in the Post-Office at Grand Rap- ! l\i ids, Wisconsin, July Ist, 1858. Brown, John L Packard, George Brown, Win II Ripley, Geo II Brown. W M Rogers, Peter Barker, Elvin Rogers, James B met, R Richards, Henry Bakeman, Andrew Rademaker, II Burt, Frederick W Smith, Harland Burdick, Shcdrach Smith, II Canning, James Sherman, James • ’rosby, A B Sohlberg, A G Conway, Michael Shardon, Henry Donovan, James 2 Streeter, Z A Doud, Geo Snyder, Miss Martha 3 | Douville, Hubert Tenant, A D Davis, Lafayette Thair, Le;i C Elliott, Mr* E Turner, Luther W Felix, Henry 2 Tracy, A Gaiduk. Reuben L Tirrel, John Gregorio, 1 B M alker, B Gilest, Jonathan Warner, Charles Gjijet, Mrs Weltha Work, Robert M tUuniston, Miss Ellen Warren, J G Hill. Miss Dolly Welhelm, G C Harvey, Rickard Zimmer, Nelson M Horner, Ezra li FOREIGN LETTERS. Houston, L A BJondin, Gerimo .’tones, Jonathan Soel Juthbert .1 sse, Peter 2 Juneau, Joseph Johnston, Mien Jane Lemire, Cleophas Kennedy, Daniel D Lanetot, Narmsse boons, J 2 Mareott, Pemi • 2 Kothe, Mrs Ma ia Antonie Lewis. S S Prisault, Roderie MeNary, Irvine Payne tie, David March, Daniel Povfaine, i/wary Nelson, T T Turcot,, Bruno ' I m-fly, Oam, l Aa.r*on. Arne 2 I oulin, f rank Jez.ler, Charles Len -s I helps, Ihonias Lckmans, Ferdinand Porer, Miles Nilsen. Per August Pnlver, John S Persons calling for any of the abo-vA Letters j will please say Advertised. L. KROMER, P. M. j Grand Rapids, July Ist, 1868. ’ PROSPECTUS OK THE United States Birectory. The undersigned proposes issuing, about fhe firs' of October, 1858, a book under the above title, to contain about FIFTEEN HUNDRED PAGES, [a ze of pages 15 by 20 inches.] The object of the United States Directory will be Ist. To giv * the name and post-office address of every male person [of he age of fifteen years, and upwards] bn the Cm <*d States. 2nd. To give the name of every post-office and post-master in the United States 3rd. To give the name and place of publica tion of every daily, weekly, monthly, ami quar terly paper and magazine, published in the Uni ted States. Each State, city, town, village and post-office ■will be alphabetically arranged. The name of each person will be alpbabeti dly arranged under the head of their respec tive post office address. As the U.S. Directory w ill be a matter of interest to every resident in Ame-ica, we re spectfully solicit the aid of postmasters and others, in all parts of the country, in obtaining names and sending them on as soon as possible, w In making up lists, write the name of the post office, county, and State, at the head of the sheet, then fill the remainder with distinctly written names, of male persons only, of the age of fifteen and upwards, and as soon as you have enough to fill an envelope, forward on immedi ately. A prospectus will be sent post paid to any •person who may order it. To prevent mistakes — write distinctly the ■names, pose . ffice, county and state. MORRIS, GARDINER A WILKES, Publishers. Cincinnati, Ohio. N.B. —Publishers inserting the above prospec •tus, including this notice, three times in their WEEKLY paper, and calling attention to the .name in their editorial columns, will receive a oopy of the U. S. Directory. TO THE LADIES. iiluiibi: AND BRESS-U AKHG. MRS. DICKERSON would respectfully an- i nounce to the Ladies of Grand Rapids and vicinity, that she is permanently established in i this place, with the intention of prosecuting the : above business; and trusts, from her long ex- i ■'Hence, to merit the patronage of all who are : xious that a Millinery Shop should be located ce. A variety of Bonnets, Flats, Silks, Rib is, Flowers, Laces, Ladies' Hoops, etc., eon etantlv on ha,nd. Terms CASH, invariably. ■Rooms, for the present, at the residence of the editor of the Reporter. Say—Look Here. Old Fellow. j)iOK: :e-a. ik: :e il HAS commenced hammering at the “Upper Eddv” —forming all manner of things out of Iron, such as repairing Wagons and Sleighs, shoeing Horses and Cattle, and doing such other work as mav be expected of a tip-top workman, •—the best in the State. Don't neglect to call jo Dick at rthc “Upper Eddy;*’ Charges “all n -the square.” BURNS & LIPSCOMBE, .Grand Rapids June 29,’58. 30-4 w FOIL SALE! A LARGE, commodious house for a Tavern A Stand, with acres of land, pleasantly lo cated in the village of Westfield, Marquette 0., Wis. Also, a Farm five miles south-west West- Id, containing 330 acres—Bo acres under .good improvements, with good lag house and well. Also, 90 acres of land two south west of Westfield. For particulars, enquire of J WOOD, Grand Rapids. Milwaukee Traveler’s Directory. RAILROADS. MILWAUKEE AND CHIC. v r.sec/ facilities to supply the wants .of the Trade throughout the West. He will continue to keep ki Stoyc g. large Slock of Hoe & Co.'s and’ celebrated PRINTING- PRESSES, Which, together wi.h those of any other maker, will be furnished at Mixaufpctn/er's prices. He has recently mad,; arrangements with E. R. Webb, of New Yoik, (formerly Wcjjs & Webb) and will hereafter keep on hand a large Stock of his WOOD T^STIPE, The best in the market. Paat’es wishing ‘o or der largely of Wood Type. be fa niched with Mr. Webb’s Sjwelmni Hook. INKS of Superior Quail/;/ always on h nd- A> Electrotype I'omudry Is cotuccled with the estabAslun nt, and work of this kind is executed in a very supe.ior in inner. Anew Specimen Book is now ready fur de livery, and will be sent to parties wishing to or der. D. L DODG E, Treasurer. The Type on which this paper is printed, is from the Chicago Type Foundry. 25-3 m Meat Market & {jih Mission House HAVING removed the Meat Market to capa cious quarters —in the building lately oc cupied as Mr. Cole’s Grocery—the undersigned i is prepared to receive Flour, Pork, Produce, Groceries, etc., to sell on commission. He has j lard to sell for 14 cents per lb., and candles for 16 cts. He expects to be able to sell every - | thing at proportionately low prices. Terms, .CASH. W. SMITH. The Eclectic < of Medicine. CINCINNATI, OHIO. riIHE WINTER SESSION of 1858 will com i meuce early in October, and continue six teen weeks. A full and thorough course of Lec tures will be given, occupying six or seven hours daily, with good opportunities for atten tion to practical Anatomy, and with ample Clin ical facilities at the Commercial Hospital. The arrangements of the chairs will boas follows; — T. E. St. JOHN, M. D., Professor oT Anatomy and Physiology. J. F. J.mGE. M. P., Professor of Chemistry and Pharmacy. A. J. HOWE, M. D., Professor of Surgery. C. IT. CLEAVELAND, M. D„ Professor of Ma teria Medica and Therapeutics. WM. SHERWOOD, M. I), Prof-ssor of Medical Practice and Pathology. J. R. BUCHANAN, M. Emeritus Professor of Cerebral Physiology gnd Med icine. JOHN KING, M. D., Prof ssor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children. T.he Terms for the Session will be the same as heretofore, viz ; —Matriculation, 85,00. Tu ition. $20,00. DemcmArat-tH* Ticket, $5,00. — (Ercrv Student is required to engage in dissec tion on? session before graduation.) Gradua tion, $25,00. Ticket to Commercial Hospital, (optional) SS.CO. The Lecture-Rooms are newly finished, neat, | and comfortable, and ip a central locality (in ! College Hall, Walnut .Street}, where students i will find it convenient to call on their arrival. Tickets for the session may be obtained of the ! Dean of the Faculty , at his office. No. 113 Smith Street, or of Prof. C. H. Cleavelaxd, Secretary of the Faculty , No 139 Seventh Street, near Elm. " John King, M. D., Dean. The College Journal of Medical Science, A Monthly Magazine of 48 pages, conducted | by the Faculty of The Eclectic College of Med | icine, is published at One Dollar a Year, paya j ble in advance. The volume of the Journal I commences with the year. Communications for subscription, or .for specimen numbers, i should be directed to Dr. C U.-CLEAVELAND, Publisher. 139 Seventh Street. Cincinnati. 0. Ready-Hade Clotting. ALAUjGE assortment of all qualities and pri ces. well made, for sale hr the subscriber, i north score in Neeves' Black. Also Boots and j Shoes, Hats and Caps. Lumber and Shingles received in exchange f nr goods, at *b? highes* market prices. "S-Sm ’ * LEVY GLORIOUS NSLWS! MOSHER r New Lisbon. UT’asscngtrs and Express packages conveyed on reasonable terms and promptly. This route is through a pleasant country, on ihe shortest and best line of public conveyances from the Lower Missis sippi and Western Illinois to the Pineries of the Wisconsin River, and other places in that di rection ; and the subscriber will spare no effort to make the accommodations of the route at tractive to the travelling public. 11. W. KINGSBURY. Quincy, Pec. 15, 1857. 2tf AT TIIK Wood f ogiity Reporter Office, HAVING a complete assortment of all the new styles of Job Type, Bordering, &c., and having had ten years’ experience at the business, we are prepared to execute Promptly and Neatly, all kinds of Plain and Fancy Print ing, such ag PAMPHLETS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LABELS, BLANKS, CIRCULARS, BILL-HEADS, LETTER-HEADS, BALL-TICKETS, POSTERS, HAND-BILLS, &C. And everything that can he done with Ink and Type. TUe attention ,06 those wantisg anything i in the Pointing iine is reipcctfiffllv invited to work heretofore issued from tins Giike. Give i us a trial. J. N. BRUNDAGK. if lAif ME STORE & Til HP. ONE DOOR SOUTH OF SCOTT’S STORE. HARDWARE and Cutlery. Iron, Nails, White Lead, Glass, Mechanics’ Tools, Axes, Housei Trimmings. Ac., Ac.; Tinware, Stoves and Stove Pipe, X Cut and Mill Saws. All kinds of Re pairing; an Tin and Copycr-Pluie work, docn at short notice. WM. P. SMITH dt BROTHER. Grand Rapids, Dec. 3, 1857. M, C. W A BEEN, MANUFACTURER Ai'D DEALER IN CABINET WARE! XTEEPS constantly on hand a full assortment, iA. and manufactures toorder Bureaus, Tables, Stand, Chairs, Bedsteads, Settees, Ac., Ac. SAop in Wood’s Addition. Gra&d Rapids Dec. v, *357. I-ly GRAND RAPIDS LODGE, Vo. 91, I. O. O. F. HOLD their regular meetings on Thursday Evening of each week. A cordial jnvua tibii-is ejjumfled to the menders cf Cue r rater nitv. WM. P. BUTLER, X. G. SETH REEVES, V. G. 6-1 y R. C. WORTHINGTON, Sec. S7VR ATOGA HOUSE. By J. W. rRHI, SARATOGA, WOOD CO., WIS. 1 w w Groceries, Hardware, WIVES AVD LIQUORS, Sold by Purlin A Haddock Also. Blacksmith . ing don? at Purlin’s t;hop. 5-Sm*" E ¥ SBIBOBT STAND FROM UNDER! PRICES COHAG DOHA! And the Credit System Gone Tip!! mi i, isiftii HAS just brought to this place and opened one of the BEST SELECTED stock of Goods over offered in this market, consisting of Dry Goods, GROCERIES, CBOCEEBT, Hardware, Clothing, Ac. Comprising Dress Silks, Figured and Plaid Me rinos, Paramettas, DeLaineg, Bareges, Cal icoes, Dress Trimmings, Laces, Em broideries, Edgings, Shawls, Cot ton and Flannel Goods, Fan cy Goods, Ilatg aijd Caps, Boots 4 Shoes, and in fact every thing per taining Ito the household. His stock of Clothing in | particular is certainly, IN QUALITY AND VARIETY, I ahead of anything ever before offered at Grand 1 Rapids, and has been CAREFULLY SELECTED with reference to the peculiar wants of the River and Pinery. All of which MUST BE SOLD OUT CLEAN! by the first of April next at the farthest, and will be sojd at SUCH LOW PRICES, as will astonish tjie most incredulous, but ex clusively for C A S 3H ! Or READY PAY! Lumber and Produce will be taken in ex change for Goods at reasonable prices, and the cash will never be refused. JOHN H. COMPTON. Grand Rapids, 5, 1857. &BEA.T HAL3S? tE.VTB.UIA AHEAD! Another Mamoth Stock o F Dry Goods, GROCERIES, Provisions, Hardware, Crockery, Keacly-Xlade Clothing, WOODEN WARE, Ac., Ac. Consisting of Silks, DeLaines, Ging hams, Lawns, Muslins, Crape, Hosiery, Boil nets, Ribbons, Flowers, Rusias, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Rub bers, Sheetings, Shirt ings, Denims, Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinets, Tweeds, Linen Jeans, Farmers’ Utensils, Cut lery, Sugar, Tea, Cof fee, Rice, Fish, Spice, Raisins, Flour, Pork, Butter, Cheese, &c. which will be sold exclusively for CASH OR READY PAY! Store on Front street, Centralia, opposite Grand Rapids. 0. GARRISON & CO. Centralia, Dec, 7, 1-857. The Variety Store! BE AC H EE A PHIEEEO Keep constantly on hand, and for sale At tisc Lowest market Prices, the following articles; m BOOBS, fAUCY GOODS, Woolen Goods, Hats and Caps, CLOTHING OF ALL KINDS, FALL AND WINTER BONNETS, UNDER SHIRTS, OVER SHIRTS, linsey jackets, BUCK AND WOOLEN MITTS AND GLOVES, BOOTS AND SHOES, DANCING PUMPS, GLASS-WARE, CROCKERY, dec., &c., hrce months, - - 6 f >o Ofte fourth six months, - • -10 00 One fourth column one yetr, ... 15 00 One half column six monihs, - - • - 15 00 One half column one year, - - - - 25 W One column six months, - - - - - 25 00 iOae ecdiunn ore Oiutcary Notices per advertising rates. Cards in Business Directory, not exceeding six lines, $5 per year. E iTray Notices. *1,50 for one arrima-1, and 25 cents f>r each additional one—paid in advance. Transient Advertising pavaMe in advance. Le ;al AD.TEaTisEiU.NTS paid for-when affida vits ate given. G RA TES OF JOB WORK. Full-Sheet Posters, first hundred, - - $6 00 Eae*t subsequent hundred, - - - -3 00- Half Sheet Posters, first hundred, - - 400 Each subsequent hundred, - - - - 200 Quarter Sheet Posters, first hundred, $ 5V Each subsequent hundred, - - - - I 0< Eighth Sheet Posters, first hundred, - 200 Each subsequent hundred, - ... * 75 Bab Tickets, according to quality, first hundred. $3 to |5 Ofi No ;iipurd from the office until paid for