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Image provided by: Wisconsin Historical Society
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8 THE BIG REIWOVAL SALE IS NOW GOING ON A. W. KEMLER & CO. Entire $35,000 Stock of High Grade Dry Goods, Carpets and Ladies ready made wear to be thrown on the market at the mercy of the public and sold for less than the actual cost to manufacture for ten days only. The reason for this Mighty Slaughter. We must be ready to move in our new store room in a very short time. As we do not wish to move any of our goods into the new building, we have decided to cut the prices on every thing in our store to the very lowest limit and give the people of this city and vicinity the greatest bargain treat in the history of Platteville. The Dry Goods Sensation of the Age. Nothing like it before. Nothing like it again. We will positively save you 50 to 65c on every dollar you spend $5.00 Spent here Will Do The Work of $15.00 Spent Elsewhere. «■■■■■MMMBBBBBBBB■MBMMI H ■■■■■■■■BBBBMB■M■BUM■BBMII'WBWfIB«■ We must sell this stock —i o matter how great our loss. Take into consideration the fact that this will be the greatest sale ever held in this part of the CDuntry, and it will convey to you some idea of the wonderful bargains that will be offered. A sale unparalled in the history of modern merchandising. We will put forth such great bargains that it will maks us forever masters of the dry goods business in Platteville. An Opportunity of a Life Time io buy Cry Goods, Carpets, and Ready-made-wear tor less than the Actual Cost of the Raw Materials. Read these Prices Carefully. DRY GOODS Best Standard Colicos only 3> cts. yd. Heavy Unbleached Sheetings only 4) cts. yd. Russia Linen Crash worth 10c only 44 cts. yd. Heavy Outing Flannels worth 121 c only .6 cts. yd. Ginghams worth 8c only 4 cts. yd. Table Linens worth 50c only 18 cts. yd. DRESS GOODS Dress Goods in Plain Colors or Plaids worth 50c and 60c this sale only 19c yd. Fine Dress Goods in all colors worth up to SI.OO per yd. this sale .. 38c yd. SILKS Fine Taffeta Silks in ten different colors worth $1 00 yd. this sale only 3Jc J Carpets and Curtains We carry the most complete line of Carpets, Rugs and Lace Curtains in the city. All to be sold for less than actual cost. Special Fine Carpets worth 50c only 19c yd. Lace Curtains worth 12 00 0n1y..69c. Furs almost given away. Blankets at Your own price. Ladies White Handkerchiefs worth 15 and 20c now 2c TOTUE DI TOT I• Our store is now closed and will remain closed for remarking and rearranging stock until 1 Ht, 1 Wednesday, January 30th. at nine o’clock, when the doors will be thrown open and the Greatest Sale ever held in this will commence and last ten days only- ■ z-n rr d Backed by.our reputation of honesty and fair dealings, we guarantee every price Every LJ I' CjU/alv/XIN 1 l. 1. statement made in this advertisement and will take back, exchange or v- efund your ncrey on any purchase found unsatisfactory. - Free Trip to Platteville During this Sale we will pay Railroad Fare to all purchasers of $20.00 or over within a distance of Fifty Miles. - ..r ..,. ■«. -w-wagwsggrgßggE Wait for the Opening Wednesday Morning, January 30th, at nine O’clock. A. W. KEMLER & COMPANY. PLATTEVILLE, WISCONSIN EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD IN THE NEXi TEN DAYS. GRANT COUNTV HTKALD.. LANCASTER. WTSCOis SIN. JANUARY 30. 1007. WAIT! —WATCH!— = WAIT! PLATTEVILLES GREATEST DRY GOODS SALE WILL OPEN WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30th, 1907, AT 9:00 A. M. A. W. KEMLER & CO. PLATTEVILLE, WIS. NOTIONS Pins only lc paper Hair Pins only lc paper Needles only 2c package Hooks and Eyes only 2c card Thread only 3c spool All Notions and Laces will be sold far below cost. Hosiery Department Ladies Best Black Hose worth 20c this sale only 6c pair l adies Best Black Heavy Fleeced Ribbed Hose worth 25c only L 9c pair Childrens Best Black Hose all sizes, worth 15c only 6c pair CORSETS Eadies corsets worth up to SI.OO only 36c Kobo corsets worth up to $1 50 only 69c Ladies Shirt Waists Ladies Shirt Waists worth up to $1.50 only .... 38 cts. Ladies fine Flannel waists worth 13.00 to $4 00 and $5.00, this sale only 9"> cts. Laces and Trimmings All Laces, Trimmings and fancy goods must be sold regardless of cost or value. Be heie during this sale and save half. Everything must be sold. Prices cut no Figure. Underwear Department Ladies heavy fleeced Underwear worth 50c only 18c Ladies fine All Wool Underwear worth up to $1.50 only 78c Heavy Fleeced Union Suits this Sale only 38c Childrens Underwear Almost Given Away Men’s Heavy Double Fleeced Underwear special this sale only 33c Ready Made Wear Ladies fine Skirts worth $6.00 and $7.00 this sale only $1.48 Ladies Long Coats all sizes and colors worth up to $14.00 this sale only $2.95 Ladies Short Jackets worth up to sls this sale only.. $1 98 Childrens cloaks all sizes worth up to $8 00 only $1.98 Ladies fine black Sateen under skirts worth $1 50 to $2 50 only 69c Ladies Wrappers worth up to $1.50 this sale only 49c