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6 i [ASTERS ' AS fINE AS CAN BE GROWN 1 Grefc a Bouquet j NOW i ; TAYLORS Greenhouse | * .1 11. | | WBr( k Bros., Props, Jj « Seme Old Place, Same K Old Liquors. Same Cor- 8 -!} dial Treatment. Best 8 at Everything in the S 0 Drinking Line. N LI ansaster - .Wisconsin | /».Ci'.c&y:K*/y:/y:xxixxx&.>S tietie B. Ruka. Fred W. Kaka John J. Ruka. Ruka LandjAgency BOSCOBEL, WIS. IS *7 and Sell Real Estate. Loan Money and 3fake Collections. Good farms in Grant *lx4 Crawford counties always for sale. GIVE *US A CALL Time Table. Time] Table—C. M. & St. Paul Ry. west Abound. »or. 3—7:49 a. m. Stop for points north and west of North McGregor. Passensrer. Rx- C9at Sunday. ISo. »i—Freight, 8:25 a. m. Except Sundays. INo. 25—12:52 p. m. Except Sunday. Passenger Ho. 69—Freight, 2:40 p. m. “Sundays only.' THH BAST BOUND. So- 32—Freight, 2p. m., Except Sundays. No. 4—3:55 p.m. Stop for points beyond Sa- Aula, lowa, exceot Sundays. Passenger. »<s. IJ-S:OS p.m. Except Sunday. Passenger «o. 62—Freight. 5:15 p. m. Sundays only. FOR SALE: Two registered Red Polled bulls; one is 3 yrs old, other a yearling. For any further parti culars write, inquire or call on 1 phone, M. G. Williams, 7tf Potosi, Wis. MONEY TO LOAN. Parties desiring to borrow money oil good] real J and Ucst-class rates can secure same by c&Uing on me. Office in the Baxter Mack with the law"lfirm of Brown A Brennan. Chas. M. Klarman, stf Lancaster Wis. It arouses energy, develops and atiomlates nervous life, arouses the courage of youth. It mikes you young again. That’s what Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 35 cents, Tea nr Tablets. 4 4 J. T. Bennett. __ ■«— ■ Hotice. •nfctked bids will be received for sintiiLg; a shaft on the William Welch, farm in the town of Little Grant. Shaft to be 5 ffc.xfift. in the clear, curbed when necessary, 25 ft. deep, specifications to be seen at secre te tirjr’s office or will mail them to s’iy*: on application. L. B. Willis, Sec., Mutual Prospect Co., Boscobel, Wis. No Trespassing. Trespassing on any of my land is strictly prohibited, and I will pros 4£ctte all who have no legal right tkereon. JohnlFlesch. . ■ 1 ——■—— TiOiddsod & ludeia- PROPRIETORS OF mr livery and .. FEED STABLE Special attention to f|g •i| Commercial Men. 'M f§p W: u * oll one No. 50. || Barn near City Hall. 11 — gj Lancaster, Wis. REPLIES 10 SULLIVAN Bryan Declines the lilinoisan’s Challenge Involving the Retirement of One. REITERATES HIS ACCUSATIONS Bat Says His Future Is Subject to a Higher Court, While the Illinois Democracy Will De cide as to Sullivan—Colorado JS Democrats Get Through —Bryan at Cincin- i. _ nati. Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 14.—The reply of William J. Bryan to the statement of Roger Sullivan, of Chicago, has been given out. The text of his reply fol lows: “In his speech before the Jef ferson club in Chicago on the evening of Sept. 4 Mr. Bryan referred to the case of Mr. Roger Sullivan, Democrat ic national committeeman from Illi nois. Mr. Sullivan has replied in a statement quite characteristic of the man and his methods, blit he will not be permitted to lower this discussion to the level of a personal controversy. * * *” The statement then says that Sullivan holds his national com mute post by unfair methods and that the proof presented thereof to the St. Louis convention would have con vinced it except for fear of the effert of a decision against Sullivan on the presidential candidate. Declines the Sullivan Test. As to the question whether the ma jority of the Illinois delegates to the Springfield convention were opposed to Sullivan, the statement says: “He can fight the question out with the Majori ty League of Illinois, which will doubt less accommodate him. As Mr. Bryan has not asked for a nomination, and has not announced that he will be a candidate, he will not submit the ques tion whether he should be a candidate to Mr Sullivan or to any body of per sons less numerous than the members of the Democratic party of the Unit ed States.” Similarly the question as to whether Sullivan shall represent the Illinois Democracy on the national committee must be decided by the Democrats of Illinois, says the state ment. iMue Against Sullivan. The live issue in the matter, the statement says, is whether Sullivan, officially connected with a favor-seek ing corporation, can represent on its national committee a party that holds the trust question to be dominant can he represent his corporation and the people at the same time? Bryan will urge the Democracy to favor con sistently the regulation of corporations not monopolistic, and the prevention of all private monopoly, says the state ment. “and the organization must be composed of men who are free to. act for the public, and not tied by per sonal interests to corporations which are seeking favor at the public’s ex- * pense.” COLORADO DEMOCRACY Convention Reads Out of the Party a Denver Faction. Denver, Sept. 14. —After three days of strenuous sessions the Democratic state convention has adjourned sine die. A ticket was named as follows: Governor, Alva Adams,of Pueblo coun ty; lieutenant governor, Ellas M. Am mons. Douglas secretary of state, Hor ace W. Havens, Lake; state treasurer, Edward E. Drach, Garfield; attorney general, William B. Morgan, Las Ani mas; state adjutant, Andrew' Sandberg, Clear Creek; superintendent of public instruction, Miss Honore Maloney, Denver. The action of the convention which is considered by all concerned as the most momentous w’as the reading out of the party of the Speer faction ol’ Denver county, because of its alleged subserviency to local utility corpora tions. The debate on this matter last ed nearly a whole day, and was before the credentials committee of the con vention for nearly an entire night. The renomination of Alva Adams was demanded in the platform, and w'as practically unopposed because of the general opinion among Democrats that lie should be vindicated in his claim that he W'as robbed of the gov ernorship two years ago in the Pea body-Adams contest before the state legislature. The platform of the con vention indorsed Bryan and took a de cisive stand against corporation dom ination of political parties, and pledged the Democracy of the state to the en actment of a law' making it a felony for officials of corporations to contrib ute to campaign funds. BRAYAN AT THE QUEEN CITY Cincinnati Give* the Nebraska an En thusiastic Welcome. Cincinnati, Sept. 14.—Introduced by Mayor E. J. Dempsey, and speaking from a stand erected over the diamond of the Cincinnati ball park, William .1. Bryan addressed an immense audi ence, which occupied all of the 10,- “MO seats located in the grand stand tnd several thousand additional chairs placed »n front of the stands. Bryan arrived from Louisville at noon and spent the afternoon in receiving a large number of callers. He was giv en an enthusiastic reception. Bryan returned thanks for the great crowd, QBANT COUNTY HERALD, LANCASTER. WISONSIN, SKPTEMBKR 19 1906 the grand reception and for the kind ly commendations given him by the mayor in his introduction. He claimed no credit of principles which he ad vocated had grown more popular, for he never had thought he stood alone in the advocacy of Democratic prin ciples. Dealing with public ethics he main tained that more people in every com munity did not steal because of their consciences than for fear of the law'. He thought it safe to say that Phila delphia had been the wickedest city in the country, and said: “I am feeling so good over this reception that I am going to tell you that Cincinnati was second to Philadelphia iu wickedness, * ¥ ♦ The boss and his henchman, the franchise grabber, the selling of votes, subsidized newspapers, embez* zling councilmen—these you had and good people seemed in despair. And yet you did elect an honest mayor.” Cured Hemorrhages of the Lungs. “Several years since my lungs were so badly affected that I had many hemorrhages,” writes A. M. Ake of Wood, Ind. “I took treatment |with several physicians without any bene fit. I then started to take Foley’s Honey and Tar and my lungs are now as sound as a bullet. 1 recommend it in advanced stages of lung trouble.” J. T. Bennett. —The straw hat was doomed the first or September, but many are still worn. Used Foi Pneumonia. Dr. J. C. Bishop, of Agnew, Mich , says, “I have used Foley s Honey and Tar in three very severe cases of pneu monia with good results in every case.” Refuse substitutes. J. T. Benuett. —This may not be Indian sum mer, but it is much better than was the weather a few weeks ago. Feet Swollen to Immense Size. “I had kidney trouble so bad,” says J. J. Cox of Valley View, Ky., “that I could not w'ork, my feet were swollen to immense size and 1 was confined to my bed and physicians were unable to giye me any relief. My doctor finally prescribed Foley’s Kidney Cure which made a well man of me.” Avoid seri ous results of kidney or biadder dis order by taking Foley’s Kidney Cure. J. T. Bennett. —■— —Lancaster is a good city to live in and people should impress all visitors with this fact. Foley’s Honey and Tar is peculiarly adapted for chronic throat troubles and will positively cure bronchitis, hoarseness and all bronchial diseases, Refuse substitutes. J. T. Bennett. ■ ■■ —According to the official figures of the United States governor, just issued, the farm lands of Wisconsin have averaged an increase in value of sll per acre in the last five years. -■ *>i Ask any “JAP” that you may see, “Why the Czar, with Bear oehind,” had to climb a tree. The Yanks, God bless the Yanks, says he, They gave us Rocky Mountain Tea. J. T. Bennett. —■» Stomachjand Liver Trouble Cured. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup cures stomach and liver trouble as it aids digestion, and stimulates the liver and bowels without irritating these organs, like pills and ordinary cathartics. It cures indigestion and sick headache and chronic constipation. Orino Laxa tive Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or gripe and is mild and pleasant to take. Refuse substitutes. J. T. Bennett. - . ■ —, Life In Argentina. At the National is W. S. Blackburn of New York, a capitalist, who recent ly returned from a business trip to Argentina. “Because Argentina occupies about the same relative position south of the equator that the United States occu pies north of the equator, Buenos Ayres has the same climate as Charleston, S. C., said Mr. Blackburn. “During four months out of the year the million inhabitants of the city amuse themselves at the races. They do not have so good a breed of horses there, but the sport Is just as good and Is well patronized. Some of the Span ish women I saw there were as beauti fully gowned as any women I have ever seen. The national sport is cricket, which has been taught the people of Argentina by the English. They play it a great deal. The hours of work are about the same as ours. The food is very good. The meat is the best in the world.”—Washington Tost. ■ - ■ "i■ ' A New Jersey Editor’s Testimonial. M. T. Lynch, Editor of the Phiilips burg N. J. Daily Post, writes: “I have used many kinds of medicines for coughs and colds in my family but never anything so good as Foley’s Honey and Tar. I cannot say too much in praise of it.” J. T, Bennett ■M ■■ In a police court two lawyers be came very much excited over a legal argument. Matters went to such a pitch that they began to call each other names. “You’re an ass,” said one to the other. “You’re a liar,” was the quick re tort. Then the judge said: “Now that the counsel have identi fied each other, kindly proceed to the disputed points.”—Chicago Daily Jour nal. Ladies,read this catalogue of charms Bright eyes, glowing cheeks, red lips, a smooth skin without a blemish; in short, perfect health. For sale with every package Hollister’s Rocky Moun tain Tea. 35 cents. J. T. Bennett LARGE FIELD OF ENTRIES MEMBER A. T. A. SPECIAL RACES LANCASTER FAIR SEPT. 19 20 21 FAST HORSES --BONA-FIDE LIST THURSDAY May Tell (blk. m.) by Roy Tell—Willis Proctor, Darlington, Wis. Little Alice (G. M.) by Emer Eversole—Willis Proctor, Darlington, Wie. Loreta H. (B M) by Instructor—H C. Putman, Strawberry Point. ' Lady Maud (B. M.) by Unknown—L. 0. Emerson, Strawberry Point, lowa. Don G. (B. H.) by Don Moore—M. Wilson, Farley, lowa. Elizabeth (Blk. Horse) by son of Victory—Ned McCoy, Lancaster, Wi§. TROT GREEN HORSES-SIOO.OO Never started before September 12, 1906. Bell Boy (B. H.) by Cedarwood—Dr. Harrity, Bloomington, Wis. Larry (B. M.) by Victory—Dr. Lewis, Bloomington, W'is. Rough Patch (B. G.)by Unknown—M. King, Dubuque, lowa. Checkerboard (Br. H.) by Lumpwood—Dr. Gault, Lancaster. Nobby Wood (B. M.) by Lumpwood—B. J. Duncan, Lancaster. 1-2 Mile and Repeat, Running Race-$ 100.00 Cayote (Ch. M.) —R. L). Attnrel, Darlington, Wis. Elsie Cartigan (Ch. M.) —F. W. Collins, Tampico, 111. Gatling Gun (B. G.V—R. D. Atturel, Darlington, Wis. Ding Dong (Br. G.) —L. C. Marcham, Strawberry Point, lowa. Lady Madell (B. M.)—F. C. Lambert, Mt. Hope, Wis. Wilhelmina (Br. M.)—F. C. Lambert, Mt. Hope, Wis. Galen H. (B. M.) —Rob Harrower, Lancaster, Wis. FRIDAY 2:22 TROT-3200 Bill Hintnan [B. ll.] by Ithurial—W. B. Dyer, Lancaster. May Neville [B. M.] by Neville Geo. Hall, Wauken, lowa. Dewey M. [B. M.] by Instructor—H. M. Miller, Osterdick, lowa. Lumpwood Jr. [B. H.] by Lumpwood—Chas Perrin, Beetown, Wis. Rough Patch [B. G.j by Unknown—M. King, Dubuque, lowa. 2:18 PACE--5200.00 Kitty Welch [B. M.] by Maj. Mason—W. B. Dyer, Lancaster. Loreta H. [B. M.] by Instructor—H. C. Putnam, Strawberry Point, lowa. Lady Maud [B. M-] by Unknown—L. C. Emerson, Strawberry Point, lowa. May l Tell [Blk M.] by Roy Tell—Willis Proctor, Darlington, Wis. Little Alise [Gr. M.] by Elmer Eversole—Willis Proctor, Darlington, Wis. Elizabeth [Blk M.] by Son of Victory—Ned McCoy, Lancaster. Green Pace for Horses Never Started Before Sept. 12, ’O6. Gray Mollie (Gr. M.) by Maj. Mason— P. E. Perrin Beetown, Wis. Billy Nitron (B. G.) by Baron Nitron—Ray Carthew, Lancaster. Marie Patch (B. M.) by Victory—A. H. Patch, Bloomington, Wis. Lady Riley (B. M.) by Maj. Riley—John Myers, Lancaster! Baby Manager (Gr. M.) by Manager—M. King, Dubuque, lowa. 1-2 Mile and Repeat Run--$ 100.00 Elsie Cartigan (Ch. W. Collins; Tampico, 111. Cayote (Ch. M.)---R. D. Atturel, Dartington, Wis. Ding Dong (Br. G.) L. C. Marcham, Strawberry, Point, lowa. Gatling Gun (B. G.) R. I). Atturel, Darlington, Wis. Wilhelmina (Br. C. Lambert, Mt. Hope, Wis. “Lady Madell” (B. C. Lambert, Mt. Hope, Wis. Galen H (B M) —Rob Harrower, Lancaster, Wis.