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Image provided by: Wisconsin Historical Society
Newspaper Page Text
Local Jottings. —There are 19 cases of typhoid ever at Stoughton. —A new $250,000 courthouse was edicated at Manitowoc Tuesday —Miss Taylor of Boaz, Richland bounty, was a caller in town this reek. —W. J. Bailie returned home 'uesday from a three weeks’ visit rith his brother in Virginia, Minn. —Gorton’s celebrated concert •and and parade will take place at o’clock Wednesday afternoon, Tov. 20. —Gorton’s concert band will be he best band music ever played on le streets of Lancaster. Don’t fail hear them. —Lloyd Rundel of Livingston will ike a Car load of choice sheep to ae National Live Stock Exposition t Chicago. He has some tine ones. —The usual list of ’‘killed, wound -1 and missing” is reported from le woods of northern Wisconsin nd Michigan. The deer are not le only ones to stop bullets. —Reserve your seats now for the minus Gorton’s White Minstrels. ,eserved seats are going fast, and iis promises to be the banner house nd company in many seasons. —Married —At the residence of ie groom, Tuesday evening, Miss ohanna Behnke and John J. Zenzel, Rev. Nabholz of the terman Evangelical church officiat- —-The Platteville people are try ig to secure all-night electric light ervice. Lancaster needs such a ervice, and no doubt additional usiness could be secured to make i pay. —The Northwestern is now Tun ing passenger service m and out of lazel Green daily, except Sundays, onnecting with the morning and vening train at the Kennedy mine witch. —Christian Bryhan, a well-known irmer residing south of this city *veral miles, died Wednesday at 3 .m. His demise was quite un rpected, heart disease having been ie probable cause. —Minerva Chapter No. 50 holds regular meeting next Monday r ening, Nov. 185 b. Work, re eshments and good time general . Come; visiting sisters and others cordially invited to be esent and participate. —The Country Club presents >rton’s Famous White Minstrels >v. 20, at Reed’s opera house, lis is positively one of the best nstrel sjiows cm the road. Several our own citizens have seen them the cities and i»i.onoance them 3at. * -The police of Galena rounded some thirty boys who had played llowe’en pranks and landed them the mayor’s house. They con sed and tojd on each other and itters were finally adjusted bv dr promise to return all misplaced iperty the next day. —Dr. W. H. Dewing, arrested ne time since on a charge of icticing medicine without the >per credentials, was before stice Schreiner Thursday, but the ?e was continued to Nov. 27. . Dewing has a circuit, making riodical calls at Lancaster. —An eastern firm of paper manu ■turers advertise that they will 3 many thousands of tons of flax aw the coming year in the iking of paper. If the western •mer finds the price sufficient to y him for saving and marketing < flax straw he will have an ded source of income from a by oduct hitherto without value to tn. —State Health Commissioner •awford is after a Rockford, 111., lysician. The story is that the lysician failed to report the isteuce of cases of diphtheria in ockford to the health department M*ause he - desired to save the »milies the inconvenience of being laced in quarantine. If the in eetigation substantiates the eondi* on of affairs there will be some aing doing. —There seems to be a good deal f hesitation among buyers of stock rs and feeders this fall, which is ot surprising, when prices of nished steers at present and a year go are considered. At this writing ae choicest steers are selling but ttle higher than a year ago, and le bulk of sales made are scarcely p to those of last year at the same me. while feeds are higher in (most every item. Under such mditions it does take some nerve > buy animals for commercial feed ig. with prices on about last year’s lane, as they are now. —One day this week a stranger >arded the Wright house ’bus to take a train, and soon the ’bus lied with other passengers and toved away. When near the south schoolhouse the stranger became apprehensive and asked about the destination of the vehicle, only to find that he was with a delegation of the county board,’ bound for the insane asylum on a tour of inspec tion. He hastily alighted and ran two blocks in the direction of Anton Schmitt’s ice poad before a passer set him on the right track —too late for the train. The ’bus had been to the train and returned. —Gorton’s Famous Minstrels, with entirely new acts, novel fea tures and up to-date specialties, will appear at Reed’s opera house, Wed nesday, Nov. 20th. Prominent among the new features, may be mentioned “The Naval Clog,” a spectacular dancing novelty, pro duced with appropriate costumes, electrical stage effects and intro ducing songs, marcnes, and various styles of solo and eccentric clog dancing. Elaborate stage mount ings and skillful execution by ex pert artists, render this one of the strongest of tbe acts ever seen in minstrelsy. Usual prices. —The dance given by the band boys on Thursday evening was a complete success, both socially and financially. Over one hundred couples attended. The home or chestra furnished music for the occasion, and they gave the very ’ best of satisfaction. The personnel |of the orchestra was as follows: i Lowry Morse, Ist violin; Chris Weisen, 2d violin; Ned Ivey, clan ; net: Herb. Pendleton, piano; Carl ’ Orton, cornet; Geo. Behnke, trom bone. Frank Hoskins of Blooming ton made a hit as a popular caller. A neat profit was realized, which sum the boys will use in the inter ests of the band. t —Gorton’b Minstrels, with an ex cellent company of comedians, singers, dancers and vaudeville artists, will appear at Reed’s opera house Wednesday, Nov 20th. Bear ing the stamp of popular approval for nearly a half century, this favorite organization, enlarged to almost double its former size, is fully sustaining its best reputation, by providing its patrons with only the very best features of minstrelsy. The high standard of excellence which has always characterized their performances in the past, will again prevail the present season. The management guarantees a pro gram positively free from stale, time-worn acts, everything being new, original, and up-to-date, while every attention has been given to tbe many details necessary* to a high class, entertaining, bright and merry minstrel performance. An attractive parade will be given by the entire company at 2 p. m. HAVE YOUR Tested by WEBER, Optician. Lancaster, Wisconsin. The Country Club presents GORTON’S Famous WhiLe MINSTRELS Nov. 20th. Presenting Welby & Pearl, Raycroft & Lynch, Vouder & Griffin, Fogg & Alger. CRESCENT CITY QUINTET Sam Lee, Jake Welby, Eddie Bloom, Lansingh Briggs, W. Schertzinger, Tommy Lynch. AND 20 OTHERS Gorton's Celebrated Concert Band SOLOS IND SELECTIONS NOON AND EVENING. Grand Street* Parade Band Concert 2: P. M. 7:15 GRANT COUNTY HERALD. LANCASTER. WISCONSIN, NOVEMBER 16, 1907. , Purest K C of the for plr -sdF n,c beEt^vk Quality 4F’ in the land is not always the most cos r ’ • BAK! KO Ik IJVVPOWL > 25 Ounces for 23 Cents Wfc KG H LJouhces% iI the result of modem ideas. Costs less. Does better work. You must tr ?’ ft to see - et a can on baking will be vastly better, lighter and tastier or we pay for the can. Jaques Mfg. C<Jk Chicago. I Want Column] If You Want help Want a position Want to rent a house Want to buy or sell seed Want to sell household goods Want purchasers for real estate Want to buy or sell cattle or horses Want to sell fruit or vegetables Want to make a farm loan Want to trade anything servant girl Want a partner Want cash Try us FOR SALE: Six-room house and wo lots situated in 4th ward, city of Lancaster. Apply to J. C. Welsh, 50tf Bloomington, Wis. FOR SALE—House’, and lot of moderate size. Good location in Platteville; will trade for farm. Inquire at the Herald office. WANTED: 2 carloads of fresh milch sows and springers; highest market price will be paid; leave word at Ray Carthew’s barn if you have any to sell. FOR RENT: 160 acre farm 2 mi. east of Glen Haven, 92 acres in pasture and meadow and the re mainder in good farming condition. Write or call at 1915 Conler, Ave. Dubuque. lowa. M. E. Kipper Farm For Sale. The undersigned on account of ill health offers his farm for sale. It consists of 160 acres, situated 4 miles west of Lancaster on the Beetowa road. Good running water and a wind mill; new house, good barn. • Fred Brandemuhl. A Big Slash In Cloaks. . _ 15 PER CENT REDUCTION ''SSS? dWw I iW * • II r 3 Shawl Bargains (For Ten Days only) $1.50 SHAWLS at $1.19 $2.00 SHAWLS at $1.48 $3.00 SHAWLS at $2.3'9 FURS 10 per cent dis count during this cloak sale. John Schreiner & Sons. For Ten Days Only at Schreiners Owing to the lateness of the opening the winter season, we offer for the next ten days a sweeping reduction of 15 per cent from our already low prices on our entire stock of Ladies’, Misses' and Children's Cloaks. Our line embraces a complete showing of the season's best styles and values. One has but to see our cloaks to be convinced of what a remarkable saving this discount of 15 per cent means to the purchaser of our cloaks. $30.00 Cloaks, price $25.50 $25.00 Cloaks, price $21.25 $20.00 Cloaks, price, $17.00 Some SAVING SPECIALS in Other Departments Lonsdale Muslin » 9c. Ten yards to a cus tomer per yd 9c unbleached muslin 2000 yds; 10 and 20 yd lengths- 9c values 6|c, AmosKeag Staple Ginghams at 64c. USE THE EXCELSIOR SEWING MACHINE Needle. Any one having an old machine can improve their sewing by using Excelsior needles, as it is a perfect fit to any machine made. If you have an old sewing ma chine which has been in use 20 yrs. or more, try the Excelsior needle and you will find a great improve ment in your sewing. To prove this statement I am willing to send to any one using an oldjmachince which has been in use 20 years. 2 Excelsior needles, one for 40 thread and one for 60, free of charge and leave it to you as to the ex cellency of the Excelsior' needle. Fill out the blank below and mail to me. I carry the greatest variety and largest stock of machine needles of any house in this part of the state and give sll orders the best attention. CHAS. C. ROBERTS, Lancaster, Wis. Please mail to me 2 Excelsior needles for a which has been in use for 2o years. Yours Truly, Mrs P. O ' State Farm for Sale. Farm of 111 acres one mile west of Lancaster on Beetown road; in side of city school district. Fair house and good out buildings; nearly all land can be cultivated; good, spring on the place. For further particulars inquire of 89-4 w Fred Miles. $15.00 Cloaks, price $12,75 $12.50 Cloaks, price $10.63 SIO.OO Cloaks, price $8.50 Eight cent Outings 1000 yards at 6c Fay Stockings for Children. Closing out the line at 18c Cotton Blankets 100 10-4 size,. 50c val ue at 37c. j < AR E 1 I" I YOU. z A EESMHMnnnE . <3ssa > 3 . 3 «bOl'S|l®F withstand S > ? ' ‘j"'■' t e stretc h $ *> of cold < < ' weather < s ■ that is com- < < -X) mg? . < 2 ■ jj y OU . < W W aren’t let I J^\^p-'Opy r '9t’t 1906, by ThS US be the ? < /I||a House of Kuppenhelmer e t / / W provideres. i y A ATE can supply you with all kinds of garments that will 5 S VV keep you comfortable in the coldest kind of weather x ? and that are “Priced Just Right.'* ? > Duck clothing, knit jackets, j Mackinaw coats, fur coats, fur < c lined coats, lined gloves and mit- J S tens, woolen shirts, underwear S > and hosiery, fur and cloth caps, J etc. j j Don’t Forget About Those, i j $9.50 Men’s Oyercoats i we are offering, they are worth J 13.50 any day. S A Boys and children’s suits and overcoats s 5 much below their value. i 3 80 cents will go as far here as JI.OO elsewhere. J 3 WE WILL TAKE YOUR CHECKS same d as cash. < J Trade Hare and You’ll HOT be the LOSERS. 5 JOECKEL BROS. < CLOTHIERS and TAILORS. But When It Floods. A stubborn fountain pen often in terrupts a man’s flow of thought / A f B i Ay Underwear Specials (Broken lots and Odd sizes) Men’s 45c fleeced 19c Womens’ 50c fl’c’d 23c Misses 7 60c gray wool at 29c. $1.25 Comforters Good size, while they last 89c. National Uncles. France and Italy run national pawn shops.